St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 18, 1913, Image 6

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    Last Spring
mm completely broken down through prolong
watching at a aick bed. My appetite was gone.
I wm so nervous that I eoulj not sleep. I be-
etme- pale, thin, languid, tired, looked ten years
older. Through physical weakness mv mental
condition waa affected. Hood's Sarsaparilla re
stored me to perfect health. It aided the worn
out nerves of my stomach to do their duty. I
could soon eal and sleep peacefully and felt
new life course through my veiiis. With
in six weeks I was my former self, and for a
year nave enjoyed the best health."
me best health." Julia (.. Tison, Ati;
ng Medicine, blood purifier and strei
For your Spring Medicine, blood
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Sold everywhere.
Can rt r fancy price for Wild Ducks
and ethar (MM la aeaaon. Writ us for
cash off or on all kinds of poultry. ptk. t,
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
For Sale 900 a. Doutrlas Co., Wash.; ISO a. cult.,
t-r. nouns, barn, outbkijr. brinc orchard, stock,
machinery, ate. J. M. Kinnuy, Manfieid, V ah.
For Sals 240 a. in Chelan Co.. Wash.; about 100
a. curt.; 6-r. houM, t bams, outbkiira.. ft-a. orchd;
tack, machinery, ate. avarytbinv oimpWte.
J. F. Danwl. Wenatch , Vah.. R. No. 1.
For Saia M a. in Doutrlas Co.. Wash., nr Orondo;
60 a. cult., beat producing orchards In tha stata;
a-room bousa, bam. outbuiMinca, stock, marhin
ary. A. J. Elliott, Orondo. Wash.
MAKE BIG MONET1 Ba oar repreasntatiTa.
Easy sales anywbera. Show samplaa and taks
orders. No risk. Don't wait: write iWuy.
. iMpC IX Koosa tU. WHcoz Bide., ParUaad. Or
8rand-Hand Machtn.
ary eoasht, aold and
xchannd: fntinm.
fcoltoa. sawmllla. itc Tha J. E. Martin Co.. 83 lat
6t Portland. Sand for Stock Uat and pi
Wtliss F. Calrman,
Patsat Lawysr.U aahtuirton.'
D.C. Advtcearxl hooks i rm.
Batsa rassnnshka. Big beat raforsucwa. Bvat aarTka.
band instruments. Ths most compWta stock
rf Musical Merchandisa in tha NorthvasC
Writs fur Cataioffuea.
134 Bacoad Strwt. Partlaaa. Orecoa
Your Farm, Orchard,
Hop Yard or Garden
Will jriald twie aa much as
it doea bow. Want to know
Our f ert i 1 lrera h are baea
trixt OQt ani they hs
won out every time. T riey
are prepared by akiUed
nil eierienrd ciuva
tt ni tented h? pnu-ti-ml
fsirnier. 1 hey will
briun Ui B.ETl'KNb to
Onr knvwleiire
frea to you. iJnr tnli
fuil of vultuible m
formation i free to
ou, rite ror it ana
et us help 70a in-
cranes your crop
snd improva joui
1S2 Madisos SC. Portland, Or.
Poverty's Gradations.
"Poor" has many gradations of
meaning. A small newsboy, who is a
familiar figure at jthe city hall and
shows great affection for Assistant
Joe Ryan's dogs, overheard some one
speak of him as "that poor boy
other day, and exclaimed: f
"That man has no right to call me
poor boy. We ain't poor. Why, at
our place on James street jwe have
three rooms, and six people sleep In
one and seven in the other, and they
pay us ten cents a night, (too. We
ain't poor. Lots of the other fellers
only have one room."
"How many sleep In the other room.
George?" asked Ryan.
"Why, only me and pop and mom
and my two brothers and two sisters.
Say, we ain't poor." New York Press.
One at a Time.
"The head of the Krupp steel works
has 65,000 employes." "Nothing to
brag of," opined the housewife. "I've
had that many In my kitchen, bat not
ail at once." Louisville Courter-Jour-liaL
Mistaken View.
Strange tricks our vanity will play,
and egotistic Is life's plan. A fish,
which grabbed a hook one day, at first
believed he'd caught a man!
His Mistake.
"Why have you quarreled with your
cousin?" "He kissed me the other
day, and when I asked him to promise
me never to do it again, be actually
All ready for occupancy. All you have to do Is drive a few
nails and move in. Plans and instructions accompany ma
terial. built so as to be just w hat our climatic condi
tions require. We have been in the Mill Material business
for twenty-seven years and our ability and integrity are un
questioned. We absolutely guarantee satisfaction.
Anything you want in mill material we can supply you at
factory cost No order too small or none too large to re
ceive our prompt and best attention.
Send for our Free Book of Floor Plans
and Catalogue of Mill Material.
North Pacific College of
j it:
SVIy Health
-- If
Julia C. Tison, Atlantic Citv. N. J.
purifier and strength builder, take
Get a bottle today.
If You Know One, Be Tactful and Let
Him Converse About His
Work. i
I know nothing about really great
authors, but I think I speak for a
large number of the followers of the
trade ,when I say that they like to
talk about their work, one great rea
son being that writing is a lonely pro
fession. If yon write, as a rule you
must do tt ,by yourself; or if you do
attempt It in company, you or the
company will be sorry. Therefore,
when the writing is done, and a sym
pathetic listener offers, ,the writer is
glad to wipe out some of the lonely
hours with a little conversation.
So. if you know an author, don't ba
too breathless , about his calling; treat
him like a human being. Let him talk
a little, and do not be shocked if he
manages to keep the tears back when
he tells you about his last short
story. Only, be tactful.
Do not say, as an eager acquaint
ance once said to me: "Oh, I do think
it ;is so interesting to write. It must
be Just fascinating when your manu
scripts come back!" I discovered af
terward that she meant proofs in
stead of manuscripts, but the mistake
of Just (that single word made me,
who am usually so garrulous about
my trade, feel for the time being that
I really did not care ever to 6peak
of it again.) So I repeat, let the poor
author talk, but be tactful. Atlantic
When Your Eyes Need Care
TryMnrinEyRemedT' No Smarting Fet
trti n.Mik in each Package. Murine .a
ciup.mD.1rd by our ik-al1t nut a "Patent Mod-
Uine ' but used In iKvsful Ihr1riana' t'rao-
Mono K) ball. In Asepua Tubes, c and 600.
Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago
Recover Stolen Tombstone.
A stolen tombstone was unearthed
during excavations following a recent
fire in a shop in Glrvan (Ayr.). The
workmen dug out a tombstone in an
excellent state of preservation, bear
ing the following Inscription: "By An
thony Campbell, Saddler, in Memory
of His Daughter, Jean. Died July 1st,
1S26, Aged IS Years and Six Months."
It is believed that the stone was stolen
from the old Girvan churchyard and
converted into a heartstone, a quite
common occurrence In the early days
of the nineteenth century. London
Word Much Misused.
is one of the words that we
Americans habitually misuse, but It is
not often that the mistake leads to
such absurdity as it does in the label
of a certain stain-remover now on the
market. "It will fix the stain," says
the notice. Since "fix" means to make
permanent, the manufacturers of the
stain-remover have not said quite
what they Intended to say. Youth's
May Ward Off Pneumonia.
Here Is a recipe which a physician
gave me several years ago, says a
writer, and I have used It in my fam
ily ever since. For coughs, colds or
any bronchial trouble saturate a flan
ni'l cloth and apply to chest: Turpen
tine liniment Take a pint bottle, put
in wnite of one egg, shake well, add
four tablespoonfuls turpentine, shake
till foamy than fill with good vinegar;
shake well.
Excuse Hunting.
Dodge "What's the matter with
your cooking here lately?" Mrs. Dodge
"The gas company doesn't give us
as good gas as It used to." Kansas
City Times.
"Do you like my execution on the
piano?" "I must say I would have
to describe It as an execution for kill
ing time."
Dentistry and Pharmacy
The North Pacific College was estab
lished in 1H. It has departments of
I)enti.stry and Pharmacy. No school in
America has better facilities lor the train
ing of youriif men arid women for succo is
ful profi-ssiomil careers. Th-j annual scs
fion beifins October First. An jllustratwi
ratalog' of information will be forwarded
application U
1 )Registrar, North Pacific College j
5x4 ui Oregtt Six. Pmtiui On.
Moderate Amount Acts as Appetite
Keeps Digestion Good and Whol
Works Running 8mooth.
By rniir. john wn.t.Ann
Our women folks say need let
tuce because It Is good for our lu
sides. They alBO seek to force upon
us dandelions, spinach, beet tops and
alt manner of greens, using the same
weak-kneed reason.
Now what we want to know is this:
If we admit that green foods are good
for us, which we do for the sake of
argument only, what's the reason?
They contain about 99 per cent wa-
ter, which conies too expensive In this
form, and the rest is mostly Just
plain green color. There a a trace or
fiber and a trace of starch, a little
mineral food and that's all. Then
where Is the virtue? One cannot very
well say, but It's a proven fact, that
a moderate amount of green food acta
as an appetizer, keeps the digestion
good and the whole works running
So it Is with the hens, whose appe-
tlte and tastes come closer to that of
the human being than any other de-
mestic beast, except the pig. She eats
grain, whole or ground, cooked meat
or raw, vegetables of all kinds tn all
shapes, green food, salt, charcoal and
lime, and she drinks what we do, out
side of Intoxicants. She will eat any
thing we will and lota of things that
A Good Feeder.
we won't. The hen needs green feed,
for all the reasons that we need tt
( and for several private onea of her
1 own. The most important one of the
i private reasons is the color of the
, .
' yOlK 01 her eggS.
! We all know how pale the yolk of
I most eggs are (n wlnter. Perhaps yOU
: hav9 never flgure(1 out why tw- ,
but Just charged It to cold storage or
omethlng like that The fact is that
j perrectiy rresn eggs nave mucn ugnt-
er yolks in winter than they do In
summer, and the reason is lack of
green feed.
In summer the hen picks up leaves
and stems and all manner of succulent
green stuff. This green matter, or at
least the coloring part of it. Is chang
ed to orange or yellow In the hen's
body and the result Is deep-tinted
yolks. So It is necessary to feed lay
ing hens green feed the year round,
both for her health and the color of
the eggs.
No Particular Soil Required, But
Should Not B Set Out Where
Ground Is Low and Wet.
. .
As to planting and cultivating. Eng -
lish walnut tree seem to require no
particular soil, but should not be set
out where It Is low and wet The
. -i i . i i . , in ... r. . .
trees .uou.u u ymuura t i u toot
apart eacj wa. n uuiuvaieu uivy.
such as corn or potatoes, with small
fruit trees for fillers, can be made to
yield an Income for the brief period,
comparatively, before the walnuts be
gin to bear. The pruning should be
done between fall and spring, only
such branches as would Interfere with
cultivation being removed.
t . , a . m
, . .v. i. . u i. k
about the base of the tree should be
kept spaded for three feet In circum-1
ference, and after the first year some !
well-rotted manure should be worked
Into the soil around the tree. No cul
tivating should be done after the first
of August, as it would encourage fur
ther growth, and from then until win
ter the annual growth of wood la
ripening and hardening.
HOW THEY GOT THEIR NAMES for many had come and gone" s'tace'we
i first mounted guard. It bad passed
Camellas Were Named In Honor of the little shop and was almost b
Mlslonary Kamel, Who Brought ; neath us, when a head was thrust out
Beautiful Flower to Country. of the window and a voice cried Irrl-
, tably to the cabman. A street lamp
Fuchsias were so called because ! showed him to ne clearly a whlte
they were discovered by Leonard 1 faced youth with a straggly, brown
; Tiahllas were named for Andre Dahl,
j who brought them from Peru,
j The Camellia was named from a
missionary named Kamel, who
j brought some magnificent specimens
; of the flower to Prance from Japan.
He called It the rose of Japan, but
i his friends changed it In his honor.
I Magnolias were so called because
i Prof. Magnol de Montpelller first
brought this beautiful tree to France
I from America and Asia.
Anemones mean trembling with the
wind hence their name.
Lavender received Its name be
cause the Romans put the delicate
flowers Into the water where they
washed, to perfume their hands,
lavare being the Latin word, to wash.
Change for Fowls.
Turnips, cabbage, beets and all
such make good food and furnish a
grateful change, which the fowls ap
preciate. Push Lima Beans.
In the north you much push lima
beans to get a crop. They stand
transplanting well, so may be started
In the hot bed or cold frame.
Best Temperature.
There Is a best temperature for
each Individual lot of cream, but this
can be determined only by experi
m Vahie of tllo.
If the man who baa ao alio wnM
atoll htm neighbor t4 ma4 wtoft
rawmJt be would moon Jar gum.
The Chronicle so;
$ddih?lori Peace
I . , iinrnwin
Vln. TAUbtnl O
Quite half an hour had dragged by
arHn th. rnh Aivtr Wftl IWUQf ODel
and tn. detective sprang In. At the
i time i noticed a covered cart
wttn a black pony In the shafts pass
otner window at a leisurely pace,
Qur river mugt hove had his orders,
for n, turned his horse and followed
In the same direction.
Peace remained silent, so I left htm
alone and contented myself with star
ing out of the window. We were
going northward towards Hampstead.
The Unes 'of houses broke up Into sep
arate villas. Lilac and laburnum
bushes peeped over the garden walls.
The throng of traffic grew thinner, the
pavement less crowded. It was past
five when we drew up at a HtUe pub
llo house. Peace toddled out, and I
followed at his heels.
"He la unloading his cart tn Ashley
street, yonder," said the driver, lean
1 Ing from the box, as be pointed with
his whip to a side road. "Do you want
; me to wait, sir?"
i The Inspector nodded and dlsap
1 peared through the inn door, leaving
; me on the pavement. As he bad given
me no orders I strolled back to the
: corner and peeped down the road,
I which ran at right angles to tha one
In which I was.
, About forty yards away stood the
: little covered cart with the gray
: haired dealer of the auction room
', talking to a lad boslde It. Presently
the lad crawled under the canvas
hood and baiu!l down the Identical
long tailed horse that had brought
about the public discomfiture of the
gallant Colonel Uunton. The dealer
pushed tt across the stone pavement
Into a little furniture shop, and the
j boy, whipping up the black pony,
drove quickly away.
I turned back to find the detective
at my elbow.
"Peace," I said, "what Is your inter
est In that bicycle horsef
"It happens to play the comedy part
In our little mystery."
"What do you mean?"
"Only that It has a hole tn the
die for a pommel should a little girl
; ride in It, and the hole leads down to
a hollow Inside. Do you guesa what
It was that dropped Into the hollow
I "Not Mr. Taubery's diamond?"
"Exactly. Yet we have still to
find out the man who put It there."
"But, In the meantime the old dealer
may "
j "Tut, tut, Mr. Phillips. The old
dealer has nothing to do with It. He
Is only obeying an order to buy the
j toy whatever it cost, and to keep It
until called for. We may have to
i waste some time, so I have ordered a
. ,teak and frled mato la an upper
, room tnat convenleIlUy ov,rlook, t,
door of nl h m anow
tht wa-
, w pagBed tbrougn
a long bar at
which a dingy assemblage lounged
and smoked, and so upstairs into a
private room, the windows of which
commtnded Ashley street. We ate our
meal In relays one watching at the
window, while the other disposed of
his section of stringy steak and
heavy beer. The daylight softly faded.
.. " wis euviin tug
' street, the tramp of homecoming
. fatner, dropp lnto .,)ence-but there
,., ..... t . ,,.,.
shop. The shutters had been put up
for the night. It seemed plain to me
that nothing would happen for that
evening at least, though Peace did not
seem to despond.
Nine o'clock ben o'clock ten
thirty, and the customer arrived.
I had watched his cab come rattling
mustache and an indecisive chin,
The cab turned about, and pulled up
opposite the Fhop door. The Inspector
touched my arm, and we walked down
the stairs, picked up our driver, who
was smoking In the bar, and so bun
dled Into our own vehicle. A few
whispered Instructions, and we drove
This Receptacle for All Manner of
Things Has Been Used Slnoe
Time Immemorial.
Nobody knows who Invented the
barrel. It has been used since time
IJarrels are used for all manner of
articles, solid and liquid. There are
barrels for holding sugar, salt, apples,
potatoes, and so on; for all aorta of
oils, from the heaviest lubricants to
the most volatile products of petro
leum; for beers, wines, and all sorts
of beverages. It Is contended that
the barrel Is the strongest structure
of It size that can bo made from an
equal amount of wood. Its content
are frequently the strongest that can
be made from liquids.
The barrel has tramaiKfona Maf
or reaiataooe to praaur from within
mad from without, A ban! af on
and will. It la claimed, guSDart jfrf
the corner into Ashler
The customer hsd been eipeft".
As we pa-sed the shop at a walking
pace I could see that the dealer and
his assistant were hoisting the bicycle
horse to the roof of the waiting cab.
Fifty yards more snd we drew up ty
the pavement
Peace kept the windows closed, so
that I could not look bark along the
road: but through the glass In front
I could see that our driver was quietly
taking note or affairs. It was not the
first time that the Inspector had em
ployed him, as I learnt afterwards,
and the man knew his business.
Suddenly our cab whlHked round
and set off at a rapid pace. The stran
ger had selected a fast horse, thut
waa evident. Wo swung through a
maze of narrow streets, tugged up a
long hill, skirted a stretch of open
common a part of Hampstead Heath.
I believe and finally stopped In the
shade of some tall trees. As I got out
I saw the lights of the chalne station
ary at some distance up the road.
"There may be trouble, Mr. Phil
Hps," whispered the little detective.
"I'm not certain I ought to bring you
along. If anything"
"Nonsense!" I interrupted, glancing
down at him with some amusement
"Well, take this, anyway. I had It
from a German burglar."
He thrust a strip of hardened rub
ber into my hand, about eighteen
Inches in length by two In thickness.
"It will stun a man without leaving
a mark," be saM gently.
The four-wheeler that we hsd fol
lowed was waiting before a green door
set tn a high brick wall. Without any
attempt at concealment. Peace walked
to the door and tried the handle. It
waa not locked, and we passed Into a
fair-sized garden, set about with flow
er beds and clumps of laurel. In the
middle I could see the outline of a
square gray house. Two of the ground
floor rooms glowed behind their cur
tains; the rest waa darkness.
We crossed a comer of the lawn,
and stopped behind a patch of bushes
directly in front of the entrance
porch. The night was very still and
silent. What desperate men were
gathered In that quiet place? How
could we hope to arrest them flushed
with the triumph of so splendid a
prize T To be truthful, I began to feel
a certain anxloty for our position;
though upon Peace's face, showing
white In the gloom, was a look of per.
feet serenity a look that I could not
"Mercy, oh, mercy!"
It was a trembling wall of terror, a
wall that was suddenly blotted out by
a roar like the challenge of a bull.
From within the house came the crush
of overturned chairs and the Jingle of
breaking glass. And all tho time the
shrieks and hoarse ravings drew near
er and louder, until, with a loud bang,
the ball door was flung open and a
man tumbled down the steps as If
thrown from a catapult. His assail
ant. In black silhouette against tho
hall lights, hesitated for a moment,
stick In hand. Then, with a shout of
rago, be sprang forward and struck at
v.v,,v.', M'j.
the wclpht of a railway car while the
truck Is taken from boneath for re
pairs. Yet the primitive barrel Is put
together without nails, screws, bolts,
or plna It Is entirely self fastened.
The barrel Is smaller at Ita ends
than It Is In Its middle, so that tho
wooden hoops, self locking, may be
driven on, tightening tho staves and
pressing the heads Into the chine
Although not calked, barrels are wa
tertight. A small barrel I a keg, a
big barrol Is a cask, and a still bigger
barrel la a hogshead.
Willing to Ba Frlahtened.
They were seated In tho dim light
of a
conservatory. Bhe was playing
with her fan, and he was murmuring
soft speeches In her ear. Suddenly he
loaned forward and Impressed a kiss
on her soft cheek.
"Oh, Charlie." she cried, "ho OM
irtiuMora me I
Then altar few mlnntea she said:
JTrighun mm mgrnm, CtawU."
slowly round
mmm, , III ,
th. moaning wretch who squirm. on
the gravel at his feet.
""ow J.'k Htea-lman. that Is quite
enough." sld th- ,u'lll",
bis way through the l-ur.U.
-And who mar '' cr,,d ,M
other, with a furious oath-
' ,, U A.MIugton Peace of the
criminal InveHtlga.lou '"'"l, J
Scotland Yard, and 1 "t
for being con.erned I., th. robbery o
a valuable diamond, the property of
Mr. Julius Taubery."
"Stolen diamond!" he bellowed.
..iv, cull Hist a diamond f
He flung dow n a ston. that sparkled
. .. .. ...... i.. .1.1... I Mm and stamped I
111 I lie uin '" ; -
It Into the gravel with nis nem.
.1 ., uaiirn that It I the
tlon," said the Inspector. "Hut It was
not your fault Hint you missed the
real thing. I have a cub waiting You
had better come wltn me quietly. Ana
i Rrn you, Steadtiian. that anything
you say will be used In evldeuce
sgainst you."
It was after two in the morning bo
fore the Inspector tapped at the door
of my rooms. 1 had nuid.i the fourth
of that odd cab load to the nearest
police station; for. though Mr. Jack
Stt'ttdman had blustered, and the Hon.
tieorg Carstalrs had grovel! and
whined thither, they hsd consented to
go at Inst. And there I had left the
detective nnd his prisoners, driving to
my rooms to await his return.
"The case was not quite so difficult
as you suppose. Mr Phillips," h.
Bald, in answer to my question. "You
rememlH-r that I believed the diamond
to be still In the home?"
"It would be hard to Imagine a more
useful bstt. H was certain Hint the
thieves would hnvn another Idle at
It; It was also certain that 1 ought to
be able to hook them when they did.
Yet I very nearly lost the diamond,
after all. Taubery, liunton and the
servants had all declared that, since
the robbery, nothing had been moved
from the dining room, passage or II
brary. There they made a mistake.
"Taubery's little grandson, George,
hnppened to leave his toy horse In the
passnge from the dining room, and
Into the hole innde fur the pommel
that poor creature. Carstalrs, had
dropped th diamond with a last de
spairing effort to get rid of It before
Colonel Ounton searched him. Ten
minute afterwards the little boy
went out for a walk with his nurse,
taking the horse with him. When be
returned it was left, as usual. In the
servants' quarters at the, back. 1
never set eyes on It until a day later.
Even then I should not have suspect
ed what It contained had not the
nurse complained to me of a man who
followed her when she took George
for his dally airing In the jrk. That
was the sign for which I had been
looking. I accompanied the pair on
the following morning. I saw the
man, but did not recognize him.
"Neither the nurse nor the boy
could well be carrying the diamond
about with them. There remained the
horse. That night I extracted the real
diamond, and not wishing to spoil my
bait for the shy fish. I dropped the liu.
Ration stone Into It place.
"Tho toy wa watched by night and
day. It was through n hint from m
that It was Included In the sale. p(K
Colonel Ounton! I admit that his ec
centric bidding startled nio for a mo
ment "You can understand Htendmnn's
fury when, after all his plots and rinks
and expenditure, his ullly lii, brought
him back the Identical Imitation stone
Hint had been made to decelvo old
Taubery. I don't believe that the Tro
jans could have been more astonished
when tho tlreeks emerged from tho
wooden home than was Htendman
when he took out the diamond from
the toy and found It to be the Imita
tion!" "And who was RteadmanT"
"A very dangoroiis fellow, Mr. Phil
lips. I recognized hlrn the moment he
appeared at the door. For years he
was a bookmaker In Pnrls, but lert
when the place got too hot for him
As a card player he Is well known and
avoided. He has been In low water
lately. Ho has his dupe, Carstalrs, as
I now discover. Lord Wlntone the
young man's brother, set him up as a
coffee planter in Ceylon, but ho spent
all tho money given hlin and re
turned six months ago. Carstalrs was
ft distant connection of Mrs. Taubery's
and both she and her husband had
been very kind to him. He wa at
ways loafing about the bouae, getting
free meals and now nnd then borrow
ng a fiver. !! ltlHt hnv
tho new diamond and mentioned It to
Steadmnn; Tor hatched the
plot-there Is no doubt about that
( artalr was merely a dupe and a
had the ability to rise higher In crime.
How the two became acquainted I do
not know; but they have been seen
together several times Intely. you
may take my word for It that th.
zt": of'thor:
rear or two -
New York fans are quite conndsat
that the (Hunts w",l again u Oj,
National league pennant this rwt.
McOraw has picked up several clavtr
recruits and they, together with th
veterans, are all reported to be la
tip top condition.
Preliminary football practice bu
been started at Princeton. Thomu
Wilson, line roach of last scuos,
and Arthur Illulhenthal, vanity
tor. are directing the work of th
Lit la Hardagn and Wilson t'olltos,
both Vandy football stars, have t
dined all offers to enter profession!
ball. Had llardngn acre pled, ft
would have made Utile different u
Vandy now, since he la through, but
Collins' resolution waa hathd with
oy by thu commodore since it fa
ilure a star for the back field next
There Is talk of Cleveland trying
a two vteeks' meelliu In 'h grant
Puron Wllke. now thirty one year
old. I nenrlng the. end. having failed
very much this winter
The Canadian half mile tracks o
nounca thirty nine purse of l.0
apiece to be raced between Jun 4
and July ii.
Knap MrCarthy. In addition to t)ef
by Hoy. 2 0!V. by Norval. will trsia
King Hrook. 2 07 U. and Urook Kin,
(t), by tho samo sire, this season.
Akar, by Aullln. 2:19V soa of
lUtigen, 2 06',. that received Injuria
at Ijtnsing. Mich., last season, hu
been sent back to Kd IJ. ers tu rsc la
Damn Alcyon. winner of the I30.WJ
trotting derby at lloston a few year
ago, now Is a hobbled pacer sn4
booked bl first wlu as such at Moa-
i Trenton. N. J., has dropped out of
the Metropolitan rlrrull. Ho hu
Flenilngton. N. J. Poughkeepsle o
, the F.mplro track. N. Y , were sales
lost ek.
If Halph I-asbury of Uroad Rock.
; Conn., succeeds In buying Karl, Jf,
2:014. he will place that fast grey
In tho hands of Karl Pitman for a caav
j prlgn down the big line.
Tim death list of 1912 Included
twelve trotters and twenty four pacerl
, lr the 2:10 list. Major Helmar. !:.
being fastest of the trotters, and
'Tho Kid, 1 .0214. the fastest pacer.
The All Hawaiian polo team has al
rived In California and will compel
In tournament there.
Ir. Albert Hharpo coached the Cor
nel) basketball team, which land!
In first place. In tho Eastern IntercoV
leglate championship this season
llecausn Ikiii Upplncott, a Pen
sylvanla runner, failed to file nl
pense account on a trip to New York
he has been summarily suspended bj
the A. A. V.
Judges at the New York Kennel
show became confused In thU
awards and In on or two Instatir
gave prizes to dogs they had previous
ly rated below others.
Johnny ('.old, captain of the VIco
sin track team, smashed both the con
ference and world's Indoor pole vsull
by going c.wr the bur at a height ol
12 feet and 8 Inches.
Mauthn, one tit tho quintet of Pen
stars who will never again wear thl
colors of the college, because they
gradual!) this June, has been elected
to roach (lettysburg next fall.
I -an sun Itobertson of thu lrl'b
American Athletic club Is prominent
ly mentioned to succeed tin 1M
lamented mil tjulnn as bead trains!
of the Harvard track team.
While her hockey team was losl"!
the Inter-collego championship '
Cambridge, Yalo'a swimmers captured
tho title In the tank at Princeton n!
et a new record for the relay event
John V. Moakley, head coach of th
Cornell track team, advocates the
lltlon of tho hammer throw and tM
substitution of tho threo-mlln run fot
the two-mile in Intercollegiate meot
Tom Keady, who coached the L
high team that produced Vincent P
settl liiat seiuion, has received a fl1
terlng offer from Hwarthmore to u
ceed llrooks and ha also been tea
dered offer to coach Williams or Ho
doln mid the assistant couch posltlot
at his alma mater, Hartinouth.
Carl Holberg, Kt. Paul, won fir'
place In the annual tournament of tht
Ihiluth Kkl club, scoring 205 2 3 points
Harry Ijnidry, Hululh. waa second
with 2fil points. Jas lllegen, St
made the longest standing Jump, l''P
Ins 191 .-.
Abel Klvlat stands out today as th
best dlstanco runner In America. l'
haa not lost a big race since being d
feated In the lo-motor at Stockholm
along with otbor stars, haa bettered
me inaoor Uree-aunrtnra and
rocoids, and Id now looked on a
most probable! candidate to boat
J'aul Joum' I,,,-,. - in tha aorta