For Sale and Want Ad Ad ia Tm Cjlumn. Brisuj RmuIu One brown yearling heifer taken up the fore part of September. Owner can have same by paying charges and proving property. C. O. Dahlgren. Warren, Ore. Semi-Annual Statement Seuii-annua) statement o( A . K. Thomt'Soo, Sheriff o( Columbia County. Irr. Hon, enowo g amount of taxes collected and turned over to county treasuie-by months, alo lor wnat yeats col ectetl: Ootoier, Itfli November, 1912 lieoember, 1913 January, 1913 l-ebraary, I'M 3 March, 1913 Full blooded Barred Plymouth ' collected Kocn egjra for setting. $1 per Betting of 15. George Perry, Houlton. Ore. I 14.730.IW l,725ttt 3U8.3J 11.082 26 179,656.46 For SaleThoroughbred Wyan dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs $1.00 for setting. R. H. Rober.8on, St. Helens, Ore. Light Brahmas egg for hatching. $1 for 15. Mrs. S. E. King. May ger, Ore. 4-21 Indian Runner duck eggs for sale. $1 for 13. J. W. VanNatta, War-ren. - Good baled hay for Dolan, Warren, Ore. sale. John 8tp Horses For Sale All kinds of horses for sale or will trade horses for cattle. Come and see what we have at the Scappoose livery barn. Geo. W. Grant. Wood for Sale Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large Green Trees. Will Deliver to St Helens for $3.50 per Cord. To Houlton for $3.00;per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard Wood $4.50 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren Ore. Wm. Skuzie. 40.B7 1021WV IBM Ml MO 17,415.20 189.7S5.36 $208,108 84 J06,108.84 39,810.36 33,486.75 28.4Mt.00 39,844.23 7,69.2t 68,266.83 3o.20 72.98 2,030.89 97 60 1,973.80 s 1.00 10.00 60.00 3D764 61.75 4.00 3.00 675.21 3.80 1 00 8.76 3 13 6.00 642 60 181.977 02 on 1907 roll " " 1908 " " " 1909 " " ' 1910 " " ' 1911 ' 1912 ' Btate of Oregon ) County ol Columbia ( 88 I hereby certily that the foregoing statement in true and correct to the beat ol my knowledge and belief. A. K. Thompson, Sheriff. Se mi-Annual Statement of County Trauurer Of Colombia county, Oreiton. of the amount o' money received and paid out uuiing i iic pi x m mns miiim March 3lsf, 1913. Cah on hand an per last rep irt Tax received from Sheriff on general fund coantv road " ' " ' general school " " ' special school " special city ' " " " " special road " library fund S. & S indigent fund Received from county clerk, fees Justice of peace fines Transfer to count? road fund Fred Trow, sale o'f wood O. W. Ramsey, turned into road fund From road district o 6 for supplied l'rannferof special city road Special road, sale of gravel Refuod from 8. & S. Indu fund Krom U. S, Dspam for count v road licence from Hunter O K. Unused ctaiops, returned A T Laws J tuis Di.rt, rale of wood C. W. B akeslev, expense of tax com returned Kef'ind Irom Iup nit l'owder Company Refund from R. .N Love ace, overpav on road work Clerk of school ilistrict No. 2, int on bunds Total received Amount paid oat of the gen rul fund school " " " " " " " " " " i fecial road " ' " ' ch ni civ " S. &S Iidgfund game fund " " " " " bond fund of S D. So. 2 ' library fund " " " " " Spec, deposi' fund " " Int on b.mds S. D 2 Money on bands State of oreiron 1 County of Columbia f I herebv cerniy that the foregoing statement is correct. Dated this first day of April, 1913. R. S Haitan. County Treasurer, tf.lt8 37 $296,437 03 J56.723.56 6.826 23 17.651 67 24.081.51 20,24 41 2.943 07 245.00 12.0 2.509.98 3o5.33 743 84 642 60 162,777 51 296.4S7.03 CHURCHES Houlton M. E. Church Houlton, first and third Sundays. Preaching: by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Lord's Day at 10 a. m., Mr. David Cole, Supt. Yankton, second and fourth Sun days. Preaching by Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday school at 11 a. m. Warren Preaching at 3 p. m. on first and third Sundays of each months. Trenholra and other points week nights. Semi-AniiuaJ Raport Of the County clerk of Columbia county. State of Oregon, showing amount of claims allowed b the chanty and circ-it urts of raid c.tintv, for what all iwed, amount of warrants ilra n, and am unt of wanrmtr outstanding a-nl unpaitl, fi nu the 1st ilay of October. 1912, to the 31st (lay cf Mnh. 1913 O i what account all -wed . Am't of war'ants ' n 1 r .7 . ! - ii tf A- "Young man, when you buy a buggy, be sure it's a Studebaker" Sound advice from the man who has been driving one for twenty years. When you buy a Studebaker buggy you are buying all the skill, experience and science in buggy building that half a century can produce. You are protect ing yourself against the mistakes of younger builders. You will always be proud of the Studebaker nameplate, for there isn't a bupgy on the road that ia its equal for style, luxury and good looks. Flexible bent-reach pear, graceful lines, solid cor ner, plugless body, double-ironed shafts, are a few of the special Studebaker features. The new close-fitting shifting rail is enough in itself to make you buy a Studebaker bugcy. Track. M.Ik Waoa Dun W, Se our Dtalu or writ uu STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. WIWYOSK CHICAGO DALLAS KANSAS CITY PtNVia MIMMAKIUS SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANOSCO fOITLAND, OS. Mate go HGiHPtttwceei iiinaiimrii u dfli r im 'flr i milium iVri iht KT? I In niiiiii'niiiMr tjir ir't' r-"VV'lll CORDIALS WINES CIGARS .WHISKEY Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty WE1NHARD S BEER OLD JUDGE BAR E ENYARr, Prcpriwtor Hori.ioN Orkgon COURTEOUS COMPETENT CATERERS T. HCLCAS FRCACH DRY CLEMIAC A ti D PRCIAC A.Yir SCHELKSR C0P ProprMo, suns rxt:sstn wiius you wait SUITS MADE TO 0HDHH by UK ST CLASS TAILOR Livery, Feed and Sale Stable 2a& Pomeroy J W, fruit inspector 35 10 Blakesley, C W, exp assessor 16 40 Wood H C, work for assessor 68 75 Wood H C, exp dep " 31 65 Barber Laura, work on tax 70 00 rolls Steinbach Carl LaBare II E, and formula Thompson A E. L C Smith Bros named and having rca-ded tlirrrin I r a lieriod of more than 30 days prc-wding the date ol this petition, r sjiei tliilly -tiliou and represent a follow: That ae are qualified electors ret iliiin within the tMiuiidaiea ami t.riiory heieinafter described and tave n-sii'ed tberein for a priod i f tin re than 30 DRAY INC AND TRANSFER All Business Promptly Attended To rilONE 15 OR 42 ELMER BLACKBURN ST. HELENS, OREGON 57 50 days; that we deiire to Inc Tporaie ink eradicator 1 00 postage 80 00 typewriter 94 50 Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between St. Helens and PortLind 50 cents one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good any time after April 4th Boat leaves St. Helens 7:65 a. m. Returning leaves Portland 2:30 p. m. Arrive at St. Helens 4 -45 p. m. r. LHOOCHKIRK A St. Helens and j Houlton Dairy t PURE MILK AND CREAM From Healthy Cows delivered to your door every;day George konopka PROPRIETOR -. 31 conniy court circuii C 'nrt Juti e conr's sher.'8'g i.ffice cl.rk's offi e Tresurer's office owner's office School Mjpt-rintendent's effi -e Fruit Inpe-tor Assessor's office A-fessnient and taxation Tax Rebate current expense' coun house expen-es jail Care of poor Indigent soldirrs Inttie Election Roads, general coanty fund Miscellaneous Total Am'tof unpaid general county warrants Mate or Ureirnn, I ! coufitv o' c'un bia f I, H. E. LaBare, county cU rk, in and for the above named county and stale, do hereby certify that the fnregoinn is a true and correct statement of the amo' of claims allowed by the county and circuit courts of said county fo' the period l fix months ending on the 31st dy of March, 1013, on what a coint the same wag allowed, and the amonnt of warrant drawn, and the amount of warranto ou' stxneing snd unpaid on the general fund, as the same appears upon the r-OTil ol my office, and in my offii.-ial cus'ody. Witne-s my band and the i-eal of said county coort, affixed thi. 12'h rav of April, 1913. II. E. LaBare, lealj County clerk. Semi-Annual Summary Statement of the financial condition of the county of Colnmtra, State ol Oreiron, on the 31st day of, 1913: Liabilities Am't of Gen. fund warrants unpaid oct. 1, 1912 Atu't issued oct. 1, to Mar. 31, 1913 J'.4IM.i4 -t,r.'" 3J7. I) 2,24! HI 3l)t'.IHI 77 20 eiH.tUj in 20 1,139.211 44H 70 32.r)2 2.-.GM.H1 2.194. 1t.l 245.00 63 .VI l.lSM.Ori 1.6o4 08 427 00 $22. 63 83 $2,915 86 SH $2 481 65 22,163.83 T I Dangerous Bleioimcs liaiSaw UUmw TiikmI Taa Oar We"r so fit Ilk EUslls Hslrr ralievM at oaoa sfus awrss. Stecktnf , Kiim Capa, AakleU WOODARO.CUSIiaCO Ducks Indian Runner ducks. White epsrs, I will have a few settings of eggs to spare. $1 per setting. J. M. Burkhead, 2t Warren, Ore ADVERTISED LETTER5 Letters unclaimed in the St. Hcl ens, Post office for the week ending April 12. 1913. Arturo, G. Oscar Anderson BneJIy trrinT ifferaon Vrson I urner 1 letter Am't of Gen. rosd warrants unpaid oct. I, 1912 Am't i'-ued net. I. 1912, to lurch 81, 1913 Am't paid oct. 1, 1912, to March 31, 1913 Am't cancelled by order of county coort Am't unpaid March 31, 1913 Am't balauce state tax due from county Resources m't cash in hands of treasurer, general county fund m't cnii in Innds of treasurer, general road fund m't bal cirreiit taxes of 1912, (fne al conniy fund im'i bl cut t taxes of 11)12, Kencral roid fund ' m i rieli qu-nt taxes. 1888 to 1911 ' Mr i r ' nd bid in by county Am't tuxes paid on liens held by county rourt honee, jail and Bxturea Poor farm Four seres for rock quarry Five ai res for rock quarry Rock crushers, engines, rollers etc $1,073 31 J 72974 17,641 89 38 75 $24 645 38 21 J2952 12.915,86 Recapitulation Liabilities Resources 118.603 05 17,680 64 922.41 $9,216.13 $11,902.30 25.687.87 2.1,503 1 1 11.744.67 18,020.50 2,8.'7;t 94 7m 7.000 i 0 1.500 00 600 00 ls.ootroo 105, 78063 $ 13,054 40 155,7S0 63 Rainier Review, pub notice and court proc 21 80 Pacific Telep & Tele,' C. telephone 17 05 Wilkerson J B, postage and expressage 4 03 LaBare II E, postage and ex pressage 20 00 V'anOrshoven L J, supplies for surveyor 4 !0 Svensen Harry, supplies for sheriff 5 00 Hattan R S, postage 3 00 Monte Vista Nurseries, rose plants 1 50 St Helens Laundry, laundry .75 Blackburn Elmer, wood for court house 7 88 Constantine R. plumbing 19 90 RotgerE A, supplies to janitor 4 40 Harrison AS " " 13 25 Hilliard Mrs II, board of pris oners 5 50 Isbister Mrs E " " 50 00 Word T M " " 112 00 Fowler H M, take blake to hos- . pital 7 00 Bell J L, supplies to Kellogg 12 00sori.i Koeie. ' T. n ..f i , i,i CnnA .Samaritan TInanitnl nnr ; S. 6 li.V K I2i '.'hrl ihe ie of Cunningham 49 30 St Vincent's Hospital, care.of Seidel 36 00 County Court Proceedings Matter of claims against the county: On this 4th day of April, 1913. the claims against the county, as docketed in the General Funt Claim and Warrant Register and I lie Gen- I vs Rice 54 20 j Springer, Fred, juror, state vs ! Rice i 00 Malcolm L " " 1 00 Williams R " 1 00 Elwood Geo " " i 00 Fogle Max " " i 00 Jones Grant, witness, state vs Rice et al l 90 Lillich R A " 5 80 Carhon Mrs Mabel " " 13 go. w -r I undamed by April 26 Sno- J ltotheDead-Leftijr office. R" et MJ Register, are audited by thu court) Jones Mrs Ollie and allowed in the various sjms as I Rice C E carrifd out by the court in said Lillich Mrs I W registers, being as follows: GENERAL FUND ALLOWE3 Meier, Mrs C M, witness ju venile court $ 7 90 Dowllng A " 7 90 Hill, Lydim jam, Vlviin R, Justice, state Red Cross Ambulance, service to Blake 3 00 Wellington J II, supplies to Al bertson ' 7 30 BriggsC H.suptoSobieski 20 00 .TriKn IT aim it A Irutrtimn Iv vim a v ssiivi lavu Ramsey Geo W, supervisor R D No 1 ' 19 50 Kallberg J " R D No 2 15 00 Dspain US " "3 15 00 Gaittens James " " 4 42 0 Fowler CC " 5 28 50 Johnson J E " " G 21 75 Boysen Paul C " " 7 37 50 Continued on next page Notice livery 2 50 Schneider Wm Conyers W E Blackburn, Elmer, sheriff Carke J W, launch for oherlfT 7 00 7 90 Hunt Jam W, work , " 70 00 7 90 Lake A B, xp deputy mherlfT 8 96 vs 1 Sou ttimra 11 j, truant ollicer 00 11 toftmr veMe, wormzor eiortc 00 xo QUm liam.i oioriun, IN TIIK ( oL'NTV Col.RT n ' STAT K oK olll io.N, roR TMK folNIVoF(oM.MHl.. In th matter of the petition for tde incorporation of the lioundarics hen n- V'er namerl at d Ihe residentx thereof, sstt.eCitv of Gobi e, Coluiuhia Com ty, Oregon. lo whom it ttrny concern : Notice i hereby given th' on VVednea luy, the 7lh day of Mkv, 1 9 1 :j Ht 9:30 a. 111, of -Hid day, at a regular teim of : lie County Court of Columbia Count y, r-. n. a pe ili'.n will be presented fur li'irrg fie fire fai l C' Unty C"ur . a tr. e .id ci.rteci copy ..f which satil pctninn ' 8 f"llows: I'KTITIoN. In the t. fOnty Court of the Slaie of orp- K in, for Ihe County of Cnluin la In the ni'ttter of the petition fur the corporation of the boundaries herein after named and the residents thereof, 11s the City of (ioble, Columbia County Oregon. To the ilonorhlm Cnunlr Court ol Vnlumhla County, Ormgoo Oontlrmon: We, lb unfriinel, mora Ihaa tarty under Title XXVI, of Chapter I id Lord's ore n Lams; that there are not , lrrs than lftl 'IiIihIiH.iiiI- i'hii the ter ritory n nd honidii e henmafttr ''e Hi'tilM'd hii.I ihit te:ru ry -n-t n ii ! ' --- at" 1 "t it .itilyi co-put. ! i lia! the t r it rv ihlnare I In an the pto(,n.. d t'ouiii;i '.(, aie il n he i a I How-: I lt.-giiii.iii at a port oa the M'di'.n 1 line ht twen s ctio y i n I 1:1, tow Hhipti, Nufih. -' . :;t)li-tia-t I the cor it cotnniou t. i'C i'iill, j2, l.'l and It, in C' inula i County, o gnu. run n n them e . li I' V . Miiinf. .1. ill 'lie.- vrht .'ID ce'. 'ioikc S I" iV li. 5W 4 feet, th-nce N. KS' Jl' K. Ill 2 feet, th mc N 2H IV W 2:l.s Irei. thence N 22 31' W 2.')6'i feet, 1 hence N SV 42" K. 2lhl6 leet, thence S 85 tH' li. I'll) 4 f-et. thence N oV 5H' E. 154.3 f-et, thence N. :i" I V K. 4 leet to ihe we-te n limit of ihe Se-Httl-, I'orthin I k -iokan.- Kailroa 1 ('(in.pany 'a ( lortiierl v .Vsloiin C 1I11111 hii Kiver Railrmid Compii v nuln ol war, thence on the nin e cnurn-to the CHiiler o the Iii'iir c . ni e! o he t ol- unihi i Rive-. Tlo i.c- 1I0 11 the 1 enter of the innin cha .n 1 ol le 1 olnuihi kiv s to a int where a I n- p jecteil N. hi' 'i'.' IV . t'oin die N li nir ner of K ster's low n ..( ( iohie .i I i tersect Maid iciiter line, thence rt ' ' li. t ) the Srf'd N K enriier of aid I' ter'-To 11 ol t ulih-, Irene- 011 he nine Course H7H.:tfe' al n g h. iik I. 11 . here- V. 224 4 ,ei t, thti - e :iH At 171 ; feet, .hence S. Kt' i' 'Ui. i, leei, ! thence S 117 l' w 7i7 8 'ee , tn- re N I 74 &i' tt . 157.9 e. t, th ic- S 4V o 1 222.H f et, i .1 c. s. ti :;4' ' . Hi e to ih" 'I.o 01 bctfin in j that the nil i.lie of nh I 11 n1 ill. ; teiriiory and miloii the boil .la le-he j mbefo'e discibed i- rpp-oxima e'v 170 rtlid We I In i foie pra' hut lie I lie r- por led, i.'inliT the m int o li. t':t I (,ol 'e, miller ',he pun imo n- o( Im I (tftii- si ite id onvi . I iHieii hi 1 ne own "i 1 o oi.. o- k , this 14 ti ditv i f .Mure . IHl:i. Il. tiry VVel er, Mm V . M.ilcm te 11 i rower, e. ,. r- ler, r . 11 : ir Mis It 0. Alakinsi , V. Mum , 'f llovo.,, A tan well, llav H,.v 11. .Mr 11. r.. ..cri .nit, e 11 v n. I., j ; imniiel, , Hosk Mi ki-i ! r, J. r M. K ! 'y ! C . t-owli i'. IiU 1 un er. L An in jin;i, Vv K Mi kin I. r, K nun. Ni. j hi 1 r, b W. Makin l. r, l-x Mcl.eo 1. 111 1 1 tig.n 10T, jtiu ic k.iv, ;lr. I. il.'inlilc R. I, Ki mi, , .fuhn ( r o, oil I) Kuril r. t-lie-ley Makin-ter, II ,rry C'wiotr, Wiilin .Nil In. Iron, Arthur Cars tner, Ih rt Makuisti-r. I Niih-biim-r, Mrs I). L nk, i' C. l-thhies, Mrn. Murgiir.-t VV eitcr, Nie Welter, Mrs. (!. A. (iile-i Cm-. V. in in ill, Mrs. Cllwi. Morrill, Hi rah I.. Voig' Mrs. I). II. Crwitweil, L 1 ON TUB STRAND .St. Helens, Or. Prop Eggs for Hatching S. C. Buff Leghorns i. C. Buff Orpingtoni l.t Pen, $2 00 pot IS E 2nd Pen. $1 00 per IS Fff. Sperial Mating Pen, $3 00 per IS Et ""rile fcr Mating lust which w.ll ffrs our Winnings at Poultry Shows Mr. and Mrs, Albert D. Larscs Box 96 Goble, Ore U.J'..!i. . 1 - r-'aK. INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS Sl.OOjur 1,1 $.1.00 pa- oO BARRIID ROCK EGGS SlftO per lo Poor Hatches Made Good W. C. MORLEY ST. hfXENS OREGON Summons IS TIIK lit TI I t'ol'RT OK IIIK MATKi'P I'RK.CON, vldK fill.. CMI'.IA COLNTY. C'uri A. J. (HiiKen, I'lnintilT, vs I-IU I.. Tinmen, flefendsnt. In the name of the Ktste of Oregon inusreh r-hy rrquii d to epiiesr snd niBke mi-er to the complaint died .I' lnt you in Ihe kh'Ve entil'ed court ml i siiri. on or liefoie the siith ilnr of Mav, l!IK), said iIhjt bein(( uiore than six i k from and after the da e ol the lltnt pnhln a ion nl thin miinni"li, and if i ll f il lo Vi aula at atrl tllakn mi-.rr lij soil 11... nUiiit, the il 11 1 t If will Ht ply 10 II. t t'oiirt lor the relief prnyeir lor 10 said complaint, to- wit : lor a decree of divorce iliftaoUInK the bonds of inairl. in nv 11 iw and heretofore esitinK be tween vmi Mini pliiintid', Hud awsriltiin pmio tiff the caie and en-tody of the minor i hihlri n of yourself nd plain , IT. viz , Ma' m a .1. Tannen, ( ienrirn W, 1 hii k'tn ("ornd li Tdlinen and Carl Tanni n, mi.' ne. tin 1 iik I hiintill to li -. the nw 11.1 in In 1 own rihl, fice tnd cl.-nr id utiy ' lailn 111 ;o 11 f ivor f. ereili. of 'he f. I- I Notice of Final Account tnd Settlement C. c. Iloveti, mis. Helen Staitiea. H ate of uri''iii, Coiintv ol Coliitnliig, s. I. riank liisliop, hcin( lirst duly sworn depose and say: Tl.nt I circulated th foicci,iii( it titi'iii within tlin tirri ory di -c iben in the petition herein, th it 1 sj eai 11 unit every run ol shh! peti- ti .in rs hin their tespei live name an. 1 1 know of my own knowledge that the eiKi atutei of the said iMdilioners are true an. I genuine. I'litnk I;isliii n.itiscriljeil un.l aworn to mdore tut thia 24th diiy of March, l!)l.J. A . W. Mueller, Notary I'ubllo for oreiron. W. Mueller .Vnltrr rilbflc ) Notarial Haal. t eitale ol onirnn. I Thm dale of Ihe rlrat puhllcaMon ol r ,rl'''"'r r,th,m th.tOl. Ool)e l.y,4, an,l ,b.d.i For .I li i tiln d ICill prop 'l Mtim in the Conniy of Columbia mo Stale ol Oregon, viz., t number eiw'i t () in Mmk nun h, r (I) in ',ry,iin' l irst Ai 1i1ti1.11 01 the town of l(ryants ille, tmw nintl tliH.lty of; snd for ther leln f Midi hh tin- Court mnv deem vpi talre in Ihe premises. n.H mioiii on, U pnhlim e I in the St Helens Mi-t by the order i f thalliiu I A. Kakin. .Iirl -e id ih.. II I Kill. 1 1 i-"nii. Duly 111 nl.- and entered on ill- I'illltn-Mll ,,,v Ol Murili lhl l ..A .ih Hate of 1 he fn-t iii,1ii-ntii, ol snu iiminoiis in Wvh 21, 1111:1, and thedate if thebii-t publication thereof is Muv I'll.l. l'esrcy A VVintii r, Attorneys lor l'laintiff. 70M ( hainber of (Joininen e l,liil,lliiK, r.iitlniid, Or.'Kon ror fiait; (,ooi Htcuml cuttinn; clove r nnil first ruttintr timothy and clover; Atncricnn VVomJor and Uur- fmnlc wed Iiotatotfi: also a new vari- eiy caned th l-r.,e.. 0 , . . - " wii punier and fl ... "no pom 10, Partir-,,1.. li IN Till! Col'NTY t'Ol'RT (F THE STATKOI' OKKUON. FOR CVlr V Mil I A COUN TV. In the matter of the estate of lhiid H. Rrittain, lleceased. Notice is hereby given that I'.intus i. Brittain, administratrix of the eststeof David II. Ilrlttain. deceaaed, has bled her final account as such aduiiniitrstriS of said estate in the County court of ihe Slate of Oregon, fur (Nilunibis conniy, and Hint the said court hssso liointed Safirday, the 2lith day of AprUi I9i:l, al IIMK) o'clock a til. of id dsy, 111 11 e com t room of said court, in M Helens, Columbia county, OreK'iBi " the time and place for the hearing of sll ohjreiiiina in said final account and lb 'eitiement thereof, and that all tsuos interested in said estate may appear 0i or lefiirc said date snd file any objection ll.ent I'aied St. Helens, Oregon, and fl I ul.lii-lied March 2H, 1SMU. Kinma A. IliiiUin A 'liiliiistriitiU of Ksialu of lUvlJ H I!l ittitin, le. ca veil. t.eo M. McHride, Attniney. Notice to Creditor IN TIIR CoUNTY CoURT oF tub 8TATK oK oKKtioN. I'oR Col.UaRIA CoUNTY In the nmtier of the estate of H.ns F. I'j irknian, Deceased. Notice is hereby (flven by the under siKiied, the administrator of the eststs of linns P. Iljorklimn, dmeased, to th creditors of, and all persons having claims against said estate, to ptesenl them, with the proper Touchers, wlthi m months tmra the date of this nolice to said administrator, at the Column" County Hank, in St. Helens, C ..Illinois County, Oregon, that being the nvt t the transaction of the business of id estate. Dated April 4th, 1UI3. Wm. m. Ross. Administrator of the estate of Haas 1 lljoiknnin, deceased. LVjrs torJti 'ure bred f ji ttinp; $1 Vr a,- .P.S.. . I w a. "MiMia uim 1 iwin fir i thlt Leahorna.