St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 11, 1913, Image 8

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    Women, Children
Great Bargains in Everything I
V ', i'j
All khh1s bought Irom us arc
us good as a Cert ified Check.
All I ask is a fair comparison
of ju ices.
As 1 sa i d before don't be
misled buy goods from us.
Men,s Eagle Underwear, Reg. 4.50 and : lr uow -Men's
Eagle Underwear, Reg. 3.50 sello; . i:.,v - -
Logger's Short Cape Shirts, Reg. $5.00 scl r, now -Logger's
Short Cape Shirts, Reg. 3.50 seller, uow -
Men's Double Breasted Blue Flannel Shi;t 3.50 seller now
Men's Single Breasted Blue Elauuel Shir:s 2.50 seller, now
Men's Single Breasted Blue Flaunel Shirts 1.50 seller, now
Bear in Mind, This is no
"Sheeny Sale" All the goods
you bvy from me are just as I
represent them. Goods that you
buy from j-our dealer, or at the
camp all the year around.
1 " c
l. CO
Don't Forget That I Have the Largest Stock of Hats and Caps in
Columbia County. All Styles and Colors to Choose From
We Still Have Quite a Lot of
Ladies' and Children's Under
wear that Must be Sold Regard
less of Cost. Come See These.
Boys' Hats from 5()c up.
Men's Conqueror Hats $8 val. $-VJo
Other Hats at 7ne, $1.00, $l.'Jo, $l.nO
We Could Sell Cheaper Goods,
But We Wont,
We Would Sell Better C.oods,
But We Can't
Our Shoe Stock is Steadily Decreasing
A Few Pair of Ladies Shoes
$3.53 and $4.00 val. at $2.Cn!
Youths and Childrens irom $1.25 in $2.75 j
If any man conld sell gooes fur less money tlun we charge lie would have ;i
beaten path to his door. Follow the tread boulevard to our store. Ik-lore
the bright light of value, our goods will stand your closest inspection.
Our Line of Canned Table Fruits is of the Very Best Quality and You
are Sure to be Pleased with the Big Reductions
Red Ribbon Apricots, Peaches,
Strawberries, Loganberries,
Cherries and Pears, 20c per can
Blue Ribbon or 31 ceo Brand-
Peaches, Apricots and Pears
15c can. Get in on this snap.
rjasxt .v. :
Administrator's Notic. to Creditor.
in the county cockt of the
state of oregon, for
Columbia county.
In the matter of the estate of George
Merrill, deceased.
Notice ja hereby given that G.M. Mc
Bride, the underpinned, has been dis
appointed administrator of the Estate
of George Merrill, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia County, and bas duly qualified
for said trust.
All persona having claims against said
estate are hereby notified and required
to present the eamr, duly verified, and
with the proper vouchers, to said ad
ininistrator at the office of G. M. Mc
Bride in St. Helen. Columbia County,
Ore., within six months from the date
of this notice.
Ia:9:l St St. Helens, Ore., and first
published March 7, 1913.
Geo. M. McBride.
Administrator of the estate of Georjie
Merrill, deceased.
'27th, 1913, d'uei-tii gsuch culvieatioo in
the St. Helens Mist, iincru week fornix
successive week, the first publication
beinif March 28-h. 1913. arid the last the
9th day of May, 1113.
Ben Irwin,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Admlnittriator' Notice
In the matter of the estate of J. B. j
Lynch, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that E. It.
T.trnMi. the undersigned, has been duly
-.!.- i i:. ..... r.t ii, jti of dersiirntd. administrator with
J. B. Lvnch, deceased, by the County , 'ed, of the e-tate of Cyn'hia M Hal
Court of the State of Oregon, for Coluiu- ben. J ceased, has filed in the county
bia County, and has duly qualified for ; court ol Columbia c unty, state of Ore.
aid trust. All persons having claim- j bis final account as su. h adniinis
..oi... .,,,1 ..tar., ar herebv notified : Tutor, with will annexed, of said estate,
and require! to present the same, duly ! and that the 17th day
verified with proper vouchers, to said
administrator, at the office of G. M. Mc
' In the matter of the estate of Cynthia
M. Hali-ert, deceased.
I Notice fg hereby given that the nn-
ill au-
Bride. in St. Helens, Columbia County,
Oregon, within six month from date of
this notice.
Dated at St. Helens, Ore., a .d first
published March 7. 1913.
E. H. Lynch,
Administrator of the estate O' J. B.
Lynch, deceased.
county of Columbia.
O. Bauid , Plaintiff,
F. J. Ilaugn. Defendant.
To E. I . Bailh, Defendant:
In the name of tfie State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to apMr and
answer to the complaint filed against
yoa in the above entitled suit on or be
fore the 10th day of Mav, 11S, andif
yon fail to answer, plaintiff will 'ake a
decree against yon, forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between the plaintiff and
yon; for the custody of Eugene I'.augli,
minor child of plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other and further relief in
the premisis as the conrt may deem just
and equitable, a prayed for in the com
plaint filed herein
Service of this summons is made noon
joa by publication In pursuance of an i
J-dff (fa. Ccntr Court! tot Colon- u""' '' w,tr-l-o (
mm CouaiyrSut ot ortg on. made Jiru M ; coat and ot r.t ol !
of tay, 113, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. in,, ban len
lixel by aid court as lie ti i e fo hear
irig of o'.j ct i- ns to (aid report, ai.d the
sett eintnt thereof.
H.J. SI inn,
Admit, i'tra'or With id snnc. e l o'
thee-tate of Cnythia m. Ifalbcrc, d.
ceased .
ton wr.t coiumsiidinic me to make sale j with saln-on fish, aud
of reat properly "situated i.. Columbia j Wli-rcas, aid Willamette river is fre-
City, Columbia comity. Oreuon, de- quented lv salmon lish, and for the pu r
ecribed as tollOAS, to-wit: pose of protecting the same, the State
Lot II, block 2, Columbia City, Ore- Hoard of Fish and Game Commis'-ioner
gon. Tioeland in front of lots 5 and 6, ; 'das decided to close the said Willamette
blea k 1, Columbia City, Oregon, and j River ami its tributaries below and nor'.h
tideland io front of the north 60 f et 'if ,,i the fnl's there f Ht Oregon City, to
"J" in Colum iia Citv, Oregon, i prevent tjKhi'ig ther in by any means
together with all the tenements, , whatever f ir i-alm n fish, except with
hereditaments and appnrtinonces or so ; l.ookiind line, commoulv called angling,
much thereof an may sutlici nt t pey j during the period of time hereinafter
the abova named amounts and expenses 1 cified.
0 s"1''. j therefore, notice s 1 erebv given
Now therefore, by virtue of said judg- , by MaI(. Boa, , t,fU a, ,j ,iHUle
rnent, and order ..f sale, und in ( o,,,,,,,,.,,,, t,al a,,, portion of suid
c unpli.nce with ti e com man ! of si d Will.imette river und it- tritmtiirie le
writ, I will -.ii Saturday, the lOtu .lay of Ujw an nor h ,)f tlie (all!( ,eIeo at
May' 1U13, at the nour of 11 o'clock a. Oregon City arc and each of them is
ni , at the front door of the d ull hou-e hrie,,y ,,0,Pj lo l,,jng ot any kind for
in Saint Helens, Colu . bia cou ty, aon iHh, except with hook ai d line,
Or-go , s I! at public auc tion (subject rowmnnly called angl ng, from and
to reilemprton) to thehigii'st bidder f'.r a(t,r yz ,. Ay nio-i on tlie l.rih day of
cash iu hand. al t'.e riijht, title and April, 1913, to 12 o'clock n-eii mi the
nteret which the within mtme I rte
fen.ian's, or either of them had on the
20'h day of March, Ktl.f. or since had in
and to Hie aboved acribed real propeity
or any part thereof, f satisfy Sail exe-
ic'iti'in, judgrnn , coi-ts
fi .el
1 Inte l and brst publish, d April 11
Last eUbiiCiiii n Ma 9. 1913.
A. Thomps in
Sberiffof Columbia County, Oregin
1st luy of May, 191.",. and it is and will
he unlawful to huh for, or take or ditch
any saf i on fish by any means weateier,
except with hook and, Commonly
called afiirlirii. iu nnv of fld wntera
and acirun g ,lUIjjj tfie p noil of fine her-n speci
Any and all persons whomsoever so
fisbin. in violuti n of this notice wi 1 ' e
prosecuted a bv law provide 1.
! Geo. II Kelly, Chairman pro telil,
.. V. Hughes. Secietary,
; C. F. Stone,
Adminiatrator'a Notice to credi- M J. Kinney.
Constituting quorum Mate Hoard of
Fish an I Game Cuiiinnsdoiie a.
In the inat :er i
L' neb, I 'ec-Hseil,
JT.iliie i 'ie
1,, ict., t! ! e.l I.
H K)tl 'ei I 1 11
ol :--.. ' h
t our o 'he ta
lift Ct un v. ipi'
d the estate of Ann i
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
IN T'lrc cinrriT C"(;xi oi- Tin-.
xTa IE iF ORt GON, F"U C L-
F. C. Caples, 1'iainiilf.
W. :i I-rwit, his betrsheir-r.f ..n7. .
Cloi:(h a' d all o! h.-r bum t ma - con
cern, lle-lidant".
Notice h hereby given tl at und r and
by virtue of an Execution of For;
closure i'sued out of the above entitled
court in then hove er.titl-d cause time
directed ai d dated th- L'nd day of April,
191.1, ut.n a judgment rendered and
entered ill said court mid cause on the
20th dayof March, 1913. in favor of F.
C Caple and airains W G. I'ra t.
heirs of Alonzo Clougfi end all others
whom ft may concern, for tb sun) of
sorenreea and 17-100 dollmra (17.72; an f
I s II
a. i
ii .
aii r
I vi i 'ii. I,
I a I II' I:
I II le,
d it :
I t ir
th; r:
-it. la Ti . ii ie
I lis cO ,i ir.t I ',',
,1 n n if ;.t E .
.v 'n d U- s bi eii ' n .'
if -a o ot toe t:-i vi ;
: nt , l t the C if.
c I )rt hi, for ( Inn -h;
i J', '." q'lalilie l f. r
;j. . si i I'viiii C -1 f 1
tar b'-'ctn' li" 1 ie I
ii 1 s m , tin '
i r . e'le f. to I I
i oi.i e f . .'.i. M. -n
ii ii 'i hia Com t ,
i M' n .1 s .'nun he
o. (;:;.!
c: v '
L.k t
; , Ft -it :
( ) .CM.'.IA.
i'. 1
Til K
i L:l
, ) e t"ii, and hi
Aim m i tt or
V Ct' , .! CeH'I'-t
K II l.'inb,
r.f tin) ea ale of A tn:i
Know h II nun by these pr. i -nM, tht.t,
wh.r as. ihe State l!imnl of Fis - and
Gii' ie Commissi. .ricr- s well a- il
p-e Ii c s-.rj, lie I!, ad of J-i-h or,
mi- fo- ir. of lb" Mam of orrtronl i.
. - I ...I mmlrM 1 I. ..I 1 lm
llo'l.r. tfci irf an Mofklum b HsKri l-f Ills
upt a ' t,-.tutia Jir in -no ii of 1'r.jf j
i nt:
T . u.
oil . r
i- I S. j I
we ;k- fi hi
tt n ii 1 in
! M r ! . 19
t ,r .i i h"i
j i I; ii i i ar '
Vl't t' i Ivi
i i 'i a i li.
't'i im I ' he ,.
4 1 I ell t ,i n
r a i''. o- t.i
I'll- i it.rt m i
i i I f.-i pi im
in. n s in r- ii .
S vi. e of t
.t W la
I. Iii.-n
' ;l : he
I)..f n li.t
i ker, lh
. 'i.i.i I
r i'tl. I
a e of t-
ti i
: in.
I lllll
i lilt
f 11
eU, . - ' ll'g
iiiiiulT, a d or
f llv min it chihlr
i i, nd I ii i - re it
e we-ii rq
Ill's eos
c t f I't'll)
i ie n
I ii
-1 .f
i ie :
,1 -re"
i f ,i Lot
I'aie (if lir .t pnlili.-iitioti the 7t!i il.iv of
Mar, h, ii'i:;.
pniilii ,' I' ll the l.V h il.iy of
l..ti-of a
A; ril, I'.'!:;
V in by i. iililn ni.
St. Ifeie i" M t,"
ii linn,- ii
- II I I II 'Oil
n of the M im i : tie
, w.ek y nrs.iiper.
tor si aii.ce-.iv- week lv vi- ur of en
nnlmr yn A 1 y thr Hint J. A K .kln,
Jii'ljfx or il.v , , n,.,t Court,
M ! 4lh ft-y ol Mmreh, IiiS
I'eiry C. Mrmid,
Attoriiev f..r I'l.iintiff
Fir-t N. Pink building,
M. .lolillM, ( ll k..Tl.
IN' THE cihcrit (lit KTOF Till-,
I'.IA Cnl'M'Y
I dna May McDolial.h I'laiiitiif,
Archie ch.irlf" .Mi loM d.
To Ar-hie ('Parle McDonald, del-nddiit
above . amcd :
In lb" Hume of the State of Oregon,
you are he eby ieiinred to ai piar and
Hnwer the compliiii.t filed agium! yon
in the a ove entit'ed Conn , on or lf. re
the 25th -lev ol April, l'.d.i, which is the
time i-re-ciiLed for answering sitid com
plaint in the order of p.ihlieiition i.f mtnmoi.s, i.n.l if joii fj Ioi-ohj.
penr and r, the plintill will apply
to tl.e court fur the relief demanded In
said coinphiinl, t -wit ; A decree of ihi
coin' d -solvii g he bonds of iimti imony
heretofon: ;ii"i mi existing between
plaintiff and defendant I eiem, n the
in in i". cot'N r v cot i:r ok the
a'e ot on-goti, for Columbia County.
I In I In- loafer .f i lie estate of Ella
Swr r, I ens. d.
Notice ii h-reLy given that Mary
irorge, the eii( utrix of the e. tat. of
i I b'.i 'witer, deirasrd, lint rendered
! mid I ie i.ted for settlement and filed
i in said curl her fii a! account of her ad
! iniiuatration of sai.l estate, and that
j turdav, the :'6'hdnyif April, 1 1 III. at
one o'clock p. in at the curt room id
j t'id court i.t the Kiurt bouse in St.
j Helens, in Columbia Couutv, Slate of
: oregon. Il ia been duly sppoli.ted by
the court, lor I be sm tleiuent of snid hnal
account, at whbu tune and t anv
person interested in said estate mar ap-
eicrptions and objections til,.
to said ac Count and contest the same.
Kary (ieorge,
l'Xeciittix i f the estate of F.lixa
Swiler, deceHwd.
Dated Martb L'Sth, pll.J
wl I apply to the court for tl
pr.yed for ill hi complaint hut'
w it : For an ahaoInU di tor e, M
ing the bonds of matrimony bewa
and now existing belaecn pUin'.i
defendant, on the gmund olCrwl
Inhumsn tri-ntnieiit of plaiDtil l
fen la nt
This suiuninns ia served Dftotrt
publication thereof once a eet b
nccesaive weeks in the St.lltlnua
newpaer of general clrcoUUoi
order of the Hon. W, A. Hnt,c4
Judite of the county ol culunbi,4
of oregon, th. county hrnl
cause ia pending.
Iiate.l the 2nd day id April, W
Arthur T. Moultna,
Attorney forllsli'
t'oetonice addrrsa.710 Is is EM
First publication, April 3, Idi
1m1 publication, way 15, 1913.
Samuel '. Stevensiui, I'l.intifl'.
Lulu May M veii"i.,n, DefendHnt.
To Lulu .My Stevenson, defendant iiimied:
In the naimi of the State of oreiron.
i - i i... . .
groundn fiat you .1. .e.t.-.l plaint, Hwtth-1 ' " """r '"l""1' -I'la'ar and
out juat cau-e !u .r ,.," -r the complaint filed ag.m.t you
till! liioinh of June. 1910, an I ever since
in the above entitled court within
said.lHie you l.ave.-ontiniioiiH.v deserted : ' "Hle l" ",e "r"1 I"1""--
an.l lived apart fro,,, ,,;RII,t,f wil, ,ut l"m "f ""' U : The L'Hlh day
jus, oraoy c.. - 1 ;,Kai,.-t hcrwiil'"' M""',,' Bn', " v" ''
ai d coii-ent, and for su. h other nd'""I Hr H"HW,;r. plaintiff will
further r.-bcl am.av he m.-ef i",','ly lo t,,e c""rt ,,,r ,I,H fbef de-
IhiHsiimmor,- is i.iiblish. d bv order I '"' (l "' t,,e H,i'1 w"M'lint. to-wilj
; of the Hon. V A .
County Coint of t
foi- Col mica ( ..ii
t :
i -I i, i: , 1
1 -
i x
i a' i i
1 .11:
1 1 am , Judge .
- S-.'de of tin
ilibv lll-ide
he d i e . I tie-
11" -i, ion i. s I
I, 1 ii'i 'h .. ,
lieu-1 ' licing M,ril
In ,t
f I,"
.-! ll .
d I
Methodist Notice!
Sunday School. 10 a. m. suM
Jacob at Hethel.
Morninir acTvico 11 a. m. SuM
Who m Isaiah?
Kpworth League. 6:45. Sukil
The Comin!) of the Comfo'A
Myrna Yeomana, leader.
Eveninir Service. 7:00. SuM
A. 1 ii i ' , ,1 udgn of the above entitled Economic Aapecta of the
i e -iny (,f March, 1913. Problems.
x A ,i.. ..r ,i.;u .ii i..'
I ,),,. j ' 'J " oimioivinu me
nouns oi matrimony Heretofore and now
exis'n g I e: ween plainttir and defend
a t h -lein, und lor such other and fur-th-
i r lici as to the court limy seem
- . 'bible Mii'l jiiht.
rvi e ol thia siiiutnons upon you !
Iv V i ti 1 cation of ihn same lu the
ie ti ii-t for six smria-iva weeks
i vir ii . f an o dei made bv the lion
letters unclaimed in the St
ens. roatoflice for the weeM
April 5, 1913.
Mrs. L. C. Cole 1 letter
M. Van Horn
Alaia VValwr "
Ix;tter8 unclaimed by April
will lie sent to the Dead-U-tter
M. C. Cray. P.f
l' of li M i. CO
' of III
ot 1-
l i !.!
.- do o,
Ail t ke
im., for
i 1 1 ie iiy
Ie' ett
the care
li : nd
a- to
b und j'l t ,
el .1 sleils -
I I '
l f ' e
' I
''hk ;
i. .
of ' C 4
et ,1 S- ll.l
C I I lol
It .
till' I '
ni t i
I ' I
r (.'on ,i-. .
l-.V i c'n.n,
i la i ,v di i
I iv ' . r , ;
i i.s. al I! e J ,-.
. -t If" I ii .O
Irom il t 'ta e I
'e. ii, -ii !
i t i Co , it
f l
I iu
,f '
i piileication March IM, J13.
t nolicat on May 9ih, 1913,
V . A. Harris,
Attorney u,r I'laintiff,
St. Heh na, Ore.
K. T. Luther, PW-
r. -a n
I tO I"!
tO tfie
' l.'i c
I 'O'l, VI
ere.. I
in . I de
1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 .
; - ;.. il. !
t -. i l i ... I
e.l l t iir i
aid i !.
of A. i '
ill. II six '
lie I "i Maicn il.
e a-t puhlicailon
l-it-'l ..nd l.r-i I'lihl
If It, and hid lie oi t
will ' e IH HI.)
i II. '.mi l. r,
A. Idoil-or' r.-or oMlii e.lHte.
IS Ttl 1 C-.K-I-IT I-..I-HT ..I' Tit ft STATK or
HI- Hi N, iv AMI lo'l TIIK COCMTr
oi' i: Mm .
I'. l isiie , !', ,itit.iff,
M I ,,1) -r, I) fendill.t
'lo the :iU.v- named Nine Fiahet:
In lb- mime r: the St.iie of oregon,
Mill n.e her. bv ri niiirid lit o, .n. ...,1
,i serii ,. c impbi nt ol the ntaimift I Maecabees and bo happy,
filed iigaina- v in in tic hImii e entitled
coli.t mimI rli i:e on nr l.r,,rM
All desiring to connect to
in aewet district No. 2. apply te
Constantin for permit. By ordet
City Council.
John Q. Gage. Rec
Do not take life too serioui
You will never tret 0ut of itd
Join the Maccabees and leyt
trood impresHion.
An ounce of performance i 01
a pound of preachment. J"''1
A dollar in the bank ia worth t
' 'II i I M li 1 1 lt .in ni I f . . . . l I
from, heh,, .i... '."I intho bucket, n.l a certificate
" ""' Uk. M t. i . . .u.-.J
id ifiuccaucea is worm a ib.ji
good Intention.!. t . I
" " , m' ' ap,ear an I ana er, for
nl Ul,'" abova unmaj plaiatlff
i rt r I