St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 11, 1913, Image 7

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    ,Tire TO PROPERTY uwwtH
....-rifK la hereby alven to nil per-
- ...niim property In Hewer ll
i t No 2. 'f '" of Ht-
!!.nii inil-wlna: ' followlna: l
LX ri'r-M'-'rty. lo-wll: All of Hlo. a.
f ' as III. .12. 3.1. 3. 4 1.42. iXiH.
iV.tid 67; '" " uf ' 7l
,1 , M, 15, Ifland 17. In Hl.x k
!!' 'i ,7f . 2. . 6. 7- .
',' il l ' I I. I I. 1. '7. I ami l.
'm.-k -:V. nil of Ixita 1. Z. .1. 4. 0. 8
.,,, 7 of I'I'M k 2i; nil of Ixit 1. 2. 3
I k fi 7 . 13. M. K. 1. 17. IS. 1!. an
Ii ami 22. Ill I"' " 'f 4- 0
i T if. I 17. I". 1". 2".
..u all of l-ola I, 3. 4, f.. II. 7. a",
.,i In HIim k fii; all or Una 12. n
ii anil' I."'. I" ,,lmk " 'f
i :l nml "-. I "liM'k lli; nil III th
niy'of Si. Helen, Oregon, hihI wlic
III M. I-. "
,r aaseasi-il '"" lmi
niwim J""' -ill:
In tllfl '! f "
tho Hewer Improve-
In an Id PiMirlct.
i. ihn urn or ;;. or more, may ai
In. iimo wlililn twenty 20 dnya from
tb l.'" "rHt publication of thta
v..iir Illo with Ilia Hocorder of t he
rit of Hi. Helena. written applica
tion t pay l""'l aHaeaameiit In Install
nll,nli; mill upon the Win: of auch No-
lira and the waiver or all Irrt auliul
lira and ileferta. Jurisdictional anil olli
train In lli" priMTinllnita to maka auch
lniirovi'iiii tila. for which audi naaiiaa
nirnta la levied, ami In the apiiortlon
m,at of thn coat thereof, audi apiill-
raul and property oni-r may have iho
1M aniiuul InatnllniMita. with lntr
at at ttif rat of al piT font pvr an
num, paralilo nliliUHlly.
" 1 JOHN Q. OAflK.
fly ordiT of ttin roinmon Counrll of
th Cliv of Ht. Ili'lcna, (iri-Kon.
aii of tlrHt p'll'llctitloii of thin No
tlre. April 4th. 191.1.
Ordinanca No. 140.
An Ordinance apportlonlna; and aa
aHtnInc tin' oNt of tho ImprovltiK of
S'i'r JHairlct No. 2 of thn I'lty of Ht
IHi-na. (in-Kiin, 'omprlaliipt all of
lllmka. S. I I. 2". 3. 32. ". 4l.
V 4.1 4x, 4.i ami 57, ami all of Ia
&.". 7, 8. 9. in. II. 12. 11. 14. 15. 16,
aiid 17. In Hlork 17: all of Una 1, 2. 3.
4 5 fi and 7. In llliK-k 2(1; all of Uts
l' 2, X 4. 5. C, 7. X, 13. 14. 15, IB. 17. 1H,
i. ii --
Uitn 4. r., r;. in.
and r, In Hlx k r,5
I 6. 7. . . I". II.
In llloik r.S; all or
in. 17. IS. , jo. 21
.; a of Uta 2. 3. 4.
12. 13. It. 15. Ifi. 17.
, I'J and in HIim K r,0; ail ( r una
r.) ami 2". In Hlock GO;
I I. 14 ami 1". Ill Hlock
i:. I i. 14 and 1 ". Ill HliM-k !,;. ami all
o! Una I. I". 21 mid 22. In Illo. k 15.
all In th' I'llv of St. Ili'li'tia, Ori-Kon. tiy
-wi-rlfiK mid dniltiliiK tho iiih; nnd
a.n.'Mi:nK I In- cunt of aulil ln'provciiiriit
t Hi" piiiix rly hi-iii'fltol ihiTi-tiy.
WIIKIIKVS. Onlliiaiiri No. 1 CS wni
on th K"h diiy of AiiKUat, J9I2. duly
and fuularlv nmi'il 1 V tho Coiiiinon
Cimm il of t hn t'lty of tt. Ilili'iia. l)rt
fnii, wherein ami wlir.liv It van or
Iit..iI S.-wi-r lMntrlct No. 2 In thn
City of Si ll.'lcna, Onuon, roinprlalna;
all of HliM-ka 2, 13. 10. 2S, 31. ?.. 2.1.
SI. 41. 4.'. 41. 4S. 49 and 67: all of
!nt. r,. f.. 7. V 9. 10. II, 12. 1.1, 14. 15.
II and 17, In lllm k 17: all of !sta 1.
2. 3. 4. R.
15, lfi. 17.
Of a! I.
fi, 7. h. 9. 10, 11. 12, 13. 14.
is and 19 In Hlork 27; nil
2. .1. 4. 5. B and 7. In Hlork
nil of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fi. 7. K, 1.1.
II. K.. I'-.. 17. IS. 19, 20, 21 ami 22, In
Hlork f.s; all of 4. 6, C, 7. 15. lfi.
17. 1S. 19. 2i. 21 nml 22, In Hlork C5;
III of Iota 2, 3. 4. 5. fi, 7. N. 9. in. 11.
i:. II. II. 15. K, 17. IS, 19 nml 20. In
lllw k .V: nil of Ut 12. 11. II and 15.
In HIim k .:. ami nil of Una 1. 20. 21
and In Hlork 15. all In tho City
of to. Ifi'lrna, tin Improved ojr t tin In
ata'liitloti of n Sirr ayatom. to ai-wir
anil (Iriiln mil, I ItUtrlrt; and In nrrord-ani-p
lth a.ild ordlnanrn aald ftawrr
HUirlrt ha hern o Improvixl nt a
roil of K yen thotmnnil nlnw hiindn-d
forty finr ami 22l"0 ($1 1.94 1 221 dol
lara, m hh h luia Ih-ph duly and rrt-iilnr-ly
niu'i-rtalnrd nnd anld aum paid by
M City of Ht. Helena, and for which
aald City haa not lim-n ri'lmlmraod ;
And, herena, a dim and roHr or
dinanrr hn heen duly pnan.'d by anld
('(mnnon Counrll, ealutillahlna: anld
Hewer IMairlrt No. 2 and appointing
appraiaera arrordlnaT to law
And. ahereaa, aald appralacra havn
'iiy all the dutlea hrn'ln
drvnivinic upon thrm. and th notlrn
to pmpcriy onera, and all notlrea re
qulred by thn Charter of aall City, or
othi-rwlar, hnvlna bonn Klvrn: and aU
and alnKiiliir thn provialona and norpa
ary atepa niilrinl by thn aald Char
tr and by ordinance bavlna; been pr-
lornii-d ami donn
And. whrreiia, under thn Charter of
wld City and anld Ordinance No. 12S,
It la reiuiri.! and directed that the
coat of aurh Improvement ahall full
uiion the real prowrty. In aald Sewer
Dialrlrt, nliove dearrlbed. and be
nltnhly apportioned nninnff all the
r eMn'e ownera In anld Hewer Ila
trlit. eKtlnmted upon thn laat prived
In anNenHiiient of real eatate only,
nd not upon thn Improvemi nta there
on; and hiiI.I apHrtlontnetit and na
eaanient hnvInK been duly made and () th,. Krroriler.
Now, therefore. In accordance alth
lh prnvlaloiiM of anld Charter and
Ordinance, the City of St. Helena doea
ordain n follow:
Section I. That thn following Mima
n anil the an inn hereby aro aaaeaaeil
miinu thn property ownera of Hewer
llatrlcf No, 2 of aald City, upon thn
K'niieeilve loli deaorlbed In aald Ordl
nanc. and herein; and that aald aiitna
"et m-nlnBt the number of auch lota
nml thn an me hereby are aaaeaaed
to the ,,M K(t rfiiiKnnteil nnd npMr
tloned anionic the property ownnra ao
famed, hnHcd upon the laat precedlna;
'""'"""lent of renl eatate only and not
"I'm t!m Improvement thereon In an
jordance with tho provialona of the
tharter nnd ordinance of anld City
" Ht. Helen, to-wlt., showing docrli
tion and owner:
'ot 1, Hiock 2. Bt. Helena, 38.(MI
Edwin Itoaa.
.,'"it 2. Hlork 2, St. Helena, $.1S.0G
'''win Koart.
3. Hlork S S llMlena 127 f!S
Kon Wood Company.
"o 4. block 2. St. Helena,
w; V. SlmiKhter.
ot 5, hlork
" Codfrey.
. l-ot fi. Hlork
8t. Helena, $27.CS
St. Helena. $27.CS-
J- II. C.odfrev
, '-ot 7, liloVk
J- n. t:oiirr..v
2, St.
2, St.
Helen. $27.08
Helena, $27.08
Helena, $27.08-
ut x, iii,K:k 2
J. tlo.lfrey.
. '-"t 9. Hlork 2.
Jl (iodfrey.
i't 10, Hl.M k 2, St. Helena, $27.08
. lioilfrey
ut ii, ii)(K,k 2, st. Helena, $55.30
. ".oiirrey.
,,uit 1, Hlork 13. St. Helena, $09.20
Mijilldn j. Hoaa.
I-ot 2, Hlork 13. St. Helena, $09.20
Matilda J. t0a..
It 3. hi,,,. 13 St Helen. $09.20
r i. ivunn.
4, Hlock 13, St. Helena, $09.20
"i una j. Koaa.
. '-"f R. Hlock IS, Bt, Halen. $JT.B
HeleiiM, $27.fiN -
Hell UK, 27.fiS
U,t in. HIim k 1.1, St. Helena, :'7.fiS
U1 II. Hlork 11, St. Helena, $.r,2-
i. ii. i.ouirey.
" i. miM it in, hi. n,',.,,B $ 2
Kan ii I.. . Koaa.
Ut 2'. Hlork 5, St. Helena. 2i).7fi
i. ii, iijiii ri'jr.
Ul 21. IIIik k 15, St. Helena. $20.7
J. II. Coilfrey.
Lot 22. IIIim k 15, Ht. Helena, I20.7C-
J ii. i.mlirey.
Ut I, llliM k lfi, St. Helena. $09 95
(I. Koaa nnd Vera II. Iusa
Lot 2, Hloek IK, Ht. Helena, IDil.'ir, -U-v
41. Itoaa nnd Vera K. ItiitM
S ' of Uit 3, Hlork lfi. Ht Helena
$1IDSU.vl (i. IUihh ami Vera K
N. of t 3, Hlork lfi, St. Helena
l!IK:i- V. Hlukealnv und i: J
Uit 4, Hlork lfi. Ht. Helena. $12.21
C. W, Hlnkealey nml K .1. lllukealey.
Uit 5. Hlork lfi. HI II. .!. ,. in r.?
Iva K
U. W.
. Hlork lfi, Ht. Helena, $55.30
WelKle and H. Z. WnlKle.
7. HIiH'k lfi.
St. Helena, $55.3fi
S. '.. WnlKle.
Ht. Helena, $55 :!f,
H. .. WelKle.
Ht. Helena, $20.78--
W. WelKle and
Uit H. Hlork lfi,
i. V. Welule and
Uit 9, Hlork 10,
Siirnh Z. Welule.
Ut H. HIiM-k 10. Kt. Helena. I 'O 7C.
J. 11. Codfrey.
It II, Hlork 10. St. Helena, $20.70
J. H. (indrn-y.
Uit 12. HliK-k lfi, Ht. Helena, $27.0H
J. II. IIiHlfrev.
Uit 11. Hlock lfi, St. Helena. $27 08
J. H. tiodfrey.
Ud II. HIiH k 10. St. Helena, $27.08
J. It. (iodfrey.
Uit 15, Hlork 10, St. Helena. $27.08
(1. W. Weltfln and H. Z. Welxle
Ut lfi, Hlock lfi. Ht Helena, $27 r.8
tS. W. Weluln nnd H. Z. WelKle.
Ut 17. Hlock lfi. Ht. Helena. $27.08
(1. W. Welule and H. Z Weluln.
Uit 18. Hlork 10. Ht. Helena. $11.52
Iva K. iKi.hl.
U.t 19, Hlork 10, St. Helena, $12.41
C. W, Hlnkealey.
Uit 2o. Work 10. St. Helena. $27.08
Dreuon imhI ( oinpany.
Uit 21. Work Hi. Ht. Helena. $70.78
Kdw in Itona.
Uit 22. Hlo k lfi, St. Helen. $70.78
riytnoiitli ( liurrli.
U.t 5. Hlork 17. St. Helena. $77.50
Jntnea Ihirt.
U.t 0. ItlcK'k 17, St. Helena, $77.50
K. V Ceorne ami C. E. (iiorte.
Ut 7. Work 17. St. Helena, $91 .31
W. M. lta
s. HliK-k 17. St. Helena. $77.50 and Hilale II HUlard.
W It
9 Hlork 17. Ht. Helena. $77.50
W. It. IMUnrd and Huale II. lH!lnrd.
W. r,K ft U.t 10. Hlork 17. Ht. Hel
ena, $ IS 4 1 Mnrxnrrt Southard.
40 ft. Ut 10. Hlork 17, St. Hel
$'.'0.70 I.IU V Cray.
0 ft. I,t 11. Hlork 17, 8t. Hel
ena. I.'ii .1. I.ury i.rav.
K. H ft. Uit 11. Work 17, St. Hel
ena, lis 41 - Miirirnret riouthard.
Uit 12. Work 17, St. Helena, $107.95
- M. ('. (irav.
U.t 13. Work 17. St. Helena, $107.95
- M. C. Cray.
lot II. Work 17, Ht. Helen. $104.28
- W. II Dlllard nml Suale II. DlJlnrd
Uit 15. Work 17. Ht. Il. l. im. $104 28
-W. It. iMIInrd and Susie II. IHIIard
U.t 10, Work 17. Ht. Helena, $104.28
- W. M Itoaa.
U.t 17. Illirk 17. St. Helena. $104 28
- K. A. tieori-i' and C. K. tieorn".
Uit 1. Work 2ti. St. Helena. $02.28
Xlnitcle J. Ittilherford.
H. 21 ft Ud 2. WiM-k 20, St. Helena,
$21 45Ma::le .1. Rutherford.
N 30 ft. U.t 2. Work 20. Ht. Helen.
$20 70 A. J. I'eel.
U.t 3, Work 20, St. Helena. $13. S4
.1. Pre I.
Uit 4, Work 20, St. Helen. $.11 00
J Peel
Uit 5. Work 20, Ht. Helena. $M 29
S. Huttiin.
Uit fi. Hlork 20. St, Helen. $17.05
S. Hnttnn.
U.t 7. Work 20, St. Helen, $19.82
R. S. Hhiibii.
K. 50 ft of t-of 1. Work 27. St. Hel-
$29.07 K. M. HaitK
r.o ft. of Ut 1. Hlock 27, St. Hoi-
$41.52 Kdwln Roa.
f,0 ft. of Ixit 1. Hlock 27, St. Hel
$29 07 Kdwln Roa.
50 ft. of Ut 2. Hlock 27, St. Hel
$11.52 K. M. Paca.
IjoI 3, Hlork 27. St. Helena. $58.13
Jamea Muekle and Charlea Muckle.
Ixit 4. Hlork 27. St. Helena. $58.13
Jnmea Murkle and Charlea Muckle.
Uit h, Wock 27. St. Helena. $58.13
IVirlnda Muckle.
S. 43 ft. of Uit . Wock 27, St. Hel
ena, $4100 .1. II. Wellington.
N. 15 ft. of l-ot fi. Work 27. St. Hel
ena. $15.12 Martin White.
Uit 7. Work 27. St. Helena. $58.13
Martin White.
Uit 8. Hlork 27, St. Helena. $58.13
Martin White.
IM ,8. Hlock 27. St. Helena, $58.13
Martin White and Roan White.
l.ot 10, Work 27, Ht. Helena, $58.13
II. J. Southard.
Uit 11, Wock 27. St. Helena, $71.7
It. J. Southard.
Ixit 12. Hlock 27, St. Helena, $S3.04
Charlea Muckle.
Ixit 13, Wock 27, St. Helena, $83 04
Charlea Muckle.
l ot II. Work 27. St. Heine. $77.50
Martin White and Roan White.
U.t 15. Work 27. St. Helena, $77.50
Martin White and Rone White.
Ixit 10, Work 27. Ht. Helena. $77.50
Martin White and Roan White.
Ixit 17. Work 27, St. Helena. $77.50
Murtln White and Roae White.
Uit 18. Hlock 27. St. Helena, $77.50
Jamea Muckle and Chnrle Muckle.
Uit 19, Wock 27, St. Helena, $77.50
Mary V. Watklna.
M 1. Hlock 28. St. Hetena, $72.17
John I-afferty.
IM 2. Hlock 28, St. Helena, $15.07
John Ijfferty.
Uit 3. Wock 28, St. Helena, $15.07
W. W. WnkealeT.
Uit 4. Illix k 28, St. Helena, $15.67
Kugene Hlnkealey.
Iit 5, Wock 28, St. Helen, $I5.C7
Bugene and Hubn Hlnkealey.
Uit 0. Hlock 2.8, St. Helena, $22.11
City of St. Helena.
Uit 7, Hlock 28. St. Helena, $22.14
City of St. Helena.
Ixit 8, Hlock 28, St. Helena, $22.11
Uit S, Hlork 1.1, Ht.
J. It (iiiillrey.
Uit ti, Hlork II, St.
J. It. Coilfrey.
City of St. Helena.
Ixit 9. Hlock 28. St. Helen. $22.11
City of St. Helena.
Ix)t 1'. Wock 28, St. Helena, $22.14
City of St. Helen.
Ixit 11. Hlock 28, St. Helena, $27.C8
J. II. (iodfrey.
Ixit 12. Wock 28, St. Helena, $27.08
J. II. Godfrey.
4t 13. Wock 28. St. Helena, $22.14
City of St. Helena.
Ix)t 14. Wock 28. St. Helena. $22.14
City of St. Helena.
lot 15. Hlock 28, St. Helena, $22.14
City of St. Helena.
I it 10, Hlock 28, St. Helena, $22.14
City of St. Helena.
Ixit 17, niopk Sfl, St, Helena, $58.74
KugaB niaknalny. .
lot ia. Hlnk , t v- '
Un 14, 1
W. W. Hlnkealey.
U.t 21, llloi k 28, St. Helena, $50.71
. II. I hoiiiiaon and J. K. Thom,aon
U.t 11, Work 1 Kt. Helena. $n.57
rloru llwena.
U,t I w.K k 31, St. Helena, $56.74
II. J. uter.
U.t -l WiM k 31, Ht. Helena, $14.00-
M J. UllTH.
Ut a. Work .11, HI. Holena, $13.22
Orison Wim.cI Compuny.
U.t 4, Work ill, St. Helena, $1.1.22
Ity of Hi. ..,.,,a.
I ot 5. Work 21, Ht. Helena, $.i:i.22
Clly of Ht. Il...-i,y
U.t fi. Hlork 31, St
Clly of Kt. Helena.
. Helena, $13.22
Helen, $13.22
. Helen, $1.1.22
Uit 7, Hlork .11, St.
t'lty of Hi. Helen.
Uit M Kliu k :il Kl
f'ltv of Hi ....I...,.'
U.t 9. HliM K 3l. HL Helena. Ill 11
Clly of Kt. Helena.
Uit 10. Work 31. St. Helena IM ??-
City of Ht. Helen.
U.t II. Work 31. St. Helena, $31.00
R. Coiiatuuilii.
U.t 12, Hlork 21, St. Helen, $27.08
A II 1114 I'ltllltalill
U.t 11. W.M k 31, St. Helena, $21.91
City of St. Helena.
U.t 11. Hlork 31. Ht Helena fll
City of Ht. Helena.
Uit 15. Hlork 31. Kt Helena fi '11
City of St. Helen.
Uit lfi. Work 31. St. Helena 154 91
City of Ht. Helen.
Ut 17. Work 31. St. Helena 121 91
citv or mi ii..i..n
U.t IS. Work 31. St. Helen, $21.91
City of Ht. Helen.
I-nt 19, WM k 31, St. Helen, $21.91
City of Kt. Helen.
Uit 20. Work LI. St IdOxna tir, fir-
Ida M. Ilarrla.
U.t 21. Work SI. St. Helena. 115 07
M.i M. Ilarrla.
Uit 22. Hlork 31. St. Helena. 150 74
Ida M. Ilarrla.
1.1,1 I Klruk 11 t Ilntuna I'.l 11
Win. U Horrle and A. T. Horrle.
8. of Ijot 2. Hlock 32, St. Helena,
$2o .70 Win. U Horrle and A. T.
N. H of IxM 2, Wock 32, St. Helena,
20.70 J. W. Allen.
Uit 3. Hlork 32. St. Helen. $11.52
J. V. Allen.
Ixit 4, Work 32, St. Helen, $11.52
W All., ii
Uit 5. Work 32. St. Helen. $11.52
II. K. IjiMnre ami Adeline IjiMare.
Ixit . Wock 32. Kt. Helena, $11.52
O. I). C.llaon and Sarnh I. Gllaon.
U.t 7. WiM-k 32, Kt. Helena, $11.52
T. M. Thorn and S. K. Thorp.
U.t 8. Hlork 22. St. Helena, $11.52
V. M. Thorp and S. K. Thorp.
U.t 9. Wock 32. St. Helen. $11.52
U.t 10, Wock 32. St. Helena, $11.52
A. T. l-awa.
U.t II. Hlork 22. St. Helena, $50.71
A. T. Ixwa
Ixit 12. Hlork 32, St. Helen, $72.17
A. T. I-awa.
U.t 11. Work 32, St. Helens, $58.13
A. T. IxaHWH.
lxt 14, ll'lork 32, St. Helena. $58.13
A. T. Ijiwa.
Ix.t 1... Work 32. St. Helena, $58.13
F. M. Thorp and S. K. Thorp.
Ixit 10. Work 32. St. Helena, $58.13
I. M. Thorp and S. K. Thorp.
Ixit 17, Hlock 32, St. Helen, $58.13
V. M Thorp and S. K. Thorp.
Ixit IS. Wock 32. St. Helena, $58.13
F. M. Thorp and S. K. Thorp.
Uit 19. HIim k 32, St. Helena, $58.13
Win. I.. Horrle.
Ixit 20, Hlock 32. St. Helen. $58.13
J. W. Allen.
. 1.4 of Ixit 21. Work 32, St. Helena.
$J9 d7 J. W. Allen.
S. ii of Ixit 21. Hlork 22. St. Helen.
$29 07 S. II. l.vneh.
Ixit 22. Wock 22, St. Helen. $72 17
S. K. Lynch.
U.t 1. Hlork 33. St. Helena, $27.08
School IHntrlct No. 2.
Uit 2, Work 31. St. Helen, $22.14
SchiMil Ilatrlct No. 2.
Uit 3. Work 3.1, St. Helen. $22.14
School Dlatrlct No. 2.
H. 2 3 of Ixit 4. Work 33. St. Helena,
$lfi 01 School Dlatrlct No. 2.
N. 1-3 of Ixit 4. Hlock 3.1. St. Helen,
$s,31 Jaine Muckle. and Charle
U.t 5. Wock 33. St. Helena. $27.08
Jiunea Muckle and Charlea Muckln.
Uit fi. Hlock 33, St. Helena. $10.45
Jntnea Muckle and Charlea Muckle.
Uit 7. Wock 33. St., Helena. $13.22
Jiime Muckln and Charlea Muckle.
lxt 8. Wock 33, St. Helena. $15.98
Jnmea Muckln and Charlea Muckln.
Uit 9. Hlock 3.1, St. Helena. $18.75
Jamea Muckle and Charlea Muckle.
lt 10 lllorlt 3.1. St. Helena. $41.52
Jamea Muckip and Charlea Muckle.
Ixit 11. Wock 33. St. Helena. .i7.13
Jnmea Muckle and Charlea Muckle.
f .ni I? Hlock 33. St. Helena. $70.12
Jamea Muckln and Charlea Muckle.
N. 14 ft. of Ixit 13, Hlock 33, St. Hel
ena, $13 .93 Wilbur Muckle.
S. 41 ft. of Ixit 13. Hlock 33. St. Hel
ena. $12.81 Kltner HlacKiiurn.
Ixit 14. Work 33, St. Helena, $..0.74
Klmer Wackburn.
Ixit 15. Wock 33. St. Helena, $51.30
Charlea Muckle.
Ixit 10. Hlock 33, St. Helena, $..1.30
Charlea Muckle.
1. IT Hlnck 33. SI Helena. U7.05
Jnmea Muckle and Charlea Muckle.
Ixit IS. Work 33. St. Helena. I4.2
Jniiiei- Murkle and Charlea Muckle.
m 1.1 f liit 19. Wock 33. St. Hel
ena. $8.31 Jamea Muckle and Charlea
S. 2 3 of Ixit 19. Hlock 33. St. Hel
ena $27.08 School District No. 2.
Ixit 20. Hlock 33. St. Helens, $38.75
School District No. 2.
Ixit 21. Hlock 31. St. Helena, $33.98
School District No. 2.
Uit 22. Hlock 31, St. Helena, $11.52
School District No. 2.
Ixit 1. Wock 31. St. Helena, $20.76
Columbia County Real Katnte Co.
Ixit 2. Wock 34. St. Helena. $13.84
Columbia County Renl Katata Co.
Ixit 3, Wock 34, St. Helena, $13.84
J. II (iodfrey.
Ixit 4. Hlock 31, St. Helena. $13 84
Columbia County Real Relate Co.
Ixit 6. Wock 34, St. Helena, i.i.3
Jnmea Klotaaa.
Ixt 0. Wock 34. St, Helena, iu.84
Jim KHHtanna.
Ixrt 7, Work 34, St. Helena, IU.M
Columbia County Real Katnte Co.
Ixit 8. Hlock 34. St. Helena. $13.84
J. II. Wellington and Mnry Wellington.
Ixt 9. Wock SI. St. Helena, $13.KI
J. II. Wellington and Mnry Wellington.
lit 10 Hlork 34. St. Helena. $11.07
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 11. Hlork 31, St. Helena, is.ji
School District No. 2.
Ixit 12. Hlock 34. St. Helena, $11.07
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 13, Work 31. St. Helena, i.'0..t
Columbia County Real Katnte Co.
Ixit 14, Hlock 84. Ht. Helena, ijo.ib
J. II. Wellington and Mary Wellington.
Ixit 15. Work 34. St. Helena, $20.76
J. H. Wellington and Mary Wellington.
Ixit 16. Hlock 34, St. Helena, $20.70
Ixit 17, Work 34, St. Helena, $20.76
Charlea Ixipe.
Ixit 18. Wock 34. St. Helen, $20.76
J. IT. Godfrey.
Ixit 18. Hlock 34, St Helena. $20.76
X Hk OoAtrnr. .
i ' v r"" r
A. M. I.yngn.
Ut 1, Work 41, St. Helens, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
U.t 2, Hlock 41. St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Ileal Katate Co.
U.t 3. Work 41. Ht. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Real Kaiate Co.
Uit 4. Work 41. St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Kaiate Co.
Ixit 5, Work 41, Ht. Helen, $0.92
Columbia County Real Kuat. Co.
U.t fi, Work 41. Ht. Helena, 0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Lot 7, Wock 41. Ht. Helen, $8.30
Columbia County Real Ka'ate Co.
Uit a, Work 41, St. Helena, $9.09
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
U.t 9, Hlork II. Ht. Helens, $11.07
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 10. Work 41. St. Helen. $11.07
Columbia County Real Katnte Co.
U.t II, Hlork 41. Kt. 1 lti ii a. $16.01
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
U.t 12, Hlork il. St. Helena, $27.08
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Uit 11, Work 41, St. Helena, $13.84
Columbia County Ileal Katate Co.
U.t I I. Hlork 41. St. Helena. $13.84
Columbia County Real Kaiate Co.
Ut 15, Work 41. St. Helena, $13.84
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ix.t 10, Work 41, St. Helena, $11.07
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Uit 17, Work 41, St. Helens, $9.09
Columbia County Real Kaiate Co.
Uit 18, Hlork 41, St. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 19, Work 41. Bt. Helena, $092
Columbia County Real Ktate Co.
Ix.t 20, Wock 41. St. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Real Ktate Co.
Ixit 21. Hloek 41, St. Helen, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ut 22, Hloek 41, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 1, Hlork 42, St. Helens. $18.28
H. H. Nicholas and J. H. (iodfrey.
Ix.t 2, Hlork 42, St. Helena, $13.81
C. F Abbott.
Ixit 3. Wock 42, St. Helen. $13.84
H. Anderson and J. Anderaon.
Ixit 4. Hlock 42, St. Helen. $13.84
H. A. Sherman and M. D. Sherman.
Ixit 5. Hlock 42, St. Helena, $13.84
A. S. Harrison.
Uit fi. Wock 42, St. Helena, $11.07
Uicy Kelt on.
Ixit 7. Hlork 42, St. Helena, $22.11
Kdwln Rosa.
Ixit 8. Wock 42, St. Helena, $24.91
Kdwln Ross.
Ixt 9. Mock 42. St. HelenB, $27.08
Kdwln Rosa.
Uit lo. Wock 42, St. Helena, $20.45
Kdwln IIoks.
Ixit 11. Wock 42, St. Helena, $41.52
Kdwln Rosa.
Ixit 12. hlock 42, St. Helena, $58.13
Kdwln Rohs.
Ixit 13. Wock 42, St. Helena, $18.44
Kdwln Ror.
U.t 14, Hlock 42, St. Helen, $15.07
Kdw in Rosa.
U.t 15. Work 42. St. Helens, $13.00
Kdwln Ross.
Ixit 10. Wock 42, St. Helena, $10.13
Kdwln Ross.
It 17. Wock 42. St. Helena, $21.91
V. (ieorge and G. George.
Ixit IS, Wock 42, St. Helena, $27.65
II. J. Southard.
Ixit 19. Hlock 42, St. Helena, $27.08
II. A. Sherman.
Uit 20. Wock 42, St. Helena, $22.11
John M. Markee.
Ixit 21. Wock 42, St. Helens, $19.38
C. F. Abbott.
Ixit 22, Wock 42, St. Helena. $23.26
H. H. Nicholas and J. B. Godfrey.
Uit 1. Hloek 43. St. Helena, $11.52
M. K. Miller and Katella .Miller.
Ixit 2. Hlock 4.1. St. Helens, $31.83
M. K. Miller and Estella Miller.
Lot .1. Wock 43. St Helena, $31.83
M. K. Miller and Estella Miller.
Ixit 4. Wock 41. bt. Helena, $.11.S3
Christine Selene.
Ixit 5. Wock 4.1. St. Helen. $27.68
W. 1). Dillnrd.
Iot . Hlock 43, St. Helena, $27.68
SuhIo H. Dillnrd.
Lot 7. Wock 43.
St. Helena, $27.68
St. Helen, $27.68
Susiei H. Dlllard.
Ixit 8. Wock 43.
W. It. Dlllard.
Ixit 9. Wock 43. St. Helena, $27.68
Albertina T. W. Boyle.
Ixit 10. Block 43. St. Helena. $27.68
Albertina T. W. Boyle.
Ixit 11. Block i3. St. Helena, $13.67
Albertina T. W. Hoyle.
W. 25 ft. of Ixit 12, Block 43, St. Hel
ena, $13.84 Albertina T. W. Boyle.
K. 75 ft. of lxt 12. Block 43, St. Hel
ena. $18.75 Hannah U Partridge.
K. 75 ft. of Ixit 13, Block 43. St, Hel
ena. $.18.75 Hannah U Partridge.
W. 25 ft. of Ixit 13. Blork 43. St. Hel
ena. $13.84 Albertina T. W. Boyle.
Ixit 14. Block 43. St. Helena, $41.52
C. F. Abbot.
Lot 15. Wock 43. St. Helena, $11.52
W. B. Dlllard.
Ixit 10, Block 43, St. Helena, $41.52
Susie B. Dlllard.
Ixit 17, Blork 43, St. Helena, $41.52
Susie B. Dlllard.
Ixit 18. Hlork 43. St. Helena, $41.52
W. IT. Dlllard.
Ixit 19, Hlork 43, St. Helena, $41.52
Christine Selene.
Lot 20. Block 43, St. Helena, $19.S2
Christine Selene.
Ixit 21. Block 43. St Helena. $I9.S2
C. F. Abbott.
Ixit 22. Block 43, St. Helena, $19.82
C. F. Abbott.
Ixit 1. Wock 48. St. Helen, $o.54
W. H. Dillnrd.
Ixit 2. Block 48, St. Helena, $5.54
V. H. Dillnrd.
Ixit 3. Hlock 48, St. Helena, $11.07
W. H. Dillnrd.
Ixit 4. Hlock 48, St. Helen, $16.61
W. B. Dillnrd.
Lot 5. Block 48, St. Helen. $20.76
W. H. Dlllard.
Ixit 6. Hlork 48, St Helena, $24.91
W. B. Dillnrd.
Ixit 7. Wock 48, St. Helena, $24.91
W. i. Dillnrd.
Ixit 8. Wock 48, St. Helena, $24.91
W. H. Dillnrd.
Ixit 9, Block 48, St. Helena, $24.91
C. E. Water.
Ixit 10. Block 48. St Helena, $24.91
C. E. vatera.
Ixit 11. Block 48, St Helen, $35.9S
C. E. Watera.
Ixit 12. Block 43, St. Helena, $15.67
C. K. Watera.
Ixit 13. Wock 48, St. Helena, $31.83
C. E. Watera.
Ixit 14. Wock 48. St. Helena, $31.85
C. E. Watera.
Ixit 15. Wock 48, St. Helena, $27.68
W. B. Dillnrd.
Ixit lfi. Wock 48, St. Helena, $27.68
W. B. Dillnrd.
Ixit 17. Wock 48, St. Helena. $13.84
W. 11. Dillnrd.
Ixit 18. Wock 48. St. Helena. $6.92
W. B. Dillnrd.
Ixit 19. Block 48, St. Helena. $16.01
W. H. Dillnrd.
Ixit 20. Wock 48, St. Helena, $27.68
W. B. Dillnrd.
Ixit 21. Wock 48, St. Helena, $33.22
W. B. Dlllard.
Ixit 22. Wock 48, St. Helena, $11.52
W. B. Dlllard.
Ixit 1. Block 49. St. Helena, $16.61
Ooliimhla Oonntr Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 2. Blork 48. St Helena. $13.84
rv.l.iiiihl County Real Eatate t o
Ixit 3, Block 49, 8t Helena. $11.07
Columbia County Real Kaiate Co.
Uit 7, Block 4:i, Ht. Helena, $5.64
Oduuibia County Real Katate Co.
Uit 8, Hloek 49, St. Helena, $5.64
W. H. IHIIard.
Ut , Wock 49, St Helena, $11.07
W. H. lOllurd.
Ixit 10. Mock 49, St. Helena, $20.7i
W. H. IWllird.
Ixt II. Hloek 49, St. Helena, $22.14
W. H. Dillnrd.
Ut 12, Hlcx k 49, St Helena, $13.22
W. II. Dillnrd.
U.t 11, Win k 49, St. Helena, $9 69
W. H. Dlllard.
Uit It. Hloek 49, St. Helen, $13.84
(Vilumbla County Real Katate Co.
U.t !.", Block 49, St. Helen, $20.76
Flwln Rosa.
Ixit 10, Wock 49, St Helena, $20.70
Kilwln Ross.
Ixit 17. Hlock 49, St. Helena, $19.30
(Viliiinbla'Couiity Heal folate Co.
Lot 18. Hlock 49, St. Helena, $10.61
Columbia County Ri-al Fitate lUi.
Ixit 19, Hlork 49, St. Helena, $11.84
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 20, Block 49, St. Helens. $13.84
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixt 21. Hlork 49. Ht. Helena, $13.84
Columbia County Ileal Katate Co.
Ixit 22. Hlock 49. St. Helena, $16.01
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 2. Block 60, St Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 3, Wock 50, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Uit 4. Wock 50, St. Helens. $0.92
Columbia County Ileal Katate Co.
Ixit 5, Work 50, St. Helena, $0.02
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit fi, Hlock 50, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Uit 7, Block 50, St. Helen, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 8, Block 60. St. Helen. $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Lot 9, Block 60, St. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Ileal Katate Co.
Ixit 10, Block 60, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 11, Block 60, St. Helena, $13.84
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 12. Wock 50. St. Helena. $13.84
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 13, Wock 60, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 14, Block 50. St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 15, Block 50. St. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Ixit 10. Block 50. st Helens, $0.92
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 17. Wock 50, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia (Viunty Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 18, Wock 50, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Ixit 19, Block 60. St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 20. Hlock 50, St. Helena, $0.92
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Lot 1. Block 57, St. Helen, $11.07
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 2, Block 57, St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Katate Co.
Ixit 3. Wock 57. St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Eetate Co.
Ixit 4. Block 57, St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Ketate Co.
Ixit 5, Block 57, St. Helena. $8.30
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 0. Block 57, St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia (Viunty Real Eetate Co.
Ixit 7, Block 57, St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Eetate Co.
Ixit 8. Block 57. St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Eetate Co.
Ixit 9. Block 57, St Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Ixit 10. Wock 57. St. Helens, $11.07
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 11, Wock 57, St. Helena, $11.07
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Lot 12, Block 57, St Helena. $16.61
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Lot 13. Rlock 57. St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 14. Block 67. St. Helena. $8.30
Columbia Coilnty Real Estate Co.
Ixit 15, Block 67. St. Helens, $S.30
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Ixit 10, Block 57. St. Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Ketate Co.
Ixit 17. Block 57. St Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Eatate
Ixit 18. Block 57. St. Helena,
Columbia County Real Estate
Ixit 19. Block 57. St Helena,
(jolumbia County Real Estate.'
Ixit 20, Block 57. St. Helens.
Columbia County Real Eatate
Ixit 21. Block 57. St. Helen.
Columbia County Real Eetate
Ixit 22. Block 57. St. Helena, I
Columbia County Real Estate -
Ixit 1. Block 68. St. Helena,
Washington Muckle.
Ixit 2. Block 58. St Helens, I,
Washington Muckle.
Lot 3, Blork 68. St. Helena, I
Washington Muekle.
Lot 4. Block 68, St. Helena, $
W. H. Dlllard.
Lot 5, Block 5S, St. Helena, )
W. B. Dillard.
Ixit 6. Block 58, St. Helena, f
W. B. Dillard.
Ixit 7. Block 58, St Helena. )
W. B. Dillard.
Ixit 8. Block 68, St Helena, )
W. B. Dillard.
Lot 13. Block 58, St Helena, 5
W. H. Dillard. "
Ixit 14. Block 5S, St. Helena, $13.84
W. B. Dlllard.
Lot 15. Wock 5S, St. Helena, $13.S4
W. B. Dillard.
Ixvt 16. Block 58, St. Helena, $13.84
W. B. 1fllard.
Ixit 17. Wock 58. St Helena. $13.84
V. rt. Dillnrd.
Ixit 18. Block 68, St. Helena, $13.84
W. B. Dillnrd.
Lot U. Wock 58, St. Helena, $13.84
W. B. Dillard.
Ixit 20. Block 58, St. Helena, $13.84
Washington Muckle.
Ixit 21, Block 58. St Helena, $13.S4
Washington Murkle.
Ixit 22, Blork 68. St. Helena, $16.61
Washington Murkle.
Ixit 4. Blork 65, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nlrholaa.
Ixit 5. Blork 65, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nlrholaa.
Ixit 6. Blork 63, St. Helena, $11.07
. C. Nlchoiaa.
Lot 7. Block 65. St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nicholas.
Ixit 15. Wock 65, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nirholaa.
Ixit 16, Block 63, St Helens, $11.07
W. C. Nichola.
Ixit 17. Block 63, St Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nlchoiaa.
Ixit 18. Block 65, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nirholaa.
Ixit 19. Block 65, St. Helens, $11.07
W. C. Nirholaa.
Ixit 20, Work 65, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nirholaa.
Uit 21, Work S3, St Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nirholna.
Ixit 22. Blork 63, St. Helena, $11.07
W. C. Nlchoiaa.
Ixit 12, Block 66. St. Helena. $6.92
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 13. Block 66. St. Helena. $0.92
Columbia County Real Eatate Co.
Ixit 14. Block 66, St Helena, $3.54
Columbia County Real Eetate Co.
Ixit 15, Block 66, St Helena, $8.30
Columbia County Real Estate Co.
Paaaed March 81, 1913, by Tote a
folio wa:
J j " 4 1 j
Deliver Meaaaire in Person and Ia
Roundly Cheered.
Washington, D. C President Wil
aon bridged Tueaday the gap that for
over a century haa separated the ex
ecutive and legislative branchea of the
Not aa a cog in a machine, not as
an impersonal political entity, nor as
a mere department of government, but
aa the human Preaident, he went to
congreaa to apeak about a tariff.
Standing before the aenate and
house of representative in joint ses
sion aa no other president had done
for more than 112 years, President
Wilson stated simply and tersely what
he thought ahould be done for the wel
fare of the country and asked his
legislative colleagues, man to man, to
aid in keeping the pledge of their
Wth a sweep of decision that shat
tered precedent, the Preaident brushed
aside all imaginary boundaries be
tween congreaa and the executive
office, and rescued himself, aa he ex
pressed it, "from that isolated ialand
of jealous authority" which the presi
dency had come to be regarded.
Congreaa, somewhat startled the
other day when it heard that the Prea
ident had determined to deliver his
message on the tariff by word of
mouth, had prepared for a ceremony
of unusual importance, and auch it
waa; yet when Preaident Wilson ar
rived in the midst of the great as
semblage, riding through throngs of
cheering people in the streets and
later looking up into galleries crowded
with privileged ticket-holders, he
seemed, after all, what he said he waa
"a human being trying to co-operate
with other human beings in a common
When the much-heralded incident
waa over, congreaa seemed pleased and
the President waa delighted. He ex
pressed himself to friends aa impress
ed with the dignity of the occasion,
and some of his confidants later de
clared that he left the capitol greatly
relieved to think that, after all, his
precedent-amashing had not been auch
a cataclyamic thing aa some older
heads had predicted.
The Presidents visit to the capitol
waa brief, laating about a quarter of
an hour. Leaving i cabinet meeting
at the White House, he started on hia
mission accompanied by no one except
a secret service man. He rode in a
White House automobile and five min
utes later waa driven through the
crowds assembled about the house
wing of the capitol.
At two minutes before 1 o'clock the
President entered the chamber. Mem
ber of the house and aenate rose aa
Speaker Clark brought down the gavel.
From the floor and galleries distin
guished guests looked on at the scene.
Preaident Wilaon, escorted by Sen
ator Bacon, bowed acknowledgment to
the applause and mounted the speak
er's stand to the journal clerk's desk,
directly in front of the speaker.
With a smile, as he began to apeak,
the Preaident told hia hearers why he
had come. He said he waa glad to
verify for himself the impression that
the Preaident of the United States
waa a person.
He was speaking in an ordinay'tone
of voice, just aa though he were talk
ing to a senator in his office. Every
ve waa f-r " spoke,
that he
ft. As
s pre-
at he
th hi
II feel
. Wil
ra and
i per
nd not
.-ris, of
the committee "on paper of the Amer
ican News Publishers' association,
aaid: "The practical effect of the
proposed tariff bill upon newa print
paper and pulpa will be to admit newa
print paper and pulps free of duty
from all the world, without qualifica
tion of any aort Chemical pulp ia al
so admitted free of duty from all na
tions with the exception that chemical
pulp must pay $2 per ton from those
Canadian provinces which prohibit ex
portation of pulp wood. -
Tong Leaders Subpenaed.
San Francisco The grand jury has
decided that the best way to prevent a
continuation of tong warfare in China
town ia to lock np the warriors. It
has issued aubpenas for the presidents
and other officials of the belligerent
Ring Kong and Suey Sing tonga and
all gunmen. Heada of the police de
partment and District Attorney Fick
ert were also ordered to appear before
the inquisitorial body. The grand
jury expects to indict every Chinese
againat whom proof is adduced 01 con
spiracy to commit murder.
Canadians Watch Tariff.
Ottawa, Ont The probable effect
in Canada of the tariff changes by the
congress of the United Statea will be
worked out by Canadian expert and
until their verdict ia aubmitted it ia
unlikely that any official opinion will
be expressed here regarding the meas
ure. Individually, however, the mem
bers of the parliament believed that
the Dominion would reap material
benefit from the new schedules.
Canada Wins Immigrants.
Ottawa, Ont Canada' Immigra
tion figures for the fiacal year just
ndad show phaoomaaaj iiierwa 1
Government to Take No Official
Action in California.
Japan Not Singled Out-Wilson
and Bryan Work to Avert
Threatened Trouble.
Washington, D. C.-While Presi
dent Wilson let it be known Thursday
after a conference with Representa
tive Raker, that the Federal govern
ment would not interfere with the ac
tion of the California legislature in
the pending alien land bill law there
aimed principally at Japanese, it ii
understood in official circle that
neither Preaident Wilson nor Secre
tary Bryan will desist using their good
offices in a personal way to avert what
the Japanese government might con
strue aa an affront
The President let it be known that
it was not hia purpose to attempt in
terference with the aovereignty of a
state, but that, of course, any state
legislation affecting treaty right waa
ubject to review by the Supreme
court '
Though the measure ia aimed pri
marily at Japanese, the fact that it
makea no discrimination of race in it
contents, as well aa the desire of the
President not to interfere with the
sovereignty of the state, haa precluded
any action by the Federal government
at thia time.
The President waa told by Repre
sentative Raker that the people of
California would enact the law through
the initiative and referendum if the
legislature refuaed. He declared the
sentiment waa five to one in favor of
the law.
The President' position had been
merely that of an inquirer for infor
mation, following protest by the Jap
anese government Representative
Raker haa ihown the Preaident a tele
gram from J. B. Sanford, a leader in
the aenate of California, requesting
that the Federal government should
not interfere with local affair. The
President' decision Raker aaid, would
find approval in California.
Diplomats pointed out that another
question, also involving treaty obliga
tions, is pending between Japan and
the United States that of the fur
seal convention. Preaident Taft, just
before leaving the iWbite House,
urged congress to paaa certain lawa
that the United States might not be
"remiss in observing treaty obliga
tions." Great Britain, too, has made repre
sentations on what it holda to be a
non-fulfillment of the fur seal treaty.
It is suggested now that any charge of
a breach of treaty obligation with
Japan and Great Britain on the Cali
fornia legislation and fur seal ques
tions might become a factor in the
pending negotiations between the
United Statea and Great Britain over
the exemption of American coastwise
ships from canal toll, which Great
Britain also contend to be a breach of
treaty obligations.
Rioting: Carmen Fired On Bayo
nets Are Used.
Buffalo, N. Y. Troops with fixed
bayonets held no terror for the strik
ing carmen of the International Rail
way company and their sympathizer
Thursday, and the riotous scenes of
former day of the itrike were numer
ous and of a more serious nature. AU
efforts to resume traffic were blocked
and all the cars were withdrawn at
nightfall after an intermittent opera
tion of leas than four boars.
Once during the afternoon the troops
used their rifles. A woman and a
man were wounded and a boy received
a thrust from a bayonet The woman
probably will die.
Effort on the part of Mayor Fuhr
mann to bring about a settlement by
arbitration met little encouragement
from the company.
Wilson Cancels Western Visit
Washington, D. C According to
advices received by Senator Lane from
Secretary Tumulty, President Wilaon
will not be able to accept varioua invi
tations to visit Oregon this summer.
Recently Senator Lane transmitted to
the President invitations to attend the
World' Christian Conference at Port
land, the Chautauqua at LaGiande
and Crater Lake park. All these will
have to be declined, aa the President
expects, on account of the prolonged
session of congress, it will be neces
sary for him to remain in Washington.
New Jersey Pensions Mothers.
Trenton, N. J. Indigent widow of
New Jersey will be assisted in holding
their families by financial aid from
the state under the mothers' pension
bill, which wa approved by Governor
Fielder. The new law provide that
widow with children under 16 year
old shall receive from the county treaa
uriea a pension of $9 a month for the
first child, $5 for the second, and $4 a
month for each additional child. Ap
plication for the granting of theae
pension are to be made through the
State Board of Children's Guardian.
Murderers Get Reprieve.
Phoenix, Aria. Five murderers un
der sentence of death will be reprieved
until after the next general election In
1914, according to a statement made
here' by Governor Hunt. The men
were reprieved last October until April
12, as the governor wished to give tha
legislature an opportunity to paaa a
law abolishing capital punishment in
Aritona. The legislature took no auch
action, and the peopla will be given a
chance to vote on the queation.
Snow Is Deep la Sooth Dakota.
Mitchell. S. D. Tea laeh-ae--
. tiodfrey.
Uit 6. Hloek 1$. Bt. Hnlnna. f7.o
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