1 1 For Sale and Want Ad Ada lm TUCJmhm Brimg RMulu For Sale Five brood sows, one boar, seventeen small pigs. D. Paaero Bros., 4 Columbia City. One brown yearling heifer taken up the fore part of September. Owner can have same by paying charges and proving property. C. 0. Dahlgren, 8t Warren. Ore. Full blooded Barred Plymouth RockTejrgs for setting. $1 per setting of 15. George Perry, Houlton. Ore. For Sale Six-acre farm, good house and out buildings. Also ten acre tract'all under cultivation, one mile from'St. Helens, Ore. Geo. W. Perry, Houlton, Ore. For Sale Thoroughbred Wyan dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs $1.00 for setting. R. H. Roberon, St. Helens, Ore. For Sale Early Rose seed po tatoes. D. Pasero, 4t Columbia City Light Brahmas egg for hatching. $1 for 15. Mrs. S. E. King. May ger, Ore. 4-21 Indian Runner duck eggs for sale. $1 for IS. J. W. VanNatta, War ren. Wood for Sale Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large Green Trees. Will Deliver to St Helens for $3.50 per Cord. To Houlton for $3.00 per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard Wood $4.50 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren Ore. Wm. Skuzie. CHURCHES Houlton M. E. Church Houlton, first and third Sundays. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Lord's Day at 10 a. m., Mr. David Cole, Supt. Yankton, second and fourth Sun days. Preaching by Rev. W, T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday school at 11 a. m. Warren Preaching at 3 p. m. on first and third Sundays of each months. Trenholm and other points week nights. Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between St. Helens and Portl-rd 50 cents one way 75 cents ronnd trip Tickets good any time after April 4th Boat leaves St. Helen 7:65 a. m. Returning leaves Portland 2:30 p. m. Arrive at St. Helena 4-45 p. to. C. LHOOCHKIRK B-aiBSS"taW-BW t St. Helens and ' TT ll Tn 1 m rf nuunuii fairy PURE MILK AND CREAM From Healthy Cows delivered to your door every day George konopka PROPRIETOR BANQEROUS llEIUflt iwiim juw TtuoMt Taaae Oar Win fit Ilk Blastl IT relieve at ear Stacking. Km Cap. AmkUw WOOBAIB, CLABUKSJ CO. All donirinir to connect to sewer in sewei district No. 2, apply to R. Constantin for permit. By order of City Council. John Q. Gage, Rec. Have five acres of new ground ready for plow. Would give con tract for plowing same. George Perry, Houlton. Ducks Indian JJunner ducks. White 8 W. I will have a tew settings of 1 h egg to spare. ti iwr aaitfitio J M. Burkfaead id ... 1 yyarreo. ure.if-" County Court Proceedings Wednesday, April 2. 1913. 5th Judicial Day. Court came pursuant to adjourn ment. Officers all present. Due proclamation being made the following proceedings were had: Matter of petition of C. Norman et al for a county road. On this 2nd day of April, 1913, comes on for hearing the pitition of C. Norman and 21 others, free holders, residing in the road dis trict or districts of said proposed road, praying for the re-location of the Delena-Mayger road, described as follows: Beginning at a stake marked A situated in the county road on sec tion line 1200 feet south of section corner, between sections 4 and 5, T. 7, N. R. 3 west; thence in a southerly direction on the most practical route to a stake marked B, situated in the county road on section line 1000 feet north of quarter corner between sections 8 and 9. T. 7. N. R. 3 W. Said road to be known as the Delena & May ger road, and the present road be tween stakes A and B to be va cated. 1 And it satisfactorily appearing to the court from proof filed herein, that due notice of the pendency of this proceeding has been given as by law required, that twelve of said petitioners are legal freeholders of this county, residing in the road district or districts of the proposed road, and that a good and sufficient bond has been given and filed here in; It is therefore ordered by the court that the board of county road viewers meet at Mayger, Oregon, on the 11th day of April, 1913, or on their failure to meet on said day. then within five days thereafter, and proceed to view, survey and locate said proposed road. Matter of cancellation of county road warrant; On this day it is ordered by the court that county road warrant No 1235, in the sum of $2.50, in favor of Hugh Murray be and the same is hereby cancelled, said warrant having been issued in payment of a claim heretofore settled by the road supervisor of R. D. No. 10, and in advertantly reported to the county court for payment. Matter of scalp bounty claims On this day the clerk presents to the court verified scalp bounty claims as follows: Andrew Nelson, claim No. 55, for $6 for three wild cats. Clvde McDonald, claim No. 56 for $3 for two coyotes. R. Christensen. claim No. 57, for $11.50 for one coyote and five wild cats. Clyde Johnson, claim No 58, for $2 for one wild cat. And the court being advised in the matter, it is ordered by the court that said claims be and they are hereby approved. Matter of claim of Chaa. B. Stuart for damages from slide: On this day this matter again coming on for consideration by the court, and the court not being fully advised in the matter, it is ordered by the court that said matter be and the same is hereby continued. Matter of application of Jennings McRae Logging Co. for rebate of taxes erroneously assessed for year 1907, and for cancellation of same on delinquent tax roll: This matter having come on for hearing on this 2nd day of April, 1913, upon the sworn petition in behalf of the Jennings-McRae Log- ing Co. , and the records, evidence and facts of the matters pertaining thereto having been duly presented to, and considered by the court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the eourt that by errors in timber cruise and assessments based there on, the said company was over as sessed for the year 1907 to an ex tent in excess of amounts yet claimed by said county to be delin quent from said company for said year, and that all of the unpaid balance of such delinquent tax should be remitted and cancelled from such delinquent tax roll; and that said company should dismiss its appeal from the action of the board of equalization, in so far as the same is based on any irregu larity or illegality in regard to the amount of iu Uxes already paid for J said year, which is conceded by the I petition herein; It Im now, therefore, ordered court th1 " ot Mld ba,mne0 ofl court being fully edvlmed. delinquent Ux as charged aganat ordered by the court that amid re. Jennings-McRaa Loggfna" Com-jport rnr um rav irvii unmu 1 jwb .. ., r to $658.04, together with all cost, interest and penalty, be and the same is hereby remitted and can celled, and the tax collector for Columbia county is hereby directed to cancel the record of delinquency appearing on page 42 of Vol. 2, of the assessment roll for Columbia county, Oregon, for the year 1907. and all other evidences of delin quency for taxes for said year against the S 1-2 of SVV 1-4 of Sec. 11; the N 1-4 of NW 1-4 of Sec 13; all of Sec 14; SE 1-4 of Sec. 15; SB 1-4 and E 1-2 of NE 1-4 of Sec. 22; all of Sec. 23; N 1-2 of N 1-4. S 1-2 of NW 1-4 and N 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Sec. 26; and NE 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec 27, all in township 7 North, Range 5 West of Willamette Meridian; And it further appearing that a portion of said section 22, described as NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 of NE 1-4, ap pears on the said delinquent tax roll for said year 1907, in book 2, page 7, line 20, as assessed to Maud E. Graham, when in fact it was owned by said company, and one- half of the taxes assessed thereon paid by it, at the time and under the circumstances affecting that de scribed on page 42 of said roll, and there is yet marked against the same as delinquent, the sum of $34, which should he remitted. It is further ordered that the said bal ance of $34, together with all interest, costs and penalty, against said property for said year be and the same is hereby remitted, and the tax collector is hereby ordered to cancel the same of record. In the matter of the application of Columbia & Nehalem River rail road for spur crossing over count road, near Wood's Landing, Oregon: The Columbia At Nehalem River Railroad Company, through its at torneys, Messrs. Veazie, McCourt & Veazie and Dillard & Day, hav ing this day filed its petition pray ing for right of way, during rail road construction, for a spur of switch track over the Columbia county public road at a point in SE 1-4 of SE 1-4 of Sec. 5, town ship 7 North, range 5 West, in Col umbia county, Oregon, about 490 feet south and 400 feet east of the Wood's Landing Railway Station; and presented the same to the court for consideration thereof, and the court having duly considered the same; Said petition is hereby granted as filed, and said railroad company is hereby granted the right to construct a spur across said county road at the said designated point, on the present grade of said county road, and so as not to inter fere with traffic thereon, for the transporting of material during the constructing of its contemplated railroad, upon condition that it is to remove the ties and rails used and restore said county road to its present condition when said railroad is completed, and that the crossing of said spur or switch in said county road be at all times kept convenient and easy to the public. Hatter of deeds for road from Rainier Land Company, Geo, F. & M. J. Moeck and D. B. & Tlllie Stehman: On this day it appearing to the court from the examination of duly executed deeds, that Rainier Land Company, Geo. F. Moeck et ux and Dean B. Stehman et ux have con veyed to Columbia county a certain strip of land in Sections 17 and 20, i-i, lorever dedicating the same for road purposes, it is ordered by the court that the board of county road viewers survey and locate said road according to said deeds, and file their report, together with a plat of said road with the clerk of this court. Whereupon, court adjourned un til Thursday. April 3, 1913. Thursday, April 3, 1913, 6th ju dicial day. Court came pursuant to adjourn ment. Officers all present. Due proclamation being made the following proceedings were had Un uils day this matter coming on for consideration upon the re port of the board of county road viewers upon the proposed change in Rainier-Beaver Valley road in accordance with duly executed deeds from Rainier Land Co,, Geo. Moeck et ux and Dean B, Steh man et ux, heretofore duly pre sented herein, and it appearing to the court that said proposed change would be of public utility, the re- port of the board of county road riewers being favorable, and no ob jecuon or ciaim ror damages being tMtm a. I tiled er preeented herein, end the! ft ( be accepted and that said jh wh k Town's full of Studebakers Studebaker Farm Wagons, Studebaker Bug giea and Studebaker Delivery Wagona. and every owner of a Studebaker veHicle is proud of it Because he knows it is the best. Studebaker wagons and buggies are built on honor and with the experience that comea from sixty years of wagon building, and you get the benefit ot this experience when you buy a Studebaker vehicle Whether you live In town or countryt whether you want a work or pleasure vehicle, thera'ea Studebaker to fid your require manta. Farm wagona, contractor wagon, truck, municipal vehicle, ica wagona, dump wagona and carta, road oiler. huggies depot wagona, aurreya, pony carta, runabout wa make them au. alao hamate, for any eued animal for any vehicle, of the aarna high atandard oi quality aa the Studebaker vehicle. See ear Wr ar write a. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. W VOIK CHICAGO DALLAS EAHSAi CTTT ElUVIJ MJN NLA.rO U! SALT LAKI CTTY AK FSAHCBCO fORTLAHD, 0I. with said deeds, be duly recorded in the proper records, and from thenceforth said road shall be a public highway. It is further ordered by the court that the road supervisor in v. ho district said road is located shall open the same for public travel. It is further ordered by the court that the clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a warrant on the special road fund of road district No. 6, in the sum of $50, in favor of D. E. Stel man, in accordance with agreement here tofore had with said D. B. Stehman. Whereupon, court adjourned un til Friday, April 4, 1913. Friday, April 4, 1913, 7th judi cial day. Court came pursuant to adjourn ment. Officers all present. Due proclamation being made, the following proceedings were had: Matter of petition of St. Helens Timber Co for rebate of taxes: On this day comes on for hearing the sworn petition of St. Helens Timber company, a corporation, for j rebate of taxes assessed and levied j against the timber on lots 1 and 2, and SE 1-4 of NE 1-4 of section ; 4, township 2 North, Range 2 we9t jecteil S. 8:1 27' w. l om the N . of Willamntte Meridian, ! ner of Mer' town -f ....i ie ... .1 .,. And it satisfactorily appearing to the court that all the allegations of said petition are true, and that all the timber on said premises had been cut and removed prior to the first day of March, 1912, it is or dered by the court that said peti tion be and the same is hereby allowed. It is further ordered by the court tViof fka .lorlr Ko or.fl ha ia ksruliv instructed to issue a general fund warrant in favor of St. Helens Tim ber company, in the sum of $225, being the amount of Uxes paid by aaiil rnmnnnv on account of stfph company on account assessment against said timber for the year 1912. We help ourselves only as we help others. Be wise; help both yourself and others by joining the Maccabees. Notice IN THK CoUNTY CoURT ok tiik STATE OF oRHlo.N, f oR THK count v of coi.um hi a. In the matter of the petition for the Incorporation of the botinrlurie here n- after named a- d the reaident- thereof, f the CltT of Goble, Coluwhia County, Oregon. To whom it may concern : I Notice ia hereby Riven that on YVeilne- day, the 7tn day Of May, 19 Id at Q ;W a. 111. of taid day, at a regular term of the Connty Court of Columbia County, ore. con, a petition will be presented for hearing before aaid County Conn, a true and correct copy of which aai'l petition ia us follow: PETITION. Ia the County Court of the Stale of ore- gin, tor the County of Columl la In the mailer of Die petition for the incorporation of the bonmlarieft dareiq- fter named and the residents (hereof, aa the Citr of Goble. Columbia Count. oregon. To th ifooorbl Cmnty Court of J (Columbia Count r, of goo. Uantaoien.' We, to uadams-ncd, mora tbaa fort? J re-ou.;Jfl', ,itetun, ruin wumm th.thi mmm T named mid haviui reuled therein f r a period of more than 30 iUi pre-ilm lie dire of thin petition, r. ajwtfiill v v tiiion and repieneut a lollowv: That we are qua ified elector ten-din within the bouiuUnea ami Imi'orv bvei. Mftri therti for dny; ha' w.der i:l Ijirl'n met n L.ii. ; til it lex tlinn lrl itil.iibit.ilit riti ry md on, i'h i I Hi-ribed hiiI 1 tin Ixiumlli ie 4r-t1.1t ii icul io l ; TI111I the t rnl iry ii i lnhracr-l i nr the piopo-d biiiii l.i'iei ie ,-iil- l lis fnll.W-: BfKtniiitil at pf'i-it line Ii- twee'i r-ti- a I : Hlnptt. Not th, nae - 1' the corner routiu-ii to - and 14, in C luu u ' ruoii dj thrm e i". 0" ifl' ihn rt 30 'tt. ili-nce 585 4 feet, th -tce N. M" Jl' feet, th-nce N. M 15' W thence N 22 31' W 2.'i6i feet. 8h" 42 K. 24H4 feet. 85 nS' E. I'.W 4 f- et. l'ie r" t)8 68' E. 154.3 f.et. then.-c N Hit I V 98 4 feet to the we-tem limit of il e -e-Utile, 1'oltlHn'l & kMW.l,l- K.tllto.. Coinpany'i forlueily AiIoiih A t Ihui tiln Kiver Railroad C"iii:i r.ttlil oi way, thence on the mine e.ur to ti e center of I lie turn n channel o 'he t'ol unibia Rive-. Tlieuee dtiw n the ' entt r of the limit! channil of ie rulutiihiH Kiv- to a point where a I. m- p' tertect aaiil ! enter Inn I elire s . E. t-i the 'ill N K. !'!,' r ol h 1 terVTo! of (;oli:e, tl 1 1 ! t couri-e 1178 .3 fie' u I-ik ' ' ' of Kai Koelei' T t S. 6 31' V. li 4 Jl-t he .r V W. 224 4 li t-t. Hie ; : .V .'.)' , feet, .heme S. i:ii:' V to.;.:. f.:. tbeiic S, 67" 18' w. "i)7 h ie , '1 it 74" vv 222.8 l et, 157.9 tei-t, th i.i-kS .! 4V tiienee S. (I 34' A . I7U '1 e to ,b' i of hifiiiiii' l niiu le of mli-i'.ii ill ti. teiri ry at il win m the t--t ii u u t ti . intieio e ih c il cl i- 1.1 D .11111,1 - v )7o ,,) Wl. t, . tf ,. p,8, i, ,t . 1 r i(! p. r el, imhr h- r.ntur th-t't 1 ' . u :' r '"' I' -" 1 ' 1,1 '" "r'J"- K.iti 11 a 1110 wrv . ioh. . q- ni,n. tin 14 h .i.i y ..f Murcl., I11I:). Henry Welter, M'. V. VV, Makm tet, If 51, fowler, K. a. Ko.er, 1. llirhop. Mi. H.C Makiimtf, K. HliiHrl, T' 04. Ilui t.r, I. It htiiHft M, l I.ln . M C, llovf . A Can wall, Kay If f n. Mr U.K. Aiciii'i.ilil, Line II "V n, I.. . Benne-t, Koh Makini-t-r, J. T. MrKuhly C. K. Kowler. Iilit Hunter, L Archi. bald, W E MHkint.ir, Ktnnin Niih bauel, F. W. M Hkiti'ler, Alex McLeol, J)ui IetiKHthi r, Jennie Kltur, Mr. L. I.uillile.R. L Ki-nny,Jolin Crura, 01U I). Hauler, Cl'ei-li y Miikin-tt-r, Harr Cooper, W illie holon, Arthur Can tuer, Hi-rt Mukitint-r, Nutu-hauer, Mr. It, Link, C C. Stuitiei, M', MHrgar Welti t, Ni; WelU-r, nr. U. A. tjilat, Clinr, B. Mriill, Mr. Chit, Morrill 8trab L, Voigt. Mr. Ii. Ii. cantwe C. 0. Hovan, nr. Ii ti Hulnan. 8 ate tf oreon, cjountv of Columbia, I. Frank iiialmp, teing ti rat duly aworn le)0- and auy: That I circulaleil tht fore(i.ing pttiiioii within th territory di-i-ciiherl in the petition herein, that w enih and every one of aaid peti lionet aign their lenpeclive name and know of my own knowledge that the aignatiirea of the aaid petitioners are true and genuine. Frank Iliihop 8tib rihed and aworn to before tbia 24th day of March, 1113. A. W. Mueller, Notary Public for Oregon. , W. Mueller Votary Public ) I Heal. I Mtata of OTfgott. J The data of lb flrat pnbfleation of noiica fa prfi 4, 1013, and ue dai aju i, iMi. " " ' , ill iiU'il an' -.tern i 'i 1 ,,,,..( . I ii .'; i:e tie ' ' ' ' ' . . XXVI. o Oi.t.-.. II. .'.In let . tietici S VA on V frTjaj fN stiV 'MUJ lVJiV CORDIALS WINES Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty WEINHARD'S BEER OLD JUDGE BAR E. EN Y ART, Proprietor Houlton Oregon courteous ST. HCLCrtS FRCACHDRY CLEyMmC. A f D PREea&IMG ersest sciielkeh SHOP Pr'r'"r SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT SUITS MADE TO ORDER by P1RST CLASS TAILOR Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYING AND TRANSFER AU Business Promptly Attended To PHONE IS OR 42 ELMER BLACKBURN ST. HELENS, OREGON ,- ....i,.,.y. Su mmons T'M I 1 I1T COURT OK T1IR 1 K of .IRFCON. FOR Col.. I CtlUXTY. ..-i A. J. I 'iiKen. I'liiititiff. v I Im I.. T.i... en, Hefendnnt. f-i tl.. nam.' of the hlale of Oregon ! iu -e hi ri l.y rniiin-d to apfirar and I '. .lie ..Him-, tu Dm compUiiit IIIimI inn ou in the abve entitled court a r! mine on or before tint nixth day of 'av, l!M:l, -iid 'ly being more than x . ki r m anil alter the. da'e of the l! - j. 'I-Iiih of tbt unniiiioii", ati, i .011 1 ill to -o.p. ar and miiki- aner I aid .011,1.1 ,ir.t, IIih plnintifl will -..y to t.r (' nrt for the relief prayed for 1 . khi! 1-omplnii.t, U-wit; For a il.eree of dtvon e ilias'ilvlug the bond of matrl m oy iu and heretofore existing he twren V..11 and plaintill, and awardinK plaintiff the care and C'ltody i f the minoi 1 bililn n of yotirnelf and phiinlifT vix , Mit'iH-a .1, Tannen, (ieoryB VV, Tan en, Coiad I 11 Tantren and Curl Tangen .inn nri-irii ( 'in 1 111 III o lie.llie owner iii Inn own r k'H, fiee and ch ar of any v aim lit voir fuvor tnertiti, of ibe f.,J lowirnj li tcrib.'il rcjil propi rtv. ituaied in the Connty ul Coliimlii and blaic of Onitoti, viz . lot ni.mUr eluht (8) it bit k numb, r (4) In ilryant's irnt Ad union 10 the town of llryantsville, now "i'hin theClty of CUt-fcinie j and fot tiler reliHl .,-), M tfr Cpnrt may deem ei't tnble in tfie tri-mie. Thin Miimi.nna a tilblil t'l in the Hi. Ilcmn Ml-t by thH order of the Hon i. A, Kukin, J.i.le of the above en L1I...1 n .. .1..1 j , ....... v-iuu. uiiiy in ine ami eptere l on 'h- niiu teenth day of Marefa, 1011, and in-uaieoltbe nrt inl.ictlon of aaid iiminona I Mareh 21. 11)1.1, andthedate of thelHNt publication thereof ia May 2, in l.l. Tearcy A Winller, Attorney for I'lainiiff, 708 Chamber of Commer. a I'.uihllng, roitland, OrKon. for hale Cood second cutting clover and first cutting timothy and clover; American Wonder and Hur- bank awej potatoes; also a new varl ety called . I a mo fcvenrreen. a o-rr-nf ylelder "ti fine potato. For ttaetf writ A, ,"Juur phona or - , Uf,oa' Warns. Ort. CIGARS WHISKEY COMPETENT CATERER ON THE STRAND St. Helens, Or. Prop Eggs for Hatching 5. C. Huff Leghorns S. C. Buff Orpingtons l.t P... $2 00 par IS E((t 2nd Pen, f I 00 par IS Efft Spacial Matin Paa, $3.00 par IS Efct Wm for Mating List which will f our Winning at Poultry Shawi Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Larson Box 96 Goble, Ore INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS $1.00 per hi $,!.()() per :o BARRED ROCK EGGS $lf)() per Jo Poor Hatches Made Good W. C. MORLEY ST. HELENS OREGON Notice of Final Account and Settlement IN THK COUNTY COURT OP THK STATE OF OKKtiON. FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY, In the matter of the eetateof Iaid H. Dritlain, Heceaaed. Notice ia hereby given (hat Fauna A Brittain, aduiiniitratrix of the eatateof lavid II. Ilrittain. deccaaed, haf Sled her final account a aurh adiiilnitratrlf of (aid eatata in the Connty court d the State of Oregoa, for Columb County, and th( the aaid court imP pointed Saturday, the 'Jtlth day td AprUi 191.1, ut IU OQ o'clock i.Di ul MiJJ'f. in ti e court room of taid court, l Helen, Columbia county, Oregon, the time and place for lbs bearing of ll ol.jecimiia fo raid fina) account and M ettleiiient thereof, and that all -crt)Pf inteieated in Mid estate nify n",P11 or I rforenaid date aI file spy ol iftipD tl en to. Hated t Helens, Oregon, ami M pul It-bed March 2H, 1013. Jimma A. Briiuin, Ailn iniairatiix of Eiat pf Jvld Hi ntittain, HtM-caaed. Ueo M. NJcBride, Attomff. Notice to Creditors in tub; urv court tV TUS BTATR oF 0RF.U0N, FoR CoLUmBI CoUJITV In the matter of the eatals of Hun & Hj irkman, Iced. Noiics I hsraby given by the ufl1' iKned, the administrator of the Mis' of liana P, Bjorktnan, dm:eal, lh creditor of, and all parmms bK1"1 claim agalnit ad rttate, to piW' them, with the proper voucher, wltbls ux runnth from th date of till nli". to aaid administrator, at lha Columbia County Bank, In St. Helen. Columbia county, Oregon, that being the place tot the transaction of tha bimine of ' eiUto. Iated April 1013, Wm. m. Mwr. Adminlitrator of theeitateof Hani njorktnan, deceaaed. rKKs for aetting-Sl per 15 ef J'ure bred Wh JLiad, Warraa, i'ure bred While Leghorns. ,Q 0