St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 11, 1913, Image 2

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Tariff Reform Only Is Subject
of Communication.
Protection Principles of Twenty Years Ago Are
Entirely Out of Date Would PI ace Busi
ness On Its Merits and Stop Abnor
mal Protection of Monopoly.
To th Senate and House of Repre
. aentatlves:
I have called the Congress together
In extraordinary cession because a duty
was laid upon the party now In power
t the recent elections which It ought
to pertorm promptly. In order that Uv
burden carried by the people under ex
isiing- taw may be lightened as jo.'U aa
possible and In order, also, that I tie
business Interests of the country may
not be kept too long In suspense at to
what the fiscal changes are to be to
which they will be required to adj"8t
themselves. It Is clear to the whole
country that the tariff duties must be
altered. They must be changed to n.eet
the radical alteration In the conditions
of our economic life which the country
has witnessed within the last genera
tion. While the whole face and iiiet.iod
of our Industrial and commercial life
were being changed beyond recogni
tion the tariff schedule have remained
what they were before the change Be
gan, or hava moved In the direction they
were given when no large circumstance
of our Industrial development was wtiut
It is today. Our task Is to square them
with the actual facts. The sooner that
is done the sooner we shall escape from
suffering from the facta and the sooner
our men of business will be free to
thrive by the law of nature (the nature
of free business) instead of by the .'.aw
of legislation and artificial arrange
ment. We have seen tariff legislation wan
der very far afield In our day very
far Indeed from the field In which our
prosperity might have had a normal
growth and stimulation. No one who
looks the facts squarely In the face or
knows anything that lies beneath the
surface of action can fail to perceive
the principles upon which recent tariff
legislation has been based. We long
ago passed beyond the modest notion of
"protecting" 'he Industries of the coun
try and moved boldly forward to the
Idea they were entitled to the di
rect patronage of the Governcient. For
a, long time a time so long that the
men now active In public policy hardly
remerrbi r the conditions that preceded
It we have sought In our tariff sched
ules to give each group of manufactur
ers or producers what they themselves
thought that they needed in order to
maintain a practically exclusive mar
ket as sgalnst the test of the world.
Consciously or unconsciously, we have
built up a set of privileges and exemp
tions from competition behind which It
was easy by any, even the crudest,
forms of combination to organize mo
nopoly; until at last nothing Is normal,
nothing is obliged to stand the tests of
efficiency and economy. In our world of
big business, but everything thrives by
concerted arrangement. Only new prin
ciples of acting will save us from a
final hard crystallization of monopoly
and a complete loss of the Influences
that quicken enterprise and keep Inde
pendent energy alive.
It Is plain what those principles must
be. We must abolish everything that
bears even the semblance of privilege
or of any kind of artificial advantage,
and put our business men and producers
under the stimulation of a constant ne
cessity to be efficient, economical and
enterprising, masters of competitive
supremacy, better workers and mer
chants than any in the world. Aside
from the duties laid upon articles which
we do not. and probably cannot, pro
duce, therefore, and the duties laid up
on luxuries and merely for the sake of
the revenues they yield, the object of
the tariff duties henceforth laid must
be effective competition, the whetting
of American wits by contest with the
wits of the rest of the world.
It would be unwise to move toward
this end headlong, with reckless haste,
or with strokes that cut at the very
roots of what has grown up amongst us
by long process and at our own invi
tation. It does not alter a thing to
upset It and break It and deprive It of
a chance to change. It destroys It. We
must make changes In our fiscal laws.
In our fiscal system, whose object Is
development, a more free and whole
some development, not revolution or
upset or confusion. We must build up
trade, especially foreign trade. We
need the outlet and the enlarged field
of enerery more than we ever did be
fore. We must build up industry as
well, and must adopt freedom In the
place of artificial stimulation only so
far as It will build, not pull down.
In dealing with the tariff the method
by which this may be done will be a
matter of Judgment, exercised Item by
Item. To some not accustomed to the
excitements and" responsibilities of
greater freedom our methods may In
some respects and at some points seem
heroic and yet be remedies. It is our
business to make sure that they are
genuine remedies. Our object Is clear.
If our motive Is above Just challenge
and only an occasional error of
Judgment Is chargeubie against us, we
shall be fortunate.
We are called upon to render the
country a great service in more mat
ters than one. Our responsibility should
be met and our methods should be!
thorough, as thorough as moderate and I
well considered, based upon the facts I
as they are. and not worked out as If I
we were beginners. We are to deal
with the facts of our own day, with
the facts of no other, and to make laws
which square with those facts. It Is
beat, indeed it is necessary, to begin
with the tariff. I will urge nothing
upon you now at the opening of youri
session which can obscure that first,
object or divert our energies from that!
clearly defined duty. At a later tlme
I may take the liberty of calling youri
attention to reforms which should press'
close upon the heels of the tariff 1
changes. It not accompany them, of'
which the chief is the reform of our
banking and currency laws; but Just
now I refrain. For the present, I put;
these matters on one side and think
only of one thing of the changes In I
our fiscal system which may best serve .
to open once more the free channels
of prosperity to a great people whom I
we would serve to the utmost and ;
throughout both rank and file. I
The White House, April 8. 1913. I
i i i i T r "BgMMgMBsssl
fk;ht hkcins
Sugar and Wool Men Threaten to
Rule or Ruin."
Washington. I. C. - The tight tor
Democratic tariir revision began
congress Wednesday. Conference
anil party plana, which have held the
stun for weeks pant. gave way to ho
first open steps (or the passage of the
new tariir bill. President V ilson a
personally delivered measure. calling
I.;- .ri H.u-iatL's in both house
speedily to enact the party ' pledge
of tarilf revision, was followed y
caucus of Democratic house
which will continue for
r.-. News of lh Industrial and Educational Development
::T l"ro.rl of Kuril Community, Public Institution., fctc.
Election Are Ururljf Influenced
By New Suffrage JVot.
Dallas - The election here Monday
i . flu mut oi tin-
. ... . i .
meiiioers m mstration .one.
, i ... . . ...i..... t
..vcral uav. insiirircms. nra
the so-called
Van Ontdel, IVin-
and in which LemoeraU will endeavor ocrat was ,.. mayor J - "
! to settle their different-en and Kree on ity ot votes . . r ... . . . - . -
support of the UnderwoiHl bill. : Ke,.l.lU-.n. 1 he ' ' ' u
Criticism of ...any features of the city charter proposed I y th
law developed in lemocrat,c e.rclej city council were IohI . III '
in the senate. In a short caucus of tlu) ,.w admin.strat on I, a n
1 ... .........crais held to consider hard -surface pavement ami oth. r I in
' matters, criticism was voicru oy .
lone or two Western senators against ,
I the free wool provision and the suar j
i schedule proposin fn-e auar in l'Jlo.
i The house Democrats settled none
' of the Koneral tariff questions. The
l three-hour session was devoted to an
I unsuccessful fijtht to throw the
oien to the public, proosal dereateu
by a vote of 107 to S-l. Details of the j
new tariff bill will be taken up imme
....i.iii civic iinnrovcmoius,
Tho vote was the largest ever east
in a Dallas election, a total of 7V.I
ballots beinn turm-l in to the various
booth. 2'J2 of these beinjc from the
fair sex.
Mrs. Fonso Mansion was the limt
woman to east her vote.
St. Johns Active part tnken by
the women in the municipal election
in St. Johns constituted a
IVdaifoiruea Not Only On,..,
at rut ted in Summer Session.
Oregon Airrieultural (VjII,.
vallU-Thn women of the hous.hoj
who have their heart Mt on soinu J
owi-inif a piece of land, and the y0llnl
people Just out of school whi are uui.
iig for opportunities, will find u
much of reui Interest to them In the
O. A. summer session, which oni
June Dl ami lasts six wveks, as
tho sclaail teachers who are anxious to
prepare themaelvei for advanced xla.
tions and biKKer salaries.
Tho beautilleation and aanitatiun of
the home premises, the kitchen gar.
den, the economical and hygienic prep,
.ration of food, (ha aorution of
sorts of home problems, these are In
eluded In the plan of instruction out
lined by I'rof. K. D. Keasler, director,
Tho teachers' Will also be (iven iie!
cial work beside the reu-ular coursM
for elementary and high schools. iu-k
feature of as tho be)(iniiinu of agricultural work
Senate leader are insistent that the unusual lnter,-st an. tne nr. ,-. . . , ; " - - - " id,
Underwood bill be subdivide.! so that'll mayor, friaries nre.-... ' '"':"' .7 . ,
senarare votes may be had. if desired. , that he owed his election to the next year domeatic .clence an,
on the iUKur and wool schedules. UneWomen. since they held the balance manual rain,.., bu.lnea. cour
nlan that has been proposed to I rest- of power. . . . . " . .7 . """.
dent Wilson is that schedules be The total vote was 10S7. of wnicn l senooi law, .u,.rv.sion and
... a w V,uf hn un ahum, muff v HI I volt' wcrw mm i-i innu, v"1"11;
English Suffragette Sentenced to Three Year in Prison on Charge of Inciting-
Criminal Acts of Followers.
grouped in such a
These proH)sals are based the polls were o-n to see women with
ig belief that opponents of their babiea in their arms go to the
will b romnriacd in four separate , women. It was a common sigm
on a irniwimr
j the sugar and wool provisions may , filling places and cast their votes, or
' muster strength enough to threaten . to see a grandmother and gramldaugh
: defeat of the bill. j ter enter the jkiIIs side by side and e
j Many progressive Republican sena- cure their ballots. The women ap
i tors expressed their opposition to the pea red to be well informed and their
Democratic bill because of the sweep- work at the polls was exceedingly bus
ling character of prowsed reductions. ,inesslike.
man airs.
Pankhurst Declares She Will
Be Free or Starve. i
London On the charge of inciting
persons to commit damage, Mrs. Km-;
mnlina Pnnlrhtirut tf th. n.ili- '
Bark iMimi Turns Turtle After suffragettes,' was entem-wi to'
serve three years in prison, after the
For the convenience of those who
cannot remain the whole six Weeks,
some of the course art) arranirrd to
give a complete lecture schinlgl fa
two weeks. This Work Inrludca sjg
two week course in manual training
and domestic economy for boy and
girl of the high school and upper
grade, i ne idea I to give them, it
Being Floated.
Lost Dirigible Captured By Mili
tary Authorities.
Luneville, France The German mil
itary dirigible airship Zeppelin IV
made a landing in the military parade
grounds here and was seized by the
French authorities. The incident has
caused tremendous excitement.
The German officers aboard the air
ship explained that they had been lost
in the clouds and did not know they
had crossed the French frontier.
The inhabitants of the eastern fron
tier regions of France have been much
Stranded for Two Months Off Ne
halem, Ship Is Towed to Deep
Water and Lost.
Wheeler, Or. After hanging to a
steel bar waist deep in water for 29
hours, part of which were in pitch
darkness, Charles S. Fisher, of Port
land, and Captain J. Westphal, of
Germany, and two German sailor boys
were rescued by lifesavers from the
bark Mimi, which
the formative iM-rlod of their live.
FEDERAL FUNDS TO GIVE AID Cornelius With women casting. mtmv comprehension of the value and
half the vote in the recent election, j triK, ,Kjty of the profession of
. ,,,.,, , l the anti-saloon forces triumphed with , f,rminlf B,J home-making. It Is felt
Government Loans $XH).0M) to , ,naj(irjty f jm, that in the past the in
Banks in Flood Districts. , This is the first time the town has I m,,jc schools has been ti much on
Washington. I). C Secretary M,.. ! Jfone Into the dry column, though the ; ,,, ,irofe,ion more commercial, to
Adoo, of the treasury department, will margin has always been small. 1 he Uttle on those of the farm horns, art
jury had returned a verdict of guilty deposit $2,000,000 in tho national ,,"-' ' inni mis may oe in some degree re
in OKI Bailey Sessions. Her trial had banks of Dayton, )., to relieve the i
lasted two days.
Scenes that followed the pronounce
ment of heavy sentence were such as
the Old Bailey never has witnessed
before. Mrs. Pankhurst declared that
she would begin a hunger strike at
once. She almost broke down when
the verdict was returned, and her
speech of protest was almost incoher
ent at times. She repeated her deter-1
mination to come out of jail soon
"dead or alive," and continued :
"I don't want to commit suicide.
Life is very dear to all of us. Hut I
money shortage resulting from the
flood, accepting government, state,
city and county bonds as security.
This will be the first time since
l'.tOH that the government has accepted
as security for deposits Immls other
than those of the United States.
This action was decided Umn as a
result of the telegraphic advices from
National Bank Kxaminer (MMxIhurt,
who has been investigating the con
ditions and requirements of the banks
in the Hood district.
All the seven national banks of
In the annual
etion for
municipal officers the successful candi
date were: J. II. Fitzpatrick. may
or; T. F.. Griffith, recorder; W. M.
1'ickering, and Owen Jones, council
men; I. W. Kiiowlcs. treasurer; T.
W. Glav.y and II. C. Dodds, water
commissioners. The votes was the
largest in the history of the city and
nearly every woman who was eligible
exercised her right of suffrage.
I sponsible for the present necessity for
the "back to t he farm" movement
) or. more properly, the "stick to ths
i farm" movement.
want to see the women of this country I Dayton will be designated as govern-
agitated tne last lew weeks over re-! German
r-.a thai no k I U,l I I
observed or heard nihtlv hovering . ear,y Sunday, after being pulled
over the forts. The stories, like those 1 tne sand3 of Nehalem sand spit, where
of the phantom airship of England, j she was stranded early in February,
never were properly substantiated. Sixteen other persons were drowned.
The chief officers of the engineer ' So far only two bodie have been re-
corps at Luneville removed the mag-; covered, one being that of a
enfranchised. I want
to live until
capsized i that has been done. I will take the
0(f ! desperate remedy other women have
Meanwhile the sentence has aroused
British surffagettes to fury. One of
the militant leaders, in announcing
the intentions of the suffragettes.
ment depositories, and the iuml will
be deiosited with them as soon as
they offer security sufficient to satisfy
the secretary. He expect the amount
will afford effective relief to the finan
cial stringency in Dayton.
In the last few days the government
has shipped from Washington and
netos irom tne engines in order that i hnw and th nihor that nt w r k'.n
the airship could not get under way, j ngi Kirby street. Portland,
and the cabin was searched for pho-! The four were the only ones saved
tographic apparatus, sketches or sim- j from the crew and the list of workmen
lar evidence of spying operations, but , on the vessel, all others either having
nothing of that nature was found. ; been sweDt from the deck when the
having been
German went so far as to say that even human Chicago a total of $2,Mn0,0(l0 to the
Tartar and Pilkinglon of O. A. ('.
Issue Important Bulletin.
Oregon Agricultural College--Result
of two years of experimental
work with hops in the chemical labor
atories of the Oregon Agricultural
College experiment station are now
apiiearing from the college pres in
I..M."fc' ... ,. , n
iiuiieun i-M.i. ill. n. . lartar, as-
Member Get $2.0 Worth of Grocer
ies on Co-operative Plan.
Portland The hall of Evening Stir
grange. Secton Line rixl, might hart
been taken for a grocery store Situr
day, a the front rooms on the lower
floor were filled with article which
had been purchase.! by Andrew Holm,
the manager of the new plan of to-oH-rative
buying for grange mrmtwn.
It was delivery day for the past month.
Atsmt tVM worth of article, feed for
stock and grocerie, covering every,
thing inc. I In tho family, were itomi
in the hull, and later taken to th
homes of the member. The nrj
Glass Bottle Bomb Blown Up but
He Will Try Again.
West Orange, N. J. Theodore Ed
ison's "bully invention," a glass bot
tle bomb, designed to sink the ships of
"the enemy," smashed itself to pieces
while the 14-year-old son of Thomas
A. Edson was experimenting in his
father's laboratory.
Bits of glass were imbedded in
young Edison' right hand. No injury
resulted that will be permanent.
The boy's idea was a floating bomb
constructed to explode upon coming in
contact with another object.
"Some of your first inventions blew
up, didn't they, dad?" young Edison
asked after the accident.
"They did," replied his father, "but
I went back at them."
To which Teodore replied: "So
will I."
Darrow Plans to Retire.
Los Angeles Clarence S. Darrow,
former chief counsel for the McNa
maras, who has been tried twice for
alleged jury-bribing in connection
with the famous dynamite trial, left
Saturday for Chicago, whence he came
two years ago to defend the two broth
er now in the state prison at San
Ouentin. If he is not called on to
face another trial, Mr. Darrow said,
he will never practice law again,
but will retire to a ranch he has in
Northern California and devote him
self to literature.
Disposed to Laugh at Germans.
Paris While the first new of the
landing of the Zeppelin airship on
French soil caused a great sensation,
later accounts gave the incident a
somewhat diminished importance and
public opinion was inclined to view
the plight of the Germans as rather
ludicrous. The explanation that the
officers lost themselves and that the
airship became unmanageable gener
ally is accepted. It was announced
the minister of
accident first occurred or
washed into the sea from the boat dur
ing the hours the terrific sea dashed
over her steel hull, which barely pro
truded above the water.
One sailor plunged into the sea and
was lost almost instantly. Two others
were lashed to the deck during low
tide and later died from the cold and
exposure. Their bodies were cut
down by the Garibaldi lifesaving crew.
The bodies of the others are thought
to be lost forever, the only hope for
their recovery being the possibility of
their washing ashore.
The Mimi now lies 800 feet out in
the ocean, with the waves dashing
madly over her. She has been con
signed to her watery grave forever,
possibly with a number of bodies in
her hold.
Opinion is divided as to the possi
bility of there being more bodies on
the ship. Captain Westphal says he
is practically sure there are others in
the hold. He could give no names. I
He says he heard someone yelling in
the cookroom after the accident and
believes it was the ship's cook. Oth
ers may be within the hold, pinioned
under the wreckage of the upper deck.
It would be impossible to secure the
life no longer would be respected. In
London, Glasgow , and other places
throughout the country, enthusiastic
j meetings were held and every mention
of Mrs. Pankhurst brought forth loud
Those who are to carry on the fight
during the leader's incarceration,
which nobody believes will be for
long, breathed defiance to the govern
ment and promised the fight would be Chinese republic at present.
wagea more iuriousiy man ever, une
of the leaders, whose name is sup
pressed, gave out the following state
ment :
"Human life now is in peril, so we
have resolved no longer to respect it
and trouble of all sorts must be
suntreasury at t im-innnli to meet the
pressing demands for money.
Recognition for New (China, Re-
Bardies of Europe.
I Washington. D. C Great Britain
and Japan will not recognize the new
This be-
isted by II. Pilkinglon, has carried , n average of 10 and IS per rent;ir
on the work along special lines w hich ! this method of ro-oMrati ve buying.
thorough study of local conditions and ' the amount deli vcred SatunU
of literature on the subject have shown
to be of most immediate use.
The six iecial points on which
their investigations bear are the fer
tilizer requirement of the hop plant,
method for the chemical analysis of
the hop, the change in composition of
the hop during
the effect of kiln
came known positively Tuesday and
indications were that Russia, France
and Germany also withhold recogni
tion for the present.
The United States alone of the six
power group, which participated in
the loan negotiation, has declared for 1
recognition of the new Chinese gov- j,,f; .,, r crv x ii-tii turn
ernment when the constituent assem-, '"'Mib LS ILR(HASEI)
bly meets at Pekin.
the saving, under the co-oper(tiv
buying plan, wa between t'i'i and 130.
Manager Holm explained that thl wa
just a starter, and that it i hoped to
develop an extensive plan of co-operative
buying throughout the county,
when it ha been demontrated that I
the riiH-ning i-riol. ! v"ig can lie made.
drying at 115 de-1 greatest saving
gree on the composition of the hop,
a comparative study of the cornposi
I tion of Oregon hop and those of
. other localities, and a comparison of
, commercial and scientific method of
hop valuation.
Bullets Hit Across Line.
Naco, Ariz. General Pedro Ojeda,
with his 300 fighting federals, late
Saturday attacked the line of 600
war would make no state troops surrounding Naco. For
Buffalo Hears Explosion.
Buffalo, N. Y. A terrific explosion
was heard in the northern part of this
city and at Tonawanda at 2:30 o'clock
Wednesday morning. It is reported
that a trestle on the Niagara Falls line
of the Inemationl Railway company,
whose employes are on strike, has
been blown up. No verification of the
report can be had. Many person
started at once for the scene, but as
there i no wire communication from
the vicinity, no details are as yet
decision until he had received the re
port of the officer sent to investigate.
Army Aviator Is Killed.
San Diego, Cal. While scores of
persons on Point Loma were watching
a flying boat sailing about 100 feet
above the bay Wednesday morning,
they were horrified to ee it turn
sharply to the right and shoot into the
water. The occupants of the flying
boat or hydro-aeroplane were Lieuten
ant Rex Chandler, of the Coast Artil
lery corps, and Lieutenant Lewis H.
Breereton, of the same service. The
former, when taken from under the
wrecked machine in the water a few
minutes later wa dead.
All Save Two in Army Desert.
Guaymas, Sonora Commandant
Sanchez, of El Cobre, was left with
an army composed of his aide and
first sergeant Saturday when state
troop demanded the surrender of the
wn. Ail the federal soldiers of the
. rrr(on promptly deserted,
' ""a the rlctoriou.
ln.urrent .ute troop. Stnchen and
bis two loyal follow... ... u
melting center of Funddon.
Gavnor Peeves Cavalieri.
New York Lina Cavalieri, the not
ed Italian songstress, much disgusted
with Mayor Gaynor, sailed for Europe
Monday. She said :
"New York under that Gaynor is
not a city at all, it is a village. A
city is where one enjoys one's self.
New York is not that any more. It is
a Puritan village. I love life and
must have life. I have not had it
while I was in New York, and so I
am sailing away."
a few minutes just before sunset a hot
fight progressed three miles East of
Naco. Bullets struck store buildings
in Naco, Ariz. Ojeda failed to cut
through, but held his position. De
termining to prevent the federals com
posing the only remaining garrison in
Northern Sonora from escaping into
Chihuahua, the insurgent state troops
were rushed in from all sides.
Patriotic Wave Sudden.
San Francisco The Federal build
ing was swirling and dizzy Saturday
from a rush of patriotism to the
court. Two hundred and fifty or
more Italian, Cornican and Greek fish
ermen clamorously declared their de
Bire to become citizens. The clerks
were puzzled until they learned that
news from Alaska had just reached
the fishing colony that the Territorial
legislature has passed an act that $100
annual tax shall be collected from ev
ery foreign-born fisher in Alaskan wa
ters who is not naturalized.
Pennsylvania Granger, However,
Defends Immediate Use.
Philadelphia Cold storage ware
houses were defended here in speeches !
at the annual meeting of the Ameri
can Academy of Political and Social
Science which was called to discuss
the cost of living.
At the clohe of the afternoon ses
sion, F. G. Urncr and Frank A. Porne,
both of New York, although not on the
program, were called to the platform I
and in vigorous talks defended the '
practice of storing commodities in :
cold storage warehouses. They de
clared that the practice was a benefit !
to the public, insofar that it protected
the people from a shortage of food and
from excessive prices. As an exam-;
pie, both said that through the stor-
age of butter and eggs the people of
the country had been supplied through
out the last winter with these food
stuffs at reasonable prices.
William T. Creasy, master of the
Pennsyl vania State Grange, aroused
enthusiasm when in beginning his ad
dress on the cost of living he aid:
"We on the farms are in favor of kill
ing chickens and eating them within
24 hours."
North Star Lumber Co. to Have
Oregon Plant Ready Soon.
Minneapolis, Minn. The North
Brazil and probably most of the
South American republic will join
the United State in recognizing
f-kina Kit .kn. f.. k.. k :
....,, t i,iu tat inw irnerican nro- c t .. .
posal that all governments act in con-, T- ''um"l'r """Py. M.nneapoli.,
cert has not met with favorable re- ! ,V1'rh ?Wn? 7 l""' ve. liml,cr l"n',
sponse from the larger nation who watv of the ,J"PU river, in
are disposed to await the adoption of 'r''K".n' na P"rchase a mill site and
a constitution and the establishment of '"K,m'nK ground at Keedsort, at the
electoral machinery. ( mouth of the l,mxpia river, where a
"""""" "mi uimiier manufacturing
l.imnioi teet, ten hou
! city, will be established
Michigan Beats Suffrage.
Detroit Woman suffrage in Michi
gan generally was conceded hopelessly
defeated in Tuesday' election, when
scattering returns received late Wed
nesday from the rural district of the
state did not tend materially to de
crease the big majority rolled up
against the amendment. It oppo
nents declared at last reports that the
amendment had failed by 25,000.
A summary of late reports increased
the confidence of the Remit,!
Jr capa-
I he company expect to have the
plant in operatin by the time the Wil
lamette Pacific railroad is complete,!
between Eugene and Keedsport. The
company owns a string of between 70
and Ml retail yards in North and South
Dakota, Iowa ami Minnesota. The
product from the Iteedspnrt plant will
supply these various yard.
Entire Family LnMt in Flood.
they would carry the corntilete Lr . ' . . 1 l'nn Wl'0
ticket. ' "-jiK noriicuitural expert wh;
Postage Stamps Soaked.
St. Louis Nine pouches of regis
tered mail containing $100,000 worth
or postage stamps and new currency
or the face value of approximately
.11 . i ...
r t . 0 , ... nraLci-auaneu uv ine
m or jxrrcBia oj.ooj. ttoodt, reached the poatoflice here Sat-
Chicago There were S3, 863 arrests urdav. The tm
in Chicago In 1912. mccording to the but the mnnv mav h mvA h hfn0-i
s. f LI s r- ii . I.. J " I
rcpwiui n.ei oi ronce mc weeny, shipped back to Washington to be
wnicn Du jon come rrora tne printer, "laundered and ironed. " The stamps opera house, which will be paid for by
nearly ii.vw or mem were unera-1 were destined to postofflces in all the subscription of mnalr.lnvfno. elrl.
n.rt. . I I
f v. uvuuiffni, j sens,
Sixteen-Mile Tunnel Planned.
Winnipeg, Man. The Canadian Pa
cific railway will soon begin construc
tion of the longest tunnel in America.
The tunnel will be built through Kick
ing Horse pass, in the Rocky Moun
tains, and will be 16 miles long, cost
ing $14,000,000. It will take seven
year, it is estimated, to build it. The
great hole through the mountain will
be four mile longer than the famous
Simplon tunnel through the Alp.
Railroad officials assert that the con
struction of this tunnel will eliminate
many miles of dangerous snowsheds.
Rolph Starts City Hall.
San Francisco With a silver spade,
presented by the board of supervisors.
Mayor Rolph last Saturday turned the
first shovelful of earth for the founda
tion of what will be San Francisco's
new $3,500,000 city hall. Bonds to
cover the cost were voted a little more
than a year ago. The city hall will
form part of the civic center, a collec
tion of municipal buildings to cost $8.-
000,000, not including the municipal
Japanese Make Threats.
Tokio All the leading newspnpers
make lengthy editorial comment on the
land ownership bill pending in the
California legislature. They urge the
withdrawal of Japanese participation
in the Panama-Pacific expostion im
mediately the bill passes, as well a
retaliation against Americans in
Japan. Count Okuma, the ex-foreign
minister, and other leader advise
conservative action. All authorities
concede that the passage of the bill
will Injure American interests considerably.
arrived here last week to take charge
of the clearing operation of the Green
I oint Orchard comnanv. was ..r,.ui...
1 ' 'receiving new from Coumbus.
O.. that h, r entire family had per
Hhedin the flood that swept through
jthat city recently. Mr. Dean l,..i
made vain attempt to get In commu-
............. wi.n relative and ha h
oAiousiy awaiting new
ever ,Ii,l not come until tho water had
receded and tho bodie. 1
" ItJUfHI,
Railroad Situation Viewed.
Grants Pa-Dr. RHd7"TnTr:ngiT
neer Harmon hnve
Hiartwi r.. f
.,. f.t.. " ",r ,rc
. V'.. r"ml'"y With tho
munis J. ft. It,.e;i
tin, who
Charges Not Pressed.
Washington, p. C -Vice President
Marshall Thursday afternoon declined
to present to the senate a set of alle
gation rharclntr U.
with Improper conduct, and announced I . rcnt V!ty: Mr
inn. nn nm. vntuM..... .l --".. iv. inn.
- ..-.. ., ... ine written wnn ,i . ng engineer
charges to their author. Jim t Wou1'1 f"llow 'ter to invest!... .i..
ind and A. O M,..
taking the Inn f. . l
Purpose of looking over Ul. KZ
"d condition that might be cxpTc e
n constructing the railroad tJX ' l
Martin, of the rt riLloV,,.. ' ' " 'k- amount of lira ,1, .....;.- . ..
States attorney here and he fuml
mem insuiucieni to present to the
Krunij jury.
Suffrage Amendment in Congress
Washington, D. C. Suffrage for
women, uy an amendment to the
eral constitution, was t.rnn.,i i .
Joint resolution introduced Wednesday
by Representative RmUop
Ifornia. " "'N
I.- a
mane mnnv
......meniary remark about the ri
rr GMMl F'rm l,rinK 2.1,rHM).
old h farm of j5 ,
of this place, to Ralph Ackley Th
price wa $23,000. The trnet 1.
well.impt.ved farm, oni Tf ,e
the neighborhood. Several safe. navc
bocn made in Tm..,ii- nav
condition, are Inng 'X
on 'the gwxb
bought and delivered Saturday wuos
feed for stork, which wa 15 percent
ov.-r the regular prices paid.
There i space in the grange grouiat
at the corner of East Eightieth and
Division street, on which a general
delivery store may be built.
Rural Sidewalks Urged.
Orenco At a wcial meeting of tbt
Orenco Civic Improvement lefn
step were taken to build sidewalks to
ljuatama and toward Heedville and is
everal other directions to connect tht
outlying districts with the town. Th
farmer living along thee line h
greed to assist in the building.
Those living near Quatama h
agreed, if the town buys tho lumber,
to haul it from the mill, furnish th
cms piece and build the walk. M.
McDonald. W. J. Head, Thomas Good
in, Mr. Green and Mr. Dunsmoors
were Mpiiointed a committee to report
the best mean of raising the fund.
At the last meeting of the city coun
cil ordinance were passed fixing th
wiutn or sidewalk, prohibiting ixk
Inside the fire limit, warning owners
to keep poultry on their own premise,
licensing moving-picture how and
prohibiting them on Sunday.
State Funds Decreasing.
Salem The quarterly rejxirt of hi'
office, Jut prepared by State Treas
urer Kay, show that the balance In
the general fund March 31 wa $.r55.
30!). while the balance January 1
$1,072,613. With tho large appropri
ations made by the last legislature th
balance In the ceneral fund will b
rapidly eaten up, according to the p'"
diction of Mr. Kay. The report !
show that practically all of the $.
321,363 in the common school fund
principal Is loaned out at 6 per rent
Interest, there being only $U79 left-
Malheur'Mine Productive.
Malheur Mining has been given
new life for a rich gold strike made In
the llumbolt mine, situated on th
north boundary of Malheur county In
Monon Ilain, six miles eat of Mal
heur. On March 29 a cro rut reached
a body of ore on tho 400-foot level c"
rylng $1200 a ton In gold. Some of
the ore ihowed more gold than wast.
There is now over 300 feet of topinff
ground. The mill Is running ni?ht
and day and Is producing at least $".
000 a month. Electric jaiwer ha
greatly simplified the handling of ore.
Une Protest Siuslaw Policy.
Washington, D. C. Senator Ln
"led a written appeal with tho bord
of engineers of rivers and h.,'
protesting against the dcclslc
dy against dredging
irom Florence to Acme '
an opportunity to make
tion In the Nedda case