St Helens County Skat, Population i6oo Water ft l S w er st.m Klrctric Improved Strctts High School Churches Industries Saw Mills Shipbuilding Crf.osoting Plant l'OLF.3 AND PlUNG Stone Quarries Fisheries Farming Fruit r r OFFICIAL PAPER OF COLUMBIA COUNTY VOL. XXXII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL II. 1913 NO. 15 m FINANCIAL CONDITION STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS Jf THE Off Of ST. HELENS The booke of the city of St. Helena ahowthaton April lit, 1913, the Indebtedneae of the city win as followa: General fund $18,222.08 Sewer bonda 12.000.00 Water bonda 50.000.00 To offset thia Indebtedneae there is due the city from varioua aources for the general iuml &, zui.;.r bonda from property $12,000. SHIPPING NOTES School Notes 9 - : v lurt'H oi me year ai me ucnooi was 1,1 ia d" here TS'to" "f t ht Attorney complete her cargo of lumber for W- B- )lllurJ- Mr- Ddlard ex ban Pedro delivery. The Chatham plained the nebular theory of the ia a large carrier, having a capacity origin of the universe. An intereat of nearly 2 million feet. She ia in U)tf ,,i,aM. 0f the discourse was the command of ('apt. C J. Lwastcr, (J h h . tiflc ,h har. formerly of the ateamer Johan . , , ,..,.,,.. I'oulaon. ' nionizea wlt" the biblical in that The achooner Robt. Hind, now CO "Day" means, in all ancient lan daya from New Zealand ia daily ex- guages "period," and that the day iR'Cted here to loud a cariro of I um- in tin. wnw in winch we use it ia of Jut for delivery at Lyttleton, New different lengths on the different The water ayatem ia more than ' ; planets. The trirls of the eighth paying the Intereat and mainten- The Merchants Exchange report (. A warmly i i,. ,k. i.rnviitiona of the the arrival of the Hark liritish .... charter Mam end ed a t the e I ec tfon Veoman at Sydney, Australia, on i aud.ence was present, hut Monday the water commission tho ' ",!,t she a 'ul1 1 The boys of the grammar grades ia authorired to invest the aurplua i wc-htoo ar ((oing in lor tracK aimeiics wnn money in other city bonda or war- left here Kb 4th, makinir a very , muHh t.nthusiasm. At a meeting ranta drawing intereat ao that the run. Mr. Joe Ethndge sailed . h h Je room . . kw. will taka par of them- from here as one of her crew. , ,n Ule water bonka will UKe care or mem ...:...,, 1 Wednesday after Bchool Leland utvos Tha aewer oonu are in iwtimti n.iunmui mimtu m: ... chanted agalnat the property owneMM'ortl""'! Thursday nU-ht with a,Goheen was elected manager for .. . 1 ...1 k., mtr Thin 1 1'linmlise. After discharL'ins she ; nn fnr i,rnrtire City IS SfJVUI vii vu.t tn.vwM ." ' lanii, n.a iihv vj. tv. r leave, the real indebtedne. of the will come to St. Helena to load a I h h declama. ritv aaalnat the genera rund iuii cargo or lies ior oanr rancisco. .... ... . c m 934.8a. for which w. have to The Steamer Multnomah ia ex- t.on contest u ,11 be held in Sea p. how the city hall property, valued 1 pecU'd here Sunday to take on a poose one week earlier than the at least tlO.OOO, all the fire ap- full cargo of lumber for Southern j track meet. Erma Kobinson, holder paratua. valued at J2000, and Uml- Lalif irma. Among the pansengera 0f first prize from the grades, will frev park, conaisting of 25 loU, J who will sail on her ia A. T. Laws, . v -Kentuckv Belle. " and Wttn a Value . irom o;vf iu wno K,h 9 nnjtrn-a in ii iiik i which bring me unai 01 1 ni iamuy duck 10 m. neiens. BOOSTER BUnDNS BASE BAIL FANS CAN GET . THEM AT MIST OFFICE t?l00. property ownol by the city to a considerable aum more than the in- debtednesa Tho ateamer Francis H. Leggett will complete her cargo of ties and both high school winners, Mildred Allen and Edward Veazie, will use their same selections with some im ail tonignt for SnnKraneisco. The provements, while Lleanor Savage .! . ..t.. t . . r . i LARGE DOCK TO BUILD (KAIL MCCORMICK CO. WILL IMPROVE SHIPPING YARDS The McCormick Co. haa pur-cha-Hed the derrick and float for merly located at Stella. Wash., and will bring them to St. Helena at once. The company has decided to I will reach St build a large dock on the island tween the ahipyarda and the point ,.f iih.nit The dock will be I'ggett has recently had passenger accommodations rnaile and will sai with her full list of 40, who will come down on the Iralda tonight. Work on the tuur which is being built for the Columbia Contract Co. ia progressing rapidly, the frame being all up. The tug should be launched within the next 60 days and will ! used for both river and ocenn towing by the Contract ( o. The whoonfr ISeiilah. one of the oldest sailing Vessels on the coast. Helens next week to load lumber for Southern California norts. Tnia will be the first visit of the Itetilah to this port. rrn t 1 ti ..I :.. .,t.In, n n " I J ne jonan I nuisen is i.imiik large enough ao that two vesm-ici . , 1 1 . a, Columbia County rnl lns.led there at the samel M ill .lock today anil will Fail for time. Work on the new d.k willlSar Francisco tomorrow tart at once. Next Tuesday afternoon the Portland base ball season opens at Portland with the Heavers playing the Los Angeles crowd. In anticipation of the big crowd that will be there a Booster club has been organized, furnishing to members a card and booster button, which entitles the holder to admission and a seat in the grand stand at the opening game. This card and button will alen rpsprvp r seat in the crand ctoml ut avoru finfiirflnv nnd Snn- day game during tne season, so w. j. Akin, is. that the holder will not have to j E Ramsey, 249. nurrv to get in line 10 gei a neni on big days. The club has sent 1 to the Mist j or these Duttons and cards for St. Helens fans which can be had at this office until Monday night. Better get one. THE CITY ELECTION A. W. MUELLER, MAYOR, i. I RAMSEY AND M. SAXON COUNCILMEN, MRS. DOOD, TREAS. The city election last Monday re sulted in the election of A. W. Mueller as mayor, J. E. Kamsey and Magnus Saxon as1 councilmen; Iva E. Dodd as treasurer and H. J. Southard as water commissioner. The vote on the officers and charter amendments were as follows: For Mayor: A. W. Mueller, 235. James Dart, 169. For Councilman: LOCAL HAPPENINGS AND DOINGS NEWS NOTES CONCERNING PEOPLE AND f THINS3 IMND AROUND ST. HEMS j PERSONAL; LOCAL; SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE -I Dr. H. II. Cliff was in St. Helena l.h S. A. Miles, accompanied bv last Saturday. her riatihter, Mrs. Butler, and her Report of The Condition of at RAINIER TANGLE ELECT CAN NOT QUALITY Rainier, Ore., Apr. 8, 1913. The lbi(uiam will load lumber St. Helens the coming week for San Francisco. YANKTON NEWS Ross Stanwood has moved from St. Helens to his farm near lanK I ton Mrs. (I. C Haigor. widow of Rev n io mnih1u meetinir ofiCnrdon t!. liariror. has moved from Jhe city council was held last night, her farm on the Yankton road and , 7 ' ,. , Wi niake her home w ith her daugh- lt was at this meeting that the njjj newly elected councilmen were to h(?r i)a(.e f()(. qualify. Geo. F. Moeck Jr. quail- ,ia(t u.t,n fied without question, but 'n'n I viHjtjn for a few days in town Ceo. Howen, the druggist, and W.I gtTvicea will 1h held Sunday in D. Stewart, the confectionery man, t( vHri)an church, l'renchmg ty attempU'd to qualify the question I the ICev. t aircnii.i of their eligibility was raised Im?- I D.'t forget t attend the dance cause they were not property Lv,.n j,y the R. d Men on Saturday, owners. The old charter says I April 12. .... 1 ... nulliinir nrHMrtV (IUallllCa-1 -!..ii 1:111 1 1 or Ol UK tion of oiricers. but tho new char-1 Yankton school, i t m iie fit k will deliver ti.i Hur's Chariot Race instead of the cutting from Oliver Twist. Report of The Condition of No. 18 The Columbia County Bank at St. Helens, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business April 4, 1913. KK.,VKKS. Uansar discounts $142,.V.t,..42 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured P.onds and warrants Hanking house Furniture nn' fixtures Other real estate ow ned Hue from approved re serve banks Cash on hand Total i.iAim.iriK.s Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 5,6."6.10 Postal savings bank de posits Individual deposits sub ject to check Demand certificates deposit Certified checks 3C2.2') 40.55S.13 15.570.00 2.700.00 5.12S.77 38.SS4.00 13.7G2.48 $2r.r65.03 $50,000.00 10.000.00 No. 73 The Farmers State Bank, at Scappoose, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business April 4th, 1913: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $26,100.99 Overdrafts, secured 67.91 Itonds and warrants 14,956.59 Banking house 6,250.00 Furniture and fixtures 2.515.00 Other real estate owned 574.00 Due from banks (not re serve banks) 236.21 Due from approved re serve banks 7.492.82 Cash on hand 3,570.18 Expenses . 993.61 Total $62,757.31 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $12,500.00 Undivided profits 680.12 Postal savings deposits 27C.39 Individual deposits sub ject to check 42,125.95 1 Demand certificates of deposit 683.70 Time certificates of de posit 1.946.48 Savings deposits 4.544.67 ' Total $62,757.31 State of Oregon, County of Columbia, ss. I, O. M. Washburn, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly 7.760.89 swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge 152.050.43 and belief. 0f , O. M. Washburn. Cashier. 5.714.40 Subscribed and sworn to before 150.00 ' be this 9th day of April, 1913. Cashier checks outstand- J- atta. Notary t uouc. I,!i3.0i0 I orreci miesi. J. G. Watts, 225.3S Asa D. Holaday, M. Saxon, 234. For water commissioner: H. J. Southard. 311. For treasurer: Iva E. Dodd, 314. The vote for the charter amend ments follow: 100 138 101 101 102 135 103 110 104 116 105 128 106 117 107 117 108 113 109 124 110 114 111 128 112 130 113 206 The two charter amendments that carried were the one combining the city recorder with the clerk of the water commission and the one permitting the water commission to invest the surplus funds in city bonds, all others losing. The or dinance removing the limit of the number of saloons, referred by petition of the people, lost ou that the limit still remains, only four saloons being permitted until the population reaches 2500, Notice Notice is hereby given that the assessments against the real prop erty in Sewer District No. 2 of the City of St. Helens, Oregon, have been made for the costs of the im- nrnvpTnent of said sewer district, and entered this day m tne nen doeket of saiil citv. and that said ns sessments are now due and payable to the recorder of said city All assessments not bonded or suhiect to the right of being bonded nill h delinouent from and after three months from the date hereof. Dated April 4th. 1913. J. Q. Gage. Cily Recorder 16. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard en tertained Dr. Paddock of the Con gregational church of Portland last Tuesday evening. Jack Root was a Portland visitor the first of this week. Mrs. J. L. Zipperer visited with her parents at their summer home near Mayger this week. Dr. M. D. Barbour of Mayger visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Zipperer, in St. Helens yesterday. There will li services in the Episcopal church next Sunday even ing, April 13; 'at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Johns enter tained Dr. Lowden at their home on Tuesday evening of this week. Miss Ella Rosenthal returned on Monday from Portland, much im proved in health. 0. M. Washburn of Scappoose was in St. Helens on business this week. In a letter from George Conyers received the past week, he says he is going to visit the famous Drs. May0 of Rochester, Minn., and ha hopes of a complete recovery. His many friends here certainly wi:-h for him such a recovery. J.Warren Quick of liallston. Ore., visited at the home of his brother. E. Quick, in St. Helens, Wednes day. Mrs. Quick is still in the hi---pital in Portland, but is recovering very satisfactorily. Kenneth ClilF has accepted a position with Ed Joseph, the Ala.ska fish packer, and has gone to Alaska i for the suiiMYier. Don't forget the dance . f t if ...... . sous, r.i,:u. vviu and rugene, are in St. Hek-ns today packing up their household goods and getting ready for removal of all their effects to the Portlanl home. It ia the in tention of Mrv Miles and the heira to dispose of all the. St Helena property as soon aa auitable ar rangements can be made. R. W.Welch and H. T. Amea, business men of Kel, Wash., were transacting business in St. Helens the first of the week. Died, at a hospital . in Seattle, Thursday, April 3, Samuel L. Lovell, age 63 years, 11 months and 18 days. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, in Seattle, Wash., five daughters and one son: Mrs. H. E. I-aBare of St. Helens, Chas. Lovell and Mrs. A. Merill of Yank ton, Mrs. George Tichenor of Port land. Mrs. S. M. Burkhead of War ren, and Mrs. Gus Sanberg of Ne halem Eay. Interment was made in Seattle, Saturday. Good baled hay for sale. John Dolan, Warren, Ore. 3tp Dr. Lowe's glasses are death to headaches. Ask your neighbors. For the classes and masses Dr. Lowo's classes. Dr. Lowe furnishes the new seamless Toric plasses with which you can see all distances. No trouble to show them. HOULTON On Thursday, April 3, 1913, Wayne (Jrulb and Miss Marie Phehis. both of Houlton, were very j quietly married in Portland. While the tngagomcni naci oeen announces to ''?; fnr Son3 time, the friends of the cot:p!c wero nevertheless surprised. Mr. and Mr?. Grubb returned to Houltnn on tne late train Thursday evening. Tfcev went to house- intr Time cei til'entes of deposit Savings deposits Tot id Si a.' o'' Oregon, Robert Weaver and family have ot nlv ,,f (,'olumbin, ss. :;o.677.7S j J265.565.05 ter says tho mayor ami councilmen muHt be freeholders. As the new charter went into effect at the tim Ku .H. a eouncilmen were I visitinir in St. Helens (l is week elected h.itf enuld not. according! Mu ,'IU,.n mini-ii al ef , . J - . .. to the opinion of the city attorney, I Yankton scJu-o qualify, unless they were free holders. The mayor read hia ad dress to a Urge audience, a the council room was crowded. moved to Masten'. camp Rudolph C. Kuilh i.nd wife were the is expect in' her brother from the eat to vi.-it mir neiy.hborh.iod. and lu- is thinking ol locating here I, A. L. Stone, cashier oi tne n!.,,ve named bark, do solemnly sn.eM-that the above statement is tn.e-to the best of my knowledge i-.,l belie'. I A. L. Stone. ! Cashier Gustave Lange, Directors. SuUcribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April, 1913. J. W. Day. Notary Public. Correct -Attest: Vm. M. Ross, 1.. R. Rutherford, J. S. Allen, Directors. 1 vDr. Lowe. April 1 V?" member the date, i j You and your children are safe if you wear Dr. Lowe's superior I glasses. They cost you no more I than the inferior kinds usually sold and you have the benefit of his skill and more than 21 years experience as an exclusive optician and op tometrist He does not go from house to house. Consult him at St. Helens Hotel Wednesday, April 16. one day only. Scores of refer ences. Guaranteed work. No agents employed. given by the St. Helens band boy at the city hall on Saturday night. April 19. The St. Helens Timber Co. arc going to build two miles more of kpopint: r.t "ncr, Mr. Grubb having railroad and will advertise for hi 1 j !r.i?M f? Ilnrry Flennett property for the construction within r. !W weeks. Geo. Scoggins, engineer in chares of the Heusner street railway r-y-tem now building in Portland, Wa? in St. Helens this week. The members of the Congrega tional church have decided to erect a parsonage on the lot adj'dnimr the church in tl .s city. It isi ..f u , -ni h r.-n.k- frHi e prepared I t Mr?. ... .... i... ',, .i,.n in tho amitli occupancy wiumii iwo or m.'v months. TEACHERS ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD RETAINS ENTIRE CORPS FOR ANOTHER YEAR At a meeting cf the echo. I board of the St. Helena district held last night the teachers who have taught the punt year were all re-elected for the coming year. This speaks well for the work of the teachers, some of whom have been hero for several years. The results obtained by the teachers in the grades and huh school have been entirely satisfac tory to tho board. VIE HAD A CITY ELECTION IN ST. HELENS LAST MONDAY iaafine thing to make yourself Become a Maccabue and to do tho right th Ing. A.W.Murller it hsr-f tftt imith I - , t T--V .y .1 1. . I f ' I L-X A,jsp'iMr U Hiit on- h 7T o tran,oy Sfl n:ne liirr i.z". Their many friends ciTor corijratriation? and wish the pnir eery happiness in their wedded life. Mrs. Clinton Prcscott, assisted by her 'laujrht.'r. Mrs. James Hender son of Aberdeen, very charmingly entertained a number of friends at i luncheon onTuo'day afternoon, April s. from - until 5. The planned to. start the work soon fo ela'nte memi con.Hted nt mex.owi t rescon, w:rse lonji snjiKii n !aci'.utinteil her with the Spanish Mr. and Mrs. Q. D. ivyle. who)' , . , have been residing in St. Helens io!li fn, , ts. L. H. who met his Pnrn. t Mr. and Mrs. Combs, on Thursday, April 3. 1913, 7 for the past year, have moved to Trenholm. where thev will makei' their home. Captain Crowe, death in the wreck of the Mimi last! scm- Sunday, was well known in St. On Friday afternoon. April 4tn Helens, where he visited onbusi-IMrs. Sa v,;i ! Long entertameU a ness in connection with the Under- number oi In r friends at whist. writers. The many friends here j followed by a luncheon very de ,. vQ v,,v,.,l n hpr nf hi traiir liri.ius. and daintily served. She death and extend to the family sin- was assisted by her daughter, Miss cere sympathy. ( Margaret Lor.;-. Dr. Lowe, the well known tve! The yotitl.s of Houlton have or- speciaiist, will be in St. Helens ganked an atnlef.e CtuD ona are Wednesday, April 16. Rainier. . preparing io ;ve;.n entertainment, Thursday, 17th. Clatskanie, Friday, . th.' m ISth. If you contemplate consult- Ais.' ing him about your eyes or gk;.. make a note of day and dates. Word was received in St. Ilt-ieus this week of the fWh ? .' ' . VI. - I 1 It l;.:. : .v " ' i,iil.. oil An-ii fill. l'Jl'J. Mr. Richardi on waa Mr... C. It- 1 1 ' yU t do:. o toward me pur ii vwiuni paraphan- ) .hy move on the V .. end they will e;..ty ooperation -It: hrvthiT oi" "-- '. J. ' AIT k '