N O L T L If you suffer, don't complain; its proof you're alive. Reform and enjoy yourself by visiting our store No Freaks, Fads or Frills, but Good Sensible Goods at Living Prices Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains I N 0 i I SI 1 ,4- 1.1 I 1 ri I I 1 I A1 - Administrator's Node, to Creditors in the county court ok the 8tate 09 oregon, for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of George Merrill, deceased. Notice ii hereby given that G.M. Mc Bride, the undersigned, baa been duly appointed administrator of the Estate of George Merrill, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Orcg.n, for Colombia County, and has duly qualified for said trust. All persons haying claims against said state are hereby notihed and required to present the same, duly verified, and with the proper vouchers, to said ad ministrator at the office of G. M. Mc Bride in St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore., within six months from the date of this notice. , Dated t Helens, Ore., and first published March 7, 1913. Geo. M. McBride. Administrator of the estate of George Merrill, deceased. Adminiatriator'g Notice Creditors to IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ia the matter of the estate of J. B Lynch, deceased. Notice it hereby given that E. H Lynch, the undersigned, has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J. B. Lynch, deceased, by the County Court of the Stat oi Oregon, for Colom bia County, and has duly qnalifled for aid trust. All persons having claims gainst said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified with proper Touchers, to said administrator, at the office of G. M. Mc Bride, in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, within six month from date of this notice. Dated at St. Helens, Ore., and first published March 7. 1913. E. H. Lynch, Administrator of the estate of J, B Lynch, deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT CP THE STATE OF oREOoN FOR THE county p Columbia. G. Baugh, Plaintiff, versus F. J. Baugh. Defendant. To E.J. Baugh, Defendant: In the nam. of the State of Oregon, you ar. hereby required to appear and answer to th. complaint filed against T la the above entitled suit on or be fore tbe loth day of Mav, 1913, and il yon fail to answer, plaintiff will take a decree against yon, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony here'ofore and now existing between ihe plaintiff and you; for the cuetodvof Eugene Baugh, minor child of plaintiff and defendant,. mn war suon otner and further relief iu as tiia coon nay deem fust T Of I . 9om It rm IWi. , f jidawrfrk. Jtei1?? ? Harris? " i . oarmrnmrn m , f kim r, tor lolom-f j . vmlmm Wm.a,I.MMhJpmbUemtto, UsnW tor sbi wk.... CO C a CO 6 Some shoes are bought, Some shoes are sold, Some shoes sell themselves. Such shoes are our shoes. Largest stock in the County Tread the straight and narrow path in a pair of our Ladies Shoes 27th, 1913, directirg aoch ublication in the St. Helens Mist, once a week for six successive weeks, the first publication being March 28th. 1913. and the last the 9th day of May, 1913. Ben Irwin, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. IN THE CIRCIUT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR " COLUMBIA COUNTY. S. J. Kaminsky, Plaintiff, vs. George Rohlls Defendant. In the name of the state of O regon, you are hereby required to app - ar and answer the complaint filed agaibjit too in tbe above entitled aciion on or before six weeks from tbe publication of this summons, to-wii: On or before I'd 14th day of April, 1913, and if you fail to ap pear or answer, for want I hereof, the plaintiff will take iudvinent in Inal vnn for the sum of 1250.00 toret W with interest thereon at the rate of eight per sent per annum from the l-'tth da.v of December, 1910, the further sum of SO 00 as attorneys' fee, and f.r the cunts and disbursements of tbis action .as prayed for in the complaint filed herein to which reference Is hereby made. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for six weeks sac. cessively in the St. Helens Mist, by order of the Honorable W. A. Harris, County Judge, acting In the absence of Honorable J. A. Eakip, Judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated on the 2Ut day 0f February, 1913 Date of first public ation is Feb 21,1913 Date of Isst publi cation is Ap'plt4,1913 Emmons & Emmons 4 Held. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 909 Board of Trace, Portland, 're. UMMUNS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LIE STATE OF OREGON FOR C'OI.UM. BIA COUNTY. Matt Slattson, Plait. tiff, vs. AugiiBt Ko-ki, Defendant in tli name of the State of Orrgon, Yon are hereby required to appesr and answer the Complaint 01 d against ton in the above entitled action, on or before six weeks fr m the publication of th summons. to-wit:the 14tn da of April 1913, and if you fail to appear or answer .'or wsnt tnereot, tbe plaintiff will Uke Ji'dnitTt againat yon tor the sura of $100. IM v. i h interest on yiw.w at five percenter annum from the 18ih dav of Novctnt i r, If 1 1 to March 19. 1912. and inreneat ... HOd,! at five per cent per annum from tbe 19th day of March, 1912, the fu ruer sum of 150.00 a attorneys' fer, ssl I the Ooets and diaounmwottof tkU actio n as prayed lor in the eomplmlmt tied aw r(a which reference te h.r.hy o.d.. TtiJs Saaamoo. U served aooa ro In Tinware, Granitware, Crockery, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishing Goods A Very Large Assortment of Ladies Underwear. These Goods will be Closed Out Regardless of Cost. Don't get lett If You Want Garden Tools, Now is the Time to Buy Them and We can Save You' Money on These Articles. All. Our Builder's Hardware will be Sold at Wholesale Prices. Get Busy and Save Money at this Sale. Bargains for Everybody, the old and young, rich and poor. Seeing is believing COME m cessively in tbe St. Helens Mist, by ordar of the Honorable W. A. Harris, County judge, acting in the absence of Honorable J. A. Eakiu, Judge of tbe above entitled Court, which order is dated on the 21st day of February, 1913. Date of first publication is Feb. 21. 1913. Date of last publication is April 4. 1913. Emmons He Kmmons St Keid. . Attorneys for Plaintiff, 909 Board of Trade, . Portland, Oiegon. SUMMONS. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OUEGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA, Victor C. Malcom, Plaintiff, TS George Roblf and Ella R,hlfs, De. fendants, In the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of tou are hereby re- ! 1uired to PPr -nd n,wr ,he com piaint filed against you in the above en titled action on or before six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 14th day of April, 1913. nd if yon fail to appear or answsr the for want thereof plaintiff will Uke Judg ment against you for tbe som of $250.00 together with interest thereon at the rate ol ten per cent per an hum from the 19th day of August 1909, the further sum of $50.00 as attorneys' fee, and for cost and disbursements of this action as prayed for in tbe complaint tiled herein to which reference is hereby made. This summons is served upon you and each of you by publication thereol for six weeks successively in tbe St. Helens Mist. by order of the Hon. W. A. Harris, County Judge, acting in tbe absence of Honorable J. A. Eukin, judge of the loe eniiti -d court, which n'ers is (Lue the 2) rt dsy .f February 1913. Deteol tir publication is ri b. '.'1,19,3 Due of list pubicatiun is April 4,1913' Etninonr A Emmons A Keid, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 909 Board of Trade Portland, Ore SUMMONS IN' TUB CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE OF ORKGON, FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. Tri.is Randa Plaintiff, TS Anynat Koski Defendant, In the name ot the state of Oregon JO'i netjjt required to appear sn answer tl e complaint filed agsinut you i tt' ab v entitled action on or befor six w eks from the publication of thi puifcm.uis, to: it: on or before the 11th dav of April, , 1913, and if you fail to ap- pexr or ana wer tor want thereof tn I faint n will Uke udgnetit again you low thu tarn ol $300,00. fawetbar with laUrrt tberroa I thm rat. ol 'out per leemt per ana ut from th. 6th day ol epos) yow hylAotyi, 1911, th. urtlwr son of $HO.00jOtnoa Oft ar. sod each of .tsorue,.' t ONE COME ALL bursements of this action as prayed fi r in the complaint filed beiein to which reference ia hereoy made. This summons Js served upon von by publication thereof for six weeks ur e sively iu the St. Helens Mist, by order of the Hon. W. A Harris, County Judge, acting in the absence of the Hn. j A. Exkin, Judi;eof the above entitled court, which order ia dated on the 21st day of February, 1913. Date of first publication is Feb. 21,1913 Date of lat publication is April 4, 1913 Emmons A Emmons A Reid, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 909 Board of Trade. Portland, Oreg n. Administrator' Notice to credi tors IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COL UMBIA COUNTY. In the matter of tbe estate' of Anna Lynch, Deceased. Notice il hereby given that E. H. Lynch, tbe undersigned ha been duly appointed administrator of the eatate of Anna Lynch, deceased, by th. County Court of the State1 of Oregon, for Colum bia County, and has duly qualified for said trust. All persons hsving clsirns against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to said administrator at tbe offw-e of G. M. Mc Bride, in 8t. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, wit.bin six months from the date of this .notice. Dated at St. l len, Oregon, and first published March 7, 1913. E. II. Lvnrb, Administrator of the es'ate of Anna Lyiici, deceaied NOTICE til men try theV presents, that, Know whereas, the Mate Board of Fiali and Game Commitsinners a Well at its predecessors, the Board of Fiih Com missioners of the State of Oregon lias propagated and st.xked. and is propa gattrg and stor king the waters of the WillitrucMe Kiver in the state of Or. g n with salnion fish, and Whereas, said Willamette river is fre quented by salmon fish, and for tbe pur pose of protecting tbe same, the State Board of Fish and Game Commisxi iners baa decided to rlte the raid WdUinetie River and its tributaries 11.. w and nor of the falls there f at Oregon City, to prevent fishing therein by any tnenns whatever for calmon finh, except witl hookitnd line, con monly called angling.', during the period of tiom hereinafter specified. Now, therefore, n'tlfcn is bereby given by said Stat. Board of Fleh and Oame Coram fsefuners that thai portion of said Wllametf river sad ft. Srihntari. be low ant north ol th. fails Ibareof at hereby cfo to toblMg oi ,T W-d torjiasw imw n !, nalmon fib, except with hook aid line, commonly railed angling, from and after 12o'cl.M'k noon on the 15th day of April, 1913, to 12 o'clock nioii on the 1st day of May, 1913, and it is and be unlawful to fi.h for, or take or catch any sal i on fieb by any means weatever, except with book and line, commonly called angling, in any ol tid watem during the per.od of time herein p-cl-fied. Any and nit persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of tbis notice will e prosecuted as by Uw provided. Geo. II Kelly, Chairman pro tern, J. F. Hughe, Secretary, C. F. Ktone, M J. Kinney. Constituting quorum State Board of Fist) and Game Commissioners. oummons IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. Frank Walker, Plaintiff. T. Capitol ia Lillian Wker, Defendant. To Capitolia Lillian Walker, Defend ant: In the name Ol tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby requested to appear and answer to the complain! filed againat you in the above entitled suit within eix weeks from tbe date of the first publics tion of this notice, to-wit: the 7th day of March. 1913, and if you fail to do no, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment and d-rre against on, for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between j oil and the plaintiff, and for the care and cnxtodr of the. minor Ciildren and for such other and fuither reliel a to the court iu ty seem equiuhle and jn-f, j und for plaintiff's costs and disbnrsn i tin nts herein. I Service of this summons I inndoupon i you by publication of the smiie in tue 'fit. Helens Mint," a weekly newspaper for six succerui v weekiby virtue ot sn order signed by tbe Hon. J. A. Kukin Judge or the above entitled Court on the 4 th d iy of March, 1913 Date of drat publication tbe 7lh day of March, 1913. Data of ant publication the 18th day of April, 1913. Perry C. Stroud, Attorney for Plaintiff First Na'ionnl Bank Building, Kt. Johns, Oreiiori. SUMMONS IN TIIK CIRCUIT (.OUKTOF TIIK hTATE OF OREGON FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY f dna May McDonald. Plaintiff, TS. Archie Charles McDonald, Defendant. To Archie Cliarl.s McDonald, defendant aoov. named ; In the nam. of th. Stat, of Oreo yu are h.r.by required to appear and CD o "I ft p rf CO p p S-S 3 Don't Wasth Your Timk Knvy- ing Your Nkigh bor. Buy YOUR Goods from Us ST. HELENS1 in the a ove entit e.l Court. on or Ufure the 2.r)ti ilav ot April. l!rl.l. whicli U the time pre-riihcd f..r answering said com- ' plaint in the order of publication oil thi piiminoiis. and if v.iu Ulltnot.n. pear v"l anwer, the plaintltT will apply I to the court for the relief demanded in aid complaint, to-wit ; A decree (,f ibis ' ronri di-solvit g ihe Un.li of mstrimony j heretofore and now esiilinir twtaeen : plaintiff and defendant herein, on the ! ground that you deserted plaintiffwilh-: out just cau,e and against her will In i the month of June, HMO, and ever since j said date yon have continuously deaerte.1 and lived apart from plaintiff without j'isr or any catfe and ag.inst her will and consent, and lor sn. h other sa l further relief as may I meet. ' Tbis (iimmonii is published by order of the Hon. W A. Harris, j,i,lg f u,. County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, duly made and hied March 1:1, 1H13. the date of the first publication of thi. summons Ireing ' March 14th, 1I3. and the date of th I laM publication thereof being April 25th 1913. J- M. Long, Attorney for Plaintiff, 61W Hunry Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Administrator N otice IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Tint 8TATK OF ORKGov FOB T COL- UM BIA COUNTY. Io the matter of the estate of Herman nansei, nereartd. Notice is hereby gl,n that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Herman Hansel de ceased.l.y the County Court ol Columbia County. Oregon, an.l has duly qualihed. C.e.htor. havi, g claim, agaia.t said es ta.e are hereby rifled to p..Dt the same properly verifi, , to Uie . mm.-t.aror, Ht lhe Uw nffirt ( A w Muel..r tst He'ens. Oregon, .ithi,,.,; tnenths from the date hereof Inland fir-.p,,hl,he,onMurch2l. H . . .udrhed t-,,( ,. I.,tul)llci,ti,in will I e April 18, 1913. G. II. Zei-lcr, As Adinini.trator ol said estate. IN I UK COUNTY CoClcV'tTFriFF Slat., ol Oregon, for Columbia Conntv ' In the matter ,. ,. o ' Switser, De. eavd. Notice Ii hereby ie George the es.ctri, of the e.B , "'I "Wl,"ir', -. "a. rendered ""'h."1e r"r HeKlew.i.1 and filed in said court her In .1 ,.cco.,r.t t her ad mill KtraHon f , " -ti.r.l.y,the26 hdayofApri., Ittl3, . one.,, lock p.n,. at the court room of sai l court at the court house in St. Ilrlens, in Coluoilaa C...,..i u. .' Oregon. b,s .. p;rt,'t0' the dart, lor ll,.,,l....' ' "J . . . ,,.. in bhiiI tlnaJ account, at whh b t,e nd pU,," r:.rrd,n,:!ll.':r..i:, r to .aid .. ;,.:' '".""j'- iions --. Komei the same Executrl, n, .... rr' C""K. Swl.s,r, deoesd ' '118 ' jWM.rthJa'rB, 00 CO J IN TIIK CIRCIUT COURT OF THI STATK OF ORKGON. FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. Samuel V. Stevenson, Plalaliff. s I.ulu May Mrveiit. D, Iefea.laat. To I.ulu May Stsvea.on, dsfsadaal slmvs named: In the nam of the Stale of orsta, you srs hereby rtquirsd to appear ss4 answer ths complaint fiUd sgsiusl jv in tbe above entitled court witlus sis weeks from the dale of Ike I rat publica tion of ibis am ics. to-lt: The Stk T of March, 1913. and if yen sppear and auaw.r, the plaiat.l .HI apply to tbe Court for the rsltsf 4s manded in the said complaint. to-il: A der rew of this coart dlasolving the bond, of ii.stilmnny heretofore sad how eststmg between plaintiff sad il sis na si t herein, and (or such other and fas tber relief s. U the court Utsy ssesi 'wpillahls and Just. I Servu of this sumaaoas upon yos Is U'ade by publication of the sasse in Iks St, Helens Mist for sit successive west i ly sirtas c I an otder mad. by th. Hob. . A. hsaln, Judge .f thaabovs .ntltls4 court, oa the X7th day of March, 1118, DaU of first publication March U, IBIS Data el last publication May 0th. 1911. VT. A. Harris, Attoraey for Plainlll, 8t. n.lsns, Ore. Summon. IN Til. CIRCUIT COUBT or TBI BTSTS 01 OKSGON, IM AMD FOB TM; fODSTT or coui'mbu. K. K. Usher, Plaintiff, VI. Mae Fisher, Defendant. To the above named Mae fisher: I'i lb. D.m of the State of eregea. you sr hereby requirsd te sppear as4 "tnsw.r the complaint of the plalnti "led egaitut ,., , ,! tkoft ,,itW court and ram. v., -t 1. j 'rotn the 3rd day of April, HH3, ssd if vnu t.il ... .... . ' , - .v ,u appsar and answsr, o ant thereof the above nassed plaiat.C wi.I apply to the court for thsrsliaf Pfy d for in his complaint bsrsls, w't : For an absolute divorce, dlasr lv ng the bonds of mstrimony heretofore "d t10W ,litl ,WB pUintlf and lefendant, on t. gro.nd of erael as 4 nh.im.n treatm.Bt of pl.inti ty de fendant. This summons is served upon yeu by publican,,, thereof once a week for six uccMHlv. week.ltheHt.H.l.n.l.f.a order of the 11 on w 1 11 Iud.r ol it ' A- o,y "' Or,0B' con.ty mbtni; ,.y "use , pending. W Itdthr, 8n. d,yf Apr)!, 18 -arlhurT. Moultoa Attorney tpt Plaintiff. Xo.totTJceaddre.,7ioiAs Bldg, ......... . Mfr-'.oretM. r".I.y.""i,0 pru iji 1111.