St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 04, 1913, Image 4

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For Sale and Want Ads
Ua as TU. CJmu, Briat Raaulu
For Salt-Five brood sows, one
or, seventeen small pigs.
D. Paaero Bros.,
4t Columbia City.
One brown yearling heifer taken
OP the fore part of September.
Owner can have same bv navinor
caarge and proving property.
CO. Dahlgren,
Warren, Ore.
For Sal
Four "year old horse, broke
driTe. Mrs. Backland.
8tp Warren. Ore.
Full blooded Barred Plymouth
Rock eggs for setting. $1 per
setting of 15.
George Perry,
Houlton, Ore.
For Sale Six-acre farm, good
house and out buildings. Also ten
acre tract all under cultivation, one
mile from St Helens, Ore.
Geo. W. Perry. Houlton. Ore.
For Sale Thoroughbred Wyan
dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs
$1.00 for setting.
R. H. Rober.son, St. Helens, Ore.
For Sale Early Rose seed po
tatoes. D. Pasero,
4t Columbia City
Light Brahmas egg for hatching.
$1 for 15. Mrs. S. E. King, May
ger. Ore. 4-21
During the past two years plant
lice have apparently been the source
of more trouble to the fruit growers
of Columbia county than any otht'r
one pest or disease. This is es
pecially true of those growing young
orchards. On page 82 of the
Biennial Crop Pest and Horticul
tural Report published by the Ore
gon Experimental Station January
10, 1913, is a very brief and clear
discription of the life history and
treatment of some of these plant
lice. This article will consist chiefly
of quotations from that report:
Of all the plant lice attacking
fruit trees In Oregon at the present
time, the Rosy Apple Aphis, com
monly called Brown Aphis or Black
Aphis, is by far the most seriou
pest. A native of Europe, this in
sect, probably imported into North
generations are produced. Before
the final molt in which the pupae
change to the adult form, many
puoue migrate from the leaves, and
crawling down to the larger limbs
and the trunk, collect under the
loose bark. They remain there for
a few days, molt, and as soon as
their wings have hardened, leave.
There seems to be no apparent
reason for this unless it is to get
away from the various enemies
which attack them on the leaves.
Most of the migrants have disap
peared by July 6th, and do not ap
pear on the apple again until late
September. At this time scattered
individuals of the fall migrant form
begin to appear on the under Bide
of the leaves, and more and more
appear during the month of Octo
ber, so that by November 1st they
are quite abundant
A series
of experiments
Wood for Sale
Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large
Green Trees.
Win Deliver to St Helens for
$3.50 per Cord. To Houlton
for $3.00 per Cord.
25c Discount .on Ten Cords or
More. Hard Wood $4.50 per
Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat
Line or write me at Warren
Ore. Wm. Skuzie.
Houlton M. E. Church
Houlton, first and third Sundays.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W.
T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p.m. Sunday school every Lord's
Day at 10 a, m., Mr. David Cole,
Yankton, second and fourth Sun
days. Preaching by Rev. W. T,
Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday
school at 11 a. m..
Warren Preaching at 3 p. m.
on first and third Sundays of each
months. Trenholm and other points
week nights.
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Court of Colombia county, Ore
ton, op to S o'clock p. m. ol April 4th,
1913, for special road work in road dis
trict No's 7. 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. 13 and 16
of said county, according to the plan
and specifications for such work on file
in the office of th County Clerk of laid
county. Each bid shall be accom
panied by a bond, signed by two or
more freeholders, in double the amount
of the bid, as saretiet, made payable to
the county for the faithful performance
of the contaact. The court reaenrei the
right to reject any and all bida if they
deem them too high.
Blank bonds may be obtained at the
office of the cleik. bida to be filed with
the County Clerk.
By Order of th County Court.
Dated March 19th, 1913.
, , - vn.iiiucii ntic
America on nurserv stock, has! mrrii .. .
- ...v vii iuv jrnr vne expert
vu lo most or tne apple grow- men t station for the control of these
mg aisrncu or the United States, apple aphis in which Lime Sulphur
o orcnard section of Oregon ap- "Black-Leaf-40" and a combination
pears to De free from its ravages, of Lime-Sulphur and "Black Leaf
uK some sections seem tr 40" were used. Results proved
suffer more that AtViop ' ,ri.l i. ... ..... . .
.. .. CIjr i-unciuslve inai ume-suiphur
rus iorms which this species asstimef alone has no effect upon the aphis,
-nsn nas occasioned no ihe "BIack-Leaf-40" and combined
less man four common names which spray of Lime-Sulnhnr and "RWk,
OSA IIMrtJ ! J?X . A . . I -
uaru ... umereni sections or tne Leaf-40" were equally efficient. In
uortnwest. tach of the stages are the case of thia.n.r r,rw i;t
- . . , . I r,l"vu
u.aereni in color and general ap- after the leaves have curled is al
pearancethat they might each be most worthless, owing to the fact
uwnaiea as a different spectr-s by that the leaves are so tightly curled
w. iiuil grower, that the anrnv ronnnf Im aA
r J -assaaw -V lliBfUV '
In the early part of the sprintr we I p-netrate to where the lice are feed
have the greenish blue stem mother? . Spray thoroughly applied at
covered with white powder; follow- the time when the buds are just
ing these we have the pink form opening will prevent 95 to 10 per
which begin to occur about June 1. cent of aphis infestation. The Lime
These are the pupa and later change Sulphur should be used winter
to the brownish or black so-called I strength and the "Black-Leaf-40
spring migrants. In the late fall added at the rate of one part to
we have the whitish egg laying or 1 900 parts of the diluted Lime-
oviparious females. These continue Sulphur
on the trees until killed by late
srost, usually in the later part of
November. '
This pest has a disagreeable hab't
of attacking only the leaves sur
rounding a fruit cluster, except in
years when the crop is light., when
they may be found almost anywhere
on the leaves. Since under normal
conditions the fruit itself is not at
tacked, the layman fails to associate
the aphis with the small, gnarled.
frail annlps whip), annoae a a a eaault
. ... . . ., V, .... I County Court of Columbia County, ore.
of their work n the fall at picking Lori( . petition wi present foi
season. We do not just know why hearing before said County Court, a true
the apples become deformed, but I & correct copy of which said petition
ix the county coitrt ok thk
county of Columbia.
In th' matter of the petition for th
act rn ra'inrj rf the honnrltiries here n
'icr nanifil a d the ieldent thereof.
s t e itr of Gble, Colombia Com li
To whom it mav concern : 1
Notice in hereby given tba'oq Wednes
day, the 7th day of May, 1913 at 9 :30 a
in. of raid day, at a regular term of the
apparently the juices which would
naturally go to produce growth in
the fruit are drawn into the leaves
and absorbed by the aphis. In ex
treme cases, wnen tne leaves are
'8 follows
In the County Court of the State o' Ore
K n, for the County of Colum ia
In the matter of the petition f r the
incorporation of the botinilarie herein-
caused to become curled or more oraf,er named and the residents thereof, as
less f unctionless, the juices fail to City of Goble; Columbia County.
extend themselvrs, except in a I To tne County Court ol
.milieu way; nence, even alter me I Columbia County, Oregon.
lice nave left for the summer, the Gentlemen:
Summer Rates between
St. Helens and Portland
50 cents one way
75 cents round trip
Tickets good any time after
April 4th
Boat leaves St. Helena 7:65a. m.
Returning leaves Portland 2:30 p. id.
Arrive at St. Helen 4-43 p. m.
fruit fails to receive a sufficient
food supply. In an orchard where
the aphis has been bad during the
early growing season, many gall
apples will be found hanging on the
tree long after the leaves have
fallen. These gall apples vary in
size according to the amount of in
jury from as large as hazel nuts to
We, the undersigned, more than lorty
qualities electors, reiddinic within the
errit'ry and boundaries hereinalter
named and having resided therein f.r
iieriod of more than 30 day pre-eding
the date of this petition, respectfully pe-
11 ton and represent aa follow:
1 nai e are quanuea electors ret:dtu
within the boundaries and territory
hereinafter described and have refilled
therein for a period of mure than 30
.' ? -' " 1 K
s r:Vi j
a r "I 1
1 v
'VSM,1 i
,-r. J vii .'f sr
1 Wt'
a rather
cell yoa a Eiudcbaker
When your dealer tclla you ir.d you Lnow
he's honest.
He mny linvc cheaper wnpons in stock, but ho
knows the Studebaker is the best.
And so do you.
He wants to give such good wagon value
that you will come back and demand a buggy
made by the came people.
Studrbakers have ben building wagons for sixty'
years and they have won the confidence of dealer and
farmer ly building not the cheapest but the hat
Whether you live in city, town or country, there's
a Studebaker to fit your needs. Farm wagons, trucks,
business and delivery wagons, surreys, buggies and
runabouts, with harness for each of the saino high
quality as Studebaker vehicles.
5c our Dealer or writ tu.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
tnvr vork
1 it ii
I "" . . '. .' r , . , . .
I . . x u - . .. '
St. Helens and
nearly lull grown apples. The in- days; that we desire to incrporat
jury to the fruit, no matter how n""" Title XXVI, of Chapter I f
little, is so rlpfinite thnr it J or,. L"rd' or' B tn 'here are not
.,i! . , , '" tnan iw inhabitanu within the ter
'u.tu oFt,IC0 1 rttnrv and laoiii.Hario. .t. .1-
llrVllnll kn.rA Vl A. . 1 . . I ... -
"...v... nave ucionKeu io a ci usier scribe'l and that sid territory .nd
where a half dozen aphis have I boundaries are not already incorporated
worked on a single leaf. The injury I Tnat tDe territory is embraced in am
will be on that dido r,f th oU tne proposed boundaries are descried
,.1I. ......
' , . 7 . A Beginning at a point on the section
.jury, wnen sngm, is round on the hne between sections 12 and 13. town
crown of the calyx and will appear snipe, North, range 2 V., 30 feet east of
as small depressions barely discern- ,he corner common to sections 11, 12, 13
able to one familiar with anv cer- "n1 in Colum,JI Qounty, Oregon,
From Healthy Cows
delivered to your door
every day
Qeorge konopka
tain variety of fruit.
lousfl spends the wir tcr in
the egg stage, and the litt e dark
green stem mothers hatch out junt
as the buds begin to open in the
spring. In 1911 this was about tht
first of March. In 1912 tr first
young stern mothers were observed
February 22nd. They clus-erci
the green tissue of thetpenir rhudh
arm gradually work down imonj
the leaves as th y opt n ou. . A t f i ;t
thy are hard to, bit aa tie
buds open and they incrcast- n bit
th y can be v!r easily lot s t; i . Tl t
number present in a bingle bud n.iiy
vary from one to 26, with an aver
age of less than ten. By Anil 15
Ujof an average season the co'onie
are well established on the mtJer
1 1 side of the leaves, and the .'saves
B I have become so curled as tc m&k
running thenee 8. 0 34' W. 6W 9 feet,
thence west 30 feet, thence S. 1 18' K.
585 4 feet, thence N. 8Jv 21' E. 411.2
'"t, tb nre N. .26 15' W 238 fee
tiien-' J- 22 31 'V 2565 ten, the.icv N
J- 42' K. 2184 6 ferl, thence s
j fxt' E. 19a. 4 feet, theice N
i,' 6h' E 154,:, thence S. 89 IS' E.
H 4 ! et to tliH western iimii of II. e So
i'.'f, I'-mlan I & fpokatie Katlrtu r
t '.iiiitnv'a flj nierlv Alton i A C, Inm.
1 1 i iter Rmlrr .ad Compu v riiit o
, I'leiic-on the Mime -( jrM to the
te of t lie uiiiin ct'Bnuei o the Col
li H'i k'Vn', Theiice t)o i t be i enter
o ii HBln i.lann.l of e ooliitubn
i.nif ii a iMi.t wnere a l tie pr..
)... . ti.f r W. from ihN.E 10 -
n- r it r eiter n wu of dohie vin il it..
treci S id tiMi-r line, ihci Hi it
K. u. ihtfs. i. S. E. curnti o- -ato t y,
tri's Tm i of tioole, them e .he mii
co in U6 8 fet along hi north 1. 1
o -si listei'sTiiwn i f 'i b e.
S .,.(' K 1A4 2 feet. the. c t ti, r 4
W.224 4 eet. thf ce S. HV . Of . 17l
feei, In nee S 6.T 2 W, fei,
thun i S is' w. 77 8 lee , Dim re .S
Dated at the town ol Unbli
this 14' h day of Muicti. 1113.
Henry Welter, Mra F. W, Makiu ter,
H M. Fowler, r . a. Fowler, K. Bihop.
Mrs. H. C. Makintter, K, Xtuuri, T o,.
Hu: ter, L. IV Mnart M. D I.iuk. M. ( .
Hovei , A Can'well, Kay II v n, Mr
K. K. Aichi Id, Line ll v n, L. )
Brnuei.t, Kosh Muki' rter, J, T. MrK.n-iy
C. K. Kuwlei Hun er. L webi-
Id, V E Miikinr-Ur, Emniii Nns-
bauer, V. W. MakinHer, Alex Mcl.eo ,
Louis Lenjj iher, Jennie Klli, Ur-. I.
Luuhle, R. L K nny, Joint I n.--, n i
D Milliter. Chci-lev M ikiu-tcr, It n
Cooper, Vi lie iih..foii, Aith ,i Car
nicr, Ilert Alakioater, I. Su-lu- , Mt.
D. Link,O.C. Milium. M't, M.irar
rteiter. Mi; Welte-, Mrs. l! A. tiile-.
Ctuf. siiriill. Mrs. Chas. m rrul,
r.ib L. Voiut Mrs. 1). IS. c.ituwc .
C Hoven, Mrs. Helen Stuiue.
9 ate ol Oregon,
County of Columbia, ss.
Frank liisin.p, beiuj; tirst duly sworn
epose and say: ft, at I circulated th
toreoing lAtilion witliin tlie t-rruor
eribel in the etitton herein,
aw each and every une of a.l iieii-
ttuners sign their respec tive nan ean
H'iw of iu own knolec1(i tht ih
iKiiaiurea oi me eaia petiiioneiii are
true and genuine.
Fiank Biho;i
Subscribed and eworn to lielore i
thia 24th dtiy of March, l'J13.
A . . Mtit ll. r.
Notary Public for Oregon
A. W. Mueller Notary Public )
NotaialSeal. V
State of ori gotl. )
The date ol the firvt pulilica'ion
is llolire is April 4, lifl3, anil ihe da e
of last publication will be April 25, I'Jl.'l
oreiion. ' 200 occurred in the nsws.n-nt of
: the pvrsonul property of IVrt Uruitn
1 for the year 1910, it is ordered by
the court that upon the payment by
the said Bert Hraim of the sum of
$5, including penalty ami interest,
the sum of $5.33 be remitted from
said tax for the year 1910.
Whereupon, court adjourned un
til Wednesday, April 2, 1913.
Indian Runner duck e).rgs for title
Jl for 13. J. VVY VatiN'atta. Wi.r-ren.
Pine Mottled Goods aN Specialty
E. ENYART. Proprietor
rlHOP PropriHor
St. Helens, Or.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stab!:
AH Business Promptly Attended To
Notice to Creditors
STATE oF oKF.tioS. Folt
Columbia County
Ia the matter of the estate of Hans F.
Bjorknian, Deceased.
Notice ii hereby given by the under
signed, the administrator of the estate
of Hans P. Bj irkrnan, dei-eased, to ttie
creditors of, and all perrons having
claims against said estate, to inesenl
them, with the proper voucher, within
l months frrni the date nf this n 'ii;e
to i-nid adiiiiiiistrator, at. the Colmiibia
County Bank, in St. Helens, C dninbiii
county, Oregon, that lie inn the place for
the transitctinn of the biiHincsi of raid
estate. '
Dated April 4th, 1013. i
Win. M Rom,
It ) a feh-nv t r anyiiiie le a k!aii
miative ir lelerr'.duiii eii I n iih
my othi r name hitn I - wn. i ..
an hiiik'v Ken hit nan e ihn
"lice for t e mini' int-i.snre. ir u"
t ich le'ttion when he it ni-t a I. nil
Referendum Petition
To the II. tunable Jonn 1 in(;i',
onli-ri f the Cit ol til. II, I, !,, ( .
')ia t'ounty, Oretfiin :
We, lh" ihhIithiwiimI lejj-l i d it of
."t Iltlene, Columhia Cnunu, irion,
r. pecl hilly fit mnnil Unit lull , an-H
Number l.'!8, t n1 itlt-.l "An or linnni c in
repeal I .No. I'.'O i f tl,. titv ol
"t. Ileltfiin, r Ki. n hitivc to til- limit-
teg the l umber . f ml, ... (, il,e ,,..
oensiii ,.f Kpjiititnu., In.iii h .iI vn-i!n-
liipiors and I. rmei t. .1 cider lute el.
Ii.huI mi hin e.tid eity;" pnM-i l.v h-
council of the tiiv of S-. He.ei.s. at ii-
ineetinK on ihe lilih d ivof M in d. i.. I
he snlui.ittcil to the leirnl votct- f ili-
t o St. Helens for then aiit.r m
r. jiciion st the n ulur i liy . l.-i ticn ..
he held in a!d citv on tie Til. ,'i.
Iiril, lul.i, huiI ea. h lor I im-e f -Hya ,
I nave pi i otially -iatn d ih iiii,,n
i am a leva! voter of n,e rt . s..
te ens, I Hiimteit County, Oieuon, ami
my resnleni-e ami tre, t ntinile r Hie eot-
rectly written ft-r my nam.
, Eggs for Hatcii)
t0rfe;. 5. C. Huff Leghorn. 1
Klih S.CBuffOrp;nra
;. ' JA WW 11 Cm
XV 'V' ' ' sfl Maiiiur P.,, 3.oo pmUUt
I h:.i"-r- VieW' : ... .
.i w rite lur nialina Lul ml 3I
j-xJ Mr. and
innlnss al Poultry Sam
Mrs. Albert 0. Ir
ox 96
Coble, Or
Oliver & Oliver's 1
Cicncral 31crchandise
Furniture i Hardware
Farm Products Wanted !l
i: (Jm k
F. Hflznn
Vmi A. (J ay
rtei.b tieore
reil Waikit.a
K. W U.H.t
A. T Lhws
H. K. Mct'oriiiit
N. li. I'erkins
Jaiin: I litre f)e hinan
I.. Cipi erer
F. Wntkina
SL Helens
A.iujiufDirBLur ol inc eiut.e oi iluns 1 , : v
Bjorknian, deceaed.
Methodist Notices
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Subject
Subject, '
A. HarriM
I If. K. Lailare
; m. i".. Miii.T
1'i te I cltun
It. r. flalton
! A. 1: TIli.lIlp.O'l
Jacob and tsau.
Morninjr service 11 a. m
Biblical Mathematics.
hpworth Leatfue,-6:45. Subject:1
he Indication of Jesus. Leader, tv tiih c.itvTv min.T
Notice of Final Account n.,l
Ukst Link ny Simks in thk Coi-nty
Walk-Ovkr ladies' and men's shoes
Tiikkk Lakh lagging Shoes
00 per 1,1 ,
$.LO() per JO
fiLJO per 1"
I'oor Hatches Made Good
r-l.Tf F ORKl.tlV. I OH rJL-
In ihe niniter of the estate of Htvid II.
lri"alr, I'ec.HWil.
' r ' 1 eiehy Kiven tlntt Ivtnii,, ,
Rritfiin s1i.;v i
(ret her with anecdotes relating to i),.v,,i ti i ti,,',, . , , " ' .
n'fi i.n ii'eti
her final MCn.uiir - ku. Ii ailmiiii.tratrlx
oi shi i nii't" in in- t icinM
Olive IBare.
Eveninjr Service, 7:00. Subject:
he Gospel of tSong. The evening
service will corwiKt of solo3, on;s
by the choir and cono. relation, to-
songs or ti e authors.
E. T. Luther, Pastor
f : A, ... 4-fj.' Vlf.7. .t, tlt.r,.-. . (.,.,' V
i jt a pinxian or aaimon colored lorn) to h .l ol beginning;.
appear. iTjeae are aJ pupmundj Inat tha au n her of inhaiiiunin thel
i - ' " m mm nt i Droauce ine vrown miirratoi s r. I .nrnoryana iniijintna DoiimiariM hr.
iM.m ' .'"y .males which Boon ater maturity 'b,0, eC'ibeil . apirosima.-ely 170,
Km r 7T dfiuioDear from the aDDleand nroLa."""1 ""''" P' that . t Inc.r-
All deair.i g to connect to lewi
in se wet dUirict No. 2, apply to I;
Constantin fur permit
City Counc.l.
John Q. Gage, Rec
. .. .
eor n ii' i
'"""i swoni tutt m
l , - "
novt-r unu :irst ru . ni;,.,n... ....
w. .......iny l, (
clover; American Won.Ier and l!lir
bank seeil iiotatfMiH; nb a new vari-
--ty (iiiioii mo Evergreen,
jieuicr nnd fine potnto.
F-r particulars ,,honft ()T
ritn t, i,. uirmm, VV'n
a Croat
irren. Ore.
Court of
Hie f:K l Oretf..r.. fr ,tjju
er.n I I J .i .1 il I t... . . I . .
- ' ",n ' ini ap-1
pol t.dEinj.dny. the -i.ih iiav . I prjl I
li:l, t 10:(!0o'flo.k a in. of ! ,1 I
Uy order of '' e ,H"n r"01" ' 'd r. nrt, inr-t.,, Cnluml.ia .ottr.ty, Oj-.n. u,1,.,,.,
the time nnd pliue for the h. arim. f all I 't . " "
n il, i in in ii r. ni t smiI ihe
Cflt'UT nr.-
KIATI' i.i , , wr ,J"I
,;w::i V county,
tarl A. J, tV);on p!Hltirrj
I'efcnil .nt.
of li p ' .
on Hie to r :.v r. ii ii.. .1
j ply locaU on, ioni on or mo't un- j
pi ii, uniienlie name o- ihi
woi.ia, ui.fitr the D.oviai a. .h
ilave five acres of new ground
ready for plow. Would give con-
tiact for p.'owing same.
George Perry. Houlton.
Eggs for setting $1 per 15 eggs.
C. W.
h u. Pwe bred VV'hlto Leghorns.
e t.ment there, f, uml t all p, th0ntt ! ; . ' r 'r"" 'l Ir, n,riln,
inter.te.lidMi.UaUe T.ay ai-i-troi.,.",, , 1 '''' dnr (lied
or :er.reHul,ldien.l file any.,.; " , "" '" V" '"M'ed court,t.. iZTn0ttUh,t'"' ""'""".dayof
Dtredfit Helens, Oregon, ,1 r,t i, t ' A, ' '' "'ore than
poi.ll.hed March 28, 1013. . , , ."" "'"'"'"r I'm .hue of Urn
.... ri.Kurnriiiii t il,l "
""ii ami
Emmi A. WHiun
li.lnlatrntrlx of Kstate of l
urittmn, Ueeeased. I
i -... 1
II t'.i.l f.. II
vid If , . ,,..! ,..,..' -"' man aner
' fly i'i tf.e (
rP e ".lief fnf
o? diver dissolving the loiidiof
ii"ny i, ,w and Iteretoforn ili"
tween vmi r,,, I nhilntiir. and a""!
r'nliitifl the c.a ....l r.i,l..(lv o'i
li iiinr i ii,r,.a f oiiraelf sml 'l'!
vi! . MntH. J. Tanwen. flimixa W,Ti
K'n, Cornd li T.mitrn and Carl Tartn
n. drcaring philntiir to lie.the oj
"' M own ritflit. f.e anil cleitroll
chilli in vour favor Iherein. ef I !
l'iwin.le.fii,eit real pn . rt. d"
In the County of Columhia and Si"
'reirnn. vl.. . ...,niw.r rltrl.t (
'o k nitinhor i n rtrvant'n F'',J1
diti m i.i the town of hryatitsvilli'.'
"I'ltlli iheCIt of Clat.kaitir; ''
"'I'" relief Mi. h na the Court may H
"I't t.ihle In the premises.
T'li iiii.iiii,n. , pnhiisi c I in t'i1
"eifiis M.t jytllfl oril(,r ( tl.HlM
A, l'.akln, Jinlyr. r,f tha shovs
tilled Court. .1,, I- .,..1'fj
"he nlii, ieei,., ,l.y of Man h, VM'.A
""oataoftliH flrBl pnhlleatlon l
"iininmns Is M.ireh 21. 101.1. and thci
"i ineiHi-t publication thereof is Sluf
r jarry A Wmtler, I
Att Jr. for ri.ilnilf
T ot. "pmnijLI"'