For Cleansing the Blood j TRIP MADE TROUBLE I bava never found anything (Vtinl to Hood' rarnarilla. In our home it in regarded our ig-eneral family medirine. We una it whenever we ar bilious or run lown, or have imiiur lilood or that tired filling. I regard it only simple justice to apeak well of tliia meuinne, that baa proved ita worth no muny time. Cer tainly we would not know what to do were we leprivtd of Hood fcrnpurillu." JIr. I 1L Nuabamn, Goshen, Indiuna. It la because it eoinliinea tli great curative irtu of more than i!0 valuulilu ingredient just tboae jiresrribcd hy the best physician, thut P Hood's Sarsaparilla roiaefar tuou reniaflabla curative power. It is the Spring Medicine for tin blood, stomach, kidney and liver. (Jot a bottle today. But Pa and Ma Stubbins Had a Long Journey Before Them, and It Was Their First. POUITKY AND (JAMK ten r '' "rtree Wild Iucka sad Kkw saiw Writ m far w (W, aa all hlode !. Br. eta. Pearson-l'aKe Co., Portland GKTTIN5 DOWN TO BKASS TACKS Surer then daya tnrana work end lot of tt. You can't work at tp speed unless your stomach la rljjlit on the job. If it .ai.'t, try POWELL'S Stomach Remedy and get back Into the stride at once. Time. i money and you can't alTord to lose any. llet tbe remedy at any drug atore or aetid to Powell Kcmcdy Co. Spokane, Wah. 1 a llollle, Six lU.ttlee for $5. Mr. Melvlna Btubblna threw Uf, both floury baud In horror. Fa bad fallen over something la tbe wood lied. The cat shrieked lu pain. Tben another crash adled consternation to tbe startled woman. I Mr. Htubblu rushed Into the ; woodshed, i'a wa down on tbe floor i with a load of stove wood about Mm. ! HI uoae wa bleedliiK and the water I from the overturned pall on tbe wab 1 bench waa dammed against hla over : all. Tbe cat cowered under the I waalilng machine, licking tenderly at i her bruised tall. I "JoaUh Htubblu, what be yon a- doln'T" abrleked Melvlna solicitously, To Keep Room Fragrant You will And any room delightfully freshened If you will flit a bowl full of ' grasping the proatrate man dotermln- Dolilng water then pour on the top a .dl, by u,, .houlder and atrivlng to IVW Ulll)' Ul Uli Ul invt'iiur. iuvs the bowl In the riioui for a few mill (Ilea. Till Will lie appreciated espe dally by those wuokm cl I h I n it room la near the klt' lirn. When UHed jiiMt In fo re dinner I served It couutera'il kitchen odor. L I HUGH DUFFY. ! f ,f f 4 wev,e - , ! Huah Duffy. WINTER EGG PROFITS ! Hon should Have Been in Good Condition in Fall. II uoujzn rr ii Better! imnl Vk Pound C AU CratejraVV; j Fowl Should Not Be Allowed to Eat Oraln ae Faat ae They Can Con sume It, But Rather Made to Scratch for tt. By M. M. CHANDLER.) A much dDnd uoon the condV ' tlon of the bene themelve a any ! thing elae. if you are eipectlng tbe I winter egga. You ahould have aeen to It that your ben were not ruuuiu wild during the late fall, getting too much corn about the fielda or bog pen, or that they are not etarvlng when you think they are picking up a good living for themelva after the ! grain ha all been put away tor mm winter. For many yeara l aept oniy m flock of bena and paid little attenUon ralae tbe groaning heap. I to them except during the winter, i "I wu Je.t a tblnkln' about that ; Veteran baaeball itar, former man- i got of COurae, very few egga and trip of ourn." he panted, gaining hla ager of the Chicago White Bo and i ouni that if I wished thla much feet, "an" (tumbled over th' bootjack, tbe Milwaukee llrewera. baa been ughi. winter aupply I mut look doa Then the gol darned cat got In my awarded the Fall River tranchlae in j er t0 bulne. way, an' I went down." i tDe New England league. It 1 ex-1 j ed ahuttlng my bend In a large Mra. Btubbln waved her hand dee-1 pected that the team wlU be moved I park ,juring the month of November palringly and alghed. i 10 Portland. Maine. j ad feeding them cooked vegetable. M'4 Km?. . L. DOUGLAS .jbo AND 6i0o SHOES MEN AND WOMEN 00, i$KOC ilul)lO ti.OO. $1 Wmrt li 00. The Urcatt aaakar of Man's S3.50 and 1-4 OO sho in the world. AO Ihuvt. J uM food jlm, ni hi mmmr mm om.r U 07OO lh anly dilfi ah tm mil tbara, stylfft ul, TrjrD04ir. ii jmm i lonlM large factorial Mim., and aaa far yoaraal L. lNiufflaa ihoM ara aadt, eraland Kf thar ara wa k baiter, hold tbalr aaapa ai aojr othar naka far ta.e prlea CAUTION i .JL TAKf NO UB It W. L. Pnnrlu abnai ara a. vllnU..wr.t W. I.. Iionlaa. Rmfktnn. Mau, aakas aoalln M.M 1-VV aaaa la I ha on... A ..1 "mVC and .h.H.. ,. J? ,r-J I aula W. U i.JX.'i la-V-VX-ija at Brorklnn, V.'c 'jfA t bow raraf ullr t ! XJP A roa would thea r 0 -jff rantad ta Ht Wtl.r, '"irflt id waar Wagar taaa ' W"J TVglu as-a Is rj oa Ilia auHow. igf jfj ' m TITUTt. fj&r 1m mn flilvol nna frnm 11t think-I tn' of goln travelln'," abe admitted.' tbet I ain't good fer nothln' an' you're wore," heaping It onto Joalah ! merclleeily. Bometlme I reckon It aln t wutn i th' candl BILLIARDS , milk, a little of everything in me ! shape of grain. Instead of letting them ; run to tbe corn bouse; that la, all hni thnaa I wished to market, and Ii fee DISTEMPER Pink rye, tatzeefla. Shipping fever and Catarrhal FavM Bora nra and poattlr trwantlra. na matter how bona) at any c ara inactd or "ospoaad. Liquid, giran on tha; acta aa taa b ood and Glanda, aipals tbapuivOTMmatarnufrnaitbabcar. Carol Dta tamiMrlnboKsandSnarvandCaolorain P'jultrr. Larsrat aHnll, uxrlt ramodv. Curaa La Gnppaamonf hum.-, oncaandia a (na Kid, neyraraadr. (Ae and 11 a bottla-. I5and tlOaoWn. Cjtlhlaaiil. Kaaj It. Show to your dnjririat. who will t it for yoo. Fraa Baoklat, "D trmpor. Cau-aa and Curaa." Hparial acenta wantrd. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, GOSHEN, LND,D.ii Kissing Conjugated. "8aim Sllclu once aaid that klaea were like creation made out of noth ing ind very good: and another Amer- thoae I confined In a large coop with rharica MePmirt nf Pittsburgh de a floor In 1L ao they could not do too . writer thua conjugated the verb all thl fuln' an" atewln' , feated Charlee Oil of Ilrooklyn in a ! much acratchlng, and fed them more . t0 klgg. "Bua. to kl; rebua, to kU again; piunuua, ii i - to number; ayllabua, to kis the band instead of the lipa; blunderbuss, to klsa the wrong nerson; erbua, to kiss in the dark: omnibua, to kia verj one In the room." an packln" an' plannlnV be walled. ; National Billiard league game, tu w grain and less mn, pieni ui wiping the blood from hie blckory 4. i water and usually two weeka would ahlrt and looking dazed. "Folk would : John Layton of St. Louie in a match nnd them In good condition for tna Tailor Before Civilization. Civilization makes a man, and tbe Ka K.11.. nfr i ru.i,nn ir thsv stared game with C. Law ton broke the home whar they wux comfortable." ' world' record high run, with 78. un "An' never eeln" nothln' at all!" der tbe new atyle of acoring In con agreed Mrs. 8tubbins, turning the tlnuou pool. Martin Phillips of Cbl waah bench right lde up and pouring cago ran 74. a liberal helping of water Into tne basin. "Willi yerself. It look like murder." Jo I ah went out to tbe barn, feeling BASEBALL mark at Thte. I find, pay better than al lowing the bene you wUh to keep over remain with those who are going to sell, since the feeding method differ. A hen should not be fat when the cold weather seta In any more than she should be starved. She should do fed according to the egg producing fffoic Safins Qaickiy tads Waak. Sara Evaa You Need NO "SPRING MEDICINE yaa kaa yaar llvar active, year isesl raaular sad yaar dlgaallaa faad I - , uaiaji wtrui uui w iun - . . , i m ' UD.'".IVi".',' d 'l1,"' l ,,",?1r.fUl ! niefully of bis nose. It waa evident , ForreBt c,dy, the Red Sox atar back- method, and with me that method is Only Success Worth Winning. There I nothing base In failure, but base failure; there I nothing good In iircei" but that which I well won. The nwliiime of triumph 1 a mockery to him wh ha not Oserved hi auc eesn; If anything of conwlenc remain to bit" uch applause must be a posi tive torture. We alway know In our heart whether we have merited that Willi li come t hi. and It I alway sweetened a hundnilfold when we know that wo really huve done ome thlng fair and true for It. I. and In many re-1 , ' ' ..... , thjl' ... , ,,. apert. not so good. With the dawn of w,Br- '- " aiop. "" :-"7 -d . eood :hance to acrauh for civilization cume the tailor, and wltn Btubblna cycle. Getting ready to go Uert ghotton. the Browne' ipe , tool Md a gooa cn&nc. w k ,.ll... ...... I.l..l..r Mrhar IravellnaT VII RadlV lntCrrUDUUK u" nnlfloMcr waa a-iven a DIM " ' level of civilization, men of higher j even tenor of life on the farm. Half jjongj in bl salary. Ideal and of greater force both men- j the countrylde knew of the proposed Great Fall of the Union association tal and physical. J trip by thla time, for the local corre-:,g go)ng try out a ,oung second . . . .. . lepondent of the Advocate bad chron-' tfccker ttan,e(i pmout icled the newa weeks ago. i , , hag been Bet tne Aa the gala day approached, i'a mo wh(jn Toronlo wlll nwt u,, interna- Ma ntuDuln pacaea anu unr".--. uonal leacue Dennanf. Cheating th Stage. Why la there no great American dramatlatr aaked the art pessimist, 'itofaiiae." renlied the sardonic man- , - ' ,. i.,,n.w.of regular meaia, pienij w laser, wucu o.u nu.v.. i 7 i tninaiDK up ui n.-voo v.m- -and dressing it up 'n good apeechea be doesn't bother about the theater. He goe into politic." 'wanted Too Often Thla I Iht View Taken. "I think tbe school teacher tn thl town ouKht to gel more money than they do ' "What put that kind of an Id. a Into your beadT" "Why ahould we eipeot the people who are educating our rhlldren to work for 170 or ISO a month, when we par our chauffeura at kraut f 100 and furnish them with board and lodging blde7" "Hut wht does arbool tearhln' amount to. anyhow T Look at mont of the teacher. They lo t got nothln' but education." Chi cago Trlb ii nr. Dally Thought. Vim sleep, tout the loom of life never tops: and tbe pattern which wa saving when th aim went down la wesvlng when It come up tomorrow Henry Ward Heecher. I .oral Airent fr .Stoddard-Dayton line ml AuUMnubilea, iibaral diacount to Huatlar. a g(iot name and reputation rounta mora with ua than einenca. Will ronaidnr l iva paupla who will en tar buamaaa. Thia y inrludaa a umplala rurraHfionilaiH'a aalfa course and s car to drmonairale with en aaay tarma. creaalng the tennlon until neither of them alept at night for apprehending train wreck The train wa due at 8:40 In the morning, but. In their anilety not to be late, the couple ar- i n.T.r allow a ben to eat grain aa fast as she can pick It up. but make her hunt for it tn a good pile of litter. a. truA tnr breakfast, fed at all ' o'clock, milk and a little wheat or rye ! ; .. . .... o'clock ror umner, uu auyo - of corn, two quarU to forty bena ration, dui I Thla ma aeem a amall CapUin Mclirtde of the senator : where three mca,g are glTen yott will think the Athletic have the beat , fln(J ,g enough and If more la chance in the 1913 race. i ,jiowei them there will be fewer eggs The "perfumed note" are not r Rnm think it better to feed all '.".k a i fnr 7 fluatered sponalble for Art Shafer a retirement gmgll la no com, but In the riTn.f h" eP ' fm professional baseball. j " weather I And that corn .atl.fle. . h. a little airly" com-! Huggln. .ay. Slim Sallee. hi .outh. th fowli .ch better and it ahould TVm:Jn. Sl; . w'U be the aen.aUon of be fed aa hot as they can rrnimrn uatad rin M " . ' ... . .... v whole show the next seaaon. Never emect real succes wiui wia- LLruJitljLA HiUIUIV tAfV VU. ln the big. Dam-iae stauou. , ... . ,and ang lck Tuck Turner -.ral:lnB w,thout a good bone Regulate the Boweli Btlmunte the Liver Improve Oieotlon and Purify the Blood Rad Croaa Ball Bhia gtwa double Talu for ym Dwnay, coas twioa aa iu aa any othar. aVa you Making It Clear. Tie break faster had ordered a aaU but ateak. Tbe waiter returned to an nounce that a steak could not e aerved, but that a filet waa poatlbl "The filet come from here," bv ex plained, laying two finger athwart bli aide ai d speaking a on perfectly good halibut to another. Waaalagtaai Rtrart. POKTLAM). OKKUON. ! the drum elove valiantly gave out It INI), OKKCON. j redolent coal smoae ouor.. , r0mn campaign Joslah took up his stand before tne , w..k.ii .v,hi - ,v- -it.h'. VirlvhtAat nroaV . . i ill lia had for 15 aa uui vi vmm- - -n - , mm. a uuu. . . . L I n I r. n . ... 1 . I m I V mAnthl. and Will pay iur n Knew What 8h Wanted. rinaeH ticket window and waited Im patiently. A the minute paaaed and the agent busied himself beyond It Utile Ruth listened In silence while i Portal, their lJy on. after another of her elder, refused Joslah k5Ph,. orm onto all but the smallest possible helpings , vlna and shifted his big form onto of mince pie. One wanted "Just a little the other foot piece," another "only a very little,", -aittin' most time, ain't It, paT" .ir When the inlld's turn came aha' . Mra Ktubbtns. wiping her The Fordham baseball chedule thla Bone melj ,hould be a part of every eaaon consists of 27 games. Of thla number 20 wlll be played at home. Pat Tebeau is urged by many St. ; Loulsana aa the proper man for Mra. Hritton to aelect aa the .arda" presi dent breakfast In the hen roost ana me oyster shells and sklmmUk are quite aa essential. Meat 1 good, but never throw the carcase of a dead animal Into the jhl.lrAn house unless you want to Dr. Frank Sexton. Harvard s baae-; cr,ate disease germs and Impure eggs. ball coach for the paat three yeara. Keep th carcaas frozen out 01 aoor About Umbrellae. Eyeglass wearers have long since complained that people are careless with umbrellas. Many pair of glasses have been knocked oft and broken by persons who aalflshly refuse to move an umbrella eo a to allow other peo ple to easily pass. A few even persist in dangerously spinning an umbrella along a crowded street, endangering the glasses and sometimes eye ui paaslng walkers. Pretoria Raising Hope. Experimental hops are now being grown at the government botanical station near Pretoria. Should ucces attend the attempt, a very remunera tive aide line wlll be within the reach of the South. African farmer. There are ten brewerie in the country using over half a million pounda, or more than 250 ton of hops per annum. Thl represents a cash value of $ 162,500. Stubbins, Wiping ner , . , .,,, rHmaon ! ...... - n of meat passed her p..,; eagerly. "Please give noge wttn . polk,dot oludker-, i -t ma loo mucn. ner native siucemj ... . ; - desired. chief. llef- , . .. fc I Pert Shotton. the Rrown's young ; reg Joslah consulted his watcn. MT, he tlred of playing! v-. wonia. ' ,. . Machinery aaranri Hand Mvkln. arr hnaght. sold and erhanari: wil'.n bn, aaamllla. at. Tha i. K. Mania Co.. U U fortland. Hand for Biota I HI and prlaaa. BANDMEN: W are Hole Agenta for IIOLTON ami Ul I-St HKIt haml Iti.trtimanla. Tha oat nanplaia atorh of Mu.iral M-rrhaitdiaa la ba NoiUwaaL W rtta fer t atakura. SMIIr Pl.l.NU-l.tCAS Mt SIC CO, IM karaad Mlraal. fartlaad, Oragaa Safe iiis Simple, and Sure Remedies Act Quickly and Painlessly. V a.naiii mm'intr O r kT In d.rka "I wish this here winaow wou'u . m,nor , g , Hgve Ienty of open up." he complained restieaaiy. . - , fgh al, There j. i : ain't got more'n 43 mlnutea. " open up." he comp.aineu --"' I l.nnow. and fresh air. Vncle Ezra-Did you ee liamiet , ,.We ,., got more n 4a mlnutea. j p,ptrhpr the Giant ahortstop. ! ,h,a r-tter than fre.h air and at the oner, house mst n gntj ,nci. ; Joglmh cou,d hold blmse.t no; amo NaUona, - - hougg clean. :?-.'p- J,...; . fniiinr ftff longer. Me stepped flt.tem.n.7 -, - ghorUtop. maklng M error. KverT mornlDK while the dock are at niiaaeni uir. ........... .i-vo.ahe f and rappea .ouuiy , It wssn't wear as good as his L"om edy of Krrors" Uiat I saw twenty year ano. Puck. to tbe error Every morning I their breakfast take a ahovel and Mothers will And Mra. WlnsloWs Bootnin yrup C a bast raiaedv to ns tot tnairnhiUnta J uruf teathiug period. Many Mile of 8ausage Links. The sausage eaten in this country In the course of a year would encircle tbe earth more than six time. q Banish q "Dull Care" Q Moat of your downhearted- Q ness and "blue feeling-" can be traced to a lazy liver. Biliooaneaa ia a aura de stroyer of health and hap- pi ness. J HOSTETTER'S 1 STOMACH BITTERS D will make the liver active, assist the digestion, help J the bowls to become regu- J larand make life a pleas ure. Get a bottle today. Chsteaubriand'a 6trang Tomb. St. Malo. tbe gay watering place on the French coast haa tbe remarkable tomb of Chateaubriand, the father of French romanticism. At high tide it Is covered by the sea. It Is marked with a simple rrons. Just Before It Happened. Belshazzar (at the famous feast) Well, that's a nice aurprlse! The din ner committee ha arranued to have some moving pictures! Ick. c. Gee Wo f It la rbrapar la ford lr- gla aall lhaa la raatara far- tillU aaaa aa. OUR FFRTIUZERS Sm Tlma-Trlad iridic hava alwara Mada lod. ThM bruhira biacY rnva. hattar Iruit. rra.llrala c. Gee Wo TUB C'HINKXK 1MKTOK Imported to h'a lalioiatorv. at arsl, from tlia fur nrlaiit. tlieaa niedl alnaa ata inn. I up In preierlpllona and Brnrl.ed l.y hliu for tlie various all hianla that ha la callail upon to treat. Lat this won.lerful nalura hrslar aiag nasa your raae. from tha vrgalal'la klngdnm moat of hla ranieillea ara oh taliiaj in the frnm of roola. hrl and harks wheaa cura.lva power ra un failing. COVMUI.TATIOV rata Thoae living out of town nd wishing to aeeura rnieillea. aind 4 eanta In tamps for circular and symptom blank. Opsa Xvaalng and Bnndays,' The C. Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co. lUf First St., Cor. Morrison POUTLANU. OR. -a -' Mala Elan I ! ami e - L-.... 1 aur awaaaparliicl and practical i bamiala. Ian I dlaraaaa son araveni nvv-.-m FREK! FREE! . . . Hurlna- the season. on the window. The sounds rrom oe-, Cincinnati, the UD the dropping under the yond stopped. The agent approacneo . champlong of ,912 to paas perchea. Take care that they do not and threw up the aaah. from Natlonai league club, whoee uge the nesU as roosting placea. and .I-rould 7- 00 u,r J0"i fl be helped win. aiways change the atraw In the neaU aiah asked apologetically. Madlgon DaJebaIl director are) ! ana get fresh straw or. better still. -Which way you goln r querlesl tn Bgy once a member of , ha ,catterlng for litter at agent, none too anaoiy. ' the Cleveland Napa, to act aa playing leaat M often aa onca a week. Easu repuaxi - , .. for the 191S team. afeared It wui gltUn" late." "Hub!" grunted the railroad man. "Plenty of time! w nere tor l,h,. .r win devote his entire Urns liarperavuie , fh, r..nt Wllbert Robinson naa oia out n i . eppn PPM GATE bualne Interests In Baltimore and EXCELLENT FttU-f'tN UM I C "How fur la It to queatloned Mr. Btubblna, looking the agent In the eye. "Eighteen mllee." "At two cent a milef "Tea." "All right Olmme two ticket an return." with the air of a man about to take Niagara. "Melvlna an' ma air goln" travelln'!" Globe-trotting 1 only relative, after all. Judge. to coaching the Giant pitcher. Eddie William and Archer Rellly have been turned over to the Spring field. Ohio, team by the Indianapolis club of the American association. Swinging Device Keep Oldr Hog From Entering While Little Fel lows Are Being Fad. In feeding the little pig with older Portland of the raclflc Coast league . 1t , necessary to have some ort haa purchased Pitcher Stanley of tha . . ieDarate fedlng pen for th pig. Atlantic City team, ne wa mm ieu- ol(jer one can be kept out ana tng pitcher In the Trl-State league last aeaaon. Oarralaabla bklH. Sllra "' " ,..l lafaraiallaa .f all kl.da W rlla far It. It raata yoa abaolaUly avlhlng. Pacific (Juano & Ftrlilier Co. .-.-... a. PORTLAND. OKK. I "D1DN7 HURT A BIT" is what they all say of aur Painlesa Method of Fxtrarting Teeth. Out-of-tnwn r pla ran hava thair plala and bridga workflniaheri Inona lay If neraaaary. Anaheoluteguar snlaa. barked by 2 M. a. a. wtlL Paaanf im Miaun yars la rortiana. Wise Dental Co. ornt r modrsi S A M. ta S P. M. Sundays I 1 phaneai A 202V, Male 209. rallln Bid., Third end Waahlnglen. Partland Early 8la ' TurKlah Capital. Constantinople haa been threatened before by the nulgarlans, the most memorable of the early attack having mde in 813. when the barbarian MISCELLANEOUS The Federation of American Motor, evrllsta has 20.000 members. Penn cricketer this season will be .n in Canada, and next year will Kruro arrived before the city's walls. meet ,ne crack colleglate teams of Tho siege, it Is related, waa Degun jgnj during an European tour. ..ith hlnh ritual, but before more than I . k Mrliermott. the American open demonstration had Deen maae, me .f champlon. will spend two weess Pyiantlne emperor came to terms, i (n ,he goutn b,fore his invasion or while the negotiations were going on i .. a At Plnehurst he will teat Krum was nearly killed, a peril which h,g (trenKth with Tom McNamara, for- aaai aia r.r.rrTayyrj. Norih Pacific College of Dentistry and Pharmacy I ' ' IT .X The North Pacific College was etnb H.....I in im'ih. It ha departments of Dentistrv and Phurnmry. No school In America haa better facilities for the train inn of younu men and women lor success ful professional careers. Tho annual e ion begin October First An Illustrated catalog- of Information will b forwarded upoa application to ..t a - - - "... i .nraaed the founder of the Bui garian empire that he laid waate the uburb and retired with a host of rnmMves. Fortunately for Constanti nople, when the uuignrinn pnnoc re ; Kananamoka, tho Hawaiian swimmer, turned to take a fuller revenge he was j hgg bp(n DittPn by an eel and la afraid the pigs prevented from entering th pen while the troughs are being filled by means of a swinging gate. Thl gate wlng outward only. It 1 held up while th little pigs enter s-i HOW TO GROW HAIR ON A BALD HEAD BY A SPECIALIST. Thousands of poopla suffer froro bald ness and falling hair who. having tried nearly every advertised hair tonio and hair-grower without result, have re el g-ned themselves to baldnes and its attendant discomfort. Yet their case Is not hopeless; the following simple home prescription nas mans nair l ye&rs of baldness. a..d Is also unequuaa for restoring gray hair to its on.'r color, stopping hair from falling out. and destroying th dandruff germ. It wlll not make tha hair greasy, and can be put up by any druggist: Bay Hum. ounces: Lavona d Composee. 1 ounces; Menthol Crystal", one-half drachm. If you wish it perfumed, aild half to one teaspoonful of To-Kalon Parfuma, which units perfectly with the other Ingredi ent. Thl preparation I highly recom mended by physicians and spacialisis. and 1 absolutely harmless, as It con tain nons of the poisonou wood alco hol mo frequently found tn hair tonics. Do not apply to th face er where hair la not desired. a,5aS 1 I ---r! 1 It 1 ( moe nrofeselonal. Swimming trainers apparently havs ; cgn pugQ woes unknown to tne men wno navw wllL condition other athlotea. tmae Useful Gate. the feeding pen, and being light, they it forward and go out at to seised with apoplexy and died. Parcel Post. What is that chirping sound In the cloeetT" "Young chickens, gasped in nus- band guiltily. "I know IL You forgot to mall that doaon eggs I gave you mree wee as ago. Must Be. Ms he mnklng goodT' "No question of It. Me can get coal on credit." Detroit Free Press. f resultant blood poison Lee Humlston, the Denver pilot. Is the new star to flash across the mo torcycle horizon. Humlston circled the mile lap at the ria Del Rey In Los Angele In 30 seconds, clipping four-fifths of a second off Ray Sey mour's record. "Hobey Hakcr, tne seneanonai liar .,. Prinreton hockey team, wa tendered the re-election to the cap taincy of next year' team, but refused to accept, and endorsed W. S. Kuhn, the Pittsburgh boy. who wa the unan imous choice. The Krebs Coburn team won the tx .. hirvcle race at St Ixml. Tha It mar be used to advantage In fat tening hog that run with the tock hog. After putting out the feed th feeder raise the gate and let In thoe to fatten, then let It fall; all other are kept out yet thoe in the pen may go out when through eating. Thl tyle of gate 1 also convenient for the lamb lot where one uses a creep. The gate should be Just large enough to admit a good-sized lamb. Dally Thought. Forget outaelve; help u bear cheer fully th forgetfuln of other. Rob rt Louis Stevenson. Yea Can Get Alice's f oo-f as ml. Write Allen P. Olmated, 1 Koy, N. Y for a Tee sample of AUrn'a KiHil-ti-t It rurra iweatlng , hot swuilon, achlug feet. It makes new or tight ahoea hit. A certain cure lui wrna, ingrowing balla and bunion.. Alldnig tal aeU it. 'taa. Ion'( accept aur subatilut. Freak of a Vowel. nrtrsv-"Thl morning I caught a fragment of convereatlon between a native and a foreigner. The former wa saying: The "o," remember, is pronounced like "l" In Jim.' What word do yon suppose he referred to?" Briggs -"That easy! "Women, of aourne." MAKB BUI MONEY! Bi our representative. Caay aalea anywhere. Show aampU-e and taka enler. No rlk. Don't wait: srrfftf toJaii. DeX. IX. Kaaai 111, W ilea Bids., f ortiaad. Or. Regular Meal. "He eagerly swallowed every word he bestowed on him. he fed upon her very look, he lived upon the smiles she gave him." ' That what I call an all consuming passion." Judge. Practical Teaching. One ettlement worker In New York city has made a specialty of teaching boys bow to maice articles o. immiu.. out of old packing boxes. SCIENTIFIC HERB TREATMENT . t.f l.. Lila Nam. 1QA Uawa jgn vr. .... - ! ' - - ,l,llln waa aao. Probably no surname ha undergone ixirtus-t-nnieiuu "" , . . o many change, a. that of Sir Marry ond. and IWM.r. and' BUPleton Malnwarlng (pronounced third. They made a flat S6 miles In innnerlng). At reover nan. ni en-, ionrt - ehlre home, there I a paper show ing tho nnnie written In 394 ways. lioudoa Mall. Dally ThouQh. vat sleep, ant tha loom of Hfw aeae topei wad ha astlars W.-a Tt for Olo. A convenient test for oleo compared with butter Is to heat with a lighted match a teaspoon containing a small niece of butter, says the Wisconsin nairvman. if butter, it will froth freely, but without sputtering. A piece of oleo under the same conditions doe not troth, but melt down like greaa and putter. Renovated butter act, much like oleo. because tho fat which i nroduce the frothing have been most ly melted out during tne process o. For all diseases. No poisons or mineral ued. Send for ymptom blank. WEE ADVICE. THE DR. YOUNG HERB REMEDY CO. SCATTIX, WASHINGTON. Forest Smlthson, an Olymplo win- 1908 and regarded as one of the best hurdlers In America, renovation. fa. a. ai f .. 11 ftT the spiked shoe for- a.nnitaia- an noun ood hi re- I Loeate thm Favla, lira n ant . the eladaw gaU. If ymm . . t-m j -ai liraa I x f r aa RAW FURS WANTED ikkst nm wki uititw HUtELS CO. Ploowonn. Mar. .NliFACnilMi HRHIKS IWiaSi ( vImi "ai lat Ft IWl laak rtfiaailM. Dr. Hall's new and complete book ot SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE (JUaatroteuV t1 Plain Truths rf Sea LH arr ranoa aaaoa w kaow I Salary ia muriate talniaai are. auakaaa aoauakDeat avallbr aa aaal ehll.irai I NfW SOOK UI li.l.ll-n,.llua, Ml ID 10 It AO naiios tka laoacam ta aaaat a" kliadn.ak aara alati. aa ehaa lanairr aaa aratkl ari aaacaUoa let aa " rTwar. oa IK. - Vice Crwaaa- Mai- l Miaa Uam Addama aat'Coia..lla Vkai" Mn CaniaCkiaauattltoa iinvw. . ul. ilk. Siakkiat Wallaea Wkal Wnaa rl.e., i.nir aiaal.aai aiacaaaa mj i.. ..a..-"--. 1 4 alt -'T i t-e t,w a a, i I no' aaiaal ak.aaawaa anaailr 4ita.iaa wr "ai.i.. T"r.i--a.ka- k V'SC poaas "lakes" - 4amtT --,.;. SUaala lsaa..aa tku avakaa .Ictlm. to " Lira aci.atia t ialiaanoa at "aactaraal iaaai secrets ol tall aaa aesuaiawaoam -- J.olot aciart.rt tP. lava) "''" ril. rhlr. . W. U. fcaort l- Uctata. aaa a-karltv aa gaaalaaaa ewwvaa aor. aa All la aa. . la alala.n-. I ija rawaat r ' m. w. y - -- 1 ,U e. ai-ta-ra, 1 I I V tla thla sa. .aaw Jir ' Tf -1 rMa M Vaa ft I T Ptaaaiwa. j It ..t-a- a h . a It a a aa t-rm fault la yewrav aw. l