St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, April 04, 1913, Image 1

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    St Helens
Saw Mills
Crkosoting Plant
Water "J S'wer
S stem
Electric I.'Kl''8
Improved Streets
HMi School
I'olks and Piling
Stonr Quarries
Farming Fruit
NO. 14
Oat ti
Th St Helens Creosoting Co. at tin; works last week wan about
. . 11 ,.i .,.,. t .11:,;.. .L . ....
Il nlrginit the plant 10 uouwe , $ 111 ikkiiuuu 10 - iu
dupreient capacity. Airenoy we large rcmns 10 ih piacc.i hi wie
eoacrt pier. r 'n pluee and two work there will be a new Lyons
sr retorU, 7xlM foot will I j boiler oft300 horsepower, :m air
cd within . fw weeks. An 1 compressor, pumps, working tanks,
James Albertson was born in
Sweden July 10, 180. He moved
to this country and located in War
rcn August 20, 1900. From there
he moved to St. Helens in February
l'Jll. For four years he has been
in poor health, but in spite of this
he ha kept to work. In June he
became worse and since that time
he has been able to get aroum
little. A short time ago he was
City election Monday, at which
time there will be officers elected
for the coming year. It is quite
imtxirtant that good officials be
M 1 Al l V. . . I -
.1 . 1
Im of the rrt amount of creosote etc. The boiler house will also be
3ud by this concern enn be j enlarged. When the improvements
tk.,.,1 from olimn at the '. r all completed the plant will
iittuN riven above of 7G00 ttecl I hve capacity of 100,000 feet of
Ironw piled up thr. each drum lumber daily. The pay roll of the
Pliiiis have alnaly be n ad nt d
for the new apartment house to be
erected by J. I). Kamsey on the old
'aaonic lot adjoining the new Ma
tuinic Mall buildinir. Mr Ramsev inai nnw nd it behooves
time .
j will have a two-story pres.scd brick every citizen of the city to come
buildinir. with business rooms on the r.n anil vnt For mavor there are
lime. i soon inne ayi ok won a , k .,
.... , trroimd floor and apartments on the two candidates. Mr. A. W. Mueller
taken to the Hospital at l'Ttianu .... 1 4 u . . r, n
'. ... second story. It is planned to have and Judjre James Dart, lor coun
lor ine secorxi lime, ar.o 11 ... . r . , j-1 .
' ,., the buildmp: started within a few c lmen there are three candidates
there n died on .iarrn ji, iyio, ... ,1 m t
' mi)nths. lust as soon as the Masonic twn nnaitinnn to fill. J. fc.
aiied 152 years, 8 months and 211. , , a. ., . ., .. ... .,
K jvu.o, u . n iYa old hii'.ldincr now r..,,,. Torrnn Katnn arc the
davs. It was his his pleasure at the " '.r , . ! .m " " .
last to have his loved ones near him.
He leaves to mourn his death a
mother, in Sweden; a wife and three
children, besides an uncle. I eter
Person, who have th. ir home here
School Notes
on the lots. Mr. Ramsey is show
ing his faith in the city by investing
his money here, and is already
recognized as one of the leading
citizens of St. Helens. With this
fine building completed along side
of the Masonic Hall now rapidly
nearing completion Columbia street
will begin to take on the airs of a
Turn event of Interest are to husirtss street. Then there are two
take place within a few weeks in more business buildings planned for
school circles. Next Friday after- this street, so that before another
noon, April ll, the children of the year or two Columbia street will le
first four grades will give a pro- the principal business thoroughfare
gram in the assembly hall, ine of the city.
vxprriiiea will becin at 2 i. m. and
all interested in the school are in- YANKTON NEWS
vited. At,ril IZ. the 347th anni-
t th birth of William I Rnd work is beinc done on the
Shakespeare will be celebrated in extension part of the county road
the afternoon by lecture or as and it Is at present in a ery oau
You Like it" riven by Pr. Edwin er,r.(!ill n. It is almost impossible
JL-.s , ar.d ly various Mulrr.t nt:m ho pass over tt either on loot or i-j
candidates nominated at the mass
convention and J. W. Aiken is
running independent. For treasurer
Mrs. 1. E. Dodd has no opposition,
the same being true of II. J.
Southard for water commissions.
The real contest is for the mayoralty,
Mr. Mueller having been nominated
at the mass convention held last
week and Judge Dart being an in
dependent candidate. Much interest
is being taken and from appearances
the vote will be close.
hers. The clHM-ic-K rli.FS will Ji:st
haw. fininhed reading "As You
Like it."
Ten sjK-akers contested for places
in (In i leclnmalion trvout at the
si hiiol house Friday tenii;i. 'Hie
twe sueci . ail C( nt Ktants fn m the
hi school were Mildred Allen and
FUard Veazie. the former giving
Flection Notice
Notice is hereby given that on
Monday, the 7th day of April, 1913
at the County Court House base
ment, in the City of St. Helens,
County of Colum' ia. State of Ore
gon, a general city election will be
held for the purpose of electing a
city ticket as follows:
One mayor, to serve one year.
Two councilmen, to eerve two
years each.
One treasurer, to serve one year.
One water commissioner, to serve
MdingllO gallons. These drums company will also be nearly doubled.
vt been crtiDtiel into ttu big
M. ... IV IIMIIJ " I'll-
.000,000 gallon tank and the i i ...
.,-., - ... . inggesi inousiries on me v tnuniuiii
opun re U-ing told to oil com-.
AIM. The amount of rnonev in- river.
I in the empty drums piled up I
Der Island
A vtry enjoyable little social
Vet wu givrn in tht Grange ball
... .i .L.
Yt Iiltnd boys. Those who par-
jHpte4 Wf re : Mr. and Mrs. W.
M,(r. and Urt. C. II. English,
nd Mrs. JaniPN Gaittens, Mrs.
Buih.Mrs. N. A, Andreiw. Misses
t'WI ind Klii. H.mmer Misa Wil-
kktiises Ella and Hazel Razey,
Minnie Fiurns. Miss Alice
IJn, md Misses Mary, Vera and
pUittens; E. J. Barnes. Allxrt
rlnqumt. Elmer Younir. Rav and
lIGitteiu, Wm. Hammer, Will
P"1. Ed and Euirena Koelan. liar-
f bftth. Alee Ralmboski. Ut
rehie Gore. Th music was
F"'hd b Albert P.lmnui.t. Rav
I'Kmi, tceordian, W. Clark and
! Enlih, violinist nd pianist.
rhrnent were sorved about
'"'Ifht and dancing continued
''t. Thi ! one of series
S'HHnt Uvtl dances the boys
lWonJw hops they will
Mb UWej and Justin Wilkins
ninie ctf
d Urs. Sum Kellev on the
kmoon of Easter Snmlnv
hear that W. Keck and family
"out to leave ui aoon. Lf this
W. L Rradley gf apent
Sunday In our toynt
f- A.Mo.hor and C. K. Mofllt
I weir ramiliea moved from here
---- imiiu ni..r w hinmn n. iirt".
"ve manv friends here who
'n mem auccesa in the new
Road Supt. Iingand Iiumsey un.
loaded the rock crusher and other
machinery which was ordered by
the county for road work in this
part of the county.
Gus Hein returned last week from
an extended visit with his father
and brothers in Canada. He is ojn-n
to congratulations now as he did
not return alone. Mr. Vnnd Mrs.
Hein have started housekeeping on
his farm just west of town.
Supt. Ralston has olTered his
resignation to the school bourd to
take effect May 1, when he starts
for the Philippines to accept a posi
tion in the school work under the
U. S. government. His work here
hn been most successful and his
going is viewed by many as most
unfortunate for our schools.
It is reported that Dr. H. Watch
ford uf Portland has bought the A.
Holaday place and will soon move
here and in connection will open a
dentul office here. pr. I Hutch ford
is will known here und will be
Rev. W. II. Meyer announced
last Sunday evening that he w 111 ac
cept the cull to the pastorate of the
Congregational church.
Lloyd Price is at home from the
(). A. C.- nursing a case or poison
We wish to thnnk the ludy Mac
cabees who were so kind to us in
our bereavement, tho loss of our
dear mother, and a' so for tht) beau
tiful floral offering.
Rebecca Scott,
John Wattson.
tel. III.
A few cases of scarlet fever arc
reported in Masten's camp.
Miss Carey Ellis of Royd, Ore
. . . L . V 1.
iron, ureached in ine iuukiuu
church last Sunday and s; ent the j fivo ye.,r3
week visiting Mrs. L. Tarbell. i iSOi to vote on proposed charter
The Red Men will give one of , amendments as published in the St.
r,. ...... ...v - .;..i,,a,unwa Saturday, i Helens Mietot Jiaren :e,
the Anthony oration over the body 1 ' , , tn vot on referendum neti
of Caesar from Shakespeare, and rejecting ordinance No. 138
the latter giving the climax of 1 he larmers are - ' entitled, m ordinance to repeal or-
t i . . .1 nii,.,Tt hio ivi.fkLr or n nr nrc
Webst.r's famous oration on iWK..i dinarce No. 120, of the City of St
American Union. Roth speakers paring their land and putting in the .
displayed marked ability, and will croim. the number of saloons for dispens
admirably represent the school at There will be services held nere in tuoug ma,t and vinous
L1 ... . m (U .i 1 I. Cn. 'il 1V MOV !
" f
' t ' A.
V '"'sV.J.-..);..ri
l. v. y.
him i "I i il UK Mil
the county contest.
le the represt-ntatives chosen Mowery
1 L'..ii . . ... LJJ
were r.leanor savnge nu r.ium The box social wnicn was neiu ui
Robinson, both possessing much Yankton Grange hail last Satur-
power ln-fore an audience. Each of (jay evcnjnpr waa a great success
the four winners received books The 8ae of ,oxes brought $40. We
given by individuals as prizes. A r0frrct that more ladies were not
large, tnoroughly entertained audi- prcst.nt, as we would have had more
n-r....til the vounsr swakers i.. . Dn nn,l thna more cbairs.
enthusiastically and partook of the The rrocl.t.(3 wiH be used to buy
"'A-No.-One" candy sold by the chair9-
hii?h school students. Prof. Rawl
ton and Miss Blanche Miller of
Scappoose and Miss Conlogue of
Houlton were judges.
Much interest is being slnwn in
the lecture to be given in the as
.mblv hall this evening by Attorney
W. H. DiHard. The nebular
hvnothesis of the creation of the
univer-e will be piesented by Mr
Dillard, who for many years has
been a close and accurate student
nli.nir these lines. Those who have
heard Mr. Dillard on former occa
sions know the treat in store for
them. No admission will be charged,
Indian Runner ducks. White
eggs, I will have a tew seiuugs ui
eggs to spare. $1 per setting.
J. M.'Rurkhead,
Warren, Ore,
liquors, and fermented cider to be
allowed in said city. Polls open
from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Dated this 29th day of March,
John Q. Htre, City Recorder.
Congregational Church
Regular services at th Congre
gational church Sunday, April 6.
Morning service, 11 o'clock; Evening
service. 7:30. All are most cordially-
invited to attend these services, j
Any over Sunday visitors wiU'find
a warm welcome.
I). Jopling Pastor,
This morning at 8 o'clock Samuel
A. Miles, the oldest pioneer of
Columbia county, died at the family
home in Portland, after a severe
illness of many weeks. No person
was so well known all over the
county a? was ram Miles. lie came
to St. Helens first in 18."0, arriving
at the old mill at the mouth of Mil
ton Creek, conducted at that time
by Mr. Perry, after a six months
trip across the plains from Missouri.
When he arrived here he had spent
his last dollar and applied to Grand
ma Perry for a job cutting wood so
that he could get enough money t'1
pay for somet'oing to eat. The job
was secured, not only ef cuttin
wood, but a so of wor.;,rtr ri tnr-
mill, w.iieli he held (!.v.r, i-ir sovrrn!
months. After staying Ix'-o i'c-r
some time Mr. Miks v.--.-it
Southern Oregon to the minc. !".:.
after the Indians drove ail t'i-- v. '-i'c
people away, he returned
Helens, and here it WaJ t!n: V."
lived for nearly CO years.
At the ti'r.e of his arrival i: IS-"')
it was only a few months after t!:?
the stakes had been set show the
location of the then town :.f St.
Ik-lens by Captain Knighton, rav.
Mr. Miles took vp bis residence;
with Captain and Mrs. Knighton,
living with them for a number of
years, working in the timber, driv
ing ox teams, logging and other
hard work. From his meagre earn
ings he bought some cattle, then
some land, and kept v.t it until he
had amassed w hat waa co-.i.-h' red
quite a fortune. He was married
to Miss Sarah Peacher, who tvrviws
him.rid to this union were born ten
children, eirht of whom are sn.l
Isving. It the early days Mr. V.iVs
was elected sheriff of the oovnty
and served for two year.-. Duri'V
later years h.- has tetn tnr.;iea ;n
brokerage ar.d investments,
money, etc. There i rerhaps
hardly a man in the county who bus
lived here any length of time but
who has at onie tiiv.e Ic-cn Kccom-
jmodated by Sam Miles. IU- w.n a
! thorough business man and yet a
Mrs. W. B. Mackay of Portland
visited with relatives here last week.
Mr. ai d Mrs. James Muckle of
Portland were St Helens visitor!
over Sunday.
Mm O. M. Washburn of Scap
poose visited with friends here last
Wedi.e-id sy.
Mr.-i. Frank Wilkins and children
left this week for "Westport, where
they wiil spend the summer.
Horn, to the wife of F. J. Baseel
of Houlton on March 28, a daughter.
Dorr, to A. E. Reed and wife on
March 23, a daughter.
Rom, to T. J. Chambers and wife
on March 29, a son.
Horn, to Earl Saxon and wife of
Bachelor Flat, on March 30. a son.
J. E. Tlamsey offers for sale the
old M atonic building. For par
ticulars ca!I at the St Helens
Mr. Jos. Frane of Wisconsin Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Ketel in St. Helens. He has just
returned from California, where he
spent the winter, and is now on his
way home.
Sherman Miles, assistant State
Dank Superintendent of Salem, was
attending to business matters in St.
Helens today.
Harold P. Ross returned from
the hospital in Portland last week,
where he had art operation per
f.irmod on one of his eyes. He is
wearing a bandage now, but thinks
the oj-ration will be successful.
The Indies of the Concregational
chi-.rrh -.'-in hold a food sale at C.
II. John;--' ?(-ore on Saturday after-
no-.'-), Arr;l .".
Mr. Tho-. Isbister, who has been
ill for the vast three weeks, was
takfn t? a Portland hospital for
Lots $d rnd tip, on easy terms.
J. R. Godfrey, 121S E. Glisan St
Portland, wi'l be in St. Helens on
Saturday and Sunday each week.
Fr.-.nk Miles was a business visi
tor in St. Helens la't Tuesday.
id. A. (.fse!l of crnonia is at
tending to business matters in St.
Heler.s today.
George Grnnt of Scnppoose was a
St. Helens visitor yesterday.
James W. Hunt, thegerdal clerk
in the -heriff's office, went to Port
land Tp '';.y to attend the funeral
oi buuncio. Mr. E. M. Grimes.
mm TO F S r tKhKVkind hearted and charitable char-
HLCUItU IV www'- ww.-- .
1 acter
Notice is hereby given that the
assessments ngainst the real prop
erty in Sewer District No. 2 of the
City of St. Helens, Oregon, have
been made for the costs of the im
proveinent of Baid sewer district,
and entered this day in the I'm n
docket of said city, and that said as
sessments are now due and payable
to the recorder of sah city,
All assessments not bonded or
subject to the right of being bonded
will be detintiv.ent from and arter
three months from the date hereof.
Dated April 4th, 1913.
J. Q. Gage, Cily Recorder.
"i f v VI' .
v. .r.i-u
I In 1910 he moved with
1 to Portland, where they have lived j
since, but Mr. Miles made his wi-i !.!y j
i trips to St. Helens, v. hiMV ho had i
lived so long and from which plac-o
he found it very hard to leave, i
Everybody knew him and t very body j
respected him. Tho records ofi
Columbia county will show that be ;
has bad mortgages on h -mdredi of ;
home and tracts of land, and yet ,
! those same records will fail to show
improvement on the
city is the string of
h-hti along Hemlock street,
a c- a very great convenience
, people who live in
: 1 Addition, Columbia Park
ar.d Mrs. E. E. (Juick visited
Lian d last Satnrday and while
were with Mr. J. Warren
-..ho is aain in the Imppital
!:'. r operation on her throat
:, ,-jreration it is confidently
I she will have fully re-
covcred. '
On lv-o two of this issue appears
f ithoiroiisedcliartoraniendmcnU to
the city . barter oi ot. iteieus iw
voted o:i r, t .Monday. It will be
w.'d f ..i- every voter in the city to
study e.-a-li -rc very carefully. Also
thvro a-.; ears oa page 7 this issue
the urii;, Rpf.ortwning ..
of the vt r
elect r'
t th.?
at I'cr
tor ari"
A fur t
m ev
recently installed in
o. 2 of the city.
--Ms ';')' . ; A. v- vfT S-J"- .''' i- , those same records wal iad to s
vV3K,) rjnr&t '"M where he ever closed a mortgag
'-..-jkU-ar'" l "' i I a home or put anybody out in
i t
a home or put anybody out m the, vhees have five thous-
COIU. lnousanoa "I irniuis n
been lost by him through failure to and Tents in the country
foreclose some of his mortgages, ri)CCabees have seventy-five
but he would lose tho money rather' 0r
than have it said that he had put a j " rever U
family oivt f their home. , Th- . ..c. - '
U. was Ivornin Keat.i' kv .wars stusl ha ('re..m.
aL'n. iroimr from there w hen a young , Th,. 'I i bcc.i have paid over
MiMuwri ortd fi-ooj i:iurt n , . .nA orphans in
w,ill I,- nr-iwhln l M All Kind of hor--. lor Pf ,- l(,r, to th. rto.,,1 W Ohio." ifruB the car. Tb !;..
Adams was tkn to th churph ,t V.nkt.m ". for c i rf co hau!tH, t;ia C;.P Funeral .tervfees wdl be heM at 'J a
Jkiarka. IlosDl. In Po,V- 0v,.7 uw.h.vl,(, ;JU . .j L.a.wl,.UIlutch.rff, to the eastern cite . .ly'-ch-pet I-ortlan.r, .f Y f can obtalnsjA l-li.WT-
Le Monday momln 500 k.; M-ckM. w.u, , iU ,.f Oregon sine 1881.
f notntoM W ippo ,ro'" . . . ....... . . I,. IWKK.nd x ut on. dauffht.T of v r. t'.nA tn 2fl(0
...f : m donallnn from tlifl u'U'm'P .-..- tV" "." , IOU Cdtl C.irrjr n""' v""v
florae. For Sal
r,- i Un'- J-Mr, to th tWT tn. Ohio,' arrow the rr. It in tht MaccpfwS.
.1 1 M . A-
jltev. J- B. Mowery
wea ior re" d,y,
I m tar