St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 28, 1913, Image 7

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. i- I.. I. ...I
. nt ill Bum miKi'im "
ttl """ rt thtTOOII frillll tt It
: .i..ii"'i,,"'Jr " " -
0 at not reediiig ten per i-ui per
m V,..y - UiU at tl. dn.creii.,11
r I.' Much Miwiiiini
h it Iim made In an "l"l' manner.
5". ... Iv 'y " ar-forUenr. with
V ' , In fore at the Unix It la mad..
, '.,..,11 nm adopt a rtin.T.-i.l
. - ,Vf iiniiortloiiinetit of l.ciiellt when
"I"1""" ..." .i i.v i hi. Charter lo be
. . r lo tllB IIIHKII1K l I"" orig
i. , ..-HHN..'it shall '" I'" l"lr-l
" ..rt.k.u or had whhln the Int-nt
I .Ma section. Hurll reiiaacaanii lit
V": n.l llMll I..MOIIIH u
. . U ....... ....I..1.
. - i.iiii ine iirwiPi'ny uim wiih m
!., ..,. I IhI'I. Ihr
ml"'" . r..m In Willi
7hl- Charier cm-
m.rl .'Twill" ,r ","," ,0 "l"h '""
"r MM-nt and aaaeaauiciit ..."I
I he proceeding of the
, ,1 or tiny officer, contractor or
ih r ih'thoii connected with '"' l work
" ,,,ve l.ccn Irregulur or defective,
r..i...r ui'h Irregularity be JurlsiHc
,,,.... -- .... ...
r?ii ii . i .
.Li.1 h" ""l ,,M m'1" '" '
re . Unprov....-..! wh,.r..U. ii r..n......
r , irn.-i.-in m u to .i.-r.i.t the
fi .hull l.y reaolutlon declare the dla-
,r,.v ii.-i.t for which th rfuw--ln,ir,V'
,h.i.. i.l l.all .llrmt tl.r
KiToflr to irr it .rni.i-
inVrv w-i,''l "imiii tn ropry
n?lml.'l tlT.l. lhl" ", '
BIU "J .,,.n Ilia ' I
SSTonl-r hall. " lh.-r.-ttf..-r .
,.h ri.nH.-H..i.-iit l .rri'.ir'.l n.l
,,l In !.! offl.'. Klvf notl. l.y two
' -iv i.ut.ilcRiloii In - i.iHir
i,ul.llh."l Hl- lp,-l,' '"""" u,",
K - h. ,n,nt I. on III. In I.I. offlr-.
i... .IiiIh of tl. )B...H'i of Ihr
r.....lutl.i. llr.Tlli.K th n.MKli.K of the
'il HI l..r mill on.llrr o'.l.-.iloi..
by iarll.'H UK
. . j ...... .,nitl u.h ro.
H-rmit I"" ""I"" .1 IM
. U.Hl.tll
i : ......... .....i.
ami whiiiiiih n.i' ii
htlili'd Ail A t to InroriHiratH tl.u'
'lly of HI. Ili'lfint, in Coliunlilu
County, Hiul of Or.-Ki," lll.-d
In II.m ofll.'M of Dim Hrr.lury of
Hlulw, K. hruury 2.1, iKSlt, aa mii.-ilci,
hy IriM.-riliiK a Chmitcr In rtlii Clmr-l.-r
which iii-w ('hiirtr iliull b d.
Ik.ihI.mI In llm Charier Clmii.-r
XIV, r-lHili.K to I'CllMC L'TUJTIKH
HiK OKIIAIN AH r'OI.I)SVH: th Clmrt.T of th Clly of Ht.
ll.Ociia, In Coliiinliln Coi.nly, hihI Hint.
of Or.-Kon, fin II ld "An Ad iiIIII.mI
An Act lo Ii rporulM t tin Clly of Hi.
Ili-lfii. In Coliunlilu Hint Htiitf
of Orcvoii." Itl.'il In tlx. iifllin of ll.v
Hfcr.'ti.ry of Hut.', K.'lin.ary Iks'j,
a m.X'l.ili'il, in mid I he mi inn im h.-rfhy
uin.'iiilfil hy IiihitiIiik the followliiK
ChHtcr IhiTPln. which " ii ji it r Mhull
lit. known un Cluiptcr XIV.
CII1HBS. Hoi Ion I. ThM Clly of Ht. 1 l.l.nn
Khull Iiiivk llm power to roi.Hln.ct, con
demn, pun liiiHc. mid to, m 1 1 1 1 r tiiuln
t u 1 n. oi-riiiH unil own nil or any purl
of any public utility for thn purine
of ritvIiik th Clly and thn -.iIh
ih.Txof for u.' pulillo and prlvntw.
And no apcrlul prlvllcH or Immunity
utmll cut lie printed ,y thn City that
may not h altMred, revoked or re
pealed l.y t tie) Common Council.
KundN for the carry Inn Into effect
the provlnlotia of lhl awtliin may Im
provided 4y IhhuImk honda therefor, or
hy thn ii of money In thn Kcneral
fund at thu end of thn flw-al year.
H.x-tion 2. Thn Council utmll have
Ketieral aiipervlHlon and power of ri-KU
tut Imi of all public ultlltlea within the
City of Ht. Helena, and of all periion
and coriK.rallona eiixiiKcd In thn opera
tlon thereof; provided that amh pow
er of Nupcrvlxlon and retaliation ahall
not ronfllcl with any atatn law provld
Ini! for thn reKulatlon or aupervlHlon
of putiilr aervlcn corporal lona now In
effect or liereafler to ko Into i ff.H-t.
Section :i. Kvery frnnchlae eranted
under t Ma charter ahull Im taken and
domed aa property and ahall ho aul
Je t to taxation aa proMTty.
Hectlon 4. No exclunlvn franchlMe
hull n Kranled nor ahall any fran
rhi.. I. !.!. ir rlKht tin urunted for a
lonuer period than Thirty yeara
2000 OK MORE
Streets of Ohio City Are Seeth
ing Torrent Eight to 20
Feet In Depth.
Famine Imfx-nd, aa All Groceriea
and Supply llouaea Are Inun-
dated - Ilouaetopa Crowded,
Office Ituildings Filled.
. . k . I.,...M r
-... mmiiiiiiii i n. -
.n..f or uwnnra of any property
.1,1. h 1. i.Keiied oil aili'h aawaament
nr any p.-raoii having an Iniereat I
nr ' i..n .I.v. fimn ll.e!
tn.reiii. i.i. , u.,,.,1.., r. Kvrrv n.raoii. firm
il ii in .,w..,,.n
i-t lona roroorat.on neiore m i
!. . s. 'ni.njll f.if fr:i neh Inn
lo me t iiiiiimjii mm. .1
i.. i imi , li atlnii
-i.i. .1... ciiv Itworder their otije:
wntlllK IO P... --'"" -,. ',...,, ........w .... ,.r.1..l nrillnalice
In alien nonce me i num. uiumi e.-i - -
. .... . ... . ........ .l.u-.i.u nr
hear mid deternnnn an in inn. o.i. .-, .. -... -
havn heeli filed l.y i HrH'mi hi hhi.i i7,
Thn outicir lioiicn io um iiuu... .. -.
time apiiolnlcd
Coilticll aha"
IiM llll II lll'tl
' . . ... .1
y party "' I... .iiu,v when thn atmllcailon
nr to amount .. n.-...- ... ...... mhut.
lil.i lull ('un ..ii'..
.i.,.it k.iw tiomr
Ine tlmn to tlmn ami anan nue
,,.r. In It dlacretloli. ... rrvl.e
.ml rorrcct. or lo an aalde and order
-......t.iM,i r an. -ii a.eiii.i''ii.
a :.
,t,.,l pa., an or.i.nan... - nialorlty of thn vote.
Ill lie made
not apply when thn application la ini
tial, d hy Initiative petition.
.i fr.nchlHn ahall take effect until
Bni!.lty day. after It" pn"f unl.-.a it
roniirtiiiiik .u. .. li h ,,lrll, therefor at a referendum election
ittui ri mi v u ii. "" - ...... i .
urn ."hall final ..e.erm.-.a.U.n of , r , - '
,er..i;u.arl,v. vaUillty rZ'Xr,n,,ZS tul taking of
' t"" ';""'"" ' . " Vrm...l eff-t of a franchl. until after thn
r.iimcm . ctiiui'"-'"-" - , .,.
IUK'krt ofjnlcctlon
Kvery frnnchlan icrantnd
i. .1, .11 I... . nli ri ll In tlm
'. . .11 I.,, and Section 8
' In thn aainn manner that 1,y the City of St. Helen, ahall contain
other Bin.enai.icnt a for local Improve-
Dayton. O. The creat waa reached
ahout mldnlnht Tueaday. Water l
now fallii.K at the rate of bait an Inch
an hour.
Dayton. The wind veered auddenly
from aouth to north at 3 o'clock and
the flrea on Vine atreet aprang up
Dayton. (Fly tnleohone via Xenla.)
Dayton la nothing lea" than a aeeth-
Iiik river, three mile, wide, a mile ana
a half on each aide of the main atreet.
It. principal thorouKhfare, while It la
climated thut from 2000 to 6000 peo
ple have perlahed.
The Algonquin Hotel la aubmerited
In water up to Its third atory, and
above this level the downtown district
office bulldliiK., botela and bualncaa
houaea are place, of refuge.
A achool building that was known
to have housed not lesa than 400
school children shortly before the
waters riiahed In that direction Is en
tirely submerged, and as far as can be
aacerlulned all of thoae little ones met
a watery grave.
Mayor llrer of Mlddletown, Ohio
wired Mayor Hunt of Cincinnati to
niKh boats on a special train, aaaing.
"Do it quick, as necessary to save
lives." The special train waa aent at
Through Safety Director Caah of
Cincinnati, the Chamber of Commerce
at Hamilton, Ohio, today asked that
Governor Cox be requested to order
a battalion of militia to . Hamilton.
That body also adopted a resolution
asking Governor Cox to declare Hamil
ton under martial law.
Three bridges over the Miami river
at Hamilton have collapsed.
A bill appropriating iiuo.imhi ior me
relief of the flood aufferers was Intro
duced Into the Ohio legislature. It
Is estimated that there are &uou peopie
homeless In the state.
All Small Streams Out of Their Banks
and Grave Danger 8n,
Plttttburg, I'a. With a continued
heavy rainfall In Northern and West
ern i'eiinayivanla, the flood situation
la growing aerioua and heavy property haa already rcaulted. Oil City,
Bradford, Warren, Tltuaville, Green
ville. Newcastle, Hharon and the low
land, of thl city and vicinity are
battling with flood water.
Many ixilnta are without electric
light, water, transportation lines and
gaa. A score of bridges throughout
thn state were swept away.
The situation at Oil City, Pa., I"
grave. The. dam at Hpartansbura; baa
let go, sending a great wall of water
toward Oil City. The Allegheny Illver
at Oil City has reached 1 feet and la
rlalng a foot an hour. Oil Creek la
out of its banks, and a large portion
of thn dtv Is under water.
All email atreams around Bradford
are out of their banks. Hectlons of
the city are under water and hundreds
of fain Mica homeleaa.
At Greenville, I'a., mere than COO
Deraona are homeless.
At Hharon, Pa., the town la under
water and a dozen or more brldgea are
wrecked. The loaa of the United Statea
Hteel Corporation at Karrell, a suburb
Is estimated at $200,000. A report
reached Sharon that a wreck train
and a crew on the Lake trie road
went down with a bridge near Mead
vllle, Pa.
Flood Follows Cyclons Disaster and
Many Surrounded by Water.
Terre Haute, lnd. Hardly recover
ing from the daze of the tornado of
Sunday that claimed 20 lives, injured
2".0 and did uroDerty damage amount
ing to $1,000,000, Terre Haute Tuesday
faced ita second disaster in 48 hours.
when the waters of the Wabash left
their banks, flooding part of the real
dence district.
Many families whose homes had es
caped destruction In the tornado were
surrounded ana me resiueui.
force.! to flee for their lives.
The river has passed the 25-foot
stage nnd Is rls'ng at the rate of five
Inches an hour. Railroad traffic Is
practically auspended and lnterurban
traction service naa dccu umiuuu'-u
u.ynti of Tavlorville. Robertsvlll
nd West Terre Haute have deserted
their homes. Five hundred houses are
under water and the coal minea near
here are flooded.
Uellef statlona established near ine
flooded districts are swamped with ap
plications for aid.
li,.IHK are enforced ami coliecieu un
d.r thla Charter and the lawa govern
luit thU City. All uiii paid uhii the
former aa.eaanielit ahull be crcilll.-d l
th property on account of which the
tame ere paid a. of the date of such
.nu nt. Hut no proceeding ahull be
Ununited for such rea.aeaametit un
ion wtthtn ten year of thn paaKe
of thn resolution of Intention for the
niakini! of the orlglnul work, improve
ment or repair; provided, that where
any aaae.Kiiienl I" being coiile.ted In
nv court .in h tlino shall not l con
.,,i..r...i .. . i,,.n of such limitation
KKSOI.VKK. further. That thn Clly
llecorrt.r he, and he la hereby In
structed and required to publish this
revolution, together with the ballot
mi.. ..r,.vi.l..,i i.v i he Cltv Attorney, at
full and explicit statements of Ita con
dltlona In thn following particulars:
la) In cane of railway and street rail
ways It shall SMclfy plainly the streets
or other public place, or parta thereof
o which they apply. b) The amount
..wl manner of imvment of the compen
sation to be paid by thegrnntee for the
right. And In H-u of a money valuation
tilt f'itll HI' il mMV at it option d.H-lsre
what will bo a reasonable reduction of
fare, rales or chargea. eliner ai me
beginning or progreaalvely from time
to time, to be made by the grantee In
compensation for the grant and keep
In good repair, or pay for keeping In
good repair, all that portion of such
.trecta and parts of streets lying be
. .....n it... rail, of thn road bed of ucn
rallwa. or street railways and for one
foot on thn outside of each of such
... ... . official newspaper of rails. (O Thn time of h.-glnnit.g ne
. ..... .i.i.ii. ..... iluv. r.. ...miction or other work thereiinner,
i , ill n ni'ruii. .11 " ' - -
ln.i.n-.IL.irlv tirecedlng aaid election.
IW.-d hy thn Common council un.
17th day of March. 19i:
Yen a V. G. Muckle. J. H- Croliklto ,,eied upon
thn eatlniated total coat of sucn worn,
and the time within which the work
under such
ami John I'lillip.
N)a- None.
Not Voting S. C. Morton.
811t.1nl1t.xl to thn Mayor on the
dav .,f M iri h I'ltrt 1
Approved hy the Mayor on the 17th
day of March. 1913.
JOHN CJ. GAGK. Recorder.
The ballot title and number of said
proiMis.-d measure will be a follows,
An Act lo amend the Chnrler of the
City of St. Helena, In Colombia County,
and Htate of Oregon, entitled "An Act
entitled An Act to Incorporate the
City of Kt. Helens. In Columbia County,
and Stale of Oregon." filed In the office
of the Secretary of State. February 25.
IM. as thereafter amended, by ln
Ttltig a Chapter In said Charter fol
lnilng Chapter XII 'hereof, which new
Chapter ahall be designated In the
Charter a Chanter XIII. authorizing
neeiiii anaeaamenta for tno improve
ment of at rent a and the construction,
reconstruction and repair of any
Shall the Charter of the City of St.
Helens hn amended ly Inserting Chap
ter XIII?
Notice la hereby given, that at the
fKuhir city election to be held on the
7h day of April, 191.1. the following
proposed charter amendment will be
ruhmltted to the votera of the City of
K'. Helens for their antiroval or rejec-
'ton, which said proposed chnrter
amendment Is contained In a reaolutlon
Inly passed by the Council on the 17th
"y or March. 1913. whlcn propose.!
'solution I In word and figure a
follows, to-wlt:
'm IT RKHOLVKD by the Common
rnmid! of thl, cilr of 8t. llolcna. In
('olnin,la County. State of Oregon, that
there h,. in hereby I" submitted to
Jim legal votera of the City of St.
"''lens at the regular municipal elec
tion to bo held In aald City on the 7th
day of April, 1!I3, for their adoption
or rejection, an amendment of the
Charter of the Clly of St. Helen, to
known an Chapter XIV of snld
tuirter, minting to PCIII.IC f'TII.I-
AND KRANCmSr-H, and eacn
1,1 u.. .ha 1 he com
auch atreet or iortlo!ia
of streets, respective!.
Rates, however, ahall alway be unl
fonn to all citizens of like clasaes uii
a..t .u.,ilr rircumatances and condi
Section 7 The enumeration .and
specification of particular matters
which must be Included In every fran-
A Bhall not be construed
to Impair the right of the City to In
sert In such franchise auch other and
further conditions and reatrlctlons as
the Council may deem proper for the
public welfare.
Section 8. Kvery franchise granted
by the City shall be subject to the
conditions and restriction, herelnal er
provided, to-wlt: 1st. That the ( Ity
rnav In any lawful manner and upon
.12 n. nf . fair valuation law-
fully .pertained, purchase condema
iercest Cyclone In History
Sweeps Corn Belt.
Suburb of Nebraaka Metropolis
Wiped Out; Farming Area
Omaha, Neb. With the death list
,r,.t.ot.l .irirreeatlng 152 arid the list
of Injured all of 400, Omaha and the
surrounding territory In Nebraska and
Iowa faced the problem of boualng
the thousand rendered homelesa by
Sunday night's tornado.
The number of building destroyed
wa placed In the neighborhood of 1200
and the property damage at aeveral
million dollar. Belated report com
ing to Omaha tended to Increaae me
enormity of the havoc wrought and In
dicated that a much wider territory
had been In the path of the torm man
was at first shown.
The hospital In Orraha are full of
Injured, many of whom have not been
Identified, apparently because their
friends are either dead or among me
acquire, take over ana mnu
erty and plant of the grantee Ir . whole
or part: provided the same be done at
rZJTl the term of the fran-
voter who votes iinon snld proposed
"'nendment shall rote "Y EX" or "NO"
Jn miHwor to the following question:
Hhftll the Chnrter of the City of St.
Helens he amended by Inserting Chap
ter XIVT" which amendment read ns
follows, to-wlt:
i Helfltii. in ColHihli County, and
chlae. and such valuation shall not ln--i..
.nv .urn for the value of the
l , .Li.h a.lh
franchise or (trani unuer wi...
-.i ..rnr.rtv la onernted. 2nd.
r.lllll t. nii' . -- f
That upon the payment by the City or
st Helens of a fair valuation. a above
stated, the plant and propertv ao ac
nuInHl shall become the property o
the City without formal execution of
any Instrument of conveyance, though
the City may at It option compel the
execution of It of an Instrument of
transfer and conveyance.
RKSOl.VKD, further, That the City
Recorder be. and he I. hereby In
strncted and required to publish this
resolution, together with the ballo
. ......i...i ,v the Cltv Attorney, at
least once In the official newspaper of
the City of Ht. lioiens. n
. u...,.l ..receding said election
1'nssed by the Common Council this
17th day of March. 1913.
vJ.-W. fl. Muckle. J. If. Cronklte
and John Thlllp.
Nnvs None.
Not Voting S. C. Morton.
Submitted to the Mayor on tho
day of March. IsiU.
Approved by the Mayor on the
day of March. 1913.
JOHN Q. OAOB. Recorder.
Th i.iithit title and number of said
proposed measure will De a lonows,
An Act to amend tho Chartor of the
City of St. Helens, In Columbia County.
and State of Oregon, enntieu nn a.-i
entitled An Act to Incorporate the nf st Helens. In Columbia County,
and State of Oregon." mod in ine oince
nf thn Secretary of 8tate. Fc-brunry 25,
isso n thereafter amended, relating
nv... ii.. .1 th CltV Of Bt.
Helen ba amended br inrtln wP-
ter XIVT
110 Tea. CjL
aiii No. r s
Thousand. Homeless In Kokomo,
Muncle, Terre Haute and
Tndlanaoolls. Ind. Ten thouaand
familiea are homeless In Indiana a
the result of the worst flood in he
history of the atate. The property
to., run. Into millions, and all In
dustry. Including tranaporttalon facll-
I. ....nended.
vnnr nenons are known to have
been drowned. Other large sections
of the state are Isolated, and It Is
feared the death list will be materially
Increased when communication 1 re
tored. , , ,
Moan of the largest cltie In the
state will be In darknes for ome
days, the flood water of varlou river
putting electric light and water plant
out of commlBslon. The flood follow
a two day' downpour, which wa
. . . i - .n.i nmin
general in laumua
Five hundred persons are nnm"
i.rinn lnd. At MIsBlssnawa, Ind.,
the river burt the leveo on the east
.m nf thn cltv. and factorlea there
were forced to hut down. Kokomo
la without light and water, and a
mile square area In the center of the
cltv I flooded.
the school are closed there and
the militia are patrolling the streets.
The known drowned In the state up
to noon were Ray Rothenburger and
hi brother. Roscoe. Frankfort: al
lace Garrison, Burlington; John Dag-
ncr, Newcastle.
Lave Braka In Thr Placea.
navton. Ohio. Thousand are home-
less In Dayton and vicinity and are
helnr sheltered In tent and public
building following the breaking of the
big Miami river levee In three place.
.1... haa nassed the flood deptD
nd la still rising. Score of faetorie
are cloaed. Three companle of mil
7..Z n.Nl to aid the police.
Rlverdale. North Dayton and o her
suburb, are Inundated Tueaday night
courlera were -nt throjigho it the
threatened district '"
habitants to flee. The river I the
highest It ha been In 40 year.
Estimated Figure Baed on Unverl
fied News From Two State.
rhtcaeo Cnverlfted report from
fl.K)d swept cities In Ohio and Indiana
how the following estimaiea iob
Ohio Dayton. 100 to f.nno. rinua im-
moredl. 540; Delaware. 50 to 100; Sid
ney. 23 to SO; Mlddletown. ii xo iv.
Hamilton, 12: Tippecanoe City. 3 to 6;
scattering, 1; total Ohio, 759 to 7175.
Indiana Peru. 200 to wm; .-Newcas
tle, 3: Lafayette. 2: Noblesvuie. z;
Frankfort. 1: Fort Wayne. 1: Rush
vllle. 1: total Indiana. 210 to 500.
Grand total. 9 to 707.
The homeless, most of them tem
porarily, are estimated to number up
wards of 100.000.
The property damage la roughly esti
mated at 125.000.000 or more.
All the great railroad system run
ning through the flooded state are
tied up by flood and washouts.
Lincoln, Neb. One hundred are
dead, twice a many more were in
to red. some fatally, by death-dealing
tornado which devaatated Omaha and
Ita environ early Sunday last It de
moralized telegraph and tolepnone er
vice and cut Omaha off from commun
ication with the outside world.
Thlrtv to forty block In the resi
dence section are aaid to have been
swept by the torm, killing core or
persons. Injuring several hundred and
leaving hundred of wrecked resi
dence. In the Dath of the storm.
Train which pulled Into the city
shortly before 6 o'clock were atopped
at the edge of the city to take on dead
bodies and the many Injured. 1 he vil
lage of Uenon, Dundee and Florence,
uburbs of Omaha, virtually are wiped
out. Only the fact that a heavy rain
fell for a half hour after the tornado
saved the rr-aa of wreckage and many
of tbe bodlea of the dead from being
The Webster street telephone sta
tion, containing a score or more of
girls, wa one of the building hit by
the storm and In a moment wa twist
ed and torn. Several of the girl were
killed outright, and many other were
A moving-picture how which wa
juat putting on its final film was
struck. The roof of the building fell
in and In the mad rush which wa
made through the only exit open.
many of those who were Injured were
iramnled and crusnea.
The rush continued, however, over
the bodle of the dead and a few of
the attendants escaped.
Mayor Dahlman, of Omaha, tele
graphed Governor Morehead shortly
after midnight for several militia com
panle to prevent the residence ana
the dead bodle from being looted. The
Omaha companies were only partially
available, according to the report, and
the Governor and Adjutant-General
Hall Immediately ordered put two Lin
coln companle and other from near
by town.
President Decide M.asure Will Have
Consideration This Sasslon.
WASHINGTON. Kncouraged by the
rapid progress already made lu the
preparation of a tariff revision bill,
close friends of President Wilson pre
dict that currency reform measures
would be brought before tbe extra -ion
of congress.
The l'reident talked Informally
with aome of bl caller about the
prospect for currency legllatlon.
They went away convincea mu
while the president would devote him
self first and foremost to tariff revi
sion, be now hoped that at least a
start on monetary reform. If not actual
legislation, would be possible In the
extra session.
From the first, the president baa be
lieved In tbe necessity for Immediate
currency reform, and though desirous
that congress should locu ll auen
tlon and that of the nation on me tar
iff question, he never haa given up the
Idea of getting a currency measure
before the country wltnin a lew
month. Some of hi friend ald that
they were particularly hopeful for cur
rency reform because cf the attitude
of the Democratic leader in congres
toward expeditlou action on the tariff.
Senator Simmon, chairman of the
finance committee. I reported to nave
said that the tariff could be disposed
of within three month. Line me tar
iff, the currency bill when drawn win
he nreaented a a rarty meaaure, care
fully worked out by congressional com
mute In co-operation with the presi
dent. It will not be made public. It 1
said, until it has been studied closely
by member of the cabinet, recognized
authorities on currency oueations, and
some of the leading business men of
the country In whose Judgment the ad
ministration has confidence.
The president Intend to tay in
Washington throughout the extra e
inn eivlne every attention to legisla
tive question. He ha every day de
clined Invitation to make speeche
ni.tal.lo nf the citv.
The cabinet will meet Immediately,
when the Question of reces appoint
ment will be dlcussed. The resigna
tion of Huntington Wllaon.a assist
ant secretary of state leave the state
.lennrtment under charge 01 Alva
Adee, aecond aasiatant ectetery of
state. It is probable, however, that
thora will be a recess appointment of
John Bassette Moore aa counsellor of
the state department, o tnai ne can
co-operate with Mr. Adee In running
the department. Tiie president tele
graphed Secretary Bryan that he need
not cut ahort hi vacation on account
of Huntington W ilson wimarawai.
3000 Perish and $100,000,000
Is Estimated Damage.
Fire Adda to Dayton' Distresa
Only Two Railreads Open
Reconstruction la Begun.
Chicago. Three thousand people
penahtid In the deluge that swept the
northern half of the Ohio River valley
the past three days.
I'robably people were made
homeless by the floods In Indiana and
Ohio, and property damage, In both
siaieg win De at least I1")0,0(X),(K.O. .
I heae figures wer compiled late
Wednesday from reports received here
rrora various points In the stricken dis
trict. Further reports may Increase
the number of dead, and it Is unlikely
that any decrease in the loss can be
South of Indianapolis the flood I
said to have caused death In several
small towns and villages.
Fire at Dayton added to the finan
cial loss caused by the flood. Early
estimates, placing the damage in Ohio
and Indiana at $50,000,000, were re
vised to show double that amount.
Railroad officials were authority for
the statement that lines converging In
Indianapolis would have to stand a
loss of $25,000,000 In that city and vi
cinity alone.
Railroads ware chief sufferers from
property damage. It was said by en
gineers and construction bosses pre
paring repair trains for the flooded
districts that strips of railroad more
than half a mile long had been waahed
away In several places In Indiana.
Concrete and iron bridges, their sup
ports undermined, crumbled before the
strength of the torrents hurled against
The loss through cessation of traf
fic cannot be estimated. Only two.
roads, the Michigan Central and the
Lake Shore, maintained communica
tion with New York over their line.
thoae farther south finding mile after
mile of their right of way under a
fathom of water.
Men and material are being rushed
by the railroads to every accessible
point where damage has been reported
and active work will be begun a soon.
as the floods recede.
lx feet of
8t. Louia I Flooded.
St Ivoul. Mo. More than 48 hour
of heavy rain, which at time wa.
almoat a cloudoursi. naa
River De Fere, at the weatern end
of the city, seven feet higher than
.ru .it.1, ahnnr rtlace.
anr recora. m ;--,
forest Fark. la under
Bridge Give Way
vnrwaik. Ohio. Causing tbe death
of three member or ine train ere-.
Wheeling & Uke Rrle freight train
went through a bridge at Hrlgbton,
Ohio, near here, Tuesdny.
300 Homele In Terre Haut.
Terra Haute, Ind. With 20 known
Head, five missing, and 100 In
jured. Terre Haute 1 slowly recover
ing from the eflect of Sunday a cy
clone. More than 300 persona are
t..nnia the cltv hollaing the aes-
Ht.itA In tho nubile chool. Mayor
-k --.I. waa forced to IssUO
n nroancntn atorekeeper who
... oamrht charging exorbitant price
for food. They had increaea meir
price In some case nearly 100 per
cent. The working claM district here
was wiped out
Fifteen Killed In Illinois.
i... til Fifteen noraons met
death In a cyclone at Makanda. Ill
Monday night, according to re iport re
... a . a fast frolcht tnua waa
and la car aumpw "',,t r
clone, BTnalixvv""' . t.
are knowa
Thousand Rush to Safety.
Cleveland. Ohio. Washouts are re
ported everywhere, and all lnterurban
and railroad traffic la at a stand-
The Cuyahoga river Is badly swollen.
In Muskingum county a boy wa
drowned while attempting to ford the
stream In a buggy.
Police Captain McGowan wa
drowned at Findlay while trying to
rescue maroonea lamines in m -ow
lying districts. Two feet of water is
reported in several Findlay districts.
At Cincinnati. Valentine Boet. 22
years old, was drowned in the Miami
and Erie canal.
The Scioto river at voiuiudub u m.
above the flood stage, and Is rising
rapidly. Scores of factories are closed.
More than BOO resident were forced
in ahandon their home at Akron. Sev
eral part of the city are upder water.
Seven nundrea tamiiies were umcu
frm their home at Mount Vernon
whn the Koskoslng river oroae
through the dike.
Many Drown at Delaware.
noim-iiv O. Between 75 and 100
person were drowned In tbe flooded
Oletangy River, according to eau
mate made by the police Tuesday
More conservative report place the
number of dead between 80 and 50.
Th. name of only 28 of thoe believed
ha rinari hAve been obtained. Score
of person are still clinging to top of
ree. roof or noucs ana uin -
able footings. At nlgnt nre were
built along the bank of the river to
cheer the marooned one, while de-
perate effort to rescue continueu.
Terre Haute. Ind. Nineteen person
are known to have been killed, 250 are
seriously Injured. 275 home are de
stroyed and other property damage,
estimated at nearly $1,000,000. wa the
toll of the tornado that devastated
Terre Haute and vicinity Sunday night
The official In charge of the reacue
work say the list ot dead win De in
creased a the earchers clear away
the debris of wrecked building.
Hundred of homeles are Deing
cared for by charitable Institution
and citizens, while the wrecked dis
trict Is being patrolled by Company B,
First Regiment, Indiana National
Guard, and the local police force.
The militia wa ordered out eariy in
the day by Governor Ralston, who di
rected the relief meaaure irom wai-anapoli.
Huntinnton Wilson Cannot Counte
nance Chinese Loan Policy.
washtw.TOV. Huntington Wil
son, assistant and acting secretary of
tat a Tart armointee who retained
office at the request of President W 11
son, until the president could give fur
ther time to the selection of a uc
and also to oblige Secretary
Bryan who aeurea to anenu mo vc.c
hration of hi birthday at Lincoln,
Neb resigned suddenly when con
i.nVoH with the duty of promulgating
the administration' r-ollcy with refei
ence to the Chinese loan, as anrounced
hv the Dresldent. The acting ecre-
-. firm believer In the Tart
iio .mi he explained In tl letter of that he could not consci
entiously act aa spokesman for a pol
icy with which he wa wnony uui ui
The resignation wa accepieu i
letter from President Wilson, to take
ff immediately. The preaident Im
mediately designated Second Assist
ant Secretary Adee to act aa secretary
of tate during Secretary Bryan' ab
A probable result of the resignation
will be the Immediate appointment un
der a rece commission of John Bas
sett Moore, as counsellor of the de
partment of atate, with authority to
act a ecretary.
Preaident of Harvard Choen to Repre
sent United State.
WASHINGTON. D Charlea Eliot,
ir, omsrttna of Harvard Unt
-w haa heen decided upon by
President Wilson for ambassador to
Great Britain. Close friend of the
n.j.nt teleeraDhed Dr. Eliot, con
gratulating him and arglng him to ao-
George W. Guthrie. Democratic state
.v.i.n nf Pennsvlvania and ex-
f TMHahnre. haa been aelected
. rr-t.1. In
to be ambasaaor to am. "
formation came from Intimate friend
nf President Wilson. From the same
Dayton. O. The fire In the businesa
section was still burning nerceiy
Thursday morning. It seems to have
changed its general direction irom
northeast to straight west. Efforts
to ascertain if buildings housing refu
gees have been burned were In vain
It was impossible to approach closer
than a mile to the blaze.
At 1:15 A. M. a state guardsman
shot and killed a man attempting to
loot the homes on Fifth street
Dayton, O. That a fierce fire which
appeared to be sweeping through the
half-submerged business district of
Dayton early Thursday had destroyed
the Beckel House, where there were
supposed to be more than 200 flood
refugees, was the consensus of opin
ion of scores of watchers on top of the
v-o.innai Caah Register building, near
ly two mile from the cene of the
Investigation of the fire at close
range was an Impossibility.
More than a mile of flood water In
tervened between the point where the
staunchest boats dared to veniure u
the area of flames. '
Poor Suitors Unwelcome.
Wellesley. Ma. Forty Welleley
College girl have aald good-bye to
matrimony until at least tnree year u learned that Justice
..... ........ .n until mon enma sourura . " . . ..
after graduation and until men come
along who have an Income of at least
Jame W. Gerard, of New York, waa
... . ..... tvaaaanA tft TtftW
$5000. They re members or me new - tlr t Wmiam Church OBborn. of
..... . v. . ii-.. . a.. aw niarnnvn -- . . i i .
v-- vnrV AnriistuB Tnoma. mo VW
. . . , 1 . . ThnmOl XTftl H.I1
wrlgnt, ana dubb.u.j
Two Girl Are Heroine.
Cincinnati. Two girl were the real
factor In giving to the world the new
of the Dayton flood. Both are oper
ators. One. a telephone operater at
Dayton, flashed the last tidings that
came out of the trlcken city W edne
day by telephone and gave the news
to Governor Cox which enabled the
executive to start relict io tne en;.
Mia Rena Aiken, tne otner. a leie
arunh nnerator at Phoneton, served a
r- ' . . . rto.-tin
relief operator tor me uin m
Both stood at tneir posi aa ions
the wires were in operation.
organization, the Wellesley Marriage
Club, and of the 60 wno nave oeen m
vlted to Join only 10 refused. Member
ship is limited to 800 and a meeting
will be held at which 20 more girl
will take the pledge. When 100 have
become member, officer will be
elected. The object of the club, o It
la said, is to decrease business in tne
divorce courts.
Postmaster Quit Jobs.
Washington. Because of the exten
sion of the classified civil service to
Include fourth-ciaaa postmaater ana
the announcement that postmaster of
that class would be subjected to a
competitive examination, the postof
fice department la receiving nearly 20
resignations a day. Officiate declare
that about 2000 fourth-class postmas
tora have resigned since the executive
order carrying them Into the civil ser
vice wa Issued.
Practically all of the resignation
are In postofflce where the postmas
ter's salary 1 merely nominal.
Woman Make Air Voyage.
San nieeo W. Leonard Bonner, a
Los Angeles aviator, with Miss Mar
garet Stahl s a passenger, flew In a
monoplnne from Los Angeles to this
city a feat heretofore attempted, but
not successfully. The distance la about
inn miia Tlonnev and Miss Stahl left
M., . PUllimj.
rtr. AIHa Rescuer.
Hamilton, O. The Champion Coated
r. riA.nnonV tf 0110.000 COnCClTI,
, .. .' no it nv morning i a. Invnlea at 1:30 P.
and It U at the morcy of the flame., The windy and chilly but the
as all fire fighting 1 out of the ques- RV.nt0r met with no mishap, exi eept
The elare of tne lire ueiu
somewhat In rescue work. Twelve
person are known to nave
drowned, while It la believed over a
score or more are dead aa
the flood of the Miami River that
.,, Hamilton. Bnd 1 rushing
through tho atreet to a depth of from
three to t feet.
riwa Dead at Hamilton,
Hamilton, Okta-flw PZ"t?. I LTZ-otb-f-e
. r-'
?Z" IT T nf . .kid when landing,
The flight wa the first leg of a 600-
mile tour of soi'tnerncauiorui.
Bachelor Beg for Wive.
i.-ith Valla. Or. Having become
..v. ..ini aifnlfa and grain on
their homestead, a large number of
n Valley, near
Page, of Virginia, would be ambaasa
dora to European courts.
No one haa been decided upon tor
ambassador to Japan.
Chine Silks Seized.
San Francisco. Collector of Cus
tom Stratton will endeavor to learn
.i,.v tra w. T. McGregor. Mrs. A.
Hammar. Mrs. P. D. Norton. Mrs. H. L.
Troop and Mis F. M. Brown, member
fiiu. of officer at Mare Island,
.7. c... VT..W
are officers of tne unixea --"""-w
medical department at Mare Island
and whether a box weighing 400
..nntainlna- more than Sioou nf Chinese silks, notions and
embroidered goode. which arrived here
on the army transport Logan last Sat
urday, and not on the hlp'a manifest,
are not smuggled good and subject to
Armours to Plant Rica.
rtOToiiia rai Announcement haa
been made that the Armours intend to
niant rice to a large part of their
holdings on the Feather River, near
Nicolaus. It is saia miimn -
planted on 12.000 acres. This will be
. n ih. lar-eat rice field In the
world. At present aoout auuw -ti-"
land have been rlowed and checked In
rcadlnesa for planting In rice. An
other force of men Is engaged in sinn
ing wells, to assure an abundance of
water for the rice, which at certain
period of Its growtn musi d uuu-.
Dr. Friedmann Considers Instructing
Physicians in Use.
v.- vnrk The advisability ot dis
tributing for general use by physiciana
the tuberculosis vaccine discovered by
T-.. c-.AArik F rriedmann waa die-
Tussed at a conference l-tb.
German specia. . - -
sicians. whose laenuy -----
closed. Under a proiw-. i
s clans from various parts of the.
country might be instructed in the
Friedman method of inoculating pa
tient. Wabash Train Wrecked.
St Louie .-The Wabash passenger
train. No. 1. carrying Omaha and
The fireman was killed and it li i"
and tnat se-ri
turned Into a ditch.
Fifteen passenger, were Injured al
thmigTlt 1. not known how -erlously.
loosening the roots oi a . ir.
Oklahoma Ha Blizzard.
Oklahoma City, Okla.-A atom of
of cessauuu. - - ... . ....
bilked and train service 1 .low.
Oklanoma -..i,. ------ - ,
the bllz-ard type mTieatioa
mere 10 "v
nf re-atlon. Snow na.
a lnuu
Street car
... Tex An unusually heavy
Dallas. Tex. MnHhwest
the temperature barely touched the
freezing point.
Spirit I Said to Beckon.
Denver. Alonto Thompson, multi
millionaire splrltuallat of thl city. He
on hi deathbed here, dlartng that
he is In honriy o ""H- "
M.yor RHCU. BZ w
MTm t'hT op of a telephone
r Te,o whU-h he cHmbed to rescue
nViaware is In great need of
'Vhvlllage of Stratford, five mllea
ffll en wiped 1
..-.o.i viftv are dead In lutin, n
rra reported, and the Ullage of
Prospect. 10 miles to tbe north, is un
der water. .
Mississippi Now RUln
MeaapMa. Te"
If not
Aate ot Or' itltled "An Act
i I '