St. Helens Mist Columbia Courtly Absiract c- ij uni - vnd I ODT.F.S A i.t K II' hM e, Insurance. f .! m. (' oriveyancing I I. i ' in CI ltd. h N 4H, Wurjirn of '.Vk4 ran, meeta the aee-ond awl loiirih Tii-iU ftTHOn of '"'I' 'II. .fl ll Hi llo'lltOll, Or. Mrl Kl H iW-ti(.iii, liu anliau N lyl'lnr. Scmiiimnim, Or ; Mmum A. M . '). Cierk. v I ( 'tiliinitiU Kbc itniiiirnt No. 77.1. O. )V. 'iOUl" I-. tnif 's in the I. O. ). F. Ili'i J44 , " " " Hl.llllll- ' ' Alril.iii(: tntet mail n n ' "ll 'i r.tlo !,jal m.tU-a2ftc-iL ,-t 'n. Conty OfficrJ Paper With storms. Howls, torna'lw'i, j blizzanlH. zero wt-athcr and sev-j ral olhT disa:n''al)lH n-unir-" f wciitlnT. killing tJinuH.t 1- ' people, di'Stroyinjf inillioi s t.f dollars worth of property nd leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless in tho eastern, southern ami middle western portions of I'10 United States, and at tin' me tin, n,'rt f,n grand old Columbia river in Columbia County, Oregon, the tun hhininr most of the time, with an occasional rain, and the weather mild enough for fruit crops to be Krowintf rijtht ulnv is it any wonder that thi coun try has Kreut propped for d. velopinent? All the Rret in dustries and resources of this country have been told of tine and time aain in the papers and in advertisements, but the Kreat let of weather and climate ha been overlooked. Just now with all the ureal disasters falling on other parts of the country, we are reminded tjuite forcibly that we have the best country on earth. V.'e don't have tornadoes, blizzards, cychmes, nor floods which destroy property and lives. We have nentle rains, moderate winds and warm sun.hine. i' Ordinance No. 139 ST. Ha ims HELENS ; Shoe f i. nil unit f.iurth Th'irwlar ruth .l,. 'iiioiirne in Patriarch mot I nl liuiiril In meet ailh u. ;.C. ItoUy, ChiW Patriarch, t!. W. UUkealey, Sent. - I MI I MOMlCSntAI Ni.. 24W ' lir lioo.l ol Vmrrcan Yeomen, hi rn 'h- Mrroml ami fourth Vel r.tvly niK'.t ol eacr month at Yana ton, Ore. VisttitiK mftntiera welcome. K. S. I'insoM, Honorable Foreman C. E Lake, Correspondent. FOIt POKTLAMJ DAIL sTEAMEH AMKliICA Leave St. Helena (t.OO A. M. Arnv. -at I .nlnml ltUidl A. M. Uivn l rtlan.t at 2:" r. M Arnv.'H hi. lltlwii at liiiO I'. M Shop I Ml INTGOMFRY HUII.HIP.U ST. HELENS, ORE. j ...EASTMAN KODAK GOODS... 1 j NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED CAME H FROM CNE, Dui LA R UP THIS IS THC Tl EOF YtAR TO TAKE. A GOOD ULOOD RE"EDY. YOU CAN T BEAT Xyiil.s Hot Springs Hhwtl lUintihj WE CARRY A FUU. LINE OF 11113 FIRM'S REMEDIES 2 MIZI-A3X CDA'TFK. NO. '( Mrett in i nio I, nil Mie wi nil 4ml (..urtli hittor t'vao. rtfli moi r 1 MAKY iiEOKtiK. W M. l.t'CY tiR.VY. Hwrreiaiv ( V .'. . , St. Helena No. 1 17.1. O. O. V. me. I- ' A In th I. i.O. F. buiW- t c.'iii Of rcoiidanil foiirtU Smur 'avn l r- h month, viaitin,; rjiemlura are iHwien a linrtv Helionie. Cl a-. II rlir, X. (j J. W. Allen, hrr. White Wyandott EGGS EGGS I2GGS $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 From Best Lavintr and Exhibition Birds. Cockrela $2.00 to $3.00 13KOWN Yankton - - Oregon Sec'y of Ckiunty Fair Ass'n READ CAREFULLY F-Xi'LANATGf'Y PF Professional Cards DR. L. GILBERT ROSS PHYSICIAN & SURGEON onw bmii MM. ct Helens ST. A. J. DEMINC. Druggist. i'v v a "a. 'a.-, .a aa.'a.a a, a HELENS Cjtt till lUtHltlmilHHtUltt'lin' t 9 9 1 i 5 118 11 Housewives Attention! r. r.f An id iiimci- aipirtioninir tKe cost of the improvement f Catterisu itr.ft in the City of St. lb-lm?, Onv'n. between the northerly bou-ula i y line of Wi'lriiiittte stre t m the westerly extension of ti e northerly boundary line of Jot in block of waid city, by k'r.i'bnjr the same f ir the full width thereof, and assessing the eoMt of twiil in provement to the property benefited thereby. Wherea Ordinunee No. lot) was on the Hth day of S-ptendier, l'J12. duly und n uulatly pa-t d by the common euimeil of the t'ity of St. Helens, theKiHi. and approved on the same diiy by the mayor of Haiti city, wherein mid whereby it was ordered that all that portion of Casennu street in the City of St. Helens, Oregon, lyintf IxdwtHii tbe northerly boundary lino of Wil lamette street and tlx; westerly ex tension of the northerly boundary line of hit ll in bUek ! of said city, he improved by Kradink' tin Mine: nnil tlml in neeordanee With the iirovisioiiH of said ordinanc aid portion of saiil Casenau street ha.4 been ui, liimrmi'il lit U Co.'-t (f $12 which has been tluiy and rt'Kiilarlv nscertainetl, in accordance with the provisions of the el ar er ami nrl:i,nni'lN of said C IV. a d will sum fully paid by the tnil c iy, """I for which the Haiti city ha not Wn reimhursed; Ami whereas, under tbe charter f saiil city und said ordinance No. bid, it is required and directed .hat the ciiHi uf such improvement thnll fall u,i,n the property a', u ting thereon, to-wit: Lots I. "J. :!, 1. and all in block 1(1. and lots 17. ls. l', 'Jn, 21 and '11. all i.) block 2 nil of the above belnur in the aid City of St. Helens, Oregon, ami 'hut such cost and the whole thereof bs apportioned unon the above de wrihetl real property according to the value of the real estate only, as determined by the last previous Ciiimt y assessment. Now, therefore, in accordance ith the provisions of said charter and ordinance, the City of St. Helens does ordain as follows: Section 1. That said sum of $ !'.;. N2 be and th6 name, hereby is "('portioned nmonir the owners of said lots 1,2, 3, 4. f and d in block b'. and lots 17, IS. !'.. 20. 21 and 22 in block 2S, all in the City of St. Helens. Oregon, ami airainst the 'ts respectively, necordintt ' of the real estate only, as by the last previous itnent, io determined, to-wiU "" a r ll (tin furnish rou iriiidtnr sh titles . a a , size, eofnrttr iutility, t it Iter f if ui ii tir tin ilex. Curttin Hints of ttiiij hind or hm-fh. .in oh uni, (ilniosl uni ixilhrn or tualii frtnu 7 tie tjd. n. f'tt yet in till Jitnes, snrt tl rt (id 1 for L.jinii if th irt d from .'f1)e a r td. iti. .Uuf tilths, L'n- yd, up. Our line of Furniture is til iru is com del e ("nil mid stc us he f tire muhinii your siriwj jinrchast s. fcmiSltlVOOl) c KOHS UNDERTAKERS 1IOUSEFURNISIIERS EMBALMLRS Av ii Li..lae No Wi Kniirht o Pylhia-, mn. i-vrv T'iet1y KvenlnK in t'a le Hill, St. Helen. i-ilniK koixbt- , ' writ-nine. M. K. Miller. C. C. Harold Kola. K.oi R A 8 a IIF.LKN.S LODGE SO. A F A A M. MeeU lal anil 31 , Salurilar in each mnolli. Viaiting j 'roilirra cortliallr taelcoraed. U W r!rit. Slanter; E. R. Quick, Secretar. i 1I1IIM WAGE-EARNING ; PEOPLE W'ien drawing your1 'P'l.'f if U"n fish to aroitl sientling tiU, lay aside' iust enough for present ii fed s; then bring th e balance io this bank and deiosit it in a Savings j Account. We ay f Oil 11' ier cent interest on such j accounts and accept any sum I rom one dot tar up DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURGEON St. Helens - Oregon T. S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMBALM EH Houlton Oregon the TAD'S SYSTEM (INC., 'I'lit- Tj.I' System, Inc., i. '", 1 ' ' ' 'i-Tv-tinj tlut uxn iti aiioptiun in a roii.iiiueity, evrry enr ii .10,111. of Lviw i.j; it U and Imn they nuy avail llirinirlvr of it ti; irtimitin, James Muckle & Son have .-euteJ the exfi-.i..-e u .e of the S-. tri i for S lleletw ai-J vicinity, and iti operation and lienrf'.l. n y Ve briefly r; ; .en I ... follows: Uji'in proi-urinx the n.enr not i! e - of h;i-!i of j-iv "u.l" horn 5inre June lit, i W7, a nn'OSIT of One Dollar I ( f. !e in the ( OI.h'MKIA COUNTY ll.WK. an ! rr(ftim.-!y eti't red to the : !'t of t i- Tj.1 in the Tad iWlmok. The P-liook with a Miniature i' - ' U -r' err, I tn the I'arentt in the name of the T'l, a;ul theri-aftt-r the ) I'OI 1 OK II reirive dirfoimt cherlu cm a!l ftinW, of hamli e m.i ! fr..t J '.MI S Mt'CKLE Sc SON by the parent, relative-, ami fiieru!-, of the 'l.i'i. The fun-1., vi ai-eiuiiiil.ite'l "'11 in-'if ' e T ul, when it arrivn at the age of si.teen vear-, a c,ineti-!'-c vOihh v."; i :.' Ir it tn .nor into Winrw life, or letter vtill, secure an r.Dt'l'ATIo:,'. Ti r - :-,.:t-, helotij; ah-ohitely to the TAD, ami in ca.e of ili;ith, may ! r v.ith'!r..v n ! ;.- the ;-arenn. or legal (ruardian. pTThlition to the I:-e.iiit C he. k from i'w Men bn, ym a!-o n e the .Vfinia lure iCik 'fiTimies, "nirktU, dimes, rte., all of tshuh is deposited to ihf Tad'i account. The regular intcre.t a, allowed on other Saili s Areount, wilPbe paid by the Hank. The Tad'l System is not limited to children horn since June 1st, 191)7, but ANV child under fixteen years of a'e may hae the fame opportunity by Depositing the initial The educational feature commends the idea t i every good cituen, and where in use it is stroiiy hi hr ed as an iin;.nrtar-t factor in the upbuilding of the communitv. That a large percentage of the crowing Ecueratiun of children will be provided with sulhcient funds to ei trr husj.ess, or for educational purposes, seems like a fairy tale, but the Tail's System . will'Surely accompmh this result. Starts March 29th Patronize the Mist Advertisers J. A. BILL M'-or.K.i5Uj DR. ALFRED J. PEEL PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Bun llml'lii' St. Helens 5 CENTRAL MARKET DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN & SURGEON rtione Main 433: A 12?1: R. Kt K-7 Hint" hit is!iini: hiillilnn Portland, Or. 5i Columbia Couoty Bank OLDEST IN THE COUNTY ST. HELENS. OREGON TTiTTl GEORGE H. SHINN ATTORN EY-AT-LAW St. Helens - Oregon t - I in C. II. 0S( ASTIR' proprietor The cheapest dace in town to buy Crockery, Classcure and Granil cwurc Come "1C a cal1 ;nul l)C Cl)UV'nct(1 for yy"' CENTRAL (iKOCERY WivTKR ANl' W lI.I.AMKTTK riTP KKTS S- ?hm Miisni v sens ha 1 M. E. MILLER A TTORN EY-A T LA W St. Helens Oregon IJEAI.KR1 IX Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Poultry, Vroduee a Your Orders Solicited Good Price Full Weight 4 Phone 60 St Helens, Ore. B Watche. CIjck :3 . v t t . - -s2 Opticr.l GooJ3 M.neicnsr. a . - r 1 fi VON A. GRAY All Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work Guaranteed. r " fJiXS fP Surcrlion to St. Hrleni Aulo Co. Will positively meet every train uttis !or hiie. Calls a-isweic l ay or nil't ..: e e. :; iti. i: , :'. ; ti e e v till Uie i. ;i C tills !' llKI.KNS ORKCt'N IlK.Al.HH- IN A DU PONT EXPLOSIVES 3 ALL EXPLOSIVES DELIVETEO IN S TON LOTS OR MORE TO ANY POINT IN COLUMBIA COUNTY ON THE RIVER -tvaiMt'M J -i St. Helens Mill Co. Electric Lighting - (Saves Yor.r Eyes) Steam Keating- (Pre lor gs Your Lives) Lumber Allen, Felton & Quick REAL ESTATE DEALERS ( INVESTMENTS, KtNTALS. INSURANCE. COLLECTiCNS. LCANS, LAND TITLES. Arrp.AiSE.MrNT S. ACf-'iMSTSATC?. GUARDIAN. p FISCAL AGENT CONVEYANCE. EXECUTCS. 1NECf?MAT!ON p3 A.'D ErTLCYiVFNT j ST. HELENS . OREGON u Lath vV oo:i CUT OUi' THIS COUPON And pre.t?nt at our ttore and get a I pwxi can of ihe well known CRESCENT BAKINC PO .VDZil FCPs. 20 CENTS. Thia Baking Powder ia recommsaied by all uit-rs. Thia Coupon good until Friday n-gh!, April 4th, 1913- CUT OUT THI3 COUPON These Coupons will arjwar t-very week, aa-4 it is to your advantage to re.Iet'ta t'.'.ora at our store. The articles will be froai our regular iinc of first class moods, and arc hl.K- rec .xmemlwl by all ustrs. Cut cut cou;..,:i ;ni rfrculfr the one above is paod only u.;i'.l April 4th. MC.H.dOHH&CO. C M I THF HCUSH Or QUALITY-' ( LOW COLONIST FARES Daily, March 15th to April lotii Tu All Points on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. r.-ii,Knanii A All Work Guaranteed. .R. CONSTANT1M Furnished. See McCOY!! Iicforc you let your work. Mr. ? liri'D.iri'll t 'l1' r.MNTINC. l'Al'KRHAM.lN'O Tinting St. Helens - - RK Houlton Restaurant FROM Chu-aijo W. W St. 1'huI 1'porU 3'.' M:niifaoli- Si. I.ouU 37 00 DnlutU Mi waiikeo ."itiVO Kana City Little Kiwk -' ; riiulu Mettul.i -.,''0!t N OiUana 4S 05 olil j :o oo HO 00 :io oo :.o.oo :io.tHi r.n.i'0 :;o.t o Plumbinj anJ Heatln; Sheet Metal Won. St. Helcru Oregon fKcepTng Up With thcTungi MEALS AT ALL HOURS PROMPT SERVICE CLEANLINESS Omr Mf i, H. SCHOONOVg"' tr. FROM OTHER EASTERN POINTS IN PROPORTION TCI your friend, in U a E... of ,hi. c.PoK.nity of n,. lowfarea tram ari i U. rnnaion - ,ow . . - . . ..i. A S.attla lima. c;r:r;,z,r:.;..-- ' w-" f-rtl4. Cr ' St. JlcVrss -is QroA'rv to L-7 Cui a Ctj. i ur btcre Has VK HAVE OVKK !.'.'0 ol .C 'KW OUAPvTEilS AND HAVE A LA K I K S'f'Ov.A. l- DRY CtXlS v a . 58 lb