For Sale and Want Ad. A4a U 1W C J-. Bri., Results For SA1-Five brood sows, one bow. eventeen small pigs. D. Paaero Bros., Columbia City. County Court Proceedings City of Clatskanie, prisoner Hilliard Mrs II, prisoners Isbister Thos, wood for 4 50 One brown yearling "heifer taken SLT -1 f Ptembpr' ! Word T M amvw same py paying , cnargea and proving property. C. 0. Dahlgren, Warren, Ore, For Sal a Four year old horse, broke drtra. Mra. Backland. 8tP Warren. Ore. to Full blooded RockTejnrs for setting of 15. Barred Plymouth setting. $1 per George Perry, 'Houlton, Ore. Hrockhoua Otto Ketlan Ed Gill Fred Carey Will Gait tr ii9 Kay Artlivss J A ; Hammer J 2 50 lulhir 53 so Crittim Kenneth 2.-,Bo;TulIar EE Good Samaritan Hospital, care tf r Bm of Cunningham 148 CO ! u Hobert F D. supplies to Long 1 25 1 CIllI'k w E White & White " " 30 50 PIST NO. board to Sidel For Sale Six-acre farm, good house and out buildings. Also ten acre tract all under cultivation, one mile from St. Helens, Ore. Geo. W. Perry, Houlton. Ore. For Sale Thoroughbred Wyan dott cockerels, $2.00 each.. Epgrs $1.00 for setting. R. H. Roberjon, St Helens, Ore. For Sale Early Rose seed po tatoes. D. Pasero, 4t Columbia City Light Brahmas egg for hatching. $1 for 15. Mrs. S. E. King, May ger. Ore. 4-21 Wood for Sale Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large Green Trees. Will Deliver to St Helens for $3.50 per Cord. To Houlton for $3.00 per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard Wood $4.50 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren Ore. Wm. Skuzie. Oleen Edmund, care of children 32 64 Hatfield DrC L, care of Long 21 00 Cliff Dr II R, care of Seidel 73 00 Peel Dr A J. care of Aired 15 00 Bell J L, supplies to Heeley 12 IE Basse Thos, supplies to Juttila 20 00 Wellington J H, " Albertson 7 50 Home for . Aged, care Mc- Donald 60 00 Watts & Price, supplies to Granat 14 70 Gore E T. care of Long 8 00 McKay R A. ' 35 40 Grewelf Thos, buJial of Long 5 00 Case W D. care of Johnson 6 00 Erickson J & Sons, supplies to poor farm 10 50 Peel Dr A J, exam of Adams 5 00 Ross Dr L G " of Alred,insane5 00 Peel Dr A J ' 5 00 Ramsey Geo W, supt R D No 1 24 00 3 24 00 4 72 00 5 63 00 6 19 50 7 34 50 8 30 00 10 73 F0 11 10 50 13 51 00 15 11 25 17 45 00 CHURCHES Houlton M. E. Church Houlton, first and third Sundays. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Lord's Day at 10 a. m.. Mr. David Cole, Supt Yankton, second and fourth Sun days. Preaching by Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday school at 11 a. m. Warre Preaching at 3 p. m. on first and third Sundays of each months. Trenholm and other points week nights. Dspain U S Gaittens James Fowler C C Johnson J E Boysen Paul Chr Kirby D C Malcom LA Ballhorn L J Peterson J H John M J I Lange Gus ! Salmi Paul, attendance school officers meeting 2 00 i McCallister H " " 2 00 Thomas O J " ' 2 00 Holmes WR " ' 00 BumsrardnerW H 2 00 Snyder Geo S " "2 00 Graham RF " " 2 00 Lund P H ' 2 00 Wood H C " 2 00 Ballhorn H J " "2 00 Holaday Asa ' " 2 00 White T S " 2 00 Carleton John E " " 2 00 Plue ""rs E S " " ! 00 Colwell Mrs G ' "2 00 Parcher Ira " " 2 00 Lake A B.exp of deputy sheriff 10 85 Miller M E, exp of dep Pros Truman J E Snydtr Ceo Archibald L Raints J W Morell Geo Bishop F McKMdy J T Lindsay J M Wagner W H Anliker R Tengacher Bros PIST. no. 6. Prichard Dean Oraunitz Emil Low Mrs E Rtirnham B S E H Dodge Lbr Co Bfll J L Tutchison W S Yanz Samuel Girt J C Parcher Tracy Johnson J E Atty Oregon Mist, Pub Court Pro Oregon Mist, sup to officers Farr John, commissioner Fluhrer Louis " ILLS REJECTED Johnson Chris, drawing jury list Hall Scott J R Snow 3 80 10 08 36 40 48 50 39 20 NOTICE Sealed bids will I received by th Coonty Court of Colnmbi. enmity, Ore fowler H M. J of P State VS fon p to 5 o'clock p. m ol April 4IU. Eastman jvia, ior special roaj woikih ro ois- . . tricu Ko'i 7. 10. n. 12 13. 14. 15 an. la Ramier Review.guppliea of id coontr. aisMiidinK to he plan Basse Thos, supplies to and pecifiratiens for ru-h work on 61 in the office of to Connty Clerk of county. Each bid shall be eciom panted by a bond, signed by two or more freeholders, in double the amount of tbt bid, as sureties, made payable to the county for the faithful performance of the contaact. The court reserves th right to reject any. and all bids if tliey deem them too high. Blank bonds may be obtained at t. office of the detk. bill to be filed with the County Clerk. By Order of the Connty Court. Dated March 19th, 1913. Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between St, Helens and Portland 50 cents one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good any time after April 4th . Boat leaves St. Helena 7:65 a. tu. Returning leaves Portland 2:30 p. Ui. Arrive at St. Helens 4 '45 p. in. r. LHOOCKKIRK 100 1 00 .25 2 47 2 00 Juttila 1 58 McKay R A, care of Long; 1 25 BILLS CONTINUED Snow J R, J of P state vs Lillich & Rice 11 80 Campbell J L, constable state vs Lillich & Rice 61 00 Sprinper Fred, juror, state j 1 St. Helens and f Houlton Dairj i PURE MILK AND CREAM From Healthy Cows i DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR b EVERY DAY f f n r- 1 r-. $ PROPRIETOR vs Lillich & Rice 1 70 Malcolm Lin ' " 1 70 Williams Robt " " '170 ElwoodGeo " " 170 FogelMax " " 170 Jones Grant, witness vs Lillich & Rice 1 90 Lillich R A, witness vs Lillich & Rice 5 80 Carson Mrs Mabel, witness state vs Lillich & Rice 26 10 Ray Sam Jones Mrs O " Rice C E " Lillich Mrs J W" Snyder Wm " Cony era W E 28 20 28 20 1 70 18 fjfi 420 3 40 Thompson A E.sheritT'aexD 41 15 Thompson A E, postage at d office fixtures 80 K Bell J L. supplies toKfllot c 12 00 . BILLS ALLOWED DIST. ROAD FUND iin. no. rJrowrj Lafe Th';m.l;in8 John PIST. .vo. Fc-Iton Elon Mclntyre A Hyde Oo ilorli-y W C ( I liiw-r.iwdpr Co t Jlcl.nn .Mill Co oprjoy A Hliia Una JJTl rtaiNQi IBr.Kkway P E . ----rrs Mut'K0 Jbm x son i fslU.. In .JJ,. !imrii;fti V. VIST. ' 1. 12 M 7 50 DJST. NO. 7. Burns Albert Vkins A W O'Neill John errand N Allpy Levi . Stf hman Dan Trow Fred Kirmush Dennis orneland Louis Wilder David prisms Henry Milde Auinist Lowrrtan Wilson oysen Paul Chr DIST. no. 8. Durenkamp Garrett Holmes Clyde Fluhrer Louis Low Mrs Atchison Cal Col River Powder Co DIST NO. 10. Stubbs A E Austin W H Burke R Howlett W Young Warren Williams Frank Bennett O B . Merrill N Simmons & Co Miller-Patterson Co Murray Hugh Jones Grant Payne C S Hall W S Prall Ferd Kratz H W Johnson Chris Orpsron Lbr Co Popham P M DlsT NO. 11. ONen Henry M Flliott F B Salmi Osccr Tan pen Bn Riers-on Ed Salmi Paul Colvin Chas Westporl Lbr Co DIST NO. 13. Rose Wm H Novotny A Carter Geo Johnson Clyde Potter Emory Jones Oscar Knowles J E Magnusen H Carter Roy Smith C Mellis A R Lane Cecil Ruddiman II Jones E A McGee D Aamcdt M DIST. no. 14. Mills T B Mellingtr W E I0ri;k son Theodore r u . ! m II 111 m; it'Ktr U S Oljirk j C vii n ns J Tr;. -a Li, bi rd 1TOOBA it d. r 'Meihun Tom NO. 4 7 ,;qi jicr i'err DIT. NO. 15. 3 (K) M-'i Iraw F C 2 CO J -L.i M J 5 ; ..'oh 1 f.I I; 1 ; 5' - DisT. no. 16. 4tl,t fil; : liV.'K.ry It :.('jC-1 iucii-an M 2 tO I Di3T. no. 17. lOLOjSiviih Dan SCO Watt & Price 13 CO Hansen 11 7 COllMntrm Q I Unbinuky P 42 50 Uhtman A 21 25 70 00 24 75 15 75 31 50 8 50 60 ON) I) 00 IS 00 65 00 27 00 1165 3 45 47 50 25 00 30 00 17 50 2 50 3 15 32 50 25 00 20 00 7 00 15 75 2 50 750 550 11 00 29 60 3 in 250 7 50 5 50 18 20 18 00 1 2 500 16 25 7 50 2 50 9 00 3 10 390 2 50 15 00 10 Z 7 50 66 50 R O 5 or 19 10 18 80 500 5 50 5 00 606 51 2: 500 500 5 00 2 50 15 00 1 56 23 54 3 20 2 50 26 2'. 47 50 2 25 12 50 10 00 37 50 23 04 200 20 75 6 75 5 00 2 5C 7 50 5 00 2 50 21 60 13 85 12 50 2 50 2 00 18 75 187 10 00 22 50 17 50 5 00 5 50 5 62 10 00 14 37 6 25 1125 f I w ri 1 111 M- S: mm 4 I ' n -A : tA J m T 1 M L2 iL,. it. ... J "Pvc been ccHirtp; Sh'tkbaker Wagons and tiuggizs for over 30 years." Tvo eolj them because my rrputation as 0 dealer was ct stake and from experience I have foun. that Studcbal:cr mcan3 tl.ts best." That tc!! the Storv. Farmers bought StuJr'j: ':rr wjif:3ri fce.'ore ihe Gvil wo anl tHey hava been buying liie.11 evctf since. Decau! fhrf hd cor.f'. !rce in the name Studrl?lcrrnJ in the sturd', (cpern!alj!, wno; a ami buv sjis t!iev build. . AnJ confMiTicn h i bfn uph-!J. 5iudebl;er wgon are built on honor and theStuc'bolier gunrftntee (! with every one There's a Studebaker 1-r your occu wLclhcr you hva in city, town cr country. Farm Wagons Surrr Pony CarriflC TtrwFnoM Vraaoos Dudi.i Carts Tracts Cntiactors' Wasona And Studebatsr harness e!jo as wc'l and careful! muj aa Studebaker vehicles. See oar Deltr or Write us. STUDESAKER r, KW YORK sUNNSAFuUS CHICAOO rui SALT LAKK CI : 1 itsvn oat C.OIt'H'IS W 1NIS ICARS Pi 'ine llottled isoooa a p'cuny WEINHARO'S BEER OLD JUDGE BAR E ENYART, Proprietor Iloti.iov Orkcon CO RIEOUS COMPETENT CATERER cdcyiMiAC a n d PRCejeDlMG Htxssr sutiLKtR SHOP Proprittor i'iliulac L Fi.shiT I Jeffs W O Wiekstn m Lbr Co Stevens Edgar Tetz R V:iri cK-ave R N'ovak V Jcul)cc L Callahan M Te:z W GE. HUAD UNO. FoA'lerCC 6 00 nyder Geo 00 McKiddy J T 5 w Archibald L 5 or . I-.mmer J 20 1 1 Ivi elan Ed 40 u 'jiii rrca i w G:iittensRirel 13 (1 V ickstrom Lbr Co 4 IS Smith Dan 2 o( VanOrsnoven L J 34 Tu Hughes Thomas 22 lo Nation J M 10 (to Bennett 0 B - 6 (10 Col Hiver Powder Co 1837 So Truman J E 7 5o Lindsav J Mj 5 00 Blake Ed 5 00 Makinster G W 5 00 Eckert George 11 23 Tuliar E E 43 On Hunter Bi'n . 18 00 (Jnittens Bay 3t (0 VVa'ts & Price 2 93 Fisher I 22 3 BrtnvFtt r R L 10 00 Meif-r Edwin 10 Kystr Gio 1 Z; Southard II J '21 CO BILLS CONTINUED Watts TC 200 Whereupon, court adjourned un til Saturday. .Iarch 8. 191:5. Siitunliiy, March S, 1913, Uh Ju'liciul Day. Court came pursuant to adjourn ment. Officers all present. Due proclamation beinjr made the following proceeding were had: Matter of Lidu for KrwpiAl ri!ul 1 work: I 21 73 '$200 occurred in the assessment of 14 03 the personal property of Hert I'.raim 21 ( 0 ' for the year 1910, it is ordered by 4 68 th' court that upr n the payment by 2 23 tho saiii liert Hrnim of the sum of 33 no $3, including penalty and interest, 32 23 the sum of ?5.33 l remitted from Cf?i) s ii.l tax for the year 1910. 21 73 Whereupon, court adjourned un- 28 73 lil Wednesday. April 2. 1913 o 1. SUITS MESS tO WIllLi YOU WAIT SUITS MADS TO 0RDEH by FIRST CUSS TAILOR ON Till; STRAND .St. Helens, Or. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAYINC AND TRANSFER All Buincsa Promptly Attended To PHONE IS OR 42 ELMER BLACKBURN ST. HELENS, ORECON Indian Ilunner duck vgx for sale $1 for 13. J. W. VanNaUa. War ret). WARNING 1 n Irl nv i t m y tie I tcni:i 1 ' iv m et 1I11111 1 e i i- ii i Ii i oh 1 noic linn I i- 1 n. 01 " : ti in); . nn hi- tia f ' in. Ii ii mt- ! t e .bih nie- iirr 1 r 1 ci 1 11 01 wl.t i b 1- ti l a Ik i ovr. Referendum Petition To II mi able Join i) (ixf. k o l.r th cit o( fct. Hi Ifiis f. I n i;i l ouiity. Oruon : 111 (lt-rniKn. (1 Irgul vnt' in "I Ilrlciir, Coliiniloa Conptr, Orrftnn, r. ptc lnl v i!(inn(l O at O il:, mic nmlirr i::k, . n iilcd "An or tinniice 10 it'prnl l,ir.lm, .Nil. U'O i ( tl.ecltiol -I. I Iclci , 1 ron, ri lalive In th I i tu it i Kiln- M'liil) r 1 ( nili 11. k (or the dix. 111 11.' n( - jiii ilnou. malt and vil ou liijniTS miuI I. riiii-iit'il ci.ler in lc p. 1 wmIi'ii -iiid eiiy;" ('"""d I'y h- co i ril of ilic ci'v o( S . Id-inn nl o 1 tiiiK on In- Ii it H tin (.( M ,r. d, hIk I In- si. Imi lite . to the '(run. votei-. ( I lis- 11 .Si. 1 t . ti lor ti.rtt oji.i.vhIo I'Ciottht tin- 1 (.'uIht t i y i ! 1 Itoti t, 1 c! I in a d cilv on 11 h Tim i'i.v ., m.i n. I. 'l.t, 1 ml e;n h lot I iin eif ,u. line ji-j i.nully 1. 11 d I is ji. tiiinti ; I a:ii a I'K:iI oti r ( lt:e Ci y ol ? ' I m, 1 1. nlnli 1 t'.,n fty , 1 trefoil, hi.. I tin mi i. iii e iintl -lif. t immh' r Mte 1 It-r lv rtiltrcn ift-r in r rt 11 . I MM Prop . W 1 1 ofA .1 is it'-'t-rv ;.vi '4 . Eggs for Hatching 5. C. Huff Leghorns S. C. Buff Orpingtoni I si Pan, 2 00 par 18 E((s 2nd Pan, $1 OO par IS Eft Spial Matins Pan. (3 00 par IS Efi "Vila for Malinf List whick will fkt our Winning at Poultry Shows Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Lane. Box 96 Coble, Or. jattiAjjLiilatl Oliver & Oliver's General Merchandise T K 1 1 11 k Iliz ti 11 A. I J av ti 1 1 Ol U'- st. n. 1. in H 1 I'd U ii ki' n Ii. V i.w.t a r !.. II. K. Mi- ..nut N I! ! i-i ku.s J onrs I ar . I' lm Ir I111111I1 J I Z i'i rrer V..-kll) J Cl.rlc Furniture 1 1 Hardware Farm Products Wanted ISkst Link of Shoks in thk County Walkt-Ovkr latlics' and men's shoes Thkf.k Lakk Logging 'Shoes IIOULTOX OREGON tr ... On this day bids for special road ' .. '.' ', work, as adveitisril were ('Penotl 1 t, k. Mi l. r and examined by the court, beinjr ' I' te l-ilton as follows: " rl ar 1 a, i; 'i in 11 ji oti in riii' ! i'.Vil MOAI) DIST. NO. 2. i P H I.und, Johnson road for t urn ' of p.hT. J' II I, '.ml, Lund road for t!,c sum ol'$ I K F I.tiron, Johnson road forj Lite Kiini ' S.'ioo. j . rv r i.:ir'n, jimi roau lor jum of SI !t.". ! K V I-'irs' n, Slavcns road for t! ej sum of ?2 10. !, H rr roa.l for the HUtn o:' $215. 1 i Ar.d tl e '-ourt beinff ndvi. d in ; he v nt' r :ii(l"i.r,-ii!f'rir."fBirl bid". r, i-i'di'iT'd th" pi. t! ,: t;i!'l idshe and 1 10 .41:0 ifj'.'-iod r' ; ' r ; d by II e t r u t t rial 1 (.ad work at f.'h ir- mail tlistrit'ti liUri lit'n d 'J and 17 bo jicrforri.t (I or tf u dircrtfori of the cou .tv 4 court. 0:1 731 MhttiT of vfltiafon of awwvfsMa priiiHirto of Uert Krnirn for 191 ()! A INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS $1.00 per I, $J.OO per nt) BARRED ROCK EGGS per lo Poor Hatchet Made Good W. C. IflORLEY Vfirv tV ' i Ta ' t ST. KELENS N:lce cf Final Account and 5eUlcmciit. ORECON 3 00 2 SO 1 80 .75, 7 So 2 so: 2 5o' 7 50 2 SO j 5 no Cl.5 5 i5 ('iiI'NTV ( OUKT ri' Till-: ol' ouiit'O.w ni cm,. t'Mlin COU.MY, In lit- tti le of In" e-lnlf i.f l)i, nl . Ilr; 1 ntii, I ti- aM-il. n in- i- licil,y jjivin il.nt Km ma , I ri 1 in, ml. . itiininitrix of tlie i-ntKic of I i. v .l ',!. I iiuin, i!iiriMv, l a. Ii nl In r fin nl nri ntii a- luh nln.ini. IrHtrix if ml I Flit. 1 11. Hi,- In ri'v Ciitui of ' 1 'I On f , f,,r ( nht . , a For Sain flood f-icond cuttinir clover ami first. cui.tin timothy and flovor; Ann rit-an Vondr-r rind Hur bank kim il potatocf:; alwo a n w vari cty callnl th I.'vprjjrrt'i'n, n trrcat yicldr and fine potato. For particulars Vc, phone or write A. L. Urwm, Warren. Ore. Summcni d t '1.0 l:'j.Ti. t ..'. 1 1 heicl I i.S f': l:;M lii ? . t'.i-l for 3 15 1 1, 2. 4. 0, 5 65 ! under the 1 t 1 III- s 111 b 1) . II ? 'f'itlt n r t 0 0 1 65 00 IN THK 1 IK( I IT CofkT OK TIIR MATKOF f.RKr.oN. I or t:o, ' M'.IA (. it! J v. Cat I A. J. .,.;, I'i ,-,tit.i IT. vi. IUh L. r.i.i- en, D,.( ..,! ,llt, '" ' 1 ' ' U Mine of Or.Kon Inu ur.t I. ..!...' : i . 1 I . . 1 1 . .1 ihH e ti, ai iiwirm, . . "I' li"' til.a "J ' ' lilt VH '. I il .il n.i.,l .,i ,i,..e ,n,i ci,oi,j cm, , , ,ml ,.,., on , ,,. ( , .y. .ai.I ,My .ilK U(,re tmt i'Z.".Z, ,.".f'",',,, 1,1 .sol, he III- Iih mi. f A r.,l. r!"i lc f III -if '.il l il v il ' r nil. l.f Lt d ( lirr, I. hi t,-. .int. 1. in cnuiitv, Oljf''. :ll I 11 I t .,' In; U . ritii' I f H I . i.l fn ,i ii.'i- nut ami iln- II n t'. 4 Ml-rl K( kl.ll dr.l ilr lens, Hrvunn, rCnimn A Hrlil-... ndn'ilrrilrfx of KsialM off), till f loa-i.l i ,,.,' . tHrnoiiilc, rtt.,er of divor. e tli ,Ulr(lic Imtids of nititrl' "I' liy n.iw ami lirrelofora eal.tlitK lie twfen viii and plnlntiir, and awanlin plaintiff tl.r rare ami cimtody nf Ihn minor rhllilrrn of yournrlf am) plaintiff. vu , MiiH.a J. Tnen, (lenrirn VV. Tan-K-n. CiuhiI lia TariiiPii and Vnr TanK' H, and der.arlnjf pliiiiitur (o ln-.tlie nnrf In liia own riKlit, ftee and clear of any claim In your f-tor llierein, of Ilia M lo inif teal prop rt. nitnalefl In the County of Columbia ami State of Oregon, vlx.. lot ni.lliUr ll.l (l ill o'ik a nnitilu r ( I) in Itryanl'n First Ail 'I 'Hon c . Hie town of nryantaville, imt ,iiliio 1 In. city of tlatr.k-.iili.; ami lr ' thrr relit f mii-Ii nn Hi- Court m.iy ih em 'n .l.le In tlio pn-miaea. 'tuu 'i a Is pul,iiai a I i 1 lha r't. Me et s Mll l.yiiin or,,.f , f t tin lion. J-A. Knkin, Jn.ljre f the nl.ovten I11U1 C.iiiri. tu !,. ,mj tnicreil on 'h t.i. .ieei.;h r of Mrtrt Ii l!H, an' th data oil I,.. O.Kt l.,.l.lie.t of iiimi.ii na is M.krcli 21, 101,1, an' ofllicliint publication loerr- 1013. m 7Si On thin day it i :i.aC aftpamrlnft to the 1 Ywnit ElmeL. Crlilsio, Itrns rl. Paarcy 'i r-'nnif wdl ap. r-i ' w 1 m, ir..."t,",,""'i"-)Hll..r Attori.i-la 1 70S ChamUrof Count 1 t.