St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 14, 1913, Image 4

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    For SU and Want Ad.
i r
l i
if j
For Sale Five brood .ows, one
bojr. seventeen small pig.
D. Paaero Bros.,
4t Columbia City.
One brown yearling heifer taken
op the fore part of September.
Owner can have same by paying
charges and proving property.
C. O. Dahlgren,
it Warren, Ore.
For Sale
Four year old horse, broke to
drive. Mrs. Backland,
P 3tp Warren. Ore.
Full blooded Barred Plymouth
Rock eggs for setting. $1 per
setting of 15.
George Perry,
Houlton. Ore.
For Sale Six-acre farm, good
house and out buildings. Also ten
acre tract all under cultivation, one
mile from St. Helens, Ore.
Geo. W. Perry, Houlton. Ore.
For Sale Thoroughbred Wyan
dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs
$1.00 for setting. .
R. H. Rober.son, St. Helens, Ore.
Horse For Sale
Heavy horses, driving horses; all
kinds of horses. Have one single
driver thoroughly broke so that
women can drive that will be sold
Geo. W. Grant, Scappoose, Ore.
For Sale Early Rose seed po
tatoes. D. Pasero,
4t Columbia City
Houlton M. E. Church
Houlton, first and third Sundays.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W.
T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday school every Lord's
Day at 10 a. m., Mr. David Cole,
Yankton, second and fourth Sun
days. Preaching by Rev. W. T.
Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday
school at 11 a. m.
Warren Preaching at 3 p. m.
on first and third Sundays of each
months. Trenholm and other points
week nights.
0 H0
u ,
ioo yds. ladies white suitings
regular 50c values - 25c yd.
500 yds embroidery val. to 25c yd. - xoc
200 " white dress goods
values up to 50c - 25c yd.
250 yds. lace edgings and insertions
values up to 5c - - 3c yd.
250 yds. lace edgings and insertions
values up to ioc - - 5 '4c yd.
12 doz. Handkerchiefs, rcg 5c val. ic ea.
6 doz. .Apron ,l " 10c " 5c ea.
14 pr. Men's black Hose " 15c " ioc pr.
25 pr. " fancy " " 35c " 20c pr.
40 pr. " " " 25c " 2 pr. 25c
500 yds. choice patterns of spring
and summer dress goods reg. 25c li ic
300 yds. dress ginghams reg 15c 9c yd.
13 boys suits, ages 4 to 12 12 boys suits, ages from 9 to 14
$6,00 valves for - - $4-35 $7-5o and $900 val reduced to $5.25
A Few Men's Suits, $15.00 to $17 50 Values Now $975
Successors to White & White HOULTON, OREGON
Patronize Our Advertisers and Save Money
Pine Mottled Goods a Specialty
E ENYART, Proprietor
CLCMIMC A ti D - ON Tin-
SHOP rr,pr,or
.St. Helens, Or.
sens t;vw.i in it v r wait
Sills MAM TO I'lU'tN H lllisT 1 1 ASS TAILOR
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
All Businrt Promptly Attended To
PHONE 15 OR 42
Eggs for Hatching
5. C. I tuff Leghorn
S. C. Buff Orpingtons
l.t P.f., IXOO pmr IS F(l,
2nd Poo. f I 00 par IS F,.
Special Malina Pon, $3.00 par IS Effi
'"rU fur Mating Lial wluck will girt
our Winning at Poultry Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Larson
Box 96 Coble, Ore.
T T r w -wn.-vri
John Schneiderman. an old and
experienced hotel man of Port
land, completed'a deal in which
he purchased the Central Hotel
from Louis Rosasco. Mr. Schnei
derman will endeavor lo run a
first class hotel, a sort of sum
mer resort, making a specialty of
entertainind week-end parties.
He will also serve in his cafe ex
cellent chicken dinners and fish
and game dinners. This will un
doubtenly be well patronized by
automobile parties motoring to
Houlton and St. Helens from Port
land and other towns, and if Mr.
Scheiderman has the co-operation
of the people his success is as
good as assured.
On Sunday. March 9, 1913. at
2:30 o'clock occurred the mar
riage of Perley Corliss Crouse to
JrflesSara Kelly, both of Houl
ton. The service was read by
Rev. Fairchild of the M. E.
church in the presence of rela
tives of the bride and groom.
Mr. Crouse had previously ta! en
one of the Perry cottages r.nd
had it furnished ready for occu
pancy, so that the ceremony
rnuld be nerformed there, xh?
bride was attired in a mods
spring costume. Immedi a t 1 y
after the ceremony Mrs. Barney
Kellv. a sister-in-law of the
bride, served an elaborate course
dinner to the twenty-four guests
present. Mr. Crouse is one of
Houlton's most capable business
men and his many friends wish
him and his bnde both happiness
and success. Those present wt re
Messrs. and Mesdames James
McKay, of Scappoose, W. W
Blakesley. fit, Helens, Charles
Crouse, Colon Crouse, C. L. L.
Decker, Aaron Kelley, Barrey
Kelley, Frank Kelley, Mrs. Grace
Ilenshaw, Mrs. Geo. Kelley,
Ernest and George Kelley, Mis
Demaris Crouse, IeP.aron Crouse,
Vera Thompson and Rev. fair-child.
affair was a complete surprise to Oliver Olivers' Mr. and Mrs.
the little girl, who knew nothing Oliver have known them for
of it until the guests arrived. J some time and the Indians always
The children had a very merry manage to find their friends,
time playing games of all sorts: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Saxton on
and Mrs. Gensman served de- j last Friday evening entertained
licious refreshments, consisting . a number of their friends at their
or caKes, candies, nuts anaIBachelor FIat home Mr
T-i i i A? a
irons, uuinae proven nerseix w,Urfl p0i y,jwt cc.;ca
Wm. Mellinger last week built
The Odd Fellows mot as usual i uat ...i, f,, o..i ; .u U...i. i lin,., ,..
an outside stairway on the store , at the I. O. O. F. hall, Saturday. L.. , ti, .: , ,: clos.-d and Mi Knth Duncan.
I cm. i.iii uii runic 1 1 1 1 It." , - .
N. A. Perry went to Portland ; visiting friends. who was the Uaeher has re-
on Saturday evening. Mr o,xf, .,n , v ., tun.ed to her homem Scaj-poose.
Vl , ' , , L S lxt ,M ani1 ife ,:iss,.,i h.o. Hward was In town on
Floyd wh.te and Wallace; through Houlton Sunday en Saturday for the first time in
Crouse attended the party at J. j route fur St. II.-l.-ns. wher, they many w.t.k havi b con.
W. Saxton son Inday evening. . spent th, day. lined to his home with a severe
Mrs. J. II. U rie of ('lit ton 1 Mrs. Matthews wer t to llainier illness.
be a charming hostess. She was tertaining the A num. Ln for the fowls and expects to ash.. has returned to her home it Sunday to visit h. r da-Khter ! Mrs. iX)ui9 Kosa,co has re.
turned from Sacrnmentn whither
Roland Masten was in she was called on account of her
r. I.... 'M 1 .
of Oliver & Oliver. Mr. Oliver,
has had a portion of the second
story partitioned off for living
rooms for his family.
Mr. Corwin is going in for
and ! chicken raising on a large scale.
in en- lie nas lencea on an excellent
A 1 i I
me rec.pieni 01 a nun.oer 01 ber of HouIton and gt ,,elenslhavea supply of early spring
pretty and useful gifts from her ; peop,e were gregent 8nd rep&rt a i broiler3 soon-
little friends, who all wished her
many more happy birthdays.
The following were j resent:
Mamie and Babes McQun, Mae
and Frances Waller, Helen and
Grace Chambers, Willa Mae
Welch, Nina and Freida Crouse.
Samuel Long, Houlton's mayor,
after a short visit with her
daughter. Mrs. Philip Porter. j
Mrs. Charles Morris on Satur-i
very pleasant evening.
Mrs. Wm. Mellinger enter- j is improving the appearance c f uav r"ni wnt to fct- Helens to
tained a party of her acquaint- jof his tmilding by erecting a attend the meeting of the Arti
ances on last Thursday after-j wide porch along the entire front Bans of which she is a n.emher.
noon in honor of her mother, j of the candy shop, theatre und Lawrence Tarbell of Yankton
Mrs. Mills of Vernonia, who is 1 Commercial rooming house. w as in town on Thursday.
1 a. rr 1 f - . .
Mae Morris, Helen Whit-;, Leah ; nT ues- inree umes oiow Hobert Weaver and family Mrs. Oliver Smith spent Tues
Oliver, ILrii tte A ilkir.s. Acr e s werf played. Among those pres-,have returned to their former day of last week visiting friends
Wicks and Mesdames Robertson ent ereMesdames Combs, Chas. home near yankton, having un- in the city.
and Smith,
The death of Herman Hansel rsht"
comes as a shock to his friends i
in Houlton. Only la.t week he1 The Crouse Bros, have recently
was reported to be imi rovir g. '. B1'm d a c-.ve6 contract with the
hut he suddenlv became worne I Western Cooperage Co. at Tren
and died on Monday, :ar:h 10, at! holai to furnish stave j ar.d bolts
the St, Vincents hospitjl, where:""'1 w haul 8a,ne tc Houl-on.
he had been under treatiiert for Th'3 rne;in the a'eady em
serious burns rereiveti hileat-if,''vment of manv r'lon V'ith
tempting :o exVngui th': f n- u';,fT 3- Co!on Crous expcrHto
which c'.?si.r yed lis b il ry 5 h ,p ' U: Trenhtlm. ft cr ct . P.
and lunch rrom iornc ; r.e .-;). ';' ''jr(' -l 'err h ,r H;vl on
His remains wen tak r to Fn- )i ilyien & Hansen have a
ley's undert.'ikirf-pari .1:; in Pert-, 1:0 t v.t U furnirh '.l e city of
land, where they wi.l irj ur. til j Port ar d 2 jO.000 pav 1 g bh ks.
T fttm ...... I...., MM 1
"III LtllMU lilL in Ml ill' 1U-
companied hy her daughter
George Perry and familv at
& . . 1 1 i 1
leni.eii cniUVIl services .n Si
sister's death.
ur. Harris was up from Hainier
on Tuesday. M i vrv 'much
with his new location
and says Rainier is a good busi
ness town.
tov n
de r.
jUiiil . s
friends make arrang';m.-nts for
burial. Mr. Hansel pruumably
leaves no relatives.
tiFL !x Tr it. f .i
yvnue, iveny ana miss ropejoy. tij recentv resided in Idaho. Mr. Mrs. Delmar Ma-ten nnH in.
The hostess served dainty rC-iWoaMP in crai1 n In honL- i:i font lo.mll I L..0f MTS. ClintflO 'rrc.(f
Oregon. home of John Masten a few days Lavid Vincent and wife were
Mrs. Gill of Columbia City was last week- visiting in Houlton on Sunday,
in Houhon on last Friday, visit- T. S. White spert Saturday in Mrs- Thompson White spent
ing friends and shopping. Linnton and Portland. jthe day in Portland Saturday.
Robert Seal of Columbia City H- F. McCormick went through i Mrs. Allenhauj'h and mother
it 1. 1 . 'V: i 1 . .
spent a lew hours in Houlton nouiton on Sunday in his elegant n-.hnam 01 llachelor Hat,
last Wel'iesday. r.vx 10-horse power B.iick car.
Mrs. James Chris'iansen of Mr3. Will Karth and flMighte
Portlan 1 arrived in tlio cit " on Hi't'a spent Monday ir, town.
.Si Li;rd: j and will go to Tien- Pad Fak? visited his purtnis i
holm to join her husband. l'e -v days last week.
Mrs. G. Col veil of Happy Hoi- VIrs Nick Ilrir n spent Saturday
low the day in town Fri- a.i the guest of her mother, Airs,
day. Hendricks.
West & French, will-diggers, ' -Jr. and Mrs. Met Hazen at-
jare still engaged in digging the tended the Larger funeral ar.
city well. Ysnkton on Fiiday.
' George Kelley is visiting rela-' Mr. and Mrs. Charlos
lives in town. He arrived to at-
'll Mill, i .. .,,... 1
.1 1 .1 1, I"1 "-'
ii ui uier ree Methodist church,
(ieorge Crant was home from
... -I .... t
iMe last osi ay. Mru . . ,
... I Mrs- Anderson of near Warren
Mrs. U-o. U. vg,.I of Rainier , was shopping in Houlton Tues
arrived here on last Thursday 1 day.
anu spent the duy as the guest
wc re s
T. S.
tri) to
On tl.i;
opping in
Vnit? 11 1
i-Truer M uiday, returning
1 o'c!o( k t rain.
This means quite a stri';e of luck
for Lahlgren &Hansei, and will
insuie steady work for a while.
Mr. Stains ha3 had the inta.-ior f
of his residence on A t in street
ptcts to
fi . 111
If everything materh. izes as
expected, Houlton w ll I ave an
cmf-ri'i-rrv hfisnitnl 11 il l f sr re 1 ro-U wir: 1fr? Un c
r , . v , ,v v . .. ..I. r, tr .i ,1-
and a resident physician si,d sur-j leave on Atril 1, wit h his wife, j Lt,m ' -u3-veiiy
geon. The emergency liospiial for Lockaway Beach, v.iere tl.iey Mrs. U. V. Clark is on the sick
will he a ereat thintr for .loulton wil' f oend th? summer with their , ,lst again
and also for St. IfekiU, for 'daughter.
'". ieiel v. i!
' i" ! - I. ::'. en . -lM
y, d 'lytho We:::rn y.vvH C
i: ar.u will move I is family
; Tn 1 1 ho n t live.
Mrs. L. Shit, r 1; ; ..;n,.
Portland for a vi: it.
Ix)uis Rosasco has leased the
Despain ranch, near Houlton,
and expects Boon to move into
his nw home with his family.
Mrs. Conway visited with hpr
mother Mrs. Richardson on Tues
day. r. S. White on Tuesday disin
fected the pest house, the last of
the small roX patients having re-I'oviT.-d
and return! t iheir
j hon i.
I 'T'''l Krantz nn.l wife were in
town Tuesday.
i ('- T. Prescott ninl M O I nr.
Mond.nv " irus . ity j,t ., ;,!
ui.r v, as
rida v.
romo to fer ,' ,.t il
- ' 1 .H I 1 .
of ti.
scarcely a week passes b. t there
is an accident or patioits are
taken to Portlard for -urgical
operations, arid it is
it will not prove to
hoped that
be only a
K. A. Koon3, w ho is a repre
sentative of the Rierscn Machin
ery Company in Portland, was in
Master. ' Ktv- V L- "ar of Rai
w re in from camp on
Ray Tarbell of Yankton was in '
the city Wednesday. !
Mrs. Skuzie of Bachelor Flat!
D. Eversaul was in town Tues-1 was snooping in town Thursday. I '. '.I;lv;s,!'"lt
. 1 i, tr , , , . iacoma f-n last '.cturd iv i h
day. . Perry Usher made h s umm L .. ... . '."lul"''y hy tin
, ,i , . . pau oeain or
Miss Wager of Portland Sf ent ; weekly visit to Scappoo?e. I i,t. . .-n c
l Ur...:..
iiu v in
eral rervices
Mr:i. I. J. IT i - I n v.
Tacoma n last ctun
ii. . i .. .. .,
" Ul" "r'au,er, who had
if t.n;.'
! mik.
l''"y IMiermade
i lortland last
ll 1 I I . , A 1 .-. - . I . H
the city last week anc. arranged ineir rancn near ,i0Ull(,n- j 'n' cany train Saturday from a H bh(.yL
to fjrnish the power rrd trans- The machinery for the Beavers' i Lrief visit with her husband. v.cek
mi's inn machinery for our Jccal furniture factory has arrived. i Mrs. Linn Decker has been on ! c..r,.rr r
A family of Shoahone Zndiam furniture factory. Frank Bro n of Yankton Fpent the sick list for several days. I ,i..,T',. , ' , n" lltUl'
from Wanhinfrton went ir IIoul- Kr. Shattuck in clearing his Monday in the c'ty. Martin Whi'fo Hl,.nU't i'. . ' -'lur,l(''l
routed lota up In fine Bhape. This prop. A. S. Thompson, a nrnmln.m mavnr. In lln.,l.. W-,il I '.. . . ,n Vunc,"JVer,
. t. .. . t , ii nun a piejifaani Visit vi th
:vns. Ga.-riaon'HfLilier. n I-;.,, ,.
) Mr' Eregfl Crousa departed , man, of tlic Herald.
On Saturday aiiemoon, March
JU, Mr. Oenaman entertained a
. .. M W ' . . t , .
:Z"lZ.tL.K.f the ton on Tuesday, having
,wu vnuiruiB LWPITtn t.trthM...l . . . n I r f . . " l""""""
J...-L.' the river ana wumeu irjm 01. err n recently purcn uea Irom rea eatetfl man f l'riin,i .. . ,!. fi.n
i4vivua fV wum " m J 14
iloulton on Tuesday.
It'il., . . C
hi en. Helena
ciai husinoss Friday.
J- II. Zeigle of Portland, repre
Ji'ntinjr the interests of Herman
Hansel was in the city Tuesday
"f last week.
Mrs. Walker, mother of Mrs,
Oj'r.nK3t.en, Wno na, bccn yery
r"p several weeks, is reported
tf I,
-nlon Crouse will shortly
''ove with his family to Tren
H'dm. the better to attend to hi
new interests there.
H. Poe an(j wjfe e Jn
town on Tuesday,
Mesdames Aaron Kelley and
"ffderson visited friends
ln l. Helens on Saturday after
noon, remainintr tnr t,
the evening.