MUST SUBMIT CURE TO TESTS New York Medical Authorities Skeptical of Friedmann. Ilrallh Hoard IiuUta New Tuherru Ionim Cure He Tried on Animal Instead of Human Being. New York The city health author ities gave Dr. F. F. Friedmann, of llorlin, n-nnlion Thuraday to teat the treatment which he aarU i a cure for tuberculoaia, if Dr. Friedmann derides to aubmit to a teat which the board of health will allow to be under taken in a city institution. The Iniard of health'a sanction, hitherto withheld, wa granted condi tionally after the viaiting Iterlin phy iciun submitted to the board a tube containing a culture of the bacilli. lr. Krnnt J. Isdiirle, commissioner of health, aaid hia department would teat the culture on animal. The chief purpoae of thia olllcial snalyni I to determine whether the erum ia harmful. If It shall prove to he of no possible danger, the board of health will iaaue a permit to Dr. Kriedmann. Dr. Friedmann ha not fully divided to accept the latent oner of the au from making general uo of hia di co very because ho hold no itate li cenHo a a practicing phy.ician. "The health department will not ob ject to hi. u of the treatment in the city provided he live up to the legal regulation of the County Medical ao rlety." .aiil Dr. Krnxt J. Ilerlu, the health commiaaiuner, in a .taternent on the action of the authorities re garding Dr. Friedmann 'j treatment. "Ilia treatment will not be demon itratcd in city inatitutiona, however." The New York County Mmlical ao ciety, which protected again. t tent hecatue Dr. Friedmann held no li ceiue. will not a land In the way if any hoapital appoint tho lierlin doctor a reanlent phyalclan. Cnder aurh ap intmenl be will not need a atate licenae. CRUSH. RAMS TORPEDO BOAT; G3 GERMANS SINK Heligoland, Germany Sixty-three men lout their live when the German cruuer York rammed the torpedo boat G-17H In the North Sea Thursday nitfht. The dead men are all member of the crew of the torpedo boat, which I asnk immediately after the disaster. ' Lieutenant Kock, commander of the boat, and hia first officer, are among the dead. Seventeen were saved from the damaged vessel, among the num ber being the surgeon and the chief engineer. A miatske in calculation of distance on the part of the commander of the sunken vessel caused the accident. Tho toreo boat attempted ia pass between a line of moving warship. Woman Judge Trie Girl. Chicago -Fifteen case were dis- posed of Thursday in "Judge" Mary II. Itartelme'a court. It was the first day of the court, the attache of which are all women, and Miss Har dline expressed herself as highly pleased with the results. Not a man in admitted to the court thoritiea and conduct hia experiment , : , ' V on animal., but public pressure will -v-lopment - and I .ay the unduly ,.,l..bly Induce him to go ahead and j v.dopment of the c.ty of make the beat .bowing po..ibl. under I ""f U. lht 1 r'"n"1 br.,n the prescribed w l")- . ii- ' i... i i . i The bill, in iUi-lf, contain, certain room, where the hearings are limited in this supply bill. Several Demo to the case of either wayward girl ' cratic member of the appropriations or those "who never had a chance. " j committee who will be members of Miss llartelme was appointed by ! this committee in the new congress Judge I'inckney, of the Juvenile court, ; are emphatic in declaring they intend to hear thia class of casea. holding 1 to urge the 'house to act on the joint that many girl could more easily tell suggestion of Representative Laffer their stories to a woman than a man. i ty and Warburton, and provide in the Woman probation officer acted as j next sundry civil bill for conveying bailiffs and there waa woman clerk ; of the court. "It is our hope to get justice for these girls and judging by the first day's work I think we will be success ful." said Miss Kartelme. Warship Badly Damaged. New York Workmen examining tho hull of the United State battleship Arkansas in drydock at tho Brooklyn navy yard found an opening about 15 feet long and two inches wide, result ing from nn onened eam on the isirt side forward. The Arkansa several weeks ago struck a coral reef off (iuan- tanamo. She was nliiced In drvdnck ! after arrivinir hero with two comnart-i nients flooded. Navy olllcinls ttflill lin..fn..l..ll tUmt O... .....a f h m,.iI,I ' cost about $100,000 and would take i several month. Aviatora Podge Assessor. Alameda, Cut. Modern Inventiona complicate the life of a tax assessor, as Deputy City Assessor Frnnk Quig ley learned when he went out to an aviation field on tho outskirts of the city to set valuea for tax purposes on eight aeroplanes that are stored there. The owners saw him coming from fnr, and by the time he reaehod the field hi quarry had flown literally. Ho snt down to wait. They came back Pr ntly ami found tulgley still there. He assessed the eight ma chine at from $500 to $1000 each. Strike Ia Sympathetic. Cleveland, O. A strike of rubber worker initiated here by Industrial Worker of the World, in sympathy with the strike of rubber workers at Akron, O., reached good-aixml propor tion Thuraday. Strike leaders ald that looo men and girl had quit work t the plant of the Mechanical Rubber company. Company official admitted that fioo had walked out. The strikers condemn a nowly Instituted piece work ealo. $8,000,000 Savin Made. Washington, D. C. The Treasury department committee on efficiency and economy reported to Franklin Mae Vengh that lie had eared $H,000,000 fr the government In his four-year Urn secretary of the treasury. iTA,T s,,iNS-I " I i-al Hour of AdminiHtration Full or Important Ar. Washington, I). C Among Presi dent Tf fa lu.t acta was th .inlnif oi me river and harbora bill, the poatoflire bill ami tho public builiiinN will. 1 ha river ami harbor bill con taina appropriation of great moment to tha Columbia river, Including that of $1,000,000 for the mouth of the river and $1,200,000 for tho Cclilo improve went. In view of the great need for a new poetultlce at I'ortland Senators Cham berlain ami Lane will urge prompt ac tion by the department in calling for comiwtitive plana. I'rspile the fact that he algnrd the public building bill, President Tuft sent to congreaa with it a memoran dum aaying that he would like to have withheld hia aignature. IWauwe of many projerta In it, he held to be mer itoriou, he added, he had decided to approve it. "There are in thia bill itema aggre- gating H-rhiija $.100,000 that ought not to be in it, authorizing the con struction of public building in town j tiKi imall to justify them." aid the j President, "and on thiit ground, for i the purpoe of giving emphaiiia to my view on the aubjert, 1 ahould like to i withhold my aignature from the bill, i Itut the bill contain authorization reatrh'tfiins upon future appropriation of a aimilar kind that may tend to pre vent the virion 'pork barrel' feature of bill, of thi. character." 'resident Taft vetoed the aundry civil bill, carrying $115,000,000, be cause of it. provision, exempting la bor union and farmer' organization, from prosecution under the anti-trust law. Most of the appropriation, would not take effect until July 1, however, and the new congress can . prepare appropriation measures by then. The provision to which Mr. Tnft ob jected provided that no fund could be sMnt in the prosecution of organiza tion or individuals for "entering into any combination or agreement having in view the increasing of wages, shortening of hour or bettering the ! condition of labor" or for the proae : rut ion of "producer of farm products ! and association of farmer who co operate and organize to obtain and maintain a fair and reasonable price j for their product." Thi he declared was "class legislation of the most ; vicious sort," and undoubtedly would be held unconstitutional by the courts. Referring to the farmer' clause, 'resident Taft aaid : "At a time when there ia wide- spread complaint of the high cost of living, it certainly would be an ano maly to put on the statute book of the Cnited State an act in effect pre venting the prosecution of combina tions of producers of farm product for the purpose of artificially controll ing pricea." The house re-paased the bill over the veto, but when it reached the sen ate. Senator I'oindexter . objected to any appropriation for the Washington police force, unless an investigation hal been made into the riotous scenes attending the suffrage parade Monday, ami the senate did not vote on the bill. Failure of the bill mean that an other bill must be passed by the spe cial session, and among the thing the new bill must deal with are Crater Lake and Mount Rainier national park, which are always provided for Crater Lake park to the state of Ore gon and Kainier para w me siaie oi Washington. Moroa Attacking Jolo. Manila The town of Jolo ha un dergone incessant attack by the Moroa for the last two weeks. Details of the operation are meager, a a rigid censorship is in force. That the fight ing hns been serious is obvious from the arrival here Wednesday of 32 wounded Americans. The Moroa. it is reported, continue flinging taunts at the defenders of the town, calling on them to 'come out and fluht in American fashion and not like liirs." The troop are chafing greatly at their inaction. 1 Hreckona Resigns. Font. Honolulu Robert W. Breckons. United States district attorney at Honolulu, has forwarded his resigna tion to Washington owing to the ehaniru in administration. Breckons has been a lifelong Republican and de sires to remain loyal to hi party. Hi example was not emulated by any other Federal official. Roosevelt ap pointed Breckons to the important is lnn.1 iM.Ht In 1902 and he has served continuously ever since. He formerly resided in Cheyenne, Wyo., where he held several public offices. Wilson'a Parents Honored. Columbia. S. C As a tribute to President Wilson, tho graves of his father and mother In a cemetery here were covered with flowers Tuesday by the Ladiea' Church society. Ur. .toHonh Wilson. Tresldent Wilson's father, taueht in a theological semin ary here from 1870 to 1874. He died at Princeton and his body wa brought here for Interment. Mrs. Wilson's death preceded that of her husband by acvcral years. Krown Casualties 400. Washington Although the known casualties for Inauguration day and night reached a total of about 400, few were aerlous and most ot them war of minor netur. Many of the Injured, especially JTt bums at the display of "J'k??"B for treatment In th ct,OBj without the aid of ambuianoe 1 DQjPQF OREGON'S LEGISLAimF A Brief Resume of Proceedings at the State Capital, Dills Introduced, Paaaed, Rejected, Etc. Th following maauT hv bn pMd ry tmth hoi.-) of lUm leglaltatur au lMitl by tha Uuverbon II. li. V Hpln taction 21.12, obooUt. H li, iifc vctlon 8&UI, otwoUt. H. II. 41 AtaullaMtisf uffl.-a .f Ui.i. A-fit. H. U, 4)7 - I'mvltilner fur manner tit mmm. rUIIHM Mfl.fMt-ll4.ftai uf ln.I.MM. .w s t.s. Mlaiaj tnl II. H. HI Mlliltlriat ltila.t.lewln.Ma f.aa lrel. an Ion dUtrk ta. If. II. IT ltfM llnat m.wm HAAt . A MM, r-lnlliic to K.rma of tifflc uf th Htj-r-irr ut Hiiate.. Rut Tr-M-ur-f, I'rlnior and syurini JuUgra. m. ii. Amending motor Vrhlcl liw. II II. li.', -Am.h.U aMrclion AMS, rUtlV ' litlly for fMMionty. Ii. Jtl lt-Mi Mrilon obtwIotM. i II. II. lUU It-1..1. uell,.,.. fJal't ... r.s. t ln lueiv. ' ii ii. 4pn Hi p-i arttona inrw to H4m. it 11, 11 Aiiifiula auTttonai 6 LI rolsLtlvsi to niMlliU f)MIM atlti aiuatutlv of ahlilra.n t.1tfi . f'l ty divorce. II. II. o Incrraalriar aalarle-a an1 itnn. 11 In offlra of Aawuor Multnomah County. II II. ;i4;i-urtritf Govwrninriit a (Hits lt taril Kurt HtfVfiia Wlltary llras-rvatlon. ii ii. .n iTovmiiig cotiipi-naat Ion for ir a Im I.I mm ay)tn-aa-a In . tJiulr.Kl caai. It II I LI -Aiiis-ihJb aerllon 'JMHl and ra -ula iHllon 4711 and 41t2. iwrialnloar to Uistoi'rly i-on'luct. I. II. li Itrlat liisT to ballot tttlt-a on nn uiuii'i rtforrtd to tha pro pi. it II. 1,11 4'l VII M-rvli-a f..r li.seh.ra In m lioul tiUirU ta of 20. tum ur mora population. 11. ci -aiMauii joii pourtiiM mm ataiiiuaru wi lac 1 i for ai k of potatot a. II. II - Its latliiM to tha diacant and dla- trlhutl'in of rml atopvriy. ii. ii. jot -itt iwt ilk to milk Inapoctora. II U. i:w AuthorUltiar hM.l .liatri iai nf 'Jit.iaiaft population to vatabilah trda avlioula lor urpvioirni JI ir il. li. im-Widowa' ponalon bill. H. II. 17r -To brevent awlti from rnamlha at larija in criiin tuwnahlpa la Malheur County. II. II kl Inr-rraalnsT aalarla-a of all fir. CUlt Judgi-a to l.taiH a year. ii. ii h H,pt-Hllu a.-ctlune 21, i''i and 4)n II. II. 7i ItulatlnK to tha Inarxctlon uf railroad tra It arali-a. II. II. l iH -Aim ndmenta ralatlnc to tha rrllrarui-nt fjnd anao Ution. ii. ii it. rrovidimx for th aupnn1on nd Itive-ajtluntlon of I Iter lnt-ratata a h-dul-a f raliroadai ti for anrna become) rf ft-tl vj. II 11. 1H 1'rovMlfia for ats rll Ikai lm nf haltltutl rrlfnlnala and moral pervarta. II II llH 4'rt-Mtlnsr Ilia of fit uf rls-rfc of thr Clnuit Court In Klamath County. Ji 11. Id- It-p. iit,r aM-ttion 2m. II. II. 7H Alitklrif it a rlin to threaten or wdvocMtr th' rottitnlatelon of a flony. II It IH.-it-pallng avctlona relating- to road imiI) tai. II. H. -l'rotertlnc co-oiM-ratlva anno- claiioriN In the uf of th t-rma ro-opnttl va, II It. U-V 1 fininsx ailtiltfrMtloTia and t-a tnr.liahlrtir ut and tt rde for l-e rrrain. m. ii. 'J-l-or iha rllt-f of HkllKh C. M Kaon. II II vn lt-tatlnaT to th sale of com- rnt-flil foodat uf tm. Hiihatltuia II. II. ft iTovhllna for rota. Ion In thf uaw of watr iind approprlfitlnc idrlltlonal funda for the Wnlrr Hoard. tt II. 7:i -I'rovldlnst for tha dV tailed aur- VrY "f lh water fraourrn of tha at at. II. II. I M Itf-ffulaUiia; the bualueaa of com- mlttn!n iftrr'htaiita. it - II. J Ii Authorlilnr County Courts to ambllh aauaeaairiit nt road dUtrU ta. m li. ;iit -Mri kink County Judce-a tx- offlclo flr ward-na. II. II. aw iLfUiinaT to County CfVtat d DU- tl. 11 II 11 Hr-lmlnr to th County Clerk a offi' in Multnomah County. II. Ii. 7 Amendment perlalnlnf to mini d oil. II li. 1W Ktnpowrrlni arhool boards to mn Int t in r-onilnoina: nlstit aa-hoola. ii it 'jiu crvatlng atat boar a or ac- iintiinry. II. It It'.H Conawntlnr to th pure ha of the o ka and rant I at Oregon City. I Ii. C'reailn th atat board of emit rol. HuhiHut II. fl r.3 To provld for rota tion In uwh of watrr. II. II 71 To provld for dedal! survrya. II II. 1 .'( - To regulat bulna of coin- ntlaon merrhanta. II It 2l-lt luting to road dlatrlrta. II II. aw Itrlatlna- to dbutr County Clrrka. II II. W Declaring poller of atat as to wagrworkera. II It. i.'l For completion or Huprem Curt hulldtng II. II. tiliv-Kor matntenanc of Eaatern Or-gon aaivlum. H M. 17 Workmen a rompenaatloii act. H It. tV Terma of Circuit Court In First rlirrt. II. It in? oiving cities and towns power over fMihlle parka. il. is. liu To prevent sprcaa or turercu- lO-lB. II. ft. Ttetatlnir to rurtpay and flower. II II. l'7 -Making penalty for taking up marked opat. II. H K-V Relating to misbranding arti cle of food. II II 177 Columbia southern project ap propriation. M . li. Aa io arnra ut targe. II. II. lV't Kor Oregon Human Porlety. II. II r ft. dating to road dlitrlrt. If. II. Hrgulatlng a la of condensed mlik. II. It. ail treating atai roreat reaerv. II It. .T1V -To rrlmhunw Cynthia illnajtia. H. It ;il T Kor Oregon Sormnl B-hool. II. II 37! Kor payment of jurora and a Itneasiea H Ii. 73 Amendment reiativ to th m ploymrnt and pay of rnnvlrta. H n. T Antenomenta relating to mana r gatewaya for lands not reach J by con venient road waya. M H -Kegulatlng tar for th weight of aa-ka In the aale of grain. ft. Il 4H - Inrreanlng th Ire a or applicants for admlidon e the bar. 8. II. Id Providing rres meeting Pisces for O. A K- poata. n 22 Amendments making tn snor of the l'pnflc ocun a public highway. A n Amendments relating to tna in trrrhange of tnteratat traffic. K II. Amending section w rriaiiv tn the roar In certain ease. aj t. 7 Amendment rla!lv to th tranaportatlon of llveatork bv railroad. r t, R(-eting right or anion againai anv perM-n wto gives or dls llnuor to an haMtua! rtrunaar.l or an ininxicmen peraon. H ii. HI Amending section DiVl relative to drainage of atandlng water. 8 II 1i!l Amending section !44 rela tive to th tlm of meeting of rrealdentlal It. 11 -Amendments reiativs to tn car of remeterle. H ft lit Ailthorifing tn regents or me 8tate Vnlveraltr to lav nut and dedicate ihrourh the unlvemlfV aT round a It. W Helatlng to regiatration oi iani til te a ii im iTnteerinr n p rnmninors, terlnl men and lartorer and declaring eight hnur til h a fTAV WOrH. H. It 77 -Minimum wag but for women and mlnirs. H ; -Pvnediring approprmTion or innu under eminent douiHln rla-ht hv clt lea. M It 47 -ttripilrlng electric headllghla on loromotlve ettgtlt' . M t 1 . l-.trlng rounry road tn towns and rltt.w to h" streets. H It t-'l I'resn nt Hoard of Control crmnged t Mtn f e W'ufef Itonrd. 4 II I'll -Henealln aeetons fl200 In.-lutUe, relating to Wltlamett Illver ka nt ir.-isti City. S H 1 K1 hig rommnrement of the f.-r n of office of the Oovernor. k it iti -aimendlnr ntnn 7- H It v'l -U.-'idlrlng goat and Kid meat to be lilhelnl. a ii n-.-ftklnsT Tdneotn Mrthdnv, Washington's IdrthtUy and Columbus day lt-g:il Indl1n 8 It. 1I.V- 1'rovMlng for armory at lat h'sC P. 1 1T Prohibiting officers. stock holder and employe of biinka from re r.tvlng rifts s ii 1 1? rtrlsttn tn water rights. H It Mrt-Creatlng officially th Oregon dntr Kn'r. H It 2 2 To provld ror suppori ni sisn Iho.I Vitrmol school. M, it KM -Regulating tha administering Of snesthrtlrs. ... m ft ii loft neiating tn tn nuiie or recorder of conveyances. ft ft 210 - Itelntlng lo stock running at Intg In Marlon County. a;, n. Flilnt salary of Governor's Secretary. H. n. 1 IT To secur Interest on county money. It it, ajft To ahat disorderly hoiiaea. H n -.I to regulate railroad and high way rroaalng. If Tt. 92 -Tn provld for Inspection of hospitals and sanatorlums. H ii. ifrt-To prevent hesvy loads on public roads. If. Tl. 129-T.nan shark bill. If It. 2i.t -Fixing tlm when water right mv hr lost. . II. It 2i -"Uln standard of seeds. II l. 2tw Kelatlng to display of goods, wares and merchandise. II It. 2TT Kelatlng tn marriages. II It. nv Authorising cities to operate water works. II. Tl. .T'H Providing for stats budget. If. TV .t7-nelatlng to damages In open ing roads If ii. 4ia Making ft Insurance Com mlsalonrr Ktat and County Auditor. H it, 4' Creating pollc relief In Mult nnmah County. If. P. 4k:; FUlng th data for ths gen ural olnrllnn II. i. Mil tt.da.tlnf to of flew of 8tat Im- mluralliin A at-nt II. 11. W4 Prohibiting circulation of fa) a reports rcrardlng bank. II. li. 615 Appropriation for deaf mut achool. H, ii. flirt Appropriation fr feeble-mind- ti0a'tT Anneonrlatlon for Mind school. m! U. lle Halatlng to reciprocal dur- "fr' tt. M-avAprprlatlng far satossailaa en eiairn. of the People' Representatives) M. II. il Maclna charitable Institutions under control of akt iioara of Halth. H. II. 141 Kelatlng to publication of d- llmiuent las list. M. B. lio HalallDg to condemning for county road. n. if. iteiaiing to publications summon. 11. Z ft Limiting tlm for forsclosing mrtggea. u. .wo staaing uniform warsnou re ceipt. fl. ziz Haiating to appointment or guardian ad litem. li. t4 itviiuburaing citusn or westoo. Or. H. H. 2.-3 Pret-rlbing duties of parents in regard to school cnu. a M. a. i a fixing boundary nn mimb Wallowa, l.'roatllla and In ion counties. H. li. 2u i'roviding for th uonveyaao of crlmltiMl. H. H. 21 V Conveying property In Mult- no inah County to Portland for playground. H. II. ZW.t I'UDIIC levee act. H. II. IU Providing for Jury Hat. M. H. ;t;t Kelaling to tha Uutlee of Sc- retary of Htate. n. it. da itktaiing to uiscnarg or grana Juries. II. Kelatlng to special tag lor roada and highways. H. 11. ISV protecting notrlkeeper. M JI. 1H Kellniuiahlng 1-lalins held upon land by state; to Johu Morrlaon eatate. li. Kelatlng to tlm of taking ap peals. K h. Kelatlng to time or taking ap peal In civil ce. . ji. a-'4 t'roviding ror special referen dum election. 11. 11. 21 Making appropriation for Indian war veteran. If. II. en Providing for manner or regis tering voters. ii. ii. au creating bureau or mines tna geology. il. ii. ak creating county eeaier or weights and meaaurea. II. 11. 27H Making appropriation for pa vilion for state fair grounds. 11. II. mtt Making appropriation for a irnon hatchery. If. ii. 417 Providing for taking up a- traya. 11. It. n2l Providing for tha compilation of election taws. 11. ii. fet-V Providing for th printing of the Supreme Court re porta. II. ll. msi Amending law ror determln iig heirs for eatate, H. II. 271 -Kelatlng to bill of exceptions. H. II. 277 To provide for depositor! a of county funds In Mult noma h County. H. II. .iJit Authorising ounty Hchooi pu- perintendent of Multnomah to hire one of fice, assistant. II. 11. 1-tU Kelatlng to bill of exceptions. II. Ii. 174 To provide for Yamhill walnut experiment station. II. li. 211 Providing Tor us or voting ;n Nine. II ll. Kelatlng to County Auditor of Multnomah County. Huh. h. is. aw -to create state Highway Cotitmlaalon. If. II. 422 To provide for state printing board. Hub. H. Tl. 4:w Klue Hky lw. II Tt. 441 Providing for method of com mitment to various Inatitutiona. II ii. 41U Providing lor Count Attor ney a. If. II 44 Relating to Inteatates. II II. Kelatln to IticorporatloB of cltteg and town. 11 11. ni? To authorise suit In equity against th state by Charles Alieehul. if. 11. r24 Providing for asatssment or damage in laying out roads. H. Ii. To protect livrjr stable Keep- era. II. Tt. nr4 Tnteratat bridge bill. II. II. tijl titate Capitol deficiency appro priation. 11. 11. err-' r-or armory ai wiearoro. II. II. ti.ll Kor payment of mlacArllaneous claims. Sub If. II. m2 To prevent location of fish trap In certain localities. 11 . jj. iiio Amending cnapier 1 , taws 1111. II. K 4 'O Kelatlng to salary of clerk of Slat I-and Board. II. II. 4w Authorising surchas of site for fair ground. II. II. 4!7 Kor maintenance or university of Oregon. H. li. .Ml Autnorixing state iioara or Control to buy auppllea. Nun. rl. if. m l ror levying tax for re search In agricultural problems. ft. 11. i.t Keiating to registration of motor vehlclea. H. IT- 614 Levying tax for maintenance of O. A. C. II. It. H2M oenerai appropriation nin. If. II. 3 To reimburse Kl'hard Williams. If. II. 123 Providing for stocking streams wit h salmon. H. B. 172 Relating to disorderly women. Huh. IP R 2Ki Kor operation of bridges arros the Willamette at Portland. H. IT. 312 Relating to apportionment for county roads. 11. if. ;t itepeaiing sections relating 10 foreign corporat lone. 11. 11. a.7 r or nountr on gopners in Tillamook County. If. It. 37S Kelatlng to Interstate bridges. If. 11. 42H County fair mlllage bill. II. It. 4''d For collection of tax on per sonal property. h. ii. 2.. Kor spnotnTment or nepuiies ror State Dairy and Food Commissioner. 8. R. .1.1 Kelatlng to state nnrary. 8. II. 7. Appropriation for Hoard of In spectors of Child Labor. n. 11. to tfetaiing 10 lurnianing liquor 10 Inmate of Institution. 8 It. Ill Authorising Portland. Kugen Kaatern to build bridge near New Kra. 8 It l.o -To establish induatriai iiomc for Girls. I ft. It. lrtft Regulating a business under 1 an assumed name. ft. II. I'ki To permit officers to Hdo on any car or train. 8. B. 2 To reimburse V. K. Tracey. 8 It. 220 Relating to appropriation of water. B. IV 223 To Investigate mad rights be tween Portland and The Ia1le. 8. II. 244 Kelatlng to appropriation 01 water. 1 m n 5ftH Making it a mledemeanor to deface Plate Hoard of Health notlcee. 8. R. .Ttl Relating to safety or passen ger on train. 8. ii. co Fixing specino gravity or gas oline. 8. B. J" Regulating practice ox pnar- macy. 8. Tt. 110 rrovldlng for minimum train ing for teachers. 8. TV 124 Authorising Supreme Court to exchange codes. 8 H 11 Increasing number of Justices of Supreme Court. 8. It 143 Relating to peUtloa for dedica tion of road. 8. It. 17 Repealing section M6. 8. If. 114 Relating to luanc of spe cial certificate to tvachers. 8. H. 2V Relating to reinstatement of dissolved corporat Ions. 8. 11. 224--HelatIng to duties of achool board. 8. 11. 317 Relating to pleading counter claim. M , II. IT. 113 Relating to county fruit In spector. II. It 2?o To determine compensation for crossing land. H. 11. ;tt Tn require correspondence achool to furnish proof. II. H. 4M -Kcjulrlng fire drills In schools II. It. 411 Making training courses op tJorl with father. 11 ft 4 4 To nlmburw Ada Well. 8 Tt. 2i2 Providing for execution of Krlmlnal laul II It. 12-" To prevent spread of bubonic plneue. II. M. KM Appropriation for Oregon So- cll llvglrn Society. H. It. 2--4 Stock at large In Bherman and Morrow counties. H II 414- lie la ting to assessment and el!i.iH?atlon cf lax U. II. 42 -Helming to trespass notice. 8 Tt. 34 -Prohibiting saloon a In den-'t. t. 4d Requiring medical certificates for marrhige licenses. 8. 11. l;w Rt dating to testimony of hus band nnd wife. H. It. 2tW To provide for state gsme pre serves. . 8. H. 2i4 Providing for normal at Wcs- s! Tt. MT Providing for uniform mark ing for coyote akin. If. K 14-Muklng tt unlawful to fish In certain tream. II. It. 4l."v nsnging name of piai uo of Tax Commissioner. II 11. 414 Prohibiting bulla running at lares, 11. Tl. 4rto Regulating fish traps in Co lumbia River. H. R. Waft Allowing sale of property In Wa Iowa County, H, II. 140 Keating to assessment of lr rlaatlon districts. H. 11. .h:i Relating to election precinct offices If. TV 4SI Relating to certificates of nomination. II. 1. 4H. rertainlng to elections. II. It. 480 Relating to petitions for noml II. 11. 4S7 Relating to copies of petltlonf for nomination. ll 11 iss I'erlalnln to elections. If. It. 4M Amending sections relating to elections. 11 11 41MV pertaining to abstract of votes. II. It. 41 Reprallng section relating to elections. If. It. 4i4 Relating to elections. II. Ii. 4ua Naming day of primary elec ,IOH, TT. 51 Appropriation for O. A. C. H. H. 2'i Aipnprl'ln ff O. A. C (I 11 'Hi t A nri)rlHtlnn for O. A. C. II U. 2-Kor extension work at t of O. H. H. 2M.I For streets abutting on V. of O, tl 11 7l'itr holldln at P. of O. ll! It. 2?s For additional funds for the V. of o. M M A H. Tt. ?0 For Improvements at U. of O. it 1 "tut s.mlnmrnl at O. A. C. IP ll! For Improvement of streets for H. 'B.3f For relief f Oeorg Newallnaj. if h. 4MSW HM.t lamer I artlcJ 0 lao U "a-e...-t ' II II ?. 11. S7u rr reii o. ellng '-'api"! jui d log II ll. rVaH For malntenant of U. of O niedl ai (W partrm-nt. 11. fl. in -Fur experiment statl'df In Clat op Count y, II. II. af-"J Relating to railroad fences. M. i. ttd-For armory at Kugena. H II. 11 1 real log 12tn judicial district tt. ll. 14.V 4imnt cod. II. II. H.V CommiMloa to Investigate Eu ropean rural ( red it a. il. II. MiFor eellinalo of amount to b raised by taxation. IP li. af7o Providing for demonstration farms. If. 11. 212 Validating certain marriage. H ll. it4-For celebration of Unh anni versary of Hat tie ut Ueltyaburg. H. II. .' Relating to proof of documents of corporations. II. 11. 40 Making certain records admis sible aa evidence. H. Ii. 41J Relating to terms of County Court. M. 11. 424 To llcenso practice) of medi cine. H. II. 60A To provide for protection of salmon. H. ii. n.10 Repealing certain sections. If. ll. r:i7 To prevent failure to support wife or children. II. H. For stste Inaaae asylum main tenance). II. li. 12ft For protection of horticulture. H. B. S71 Tv provide for fir patrol sys tem. II. D. Me Providing for sheepherder's Hen. 8. n. .".ft Relating to Juvenile Court. 8. 11. 04 Providing marking of packages of Intoxicating liquors. 8. ll. 2:11 Providing for wild gsme refuge. M. li. 2i To authurls distribution of feu prerne Court report. 8. B. 2 Authorising Stats InS Board ta pay certain claims. B. 11. 2JM ice latin g to advertising certain dlseasea. 8. ii. 3' Relating to notice of appeals. 8. II. ;tM Forbidding aale of firearms. H. 11. :t'i4 Providing for screens for Irri gation dltohea. if. H. t4 For establishment of schools In certain counties. II. il. 1H7 Relating to irreducible school fund. II. IT. Xia Relating to bids for construc tion of bridge. II. II. 3X3 Providing for manner of paying for Federal li'juor license. H. II. 417 Relating to branda. H. li. 4W 'living preference to union sol dier and sailor on public employment. H. n. 2.11 Relating to diking district. H. 14. H4 Prohibiting sale of Ibjuor outside Incorporated cltlea and towns. 8. li. l.'k Relating to turning over state funds. 8. B. 3VV Relating to appeals. 8. It. ST"! To provide for free text books. 8. Tt. 2i7 Providing for taking property for public park. II. ll. 21 Relating to releasing curtesy or dower. H. n. RT Relating to granting defaults. II. II. 2tt To create revolving fund for tn te penitentiary. 8. II. 11 Relating to practice of dentistry. 8. II. 2IA Keaulatlng truat companlea. 8uh. 117 Providing for additional Juatlce of th peace In Multnomah County. II. R. All Relating to banks giving credit. H. II. 342 Relating to Impairment of cap ital atork by banks. H. It. 344 Relating to amount banks must keep on hand. I. 14. 413 Relating to petitions In cities. H. Ii. Relating to fees for bank ex aminations. H. II. 613 Relating to railroad schedules. OVERWORK IS GREAT FOLLi Wards of Two Prominsnt Mon Thai Should bs Considered by Every Busy Person. Women can rail at tba folly 01 iTerwork and she gets scant heed. Here la what two prominent men nave te say about It. Whether tbey prac tice aa tbey preach la best known to themselves, but the sentiment la all flfht Cbauncey Depew ta said: "I do not believe tn overwork, and the body can aot endure It." Klrkham, In hia "Recources," writes: "If we do not play enough It is be cause we are overfond of business and because the modern Ideal la, not a well-rounded man of elevated mind, healthy body and divers resources, but a rich man, a man of property of one resource only. Another reason is, play bnpliee leisure, and leisure Is the cardinal heresy against the religion of trade, the dogma of business. The erthodoz view Is a life of constant ef fort, followed by retirement and rest. The fruit of that doctrine la a host of prematurely old men, synlcal, dyspep tic, nervously depleted, without re sources, but with money; that la to say, dead men." If Instead of nagging, the worrying wife or mother baa those two para graphs stuck In the mirror of the man those overwork Is rankest folly, ahe aaay make an Impression before the tverstrain has earned its sure penalty SJ a bad breakdown. Cake rilling. Mix three-fourths cup sugar, one tablespoon flour, one cup boiling wa ter, one cup chopped raisins and nuts and cook until It thickens. Roll the dough very thin and place the filling between two layers. Bake. Droppings Board. In order to facilitate cleanllneee In the poultry-house and to greatly re duce the amount of filth, dropping boards should, by al means, be used. By using a little precaution In placing the droppings boards ao aa not to ob struct the light, the entire floor space beneath can be utilised for a scratch Ing floor. At least elz Inches should be al lowed between the droppings boards and the roosts, the distance depending itlrely upon the arrangement of the roosts. If the platform Is made In sec tions it can be handled much more easily, aa It Is frequently found desir able to remove them in cleaning. Smooth board are the moat desirable to uie. Scotch Griddle Scon. 81ft together twice one cupful of flour, one-half teaspoon of baking soda, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, a pinch of salt, and a table spoonful of sugar. Add a email piece of butter or lard, a few chopped raisins or caraway seeds, and enough sour milk to make a stiff dough. Turn upon a board and work by gentle kneading Into a round cake. Flatten It with a rolling pin and place on a hot griddle. Brown on one stde, then turn and brown on the other. If pre ferred, this scone may be baked In the oven. The raisins, or seeds, or both, may be omitted. Mocha Frosting. One cup of powdered sugar, a small niece of butter, two tablespoons cor fee, two teaspoons vanilla. Cream the butter and sugar, then add the cor- tea and vanilla. Add more sugar. If necessary. 8pread with a knife dipped ln hot water. Any chocolate cake may be used with this mocha filling. Cleaning Copper. Although vinegar may be need te clean the outside of copper cooklni utensils, care should be taken te avoid letting any fall on the tin lin ing of the pan. To clean the pan In side and out, by far the best method la to scrub It with soda, hot water and soap. The outside may then be pol lened with a rag dipped In vinegar- rr (. i MEXICANS FIRE ON U. S. TROOPS' Assailant Quickly Driven Off and Four Killed. Negro Soldiers Rush Into Battle, Backed by Citizena nnd Cow. boys Boundary Croaaed. Douglas, Ariz. For nearly half an hour Sunday morning a force of 60 Mexican soldiers engaged 16 United States troopers of the Ninth cavalry, ; under Lieutenant Michaelson, on the j international boundary line here until 1 probably aix of the Mexicana had been killed, several wounded and troops E and F, of the Ninth cavalry, arrived to reinforce the handful of Americans. ! Reports of the casualties differ, j some running as high as six Mexicans killed and others giving only four as 1 the definite number of dead. Four American army officers, walk ing on the American line three miles from Douglas, were fired on by 60 reg ular Mexican soldiers patrolling the border out of Agua Prieta, opposite Douglas. Sixteen of the negro troop era of the Ninth rushed to the place of the firing, and a spirited skirmish en- ! sued. The American soldiers are holding their position at the international line, reinforced by two troops of the Ninth. The Mexicans were routed, leaving four killed on the field and others should be curbed by stringent Federal straggling through the brush nursing repl8tionl as to the conduct of Na their wounds. It is said that the i . ... , American troops became so excited tlon1al banks' de&--houses and stock that they overstepped the boundary exchanges, were the findings of the and pursued the Mexicans for some ' houf oney trust committee set forth distance ' ln the maJority report of its Investi- The fight caused great excitement a01"' filed'n the h"M Saturday, at Douglas. The townspeople armed : D.The report signed by Chairman themselves and rushed to the bound- ; "nd SI other pemocrat.c mem ary, believing that the Mexican sol- hen tWM accompanied by two bills, diers were intending to invade the one tU?k ehnKes United States. Within a few mo-! throuSh f"bJdd'ne the mai to " menu hundreds of citizens were at the changes which do not comply w!th place, armed wnd ready. Cowboys Federal regulations, and the other to rushed in from nearby ranches. "latue1fa"ng-b?re,,f. tlon. City officials of Douglas in comma- ?n.rouKh forbidding National banks to nication with state officials in Phoen- Jom associations unless Federal ix. immediately after the fight, de- : regulations are observed, dared the negro troops had killed six ; n th question of the existence of of their opponents and urged the State ; mo.nest' Kp0Tt U gpec,fit department to use every effort to pro- j n detailed. tectthe lives of Americans on this i " woulcl, of course, be absurd' side of the border. ; a,d th T; ?egeth. i trol of the bulk of the widely distnb- LENIENCY SHOWN TO HEIK:i5 1 is what is meant by gentlemen who Sugar Trust Official Is Relieved of ; deny the existence of a money trust. Prison Sentence. ! your committee agrees with them. It , , . . ., Washington D. C.-Pres,dent Taft has commuted the fine and costs, the ; sentence of Charles R. Heike, secre- tary and treasurer of the American B . months n the New York county pern- lemiary ana a nne oi ouuu. Heike was convicted of conspiracy i to defraud the United States in effect- ing entry of dutiable sugar at less than its true cost. I The president acted upon the re com- J mendation of Attorney General Wick eraham. Papers in the case were filed with the department showing that ' Heike, who had not begun to serve his sentence, was suffering from a complication of diseases of the heart, Kiuney nu luns. iu rcmuve mra from his home, it was urged, would endanger his life. , the triumph of the candidacy of Wood British Suffragettes Mobbed. row Wilson. I understand that the London The public temper is rising ' policy of Mr. Wilson, judging from against the surffagettes. Wild scenes his political documents that have been were witnessed Sunday afternoon in circulated up to the present, is one of Hyde Park when a mob of several j equity, justice and mutual respect, thousand broke up a suffragette meet- which is precisely what the Latin ing held under the leadership of "Gen- American republics have claimed from eral" Mrs. Flora Druramond. Several the sister republic in the north, free fights occurred and masses of turf "If this is so, as we should expect torn from the ground were hurled at it to be, coming as it does from such a the speakers. It required a strong prominent authority, the die is east body of police to protect the suffra- j and it would be a crime not only to gettes and escort them to a place of go backward, but even to impede the fotv Similar scenes marked a triunmhant march of the American meeting at Wimbledon common. In both cases women were knocked down and bruised. Drinkers Yield Surplus. Washington, D. C The booming of customs receipts and the record Jdrink- ing and smoking of Americans, yield- ing enormous internal revenue, have given the Federal government a sur - plus of $7,379,000 for the current fis- cal year as compared with a deficit of $20,570,000 a year ago. Total re- ceipts for February reached S54.S03,- 000, from which was expended $32,- expressed whether tne aiues wm 839,000. The working balance which insist upon Turkey s mal"ng direct the Democratic administration finds in overtures to them, and whether they the treasury, is indicated by the state- will consent to any terms while Adrt ment, will be about $78,000,000. i anople and Scutari still hold out. Porto Rico Wants Tariff. j Strange Craft Escapes. 1 New York Free sugar, or even the ! San Francisco-While the Lmted reduction of the tariff to 1 cent a States revenue cutter Golden Gate was pound, will be opposed by the Demo- making ready to put to sea in pursuit cratic delegation from Porto Rico to of a mysterious power launch that had the inauguration of President Wilson. ; been sighted stealing up the coast Dy Francis H. Dexter, chairman of the the weather lookout at P0'"'"' delegation, said the sugar tariff was the strange craft crept into "e the most important question confront-1 Bay, 40 miles north of here, ana is Do ing the isl.-nd and that the delation lieved to have landed 20 or more con would seek a conference with the , traband Chinese coolies brought from house leaders to demand that the sta-1 Mexico. Then she engaged the De tus of the Porto Rican product be def- j lated cutter in an exciting race for the initely defined in the sugar schedule; open sea, which was won easily by tne of the trriff bill. Ernesto MaderoJWorried. Ithaca, N. Y. Some concern is felt over the condition of mind of Ernesto Madem. the Cornell student and broth- erofthe late President of Mexico. February 2 declared that to had MM After engaging railroad transportation to the American government for ten to New York last week with the inten- ! months in an effort to convince the tion of going to meet his family in i Washington authorities that cond -Havana, it is learned he remained j tions in Mexico were not serioua, will here in the care of friends. He was compete with Felix Diaifor the pres deeply affected by the tragic deaths of idency, if he yields to the perasio" his brothers. It is now thought young of friends. A mee Cnlero Madero will go to Havana. partisans launched his candidacy. r. ii... nM.utba. Tripoli Smral bartdjrmt Arab - -- - Cot t - i mutw aoidfara wv k. -J wa wowkML MONEY TRUST REALLY EXISTS Committee Recommends Strict Supervision By law. Action Centers on Morgan Banks "Banking Ethics" Assist Oper ationsRemedies Offered. METHODS SUGGESTED FOB BEGULATKM OF MONET TRl'ST. Requires clearing houses to be come 1'ate corporations and give right of membership to all solvent banks. Prohibit clearing houses from fix ing rates on out-of-town collections. Prohibit transmission by mail, telephone or telegraph of orders to buy or sell, or quotations on any stock exchange not incorporated un der state laws. Require corporations listing stocks to make complete disclosure of their affairs. Require margin of at least 20 per cent on stock purchases. Prohibit "wash sales." Prohibit private pledging of cus tomers' securities. Give access to books showing act ual namea of customers to postmas ter-general. Washington, D. C That a money ' trust does exist and that its powers I is not. however, necessary that a group j of men ghal, diretl theK,mal7 ctly 1 savings in the banks nor the scattered . tK , i nrA 1 monopolize the great financial trans- ! actions, or to be able to dictate credit j to be extended or withheid from busi- ness enterprises. CASTRO ADMIRER OF WILSON Believes New President Will Be Aid to Latin-America. Havana Cipriano Castro, when nnoatinnAil nn iha auhiwt Af hi viail tn u,:n tnr h nreaMontial in. augurati0n, expressed his admiration for Mr wilgon gave out the fo. . owing gtatement: "My opinion ia that the magnif1Cent future of the American continent was saved with 1 continent, which is destined to per- form such important duties in the fu ture fortunes of humanity. Turks Make Peace Wove. j London Great reticence is being observed concerning a new move by Turkey for securing peace with the Balkan allies. According to the Daily 1 Telegraph, there is reason to believe Turkey is about to entrust her cause to the powers without stipulating any conditions. Assuming this to be the case, the Telepraph says, doubts are smugglers. Calero May Be Aspirant. Mexico City Manuel Calero, ex ambassador to the United States, who . a.. , i Us- A on the floor oi me senaw u. .k"- Bat" i I"- . . r-1 M eraBinaJ conspiracy.