! 1 1 1 1 Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between St. Helens and Portland 50 cents one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good anytime after April 4th Beatlaavw St. Hekas T4S. m. Arris at St. Iisicas.4 .45 p. m. f. LHOOCMCOUC f. A i 1 ? t I Wood fcriSals Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large Green Trees. Will DeliTr to St Helens for t3X0 per Cord. To Houlton for JlOO.'per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard Wood 4.50 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren, Ore. Wm. Skuzie. j ft St. Helens Dairy 1 ; PURE MILK AND CREAM Fbom Healthy. Cows DEUVUEO TO YOUK DOOR EVttY DAY George konopka PROPRIETOR 7 I f Silk IlaiiU ftary II MUnw a esaeaartea mmm. ) J ft, rUm,. K Csaaa, A aM I Botf anjuiBUl MsMMk swiosssMssi v'M WOC0ABB,CtAMIC. ITMUw4.VHfM For Sale and Want Ads Ada as Tkm CJimm Bring Resmlts Fob Sale Five brood sowi, one boar, seventeen small pigs. D. Pasero Bros., 4t Columbia City. One brown yearling heifer taken up the fore part of September. Owner can have same by paying charges and proving property. C. 0. Dahlgren, 8t Warren, Ore H ii il " 11 - a . . i a u v j s i . u iriiiiiitii SPECIAL SALE IT I MONDAY, MARCH 10th, AND CONTINUING ENTIRE WEEK ' - THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OX SALE AXD MAXY OTHERS TO XUMEROUS TO MEXTIOX... 100 yds. ladies white suitings regular 50c values - 25c yd. 500 yds embroidery val. to 25c yd. - 10c 200 " white dress goods values up to 50c - 25c yd. 250 yds. lace edgings and insertions values up to 5c - - 3c yd. 250 yds. lace edgings and insertions values up to ioc - 5jc yd. 12 doz. Handkerchiefs, reg 5c val. 6 doz. .Apron " " ioc " 14 pr. Men's black Hose " 15c " 25 pr. " fancy " 44 35c 40 pr. 41 " " 25c 500 j-ds. choice patterns of spring and summer dress goods reg. 25c 300 yds. dress ginghams reg :5c ic ea. I t i 5c ea ioc pr. 20c pr. pr. 25c 9c yd. 13 boys suits, ages 4 to 12 12 boys suits, ages from 9 to 14 $6.00 valves for - 54-35 7-5 ad $g 00 val reduced to 55.25 A Few Men's Suits. $15.00 to $17.50 Values Now $975 EVERY ARTICLE IX THE STORE FOR SALE EVERY DAY AT PRICES THAT .MAKE YOU HAPPY Successors to White & White H 1 11 HOULTON, OREGON II i 1111 1 Ili Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co..... Abstract, Real EstateInsurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens, Oregon .iriiai ST; HELENS Harness t Shoe Shop MONTCOMFRY ST. HELENS, ORE, F prrTTirirrnnrTrrri ruTTTTrrrr n? ri mm nnmm to MAN KODAK GOODS M A NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED V 2 M I: It ; S from ove LAR UP TI.! U TIC. REUBEN For Sale Four year old horse, broke to drive. Mrs. Backland, 3tp Warren. Ore. Full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock ejrirs for setting. $1 pe' setting of 15. George Perry, Houlton. Ore. soon as all danger of scarlet fever is over. Yankton their home again. Mrs. G. W. Jordon and son Harvey visited Kainier Saturday. Mrs. T. C. Watts attended the Eastern Star Lodge at Rainier, on Saturday evening. f avrpriMd H.r. Misses Gertrude Liggett and Mary j JJ .t'Lm'oVt7 w"S "you A. Tierny. teache.s in school dig-1 cam bom last night Jfifficiy- wear tbat I cam. borne perfectly ao br. Ura. Jaccaby-Ho you did Toat's what aurpriaed me.-lllaatrated Bits. Library Fumiihina. "Tou !iav a tx-niiflful mul oomploti' j Hhriiry. I utMitxis.- Viiiir finsli-itid naif ! Robert Weaver, who Some months many ij-iici.tfui h.. ir thi-n-" atro moved to Idaho, haa returned; hlllk "Tlie.1 Mr Wise Get Cold '-kg wax ii ijuitT Ki'iiiiM aod wat ! !tlfivi ! tint hf. fviuml fhtit h. ' ' notilil i:u eni t liini!'lf One el i I nTtliiiKly cu!d nllit lie towU he ' i: CF YEAR TO TAKE A GOOD HLOOD HV tDY. YOU CAN T BEAT Xias ll,,t S 'riii i;s Womf lUltitilij V.E CAKKY A 1L1L LINE OF THIS FIKM'S REMEDIES here with his family and will make -...,' W""!J '""" " f.-oe to death i I j., . " ....... (Mia. . -lutiii, ntlllvilllH vs. i For Sale Six-acre farm, good b oute and out buildings. Also ten acre tract all under cultivation, one mile from St. Helens, Ore. Geo. W. Perry. Houlton, Ore. For Sale Thoroughbred Wyan dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs 1 1.00 for setting. R. H. Roberton, St. Helens, Ore, i -CHURCHES trict No. 20, attended the teachers' meeting at Rainier Saturday J. M. Lindsay was a Rainier visi tor Monday, Mrs. S. T. Alexander visited with friends in Kelso, Wash., on Tues day. Mrs. Joseph Lawrence of Seaside is visiting with frsends at Goble this wef k. E. W. Fowler of Kelso, Wash., attended the Redmen Lodge at Goble Tuesday evening. The steam schooner Lo p loaded 50,000 feet of lumber from the Lengascher Bros, mill at the Hun ter dock at Goble Tuesday. The many fiiends of C. C. Fow ler and wife gave them a surprise party Saturday evening. The time was spent with gamtsand play until j 12 o'clock, when i di r.ty In lun :heon was serveu. Thou pre :l were Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Makinster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W lf.er, Mi and Mrs. Orville Lind, Mr. and Hit Ernest Guin, iir, and Mrs. C. Stearns, Mrs. Jas. IwrweQ. Mioses Maude Bishop, Florenie, Geneve"! and Vesta Fowler, Imin1. Sta-ni, Myrtle Giberson, I ena A exar-ilei, Lettie and Hilda wak!nit i -, Jei ni Pel.'e and Iris Link, Mig .4rchll-d i, Marg and Maoeline Vhoir.is, i le i The mas. M. Siarnjs, U Iiercy H. Pie cy. Thos. Hunter, C, Twlor If. Anlilier, J. W. Patri .k, J ht Pal. rici, Orville, Ruawl and Le.t;r MaH.iister, Lou's Beinett. Ernert Archibald, G. Gibersoi, fir m A e: aider, Christy Fowler, Wa tr Pjui Itr, Jack Fowler and T. C. Watu . j on, I n . ; t 1 1 1 liii Mii'.'ith I S.irf n 'SVIi.v dint you frwzer lm(ilrel an ! -But you are old enough to b m; f atim Ut:M- nl.ithe father" ' "w'pH J've." replied the pHeudu ' "l with I were your fnther. Then ' "u1, l',,- 1 frw"- ' "'-u t tuk. ' uruier iii!;iii iniiu trim tir Itr-Kitr you ko araln I d be willing to 'd hia fortune irhout havtaf to that I came borne perfeHly so- I marry S"-"Umu, I'wt i Tm CmI. She Were you cool when tb. balleta began to fly? Major liun-i was ao cool tbat 1 ahlrered Ilk. a leat-N.w Orleans Times-Democrat. Ad mioutra tor's Notice to Creditors liitak.i.,ii AAtii.lt HftAK SUMMON 15 THE O'l'V'Y COURT Of Tilf. feTATF OB REt.ON, FOR OoLUM..lA(OUNTV. In th matter of the cttate of (ieo-re M rrill, deee. Notice ia hereby given tba' G.M. Mc- BrMe, the Brder'fened, haa Ix-en duly appointed S'!tnnlatrtnr of the Ent e of George Merrill, deceased, iy the fount y Court ff the Hta'c of Orctren, (i C'llinbia (oon'y.and has duly qualified for axid tra-t. AH prw'"" h iini( r'al . a (tilnt 'ai'l e,t if n-! Ii ' r n t t and rn i-:i l .! rt t' 'Mi-i , doly Terili , iiid itbfli I'I"P r vou-Jicrf), lo and nl-niini-tr or a. be olll 'e of (J. M. Ic Erd ;ii f". H' .em, (olural.ia Ooi:y, Or?. i-'.i fit ti'.n.ls from th'- li tn O' it'i notif;". Hi-ted t H'. IfrlcD, Ore., end first pnbl rh. d Var I 7, I!-n. Gt). M. McCrMe. , tl iNt, i.t ' of tl tfUL" of Oc rj.c Hitni'i, !ec v A. r.'olict! ti? Fini I Accour t t ruj .5 fti.liricnt, INTHI t'CUsTY COUKT O'f 1UV. fiAii o ' i RF.m:;, roR i ) s i vi. iv :tjnty. Houlton M. E. Church Houlton, first and third Sundays Preaching by the pastor. Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Lord's Day at 10 a. m.. Mr. David Cole, Supt. Yankton, second and fourth Sun days. Preaching by Rev. W. T. Fairchild at 11 a. m. Union Sunday school at 11 a. m. Warren Preaching at 3 p. m. on first and third Sundays of each months. Trenholm and other points week nights. Congregational Church Regular services at the Congre gational church Sunday, March 9, Morning service, 1 1 o'clock; followed by communion service. Evening- ri service, 7:30. We are ?!ad to re I port the week of specie.1 meetings I was a decided success. Spiritually, j we are all were well repaid by the t dintrcnt but strong messages. i Scarcely any exception could be I made and we are glad that so many St. Helens people availed themselves .' of this unusual opportunity. While ' our messages may not be oratori- "ti t'rong W0 can guarantee Kv. Barger, who resides on the . hero, and that all persona Intereiti d ' Jl Jit mm eameet mnA mill I Ynktoa road, fs very loir. ' M'd PP'" " " t men mf .u- , r r,-i.. r-j . aald d.t. sd flls .nyobeotip0. Il.er. t . . .. -Zi mrZm ' .! X)ald. Helena, Orero, and Ir.t uw. loniKuni Hnnw wno bsv niiia rsara nr mmi.ti.iA i...... m mi. fare most cordially Invited to mtU,d scariet f-rer are reported eonvaes- ' Joim v. cneldeiit ' A.fi-loislraior of Ksuteofchsrlss.iii- ,yrrr"T -rr In :!r- im e of t it iMnte vf ( .ir.s A Tli rs.ii . I c ' ited. f ct.c- i .31. bv jj;en tlmt -t i: V. C i -I I 1 t 'oit nt'-r cf tie rt- ; t''i f e i i . i f n n, i e 'f riii, li I ie r Mi; tA I I i t . . Ifl ii u fi.iul u.i. ... .. 'it ... ..II. inl . l. . f .1.1 ij i; If '-.if '. 'Ill 'il lie .1 Ori g n I a 'C' IjxIh I' i -r on I thht e-1 I : u r '. hi., sri.i'utt ' lid ti t Ifiw r!v. IL.. ii h and expects to retume Ms utual di. A i,' b. y..$ worlc In a few weeks. o'- k i. u. cf a I tUy, In H t mi Andrew Thomas has built a r.ew r " oi urr M- ''e1""''! i" , . . ... said con ty atid itnte. as tlie tin.e u;.l house on his land and moved his . . . , , i .. , . . plsce fct iu liearing of all objection i to family there. 'Mjd final acroiint and th seit.emfit 11 "3 WE CF.T THIS RANGE " M' TXT FROM TACTORY A" sr. ..'o;-' o;r.GtN. IT 13 THOROUGHLY WAR. J RANTEEO IN EVERY '"AY. rwit I ii ij, :i'jlu u i :J Sherwood !: Ross :3 HCC.-.Ef ; tWISJiERS 5 Uti '.i-rtf'tt art I. nbnlrriBja j YANKTOfi NEVS Herbert Hovard ft con 'eleson ; See IVScCOY! it:li; c yl it k-. J'dUr . v. cr!f. f ': .'s p:cp l td to do all C'f 1'ai:- tin-; 'a; i , n..'CiN'(j I r :.;; i ii1' IN' Til K i Il.CI IT ( (.I'iiT (1; 'Jill-.-TATK OK I:KiOS "K i ul.l M IIAti'lNTY ' ct'ii'tinc hull lie. i'la iiliir. 'ienre L. PurrT, Will'am in l icls m and K. K. Qn;ck, IX fi mla'.t. To Wl Ii. m . ti'liiikv u. i on of t a ovr nit'l et-fidanls : in lli-i l.mt ol t He M.ile ol Uri-yon, you arc be thy lecju f il ti a . him' sr, tr li e c iiiptuii.: fil- d miain.l mi in tl e a1 oie ntit'rd ourt, n or Iwiore lb "it dri of March, l!i!3 lie in it m we- k fr. m the date of I lie first pnbli. cU ui ol itii" nutuiiioiiii, end if joiifml to.oaprvar and mr.r, ft)' Wrl.t lli- eol pli'intiir will a, i ly to Hi.- court for Hi, re if leinn'l A in V c nip'tim'. wh'rh in nub-' c for ilririee nf co nt ij I'd b li lii l.i i e lii' si il rr n-i r-.i-r it fi.rilj 1 -hi .Mil; '..ii.i. t'l I II e ft i i ,n' - an I i i !, id I l.i hi l r t'-'l r-il lovlf nil i he IjhI re n lln ir it' ;iiliv- trt vn f in j, and tb.it aii J 1 vi ' vi !.il . ( ( !!)! ln i l . 1 1 1 .H liv i'f. tein. i'jrd a i'f ici-i f ilii cunt, ami t hy iiid it. ivec it l-i- .le - hhiI nii'l i lj'vl. m, I hi ph i 'lfl ii he owner ol '.i' i j.r. mi a ! n' ii 'I'd to ! o im:i, I !. ' if ,i i I Ii1 hi-iii: . iidm t iri-rln! of -I em Im it tewu'e ot i i:( ': t n'tal cv hi oi l: sni'i !ao-ls i r ' M ii r r. I t l. i ilt i in I ii:nl h ;i il tl -tn In (I !; ot i 1 Ir in tf. i I':; n:i j .V I f!l i trr ill in l to h i: I Mn n us .', i-(M ;-: to j. I, iii. 111! :l I (. s ' A. J. DEMINC, Dkuocizt. ST. HELENS t !::? 4, j;s&a s 8 k! t i; ats a aii i i tie a ajsaaju sJ OPEN FDR EUniNESS DEALER) IN i.'rorn-irs. 'ni, inhhs aint Fred Cmrral ,, s, ,, Xcrrssitirs A Hpftialty in All Khvls of Cheese AU ri,,.i i. i, .. ..w,.,.u,- . jKirunci.i lur I irst Class Im. ponce' and Dtdmstic WiIICs of all Kinds Tree delivery to any part of St. Helens or Houlton We Respectfully Solicit a Share of the Patronage U Phone () ST ii rr I.' "V , ,r .r w ' 'uuvin vine us up -1 -3 I'hr rh, '1'ief. r iffiprsf i,h,cr. in !(, .,.,. 07,(-;.,yf (Uassmirr ,,,,! Urnnih.. - -. . ...... i( , , --;---alla,,(lU;t,invilla.dforyoursclf (' t '- 1.1... r. !i"Sw K -msoii a sods I , Mi i ur.l, r lau- , ., , - 1, A gaViJ 3VJ ' lit"'"r ,,St- H''" A C ,i of Ii, ..in-moi, la n. .d p Vv '&Slx 'vViil positively meet Vi.. nl lo r.. rr I a lel.v I frit , 1 ''y traitj ii. : jv" !").,. i-:.k:n. ! ..! .( a.. j j fv,; ir '"U s for hire. Calls i l 1 f ii ' fur I ; ii I '. efdi't-fm&VWi ' "''HHCtioil i a t..ri vm. ;. . .., si. ' (MlrAl2Sl?J&J re .1 ... . iiu-svicrcd day or night i.i. Opr.. ' 1 1 .1 1 1 'i-M i n. t.i GEORGE'S MARKET. PifK 8 Psatne dars ia. Deceased. Th Vaaktoa school wiJi odswsm. a. . . DEALERS IN FRESH and CURED MEATS FISH and POuLTRY-- Vou Can Sava 30 Per Cent by Buying Your Lard in Bulk from this Market Kcd Cards 1 I HI KM Orrcon ' - 1 ' V 'a 1. s i a-v s ,VFV t l'QWOEK M'.AI.IUls IM " OU PONT EXPLOSIVES ALL EXPLOSIVES DCLIVtPtD IN . -r ro ser eo,T ,, ZX?' r.i.'.it,u( uKEctir; r z