St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 07, 1913, Image 3

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Cm yaw lenwy prteee ' Wild V)mkt
and mm. Write ee I
aaak e7e all kind al poultry. ark. eta,
liinon-Vw Co., Portland
, W. u in r,rt
m,,m I"- .. m 'luriha
i r f rii i III. N.rti.w4
1 .)!). J-(l I .'' lnfi.M)Hl lunhrf ir,
f,,..lle i !'' I 111 ftMiff ft4i4fc.
lHl itm I '- "-
f. . MHSAI s m
I'll' WO
ii ... ( ayfci, M tMH ISe LIIKMi I ...i.r
r ..,',. U ( -n .! ,4 full s,rU- it
Ciul on t il.mlUm iw t.4 I' wnkw
fug Fie-4?) a. I Hti Om., Wh ; TO s. mlt..
J lUiilr mk! : t r. k .,, tjt.rn. fut
Ma. 1-rMlftg fnill tr-M. . J'-.. - ,yt
1iim. A'I'Iivm A. M. 'Ib4.M, Mutbim, HmIi,
f . mI- wiint.-" . nnr Km. Yamhill Co,,
(r ; I - cult., ti atur, f k-uM, trft. wiu
bkttf. 4 urihmil. tutk, tii hiiwry, -, A1
diM f N Ii '!, Orsg'-w.
p. ftftla In AUann To.. Wud.; .rulL.
t l t. t-IT Unit. frutmd-rly llir fftifii. ft.
fiuit '. r h ., l-rn. vuibiltf muU, n.x htirr.
to j i-eI.e-i,i fruit rnrh. yMrhhtis -' u (44t an
( in .t.lil-iu. hratii. Ai4rM 1. 1.
Iiftiu ia. bh lU, Wtih,
WHI wrinr iti eMi atl suit., muttl? fruit. In
tr., ilK'-'lfc itr lr. ' full : s I l-t t Ury
rn h ft iriu.uMu ftdUrwa Ihmu, II. Um kr.
Km hiaftil,
ft flm-)Q ft H tr rrht1 tn I ! . (V. Wuh,
Irr)Ml-J by Hunnrkti attal. nr m h- L rllntl,
ir , ail rivttMrttt'. Itmi tln market vaiua.
A. 1.1 N j(..lrt, jfa.i ,4lt ilt. a.h.
Hl a. aar Arrow Vmik. Ktnjr Co., It.
( o . I a cult., 11 tutn and liinlr. huua, ouU
biija, ; l'ra
tiXMt. II. butuua. btraca
r5W- llMtll'tU .)! cull wtwatfannlnA'lama
l o , VSwh ; rMmM, tiara, Milbblgia, 8 a. Mchani,
at its. rata. . mtry, ittarhiavry, Kua
ak g'la. vU., Inlutitia vafihina, fV pmf
a-ra. C. M Haahiuria. 'Auh,
r i" fml a! dairy ranrh. ?70 a. In
rr i o.. Vh,, aft a ruli . sr. tMNia. Im. 7
.t.'M tr rn(, t M
, Ailartia. I'lirepa. Wuh,
ur Ha. c trt f- pnrtjr in Orvr-n naar la-mmtm-
HI'S a In MailaMa ',. A.. luna. culC,7-r.
EitMiaM I ) lrra. utbb1aa, aicft, ttiM k., ala.
i Y. M.artnax llunUvil-a, A .a. w..w
DiTCIITC Wt . Talaaia.,
" " it:, A1ttaatdt--h-frejL
Machineni -?33
AUrK MUk 01 1 tim J. H. Karim Co.. SJ 1
ku rmUK. a4 fur Black I M Mai arlMa.
IJiVll llfl IjI l a Agrnts for ',
foivl lit.lntmita. Tw muBt eatnpll stark
I Uumd lrrlhiliM In Dm NiVthCML
W'riui Vm CikMj:iM.
Sl llirKI.I.NU-Ll'l A Ml aic CO.
1M lim Uwmt rtifaUML Otic
iiuost run om u.iuo p? A?f&$r
4. t. n nrrr e rn -: .T rwi
Kiiimitis i as
Ut ta kMl LaA. laiaalllM.
A Toy for ( ate
T- fue wt brUh. At
dnwj. Wy mi!
v., tm A c ui
au a, tt7 a b. Ui a.
t it bwok on iu.
from a t2 Inreat-
,'"'-' a IIUl II BianU OKU"
ijUikKI'l'K it make Oils rvrord. Small
will do. It's ths king of money-makers.
k Ixt SrhemM" eiplains this and a
roie of other remarkable rhenis In dirt"
Write for pri-pertus. KOIIKHT II. CIHK,
140 tast Irving Kt, lurtUait, Urvgon,
IV! tltrwl With mnmifar-liir-i.
n. ri .-li".l
,.l,r(i.r l:w run, VWm
f,r tr. irl- Uat an 1 h .ns
n. n. inui to.. nxRiiv
Itl -m SM IMTLtlD OtL
Lawful to Call Man an Ass.
It la lawful In Switzerland to call
man an aaa either In anger of other
wise, according to dudaloii of tlx
cantonal tribunal at Zurich. Tlx
court declined to award damages It
a suit arising out of a iiuarrel be
twet-n two prominent citizen.
is what thry
all say
of our
Methods of
Kx trartlng
Out-of-town mjo
pie aaa Kara thalr
plate and bridaa
wnrk flniahad In ona
day If nery.
A n absolute suar
antaa. backed kr t6
yaara la Portland.
. a Will. tawalaM
Wise Dental Co.
orrat modhSi
A. M. Is F. M. anrfv la 1
Ptiwi A JOiti Main iiUt.
rellto IIM., third and WaaMnstoa. Portland
A sli-k
t Drodticliis
All cow nml
aaa of Kw
lrla U.
' r
1111 La I
r alM 11 -sw
I 111 .aav
Thl fatnmi remedy
il rvhultfl Apurtita,
1111 '-r1
IkvllM llamniMel aiul Retained Afterbirth.
Oet a paekaaa of Low lur from
oaalandti.aaalaaa. A.k for ropy
Still MMCUTMH! (t, SIIV lj.r.llH, TL
ricrio ooasr csroroi
rwrun nu ci. Nr., r wi cs, t , tu.
North Pacific College of
H.lghl of witdom Cxhlblttd ky Mr.
Tb on Hl, p.riodi,
VUII to Kmiii city.
"Wh,n.r I am In Kama city"
tad Mr. Toh, Ba. of U.hkr,noni
and fl at.alln goVr ma a low f. b
r la yaarnltid to put mjt In tba
clulchaa of tt,l atraK-r. rambla
rouod to apocryphal placra and nil
my ayatatn with agua fortla and dog
fd. to ba found nit mf)rnlni by tha
plotia monka of Ht. l)-rnard. groping
ln..UIy and r-ady to burbu in th-
ll'-a my rral nmna anil adrlrma and
tha cuilomary II ti,t I !, )....
trlmmrd of $.7;j n caih and nota
wa.l. alirn 1 f.. any auch mlcrobaa
inawlng at my I ordvr up to ray room
In tha hot., I a pltrhr of lea watar anrf
lo thn door, rllnk tha Ira awhlla.
I'Mig throiiKh tha t.,ttora of tha empty
'.uinblrr 4l coimarutlva tlmca, and then
to to brd with my $JS16 undwr my
;lllow, to rnuka nxt morning pran
ly rontrnt In tha knowUdm that I
liava doprlfd tha tn- iimpura of an
liilnrritlng Itnin and r!n-uld tba folki
it hotna out of a afury that would
have bowi told on m unto tba third
md fourth Krni-ratloii. of thain that
beta ma." Khiikih city star.
hKA(;rr colntv bkttlehh
Kfntili., Kib. 22-11. C. IV-t. ra hat
a laixl miMiMitlori i-njM'cially appfuling
V th man of limit.., mvana. 11a ii
ulMlivl(llri( 8,00U arn a of tha flnml
fruit and dulry land in the Northwest,
located ntar Mt. Virnori, SkaKil
county, Wahh., ami adjaci-nt to bii
milla that oIN-r abundant work at good
wmicm. Mr. TuU-ra aolvea both thf
"IaWUH1 Land" and tho "Hiifbi
CoaULlvin(" problema. He hai
oflicea with thn Sraltln Truat Com.
pany, 800 Third av-., S..attle, ni
will gladly anawt-r all iniuirica.
Statistics colltrtrd by Ilorelly, thf
French aatronuiuvr, shows that alnca
tba aliteMitb coutury 378 co units bar
bean vtatbla to tha naked eya. with
periodic and 18 hara been seen al
mora than one return, and 6 bar
been visible to ths naked aye, with
7 that could hm seen In full daylight.
Nrlr two thirds of tha discoveries
appear to havo ben made In morning
before sunrise, more than half In tha
j second half of the year. Tha Trench
I observatories bare led In discover
Mrs, 67 of the comets having been first
! detected at Marseilles and 48 at
j I'arls. but only 16 at (i-neva, which
; has tha di it highest record, 15, at
Florence, and H at tha Lick observa
tory. i Mnthon will tai Mrs. Whitlow's a,xilftln
yiui t.' tt rnnilr Ui uwtmtliaU shUiliwa
6iii(jing at Work.
Dr. Johnsou was annoyed to find In
the Hebrides that tim strokes of the
slcklti were timed by the modulation!
of a song Iti which all tho harvesters
Joined. In the clays of the band
looms moot weavers crooned over
their work. Dairymaid ued to sing
on the milking stool, not only to light
en their labors but alxo because tha
cows were held to yield bettor milk
when cbei red by a tune.
Brightening Flower Pots.
Flower pots frequently fade Into a
dingy color from their original bright
and cheerful brick red. They may ba
easily brightened aruln by putting or
dinary red ochre In water until it Is
about as thick as paint, then painting
tha flower Kit. which absorbs th
color snd hlds It
Just Between Friends,
Maul- "So Jack compared me wlti
Something sweet, did he? The dear
fellow! What was It?" Marie "I
den t think I should tell you." Maud
"Oh, do. 1 Itmlst!" Marin "Well, ht
referred to you a 'the human Inurxh
mallow.' You crrt;:ln!y had laid th
powder on thick, dear.''
I 'S V ) I K KVi li
IT.TTi rS P'.YK SAI.VK U K. r al
Something Not Generally Known.
Scott "Suy, old man. I'm stuck on
a quotation. Who was It said: 'A
horse! A horse! My kingdom for a
horse'!" Matt "I thought everyon
knew vhere that came from. That'l
what Absalom said v. hen his horse ran
under the tree and IcU him hanglni
by thn hair to a limb." Boston Traa
scrl;t. .
A. D. 2014.
Pell floy "Uoom lot rung. They'rt
sirring college songs and they want
ten more cocktails and a half dozer
i more lioxes of cigarettes." Hotel Pro
prletor "You Just tell those young
society ladles they've got to be quiet
er; they're keeping some of tha gen
tlemen boarders awake." Puck.
Little Arlthmstlo Problem.
If twelvo persons were to agren tc
dlno together every day, but never sit
exactly In the same order around the
table, it would take thorn 13.000.0iK
yeara at tho rate of one dinner a day
ami they would have to eat more than
479 million dinners before they could
get through all thn posslblo arrange
tuetita In which they could place them
raw Is a had Inre-tment. and a raw that Is
aaiuiH-h rood niilk aa aheahould ! not wrll.
raraful attention to keep them hrallliy,
land llltldlordrs can k kpt flout bccouilns bif by th
If s tore cur snd prentl of moat cow
M.Ik Kerer, Uuacoea, Red Water, kcouriu.
your dealer and keep It on hand cautantly.
of The low llik."
Dentistry and Pharmacy
Th North Pacific College was estab
lished in 1898. It has departments o!
Itentistry and Pharmacy. No school in
America has better facilities for th training-
of young mon anil women for success
ful professional careera. The annual aea-
ion begina October First An illustrated
catalog of information will be forwarded
application to
Registrar, North Pacific CoDege
E-il Soil Orsi Sis, fsrtUa ft
I '
I'ltchcr Willi l haa di tllix-d to sign
fht 1913 contract ant him. H Is
one of tho TIk re who told I'renldnt
Navln ho would not play under Mana
K' r JctinliiKH.
: i
The TharnoB at New London will b
tho acne of UiIh yi ar'i Int'-rcoIN-glate
reKntta. rrviou to thin year th
rK&tta wan an aniiuul event ataged
on the JIudrton river at Toughkeepile.
Hoburt O. Watson, the new presi
dent or the I'nltid Ktates Golf asso
ciation, says that tho standard golf
ball la not yet In sight. Wataon says
It la unfeasible.
Jack McDormott, the first American
to win the open golf championship of
the United States, who has held tba
title for two years, may not defend
his title In the open tournament this
The talked of invasion of American
golf by the noted Kngllsh proa, Dun
can, Vardon. Ilrald and Hay, will not
take place. George Duncan, already
a familiar figure over here, will be tba
only one to make the trip.
Frank Jones of Philadelphia defeat
ed Stanley Leschln of Kansas City,
SO to 39, In the three-cuahion tourna
ment of tho National Milliard league.
The match In which Mornlngstar
defended bis 18 1 title In Pittsburg Is
said to bo one of the best ever
played la the hlBtory of the sport.
There were no high runs, but the
game of each contestant was wonder
fully contdatent.
At the annual meeting of the Na
tional Association of Amateur I Ill
Hard Players In New York a new con
stitution was adopted. With the ex
ception that the rule against safety
plays waa abollahed, no radical
changea were made.
C. W. Hillings has turned down an
offer of $100,000 mado for the Har
vester by the RusKlan government
The first bid was 150,000.
Although P. Hill Is the lending Jock
ey of the year beyond question, the
Texas Jockey did not ride, a single one
of the big races of the season.
The American Trotting association
Is expected to abolish the no-hopple
rule on pacers, a move that has been
expected for some time.
Ed Ceers has given records to 41
2:10 trotters. Think of that as a turf
record and then wonder why he is
tho grand old man of harness sport.
John R. Madden has nominated 108
thoroughbreds for the 1915 Futurity
of the Coney Island Jockey club, head
ing a list of 607 entries mado by 71
Colorado E I, to be sent after ths
2:01 mile record established by th
Harvester at Columbus. The great
three-year-old stallion will attack the
record on the same track.
It Is hardly probablo that a severer
blow could have been dealt the Amer
ican turf than the death of James R.
Keene, followed so clooely aa it was
by the death of Major Dutngerfteld.
Illngiira's get won over $30,000 on
the trotting turf last senson. the first
time thn earnings of any family have
reached that mark In many seasons.
Joe Patchen's offspring came second,
as others of the family than Joe
Patchen II, who won $27,500, brought
home over $10,000.
j Harvard dofoated Princeton at
hockey, B to 3. An overtime period
of ten minute was necessary, In
: which Harvard scored twice,
j Savannah has set November 25 and
; 27 as tentative dates for tho Grand
. Prize and Vanderbllt Cup races, sub
ject to approval by the Motor Cups
i Holding company.
I Jack Souter, the veteran profession
al of the Racquet club of Philadelphia
; and Charles Williams of England are
! arranging a match for the title of
j world's racquet champion at $2,500 a
' side.
New York Public 8chool Athletio
league has 600,000 boys actively In
terested In Interclass athletics In th
elementary schools. At present there
are championship tournaments In
baseball, soccer, football, basketball,
indoor baseball, and track and field
sports, which bring together all th
schools In the city.
Harvard and Yale havo completed
formal arrangements for a dual meet
with Oxford and Cambrtdgo at the
Stadium at Chicago next summer. The
date tentatively fixed for the event is
June 21, the day following tho Har
vard Yale regatta at New London.
Announcement has been made that
for the first time lu eight year
Princeton will not meet Cornell on
the cinder path next spring. Th
track team la financially a loaloe prop
osition, and th export of Irrna
portlne the team to Jtblew wu rta i
mm tba T1arr' rwaacui foe dtoftpaauf
porwll srvwa tbeir Sedan. I
Saving of Energy, Not to Speak ot
Added Comfort, la Strong Factor
In Favor of Modern House
hold Method.
It baa been figured out In schools oi
domestic science that the average
method of shelling peas takea about
Ova motion to each pod, whereas no
more than three motion are neces
sary. Place the dish of peas In front of
you, placing the empty dish for th
shelled pea In front of that, reach
forward, getting a pod, pull It toward
you, spilt It with the finger at th
same time ISy the time it la over the
empty dish the motion of the finger
will atrip the peaa Into that recep-1
tacle, toss the pod to one aid and
Tne old fashioned method baa gen
erally been to put the dish ot an
'khelled peas In front of you, leave
the receptacle at the right and the
one for the pods at the left This ne
cessitate bending the body, turning
the head and making all sorts of un
necessary motions between the three
dlsbes, resulting In losa of good ener
gy and many good mlnutea of time
Dustpan are made today with long
bandies. It would be JuBt aa absurd
to sweep the floor with a whisk broom
aa It would be to use a short bandied,
dustpan. In ualng the old fashioned
duat pana the aweeper baa to stoop
many times to get up all th dirt, mak
ing It twice as bard.
The broom la very cumbersome to
handle while stooping, the back la
strained, the face Is close to the un
healthy dust and everything 1 wrong.
Use a long handleii dustpan, stand
erect Th dirt can be swept Into It
Just aa neatly and with twice a much
comfort and saving "of energy.
Th same bolda good In waahlng
dtshea. Many women put th drainer
on the left of the dlsbpan, necessitat
ing the wasted motion, of reaching
across tbe pan to plac th washed
dishes to drain.
The natural motion la simply to
pass th washed dlsbea to th right
Sally Lunna. j
Mix one-quarter teaspoonful of soft ,
sugar with one-half ounce of com-,
pressed yeast till liquid. Warm one
and one-half gills ot milk and stir it
Into the yeast Well beat an egg and
stir it Into the milk. Then strain the
whole mixture Into twelve ounces of ;
sieved flour to which one-half tea
spoonful of salt has been added. Turn
on to a floured board and knead
lightly, sprinkling with a little flour:
to keep it from sticking. Butter two
deep, round tins and put half the
dough in each, cover the tops with
gTeased paper and leave near the flr
to rise for about an hour, when the
cake should fill the tins. Then bake
In a quick oven for about thirty mln
ntes. Fish Bisque.
A fish bisque 1 made from one cup
ful of cold fish minced very One, one
cup of hot milk and a cupful of any
white stock. The carcass of a chick
en cooked slowly will yield an excel
lent stock for this purpose. The sea
soning consists of a teaspoonful ot
Worcestershire sauce, salt, a dash of
cayenne and a tablespoonful ot chop
ped parsley.
Put fish, seasoning and stock to
gether In a pan. Mix one tablespon
ful ot flour and the same quantity of
butter together and stir Into the
fish mixture. Cook and then stir In
the boiling milk, adding a tablespoon
ful of cracker crumbs.
Potato Apoles. j
Take two cupfuis of boiled potatoes :
mashed, and heat them. Mix the
mashed potatoes with two tablespoon-;
rule nt tint milk and shane tntn eleM !
portions, forming a ball. Dent the top and raise it again when the needles
of each and Insert a clove, pushing it , C and D come around. The direction
down well to represent the bloom of the motor can be changed by ualng
end of the apple. Then insert another j th other end of the magnet
clove to form a etem at the other '
end. Brush each apple over with a1 Infant Snobbery,
little melted butter and sprlnkl one Too often the Idea ot service Is as
slde with cinnamon to give a rosy soclated solely with paid servanta,
tint Bake in a medium oven for although seldom so amusingly as in
ten minutes and serve hot ! the case of a little girl of whom a
. contributor to the English Illustrated
Mashed Whit Turnip.
The ingredients of this recipe are
. .1 . n, ,,v,lna h.lf a -
ICreW uuuuu. V U I H I ,'a, unit w VilO
... r,.i .
buuer. on. teaspoonful of flour, bait
l...nnj.nfllt ftf Bnlt IMnnA, f rt ,.l.
Pare, wash and cut turnips into thin
Simmer slowly In covered ket-
tie. When tender drain off surplus wa
ter, add the seasoning and mash well.
Set over low flame a few moments.
a little consistency, as white turnips
. . . .
are watery, i nen taae up ana serve.
Will require about one hour to cook.
Sandwlchea for Afternoon Tea.
The colder weather demands some
thing a little substantial at the four ,
o'clock tea, A filling very much fav
ored by English women Is made from
thin slices of bread llgbtly buttered
ana spreau ui muiui. vi viwi,
i marmalade, pecan nuts, and cream
! cheese.
I Bom like this filling placed be
tween small tea biscuits, but the ml
tur should be kept from the edge !
f th biscuit
Appl Hot Cakes. I
Putter gem pans and half All them
with rich biscuit dough. Par, core,
and slice tart. Juicy apples and All
gem pans, placing apples on top of
the dough. Cover each one with a I
heaping tablespoonful of soft maple
sugar and place blta of butter on top
Pake tn a quick oven and serve with
Baked Peas.
Wash a pint of spilt peaa and put
them In a beanpot with a tablespoon
ful of molasses, a small strip of salt
pork and salt to taste. Cover wlttj
fee . mmn Jiaw amauns
u m w tta water ' w'" w
Akowt ta m .mis W s-au-sj "
Much Amusemsnt May Be Obtained by
Us of Ordinary Dlnnar Plat j
Covsrsd With Lamp-Black. I
Prepare a plate by covering th
bottom with thick lampblack. Then:
when your friend arrive, tell them ;
you are able to perform a great trick. :
Your are an expert magnetUer. You '
may say:
"I do not often perform In public ,
but among friends I do not object to ,
giving a proof of my skill. Tbe only
point upon which I must Insist la per
fect gravity and quiet among tbe au-'
dlence. I will now see If I can select
a subject who la susceptible to the
magnetic Influences "
You now pass from one to another,
making p-isses, and looking steadily
Into eyes of several Of the company,
feeling the pulse of one and another,
till finally you select one Individual
whom you declare to be tbe man for
the experiment. '
You now clear one end of the room
and pluce two chairs, face to face,
some three feet apart. In one of theae
you seat your intended victim and ask
for two glasses of water, standing In
two plates. This produces the black
ened plate, and a clean one, upon each
of them a glass of clear water.
Handing the blackened plate to the
, subject who Is to be magnetized, yon
take the clean plate and say, seating
yourself In tbe vacant chair:
"Fix your eyes steadily upon mine,
and make exactly tbe motlona that I
You now proceed to make several
motlona with your open hand, keeping
your eyea fixed upon your victim, till
you have his undivided attention.
You then dip your finger In the water
and drawing It across the bottom of
the plate make a crosa upon your fore
bead; the subject does the same; a
second pass over the bottom of the
plate and tbe face draws a long black
; atreak down the victim's nose; third
smeara one cheek; a fourth tbe other.
When the victim reaemblea a black
amoor the operator gravely rises and
i say th subject baa proved that his
will Is too strong to yield to that ot
another man, and he must try a new
Then lead him to mirror.
Experiment Illustrates th Principle
on Which All Electric Mo
tor Are Based.
This experiment Illustrates the
principle on which all electric motora
are based. All that is needed Is Ave
needles, a cork, a bar magnet and a
small piece of wire.
Magnetize four of the needles and
stick them into the cork so that every
other one will have a north pole pro-
6v W
A Magnetlo Motor.
; trading. Then push the remaining
; needle through the cork for an axle.
; making a support from the wire as
; shown.
To operate, bring one end of a bar
1 between needle A and B,
then A will be repelled and B at
' traded by the bar magnet and th
! wheel turn, quickly lower th magnet
Motor In Operation.
Magazine tells.
She had visited a little friend whose
family did their own housework. She
. . , . . ln.
had a very good time, and on coming
j ,elUn her mo,her aU aboUt j
"But. mother, dear, they do on
7 .dr?df.u, Ma " 'f M"CJT?.
"I hate to tell you about it, for It is
kind of cruel, aud you mightn't let
me go again."
"Tell me," urged her mother. In
enmA alArm.
They use their own grandmother
for a cook!" tho little girl replied, in
j a shocked whisper. Youth's Com
; panlon.
Knew What to Expect.
A small boy who attends one of the
i.. .nhnnl, via varclnnterl recently.
, afte, ,no arm haJ been dre,ged
the attending physician suggested that
he place a ribbon with the word
"Vaccinated" around it
At this the youngster spoke up
, d tne otheP arm- nt
l 1
,ai;ut that Won't do any good." pro-
tested the doctor. "It wants to be
plaoed aroUnd the sore arm so the
bov at gcnool won t be hurting It"
-h- jad i00ked at hlra in disgust
Rnd piied: "You put it around the
otner arm. You don't know the kids
at our gchool." Kansas City Star,
Falsa Witness.
"What," asked the Sunday school
teacher, "Is meant by bearing false
witness against one's neighbor?"
"It's telling falsehoods about them,"
said one small maid.
"Partly right and partly, wrong,"
aid tbe teacher. J
f know." aafrf anotker MOm r
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Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to
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Every prain of it is pure, clean tobacco.
Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette,
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If you h ive not srooVexi Duke's Mixture, mad by
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In addition to one and a half ounces of fine Virginia
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These coupons are good for hundreds of valoabl
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When Cream Turns.
It you think the cream for th eof
fee Is Just a little turned, pour It In I
cup, add the coffee, stir well, then pu)
In sugar and you will And It will not
eurdle or taste sour. Always put
, sugar last
A Montana farmer's wife who had
left her "peach-basket" hat in th
attio from last season, waa surprised
when sb went to get it for the pur
pose of making it over Into th new
styl. to find that a quail bad found
access to it through the open window
and appropriated it for a nest Thir
teen young quail greeted th aston
ished woman and clamored loudly tor
food. She graciously waived bar
rights, and, the baby birds were left to
oocupy It until they grew to maturity
and sailed away one One morning.
Had Cna Ball Blue rive double value for yonr
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Tale of a Horse.
"Why," said th man from riorlda,
who was regaling his auditors with
tall tales of the wonders of his na
tive state, "Just to show you how
everything develops down there, a
hair feil from the tail of a horse down
there one day and fell into a stream ot
water. This was in the early summer.
It grew into a snake, then into a big
ger snake, and kept on growing until
one day late In August It swallowed
the horse that originally had shed it!"
When the Heart I Sore.
I will walk abroad; old griefs shall
be forgotten today; for the air Is
cool and still, and the hills are high
and atrctch away to heaven; and with
the dew I can wash the fever from my
forehead; and then I shall be un
happy no longer Thomas de Qulncey.
Ymirdrurrt will refund money If PAZO OrNT
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Roman Relic In England.
Great Interest has been aroused
the Roman discoveries at Kenchester,
near Hereford, England. Many colai
dating back to the reign of Constan
tino between 320 and 350 A. D. havt
been found. Pottery similar to thai
made before the destruction of Pom
pell, In 79 A. D., and attributed to th
potters who worked during the reign
of Antoninus Plus, has also been die
covered. .
Man's War and) Mra-ia-ata.
Ste fj Bee a awk tor htm Ot
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Cimfomi from WlWrtm may
bt aitovud vtitk let! lritm HORSE
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Premium Dept.
Handling Paper Patterns.
Every woman who cuts out front
paper patterns knows ot th bother la
pinning It flat to the cloth. Tax a
hot iron and smooth the tissue papar
pattern over the cloth and it will ra
main flat without pins. ,
Pink fve, fptxeaOr.
and Catarrhal Fever
Sore eura and pother premnthra. no Blatter kowkonwa at any are
arainiactador"axpoaed." Liquid, riven oa tha tonmia; acta on the
B ood and Glands, expel, tha poi-onous aerrm from the body. Curaa Die
temper in Dora and Uheep and Cholera in Poultry. Lnret aellinr ll-rw
stock ramedy. Cures La Grippe among human befogs nd a ana Kid
ney remedy. C0aandtlabottla:t5andll0adoKn. Cut t hi out Kaa
It. Show toyourdrarriit, whowillretit 'or you. Fns Booklet, Dle
tfirper. Cau.ea and Cures." Special asanta wanted.
Think Before You Speak.
If thou thlnkest twice before tho
peakest once thou wilt speak twice
the better for it Better say nothing
than not to the purpose. And, to
peak pertlnectliy, consider both what
Is fit and when it is fit to speak. Is
victory, or an unjust Interest; and j
deavor to gain rather than to expose
thy antagonist William Penn.
Saving Magazln Cover.
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the back of a magazine cover when it
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the life of the cover. j
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