St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 28, 1913, Image 7

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Kiuht Mexican Mates Keiusc to
,J,r" . ..
Recognize llucrta.
Ki-Humption of Dlag Methods
Forecast- Madcro'a Ilruthers
In Field With Many Men.
Laredo, Tex. Kight Mexican state
.urateens, Coahuila, Nuevo I,eon, I
Chihuahua, San Luis Potosl, Vera!
Crux, Sinaloa and Puebla - have ex-'
.reused ilissatiafactlon with the new
retime in Mexico and will not aupport
the government set up 'X -''"1
Huerta. .rcnlin to inforrn-tlon
gathered from federal telegraph
(Miurres nere.
It IS rumoreu w.av uunwr v.r-;
ranza, of the state of Coahuila, la at j
the head of tha goverrnent to start a . -(...- i...
new rep... m.c . .u .-v - ...
ig made to bring about the secession
f several other ststes.
Mexico City-It Is certain that the
new administration in Mexico must
deal with a new revolution in addition
U, the remnants or tne oi.l one. I nree .
L'uvernor of states In
the republic ,
fortnullv have refused
to recognixe '
I'mviiiionul I'resident llunrta, ami two
or three others are doubtful.
Vemmtiano Carranza, governor of
the tute of Coahuila, with 1200 men,
i working with Kmilio and Itaoul
MadiTo. brother of the deposed presi-
I - . .. I... n ! linn I'uilm M
lll'lll, Will, IW M k,f vaiw, ,i m
old home, near Saltillo, which ia Car
riinta's bane.
Juxe (isyoil, former governor of So
noru. hn telegraphed from Mexicali
tn (lonrnor Maytorena, of Sonora,
oirering :iooo men and 2,000,000 pesos
to reKture Madera to olHce. (toveror
Mavtnrena has telegraphed the RenBte
mid I'roviHloiiul l'reilent iluerta re
pudiating the new adminiatration.
The governor of Yucatan, ignorant
of the death of (luHtnvo Madcro, has
telegraphed h.m otTering the aervlce.
. I H I ... . . mrdi M' .... i n n ... )! In
new revolution.
Portlund Commiasion Men I'lcad
(iuilty and Fcape Jail.
Portland Fourteen Front street
produce merchants pleaded guilty in
the I'nited States District ('ourt to in
dii'tments that charged them with con
npiracy in restraint of trade, contrary
to the provisions of the Sherman anti
trut law. A fifteenth admitted his
truilt through his attorney.
In the court mom were many mem of the merchants' families, who
were fearful that jail sentences would
!... irnKiacd. This was generally ex
peeled, in view of the recent sentence
of other Federal judges in similar
raoea for breaches of the same law,
but only fines were Imposed.
The Heciflc item in the indictments
i lmrgfd the produce merchants with
having controlled ami operated an as
sociation, known as the Portland Pro
duce Merchants' association, by which
the members absolutely controlled the
. rn j - .rt of produce into this city and
fixed a price for it, and that if its
members did not desire to purchase; Jefferson City, Mo. The Missouri
that which was sent In by carload houm of preventatives sent to en
l..ts. it owners must ship these cars to KrogHm.nt the constitutional amend-
othef IKlintS and not disimSO of them ..nli,.ir ,i(Trnir t women.
to dealer who were not members of
the association.
Diaz Would Pacify North.
Kl I'aao, Tex. Another attempt to
pacify the northern revolutionists waa
made Saturday. General Felix Iiax
invited two rrM represcntatiova to
hurry to Mexico City. Thia ia under
stood to te in addition to the two
northern rebeta appointed on lluerta'a
cabinet, neither of whom has accepted.
The message from Iias waa aerit orig
inally to Colonel Pascual Oroxco, Sr.,
at Nueva Laredo, who transmitted it
here to Iticardo Oomea Kobelo, the
younger Orozco'a personal agent.
Kcliela and federals in Northern
Mexico remain in the aame positions
as Ix-fore the Mexico City revolt.
Cotton Compreaa Rums.
Columbus, Ga Fire which practi
cally destroyed the Atlantic Cotton
Compress plant Sunday night con
sumed 1 1,000 balea of cotton, destroy
ed 16 freight cars, and spread to the
plants of the Columbus Barrel com
pany and the Georgia Cotton Oil com
pany's plant It appeared they would
be entirely destroyed. The damage la
estimated at mora than $1,000,000.
The fire In the compress la declared to
have started simultaneously In four
places and ia believed to have been of
incendiary origin.
Taft Refuse Pardon.
Waahlngton, D. C President Taft
declined Saturday to pardon or com
mute the aentencea of Frederick A.
Hyde and Joost H. Schneider, convict
ed in this city in 1908 of conspiracy to
defraud the United Statea in connec
tion with landa in California and Ore
Ron. Thia action mark the loss of a
fight extending over four year to ot
aside a sentence in Hyde's case of two
years in prison and a fine of $10,000,
and in Schneider's case of 14 month
in prison and a fine of $1000.
Embassy Staff Reinforced.
Washingon, D. C Charles Jenkin
snn, assistant in tha Iitin-American
bureau and Clinton R. MarEachran,
private secretary to Assistant Secre
tary of Stata Wilson, left Washington
Saturday night for Mexico City by
way of Key West and Havana, to re
inforce the staff of the American em
bassy in tha Mexican capital, which ia
understood to ba greatly exhausted by
the heavy demands upon their services
Vichita Ranishea Idle Mexican.
Whlta, Kan. A railway enaeh
Wolidle Mexican waa shipped to
fetlnullne Saturday by tba Wlehl
VMe. The m0 war arrested la
Co-Operation Needed lietween Stale
anil Federal Government, j
Washington, I). C. - Kxtravaganee
In the present system of improving
watjirwava an.l Ihu n...l -I
i-tion between nut.- ami Federal
I government ra, i .1,..
senate In a fight over certain provis
ions of tha annual river ami harbor
aipruiriatliin hill.
Senator Nelson, chairman of the '
senate commerce committee, said bet- j
tor results rould bo secured in water-1
way Improvement if congress would!
appropriate a lump sum ami leave the i
detail of river improvement to a com-
miHaion of army engineer.
Both branrhea of congress struggled I
with appropriation meaaurea through- j
out the day, the house devoting tta
time to further debate over the $113,- !
c,v" ,""' .,e
ures of the measure were the subject
of extended debat.
T,, Bllllin took up the fight
00", 000 aumiry civil bill. Many feat-
, over Federal waterpower control in
L-bate on tha rivers and harbors bill.
An amendment providing for a 30-foot
! dam near Minneapolis by which water
'. . - 1. 1 i.. .i.... ...... i ...... ...i. .
wcr wuuiu u. w viw-
-a-., f Qf t ,
U,, rjjn,we,, thj tmt
about the Connecticut river dam bill
last week.
Final action was not taken on the
, bj S,.nator McLean, of Connecticut,
, wi otJt!r Ul0 Connecticut river dam
bi , , h u t ,
....l, f (i,l.atH. aa an In
,i, ,i i,uri. kin
The senate passed without debate
I the annual diplomatic and consular ap
, propriation bill authorizing $:t, 700,000
i for the supKirt of the government'
foreign ervice. The measure will
nvw Ut le JM.rfected in
a conference
The senate committee on public
I buildings and ground completed the
, public buildings bill, which carries ap
! proximately $20,000,000 more than
the houne bill. A memorial bridge
across the Potomac river from Vanh
1 ington to Arlington National cemetery
at a coat of $5,000,000 is provided for.
SUney (-alU Thvm HurKlar TooU
1 oi legitimate I'uaineaM.
I Washington, I. C. Representative
Stanley, of Kentucky, urged the house
i judiciary committee to recommend the
passage of his bill to prohibit holding
' companies from engaging in interstate
"The Sherman law." said Mr. Stan
ley, "is easily eluded and does not pre
vent monoioly. Reorganization of the
: Standard Oil and American Tobacco
; companies was just as iniquitous as
the original trusts. To enforce the
Sherman law it muHt be proved that
; there has been a combination in re
strsint of trade. There is no law to
prevent a con! mine or a factory from
owning a railroad, but there is a law
to prevent the railroad from owning
the industrial corporation.
"Holding companies are the burglar
tools of legitimate business. They
: exist solely as subterfuges to escape
the Mnalty of the law, and should be
alwlinhed. "
Missouri, Iowa and Michigan leg
islatures Take Action.
The ,nat already ha taken aimilar
Dea Moines, la. The lower house
' of the Iowa legislature adopted the
i reaolution recently introduced provid
1 ing for the submission to the voters of
; the state of an epial suffrage amend
ment to the constitution. The vote
I waa 81 to 2G.
Ijinsing, Mich. The house of rep
resentatives adopted a resolution pro
viding for the re-submission of the
woman suffrage question at the April
election this year. The bill now goes
to the senate. Filial suffrage in
Michigan waa defeated in the fall
election by a close vote.
Wine Ia Health Receipt.
New York - Dr. Stephen Smith,
"father" of New York City'a sanitary
: laws and dean of the surgeons in thia
j city, haa just celebrated hia ninetieth
birthday, still In good health and ac
tive aa a consulting surgeon of Itelle
vue hospital. Up to 60 years old. Dr.
Smith said In explaining haa present
state of health, he was a victim of
dyspepsia, but aa a delegate to Pari
to a medical conference on cholera, he
learned for the first time to drink wine
with meals. He declared that he had
never suffered from dyspepsia alnce.
Opera Prize Ia Offered.
Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Jason Walk
er of thia city, chairman of the music
committee of the National Federation
of Musical cluha received a communi
cation from Mra. J. F. Kinney, presi
dent of the association, announcing
that eitixena of Los Angeles, had
raised $10,000 to be awarded the com
poser of a prixe opera. Thia produc
tion I to be of distinctive American
origin, and will be staged at the Panama-Pacific
exposition. The compe
tition will be under supervision of the
American music committee.
John D. Protect Home.
TNew York Approximately $1,000,
000 la the price paid by John D. Rock
efeller to block business invasion
which might be regarded as undesir
able on the Fifth avenue comer ad
joining hia reaidence on Weat Fifty
fourth street. The property which
the oil magnate bought included the
residence of Dr. and Mra. Seward
Webb, and had been advertised for
lease. Mra. Webb ia a daughter of
tha late William II. Vanderbilt,
Record Corn Cargo Shipped.
Baltimore What ia believed to be a
reeord-breaklng cargo of taken
out of an Atlantic per
........ V.rlHnr. whl ?"""V",n
here for Am.t.rd.m'ii. -Z7.
re stowed In the.v . .
Sinking Fund Would Clear Ob
ligation In 20 Years.
Iludget System Proposed for Nation
Declare Congress Should
Have Gross Figures.
Washington, I). C Proposing to
provide for extinguishing the national
debt. President Taft in his budget
message to congress, said that the
plan of adjuating expenditure to rev-
enuea would be of great benefit In the
i consideration of appropriation bills
' and added that the United States, in
consequence of being the only great
nation that did not use the budget sys
tem, wa without plan or program.
Soma of the advantage of the system
he indicated as follows:
A means of locating responsibility
for estimates in keeping with reve
nue. A means of allowing congress to see
how much gross it will have to spend
before it begins appropriating for
each department or detail of govern
ment machinery.
Recause it would furnish congress
and the public with ready reference to
report and detailed records of ac
count. To cancel the nation's debt, through
a sinking fund, and to eliminate the
deficit, which is slowly growing.
The president promises legislation
which would wipe out the national
debt in 20 year after July 1, 1914.
Congres should set aside $45,000,000
annually for the purpose. That would
be $15,000,000 a year less than the
present amount required by law.
That fund should be invested in 3 per
cent government bonds and in 20 years
the $1,160,000,000 debt, the president
says, would be retired.
The adoption of a definite theory is
recommended for future proposals for
internal improvements, so that such
improvements would be in accord with
a well-thought-nut plan. In that con
nection the president suggested the
saving of the rent paid in Washington
for buildings used by the government,
by the construction of new buildings,
to cost altout $100,000,000 to be paid
for through a period of 20 years.
"Briefly stated," wrote the presi
dent, "my suggestion is that the gov
ernment first plan for it land pur
chases., buildings and public works,
then borrow money to acquire and to
construct them, proportioning the cost
over a period of 20 years, and making
the bonds issued to meet the cost pay
able out of an adequate sinking fund."
Of a reduction of the salary roll of
the government amounting to about
$6,500,000 annually, two-third, the
president declared, would be saved by
adopting hi scheme to classify what
are now presidential appointments.
Almost $3,000,000 annually could be
kept In government coffers through
poKtoffice department changes.
Flimination of waste in the distri
bution of public documents; reduction
of the number of United States assay
ollices and possibly the number of
mints and their consolidation into one,
are other recommendations.
Government Will Compensate Men
Injured at Work.
Washington, I). C. A carefully
drawn system of compensation for
persona injuries of Panama canal em
ployee ia embodied in an executive
order promulgated by President Taft,
taking effect March 1. The Panama
canal act. passed last August, directed
the president to provide the method
for adjusting the claim of employes.
Every canal employe and family de
pendent upon him is insured against
the result of injuries received in the
course of hia work, without reference
to questions of contributory negligence
or any of the other restrictive rules of
the common law limiting the liability
of the employer In such cases.
Lady Ruga to Save Crops.
Sacramento, Cal. Thirty-six mil
lion lady bugs have been captured and
caged for shipment by the California
State Insectary, and will be sent to
various sections of the state within the
next few weeks to save the melon
crop. The ladybugs prey on the melon
aphis, devastating insects that destroy
the new vines. Hopgrower will get
some of the insects this year, as well
aa melongrowers. Field Agent Brani
gan is catching ladybugs now near Col
fax. Collections have been made in
Napa and Placer counties.
W. D. Haywood Recalled.
New York In a nation-wide vote
of all the dues-paying members of the
party, William D. Haywood, head of
the Industrial Workers of the World,
haa been recalled from the national
executive committee of the Socialist
party. John N. Work, national sec
retary of the party, said that the
count showed 22.500 votes against
j Haywood and 1000 for him. Utter
ances made by Haywood In ravor or
direct action, the general strike and
sabotage, led to the movement, ft waa
laid to oust him from the committee.
Diplomat Is Confirmed.
Washington, D. C. Irwin B.
Laughlin waa confirmed Thursday by
the enate aa first aecretary of the
United Statea embassy at Ixndon.
Hi nomination had been held up in
the fight between Republican and
Democrata with several . hundred other
nomination by President Taft. but In
view of the gravity of the diplomatic
questions pending between the United
States and Great Britain the senate
broke Ita deadlock for thia cause.
Seamen's Bill Is Favored.
Washington, D. C The seamen'
involuntary aervltude bill, abolishng
tha Involuntary restraint now imposed
open American seamen in rorin
Dorta. ud to require mtorm tumt
f maevhaa
k 1 1 lad mmms, w
eor sm mm ti
rrw umc-T suneiur
Flgurts of Two Pugilists Swing Back
and Forth Under Impact of
Thslr Own Blows.
A moat amusing toy that can be
made by any Ingenious boy baa been
pateuted by an Illinois man. It con
sists of a piece of cardboard or thin
wood upon which tha figures of two
boxer swing back and forth under tba
Impact of their blowa. These blows, j
by tha way. are delivered by the oper-1
ator linger, which are tbrut
through onenlnc In the shoulders of
the figures and have miniature boxing !
glves fastened on the tips, converting
them Into lifelike looking arms Tba
Amusing Fighter.
lower portion ot the fighter from
waist down Is drawn on the card, but
their torsos and heada are In separate
pieces, pivoted at the waist, ao that
they awing freely. There I a (top,
however, so that If one of the men
gets an unusually vigorous punch In
the Jaw be will only bend back to a
certain point and will spring forward
again to the fray. .
In 17th Century English Womin
Were Offended at Other Greet
ing Now a Lost Art.
Kissing Is almost a lost are in Eng
land, tba London Chronicle statea.
Its universal prevalence In tbe sev
enteenth century was the wonder of
the foreigner. Nlcolaus de Ilethlen.
who visited this country In 1663. re
lates that "my brother and I behaved
very rudely on one occasion, being
unaware that It was customary In
that coutnry to kiss the corner ot the
mouth of women. Instead of shaking
hands as we do In Hungary. We
were Invited to dine at the bouse of
a man of high rank and found his
wife and thre daughters (one of them
married) ready to receive us. We
kissed the girls, but not the married
women, and thereby greatly offended
the latter. Duval apologized for our
blunder and told us when saluting we
must always kiss tbe senior women
first and leave the girls to tha last"
Small Animal Desires to Collect Pen
nies From Twelve Windows aa
8pedlly as Possible.
The thoughtful expression worn by
' the monkey Is due to the fact that hia
master baa ordered him to visit tha 12
j wlndowa and return with bla crop of
nonnlna aa armed ilr as nosalhla.
I Joko la calculating the ahortest
' route which will take him paat all
Tha Monkey Puzxl.
the wlndowa and back to hia master's
Now, If you were In Joko'a place, in
what order would you visit tha aocl
able looking residents?
Joko's shortest rout In visiting tha
12 windows and returning to hia mas
ter's shoulder Is as follows:
Noa. 10. 11. 12, 8, 4. 3, 7. . f, 1. t.
and .
Tha two upper floors being closer
together than the first and aecond,
makes such routes aa 10, 6, 7, 11. 12,
8, 4. S. 2, 1. 6. and slightly longer
than tbe route given above, which la
the shortest possible answer, and may
not ba varied.
Higher Education.
A mountaineer led his gawky, over
grown son Into a country schoolhouse,
"This here boy' arter larnln'." he
announced. "What'a yer bill o' fare?"
"Our curriculum, sir," corrected the
schoolmaster, "embraces geography,
physiology, arithmetic, algebra, trigo
nometry "
"That'll do." Interrupted the father.
"Load htm up heavy with trlggernom
etry. Ile'a tha only poor shot In our
There are some worda that can walk
backward aa well as forward and mean
the aame thing. See how many you
can And. Here are a few of then:
Hannah, nan. npspw ms,
mmxmm. lav.. -
; IP IP if !
Preparation vf Boraa and Whlta
Sugar I Fatal to tha Filthy
Mil dry, powdered borai with Ha
own bulk of wblta sugar, and aet la ,
hallow vessel all about wbera tha
crawling things disport themselves. '
Renew tha mixture every few daya, j
taking cara to sweep up and burn all :
tha dead Iniect. I
r"nt " P'p. nl
where they enter the wall periodical- .
lr with tumentlne. Let the tureen-1
tin run down and around tba pipes. ',
especially hot water pipes. But ba
careful to do It when tha water la
cooL Now and again pour a spoon
ful of pura turpentine down sinks
and trapa.
Cut Irish potatoes In half, dtp tha
cut aldea In tha borax and augar and
t w . I. L. . J ...I. a mwA
7 iuvu bwui uuuer iiuu, iuu uu
elnaAfa TWi tMa AVAnlnff In :
tba morning gather tha potatoes,
which abould lie. cut aide down, vary
quickly, and drop them Into bucket of
bollna- water if ln.eta are Dlentr.
there probably will ba from ona to a i
dosan clinging to each piece.
i '
How Thle Toothsome Dessert la Pre-
pared In the Country Where
It Originated.
Bkln one-half pound of beef suet and
chop finely, add to It eight table-
spoons of flour, one-half pound of rat-
alna, one-quarter pound of mixed peel.
one-half grated nutmeg, two teaspoon-
fula of cinnamon, one-quarter pound
raisin, one-quarter pound of cur-
rants, a pint of fine bread -rumba, two
tableapoonfula mixed spice, four table-
poena of desiccated cocoanut or
ahredded almonds, pinch salt Mix
all together with a small cup of milk.
four egg. well beaten and added on
. """" " " ,T
glassful of rum or brandy. Mix well,
put into a well-buttered basin, boll
for about four boura or steam at leaat
five. When ready to serve, turn out,
put sprig of holly in the top. pour
brandy around it and light with a
match. Bend to table blazing.
Braised Beef.
Three pounds of beef from lower
round, two thin slices fat salt pork,
one-half teaspoonful peppercorns, ona
cup each of diced carrots, turnips, on
ion and celery (or use a little cel
ery aalt Instead); also salt and pep
per. Try out pork and remove
scraps, wipe meat, sprinkle with salt :
brown entire surface In pork fat. i
Place meat In earthen dish, surround j
with vegetables, peppercorna and
three cupa boiling water. Cover close-:
ly and bake four boura In slow oven. 1
Tha reason for browning the meat la
that it keepa the Juice In and It doea
not get ao dry. Also be sura to add
boiling water. This I fine.
Delicate Three Egg Cake.
Two cupa of pulverized sugar, three
fourth cup of butter, one cup of
weet milk, one and one-half cupa each
of corn starch and flour, and four
level teaspoons of baking powder.
Mix butter and sugar to a cream,
then add milk, next corn starch and
part of the flour with the baking pow
der alfted with It; next the whites and
yolks of three eggs beaten to a froth
and lastly the remaining of the flour.
Vae any flavoring desired. In baking
any kind of cake In loaves the pan
should be lined with a piece of oiled .
paper cut to fit the bottom of the pan
and pressed down closely before put-
ting in the batter.
Raisin and Apple Conserve.
Peel and quarter twelve large or
eighteen small applea. and put them
over tha fire with a pound and a half
of augar and a half pint ot awet cider,
Cook very alowly until they are ten-
i der. While they cook, atone four
! pounds ot large, plump raisins, put a
i little water w 1th these, and let them
elmmer for an hour, watching them
1 that thev do not burn. Mix with the
applea atew very gently for an hour
more, press through a vegetable preee
I . i. . n ...
Or a COianuer mu pai: iu mail jai - .
This can be eaten with crackera. or people groaned beneath the bur
with cream aa a deaert.-Woman'a "t taxation he decided that it
Horn Companion. I M thm- n1
, that it would be well to gain a rev-
Hickory Nut Macaroons.
Take meats of hickory nuts, pound
fine and add mixed ground spice and
nutmeg. Make frosting aa for cakes,
atlr meat and spice In, putting in
enough to make It convenient to
handle; flour the hands, make the
mixture into balls the alze of nutmega. 1
lay them on buttered tins, giving room
to spread, tiaae in a uuica ui
They are delicious.
Ltmon Sauce.
A very nice lemon sauce la mad
by boiling together ona cup of augar. ! change worked In the fortunea of the
half a cup of water, tha rind and Juice princlpaJU7 that today the Monegaa
of two lemona for ten mlnutea. Beat ; que, r, clamoring to pay the taxea of
tha yolka of three egga. strain tha lnip j m.h)cn they hmTe been long relieved,
and stir the beaten egga Into It Bat I for iay theTi an UQtaxed people can
the pan into a double boiler and beat ' .x.,rctaa n0 proper control over public
quickly until the mixture la thick ' aSBlra
and Bmootn. Kemove tne pan rrora
tha boiler and beat for Ova mlnutea
Lettuce and Pimento Salad.
Get .the canned plmentoa. rinse
them in cold water. Arrange the let -
tuca on each plate, lay In tha mid-
die of It a pimento, opening thla and
putting In the center a cube of cream
chaeae and folding the pimento overpium, descended to tne parior io una
It so that the cheeae la half concealed.
Pour French dressing over the salad.
Chicken a la Boston.
One cup cold cooked chicken cat In
strips three cold boiled potatoes, cut
In one-half inch allcea, one truffle cut
In atrtpa, three taoiespoons nutter.
three tablespoons flour, one and one
halt cupa scalded milk, aalt and pep
per. Make a aauce of butter, flour
and mll- Add chicken, potatoes and
truffle, and aa aoon aa heated add
Chocolate Doughnuts,
peat two aava. add one ai
half eiipfale of eaawr. aaaaJ
LZ-IVV I mt a aad mm
F all tha smaller countries ia
tba world none poaaeaaiea a
mora dangerous fascination
for tha public at large than
Monaco, probably tba small-
tta la Europe, which Ilea at ma
outl1 ' fYnc on ih unnT ahorea
tb Mediterranean. In ita Hoy araa
of. eight square mllea the Principality
ot Monaco, and la particular IU ona
, and only town, Monta Carlo, contrives
; to present contra Is aa strange aa can PracUcan faTa'tinto'Ttha
Income of tha gambling tables tha clt-
UeM of the republic are tbemaelvee
forbidden tba fearful Joya of tha ta-
Dlegi an(1( to ,dd to tbe lrony tha
situation, tha prince who rulea over
th famoui pleasure town has a
wori(j.w,do reputation for the dapth
of w, ,cientlflc Investigations. On
of the worW flocks w, t(nTj.
tory for the attractloM of the ciDOi
wh,t another iTAWD hltner to
tudy graphy and anthropology,
And M a ,upreme 1, thla little
gtat wnlch eem haT, maIntaln.
e(J ,u ,ndependence by almoet mlracu.
,oug meang through all the centurlea
wh,ch cha d th of
Eu reaJ1 looked on b ,u thou.
aanda of vlaltora aa being the common
property of all who can afford to lay
down a five-franc piece.
Why Roulette Waa 8tarted.
Very different, Lowever, was tha
condition of Monaco some 60 years
ago. The people were In a rebellious
frame of mind, for, being without any
means of communication with the out-
MontA fArlo
sr world aave that of a defective road,
they had no Industries, were terribly
poor, and found that to keep a royal
family at their own expenae waa be
coming a costly luxury. The Grim
aldla, on the other hand, had reigned
' for nearly a thour tnd yars, the first
of them. It is aald. entering in the
garb of a monk with a aword con-
cealed beneath hia cassock. Charlea
I"-. e relaning monarch, had no
wuh to lav down els crown. Since
i ,. ,'ar Mh, mhllna..
On October 14. 1853. the roulette
wheel waa sent spinning round for
the first time, but Its patrons at first
were few. No railway brought in
vlaltora. and the steamship service
was extremely bad. Tbe croupiers sat
Idle at tbe tables. In 1S59 a revolu
; Uon WM iuppre,ged but the corn-
munea of Menton and Roquebrune
Lad to ba handed over to France, and
the casino did not become a financial
success until It was taken over by M.
Francois Bland. Such baa been the
j Mf A(jolphe Smith, who haa written
, hutory of -Monaco and Monte Car-
Wouldn't Yield to Big Sister.
The loving girl, having lingered
1 minute in her room to adjuat ner
i transformation, change the angle of
her Grecian band, and make aura that
' her klrt fitted like the peeling of a
tia fnmilv net ensconced upon the
knee of the young man caller, her
curly head nestled comfortably against
Ms shoulder.
"Why. Mabel." the young lady ex-
laimed. "aren t you asnamea ot your-
Get right down
"Sha n't do It.'
'I got here first."
retorted the child.
Saving the Newest
A weather-beaten woman, dressed
in new and stylish clothing, waa
narching up the street one Sunday
.niinc. when down came a audden
,k.r. Tne wwn had aa mbralla.
.uM mm a mmm mmmwmw mm mmr
"-7i- J aJI - WvH.
m ii il'i m it vim
e- 'A-t
lo." glvea figure which show that la
a year the "bank" netted a profit of
$8,100,000, and in one single day It
haa been known to win $180,000. Of
course, tbe casino haa ita bad daya,
and the public are credited with hav
ing been $3,000 to- tha good on oaa of
tbeee. "Breaking tha bank," aa It waa
known at Haden-fJaden and Wiesba
den, la impossible at Monta Carlo, for
directly a table show slgaa ot dis
tress It will receive an adltlonal sap
ply of money $10,000 for roulette or
double that mm for trente at quar
ante. The bank at tha former gam
la dally started with $14,000, and at
the latter with $30,000.
Tha question of Monte Carlo snV
cldes and blood-stained dividends haa
been often discussed but Mr. Smith
ridicules the sensational stories which
have been let afloat The players,
apparently, value their Uvea mora
than their cash, but tbe Inhabitant,
forbidden tbe tables, seem to take no
Joy In existence. In 1911 five gamb
ler did commit suicide, yet the num
ber aeem trivial when It la put on
record that during the earn period
eight of tbe 20,000 regular residents
killed themselves. 1
Hold Pious Images.
In a crowd that ona would aeem jus
tified in characterizing aa worldly,
some odd sight are to be seen in tha
gaming rooms ot Monta Carlo. Gam
blers may ba aeen holding ploua
image, and the story la told of a
old lady who had a firs frane pled
which she had a managed to conceal
'A a
among eome rosaries and tba coin had
received an unwarranted blessing. Ot
course she prtxed It too highly to use
it for play, but she believed It brought
luck to all the money which It touch
ed, and In kindness of heart lent it to
a friend. The friend, however, lost
heavily, and at last ventured and loat
the piece itself. '
Gamblers are notoriously subject
to the whims of superstition, and play
era use their favorite numbers. A for
tunate Pole once took away 24.000
as the result ot backing 32 In all pos
sible way, and tha lata M. Arthur de
RothachUd Invariably put hia stake on
No. 17. The Grand Duke Nicholas of
Russia likes to cover his number In
every possible way. and ao, though hia
net gain may be Inconsiderable, he
haa the satisfaction of generally haT
lug something handed back to htm.
He always walks away when he haa
arranged hia money, for he hatea to
see the wheel spin round. His broth
er, the Grand Duke Michael, dislikes
the middle of a table, and aWaya aeate
himself at the end, a place which,
atrange to say, hia mother would on no
account ocupy.
On the authority of a Monte Carlo
official. It Is stated that the bank
drawa most profit from persons of
comparatively small means, since they
are never content with moderate suc
cess, and IT they lose heavily cannot
afford to return for a revenre. "If ev
ery person who won stopped playing
after losing 50 per cent of his win
nings the casino could jot exist
out the woman, as she hurried along..
"I've had them the last sixty yeara.
and I only got the hat yesterdsy."
Harper Paiar.
Sight for tha Neighbors.
"See here, cabby, you have carried
me past my house."
"Well, sor. It must be a great pleas
ure for a glntleman to look out ot tbe
winder of an Ulgant cab Ilka thla waa,
an' ride by tbe place wbera he Uvea
Ita Name.
"I'm doing soma lovely things la;
burnt wood."
"Yea, I notice pyro mania is all tbe
Can It Bat
Bill What ia a 8pug?
Jilt Why. I nmmm It's
Ifarnka H
Tka Smwil ... -
m fl h