Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between t. Helens and Portland 50 cents one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good any time after April 4th Boat Imvm 8t. Heleni T: a. m. Ketnralnf leaves Portland 1:30 p. m. Arrive at St. Helen;. .45 p. m. C I HOOCHKIRK The high cost of living will be greatly reduced it you trade with Oliver & Oliver's Weed forJSale Good Dry Fir, Cut from Large Green Trees. Will Deliver to St Helens for $3.50 per Cord. To Houlton for $3.00:per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard Wood;$4.50 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren, Ore. Wm. Skuzie. St. Helens. Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM .From HealthyCows delivered to your d o.o r every day George konopka PROPRIETOR V-1 Om Wvxt-m 1 I Ik Elastic lrr J f nUitn a nmhAm ear. F Stoclonf. K Cs, AaUef , , I Pf t blukia sssltwtlaa M WOODAID.CLARKIACO. (, IX X pi X a S 2 w M -- cS u n 2 8 S 2 u iJ s a "2 f 2 S 3 i J I a 5 I flj 1 .2 ?i 53 11 . 11 " Let's Get Acquainted If I knew yon and yon knew m, 'Ti tnldom we would disagree; Fat, never haviu yet claaoed hand, Both often fail M audei stand That eaen intend lu d what' right, . Aud tieateach otner ' honor brig 1"; How little tj complain there'd ie II I knew yon aud you knew me! Whenever we bip yon by mistske, Or in T'ur hitl some error nuke. From irritation you'd be free, If I knew y.-u slid yon knew me; Mr whxri the check don't come on ilui. And cumr wnd n ,-nr'y' a line, We'i w it wUnnut autiety, II I knew yon and yon knew me. Cr when tome itood yon "fire back," Or make a k ck" n f thiior thar. We'd tnke it in (' d uart you ee. It i knew you aud you knew me. With nt"mer ten thousand strong, Oceasionallv thing go wroi g Somet mes oar fsu t sometimes th ire Vo 'hfa-a nee would dorreaae all care. Kind f r end. how plessatii thing would lie If I knew you and vou knew uie. Then let no doubting thoughts abide, Ot firm good faith n either idj Conhdemie each other give. Living ourselves, let it her live: But any time you e. me tii wey. Thai you will call wm nope and pay ; . Then lace f tee e each shall eve,. And I'll kuow you and you'll k m mi', Borrowed from an Fatern contemporary, but "Them's Our Heiitimeuts, too " 8? & tr a n cj3 Shoes Dry Goods Notions Groceries and Vegetables All Kinds ok Country Produce Wanted Hardware OLIVER & OLIVER Houlton, Oregon Furniture Successors to White & White Notice to rredttor. r ir rrvrv i di in o ' ri'l NIYO Ot)MM KM he iitsitt- r of e ' I A- ' I. drivfd Notice is hrtr'tv yivm Itnssl bss by" 'd ur p i I il I'd In'stis1!" n a I'. B i. U . v v ( 0 I I : n tlmt Tl om tX-t'll '"'llv ! tif ll' r 'e ' n. il, slid ' 'nl qnalilird s 8.h AH p 1.0 ! glit -tit -' h'r,br tifie,l atd required to r' "',t ,l" Fame, dnlv verlHrd. to -nld admini-tra tor at the lfllf of IMMard Pny. ' f11 llebna, in th C..n tv of Cohiml I. siste o t)i. eon, wi'hin l liionih- It.mi the I'ate of this notice pved St. Hrlriis, Orrgon, and fitst published Kh,7, Thi'in t" Bi"''. A 'ininl trs'w of the etste of Auna F. Dhimm, ileifsfcl -4 .IT it It 1 1 . I For Sale and Want Ads All TkaM C Jubbs Bring Results IS II WORTH 1 Is it worth while to keep the farm premises in the best of order and condition? The answer to the above 1 question came to me in the experi- FOR Sale Five brood sows, one ence of a certain neighborhood boar, seventeen small dim. ! which I have in mind, lhey D. Pasero Bros.. aI1 ood farmers, expert He Teld Her. She I wish I knew bow I eoold mike you extremely happy, dear Karl. He Well, write to your father and aak htm to double your dowry. Meg gendorfer Blatter. 4t were tillers of Columbia City. the "oil- but their lawns, homes ar.d i buildings were in bad condition. Iron Jawed. He Ever notice whnt a heavy face Mrs. Stronemlud hnI Khe Yea. What a thump there'd be If her countenance fell! Boston Transcript. , An Old Joke Retold. Friend The public will raise you 1 now you have left the tace Actor That why I left I dislike being hit London Standard. j THE TROOPER'S PORTRAlt. Literal. "Is that your wife's picture In your watchr "Sure. She's the woman In the caee." Baltimore American. And th Condition Under Whloh It Was Painted by Oetaille. M. Jules CI are tie, who was a friend of Edouard Detallle, tells a charming anecdote of the famous painter In the One brown yearling beifer taken The fields were almost weedless and ud the fore part of September, they were producers of large crop. . . V..a. tL,'a Un.l tAAt riQIIta ! Owner can have same by paying uuv umt .iuuot u Pir, p,. One day a youug troop. charges and proving property fr years, and their lawns and do: r-; er rang at his studio door and asked If C. 0. Dahlgren, yards had grown up to weeds. It j MesfeUl11 W0Ujd mtnd takln Uk St Warren, Ore. was altogether a weedy, seedy look- no Mt yon t'0 B-r uM D : ing bunch of farm yards. taille. For Sale ' v;n v, . Hm when I "M' comrades of the regiment. to one of them was forced to sell, 'owing to failing health. A price j was set and the farm advertised for Four drive. 3tp year old horse, broke Mrs. Backland, Warren. Ore. ESTRAY NOTICE who say that you are Jolly good at catching a likeness, and as I wanted to send a Christmas present to my people I thought I would hare my portrait done br von. How mnch will von saie. rrospective Duyers roae out charge mer to see the place, but invariably rode How mactl ava you In your pock k A , u. .....fij .i. , tT '""ed Detallle. wj vjic Kiatifj lias BaLiauu nirnii ; . 1.1. v -! o M loft', ... ....... .1 anametroop- iiBts lnal lney were nol jooKing ior sucn er pulled out the money, tied up In bis hind foot white, small white spot in . Diace Qne sio-ht of the lawn and handkerchief, adding. -Perhaps that forehead, also white tip on nose . buildinjrs had convinced tbem, for j lio .aid Detain iwo Drown or oay coiw. nuiws "'" they knew nothing of the condition down." And be had soon painted the has narrow white stripe m iace, 0f tne fields. First impressions" soldiers portrait on s small wood pan- feet on right side white: mare colt, : Mtiafil thm .nd nn dhinfftn ' Tr1 'OB ,r hope your peo- ..L.-j tv: T " - pie win llks It" email wniie spoi in ioreneuu. investigate they rode by. After -i think they will," said the trooper. past two years old. taken up several reductions were made from " laa' bad at all." And be no tied Clover Hill Farm, Deer Island. Ore. ; the price 8skedf a buyer was at laat Jh. of ttatai Full blooded Barred tr Iymouth 1 round, tierore moving in tnis man But Detallle stopped him. "No. Keep p.i, oor. nr svpttino-. SI ner had a slight addition bunt onto the '"ur "ue7 out you must uo two house, a window added here and there, the porches repaired and en larged and the house painted. After moving in he went after the bar'is and outbuildings anl wnf even fvjr- pi led himself at the transit mi - eggs setting of 15, George Perry, . Houlton, Ore. fblntfs first of all. spend It all Id drinks to my health, and secondly, don't send me your comrades to have their portraits dona. I should be over worked." For 5ale farm four miles fronu,: n and u n(ui cost bjn myK'- j At my Deer Island, Oregon, on Wednesday March 5. 1913, at 11 o'clock I will sell at auction sale: Two horses, one 9 years old, one 8 years old: two cows, one hog, wagon, buggy, light harness, heavy harness ami various other farm tools. C. J. Lindbom, Deer Island, Ore. For Sale Six-acre farm, good house and out building. Also ten acre tract all under cultivation, on mile from St. Helens, f re. Geo. W. Perry, Houlton, Ore. For SaleThoroughbred Wyan- dott cockerels, $2.00 each. Eggs $1.00 for setting. R. II. Robe .son, St. Helens, Ore CHURCHES- Houlton M. E. Church Houlton, first and third Sunday. Preaching by the 'pasto.. Rev. W, T. Fairuhild at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Lord's Day at 10 a. m., Mr. David Cole, Supt. Yankton, second and fourth Sun - - rchlng by Rev. W. T. ' 1 1 m. m. Union Sunday than he had estimated Nej t le started on the lawr. 1'rst le i- move'J the battered and ijilapi Isti d fence which surrouncrd It ar d thinned out the tn;es. The lp n iti!f was htrder f- tr.i isfont ar d it tjokinuch hard work uid t. tf xd la 'n mower to mal.e it the ;hi' of beauty which c did. JJv j'1 t nVout thii time was wh'S 1 tht ir ' fen be;'an. I laujfh nov a? I ie; i hr.v th other aim; rso ' flie 1. m'.I b rhof'l dropped tlisir ' ' ik : u; th irp!MC3 T h(.-r 'he tt, their budden fixifg V wt. u s to long yt-ars of planning, bdt 1 u -thing has alwajs glj y h ltd th it their suad" n ptido ;.i tl pftirAnr.e of t.'n-ir r-smit--; wr -to 1! e Cijminpr f th- str igi t For many jeirs tie 8 : anjff 1 ini'i'.ved 'he I t-auci 'u! i 11 jf I is home H'A n.xhi. -!.! i out a hrt !n'.e 1 1 f .w? i 1. 1 off;? on hi farm ( i-:itl- 1 ,vi at he p: Jd I'-jr it. When this lean's years m? tir it. . , when he can p ah nit If 1 1 in ito more and when he fim ily p.' .aim. Big Tree of Oregen. "In the forest reserve betw-ei the j be itfTv.iter f the went fork of flood river and tbi r.uil liuo lake are s nue larger iwn bicker than any I l.kve ercr tuu anywhere else in the iiortb west," snys Oeorge T. Prather. a plo oeer of the Hood river valley. "The trees Hre said to be several hun drcd feet hlh and to stand on tbo flat of B hUd. a cpd.'co. tteep bints on rltier jet 1 ; at n ibecorga lu toilet t'Mjr it mt te, and thl r' tson l jivsn I .r ..'o'li rs of those w 11 flsb In thf Ut 1 ikf i irtrtct to Lart 10J id tiir tn i Ti ir lire two siiece t f the I 'On Ibh n velk,l),h and ml very jroitfi :c ud U gtrnl'l.t 1 r. 1 a i nt'tid in .' t 'tnll. It 1m no I1 1 ' ti a reit I I , it ltd hut a 'x 1 i!lui ct( wa Ti ) k ).. d rpecle 1 1 1 r." 1 i O1VKI1I . It 'UIJ. Thi t tl Woods 1 d. lltit V il. , fur utnl a In f. hncl "-try b- ). lie had foriot e 1 hL iills (.lot ics llo a "coui(u:y" so l:li fn vi csl J Into scrvl u J ji.d rjil.i'.sf 1 1 r 'n of. t t Imr beon a y hud a. d h' Vjh hue k h (il ii . yoi. r miiiJnn" 1.11 1 ,rtr j u ton I tt, nun I '.i nm 11 I J( t ct npprot'e 'X youi- n y hi (1 lit I mTis: t I n T to 1 I) , u unrierfc f n; .that u Hve." si.ld Willi -In- "Wi H i. 'I t ti.y Mt ' 'i w i ; J ti- ;.i i t a 't -. 1 I " nfl' I a it ( i - I 'f X ill 1 1 JJ l.Is New Houlton Restaurant MEALS AT AI L hOUFS PROMPT SERVICE CLEANLINESS Our Motto J. H SCHOONOVER, Prop. i IN TMR OINTIT Cni'KT 1 rdl KTTK OK OREiiV Kdlt , coi.t'MiMA roi'XTV. I Klis br'h V n llnr-t-n. rln'litlff. liHiirne Von Ibes-etl, lrf lulsnt v. I T' (ieoru Von II' rs'en, Itrh-ndnnt: I In the n .me nl t e stale of otenon, von are heri hy rrqiirl lo s'wr sn-l ansr t i the cntlint fi'cl s.'slns' von in theab.ierntitlwlrnrti'd cans on o bef're the dn' ollhe-ii''ion ol the time prt-crlb'd in the nr.l. r for t1 t pilMicntinn of ihi jnnri on . mid t l being lb 8ih itav of re'ipi'y 1"! 3. si A if jou fil to o spn:ir and snise , jii.luiiii'nt snd thrreo will h- ukn a.'sinst o for ;ni ih"tV"lss sjierifl. d In tb said rompUiiii, to-wii; ror s d'ree disilvlng 'he bonds of tna ri innnv eistlna lictween plaintiff snd ihr d-,fnilsnt. and for a !ecre r-l"r'iw In psinllff her maiden nani'', KHisl',li Mobn, and for such other and fiiilher relief ns to the court mny seem cquii ible and jul. This antnirions is served bv pnhlir. tioii then of in the "O'e on M' t," newspsper piinie I end publih tl st st. II' 1 ns, rohi 'i h a C'i n'v. oreiron, to Oil t ( l e hov ei titled rourt -t ade, nd d and 6ted therein 01, the 2d iIht of Ib-rember, IPI3, which said order q ITS I list iiniiionsinthi' suit lie iuh. Ithed once a week for six eonseru'lve weeks. Fi st publirstion lV.emlier 27. lit 2 Li p'lliliiat In pehnisr7, IIH'l Oliver M llii'k' y Atlome" lor V'H'ti'if f RI2-14 "Aico IHi'g.. IVilSnd O etfon. SUMMON Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co..... Abstracts, Real Estatejlnsurance. Loans, Conveyancing St. Helens Oregon rr i ST. HELENS Harness : Shoe Shop MliNTCfiMI HV BUIl.DIM. ST. HELENS, ORE. a aeBBBrnaBaaBBPBBHHHMw.. . BJ r jr r-1 m rr ti nrt n 1 yrr emr n t nrrnrYrrnnvYirin . . . .. s 01. i-eiens school Upens Mondar, September 16th 3 School Bcoks and School Supplies in ,S f v WC HA.C AL! O S CURtD THC AGENCY fQft iiiiAi, lit tAklitti LIZ It . i & " Atlwsvarta, lrr- r WE CET THIS RANGE Jj !'!RECTF OM FACTOR" !?. 5 J T ST. JO I , CHEGCN. fi- 17 IS THCtOUG'-.LY VAR. PAN TEED N EVHRY "'AY. COME IN AND SEE IT BE F )R BUY I C, . SOLD BY ir 'J I fiherv' )od ?c Ross, ncusr s jrni-hers L'.ulciUkers Embalmais t'X It lit, IJ fore du l.t your ork. Te is pro .red ; : uu noing T. :I I KN ; - - Om: jn thk nun it rofiiToi' tiik .TATK OF OKKiiOV pi ik COI.I M PiA ci'.vrv ci ri-tire Ssl. ne, 1'U i.iiiT, vs. lie T)te L. Curry, Will am eii-l cU Kiol E. F. Qn.rk. D. f. I lai t-. To Vi ni uniliickn' 11. on-nf 1 . s'ove limed Ichn'l mis : In tli iiiliu o tin- St at-- of Or. if 111, voit ate hi tehy iequ r-d li n- enl fiftrl'cr inpli'ii.: lih d :ifm.t you 'il II e il O.e nlil't l ( our , 11 oi I ci,.,e. the7tbili' of Minh, I'.il.t liel.iu - e k f.- 111 1 lie il i(, o iie iirl ji.,;, i-i' i;ii 1 I ilii" liinii 01 , en I il ) ,11 Mti to opin st a'"l si m, r, fu wii.tih- rol t i intilf apply lo Hie court fur li, ir'n f -li: iriii. Vd in li m uiip'iti. ! , h ih i .lib- sic h, f i h lUnri I ' i 1 l , l!ll 'll-' i ii- 10 k I. j,. a . , mi - Ml 1 1 1 I'irli 11 ihi- , llr In 1 h 1 the ol.' iIhm -Htm r 11 h til i. m r ipi r "'.lo I fi'Uli he tint re if.. 1 I' pWliVi lIllHIl'. if ;lliy. Still liitiiii ., rs c inn i l 'In- .1. , 1 iHt,! i. .1. . erpiin. Sy lie ee 1 f ihi. r( I''.l -ittiv hi I tt I r c !t' d . -t i'tdi.'"' 'I a (iltiitiff .. ;'e iimf I am p " tins' s ai d enu V I n. 1 o ,., , N ie, f at I i'i it h del 111! 11 ti r ! r ol then b noes ile 1, I h.t r In r r lo haidjmiils or 1 nniv , hv I si. ili li nilni I snd '(! ..I tl m 1 'hit em. run it.,i . ri m- v 'i'i l'i 'ftier In hi I toti i u 11 1 k' , mi t - - 1 1 1 in 1 -li I 1 jil" . .11 1! ;l i) ii , (,, ..... , I -li-ij 1 le in n s. !i Vii' ! 111 , i in I ier :a no . il l e ( ' hi . at 'in 11 on- . ui; 1, nj-.. , r il.)- p.l'iic. tiO'lMi-teofii h,. Or- g ., t, pi 1 'ns it tu (,n ( r. p ti o-'tt t y I I' J" ; J. A. I" .Lin, I At.. , f C 11', ! I . .1 t e Iny o ; 111 :li.!. C. , Ciu'i , . .Ito lii:y f 11 ,'ii.j, )ile i f li r I pi 1 li uncti . im a v :', i.1. J'i Photographic Gods - E CA V V O I .ANO A LARGE STOCK OF Tl Celebrated Myal Family Remedies CHO.'L M OKS ARC SOLO STRICTUV FOR CASH A I r r " U . I J f- fVI I lI ( . n r-,1 lf f I- . r- - him, WliuiUlil, JI. HLLL ( I lliaimi...... tt OPEN FOR BUSINESS i fx: DEALERS IN ( Iron-Hrs, :rll,l,'s and Feed Ciinidl Ifwisrhot,! Xinssitics ci:!ty in All Kin !s of Chccsc-Also a V' I. . -rtuK-i.t for First Class Im !""t! a.,,1 DcnuMic Wii.cs of all Kinds Mi' 'fiiverv tu mti- .1 .fc. ir , . . .. -j ... .v in 01. uciens or Houlton Rf'j.cttfully Solicit a Share of the Patronage A at. iu:u:xs Call Us Up 1 i. li 1 at ; , 1 1 1, 11 . c ,1 1 . . . . . - - w w w-e. V4WJVrsMevs ' VI 1 . .. Jfli h IftUl. 11. a. s tt.A. , ..... . I ' I I A I ' H a . w B b;SVASTHr l'i,.,,rH,.r f-oc,rr!f (Unrnre and (,.,... '-'me j ive me a call ai;il y convinml for yourself .1 L. I i.l. I 1 i ..r 1717 i.itei.' -j I 1 ut)iea I. n.Hir,:! 7, ;, , " , ... ! " ' ....... sl W I VI 1 1 Vii.l U i I I I ' t LJial . . I " H to 10 al i . . . r.r.fl. HB.r:. .... m y y ' -," . l.ll. IIIJS HI lilt "sw tn Mm -I MKAI. (JKOCGRY I WW'i.lIT;;.;,, GEOIIGE'S MARKET. Th "(sal . "I d ui.t if Kitty will be happy when I J --:.'-s r,fu For bl-Lrty Rom sued tr.odLl. Trenholm n.f .,- - Iaties. le'oncl recall, who fs there thiicf urtit mv ii ham ")!- i .. "flrrwo r uf s always Baa ner 01m urfs unmn. 1 but Jac will let her do a or- I iki. thin ' "I'm not thinking shout her husliaqd. '' i''U tier cook." floston 3ra DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND POULTRY- III 'nrs to St. Helen Auto C.- ill Misitivflv tnr. f Autos f.r hire. Calls it , 1 I Si .S;-)" msv.. vrt'u nay or night ftlWm3 '"'tic i-o'i ncction f'-r the cars with the IOWDKK "il r- You Can Save 30 Per Cent by Buying Your jLard K mm In P"'V fe, f,,', Matlro J I'KAMiRt I.V , PONT EXPLOSIVES L .XPl.CC.VE3 0Et.VErtOINJ.Tof. loT8 Of. TO ANV Pt UU U COLUMBIA CO.,rTy ON ThJ imr( . 1.. ..- """