St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 21, 1913, Image 8

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    7 " 5"
Valentine eve was very charm
ingly observed on Friday. Feb.
14. at the I. O. O. P. Hall bh the
Win One class, composed of the
ladies of the M. E. church. The
hall was profusely decorated with
festoons of crimson hearts and
nrDouRhs. Mrs. D. T. Genie ,
presided at the Valentine booth,
where everyone bought the little
Jove messages and after address
ing them, mailed them in the
post box in another booth. Mrs.
George Perry was the genial and
accommodating post mistress and
was kept busy with delivering
the missives to the anxious young
people. A booth in another cor
ner was devoted to the sale of
delicious homemade confections.
Mrs. Willis dispensed the sweet
meats. Tables were arranged
for games appropriate to the oc
casion. There was a sort of
shooting gallery, where one miirht
try their luck ' aiming at big
hearts. Mrs. Wm. Ketel, Mrs.
Smith. Misses Beth Perry and
Elinor Savage presided at the re
freshment tables and served hot
coffee and tea and a variety of .
homemade cakes. Although the,
uroflthai uroa inMamant- a 1 u r . i".i
.1 lJ lllkl.UIVNl V I " ' ' - - " ' , , -
number were present, everyone .senator and ventriloquist, ap- - generous isuppiy
having a good time. The pro- peared at Long's theatre, IIoul- of othfcr delicious food. Only 25
ceeds of this entertainment will ton. on last Friday evening, Feb. ce"t3 Pr P'fe. The proceeds
be used toward some very neces-i 14. under the auspices of the wUl go toward the salary of the
sary and much needed repairs to public school. Miss Bonner pre- Pastor. "ev. i airchild.
the interior of the Houlton M. I sented the four-act drama. "Es- On last Wednesday, at Penin
E. church, of which Rev. Fair- j meralda" in a very capable and sula camp. Alfred Peterson, hook
child is pastor. ! artistic manner, bringing out the tender, was instantly killed bv a
On Monday morning about fine fpar of the play by the log chait which struck a snag.
masfprfu wnv in which sh lm. .vbi,d,l n muml on.) fall exit-;. ...
m.On 1. ...V.,-) limits' ' ...i..wiUuuuiui, nnii
baker. Herman Hansel, was re
moving his first baking of bred
from the oven, fire broke out
under the range, and before as
sistance could be summoned the
whole building was doomed.
j Miss Nellie Dunn received a
letter from her parents. Mr. and
avail. The binldirg was in he has a host, are glad to wel
surcd. come him back to his place among
On Friday. Feb. U the Nick the best of "pulton's merchants.
Brinn home near Yankton was Herman Hansel, who was seri
i lie scene of a merry gathering. 0,ls'.v burned while tryirg to
The event was the birthday nn- iscvie some of his effects on
niversary of Mr. Brinn and also Monday when his place was de
that of his old friends, Mr. Rack stroyed by fire, has been removed
and Mrs. A. A. Smith. The' froni the Houlton House, where
friends of the parties concerned ;he was attended by Drs. Cliff of
that all should be a complete : Portland and L. G. Ross of St.
surprise to Mr. Brinn. and it was. i Helens, to the Good Samaritan
At the noon hour, after a morn-1 hspital in Portland, and he is in
ing spent in farm work. Mr. .a very Precarious condition.
Brinn was astonished to find a ! A number of Houlton people
dozen or more guests assembled took advantage of the last night
a"d the table spread for a feast, 'of the Lyceum Course at the St.
with everything good that the Helens City Hall, and went to
skill of Mrs. Brinn and her see the Aller Trio. This nuni
friends could execute. After ber was one of the best of the
dinner the iruests spent a very course, and both Houlton and St.
pleasant afternoon, reviewing old Helens are fortunate to have an
times and playing old fashioned opportunity to see these really
games, and at a late hour bade god things,
good night to their host and; Everyone is cordially invited to
hostess. The guests were: Mr. , come and bring their friends to
and Mrs. A. A. Smith. Mrs. Hoi- Bishop's hall. Houlton, on next
stine, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Kale. ' Tuesday, evening. Feb. 23. The
Mrs. Walker and daughter, Mr. '. ladies of the m. E. church will
Rock and Mrs. Libby Hendricks, serve from 6 to 8 o'clock a real
mother of Mrs. Brinn. New England dinner of roasts,
Miss Grace V. Bonner, imoer-: mKea rean3 Piat0 saiaa. pies
V, !
went to IVrt-' f'.,n;iiv
the 1
weekly trip to Portland Satur- l'!i;irlc
dav. Mrs. Tloniitui has heen land M"ti
seriously ill t r some time. Mid train.
whi'e she is jet under medical Misses A:o a ai d Siwio K'te
tn : tment. si.e is rapidly in- u,reer IV. as St. IMt Im
proving, ilay nilit to :i 1 1 1 iwi the Grace .
Mrs. Walker is seriously ill lit I'.oimer entertainment
the home of her daughter. Mrs. .1 Stradei . w !. lei mei ly w :.s
Springstine. a ivm.'ci t of this cit, mmi- I
oi k r. M
i U..
e etl
from his Lorraine Potter In at mb
,.j.e street ai d
. 1
wul occupy tlie rtNUiiH above mv
.. . i ... I.. it.) in ir
meat mai km
Mrs. t'lmlon 1'iescott
,l,,,,rlit, r Mrs. .lames
mid In r
I lender-
nM ei I ei ' : l
is al tea I ucsiiay in ii'i
fric'io j
Herman had some money hidden
under the floor, just beneath the
stove and was severely burned
while attempting to recover it.
The cry of fire brought the chem
ical engine to the scere, but it
was too late to save the building.
The fire, howevnr, did no damage
to the adjoining property. This
is a severe blow to Mr. Hansel
as it represented everything he
possessed; it is a loss to Hoult n
also; and demonstrates most
vividly the crying necessity of
personated the several charac- Mr. Peterson and crushing his
te-rs. From Mrs. Rodgers, the skull. The remains were taker
woman who ruleth the home with to Rainier for interment. De
an iron will, to the rid man who 'ceased had only beenem ployed at
always declared "You can't stand the bamp a short time. He was
out agin mother." Miss Bonner j 4') years of cge and unmarried.
interspersed the acts with a num
her of excellent specialties, reci
tations of Children, an imperson-i Mrs Aaron Ke statjns ,hat
ation of the stuttering youth and : t;1(?y haJ arrive(, jn SanFrancis,co
an exhibition of her powers as a after a dt.liKhtfuI v e on the
ventriloquist. Miss Bonrer is an :steamer Bear Mr anJ and one of the brst. and ; Kt!ly vi te abfnt ftT sever8,
she undoubtedly deserved a'w .
packed It is seldom that;
an act of such merit comes to a! 'Irs- L- L- eer went to
small town like Hulton and we;Portland Monday for a visit with
should not let an opportunity
pass by unheeded.
Glenn Barrett vent t" Scap
poose to sjH'r-d Si nu;'v viiii rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Porter arc
at home to their frior.ds at ti e turn
residence of Mrs. Porter's father. Sund
J. H. Une in Houlton.
City Kngineer Pay Brewster of
Prineville is visiting his many
Houlton friends.
John Uhlman is rapidly re
covering. Miss Brouse and two children
left on the early train Satuiday
for a visit to relatives in War
ren. Miss Ruth Duncan returned to
her home in Scappooso Friday.
Charles Masten and wife were
in from the camp Monday.
Mrs. Howard was a Portland
visitor last Thursday.
Mrs. Peters and Misses Alice
and Anna Quick of St. Helens
were, guests at the home of Clin
ton Prescott Sunday.
John Deming and brother of
St. Helens attended the show at
Long's theatre, also the Valen
tino party at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall
Friday night.
Mrs. Thompson White am!
daughter Helen went to Portland
Saturday for the day.
Houlton has the distinct io l of
having recently elected to i flic,
a deputy sheriff. II. I,. Welch
had the honor to be appointed.
Mrs. I. J. Herslia is visiting
her mother at Proadacre.
Mrs. Cohen returned to her
home in Portland after a visit te
her friend Mrs. Decker in this
W. E. Stevens of Scappnose
passed through Houlton Thurs
day en route to St. Helens.
.en the uuest el
I'.aseel. v
in Portland
ih in to.v v
,t week.
M-s. .'I ; i v Pa
some t.n.e has
her I M'thcr. F. .1
! to home
y .
Mi . D. T. Gerdes M ei
dav in Portland.
Mrs. Gt rtie Colwel
on Thursday.
P. II. Pop.-, wi:'
were shopt ing in
Mrs. James Hei.deison and son,
William T were the em'sts ol
.Mrs. Pert Timmons in St. Helers
last 'ek.
John l.amher.-on w e:-.i to Port
land Saturdav.
ol ! ri -I
in i n.
i n ;s renovating
die IletilP ii House.
ai.d id eoiilinue
to run it as n
m on
nn nliM-nce on account of Unf I
MiM Kuth Duncan hi teich,
the Happy Hollow eh.,.
Hie everai rounu r riuay.
t . .1. .. i
men i in'ii m JnterniKJlit.1
I i I.. LI. . "I
hi inn uiieiii m ai mi oui M-t, ifl
a long utiHcnce.
d . tit
wtieuim i iummer u ttl.-ent froft
hciiooi on kccount or hicKih h.
M ... tl At- , ..
wii tweniinv ouy in., pupil, o(
the whool nwwmhled in MiwC.1
M,. I' Clark is confined to legue room, where V.lentin,
I.... .,!,-.. en account of illnesH. I""1 hov Iih.J bwn pn-vi..Ul)ly u.
' m,.' pn.un. w ho t.r some lime r,l',l nJ ih oftU
.,,.. ii. ,!,., Hotel, ban Pretty token TurnWu..! unumttm
, .he I.uoont f,,r""- S""'very pretty iJ
... tmtic VHl-ntine wr nm. bytK,
collates in Pottvllle. ! "7 in
.... girls and boy, and the uvl,
" ' 1 i - I ..: i i . I
weie tieniKru iruwni UlllTllHtttkbl I
talent in drawing and punning,
L'. !.. L I. ! . - I .
r i am in r one la Hi wiiumI jm
after miming a cold for svnl
Mr. and Mrs. Jam
Scappooso visited in
St. Helens last Thu
s Uekayof!
!t:;!..n and
sday. l'he ;
were accompan'ed by th.eir 5 : 1 1 i - j
Mi-s Fthvl Matthew s r. iurn .1
to Rainu-r Sumlay ever ir.g t
resume her scln-ol duties, after a
short visit with friends in lloiil-;
ton. I
Kaley Sher.nan was in townj
Tuesday on his way to Portland
Mrs. Morris Churchi'l is at !
home after a brief a'os'i.ce in
Mrs. Samuel I .org is pa i : i vr I. or
of IVrt-
Miv. Si r iirs'" e j.-.: in re.-i'o: so to a
messaeo announcing the illness
of her 111"! her.
Francis Fake is about ngain
and entirely recovered from his
recent attack ( la urippe.
II. O. Oliver and wife have
returned to tlu if homo in
l,r! ai:on, af: r a brief vi-it to
Mrs. i llivcr's parerts. Mr. and
Mrs. I. a", Tarl el: of near
;.a'd an unwelcome
R. a's home at the
in t. r. Iieir g the
.trip of bacon, a pail
a loll of butter.
visit to !!.'
larder of a
of lard ami
N. O. Parrabee sold his fine
team of horses to M. .1. Ford on
friend3' - 1 Miss Gertrude Philip and Mis
"a"j xuncu.o.c Ul luiimnu tiartiour or t. Helens were 'iref-
daiiuliter. Mrs. Barrv
land, an extended i--it.
Oliver Smith was in fsoui his
ranch beyond Yankton on Tues
day. C. U. Powell is visit i-i; his
daughter, Mrs. Willis. I'ntil re
cently Mr. Powell re.-ided in
Houlton: leaving t 1 i s c'y logo
to Rainier, where le:' and his son
Oscar have a meat market. Mr.
Powell 's anticipat ing a trip tiack
to his old home in Missouri and
Mo ml
to bo
I :.n
.);:. .
Ii I eitermarn is
s'ea i'l.prnv :ng
Wclne-wlay, teb. 2, w Jjj.
poln.i birthday and MImh Conloguo
pupils Kpent the dny f:sliionii4
booklet which they dt'iint thtm.
s.v.!. Them little tt.k!-ta (oj.
tained nketchx of the life of ALrv
ham Lincoln, written by the chili
n n, they having itudicl the wk.
jut thoroughly. MIm Ci,nlcgu'i
rtwiin loea mme htgMly r inmeni
able work under her capuhlu tuptn
. Wm i
ars v;
' .'' ! r i
. Wrlai
o H''i
I d
i ! , I ;
'd ,
! .1
"o i
c.d le.i.
ii g for a v.
is'ef. Ml'. v
it :
r c o ;
Ten little girla from the chool '
Bold ticket for the Grace Itunntt
cntertainmenl on Friday right
posed of, the glrla worked cvu
Pn.f. K. L. Black acted in tbt
capacity of ticket-aeller Friday
niKht for Mhw Honner'a niTair it
Lmik' theatre.
(hir heating system i undoubtedly
iturday a uniipue urranKCinent, thu coM lir
visit to "haft u-ing on the floor level, the
hoc nir entering over head.
It Mto ! reifretted that we have
no parent visitors to record iha
-. Cato's
:md Mrs.
I Satur-
' : Makay, in
A 1. 1 (Jcorge.
I'l-rry I'sher went t ScappiMse week. The absence of visitom
on last Thur
visited bis fripnrl T O I.aralioo i ... . . .1
Hnulfon fit hist hns a mpaf rmr . t-"L ul U1L v.wunimt' pany 11 uie
Mm.n..l .cK,m f alarn in ! Wpt nnd if was badlv nvoA.-A ; U. I . nail 1 1 Hiay Mgr.t.
suiuc eu.n. .,o.u..v. .. ........ 1 TT . - r,-e.n
w ho were for
Kang.iiMos. in'c
iitachinerv to ar-
southern points. . . , ,t ' ,1
1 live 1. oa at ai.;. time, thi 11 they
Mrs. Allen baugh of Kadnllor wiii add another notabl.-itulustrv
will leave shortly for various
uierly km
epectit :.
live 1.0.V
l e' s.
a n a;
it ai.v
surely not from lack of interest, but
simply du- to the habit of Maying
rlat was a visitor to this city on in eur thriving 1,'tleeitv ii. ,i ..
caseof fire, and also for a volun-1 George Chambers, formerly of , i Mesdames George Brinn and Monday. 'furniture n.akh.g
teer fire department. An auto-; the firm of Welch & Chambers,;',. Lynch (t bu llek-n9 w John Lamberson has
mobile that hat-Dened to beat will occupy the old stand and! iOinner guests of Mrs. Libby his garden plot id' rubbish and is
the depot awaiting the 11:30 serve his customers to the best
dinner guests of Mrs.
Mrs. Luman has been confined j Hendricks Saturday. .
School Notes
-D;n r,roAfl into service to of his ability. Mr. Chambers is to her home for several days with
take the chemical engine to the an experienced man in this busi- i'a KriPPe-
scene of the blaze, but to no ness, and hi3 friends, of whom! Mrs. A. E. Thompson made her 1 9-pound daughter.
preparing to plant garden. 4'his
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Brannon looks as if
at their home near Yankton, a 1 here.
spring were ii.deei
George Chambers moved his
HoU l..v.,
Illll seh
uiiell ;e, I H;o
t:te.-. the Si
1 1 rjeKo!:Is )r enilai.l.
1 i tli no,,e of fi sr te ol Or. g n, 0-Ur of -lie
y ii an-li-rriiy r ( ore. I to app Mr i nn
ai. '.'.tr I t i 'in p .i .lit lile't t toil
jl, I, c ib .v; .! li 1" 1 i.O loll Ol IT iifVi-f
,r in th -
Notice to Creditors
i ft. J. Kaiienskv, Plaintiff,
t . . t. ftutfltp nf iI:Ve i vs.
Kllii, Deceased. '
Notice is hereby giTHiiliat the iiml. i
eigned wan, on January 17, 1013, '' V
appointed dminiatrtr of tlie e';t
i,lxe nmed by tlie ju.lgf of tt.e nl
entitled court and that l.e hs pi .1 Ii i
Any and alt persona b8iligC'ai'ii"asifi'
said estate are herebyutififd t ,: !i
the siime, duly verified in il.e m i n
required bj law and witb p ';"
voucliera therefor oiuc el, wii.'.i ''
monilu from the putlication of t!.:, to the undersigned t tre I h -of
Malarkey, Ceabroek A I'il.W-, I .'.on
15)2 Veon Building, Portland, i)re .n.
Dan .1, Malaik y. Admiiiistti or.
D.ite of firet putilicatio'i, T- fl. H'oi.
Date of taut pu--licati-m, Feb. 2X, I'll-Malatki-y,
Seabrook A 1'ib' ! .
Attorney f r Adii.'nit
1 C lland, Oie;,"i ,
STATE op OR I CON, Kolt C lr
g'i.eia .
-l:o :
l.iie.a ii ( tins
r 1-efore lie 1 I ll
f i
t Oo.l Oat five per cent p-r aiinuni fiom
ti e l!' h d iv . f Mareh. 1!U 2. lUe fiinher
so . o f ,Q no a attorney?' 'e-, and the
t M : .) !ii'M -eineniif thi ac ion :i j xilIC ( IKC'L'IT C'i't'Kr
l a "l for in t, e c mpUiul tiled b rein
lo wh'i h referenje is hnrei.v ni de
Tni Siininii.ii is erwd upon you I y ' MRIA COt N'TY.
I u1 lii !i.,n tlitr-of for -ix etk mk- Trina Kanti PI out ff
c s-ivclv in tbe Si, H-'ei Mist, bv V
Hoti' r..b e W. , i ,tii. "
( o.nti J.idtf , ii. til i: in the sibke n ef
llotioft.t. h J A. Kut.i , Judi'e of ll e
alioie eiritli d Court, hi li ..ol. ris
d e l n 'li -VNt. ay o' l t' ru:rv, I'.'i:;.
pit rf it- il it ti n it I-el, 21. I'd::.
ill -
Pefi-M.'.o t.
f Or
a-pci oi
r-; i.
-.. 1 1 1
J-. n: t o ii
o 1
'. I! r i '
; J '-
i I : r.
I' , Oi
( r. it I
to v, ' i
Ik', i rr 'it;i ' ; y m;
or ti ;i;i,o l ou Mil",
.'j Oi; i I.f .lit.
In fie ratn i lie s a'e
you a'e tierebv .1 I,
a'i-er I l,e eoiopl out hi. d ii.s' ..n n
the ei t iled action en or l.e'or
i ts fr in .he .n ' li.- ti..n
-in. .iii ii . (: i t: ei or l f.i.f 1 : II'
d f ril. !;:, n I Sf o i f i ' . .,, .
1 r ei a f .-; i i. ,,. i i ,
r' -In- 11 w.'i ' j i tiMi-e t aj. ii I .
f. r il.e Hen ,,i .(O.iO. v-g h i-.i
ii.'in s the. ...ii at t e nOe o i i
run p r u l ! n tiom th . ilvel
A tin. f. 'ion f : .".n I o
a- ft'or. i fee, nn I the osi hi,. I di
h'irs. nn nn t,f thin i c'ion h pi. y. .l f r
ht ll O del it d it' ll
I thru .iy. l!i::i
I 'am ol firl I lih'ieat ii. i' I. I'e'i. .
la e , I l.i t pni. f.iiio .i. v,,, ii 4
Ioi.inolis A I 1 1 1 1 . Si pel, I,
Attoi liev for I'mii tilT,
' Hi I' -r.t ,.f Tr ..1.
I'.il i oi ', ' iny ii
K.I". lint li.-
." Ill Hie llil.T
- llf IILl't" llllili
liesiiiut, one
I .1 i:.. . ,- ,
I..n M hi ,
IHMill I tlike .. li. ,1 h.-l .1
i uii.l for Mipper tueli
I new laid it hi,, a
Her of Mo- nillk "
I .'lie i.m. it inn.;. i
i p. II lent lee ii ni. i rr
I 'I he eiKlile. nl'i i . ( 1 1 1 y
' ""I h' easiiy vile ! 1 'l l,,. ,,.,ri,, ,i
1 t
Administrato'.'. Notice
t .
i j
1 I t
STATK OF OliKii'iN' I OK ( OI.
UMi'.IA C'3'.'NTY.
- i :
1 I
; H 1 1.1 i I.
1 I lie- St.'-1 ' '
, i . ! r.
i a;- I ;.t .v.
. . ii i i
i" i
: 11;
:i tl:
d hf.itei I. wh
' (If
I l-l-l
e 1
la oil filr
. KIV .1
l Hi if i.- -.1 ii j, ei
1 I- ef or .ix v. e' s .
'. ' ! 111 Ml I
i lb ii', ( die t;
tscii .; i. tiie lb ,
f 111 i 1 i) c t ll i 1 i i
It W.ii Entirely Too Dainty to Suit Hr
Italian Doctor.
T!i. I re-lpc of I lie t.ill.'it S.-olmnnn
In l..iiii..ii -two ine.iU 11 day mid live
f'l.ev.-r V 1, ill. 1 In, I liuve :iiiejlli-il 1 1,
the l-.imlMitiian of Hie cli;htcenth een
11:1 J nor yet to tlie man who lived
iilioenl Heie. f,i- In -.In nee, lire a few
l:ii'... whl h l.mlv Mary .Mnniuii man
In exl-t mi in Italy:
wake iilimit 7 mid ill-Ink half a ilnt
of wnrin iix-ieH- milk," the wrote, "nfter '
nllleli I Hleep two llOUIH. Tllell rolllO j
thieu I11 i-ir? eiipx of milk colTee mid two I
lionri lifter 11 larce np of milk elioco-
lute. Two loon 1 inter my dinner, I
wlii l-e I never fall to Hwullow n u
ill '1 'I iV.ll't lii.e.n p;:it,. irK-iiv.V mi'ip.
all Hie lreiul. r.n:. et"., belong
In P. II I then ei.t !l wins nml tun
whole body of n lait. i fat ra:.nii and 11
Veal fe.veelhread, 10 leiiulins v,-Hi n (
com ) 'tent ipiautlly of en I iril riel
MisGraet? Itonnvr, who (IrliKtited
n small audience on Friday I'vening,
tuni. il over to 1'rof. lilack the sum
of f 2.L'." for whool tcltvnneiiU.
Tiie display of valfntinea in Mia
.Masten'a ruotn in wdl worth tu eing,
partieuhirly o an they wto mail
! ihe little ones nhemwlvti, urnler
ihejrui.lani'tf of Uu.'ir ikillful tn her.
Helen Lnrm waa absont Monday
ami Tuesday on account of illnew.
Wallact- Cmuau failed to r. iort
M .mlay tnorninK and Harold Pecker
went home at mum of the sam
day. Itoih are aick.
d':.;::!';: Ust Thurfciay. while Pi,inK in
ii.. "u-ht ti. '"' s, hoo, Orville. the 15-'iir old
of Mr. and Mra. Nick lirinn
as u'l,,. 1;.,, ,,.,, V..L...
- . . niiKiMll. iiuii.'wi
. es-.ip,.,! ft Rt-fjou, accidi-nt The
tor marveled i, 1 ,,iv M;irt ,.,.,
I" MHIve Will, .1, Hill, kll Iiall strneU flr.itl.. ; .u i..r. ..
-ei-v ' ...v ... tut; n .i
"' " 1 NhationnK lii KlaswH and cutting a
d. i . v:sU juKt 1-flow the -ye.
tile.- l.ond.ili I !,i
Livcf.y.' Fegj and Sale Stable
All Buainc.a Promptly Attended To
VI. HrXi.N.i, ( iitf.ON
en 1
r uited . h"-t nn '
1- 1
f jo pi
A'l'.rt K
In . ... 1
V e ar.- I .
aii - w 1 1 .
I,, t . a .
11 11, III .
' A p
fail t J
. IT .
: (;..:: ,;,
.'.I ' . ell
is ,n, I' ui
, ki. I .tee,
C 1;
I.. I.
In tlie matter of tl e eetn'.e
H.iyburn, d. l eased .
Notice is herenv (?'ve -. that V V.'
Harrison, as the ndm ni"-trat. t cf .1
ttate of Joseph Hayburn, dei ea d. ha.
tendered and pie-enlti, for setib nie i',
and filed in paid court an f' ai'iom.l
of bit adniinis'ration of s,iid ei-tate, 1 n'l
that e'onday, the 2UU daj of l ebruary
1013, at 1:30 o'clock p 10 of sai I da at
tue court ruoin of sai.' c in , a tiie o-ir
hou-e in ih i-i: y of f.t . Helen" Co, lun
ula comity, Oreiron, Iiim b-en dn y t i
pointed bv t' e Jmle of i il c urt ,'or
the eettlenient of sai I h. t li i h
time and place any pem-j 1 i-ner-t"d in
laid estate may appear and li e cx. ep
tion to raid account a id have their ob
jection to raid account heard. 1 iU-rot, ihe plainri.T uifl take j, id, merit '
",M " P"W.ibeJtif IMth day aK ol yon tr tie .urn 01 loo.Of wih !
. iitereI oil t.THl.lH) at 6r iK-r ..,. r .
P-. W. Ilarrimna, au. um fimii ih- IH'h ifa. ,if Sornntvr, j
A A-Jmiuwltniur. lull t i tmlt 19, V12. and imcreal v I
be 1
1.: v,l fee (!:
i a : r- il,t
' I I" t I'll:1,!!.!,
,,i ' i a .
in 11 1 t'u
i' i i,' lb'! ' le .i ;
:' rr ' I" , brt i .'11 1
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C n i Ic.i'it J -re''
T "I ll ! I i) ' 11 L e,
,11 I'
'J ' )
f r i
iiuaf. Night, Feb. 22n:L
CHT 1 1 ALL ST. I!ELir
ii wns iPiUiiM'.iiimiin;:;' :!.. Uii;ii iii.i
;: '. arc.'i IHtJi to April Inth
0:1 S;-;kaa-3, PortJaad & Seattle Rj.
d 1.1
n . 01
I . i.j rt
i. 1.1.
.ei I
i fr 111 t c roll, ca 101. ' ili ,
.. ,-i s, to-- it .the llt'i d.ij
r i I l!)l i, and if v o 1
"pi .r i.f answer f ir uin' i
ot Jmnamry, 1913.
. 11 J I. , 11:- 111 ie 1 1. o,
:! ,.. ..i-i. -.- J A I. .li", j id ..' !.
.li s e i-in.ii.l eo-.iit, w ii. I. .'.'-ji.i i
'a:; I tee LI I day .1 Pc'.ri r. ";.!.
Jaie of fir-f piihlici.tioi. i' l'i h. Ll I !),.';
f 'ate of la.-t pub! Cati 11 iu.t j ril -I.ifiJ.';
J.'uiinoi A IC1.J111004 A I 1 Id,
Aft.. n i) f '.r I' Hint (I.
fiO Hoard of Trade,
I'ort uid, Ore.
w ;: .my i.. i. f, i
-.I . Ni Hi I :
.St. Helens, Or. I
V IH OD St. p,lu
.'7 01 Miiiticapolii
''MM) Uilutli
70 K;iiiri City
-M Omul, a
' r'0 Si. Joseph
Titfl.1 ivi-nro .
.. ' n ' ' poNTS IN PROPORTION
no. 00
co. 00
:).( 0
W. IJ: SXW ,EK, l.nfic M
P. E. WALKER, A,.nt
I 1 "'""nu, uregon
Houlton, Oregon