St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 21, 1913, Image 6

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    V- )
you wm find our new'
Implement catalog a
good thing to own. it
ileal money making
saying farm machinery
Full of GOOD things !
from cover to cover. ;
e sena it free.
mention this
Portland, Or.,
Why Jam I Regarded With Favor
y the Inhabitant of Hla
Boarding House.
Jamea la a very popular negro In m
boarding nous and la accounted un
usually reliable. Ha receives, there
for, frequent gratuities and la exceed
ingly prosperous.
This In spite of the fact that he has
one of the greatest capacities for for
getting of any one to be met with
Ten among the employes of a board
ing house.
What, then, ta the secret of his repu
tation for being a reliable man? One
' boarder has studied tha problem and
tires the answer:
"He never refuses to execute a com
mission. Is always apparently atten
tive to any order given him. and when
the angry boarder blows him up for
bis failure to do what he was told he
takes It meekly and stoically.
"He seems such an easy mark that
the boarder goes on and on with his
abuse until he feels that be has gone
too far. Then he grows ashamed of
himself and slips James a Quarter.
"Thank you. sir." says James, and
they both feel better, and the boarder
remarks. 'James Is pretty good boy
after all.'"
Success these days means work
and lots of it. You can't work
at top speed unless your stomach
is right on the job. If it isn't, try
Stomach Remedy
and get back into the stride at
once. Time is money and you
can't afford to lose any.
Get the remedy at any drug
store or send to
Powell Remedy Co.
Spokane, Wash.
$1 a Bottle. Six Bottles for $5.
America Always First.
"A machine that can do almost ev
erything but talk has been Invented
by a German," we read. That Is noth
ing. A machine that could talk was
Invented by an American
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham' Vegetable
Elkhart, Ind.: "I suffered for four
teen years from organic Inflammation,
.female rreaaness.
pain and Irregulari
ties. The pain to
my aides) were In
creased by walking
or standing on my
feet and I bad such
awful bearing down
feelings, was de
pressed In spirita
and became thin and
pale with dull, heavy
eyes. I bad si doc
tors from whom I received only tempo
rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E.
I'inkham's Vegetable Compound a fair
trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have
Bow used the remedies for four months
and cannot express my thanks for what
they have done for me.
"If these lines will be of any benefit
yon have my permission to publish
them." Mrs. Sadie Williams, 455
James Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to-day holds the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ills
we know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkham
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to
prove this fact
It von fiAVA th nHerhtnt danht
hI.rdK I'lnkhutn'm Veareta-
eini,nirNniui will lielpymi,wrllO
I CO',. C a
i .
read nI smurcrril hr m woman. llrom T,m "na 'ea to earn a wage
auul held lu strict wuildenc. ta bo' ut'b cm to and he I
Hddirton Peace
'BTletojer Robinson
The Serjeant stepped forward and
whispered. The man was sufficiently
satisfied, for he dropped the slide at
once, and the door swung back to ad
mit us; the hilryfaeed porter bowing
a welcome in polite submission. The
Inspector led the way up the stairs,
and I followed at his heels. The Ser
jeant had disappeared.
It wa3 a broad, low room in which
we found ourselves, the rafters of the
roof unhidden by the plaster of a cell
ing. Round the walls on benches rang
ed behind tables a dozen men sat
smoking and drinking. The chatter
of talk faded away as we entered. Iu
silence teey stared at us, calmly, judi
ciously, without fear or curiosity. 1
could not fcavo !mag1ued a more com
posed and resolute company. I felt
that 1 currWd myself awkwardly, as an
Impertinent Intruder should: but the
Inspector suunUred across the room
to a bar on the further side as calmly
as If he were tte oldest and most
valued member in the club.
A pale-fared man with a stained and
yellow beard rose from his seat be
hind the glasses. His eyes were flxd
on Peace with a weak, pathetic ex
pression like a dog in pain.
"Good evening, Mr. Geealman." said
the inspector. "Can I Lave a word
with you?"
"Yes. sir. If you will kindly step Into
my private room," he answered In ex
cellent English, opening a hatch In
the bar. "This is the way. sir. If you
will follow me."
We walked after him down a short
passage and stopped before the dark
nets of an open door. A spurt of a
match and the gas jet flared upon a
bare chamber, hung with a gaudy pa
per and furnished with half a dozen
wooden chairs set round a deal table
In the center. In place of a carpet,
our feet grsted upon a smooth sprtn
kllcg of that irrey tsnd which may
still be found in old fashioned Inns.
It was here then, if the detectives
were not mistaken, that this crime
had found a climax, this sordid mur
der not thirty hours old.
. "if you would like a Are. gentlemen,"
ujtgested "I can easily
fetch fome coals."
"Pray do not trouble yourself." said
the Inspector, politely. "My name Is
Peace, of the Criminal Investigation
Department, and I railed to Inquire If
you can tell me anything concerning
the murder of ti e sculptor, Amaroff."
"I know nothing."
"That Is strange, seeing that he was
strangled In '.his very room."
"HereT" cried the Pole, with a stare
of u nb lief changing Into sudden ter
ror. "Here in my room."
"So I believe," said Peace.
The man swayed for an Instant,
grasping at the back of a chair, and
then dropped to the ground, moaning,
bis face covered with his hands. In
that crouching figure before us was
written tbe extremity of despair.
"Come, come, Greatman. pull your
self togetber." said the Inspector, tap
ping him kindly on the shoulder. "If
you are Innocent, there is no need to
make all this fuss."
"It was Nlrolin who lied to me," he
:ried, lookir.? up with bewildered eyes.
"Very probkbiy." said Peace, "It Is
a habit with him."
"Yet it was I, miserable that I am,
who made ihe meeting between them.
Before Heaven. It was with the Inno
cence of a child. If those my com
rades of llie club but knew "
He hesitated, his eyes searching the
room In sudden terror.
"OV'te rue by seeing that we have
Do comrades already at the keyhole,
Mr. I'Mlllps." said Peace.
There wa no one at the door; no
ant In the dark passage; and when I
In a crumpled heap,
returned 1 found that Peace bad lifted
the caretaker to a chair, where be sat
"You can trust us," the detective
was saying. "Believe me, Greatman.
It will be best for yourself that you
bide nothing."
I And so with many fierce crlts and
1 protestations, this poor creature be
gan bis story.
! It was Nicolln, it seemed, who had
j discovered that Greatman, tbe care
taker of the Brutus Club, was one and
the same with the forger, Ivan Kroll.
of Odessa, who had been wanted by
the Russian police for close upon
twelve years. Out having a shrewd
bead on his shoulders, Nicolln made
no Immediate use of his knowledge.
( For forgery a man might be extra
dited from England. Onre in Russia
the charge would be altered to nihil
ism, and then Siberia. It was not
pleasant for the caretaker of a nihil
ist club to be at the merry of a black
besrded spy lounging on the step out
side. "It was that which drove me to
the brandy," said poor Greatman,
alias Kroll.
j About the end of August there be
; gan he continued, a duel of wits be
tween the two men, AmarofT and
Nicolln, the reasons and causes of
which did not. If be might be per
mitted to say, concern us N'lcolln's
! career wis dependent on bis success.
Tor him, failure spelt permanent dis
grace. Tet U was Amaroff who was
playing with his opponent as a cat
I with a mouse, confusing and surpris
ing him at every turn, driving him,
Indeed, when time crew pressing, Into
desperate measures. At the last he
tfnmA a nUn AA Vlcnlfn . -1 .
worthy of his most cunning brain,
"This, then, he did," ended the poor
cir(kr. "He came to me X who
r Wend. I whom he had tum-d
says: 'Kroll. In my pocket la a war
rant that will send you back to the
snow places In the East; do you fear
me, my good Kroll?' And I feared hlin
'See, now,' he said, 'we desire to see
your friend Amaroff for a little talk.
Wr cannot harm him here In this
mad country. Contrive a trick, bring
him Into your private room behind the
bar. Give us the key of the yard door
that we may come secretly to him
and afterwards you will hear no more
of Siberia from me. Do you consent?'
"Gentlemen, I believed him, also
having fear of the snow places; and I
"So Amaroff answered my call, and
with some excuse I left him In this
room. It was at a time when few
members were In the club about
seven of the clock. And tbat. as I
live, la all I have to tell. I waited at
my seat behind the bar. I saw noth
ing, heard nothlLg and at last when
I went to my room, behold it was
empty! I tried to suspect no wrong
but I did not sleep that night In the
morning I saw In the papers that
Amaroff, my friend, was dead, and
how he died I could not tell."
"So Nicolln won the game," sug
gested Peace, softly. "And there will
be no regrettable Incident when the
Cxar enters Paris the day after to
morrow." "Of that I have no knowledge," said
Greatman; but I saw a sudden resolu
tion shine in his face that seemed to
put new heart Into the man.
"Well. Mr. Phillips." said the in
spector, turning upon me with a warn
ing quiver of the left eyelid, "it Is
to meet Nicolln at the studio by seven
tomorrow morning. We must get to
bed early."
"Certainly," I said. I was rather out
of my depth, but I take myself this
credit that I did not show It.
"Then do you search the studio to
morrow?" asked Gres'man.
"Yes it has been arranged."
"But will you not first arrest this
Nicolln, this murderer?"
"My dear Mr. Greatman," said the
inspector, "you have told us your
story, and I thank you for your con
fidence. But I advise you now to leave
things alone. I will see Justice done-
don't be afraid about that. For the
rest, please to keep a silent tongue In
your head It will be safer. There) la
still Siberia for Ivan Kroll Just as
there may be dangers from your
friends In the club yonder for Julius
Oreatman, who arranged so indiscreet
a meeting In his private room. Good
night to you."
Tbe caretaker did not reply, but
opening the door, bowed us Into the
passage that led to the big room. We
had not taken half a dozen steps when
I looked back over my shoulder, ex
pecting to see him behind us. But
he bad vanished.
"He's gone," I whispered, gripping
my companion by the arm.
"I know, I know. Keep quiet."
. As we stood there listening, I heard
the sudden latter of boots upon a
stairway, and then silence.
"It appears to me that we shall
have an Interesting evening," said Al
dington Peace.
A twist In the passage, a turn
through a door, and we were rattling
down the back stairs and out Into a
moonlit yard. In the denser darkness
under the walls I mads out a double
row of big barrows, from which there
came a subtle aroma In which stale
fish predominated. From amongst
them a tall shadow arose and came
slipping to our side.
"He's oft, air," said tbe Serjeant,
for It was he. "Rushed or, shaking
his Cat and talking to himself like a
for It was be. "Rushed by, shaking
iwm Ml m iif'sltf'i
madman. Where has he gone, do yo
"To Amaroff's studio; and we mu
get there before him. The nearest cat
rank. It you please. Jackson."
We ran through the yard, hustled tit
the narrow streets, lost ourselves, a
far as I was coucerued. In a maze o
alleys, and Anally shot out Into a roai
Ing thoroughfare, crowded with
strolling population. No cab was ti
sight Opposite the lamps of the un
derground station the Inspecto
stopped us.
"It would be quicker." he said, will
a jerk of the head, and we turned Inti
tbe booking ottke and galloped dowl
the stairs. Luck was with us, and w.
tumbled Into a can lags as the trait
moved away.
We were not alone, and we jour
neyed In silence. Station after sta
Hon slipped by. uutll at last we wen
In the southwestern district again. M
excitement Increased as w fled u
the stairs of the South Kensington sta
tlon. Here was a new sensation, keen
virile, natural; here was a race wortt
the trouble It Involved. I did not un
derstand; but I knew that on our speW
much depended. Indeed, 1 could nav
shouted aloud, but for the Influence oi
those two quiet, unemotional llgurei
tbat trotted on either band.
I regretted nothing an hour of thti
was worth a year of artistic content
At the corner we found a hansom
and soon were rattling down tb
King's Road. When the cab stopped,
to the Inspector's order, It was not
as I expected, at the corner of llardei
Place, but a street preceding It Dowc
this we walked quickly until we cams
upon a seedy-looking fellow with a rei
muffler about bis neck, leaning against
tbe wall.
I was surprised when we halted In
front of him.
"Good evening, Harrison," said tb
Inspector. "Anything to report?
"They're there, sir. They cams
about ten minutes ago. Job and Turn
er are watching the door In Hardeo
Place, and I came here."
"They didn't see any of you?"
"No, sir, I am sure of It."
"You had better Join the others In
Harden Place. Keep within bearing
and If I whistle, kick In the side doot
of the studio It can be done. There
Is a man who I fancy will have a key
to the door that Is due In about Ave
minutes. If I have not whistled be
fore be arrives, let him through. You
"Yes, air."
Tbe detective faded discreetly Into
the darkness, while the Inspector
turned to me.
'There may be complications, Mr.
Phillips, and no slight danger. I
must ask you to go home."
'I shall do nothing of the sort"
"Mutiny," be said; but I could see
tbat he was smiling. "You are rather
a fraud, Mr. Phillips rather a fraud,
you know. There is more of a light
er than a dllletante In you, after all.
Come, then, over you go."
She Says We're Much Too 8lndr.
A Russian princess who Is now Id
Washington has created a commotion
In social circles by criticising th
American women for being much too
thin. "American women of good
breeding are Blender to the point ol
emaciation," says the princess. "They
hurry too much, that Is the reason.
Everywhere you see the American,
whether she Is going shopping, visit
ing or elsewhere, she Is moving fast,
as If she did not have a second to
lose." The princess doesn't seem to
realize that Just now the one aim of
the American woman Is the extreme
blenderness which she finds so un
lovely. For a Nw Umbrell.
Defore using a new umbrella Inject
a small quantity of vaseline Into th
hinge portions of the frame. Vase
line will not spread like oil and spoil
the covering, and Is a sure preven
tive against rust. Wet umbrellas
should be stood on their handles to
dry; this allows th water to run out
of them, Instead of Into the part
where the silk and libs meet, thus
causing tbe meal to rust and tbg
Ilk ta rot
Basque Coat Is Seen Everywhere
on These Costumes.
Revival of th Ntwmsrk.t and th
Olrectolr I Also Noted-Trim-nets
Always th Main Thing
to Bs Attained.
NKW YOUK -Kvery woman 1
present discussing the new tail
or made They loom so large
on the imidlKtlc horizon and the
'details are Just now so enthralling
that there Is scarcely a lea table
whore the subject does not ilrie to the
surface above the clatter of the tea
cups during the hour between 4:Jl
and 5:30. Those, too. who have been
too precipitate I" chosslng their out
fits for the coming months are repent
ing at leisure, In view of the tempt
ing models over which the tailor Is
expending much thought and atten
tion. The basque coat is making Its ap
pearance to such an extent that It ran
uo longer be Ignored. Kvery where
one sees It.
, The accordion plaited basque lias
struck the newest note of all. "
chiefly to be s i In conjunction with
the velvet suit, and Is. of course, only
possible to the woman of tall, slight
figure, who has nothing to fear from
the lntrodurtlon of superfluous full
ness, the basque being about fourteen
Inches deep and plaited as closely ns
the young debutante's ball gown of the
eighties. In nearly every oilier case
the fronts of the baaipie are cut
away, while there is more than a mere
suggestion of the Newmarket cont
which was wont twenty Ave years
ago. In the pocket lisps which ap
pear on the seam of the basque, the
manner In which the latter Is split up
In the mid. lie of the bark, and In the
trim tautness of the whole costume.
With the revival of the Newmarket
there Is, beside, the revival of the ill
rectotre. The tall, slim woman looks
her best In the Utile cutaway cont.
with its long postilion ceaUalls, Its up
standing turnover collar, and its huge
striped revers. These latter are a
feature, of the coats in almost all
styles for winter wear.
llut where Is the ItoheHpU rre collar
where the morning costume. Is con
cerned. Want of Trlmneis Gone.
Every woman who looked confident
ly for these features of fashion among
the new styles Is metaphorically rub
blng ber eyes at their sudden disap
pearance. Gone, In fact, Is everything which
seems to suggest a certain slopplness
of style or want of trlmness. Once
again we have our collar bands con
cealing the throat as completely as
we revealed It in tbe summer and
surmounted, as the season advanced,
Ith a tiny strip of fur. which, against
the pink and creamy smoothness of
a good skin, will act as a most potent
and valuable beautlfler. The new and
curious relics of ornamentation as re
gards these collars Is supplied by a
little square of flimsy lace, hardly
larger than a dolly, which hangs sus
pended from the top of the collar In
front over the vest like a bib which
bas been attached under the chin,
i And hern, Indeed, is the new note
modified and softened Into feminine
nulse, but unquestionably following
the masculine idea, nevertheless.
The tailor suit which Is to bo ilrst
In favor and most in demand Is the
cult which faithfully follows the lines
of a man's morning coat In some thick
and heavy but plain and fairly smooth
1 material, while the skirt Is of striped
jolting, such as supplies the correct
trousers with the morning coat. Fall
ing this strict adherence to a man's
fashions, there are numbers which are
Box Table.
A handy place to keep dollies, em
broideries and crochet material, pat
terns, etc., can be made of four cheese
boxes, well washed and dried and
lined with any suitable material, ac
cording to a writer In the Modern
I'rlscilla. Use a cord at the top edge
of the box to cover tho edge of lining.
The legs are made of eight pieces of
balf round molding, each two feet
long. Two strips of the molding are
used side ay side for each leg and
t I
: Ml
I It!''
being mad" .o two material", the eo
,,lvet with a thick loavy rib."
Ullt , p,, Ml, or. lie .
velvet, i"' " ,
.dunned lightly upon
It, put hoi
... Il.iil II SIIKgCHl"
a flat wall
paper design and whirl. I" "rl
with a cloth skirl.
Mole Is. curiously enough.
,.ln the uotmlar color '"'
....iiti.. of molo suit. Just
as on
did Ave years ng". ,
there are walslroat. of bright
with he
I,, I or tangerine cloth or
i -m. lurnlkhed gold
or sll
ver braid, ami p. rl.,.p. a Uout
Thrs Quarter Lnyth Coat.
i-i... n..., .in n-ii.r length coat
rli- fit rt Onre the long
rout of l
season and some of the model"
..!.. .,.,iiLl lo Insure the
.... ,....i.(.. t rinse
ces" ot ti"" new !-
clothing trimmed with Mr " lr
tlcularly good In that they may d
double duty, serving for both day ant
..veiling wear gult- prettle"
rai ls design up to d:it Is one rarilei
out In old lose colored broadrloth ol
simple but new lines This model li
edged about nerk hem and sleevel
with blark fox fur bandit of varylni
widths and a mulching muff I" cur
rled. giving a correct llnl-hlng l""'
to whlrh tho r'tcficli woman ali
gives careful attention. I'ut on kl
mono Hues with diagonal closing li
front, the sleeve are rut separati
and attached I'aily to lh rout shout
ders without running off the comers
Some of the new one piece dressei
that are worn under the three quartet
length coats are real nt ! Innovations
A one piece frock on tailored lines
Ideal for a short, stout figure. I
blark velvet opening over a white fill
length vest front that shows b!h fni h
Ion above the empire belt Hctow tin
blark vtdvet empire belt Is placed mil
of folded white satlii. so that 111" be
coming empire effect Is retained whlli
the natural waist line la defined by tin
vest belt. While satin buttons lint
overbound buttonhole do. the whlli
Matin front und the black velvet strn
fastens under a cord ornament. I'lult
ed wrist rulHes of white net are n linos
covered by plaited black rMfTon
More elaoorate lu workmariHhlp ll
another gown with skirt of oddly drnp
ed blark satin as If tin- train had beef
drawn toward the front The uppoi
part of the forsake Is red moire I till
Introduces also the once popular p.der
llie collar, a f.o.hlon detail noted Ir
many of the late models 'Mil peler
Ine collar, a fashion detail noted Ir
many of the late models This peler
I lie Is lined and piped with Id. irk sat
In; the revers and cuffs are of tin
same material
Style Lines Break Traditions
A curious point of the nfternoor
gown Is the way the stl lines break
the usual tradition The neck of tin
dress Is rut lower than l usual In day
time model; deep, train-pun nt yokel
are left unllneil er with ii single sheet
thickness of chiffon, and the ankli
peep through the rroi-
skirt draperies or slanlo-d seam.
The muff of this winter 1 to rontln
uo the prestige gained f..r Its prede
rcssor of last yejir and previous one,
and Is to he worn morning, noon, ot
night. There are evening nuiTa a
well as day niuTu, and muff for ev
ery occasion, for the car. pedestrian
Ism, the theaters, vNI'ing. and sc
Why does not some one revive tin
girdle muff, the muff shown In an old
drawing of an KngHnh woman of lf.vH'
It Is depleted a a tnile of a muff
a more fairly when compan-d with thi
giants of today Put i h.i ner
than passing ( harm slung from ito- ulr
din and would own the e:, rit nU-,1-,
being there w hen wanted nnd not i-aa
lly lost AIiih' th" modern muff Is el
a truly vagrant behavior
The great big fat muff I the smart
one of the day und Hie hal upot
whlrh others are d. signed Mud., ol
tailless ermine. It civ.-n a border
Ing of skunk nnd a demure lull,
blark velvet le.w ihroiiih which a few
sprigs of heather are thrust
To agree with the ermine and skunk
tnufl a iualnt looking tippet and u
are worn '1 he tlpp.-i ba.i ,g,. fo
over collar, and It und th" rap nn
decorated with i-kiink Another blark
velvet bow Is added, e ntered like tin
tlrst, wllli. mother of pearl slide
tine variation of the tlat muff has I
triangular front ami another has dou
ble points
A third ha roundel corners lni ),
trimmed with a broad hand of opos
sum. finished at on., hide by a pla'pii
i f handsome emlirold' ry In the brigh
p. io ant color of HiilKiina
The rest of the muff Is rarrled nu
In black latino, of which material tin
rap Is mad" A Ihroiitlet of opoHstur
completes tho trio In the rase
The bolster muff recalls the fuHh
Ions of the time of Charles II. Then
Is on record a muff of period thai
sounds delightfully smart. It wait
made of yellow silk with a black fin.
edging, and another developed In mln
Iver has a modern note about It, foi
It was t.lmmed with a blue rosette. I
Walking Costum. i
Cloth, serge, tweed, or any firm wool I
en fabric rould he employed to ad I
vantage In the costume Illustrated I
The skirt has a double wrapper1
seam down center of front; trimmer
above the rounded corners with but 1
tons, a piece of material fills In tin
opening j
The rout in a little high walsled. nut I
hns the Joining of ba'ite to boilln
part hidden by a patent leather be
buckled In front; buttons trim ilowt .
center of front, nlso tho collar anr 1
Kelt hat, trimmed with velvet and i
feather mount
Muterliils required: fi ynrd 4
Inches wide. 1 dozen larpo nnd u, ,),,
en small buttons, C yarls silk for tin
Ing coat.
sro attached to the boxes with screws
One leg ia blnge.l ,mt ,,, cnH(
can he opened between first and see
ond boxes, the next ,.K nw(, r(n
pl' tely off at. tho same pt, ,, th,
next on., .lf way. You can stain
pair, or varnish It when complete
ioii nnisn ror tne top would bt '
ono of the box lids. Make a cushion!
to fit onto It. To use the other lldi
get material for four legs ,, na
the lids flvo Inches apart lo tho legs
This Is handy for setting !. fc
' Better (Va srtker Bewd.r-.
' producing light, sUiaty, wbul.
' some cake asui paitri .
U hlsb grade) and
fsnoderate ia price I
25 lb. tin at grocers.
f C l Mf. CawSeXtU I
is what they all say
Methods of
Out-of-town p
l Ma kn tha
Slate sad brldg
wur. Anlshcd In hh
dw U immn
baakad t S
ta furtland
. tern
Wise Dental Co.
S A. M. ! P. M. ftv U t
Pk..i A 201i Msle 2U.
faillne Bl".. IMf WesMiielaa, PartUm
Why Snow Is Warm.
8now Is warm by virtue of Us light
and woolly texture, llut It Is als
warm on account of Its whiteness
Had snow been black It would bavi
absorbed th beat of th sun an 4
n,ted quickly. Instead, tt reflect!
heat, and the reflected brat fall upol
bodies above the enow, wblle thi
warmth ot tbe earth Is preserved be
naalh It.
I la N tk
! hak In Allen' fool Kasa, ari1r
I -ior tiel, awustifia, aclilng,
uo rmiit, liirf rowli.f nati siitl b'lljlotis. At
ill do gyuia aiel lo !,, S'.e. tKjut 4-mt
eiv u,tll'it. saiii i-lc uiftl l'l k llfc A44r
t.liu S. itiuulsil, lm Hojr.N. Y.
For a Rubber Plant.
When tb leaves turn yellow an
fall off tb plant la dying. red It
tableapoonful of olive oil every twi
weeks. Also wash tb plant one I
week with warm aoapauds, letting thi
warm suds moisten tbe earth thor
onghly. Sprinkle every other day
This same treatment should be lucf
on furns.
"should worry"
if you are noirlocting: or
iibusinjr tho Stomach,
Liver or liowi'lR. Sick
ness is mire to overtake
you. I!' wist in time and
K t a bottle of
Makes tho appetite keen,
niils ilUff8tin, maintains
henlth, Ktrenvfth and vijj
or and thus makes life a
real pleasure. Try it and
see. Avoid substitutes.
8ucca With Chicken.
Raising thickens. Ilk raising any
Dther kind of farm stock, Is profit
tils according to th degree of knowl
dg and painstaking attention devofc
d to tb business by the raiser.
Stiff Joints
are rulirvrd at once !y sn applica
tion of Sloan's Liniment, ltont
rub, jmt Uy on lightly,
"g!.an'a I.lntmMiit bs rtm mnr
f'NHl ll.iui anything I mtmt triad
ir alitf Hilnu. I n.,t nif lian.1 hartao
I -ell 7 ll,t I tnvl U. ouiS right la
tlm lHilnt tllnael II, a y r. I lu-'Ugul
at ttrat that I would ha, lo hava u,T
hn4 Ukm ..0, km I f a bolllaot
Biuaii'B l.ttilmiiit and ntrml my baud.
Wii.roa Wiiaauaa, Morris, Ala.
Good for Broken Sinews
O. i. Junks, llal.lwln, I. I , wrllaal
"1 ima.1 hleitii'a Mt.tmaiil fur broSae
alnawa Ilia kuaa ap naitMd by
tall ant In mf gra! aatiafaatl.ia was Ui mama work In laaa ibaa lata
vaska altac ta aaoulanU''
Fine for Sprain
Ma Ttsnav A. Vohi.. 4 HnnMrsaS
"t., I'lalnfUlit, N. .1., wrlual "A
frlnml apralnml hla ankl an tNKlly
that It want hla' k. IU latighad wbaa
I told him that I would hata tilm auk
In a wk. I andlad alean'l Mnlmant
an.1 In fniir dava ha wna work Ins and
aai.l mean's waa a right roul Uak
Prlra .,
BOaaa Sl.00
Inan'i IWk
OD heraa, cattle,
li" and
ponltryaeut fra.
'ilViiaarna. Tm U.kI. UH
ft iimi im
t" rOl I
v i rw n
a I 'wr- wa mm