NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK SUFFRAGE IN QUAKER STATE Pennsylvania Women Storm Sen ate and Demand Recognition. Harrisburg, Fa, Women in favor of equal suffrage stormed the senate chamber and corridors of the state j capitol in advocacy of "votes for wo men." Every senator opposed to the . measure was urged to support the suf- frage amendment. ; Senator McNicho!, of Philadelphia, I Republican leader of the senate, smil ingly told the women, among whom aenat ham .fi-leVon nut 1 was Miss Mary Mate ienator Minn, or ntUDurg, that j he was unalterably opposed to votes j for women. He hastened to assure . them, however, that he would not in fluence other members to vote against j the equal suffrage resolution, which i has been adopted by the lower branch of the legislature and is expected to be acted upon by the senate. Resume of World's Important Events Told in Brief. Dr. Jamea Monroe Taylor, president of Vassar College Jsince 1886, has resigned. DOINGS OF OREGON'S LEGISLATURE A Brief Resume of Proceed inga of the People's Representatives at the State Capital, Bills Introduced, Passed, Rejected, Etc. The U. S. the proposed tax for the use of water- power. Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the Sierras," died in his cabin in the hills East of Oakland, Cal. Two thousand American marines have been sent to Cuba, there to await developments in Mexico. A Nevada prospector was killed by a slide cf rock in his mine, which un covered a rich body of ore. Italy ia having the coldest winter weather in 20 years, Mt. Etna being entirely covered with snow. The French government is preparing to increase her standing army, owing to the growth of Germany's forces. Increased demand for fish during r";n Yl . wnole8,al V"cei public and his ministers. nanout cents a pouna ai seauie. ; General Huerta agkeJ that this be Miss Emmeline Fankhurst, noted suffragist leader, of London, was ar rested and jailed for window-smashing. Twenty-nine officials of the National Cash Register company were sen tenced to jail terms and fines for violations of the Sherman anti-trust law. The Central Pacific and Southern Pacific roads have applied to the state railroad commission of California for permission to lease certain portions of each other's tracks. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic ex plorer, threatens libel suit against the Pasadena, Cal., News, for stating that his stories of finding the North Pole were not to be relied upon. A Japanese student at Stanford Uni versity, Cal., won the oratorical con test against three American competi tors. The French-American treaty of 1908 has been renewed. Representative Olmstead vigorously opposes the United States' quitting the Philippines. j It is expected that at least 25,000 soldiers and sailors will be in line in -the inaugural parade. President Taft assisted in the lay ing of the cornerstone of a new Uni tarian church in Washington. The senate committee has recom-' mended doubling the proposed appro praition for work on the Celilo canal. j Primary election of fourth class postmasters is proposed in an amend ment to the - postofnce appropriation bill. SWAMP LAND MEASURE LOST House Will Not Repeal Art Passed Over Veto. Salem Governor West's forces lost i their right in the house on the Gill bill iiiuuK iwiii l. .uiuiul .v.- Tk., I-...I Hinn, daughter of,.... L. ,.. ,L Tk ernor vetoed the Thompson bill in j 1911, but this legislature passed it over his veto. A supreme effort was i made at the governor's request, j through Gill, to repeal the act. I Gill said he had seen a mass of 'cor- respondence between the governor and , the United State land office which shows conclusively that the Federal I government will not give title to the 1 land in Klamath and Lake counties 1 unless it is sold to settlers, i Governor West declared that under , the Thompson act "certain corpora- tions" would benefit. I Smith, of Klamath, took the floor : and detailed the facts of the case. He challenged the - statement of the governor, saying that the lhompson i act, which provides for drainage of the swamp lands concerned, is neces sary to the development of the lands. 1 Howard, of Douglas, charged that the land should be sold by the state to settlers, and not to companies. He said that "if the state hadshowed half the sense of the Southern Pacific company, it would today have $20, 000,000 in the irreducible school fund." He opposed the selling of lands to private corporations and advocated the holding of these lands by the state and its reclamation by the same. HUERTA SENDS MESSAGE OF PEACE TO TAFT Mexico City One of the first acts of General Huerta as provisional pres- ; ident was to notify Ambassador Wil- son of the change of government. He j informed the ambassador that he had in his power as prisoners in the na tional palace the president of the re- HOUSE APPOVES OF MILLAC.E Agricultural College Four-Tenth interpreted as a patrioitc "manifesto of a man "who has no ambitions other than to serve his country and who wishes to re-establish peace in the country and to insure the safety of the interests of its sons and of the foreigners." He requested Ambassador Wilson to notify President Taft and the diplo matic representatives of all that had occurred and to give notification to the rebels. NEW PRINTING BILL PASSES REBELS TAKE AMERICAN GUN Good Supply of Ammunition Also Disappears El Paso, Tex. A machine gun of the Thirteenth cavalry platoon at ' Hachita, N. M., disappeared Sunday night, according to reliable reports re ceived here. It is believed that Mexi can rebels came over the border and stole the piece. Major Clark, district adjutant at ' Fort Bliss, declares no report of the theft has been fmade. However, the disappearance of the gun is fully veri fied. ; Since Monday morning, when the ; piece was missing. United States troops have been searching for a trace of the missing artillery. Hachita is nearly 20 miles from the nearest point on the border and how the gun was ; stolen is unexplained. A large quan- ! tity of ammunition for the gun also disappeared. The occurence is similar to an inci dent at El Paso during the Madero revolution, when rebels took an old cannon from the center of the town, j returning the piece at the conclusion 1 of hostilities. Board of Control to Appoint State Printer. Salem A bill to which all parties to the long-drawn-out state printing fight have agreed was passed by the house by a big vote. Both the ma jority and minority factions voted for it. This bill, which was reported favor ably by the committee on printing, of which Eaton, of Lane, is chairman. provides for the tract system, for a and University Three. Salem The house Monday afternoon passed a bill providing for an annual tax of four-tenths of a mill for the j operation, maintenance and improve-! ment of the Oregon Agricultural col-1 lege. It previously passed a bill for a levy of three-tenths of a mill for the University of Oregon. These bills, if they become the law, will do away with legislative action biennially. j The house spent several hours in passing the bills appropriating sums for the University of Oregon and the Agricultural college. For the former a total of $302,833 was allowed, and for the latter approximately $3ti0,000 , for buildings, etc., and $300,000 for; maintenance and operation were al lowed. The house adhered closely to the recommendations of the ways and means committee, and all attempts to break the programme failed. It was argued that the members had given great consideration to the items and 1 that their judgment should be taken. One of the chief features of the ap- j propriations was one item for exten sion work in the University of Oregon. Another item was for $45,000 for the medical school at Portland. I WAR FOOTING FOR SOLDIERY Major-General Wood Wanta Army Always Ready. Washington. I- C. -Major-General Wood, chief of staff of the army, gave out a statement concerning reasons Tor the recent army reorganisation order. This statement is the first author. U i tive announcement from the V ar ii ! partment as to the real reason for the ,srmy reorganization. General Wood I would not ay reorganisation of Uie army had a direct bearing on the Mex ican situation. "Our object i to have a war organ I ization of the army in time of peace, he declared, "so that it will be ready ' for war when it come suddenly, as all j wars come. ,, I "At the beginning of every war. ' General Wood continued, "this country I h. ...tTered defeat, loss of life, vast expenditures and a useless prolonga tion of war. with all its attendant miseries, because the country lis been utterly unprepared; the army was not organized or prepared when the war began, and the commanders of larger units, such as brigade and divisions had had no opportunity to handle such before. So far as we can we intend to mitigate the evils of unpreparedness by having a semblance of a real army organized and giving officers and nu n the practical training ami experience they need to tit them for soldiers." OUT MADERO GIVES CENSOR STOPS WAY TO HUERTA j MEXICAN NEWS President and Cabinet Arrested Madero Agents Kef p World in By General Wanquet. Diax Agree to Appointment Iluerta IVI'I' KrJ'M" VAvt lions Are Promised Soon. Dark Regarding War. of FALSE REPORTS GIVEN WON'T REPAY SCHOOL FUNDS Plan to Make General Fund Stand Expenses Fails. Salem Senator Moser made an open statement on the floor of the senate that he was satisfied that the bill providing for reimbursing the school fund from the general fund for expenses in connection with the state treasurer's office was nothing more nor less than intended as a slap at the treasurer by Governor West. "As the newspapers said at the time when this bill was introduced, and as one can see by reading the bill, it is intended as a direct attack on State Treasurer Kay," declared Senator Moser, "and we have a right to infer that, because Senator Joseph acted as state printer to be appointed at $2400 :. ,l , . . , v . . . , . , . . . j came into the senate and endeavored vy me aiau: uouru ui eoniruj, 10 taae effect in May, 1915 Authority is given to the board of control to make its own rules and reg ulations for the state printing and it may take whatever action the mem bers deem necessary. The board is composed of the governor, state treas urer and secretary of state. The question of the state owning its plant, it was explained, will be decided by the board in time for the placing of the plant on a proper basis for the work after the next session of the leg islature. The only restriction on the board is that it must name a man who has had not less than ten years of ex- 1 zar, the rebel commander-in-chief, The house committee of the Oregon boasted that some of his men would ; legislature has recommended an appro- i steal machine gun from the United ! pnation of $200,000 for the Panama aiaies iroops, Inez Sala- Perlence " printing. Fair. Further prosecution of the alleged "hard coal trust" has been begun by the government agents. Henry Cabot Lodge declares a strong navy is positively essential to the maintenance of peace. John Barrett, director general of the Pan-American union, suggests mediation instead of intervention in the Mexican struggle. Twenty-nine officials and others con nected with the alieged cash register trust have been found guilty of con spiracy to restrain trade. Columbus, N. M., and imported 1800 suits of khaki uniforms and an equal number of pairs of shoes for the use of Salazar's rebel army. PORTLAND MARKETS Wheat Track prices : Club, S5(a 86c; bluestem, 94rti95c; forty-fold, 86c; red Russian, 84c; valley, 86tfi 87e. Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled, $25.50;, 26.50. Corn Whole, $27 per ton ; cracked, $28. Millstuffs Bran, $21(J7 21.50 per ton; shorts, $23(23.50; middlings, $30. Hay Timothy, choice, $16(517; mixed, Eastern Oregon timothy, $12 tfilo; oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $11.50; clover, $10; straw, $67. Oats No. 1 white, ton. Resignations Made Easy. Washington, D. C. Before taking up the Mexican situation, the cabinet considered a question almost as press- , ing the resignations that are to be sent by its members to Mr. Wilson March 4. Everybody expects to re sign. ! Probably a form letter, on file in the State department for the use of cabi- j net officers, ambassadors and such who are seeking retirement and who have j enough of public life, will be used by Mr. Taft's official family. Mr Knox j is not expected to restrict the use of this letter to cabinet officers, and there may be quite a rush at his department 1 early in March. j Fresh Fruits Apples, 60crfi$1.75 box; pears, $1.50(u,2 box; grapes, Malagas, $8 barrel. Potatoes Jobbing prices: .Bur banks, 60(5 60 hundred; aweet pota toes, 3e pound. I Vegetables Artichokes, $1.50 per j dozen; cabbage, lc pound; cauli flower, $1.75(&2 crate; celery, $2(ffi I 4.50 crate; cucumbers, 75c(3$2 dozen; j eggplant, 10c pound; head lettuce, $1.90(52.60 crate; peppers, 25c per pound; sprouts, 10c; tomatoes, $2 per box; garlic, &(ri 6c per pound; turnips, 90d5$l per sack; parsnips, 90c(S$l; carrots, 90c(5$l. Onions Oregon, $1S1.25 per sack. Eggs Fresh locals, candled, 23c per dozen; current receipts, 20(5 22c. Poultry Hens, 13J(S;14c pound; broilers, 14J(515c; turkeys, live, 20c: dressed, choice, 221(5 25c; ducks, 16 (517c; geese, 10(5, 12c. Butter Oregon creamery, cubes, 86c; prints, 87 Jc. Pork Fancy, lOtfUOJe per pound. Veal Fancy, 14(5 14Jc per pound. Hops 1912 crop, prime and choice, 16(5 18c per pound; 1913 contracts, 14 515c. Pelts Dry, 12(5 13c; lambs, 25i? 85c; full wool, $1.25(51.35. Wool Early shorn, east of moun tains, 15(5 20c per pound. Cattle Choice steers, $7.50(5 8; good, $7(57.30; medium, $6.60(5,7; choice cows, $6.60(57: good. tGoi: .60; modurn. SS.B(Hfi6: choice cat Hr: mod j.M- .i. tt tin . ';vKrrJi'ot mmnw. hmw. noon. Citrus Loss Minimized. j Berkeley, Cal. That the loss of fruits in the Southern California citrus : belt through the recent frosts was not as great as at first supposed was the i report made by University of Cali I fornia scientists who are in the South , with an agricultural department dem- onstration train. The report says that ! frozen oranges are harmless,provided ' the evaporation of the juice has not ad-, $26.60(527.50 . vanced too far. The scientists found i that at least three-fourths of the trees will do as well next year as ever, if no further setbacks occur. Twenty-Day Sessions Revived. Salem The Malarkey resolution, ! calling for a submission to the voters of the question of changing Jthe legis lative sessions to two periods of 20 days each, was reconsidered in the house on request of Speaker McAr thur, who declared it a very important measure. It was passed by the senate last week, but was voted down by the house, which reported a resolution by Lawrence for 50 days and an increase from $3 a day to $5. It is believed now that the Malarkey resolution will be adopted when the house takes it from the table, and that the people will have a chance to vote on the new plan. Injured Batter) man Pensioned Salem Raleigh C. Wilson, who was injured in battery practice at Fort Stevens so as to be crippled for life, will receive a sum of $1000 in cash from the state and $300 a year there after for life under the terms of an amended house bill passed by the sen ate. The bill makes provisions for the pension during the next two years, and while it is in the form of a con tinuing bill it will be necessary for the appropriation to be made biennial ly after the present two years ex pire. Blanchard Wins Contest. Salem A bill by Blanchard, of Josephine, aimed at "the book trust," as Blanchard called it, was' passed by the house. Blanchard declared that the cost of text books is not less than 30 per cent too high. He proposed to fix a maximum cost, above which the state School Book commission shall not ac cept bids. In case the "trust" will to impugn the statements of one of its members, that he also acted as mes senger for the governor when he intro duced this bill. "And when we find that if the bill is a just bill, it should carry $175,000 instead of the $23,000 shown, it is conclusive proof that the bill was di rected at the treasurer." Mexican Government Olluials In cite People Against U. S. I Washington. D. C Mis-statements by Mexican federal officials concerning the intentions of the United State in , the present crisis which so inllamed ' the populace in the capital recently, are being made throughout the repub ; lie with similar effect. Consul Kirk ' reports to the State department that anti-American feeling ran high in Manzanillo and through the country side because of unauthorized state ments about the intended action of the American government. Demonstrations against Americans have been made in other Mexican Pa cific ports, and it became necessary to hold the cruiser Denver at Acapnia) until the rrrival of the South Dakota in that port. Outbursts resulted in some assaults upon American citizens who were peaceably passing through the streets. With the South Dakota at Acapulco and the Colorado at Mazatlan, officials here feel that there will be an abate ment of these outbreaks. Reports in dicate that quiet prevails at Juarez. While there is considerable feeling against the Mexican government in Chihuahua, the eople seem to bo re straining themselves. RESCUERS FORCED TO QUIT New Drydock Is Insecure, Washington. D. C. Injur? sustained ' not bid, the bill provides that the com by the great drydock at Pearl Harbor missioif may buy manuscripts and have was reported to the Isavy department in a brief cablegram from Rear Ad , miral Cowles. It is feared the disas ter will have the effect of completely j thwarting the plans of the engineers to have this dock opened by the date of completion of the Panama canal. It is understood the bottom of the dock has been forced up as the water was pumped out, indicating insecurity of the foundation. So far about $1,250, 000 has been expended on the dock. 1100 Carmen Return to Work. Kansas City The strike called on September 19, 1911, involving 1100 carmen employed on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad, came to an end at noon Wednesday in compliance with an order issued by M. F. Ryan, president of the International Brother hood of Railway Carmen. President Ryan said the railroad company had agreed to recognize the action of the committee of the union as a whole as binding over the entire system $. 7B(tt7. 28. Inauguration Session Called. Washington, D. C. Another formal step toward the inauguration of Wood- row Wilson was taken at the State de partment with the issue of President Taft ' proclamation emlling the new senate in extra session on March 4 at, This ia tor the inauguration of the books printed. As a last resort, the state may print its own books in the state printing office. Report Gives Clean Character. Salem That the grounds are well kept, the buildings in excellent order j and the attention to the patients is ! good, is the statement carried in the report of the special legislative in vestigating committee, on the state sanitarium for tuberculosis. The re port recommends that a refrigerator be installed and that the laundry be removed from its present location. Otherwise the institution is given an excellent character by the committee. Immigration Report Out. Salem That $52,013 was contrib uted by Portland business men in ad dition to $25,000 appropriated by the state for the work of the state immi gration agent is shown in a brief statement prepared by Thomas C. Burke, president of the commission. and C. C. Chapman, state immigration agent. Of this $25,000 appropriated. $24,863 was used. Appropriations Bill Held Up. Salem Eaton of Lane made two at tempts to get the house to take up the state appropriations, but in each at tempt he failed. Eaton first indro duced his resolution asking that it be reported back. It was referred to the resolutions committee, but no re port was made. Eaton re-introduced the resolution, saying that, as no re port had been made, he demanded ac tion. The house, however, refused thus to slap the committee and the resolution was overwhelmingly voted down. Bull Moose Are Recognized. Salem The Bull Moose party will be able to participate in the primaries j before city election in Portland under the provisions of a bill that passed the senate Saturday. This bill provides ; that any political party casting 20 per cent of the vote at the preceding elec tion may participate in the primaries. ! The bill also carries an emergency clause which will allow the participa tion in the Portland primaries. I The bill was introduced by Senator j Carson at the request of the Progres sive party committee. j t Waterpower Bill Favored. Salem The house bill providing for 1 an appropriation of $50,000 for the in- j vestiagtion of water resources in the state, which applies particularly, un der the present plan, to the Deschutes river, has received a favorable report from the senate ways and means com mittee. The bill has passed the house. This is considered by its supporters as one of the biggest pieces of legislation in connection with the development of the state and a hard fight will be made for its passage in the senate. Norwegian Party Unable to Reach Stranded German Scientists. Christiana, Norway The second Norwegian expedition sent to the re lief of the German scientists, stranded , in a remote part of Spitzbergen, has not succeeded in its undertaking. It left Advent Bay late in January, but was forced to return to Green Harbor, ; arriving in a pitiable condition. The expedition reached Dickson ' Bay, when a hurricane stopped all progress. Seven dogs died and several of the members of the rescuing party were frost-bitten. Two sledges were destroyed, and for that reason and the loss of the dogs the expedition was ! forced to leave all provisions except minimum rations. j No further effort will be possible until additional dogs are sent from Norway. Experts consider that un ' less the Germans are rescued in the near future their jsisition will be ex ceedingly precarious. "Lifer" Dies in Her "Home." San Rafael, Cal. For the second time Mary Von was released Sunday from San Quentin prison, and this time she will not return. Twenty-five of the 72 years, which death ended. were spent within the prison walls, ! and she called the place her home. She was paroled in 1911, and went to live in Ijoa Angeles. She returned to ; prison May 24, 1912, ill, and said:; "I've come home to stay until the end." Mary Von was committed for life from San Francisco for murder. 1 Mexico City-Francisco I. Madero. IIM been forced out of the pr.-snh He t the national palace i shortly before 3 o'clock Tuesday after- noon by General Hlan.pi.-t- Nd'sc ouently he his resignation. General Victorian.. Iluerta. com mander of the federal troop. wa pro claimed provisional president. ; AlK.ut the time Madero seized by lllanquet. Gustavo Madero. hi brother, the ex-minister of finance, was arrested bv General Iluerta. who was dining with him in a quiet restau rant. , . . All member of the cabinet were promptly placed under arrest with the exception of Krnesto Mad.-ro. the un cle of the president, who held the rt folio of finance. He was apprised of the intentions against the Madero gov ernment and made hi schh. From the first it had 1 n known that General Hlaiiqm-t unwilling to light. H men were of the same mind. He held complete command of them, and it was not doubted they would follow him in any adventure, which they did at the national palace. The forces, numbering IniMI men, were sent to the palace, ostensibly to relieve the reserve there. The re serve were sent into the field. An agreement between General Hlan.mct ami Iluerta wa rerted Monday night, but the first intimation that Itjanqiiet' men had of the new role they were to piny ws shortly be fore the successful stroke wa made. Itlanquet drew his men up in order and delivered a stirring M-ech. "This inhuman battle must end." he said. "The time- has come when some drastic means must be taken to stop a conflict in which father is kill ing Km and brother is lighting against brother; when non-i-ombatant are sharing the fate of war and all this because of the caprice of one man." Hlnn.ilet then issued order fir the arrest of the president and assigned s detachment to that duty. Madero sisin was a prisoner in his own room. One reason given for the attitude of General lllan.piet from the beginning was the presence of hi son in the rank of Diaz. The American ambassador and the other foreign diplomat held a confer ence at the American embassy to dis cus the re-establishmeijt of order and the further protection of foreign resi dent. The Zoealo, the great plaza in front of the palace, wa soon jammed with a delirious crowd, with banner in scribed "Peace" ami "Liberty." shouting for Diaz, Iluerta, l!lan.uet and Mon.lragon. The women member of the Madero family who were in ChHpultepec Cas tle were whisked away in an automo bile by friend who hail learned of the coup at the national palace. Tele gram were immediately sent to the governor of the state notifying them of the proclamation of Huerta as pro visional president, and also to the mil itary commander assuring them that general election will be held. Genera!!! uerta made a speech from the balcony of the palace to the assembled crowd. He that he had no personal ambition and an nounced himself as military governor and General I'.lanquet as military com mander of the federal district. It i fully believed that a definite agreement will be reached between the rebel force and General Iluerta. The negotiation will be conducted through j the American embassy. General Felipe Angeles, who refused to support the new government, wa placed under arrest. Americana Fleeing From Scene of Trouble Embassies Aid All Foreigners in flight. City of Mexico Tho strictest cen sorship on all dispatches has been, tahlished in Mexico City. Government officials took rlmrgH of the rablo others shortly after 6 oYI.Kli Saturday night and discarded 'me, sage of correspondents to thrir p. H-rs. Code messages and all mes sages containing any exprei.ns w hatever that might be construed as ( sign of the important hpH-iiingi ia the capital wrra confiscated. Nevertheless several dispatches of t somewhat detached nature rscapnj censorship, and an early bulletin was Mashed through that the armiatlca, signed at 2 o'clock Sunday moming, had been broken and that both sides were fighting savagely. The Mexican government wa un able, however, to shut off the official dispatches of the diplomatic represen tatives, but a thesa are sent In ci pher, there I considerable, delay in translation, and the fear ia ex press, d that many things may occur in ths Mexican capital detrimental to the foreign resident before the exact it uation is learned by the home govern ment. Brief dispatches giving a general idea of the situation prior to the frt-sh outbreak of hostilitlmt were passed but the government apparently is deter mined that not a word of the fighting which ha torn the city asunder for eight day shall be communicated to the outside world, if that can be pre vented. Washington, D. C Hurried prep aration were made Sunday in Mexico City for the flight of American women ami children to the United State. The American embassy staff and the committee apointed by Ambassador Wilson began assembling the women and children at the embassy. Many who hitherto had paid no heed to tho warning of tho ambassador to leave the city, now were eager to embrace any meaaures which meant their de liverance from the panic which ha followed in the wake of a week's dis order. The easiest way to safety i via Vera Crux, only a short ditance by rail. Onc arrived there, the rrfugers will have full protection pending the continuance of their Journey by steam er to American soil. While preparations for tha flight of the women and the younger member of the American colony were going forward, the work of removing all foreigners from the danger sone wa begun and hundreds sought safety. REBELS ROB EXPRESS TRAIN $700,000 Bank Shipment Taken -Cities Sacked. San I.ui I'otosi, Mex. A paengcr train from Tamplco, Mexico, wa held up at Tablas, a small station half way to the coast, ty a band of rebel led by (Vrillo Hermann. The rebel went through the express car and e cured $7n0,li0l) in gold and bill which wa being by the National Bank of Monterey to Mexico City. The rebel gave no heed to the second Has passenger, but robbed all the tirst-clas passenger of their arm and money. Forty-two rebels entered the train and 30 outside. They proed to burn the train and had prinkled tho car with petroleum, but the urgent etition of Liceenado Alfrtilo Munog, who wa a passenger and who at one time had defended Her mann In court, they desisted. Americans arriving from Charraa. a town 40 miles north of here, report the rebels ransacking the town. "Auto Bandit" Confesses. Chicago Robert Webb, a highway- Women Judges Favored. Chicago Eligibility of women to the bench and simplification and mod ernization of law and court procedure were advocated by ex-Municipal Judge Cleland in addressing the Women' n.-,.,.:intiin in wimmcrcc. W hat we Tax Levy Bill Passes House. Salem The house passed the Lauch lin bill, providing tor a tax ievv of one-rourtn or a mill on the taxabla property of tha state, to create a pub- 1WP leaning wethers, tS.SOdii new senators and confirmation of the lie school fund. This is to be distrib., ewea, fina.ZB; Jamba. Sjarsn. new president's appointment. uted pro rata to tha county schools ' a Question Put Up to Voters. Salem A resolution to submit to the voters in 1914 the question of making the term of County officers four years was adopted by the house after a hot debate. It was introduced by Anderson, of Clatsop, and contained a provision that no county official may serve more than eight years in any 12 years, but this was eliminated. Schuebel said the resolution was all right, but he opposed the eight-year clause. Uelland said that "two years is too long a term for a bad official, and eight too short for a good one." Firearms Bill Is Passed. Salem Perkins' firearms bill has passed the senate. This amended bill provides that anyone purchasing a re volver must have the certificate of two freeholders as to his good moral char acter and a permit from the circuit, county or municipal judge. It pre vents the display of revolvers in win dows, requires a registration of num bers and also requires dealers to make reports to sheriffs twice a month as to sales. Dimick's Eight-Hour Bill Lost. Salem Dimick's eight-hour bill went the way it has done in the past wnen it was indefinitely postponed, Dimick says he had decided to line up behind hchuebel s ten-hour bill, which was passed, and consequently mado no objection when it was indefinitely postponed. man and leader of the "automobile 1 pfomolc justice Is les r. linc- bandita," Chicago's most dangerous m . m"rc c;;mm"n ",,ne n inter criminal, according to the police, con- '.r,ng tho ,HW-" "id the speaker. fessed that he shot and killed Police-' ju.ige who are learned in man Peter Hart several weeks ago. The confession was made under a promise of clemency by State's At torney Hoyne, who said he promised the robber not to ask the death pen alty for him because Webb was driv en to his criminal course largely be cause he was the victim of "loan sharks." more than the law. condition would h by the election of of our courts." I believe that greatly improved women as judge New Nickel Out In Week. Washington, I). C Coinage of the new nickel has been ordered by Secre tary MacVeagh, despite objections of Certain Slot murhlna lnl,n.i. t. mi Exact Model is Planned. j be placed in circulation In a week. San Francisco An exsct model of j Tno protests against the new coin Independence Hall, built of the orig- j dwindled to one manufacturer, who inal timbers, beams and joists, will j contended it woul.l Interfere with the occupy a site at the Panama-Pacific efficacy of his machine for the detec exposition in this city in 1915. Mayor j tinn nf counterfeit nickel. Treasury Blankenberg of Philadelphia has writ ten to President C. C. Moore of the exposition company, informing him that Alfred Wolf, who gained posses sion of the material when it was re moved at the time the building was restored in 1907, has agreed to rebuild the structure. Hatcheries to Be Investigated. Salem Senators Butler and Smith. of Josephine, have been named as the senate members of the committee to speed for the west coast nf Mmim investigate the fish hatcheries on the orders from the Mo Iran Columbia. I marine. Many Japanese Coming. San Francisco The Asiatic Exclu sion league adopted a report on the In flux of Japanese Into the United States in the last six months of the year 1912. The report will be sent to every member of the state legislature and every member of congress. Ac cording to the report the arrivals in this period were 5616, and the depar tures on. ine report covered many phases of proposed alien land and Japanese exclusion legislation. Mexican Warship Ordered Home. Valparaiso, Chile The Mexican warship Morales, which arrived here several days ago, sailed Sunday at full uniciiiis overruled thin nh eelion -.i the new 6-cent piece, with an Indian head on the face and a buffalo on the reverse, was adopted officially. Taft Refers Liquor Bill. Washington. I). C Pp.i.lnt t. ha referred the Webb bill regulating Y n A ani rim a a M 1 ? .... ...,1c,ll 4 llqlHir lnt0 tate( to Attorney General Wiekersham and Secretary MacVeagh. The fact that v.ic .... wa. .eni to Mr. Wiekersham :"u,Kn y indicate that the prcsb dent wanted an opinion on its cn(,tj. tutionality He ha. told visitors re- hi efc i i exPected to K've the bill much consideration before passing final llldrrmnnt .... f. n Lonjr Walk Tests Shoes. trSV "'"-Sergeant John M. Walh. 'o -e.i armyi hM ,rrvedM Snnn ' ""-racKs on foot, after a ..,.,o-.,..iB lramp across the continent and back, under orders, to test army huia TU. ...... J o. ... i lie ri rpunr ur v I. ....i . " i.ira "i "1 ' l J,z- ' returning from California. .Walsh is wearing the fourth pair of shoes he ia officially j Wilson's Daughter Aids. New York The Russell Sage foun dation, through its department of rec reation, ha sent letters to the head of the varinu State Federations of Women's Clubs urging them to begin campaign at once to secure legisla tion authorizing the use of public sch.sil for social centers. Mis Margaret Woodrow Wilson, daughter of Preldent-elert Wilon, i interested in the movement and is as sisting in tho perelirninary work to secure tho use of all public school building, after school hours. Explorers Heard From. Iiondon A dispatch from Sydney, N. S. W., says that a wireless mes sago has been received there stating that Dr. Douglas Mawson and tho members of hi Antarctic exploration party are on board the relief ship Aurora. All the members of the party arc well. The expedition had not been heard from for three month. The Australian expedition under Dr. Mawson set out the latter part of 1911. It consisted of f0 men, mainly graduates of tho universities of Aus tralia and New Zealand. $30,000 In Bullion Lost. San Francisco The $.10,000 in gold bullion in the safe of the river freight er II. J. Corcoran, which waa aunk re cently in San Francisco bay In col lision with the pas.enger ateamer Seminole, is lo.t. This was deter mined when John Roach, a diver, ex plored the capaixed hull of the ves sel. Tha Corcoran drifted, bottom through the Golden Gate, and towed back to a wharf by a tug. Ciar Sends Curt Reply. St Petersburg Tho Rum! an peror a reply to the letter recently sent him by the Austrian emperor Is .......v no.i decisive, lie declares tha uina . attitude in recent years has Impelled Russia to support the inter est of her Slav brothers. At ,-. same time the Ru..(an rmnnm. prer. the belief that a mean will h up, waa em-