St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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    1 n, ) -
NO. 8
V 1
Avon Lodge No. 62. Knights of
I'ythiaa held its annual roll cull at
hull last Tuesday evening at which
time about fifty members of the
lodge and several visiting Knights
were present. I-ettcrs from a num
her of the members who were un
,.1,1.. to attend wero also read. It
was a grand meeting of this lodge
and a grand banquet after lodge
meeting. Members from different
purls of the county and Cortland
were present. The ladiea of the
Cythian Sisters prepared a banquet
which was aerved in the Guild Hall
and about 75 pcreona were enter
tained. Among those present from
out of the city were Mr. and Mrs. C.
II. Knglish of Deer Island; J. G.
Watts. I. G. Wikstrom, Dan Free
man, W. G. Pomeroy and N. II
McKay of SeaptiooseiJohn Scott and
Will Pomeroy of Kalama. Wash.;
Chas. Davis, of St. Johna;Geo. Cath
dollar, of Willow Par; Dr. ClilT. J
R. Godfrey, of Cortland; N. A
IVrrv of Houlton: Fred Adama of
1).-.t Island; F. Clshop of Goble and
Fred Henderaon of Woodland,
Wash. While the banquet wan in
full swing W. J. Fullerton took
from hi pocket the mortgage which
whs on the building of the lodge,
an (J alter tearing it iu pice, t.
fully laid the pieces on a tray and
touched a match to them, thus
eliminating all evidence of debt on
the building now owned by the
Ijnlire. Several founts were aaid
and a general good feeling pre
The following program will be
given at the Guild Hall on Thurs-
day, Feb. 27:
Overture, Flora, Orchestra.
Solo. Vocal, Mra. Armstead.
Solo. Instrumental. Mrs. Van-
Solo, Vocal, Mrs. Rutherford.
One act farce, Fngaging Janet:
Janet Clarke, a college girl, Mrs.
Willard Jones.
Migs Briggs of Amalgamated
Charities, Kugenia Deming.
Madam Maude. Representing a
complete line of toilet requisites.
Mrs. Huba Itlakesly.
Miss Spike of the Teachers Train-
pug trust, Airs, r. A. iieorge.
m a i
Miss Higgins, Beryl muckle.
idgct. The maid, Mrs. M. K.
Solo, Vocal, Miss Dart
Solo, Vocal, Mr. Galichio.
Overture, Bridal Rose, Orchestra.
Admission 25 cents. Proceeds to
ay for piano in Guild Hall.
Marriage Licenses
Jan. 15. George Shultz and
fivian Deal, Rainier, Ore.
Jan. 10. II. W. Morrison and
live Trefren. Rainier, Ore.
Jan. 16. Wesley G. Duke, ClaU-
janie, and Azelio Zillman, Hudson,
Jan. 18. Hugh Leiferman and
ellio II, U'iferman, St. Helens.
Jan. 22. Chester R. Carcher and
arcia McClallum, Rainier.
Jan. 28. Emil Hultiu and Anna
. Kamara, Quincy, Ore.
Jan. 21). Helmer Crice, Port-
Ind, Mabel Clyde, Rainier.
Feb. 15. E. M. Wagner and
aura Drought, St. Helens,
Fob 12. W. A. Beeglo and Anna
Yaon, Houlton.
S. 20. George Sanaan, St.
rulln Paulaon, Astoria.
Jk. Kchuerer. Fort-
AiVhiu-, 8.MI40. J
The factory of the Western
Cooperage Company which is l.eing
built near Trenholm is rapidly Hear
ing completion. The first report
here several weeks ago that the old
mill in Houlton would be repaired
and placed in ojeration again wa
wrong and instead a new mill is
Ix-ing Installed near Trenholm.
where the company ha a large body
of timber. The management of
the concern says they have sufficient
timler t carry on the work at the
new mill for at least five yearn.
Several large auto trucks have been
bought and the staves will be hauled
from tho factory to the railroad
station at Houlton by auto.
As announced several weeks ago
this paiier has made a slight change
in its name on the title page. Here
after our official name will be the
St. Helens Mist" instead of the
"Oregon Mist" and we think th ap
IK'arance of the new head is quiti;
attractive. A well known engraver
took the idea from looking across
the river at Mt. St. Helens, from
which it is presumed this city took
jU name. With tho grand old Col
umbia Kiver in the foreground and
the U.-uutifuI snow-cap'd mountain
back, a very pretty scene is shown.
There is much meaning too in that
picture; it shows the wonderfully,
beautiful place for a city to build
on the banks of the river looking j
across upon the mountain: it shows!
the greatest highway on the Cattle j
coils t. the (.olumhia Kiver, withi
natural sites for manufacturing es
tablishments of all kinds on this
great highway. A large sea-going
vessel represents the commerce of
the world at our very iloor. end the
small sailing boat the fishing indus
try abounding here. There is also
given in this picture an idea of the
great we alth represented in the tim
ber of this community. Altogether,
the head is, in our opinion, attrac
tive and means something. The
pajier will endeavor to represent the j
city of St. Helens nnd Columbia
County, Oregon, and to give to our!
readers all the news all the time,
Notice to Bidders
Bid3 will be received by the
County Court of Columbia county,
Oregon, up to 5 o'clock p. ni. on!
Mnri-h 7 l'.tl.t. for HtM-cml road work
in districts No. 17. 1, 2 ami 4 of I
said county, according to plans and j
specifications on file in the ollice of
the County Clerk of said county,
Each bid shall be accompanied by a
bond, signed by two or more free
holder:, in double the amount of
tho bid, as sureties made payable I
e fuilhftil per-
formance of the contract. Iik.nks,
may be obtained at the ollice of the,.
Clerk. The Court reserves Me ,
right to reject a;iy and all buls if
ley deem them too high.
lly order of the County Court. 1
Dated Feb. 20, CJ13.
For Sale flood second Cutting,
clover and first cutting timothy j
and clover; also Farly Rose, Ameri-1
,,, , i, , i i
can Wonder nnd Uurbank seedpo-i,
tatoes; also a new variety called the $i.ou for setting.
Evergreen, a great yielder and fine! j. jf, Role .son, St. Helens, Ore.
potato; 1 yearling Jersey bull, 14 -
head hogs 8 months old. all ready y()t Sale Early Rose seed po
for block, but several good brood 1 tatoes.
sows among them; pure Shadel nnd
Wonder seed oats; also about five .
dozen young liens. On account of ,
going away from Warren for Home'
tim thewi aruoio. mum om
bfor Maroh lat.
For pnrttoulara
phun- -t -
wr.U C. J. L.on. Wr-n,
Thirteen bids were submitted on
the Masonic Hall in St. Helens by
contractors, and upon opening them
J. II. Tillman of Cortland was found
to bo the lowest bidder, and con
tracts have been prepared for him
to sign. The building is to be com
pleted and turned over by July 1
It will be a handsome structure of
reinforced concrete, with store
rooms on the ground floor and lodge
rooms and banquet halls above.
Judge Harris and Commissioner
John Farr made a tour of road in
spection in Dist. No 17 Monday.
Mr. Orleton Lewis was a busi
ness visitor Monday.
The Northwest Door Co. shipped
the first car of lumber from their
mill this week.
The Big Fir Lumber Co.. a new
corporation, is preparing to operate
the mill on the south fork, commonly
known as the JefT mill. This, with
other work :iw in progress, makes
the ertlook for this season much
better than for som time.
Mrs. K. II. Bushman visited in
Cortland this week.
The N'ehalem Timber & Iigging
Co is the name of the company that
is now o'rating the enmp and
logging Work until now conducted
to the Chapman Timber Co. Work
has been resumed preparatory to a
full oierating of the work of the
Dr. Withycombc of the Oregon
Agricultural College will deliver i
lecture in the Watt? & Crice ha!!
on Saturday, March 1, at 2 p. t i..
subject. I 'airy Cows and Diversili-d
Farming. It is desired by the cot i-
, mittee that all of the people of tbis
I section hear Dr. Withycoml e.
iThere will be organized at tl.i
nieetmir a
Commercial club to aJ
interest of this cum-
0 tj
To the Public
We wish to announce that our
store will be closed to invoice until
monday morning, Feb. 24, l'.iOH,
when it will be opened under the
new management, Oliver & Oliver,
the new proprietors for whom we
solicit the favors of all our friends,
We wish also to say that we will be
with Mr. Oliver for a time to assist
, him in getting started. The same
! careful and courteous treatment w ill
be extended to you as in the past.
White & White.
We have not sold our undertaking
business, l.ut will continue the same
" '" " nw-
At my farm four miles from
Deer Island, Oregon, on Wednesday,
, j.,,.,
i;i;3, at 11 o'clock I will
sell nt auction sale: Two bur es,
one '.) years old, one 3 years old:
two cows, one hoir. wuiri n. bu:y.
ht lmr hl,avy ,arn,.M r.,l
.,llw , ,.?,, rm tlutU
C. J. Lindbom, Deer Hand, Ore.
For Sale Six-acre farm, good
nouse ami out iiuimmgs. iso ion
acre tract all under culth at ion. one
mile from St. Helens, Ore.
Ceo. W. Perry, Iloult m. Ore.
. , . ...
I l'or Sale llioroughbied Wjan-
, . h
D. Casero,
-It Columbia ( ity.
', "'"
o wiu'm n
. thmmmilv!
,.,k.j ni.a call ami ui
r - wm,... d'
Whit Whit. ig
Rainier, Ore., Feb. 15, 1913.
The regular annual caucus for
the nomination of city officials v. as
held in the city last night. A. L.
Clark was elected chairman and E.
H. Joseph secretary of the meeting.
T. J. Flippin, present Mayor of the
city was nominated by acclamation.
Wm. Symons present police judge
and clerk of the city council was
also nominated by acclamation for
the fame office for the coming year.
W. D. Stewart, confectioner. Geo.
F. Moeck. Jr., merchant, and A. L.
('lark, owner of the Independent
Telephone Co., were nomitated for
city councilman. A. L. Fuller.
cashiet of the State Bank of
Uainitr, was non.inated for cit
reasurer. James Jesse who has
!een city marshal for several years,
was again nominated for the same
office. E. M. Young, the jeweler,
was nominated for water commis
sioner. Quite a number of ladies
partial ated in the proceedings.
The election will be held on Mon
day, March 3. Fred Jenson ar.d J.
W. Rice were also contenders for
honors as councilimn, but were
beaten out by narrow marging. J.
'. R th, former city treasurer, re
jived LI votes to his opponents S3.
V. D. Clue opposed E. M. Young
for water commissioner and received j
22 votes to his opponents M5. J.m.esj
Jesse was the annual favorit-; for
city marshal against all comers.
. The Hannond Lumiwr Co., whici
has closed a 23 yerr lease with the
city for right-of-way through tin
city for nn overhead railway, in
order to ship its big timber hold
ings south aril east of this city, ha .
made a preliminary survey if tin
road, and active operations wil
I egin as soon as necessary arra i.e
ments can lie made.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. RutherT.-r.!
entertained at a Valentine dinner
party Friday evening. An elabor
ate and beautifully decorated table
was set. places being indicate 1 by
cards in the form of hearts. o:i
v. Inch were written verses descrip
tive of each person present. Lacli
told bis or her best tale, with thv
usual enlargements and embei!i.-h-ment.s.
A delightful evening w.i-;
spent with music and playing g; mc;
appropriate to the occasion T fii
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J, S.
Allen, Dr. an I M s. l.. li. Ho.v, ;,:r.
and Mrs. A. L. Stone, Dr. and Mrs.
R. L. JetTcott. Mr. Carl Steii.lnih.
Miss Mildred Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. L. 11. Rutherford.
a unTque notice
A copy of a sale bill advertising
a Sale held in Cike county, Mo , fiT
eiiis ago, ha:J been going the
rounds of the pres.-;:
ffni.ic SAl.K.
State of Missouri, co'.-nty of I'i .c,
i'o whom it may concern:
The undersigned will, on Tue.--d.iy,
:Vpt ember 2'.. A. D. 1S4C. sell at
public outcry fr cash on t!:e
premises where Coon Creek crotses
the old Missouri road, the folL wi'ig
chattels: ( yoke of oxen with yoke.
ami chains, 2 wagons vim i eus,
nigger wenches, 4 buck niggers, 3
nigger boys. 2 prairie plows, 23
steel traps. 1 barrel pickeled cab
bage, 1 hogshead tobacco, 1 b t of
nigger shoes, 1 Fpir.ning wheel, 1
loom. 13 fox hounds, a lot of corn,
mink and skunk skins and a I d of
other articles, Am gwine to Cali
fornia. Jew Doe,
Richard Roe, Cry r.
Freo hoad-cheeae, apple ami liurd '
rldrr. - j -
Ight Riwimu ror nam inc. j
for 10. Mrm, u. Kfnir,
- r, Or.
4 i
and clerk for DISTRICT
The House at Salem has passed
a bill which provides that road dis
tricts shall be organized on the
same plan as are school districts, j
Three directors and a clerk shall be !
elected by the people in each dis-
trict who shall have complete charge
of all road matters in the district,
shall have authority to employ super-
visors and road builders and do any
and all things pertaining to road
ouilding and repairs. The people
of the district will have the right to of Port,and, was a Sunday visitor in Mrs. Clyde Smith and little dauirh
vote bonds for improvemet etc., the St. Helens at th home of R. Cox ter of Cortland are visiting at the
same as they now have in school and family. . j home of
distncts So far the bill has no ; C.'ishier A. L. Scone of the Colum- & Mrs. Halstead in St. Helen, this
passed the Senate but a determined , bia County Cank ha3 been confined j week
cuo. . ..., u Ul TO
principally from the state Grange.
:.. v.,.: i i... r- i..
to have the bill become a law.
Real Estate Transfers
Feb. 1.
James M. Hill to minora Hill, land j
in S. W. 1-4 13-31--4 W. W
Con. $1.
W. F. Slaughter & I. Slaughter
to A. & S. Hankey, 1-2 lot 3, 31-5-1
W. W. M. Con. $1.
John Huber & Kmrna Huber to
A. & S. Hankey, j art of lots 4-1-31-0-1.
Con. $13'I0.
Feb. 3.
St. Helens Transfer Co. t) K.
lilackburn, lot 14, blk 33, also 43 ft.
lot 13, blk. 33. Con. $2-iOO
Feb 4.
C. R. &
F. MeCormick to II. A.
& M. D
oi i,.... o. or or-
om-llliail, IOIS ..-.,-o.
Ilik. 2. S. St
Helens. Con. ?201.
Feb. 3.
h-... t .i v. i. t. .i ..'season mill nlrrailv thprp i tnllo nf
ii in. un icns k i.i-iui.i i.oueris io
i ("on. $::i'0
I Frank McFarland & Ida McFar-
i t . ii' l per' w i.
; land tow. r. & E. C. Walters,
i mi . un'i uiui-i niou. u,
i ., . . . , n . , t, n ,
i Rainier Land Co. to J. h. lock-
; rell i: Ella M. Cockrell, lot 4, b.k.
. , , , , , ... , r
jl. L.anchard Add. to Lainur.
v on.
; C. W. & D. M. Sherman to H. A.
Sherman, land in 33-5-?. Con ?1.
j Feb. 1.
j John H. Ceterson & Dora M.
Ceterson, land in 1S-C-4. Con. $ld.
I Feb. 5.
St. Helens Imp. Co. to J. L. Z:;-
I-erer, lot i, blk. 11, Railroad Ac 1.
'Com 1i.
! Feb. 11.
i J. & M. HeegiM to Ira D. Won
'derly, 2.-' acres in 17-7-3. Con. $il X
j U. V. & Maivaiet Moeck to An a
' K. II dgs, lots 1-2-11-12. Mocck's
' Add to Rainier. Con J I.
I Western Coopt l;.ge Co. to C. K,
.& K. II. Crockway, laud in 2l'V2.
! Con. h;"i),
I Feb. 12.
M. E. & T. R. Throop to 1
A. Spencer, land in 3-1-4.
Feb. 11.
Fan. rs State Rank t E: iii
kbyniT, land in 3-3-2. Co.i. $1.
Sim i i New iu:i t3 AnJr--w
land in 13-3-2. Co:i. $1.
fitters unclaimed in t';-J St. V.A
en, Ore. Cost office for the v ee c .d
February !". UU3.
I. R. Flbon
Deromee Ca'.u'.et
?darcvs Hobbs
Dick Hobbs
Doe Maple
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Cetera m
Thurman Cettit
John V.. Som. nen
Let' era unclaimed by
will be sent to th, Dca.l-Lc
1 let;
.ell,. : .;
;.-r v ;;.
..L.Cl.iray ' ' 4
. " "... . '
- ft'JM lfci..
M'uotlfr Mrm. Wa -M-Wajr. Prr. Jr-.r,a.
Ora. Jtwr
Wm. Ross was a business visitor
ln Cortland last Monday.
Rert Adams, a prominent farmer
from the Deer Island community
was looking aftf r business matters
in St. Helens Monday.
David Davis of the Ti
tQ h;s bed dur.nR tfle wpek fln
! Uack of the .
j A. W. Mueller accompanied Her
jman Hansell to Cortland last Mon
Iday. Mr. Hansell was very seri
, ously burned :n Monday when his
bakery was destroyed by .fire and
iwas taken to St. Vincent's HosDital
M"!in Portland.
i Dr. Cliff came down from Port
land Monday to consult with Dr.
J Peel in reference to the case of
; sickness of Mrs. F. M. Thorp. It
, was decided that an operation was
necessary and Mrs. Thorp was taken
to the hospital in Cortland on Tues
day. ! The Aller Trio of M
lusicians en
tertained St. Helens people at the
City Hall last Monday evenintr.
Their program was a!! that was
Ic'almcd fttr i f.rsf clnss in nvirv
reject. This was the last of the
Lyceum curse numbers for the
' - --j
) W. L. Stovers of Scappoose was
a St. Helens visitor, looking after!
, (Ki.'ir.ess matters.
,oorge n . iirant came uown irom
,h;s home at Scap.oose last Monday.
; having m his charge a Mr. Adams
,M,vioi; in his en.une " I'll. (Vlillis
i , , ,. , , .
i who was later a djmlged insane ami
; sent to the r.svknn rtt Salem.
j Miss MinKa c!lM W!U ho?tess at a
Videntine k.ncheo:! last Saturday at!
her home in Cortland, in honor of . rhil,p Xcpr of Warren wHs at Ada llerpe of St. Helens, the j ten,,inir to ,,usinos3 mMm , gt
occasion being the birthday of Miss . He,eua
All. A n'.imber of friends from . r- .
r , , i of ii i A. I. Lmmous, a prominent at-
er.t, the att- moon being given
aft- moon be in
to whist
j Las't Thursday evening one of the
) ardors r.t the Orcadia Hotel de
! ei led t !.-; ve town without first
h; p:-.! i his Uard bill, but be-
- I... f. .1.1.. .....n. '
, ,, , .,
eeen l .vorn oui mi mm anil ne
i u;.s i-roug i itacu ana ervea some
I time in the county jail before being
! allowed to go. He was quite will-1 M- -s- Hazen of Lents was visit
jing to make settlement of his ac-1 i at the borne of his parents, Mr.
; court after a few days boarding '. an I Mrs. M. F. Hazen in St. Helens
! with the slit riff.
L. Mcey, Costmaster at Colum-!
j 5u:i I.iy eveidpg and Dr. Ceel was!
'c.lh d an 1 f..u ) 1 Mr. M.-Vey sulTer- i
ia.r from a ba I hernia. Ik- was
t ..', i t Cortland late Sun iay ever- ,
.i-.g.nan autoa'id p!aced in a bos-
... . .
p.t.u w here ronet wa:; ontamed.
R.-orts from Sl. Vincent's Hos-
: ) ;trd in Cortland concerning the
edition .: Ilcnf-xi Hansell are Regular services at me uongre-.ouii-ii,-
towards a complete re- P-tional church Sundaj-, Feb. 23,
wry. The I v.n.s are now yield- Morning service, 11 o'clock; evening
-to the treatment and Herman ' service. 7:30. BeginninR Monday,
r. w able to see with one eye and Feb. 21. we will have some special
t e. a something. The burns are meetings. A prominent Portland
ve;- serious but nil indications point minister, (a different one eaeh even
; I . a complete recovery. ' ing ) will speak for us. This will be
an opportunity for the people of St.
1 Mo'.hdist Notices Helens to hear some of the city's
i S :nd:y School, 10 a. m.
A'. iaui ar.d Let.
Morning e rviev 11 a. m. Subject,
lrvm-!,1! Leajiio. J:Jj n. ni. Sub -
1 -ct: Th u,Ui Motiv Lovm. Ed -
. . i f ' " .
MLWnUtir .tririvm ' ....
U. T. .utbr. Tutor.
Capt. L. Reeder and wife of
Portland stopped off here for a visit
at the home of John Popejoy. They
were on their way to Seaside.
Miss Libby Fowler of Scappoose
was the guest of Mrs. John Popejoy
I Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Halsterd have taken
the Collins residence and will soon
be at home to their friends on
Willamette street.
Mrs. Arch Mace is ill with la
Mrs. J.H. Price has been quite sick
the past week.
A local institute for teachers will
be held at Rainier, Ore., on March
1, 1913.
Miss Edna Harris left on Monday
for Corvallis to take a post gradu
ate course in chemistry at the 0. A.
C. college.
Mr. and Mrs. Fnglish of Deer
Island were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Harris on Tuesday.
Mrs. F. M. Thorp, who was taken
to the hospital in Portland last Tues
day for an operation was cperaUd
..nnn TUiiralav mnrnmirnnil mruirt.
! ' , ' ,. K
j that .he rall.ed from the effects
i 1
June sausiactorny. tne was in a
, , mi i.
, ,,
E. L. Quick went to Portland last
t( HOC Ml Trt aua T W, ..ran
i Quick, who has been in the hnsnltal
I for a nuiubcf of weefcs Qajck
t r.: -u:i.
. . ,,(T;
i was suffering from a Goitre, which
1 t . .
I was removed some time ago and she
' , i.i
! 13 n"w almost completely recovered
, on. ... -r . . af R,,iath
Ore., Ve?terdav.
toiney of Cortland. i9 in the city
looking after some legal matters.
slartin Whit-j went to Portland
Thuisday morning to meet Miss
Mannie Lillieh of Cumberland,
Wisconsin, who arrived there that
.morning. Miss Liincn win spena
. some rnontns here visiting with her
Mrs. White, and other rela-
in the county.
Monday. .
Call For Warrants
All road and general county war-
rants endorsed prior to December
12th. Iil2.will be paid on presenta-
tion at the office of the County
Treasurer. Interest ceases Feb. 14,
l- '
R. S. Hattan. Co. Treas.
1 Congregational Church
' l0!it. men. so don't miss a night or
! perhaps it might be just the one
I you would like to hear. We earnestly
I invito everyone to attend these
leervicwa. Come. whthr '
' HMnrW of
'you in m .JaCX- t . - .
'you are rm--denomination
with ua.
U. Jopling raator.