St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 23, 1913, Image 8

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4 yourself and Others
Wise and Otherwise
Large fire-proof tafe for sale, .
E. Quick. City Hall.
Hon. Norman Merrill, of Ctats
kanie. was in St. Helens yesterday.
Rev. and Mri. F. J. Meyers vis
ited friends at Kalama, Wash., dur
ing the week.
Mrs. W. B. McKay, of Portland.
visited her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. George, this week.
W. A. Bullock, of balem, state
manager of the Yeomen, visited in
St. Helens last Tuesday.
Quite a number of St. Helens
people attended Hamlet at the Hei-
lig in Portland last Saturday.
Mrs McLaren, of Rainier, and
Mis. McCollum, of Kalama, were
guests of Mrs. C. H. John during
the week.
Frank S. Grant. Grand Chancel
lor of the K. of P.. of Oregon, will
visit Avon lodge on Tuesday, Feb
ruary 3d.
Miss Ella Rosenthal left last Sun
day for the east. She will visit in
Chicago, and Ohio cities for two
months before returning.
Miss Mina Cohn, of Portland,
visited friends in St. Helens the
past week. A number of dinners
and card parties were given in her
The party who took a bird out of
a business house in St. Helens will
please return same. You are known
and Us DromDt return will save
Elder J. S. Mtwery will preach
in the Baptist church at Yankton,
. February 1, at 11 o'clock a. m.,
and in the Bachelor Flat school
house at 3 p. m.
Rev. V. J. Meyer, of Scappoose,
Will occupy the pulpit at the St.
Helens Congregational church next
Sunday morning and Rev. F. J.
Meyers, of St Helens, will preach
at the Scappoose church. Both
pastors will occupy their own pul
pits in the evening.
0. M. Washburn, cashier of the
Farmers State Bank, of Scappoose,
was a business visitor in St. Helens
Thos. Basse, the merchant of
Quincy, attanded to business mat
ters in St. Helens Wednesday.
J. W. Sherwood; state comman
der of the Maccabees of the World,
attended a meeting of St. Helens
Tent on Wednesday evening. The
Maccabees lodge at this place is
growing and is fast becoming one
of the leading orders of the city.
jrGlasses, once the sign of old
QrmBiize. are now the sign of
common sense. In tfie days of the
old style double vision glasses, the
older people hesitated about wear
ing them because of the ugly con
spicuous kinds. Call at St. Helens
hotel Monday, January 26th, and
let Drs. Lowe & Turner show you
the new double vision glasses. They
look like a single pair yet serve the
purpose of two, thus enabling you
to see both far and near. They
make you feel young and do not
make you look old. Nobody knows
the conyenience of these double
vision glasses until they have worn
them. Come in and let us talk it
over with you. Scores of St. Hel
ens references.
Episcopal Church.
Notice to Parents.
tarents are requested to take
notice tht a primary class for be
ginners will be organized Monday
Jan. 12, 1914 and that pupils will
only be allowed to enter for two
weeks thereafter. Kindly register
the little folks in time.
C. V. Kilgore, Supt.
Grange Meeting.
Fomona Grange will meet with
Goble Grange Feb.Tth 1914. A
good attendance is desired as it
will be an important meeting.
R. N. Lovlace,
Master of Pomna.
Plymouth Congregational.
A church home with a welcome
and place for strangers and friends.
10:00 a. m. Bible School, every
Lord's day.
. 11:00 a. m. Public Worship and
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The Mid
week Service and Bible Study.
Helpful and inspirational services
"Come thou with us and we ' will
do thee good.'
Clearance 5ale
Men's Heavy 6-iu. Work Shoes v.ere f 1 5'1 -s5
Hoys High Tops were $$.oo now f 2.45
Boys Heavy Shoes regular height were 2.5" l'
Men's Suits at 25 per cent discount
Any Hoy's Suit at !i off
Men's Dress Shirts were 75c, ft, i.25 lllHV 35c
Your choice of lot ot Men's Shirts were i,So now 900
in sizes of 16, 16 J j' ami 17 only. , .
Ladies Waists will he dosed out at just , price
I Welch & Ames J
Real Estate Transfers.
City of Clatskanie to Gretta Ken-
nineu, land.
G. M. Jauheaineu to J. D. and E.
Wonderly land in 17-7-3.
B. B and F. Springer to O. B.
and A. Wahl, land in Clatskanie.
G. B. Lewis to O. Wahl. land in
Scappoose Acreage Co. to Otto
Evenson, tract 103 Scappoose acres.
Rainier Land Co, to W. B. Gray
lots 20-21. blk 2. Florence add'n.
E. B. and M. E. McFarland to
V. Rasso. land in 21-4-2.
Rainier Land Co. to Jno. O. Bette,
lot 7, blk 28, Rainier.
W. B. and S. B. Dillard to G. H.
and I. W. Shinn, lot 9, blk 3, in St.
N. Ward, to Hattie L. Loyd, lots
17-18. blk 2, Clover Hill.
Rainier Land Co. to F. P. and W.
H. Pennington, lot 6, blk 2, Blan-
chard's addition.
lawless saloons 1. it i! !s
He carried on an unwavering
fight against these forces andi
finally won, but not before he
was slugged and shot at. He
laid aside his pen to' become an 1
officer in the Spanish war. Later!
he entered upon his literary ca-
reer, his short stories being fol
lowed by five books of fiction.
His pen, his unyielding fight for
better things in city government
and his speeches embodying his
life's philosophy sent him to the
platform, where he has shared
C O M 1 N G !
Letters unclaimed in the St. Hel
ens Post office for the week ending
January 17, 1914:
Mr. Charles Christenson
Mr. Charley Christenson.
Mr. Oscar Nelson.
Fred V. Sorak.
Letters unclaimed by Jan. 31st
will be sent to the Dead-Letter office
Iva E. Dodd, P. M.
Services at the Episcopal church
next Sunday afternoon at 2:30;
Archdeacon Chambers will preach.
Archdeacon Chambers will preach
in Christ church next Sunday even
ing at 7:30. All are cordially in
Lost A diamond brooch,
somewhere between the Cox res
idence and the Morton residence
on top of the hill. Return to The
Mist office ond receive reward.
Road Meeting D ates.
Jaxcary 28.
Two men leave CUUkanie in parly
morning for meeting at Miet at 1 p m .
Prof. ColHna ami one man come to
Rainier on morning train.
Leave on morning train, two men stop
t Goble for meeting at 1:00 p. in.
Two men stop at Deer Island.
All meet at Houlton' in evening fjr
big meeting.
Leave in morning 11 a. m. Two mm
stop at Yankton for meeting at 1 p. in.
Two men stop at Warren.
All arriving at an 8 o'clock evening
meeting at 8t Helena
January 3t
Meeting at Hcappooae at 1:00 p. m.
honors with some of the coun
try's best known orators.
In his messages there is con
viction. He voices no untried
theories. He has seen them
vindicated in the white heat of
life's crucible and over the anvil
of human experience. He has
felt the pulse of life, and when
he lectures his audiences are also
caused to feel its throb.
And so, with confidence, the
lyceum committee, presents Har
old Morton Kramer, "The Phi
losopher of Life."
At the City Hall, Thursday Jan
uary the 29th.
The Columbia Players
In tjik Vk.;t;:k- Comkiy Sicckss
The Girl of Eagle Ranch
A Gripping Story ol Western Life
Thrilling Climaxes '"Wholesome Comedy
Special Features Between Acts
Verne in Old Songs
For Sale) and Want Ada
AJ in Th C Jumm Bring Rm.1 I
Farm or Sale or Exchange.
(Kxehange for Stock Runrh)
bixty aore for salo; 20 UJ
cleared; good houae, two barni, t
and other outbuilding; til
cleared; one cow and team
with place; about 'A mils f run ?
Helens, 2K mile from I'oi tlaru,
good county roan; iou r
2,1U)0, balance (5 per rent., ten
to suit. For particular writ
2t i-tn N. SiiKuwoon, Warrn,0:
The St. Helen Improvement
is in a position to help every ptrd
who want to buy, aell or rt
property. They ar in touch
buyers and seller. They hiv
reputation for fnir dealing thit
sure good treatment. I f "U
anything to sell or wart to buy r
tiling it it to your Intermt to.
suit them,
A. T. Laws, Manager.
St. Helen. Ore
A koihI houw with three f
lota in K'xmI locution in St. !!.,
ror wile, impure for pricei t
term at the Mint olTire.
Seed Out for Sule
Warren, Oregon.
What Interested Our Folks in
January, 1894.
Harold Norton Kramer.
Harold Morton Kramer is not
only a lecturer, but he is a nov
elist, also, and the story of his
life is full of red-blooded events i quantities in gill
Smelt Appear, Disappear and R appear
An Open Winter Plowing
Began in January.
The movement of the shoals of
smelt up the Cowlitz river two
weeks ao did not brinff the glad
sprinjr time as soon as some people
prophesied. When the cool wave
and the snow arrived the silvery
little fish disappeared at once, and
no one could tell whether they had
jrone to the bottom or up or down
the river. It was known that they
were gone and no kind of fishing
gear at hand could capture a speci
men. Since the warm rains came
the smelt have come in sight again
away down the Columbia river,
where they have been taken in larxe
An editor in one of our neighbor-, St. Helens Improvement Co., by
ing towns was tired out of church A. T. Laws, lots l.'5-l l-l.l, blk C, IJ,
because, in a spirit of absent niind-jU, addition.
euness, while, trie congregation was
singing the lines of an old familiar
hymn, he bawled out: "Ix't every
kindred, every tribe on this terres
trial ball, put down their dollars . ...i.i;.
un. I ,,. .l Ml l ;"OOIWOII
Qllli nuiWLI HIT, UIK1 W V l IflTIJIl J I T
T. C. Samuel, block 10, lots 1:1
1 1, rr add'n.
i it i in ... .
w. i.. munrop, lk 10, lot II, rr
t 12. blk 0. rr
Petition for grading of street and
improvement thereof.
To the Honorable Mayor and
Common Council of the City of St.
Helens, Columbia County, State
of Oregon.
We, the undersigned, property
owners of real estate, residing in
said city, and along and abutting
West street, between Hemlock and
Church street in jaid city, respect
fully petition your Honorable b-dy
to improve or cause to be improved
all that portion of West street in
said city, lying between the west
side of Hemlock street and the east
side of Church street, by grading
the same the full width of said
sueei unci covering me same lor a
width of 20 feet with crushed rock
six inonts in depth in the center
and gradually reduced to two inches
on the edges.
A ...
n-i your petitioners will ever
J. M. Sabin, lots 8-9-10. blk 11
11. It. add'n to St. Hellens.
W. E. Stout, lots 1-2, blk 12, 11
K. add'n to St. Helens.
C. E. Olson, lots 12-l;i. blk ,r. ll
as thrilling and interesting as
any page torn from one of his
books. As a cowboy he rode with
those who drove the cattle rus
tlers out of the Northwest. From
the saddle he went to the re
porter's desk, and then became
editor of a daily newspaper in a
city where graft, gambling and
nets, and the K. add'n to St. Helens,
market has been well supplied with Ramon Carcia, lots 1 1- If,, blk r,
T . . ...
are It. K. to M. Helens.
' I . u I.' i . - . ...
itaiii will, nils 11-1.4,
blk !).'!.
5. Col
them. The fact that they
caugni in gin new is patent Irom, naiph i',rwin,
the fact that the gills and in many Agnes Dixon, lot 1, blk
cses the whole heads are torn off umbia Park.
in extricating them. With the re-j C. C. Walker, lot 11, blk ID, IJ.
turn of the smelt the occasional big' R. addition,
chinook salmon has also come to: C. C. Cassat, lot 1. blk 1 Colum.
pass. I bia Park.
I). C. Masten
T. G. Flippin. lots 1M2-1H blk
10, rr add'n.
J. A. Hill, lot 22. blk 1. Colum
bia l'ark.
C W. Parsons, lot 11, blk 77.
C. W. Parsons, lots 13-11, blk ,
rr addition.
St. Helens Improvement Co., by
A. T. Laws, lots H -9-10, blk U, rr
J. L. Chittim, lots 11-12, blk :.
To the lloii.Tuhle M,lvorHi,.IO.ii.Ii,,n
Council ol the City f ,st IM.-,n, (',,.
umbia County, atau ol Or.-.,ii ;
U'- ti.
"c, me nviirii or a nmjoriiy ol the
aimilinK 'fill proprriy. upon ththr.ein
uOr .-;t ...
" '-ou.i urmi m mill ( iir of
nt Heieim, luTchy petition your n.
"r",,,H 1 )' to impr..v Ti.l,.tin .trret
iron, ih ,ft, T li f ta.rn.i.1 ,lr... I
me MI Urn. of Winter MrH.t, n.
winir ulref1. to
lorreiiuTiineol ri)moutl, trrt liy
Killing tl a nn,e I t a wxltl, 0f twelve
Jeet.towit: for M .et on ea h ai,le of
th.. liter lim m.f ,i( ,K.r(iohl, , aii)
"ireel,, hii.UUo l,y rtr.,,,1,,,, lmr
iho.o.iKhly; And your p.-MIIer, ,
ever pray.
H. K Snniu lHiiil, ,lo, r,h
1'. St-r tfine, 1, , 4,
lorge K K Ionia
ConiMhliim Iiuii.Ih
'e'er li Uin, l,l k ;j
Ailiiin.isiiH liiiniin.
'loin I'nii'M
Mm. Ann e M S. h k r,
Miir n, hl.Kk 4i(
I) iucci,.
II Mm gun
A .1. l'H.I,
Mr-.. Midiii',.!.
:.i.itni coir k,.h, v x
"V I- U Ri.lla.-i,,,,!,
During tlic time I hit
been coiulucting a j
BylRBC R H0r
iii ST. hki.ks I have
ceived my full share of pi
ronage and I assure
customers that it has be:
uurinK tqi.1 the sar
courteous treatment at
i ....
K'XKl CI V1CC will he C:
ti titled.
!' Co.,
TAT0ti CR Y...
5 U D R I C 5...
I't)RTi.ANi) Tricks
Ot R Trkks
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. AD
st. m:i.i;ns. ori:don
Watch Rcpairirf
a Specially