St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 23, 1913, Image 7

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and Uairy rroauce
ml all klmla wanlad. Write fu Mir
aultlTtl Mnvlof rlftura P-lava. HIS mnnmf, Kafid
Ji..p"jHNAIW. 417 H..ih.h,M Hhl.. Ivriland.Or.
tltoot Hrlae-Wbialas Herein '" Wemea, Ua.
tampe nilaer. I" H i l''Oand. Ure.oa.
A N ON K. A N t W II r K K. rMr l.fl.UO to r n
uhmir...4i.'l-t. ""' Inatriiationa,
llwluw'lle I'Blure playe. ' P1-
)ll.a. np -mm . -----
Hun. ... . ! i i-.4t..i n.
...nulla. ale ! HI.- I l-t ! l'rW.
lilt J. K. MAUI IN CO.. Ha Ui Ht I'uriland. Or.
tJuur. 10 a. m. la p. m- that 57M
Selantlne Tmlnvnl "I all Anita and
tmaaara. I Iran.-! I'raclltlonar. Bulla 424-a-t
Arraila lluibllna. Malt:a. .
or etierltnerit with freak tru.ere
- it'. e.lH'M.'veend eaeneran.. No
tt.tlrr how iir lutia .latwlihir
Ilia rupture. Of til a IrUMi la .ulU
hr mail ur In iwtwn thet'e our
bu.tite-.. V a'lar.ntaa .atl.far.
t.n. Send NOW. arcall. fur rMfc'e;
IHMIK. II tall. .11.
Ma Jeareal 111.. Parllaae. lira.
"I enjoyed the lloiiton harbors."
"How so?"
"They discussed ethical questions
nstead of hulr lonlo." Bultlmore
a U I
a a" V. Hi
ll'" .rf.' .df". . i . ww- . -
BIIIU.Il THt'HM. No worrrlnc or dan.
tar of an atarattao. Ituptura la not a taar
or braarh, a. rmnnvinlr tuppoaaU, but la
tha atralchlnr. ar rillallnn, af a nattirml
aranlra. Thia HPKHMATIC
rlllll.'l.ll ainl'ra rloara thi. oanlna- In
K day. In hmmI raMM. If you ean'l enma,
vrlla fur maaaurliic blank and Utaratur.
Huki only by
Third and Yamhill. Portland, Or.
Who ara Triu F!paria arvl Riclualra
Htata Aaanla fur Una atillanra.
1 ! .111 "
a. . -a"
iand UP Sizes.
Ms Right Twist
.likes Short Vcrk of CItining Cat Yesr Eniin
System Achss tsd Pti-i Go fesf.
Ia S. S. S. Yoa Get a Twist oa
Many a rhsumatlo sufferer baa been to
- -n w mini, ui ri. n. ... an u
ien handed something c In I mad to be
luat aa irn,l." Truly, to aak for bread
1 hs given a atone Is still In practice,
you are troubled with rheumatism la
y furm be sure to use S. b. H, and note
I Wnnilarfnl InKn...
H. H. M. haa tha n!u- .. -, i.
L ,hro"Bn Iniestlnaa directly Into
.......... ia iiti minutes lis innuence is
; work In every artery, vein and tiny
iplllary, Every membrane, every organ
tha kmlu . .
. -- - v.... .,rry aiiuinciury Dacomva in
aart a . 1 1 1 ... ... a w , . ,
r ... .limn Ilia PIWU .Fl IITI
lirltles. Tha allmulallng properties of B.
compel tna akin, iier, bowels, kid
tw, bladder to all work to the one end
.--oiia iiui avarjr imiaiing, every pain,
nictlnaatom of polnm: It dlalodges by
r - mii.ui(iiii(,ii. jiiinia,
f "aa add auwuliuus W diaulvs raadara
Each "Papa's Diapapaln" Dlgtata 1000
gralna food, anding all atomaeh
mlaary In flva mlnutaa.
Tlma Itl In flva mlnutaa all atom
aeh dlatrraa will no. No ludlteatlon.
baartbum, auurnena or bnUI'Inic of
Kan. acid, or aructatlotia of unlltatel
food, uo dli.lneaa, bloallug, foul
brealh or neaduch.
1'apa'a lMapupaln la noted for Ita
i prod In rnKUlutliiK upaut atoinaciia,
It la tba auraal. qul-kHt atnmach rem
tdy In the whole world and bealdna It
la hiiriuliaa. I'ut an end to atoinitcn
trnublo forever by guttlnK a lurica
fifty-cent caaa of l'apna Dlapepiln
from any drug atora. You reolixa In
flva mlnutea how neodlnaa It la to aur
fur from liullurmtlon, dyapcpala or any
atomuch dlaordur. U'a tha qulckeat,
aureat and uioat buruileia aloinach
ioctor In tha world.
Tna loweit human hnbllatlon la anld
to be that of tha coal nilnera la Bo
hemia. iom of whom iiiak their
dwalllnxa at a point over 2000 fuel
bolow tha level of tha aea.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes are the
brightest and fa-test.
Energetle Procaaa.
"I ahrlnlt from atudyliiK thta quea-
tlon. I low can 1 aver coma to a con
"Go to It!"
Wrlghl'i Indian Vegetable filla ara aold
with aud without eoluble tuar coating.
They rngulate tha bowela, Invigoraia tba
liver aod purify tha blood. Adv.
In Stavangor. Norway, even peaa-
anta and flahermen una elortrlo llhta.
Tha enKtnenr of the municipal elec
trio plaut hua orRuiilzed a cluaa of
houai.wlvi'a for In.tnjrtlon In tha una
of I'lectrlclty bottled cooking appara
Molhara will Kn4 Mrs. Wtna1nra annlhlat
Byruptna bal I" um lur luailoaUurao
auiuig iba laauuiug ariuu.
Not Knocking Anybody." "
Tha llttlimeaa of noma people la tha
blKKt part of them. lioaton Trua
You Make Friends by
Recommending a Reliable
Kidney Medicine
Your rr-pmentatlve railed at my
door yeatvrduy mminlng to li'iive a
amplo of your noted Swamp Itoot,
and I am n-rtalnly plcuafd to aee
anybody loniioclej with tha firm who
mnkea a medli-liia which haa done ao
much for ma and my family. A few
yenra ago I waa Buffering from a ter
rible pain In my back and when I waa
up around the houna I had to walk
with my body bent nearly double. If
you had pluced a thousand dollara
above my head I could not atralghten
up to get It.
Hearing of Dr. KUmer'a Swamp-Hoot
I aimt to you for a anmpla bottla and
from tha efferta of that amall amount
I wna aura It would help ma ao I
bought one bottle and It haa cured ma.
Mhortly after that my hucband who
waa n coal miner, waa suffering from
kidney trouble and could not work
and I aent for aoma of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Koot. Ho waa In a terrible
condition, but aa tha doctors had not
given ma any relief, I bad mora faith
In Swamp Itoot and It waa well found
ed, for It did tha work and after tak
ing a few bottles ba waa completely
I dally recommend tha us of
Swamp-Hoot to my frlenda and neigh
bors, Slnren-ly yours.
(lalcton, 1'enna.
Sworn and subscribed to before me,
thia ltlb day of May, 1912.
V. I). ALLEN, J. I.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer r Co
Blnahamton, N.T.
Prove What Swamp-Root Wig Do Tor Yoa
Send ten centa to Dr. Kilmer ft Co.,
ninghamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
Information, telling about tha kidneys
and bladder. When writing, he sure
and mention thia paper. Hegulnr
fifty-cent and one-dollar alia bottles
for sals at all drug atorea.
Rhetunatlam That Settles It.
them neutral and scatters those pacullar
formations In the nerve eentsra that
cauaa such mystifying and eftsn baffling
rnaumatlo palna.
And best of all thia remarkable remedy
la walrarae to tha weakest stomach. If
you have drugged yourself until your
stomach la nearly paralysed, you will be
aatonlahed to find tbat B. 8. H. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This la
because It Is a pure vegetable Infusion, la
taken naturally Into your blood just aa
pure ale la Inhaled, naturally Into you
Get a bottle of B. B. S. today, and as
for B. 8. 8.
You mar depend upon It that the store
that sails you what you aak for la a good
place to trade. Write to the Uwlft
Bpeclflo Co., to Bwtrt lildg., Atlanta, tar
fug thalc Boa! ao. lUtauaaUsot.
"fiwKwt m THE H-fiTET
Cowboys of the Flying rahrh ara
Aaarttirokan ovr tha lo.a f Ihalr murh.
prtaa. phontiarHph la Ilia rtaf.nt of thalr
rhainilin In a fixit-race with Ilia conk of
in at tha Klvlna llart. J. Wallltiifonl
HpaaiJ, chcar l.ailar at Tala, and Culvnr
('ovlnatun. Inter roll-Klata chaniiilon run
liar, ara mpailaij. II Ink a, Hpaad'S
waetlieart, bacimaa Intaraated In tha loaa
nr tha photinaraiih. Hha aug-aaata to Jaan
Chanln, alair nf tha owner of tha ranch,
that aha Indura Covlnaton, her Invar, to
win rurk tha t hntimiriiiili. Ilalen fleelarea
that If I'ovlnirtttn won't run, Hpaad will.
Tha cowboys ara hilarious ovar the pros-
CHAPTER 1 1 Continued.
It waa growing dark when tha rat
tle of wheels outside tha ranch house
brought tha occupanta to tha porch In
tlma to aea Nigger Mike bait his buck
board and two figures prepara to de
-It's Mr. Speed!" cried Mlsa Blake
Then sho uttered a acream aa tba vel
vet darkness was rent by a dozen
tongues of flame, while a shrill yelp
ing arose, aa of an Apache war-party,
"Ifs tha boys." aald Jean. "What
on earth baa possessed them?"
But Stover had planned no ordinary
reception, and tha pandemonium did
not ceasa until tha men bad emptied
their weapona.
Than Mr. J. Walllngford Speed cama
stumbling up tha steps and Into tba
arms of hla friends, tha tails of bis
dust coat streaming.
"ReallyT Thia la mora than I ei
pected," ba gasped; then turning,
doffed hla atraw bat to tha half re
vealed figures beyond tha light, and
cried, gayly: "Thank you, gentlemen!
Thank you for missing me!"
"Yow eo!" responded tha cow
boys. "How do you do. Miss Chapln!"
flpeed shook banda with his hostess.
and In tha radiance from tha open
doorway aha saw that bla faca waa
round and boyish, and bla smile pe
culiarly engaging.
Sha welcomed blm appropriately;
then aald: "Thia reception la Quito aa
startling to ua aa to you. You know,
Mr. Speed, that wa bare with ua a
friend of yours." She slightly drew
Helen forward. "And thia la Mrs.
Keap, who la looking after na a bit
while mother la away. Roberta, may
I present Mr. Covington's friend, and
aak you to be good to him?"
"Don't forgot me," aald Fresno,
pushing Into the light
"Mr. Berkeley Fresno, of Leland
Stanford I'nlverslty."
"Hello, Fret!" Speed thrust out his
hand warmly. Not so tba Callfornlan.
Ha replied, with hauteur:
"Kresno! F-ri n-o;" and allowed
the new-comer to grasp a limp, moist
"Ah! Go to the head of the class!
m sorry you broke your wrist, how
ever. The eastern lad spoke light
ly, and gave the palm a hearty aqeeze,
then turned to Jean.
"I dare say you are all disappointed.
Miss Chapln, that Culver didn't come
with me, but he'll be along In a day
or so. I simply couldn't wait"
"I did think when you drove up that
might be Mr. Covington with you."
Mlsa Chapln remarked, wistfully.
"Oh no, that's my man." Speed
glanced around him. "And, by-the-way.
where la heT"
The aound of angry voices came
through the gloom, then out Into tha
light came SU11 Dill Stover. Willie,
and Carara, dragging between them a
globular person who was rebelling
"Stover, what la thlsT" questioned
Miss Chapln, stepping to the edge of
the veranda.
"This gent atampedee in the midst
Had Planned No Ordinary Recaption,
of our welcome," explained the fore
man, "ao we have to rope htm before
he gets away." It waa seen now that
Carara's lariat waa tightly drawn
about the new arrival's waist
Then the valet broke Into coherent
speech, but be spoke -a tongue not
common to his profession.
"Nix on that welcome staff," he
burst forth, In husky, sJcohollo ac
cents; "that goes on the doormat!" It
was plain that he was vary angry. "If
that racket means welcome, I don't
want It Take that clothes-line off of
me." Carara loosened the noose, and
bla captive roiled up the atepa mop
ping hla face with hia handkerchief.
"What made you run away!" de
manded Speed.
"Any time a bunch of bandits nn
hitch their gata, I'm on my way," sput
tered tha fat man. "I'm gun-shy, see?
And when ibis bold up' comes off I
beat It till that Cuban rummy with tha
medala on hla dicer rides a live horse
up my back."
"You don't appreciate the honor,
explained hla employer; then turning
to the others, be announced: "Will
you allow me to Introduce Mr. Law
rence Class? He Isn't really a valet
you know. Miss Chapln, and he doesn't
care for the west yut It la his urst
"I have heard my brother speak of
Larry Glass," said Jean, graciously.
Mr. Glass ' courtesled awkwardly
and swinging his light foot back of
Fait aa If a Large Man Waa Choking
hla loft tapped the floor with hla toe.
"You were a trainer at Yale when
Jack was there?"
"Thafe me." Mr. Glass wheezed.
"I'm there with the big rub, too. Wal
ly aald he waa going to train during
vacation, ao he staked me to a trip
out here, and I came along to look
after him."
"Come Into the house," said Jean.
"Stover will aee to your baggage."
Aa they entered, Mr. Berkeley Fres
no saw the late arrival bend over
Helen Blake, and heard him murmur:
"The same unforgettable eyes of
Italian blue."
And Mr. Fresno decided to dislike
Wally Speed, even If It required an
T waa on the following
morning that Miss Blake
made bold to request her
favor from J. Walllngford
Speed. They had succeed
ed In Isolating themselves
upon the vine-shaded gal
lery at the rear of the
house, and the conversation
had been largely of athletics, but this.
Judging from the rapt expression of
the girl, waa a aubject of surpassing
Interest Speed, quick to take a cue.
plunged on.
I would have made the varsity
basket-ball team myself If I hadn't
been ao tiny," aald Helen. "I have
always wanted to be tail, like Ro
berta." "I ahouldn't care for that" said the
young man.
You know she was a wonderful
So I've heard."
Do you know," mused Helen, "I
have never forgotten what you told
me that first day we met About your
friendship for Mr. Covington. I think
It la very unselfish of you."
Oh. I wrjuldn't aay that" ventured
the young man, vainly racking bla
brain. "Nobody could help liking Cul
ver." Yes; but how many men would
step aside and let their best friend win
prize after prize and never undertake
to compete against him?"
Speed blushed faintly, as any mod
est man might have done.
"Did I tell you that?" he Inquired.
"Indeed yon did."
"Then please don't speak of It to a
mortal soul. I must have aald a great
deal that first day. but"
But I have spoken of It and I said
I thought It waa fine of you."
"You have spoken of It?"
"Yes; I told Jean."
The Yale man undertook to change
tha conversation abruptly, but Miss
Blake waa a determined young lady.
She continued:
"Of course, It waa very magnanim
ous of you to always step aside In
favor of your best friend; but It Isn't
fair to yourself It -really- lant And
so I nave arrsnted a little ptaa where,
by yoa can do something to prove
your prowess, and still not Interfere
with Mr. Covington In the least."
Speed cleared bla throat nervously.
"Tell me." be aald. "what It la."
And Miss Blake told him the story
of the shocking treachery of Itumpy
Joe, together with the miserable un
doing of the Flying Heart. "Why.
those poor follows are broken-hearted,"
aba concluded. "Their despair
over losing that talking machine
would be If It were not ao tragic. I
told tbern you would win It back for
them. And yoa will, won't yoaf
"IH take ten chancea," he aald.
"Where does the raffle come off?"
"Oh. It isn't a raffle. U'a a foot-race.
Yoa must run with that Centipede
"I! Run a race!" exclaimed the
young college man, aghast.
"Yes, I've promised that yoa would.
Yoa see, this isn't like a college event,
and Culver Isn't here yet."
"But ball be herd in a day or so."
Speed felt as If a very large man were
choking blm; he decided hla collar
was too tight.
"Oh, I've talked It all over with
Jean. She doesn't want Culver to
run, anyhow."
"Why not?" Inquired he, suspicious-
"I don't know, I'm sure."
"If Miss Chapln doesn't want Culver
to run, you surely wouldn't want me
"Not at all. If Mr. Covington knew
the facta of the case, be would be
only too happy to do It And, yoa
aee, you know the facta."
Speed waa about to shape a gracious
but firm refusal of the proffered honor
when Still Bill Stover sppeared at the
atepa. doffed hla faded Stetson, and
bowed limply.
"Mornln". Miss Blake." To the rear
Speed aaw three other men an In
dlan, tall, swart, and saturnine, who
walked with a limp; a picturesque
Mexican with a spangled bat and sil
ver spurs, evidently the captor of
Lawrence Glass on the evening previ
ous; and an undersized little man
with thick rimmed spectacles and a
heavy-banging holater from which
peeped a gun-butt All were smiling
pleasantly, and aeemed a bit abashed.
"Good morning, Mr. Stover," said
Helen, pleasantly. "Thia la Mr. Speed,
of whom I spoke to yoa yesterday."
Stover bowed again and mumbled
something about the honor of thia
meeting, and Mlsa Blake cast her
eyes over the other members of the
group, aaylng, graciously: "I'm afraid
I oan't Introduce your frlenda; I
haven't met them."
The loquacloua foreman came
promptly to the rescue, rejoicing in an
opportunity of displaying hla oratori
cal gifts.
"Then 111 make you acquainted
with the best brandin' outfit In these
parta." He waved a long, bony arm
at the Mexican, who flashed hla white
teeth. "Thia Greaser Is Aurelio Maria
Carara. Need I aay he's Mez, and a
preemeer roper?" Carara bowed, and
swept the ground with his blgh-peaked
head-piece. "The Maduro gent yonder
la Mr. Cloudy. Hla mother being
Navajo squaw, named blm accordln' to
the rights and customs of her tribe,
selecting the title of Cloudy-but-the-Sun-Shlnes,
which same haa proved a
misnomer, him beln' a pessimist for
Mlsa Blake and her companion smil
ed and nodded, at which Stover, en
couraged beyond measure, elaborated.
"He'a had a hlst'ry, too. When he
"The Four-Eyed Gent la Willie."
reaches man'a real-estate the Injun
agent ropes, throws, and bog-ties him.
then sends him east to be cultivated.
He spends four years klckln' a foot
ball" Speed Interrupted, with an
exclamation of genuine interest
"Oh, It's true ns gospel," the fore
man averred. "When he goca lame
In hla off leg they ahlp him back, and
In eptte of them handicaps he has be
come one rustlln' savage at a round
op." "What college did you attend?" In
quired Speed, politely. The question
fell upon unresponsive eara.
"He don' talk none," Stover explain
ed. "Conversation, which I esteem aa
a gift devlne, la a lost art with him.
I reckon he don't average a word a
week. What language he did know he
haa forgot, and what he ain't forgot
he distrusts."
Turning to the nearsighted man
who had been staring at the college
youth meanwhile, tha spokesman
took a deep breath, and aald, simply
yet proudly, aa If describing the piece
de resistance of this exhibition:
"The four-eyed gent Is Willie, plain
Willie, a born range rider, and the
best hip shot this side of the Santa T
Girls! Try It! Hair gets aMt fluffy
and beautiful Get a 23 csnt
bottle of Oanderlne.
If yoa care for heavy hair tbat glis
tens with beauty and la radiant with
life; baa an Incomparable softness and
la fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne.
Just one application doublea the
beauty of your hair, besides It Imme
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, heathy hair if you have
dandruff. Thia destructive scurf robs
the hair of lta lustre, ita atrength and
ita very life, and if not overcome It
producea a feverlshness and Itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos
en and die; then the balr falls out
fast Surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug
store and Juat try It
Melancholy Days.
"Don't you feel melancholy when au
tumn days are gray and chill?" asked
the poetic young woman.
"No," replied the square-Jawed
young man. "What makes me melan
choly Is to be prepared for gray, chill
weather daya and then experience
week after week of muggy warmth."
Free to Oar Reader
Writ Marina Eye Remedy Co., CbteaRO, foe
aVpaa llluatrated Era Book Free. Wrlta alt
about Your Kya Trouble and tbey wlU advlae
aa to tha Proper Application of tha Marine
Ey Heinediea In Your BpecUl Caaa. Yonr
brugirlal will tell you that Marina Kellcves
Bora Eyea, btrena-thena Weak Eyea. Doean'.
Smart, Bootbee Kya Pain, and aells for 60c
Try It In Your Eyea and in baby'a Eyes for
Scaly Eytllda and Orannlatlon.
Not Professional Beauty.
Chappie Jess told me she would
n't marry the handsomest man that
ever lived.
May Well, that doeBn't affect your
chances, does It? Puck.
It bas been estimated that British
Columbia has an area of about 253,
000,000 acres, of which about 1,600,000
acres Is composed of lakes In the In
terior. A REAL ASSET
Digestion is the most im
portant of all bodily func
tions and anything that tends
to disturb it is a serious of
fense against health. At the
first sign of digestive or
bowel trouble resort to
It-la computed that in "the two BaP
kan wars some 360.000 men perished,
Turkey lost 110,000 and Bulgaria 120,
000. Cleveland la to have a 1500,000 auto
mobile clubhouse.
Tells How She Was Saved
by Taking Lydla E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable
Logansport, lad. "My baby waa
over a year old aod I bloated till I waa
a burden to myself.
I suffered from fe
male trouble so I
could not stand on
my feet and I felt
like millions of
needles were prick
ing me all over. At
last my doctor told
me tbat all that
would save me waa
a a operation, but
this I refused. I
told my husband to sret me a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound and I would try it before I would
submit to any operation. He did so and
I improved right along. I am now doing
all my work and feeling fine.
"I hope other suffering women will try
your Compound. I will recommend it
to all I know." Mrs. Daniel D. B.
DAVI3,110 Franklin St,Logansport,Ind.
Since we guarantee that all testimo
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has the
virtue to help these women it will help
any other woman who is suffering in a
like manner?
If yoa are ill do not drag along until
an operation is necessary, bnt at one
Uke Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Write to Lydia K. Pinkham
Medicine Ccn (confidential) Lynn.
Mass. Tour letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held In strict confidence.
M Oat. Brraa. TaMa) Oaaa. I
ta Itaia. Sol4 fc, PratrlrM.