t 1 ao W. J. MIXK1X WASHINGTON MUCIOXW, AUCKLC IMRDVilRC COAPyMY f OIAUIS II - n.inmwwK oris . ., noons IOVUTZ a 4 tit It STMTS ST. HELENS, OREGON i3D nrrrrrnrrrrrrrnnrj mrriTari nH.Trmannnmin S 'Some Suggestions KODAKS. CAMERAS. XUAS BOOKLETS. ' LETTERS, POST CARPS. BOOKS FOR OLD mmi YOUNG, GUITARS VTOLTNS. BANJOS. LADIES HAND BAGS. MUSIC ROLLS. GENTLEMENS CARD AND BILL BOOKS. PERFUMERY AND TOILET WATERS. 'CALENDERS AND NiVY YEAR CARDS Making the J HLitHeFarm Paul! i: Ed c c. bowsfield i: NEW POTATO DISEASL Iver W U aa-eee" MmM T.fers atwat Raj4 A ca-w dWaae. scarf tS.touly- hjcladij: ,tr. live aarsi. ka r eeol.'y M Uitrodu e! from Europe ,tj I !U!ng riid:y la cw etrr stair. u) ra buiiet'n of the l a ud States department of agrVnl mr This !!" mark f itr treat M tb a:a of tbe taber. waXa on Close laUltBBUoB IDJ b Be tO be ) S A. J. DEMING. D&ugg ts r. ST. HELENS X AJ AJLA 1UJLUIX1 LUt I A AULA LA IAJLA A 1 A. 1 1 1 AA J AA AA AAA I A 1 Cl UJ.: tiit rf i ll i l l t-T I r: IIS iUIIIB i .11. I Electric Lighting (Saves Your Eyes) Steam Heatin!! (Prolongs Your Lives) Lath Wood Lumber Livery, Feed and Sale Stable DRAY INC AND TRANSFER All Business'PrompUj Attended To PHONE IS OR 12 L O It needed oa tbe mall dairy tana aaore thaa anywhere eta. It does swy with the aeed of targe post art mad taearee a fall mlik upIy during sammer drought ' , Fodder frwaovred ta a concrete alia la safe from fir ami ruit and main tbe aiaxtaiuai food value. Tbe cost of bulldlnf a siaa with a capacity 150 tuna arm! ftut exceed Sa.4. It a rfce aecordl&g to t'jr aaij a labwr. Cowivir ct(a Utile bwmv tbaa wood and Is nio-!i U-ttvr la rrerj Usat It I cwntUvfiUf rtewomcaradvd. . o fxidr bt reJWKj o aiuca bjr atock , as slUjm. lu lutlut-occ la brnWWUl -t to Ibe aalmal irsn. Is Inrljratiaf ixl prrTmu riip4na and bupavtioa. J aad fcrary mt;k Cow It ts tqaaUy fpofll a::!i fiita tU.k junta. ThU ... .... ... ..... ..... . ... .kin U. k 1 1 t am u i riff m :j!ijit or azx mxa le imh jiiu. vui urm iu kjr t'sttwl S-.atM rprtn nt of rtrTiro Airacrvo ana act-a" (Tim isr trt cf thU lubr M affacfdi fee ailase. It sboutd be hsrrested whn the boctooi Wares are drying oS aaJ tLc crala ta dtmsb aod gUricg Witboat bnrrytns the work of Oll'.ne Ue siln. Umt best im-Ofcxl Is to easiSe lit crop suna as It Is harreted. cutting tbv stalks aad cobs Into small bits. The grata la mora or less aiae cratttd la tie ccttrf " Tba fwKler thorn treated Is carried by otaaaa of an elevator er biover. bko saocM dvllrer I be iruterUl aa Dear th center of tbe ailo as punslbi. TbJs ma j be done br tbe aid of a bag chul attarbed to tiM tnootb of the tietator or Ute blower ; Ttw labor of itistrilMitlac tbo fodder ts thus ulaiaiixed. aod aa rreo sappljr of tbe material via ba dlnrtbuted all orer tbe sDo If I be fodrler be al-ki-d U fall direct froia (be axwtli of the cvbTeyor the aeSTiekt parts rfll fatl oa one sida aod tbe tUbter parts oa the other. Tbe alia will out settle erealT. aad loss wUJ evea tsata .To r!t la ckn pscklDJ It is atsolvtel east-ct!al to tnznpla the arodoct all unrr tbe siio. Trampilas tbe sVlea or aroead tbe edzes kt aot tbfe i a rapid K of iKftetura. and tbe tubers ibrlvel acd take on a ill rcry sjtwrsD.-e, Rreatly dtiirerlatln tbrlr market raiue Thia fausus Is !ijri;tlT not killed by seed dUloreni-o; Ibc-refura all is fecial potatoes must be rejected. USE ALL THE CORN. SiVs Makes AvaiUti Feeding Value of Stalk as Wstl at Ear. ftj tbe mv vf lar slio aod barresllnS tbe corn jsil fur silage tbe feediug value vf l!ie plant Is lacreaned from 10 te $12 per air It b estimated tbat (7 r rent of tbe feeding value of tbe cu-n raut bt to tbe ear of corn aod to per cect ts la tlie t:k If a field of rora srbkb would tnaka foci bubeis I-r afre Is harvest 1 la tie raoal mmj of gtberlng tbe corn aed Seartag tbe stalk stand we have harvested only 00 it cent of tbe crop. Tbe foru lubvb uf rora at SO cents per baslmH are worth f.M. but If tbe stalks bare to-thirds tbe feeding raloe if the praln the stalks are worth scffi.iect fr alta tbe sbrtakteg of ! 'n 10 '2 15 I' lt J- lh ceater the outer edt;ea creep to ward it and awav from tbe valia. thus allowing aocesa vf air atkd eoa seqeetit kwi Tbe center should a! wars be krpt a ttttle fa ther lhaa the acter edes The rate of filling aaoald be sis to eight feet per da Qaicker (U.1ng taaa this may resait ta gea- eratin,f u cjech beat, la whtca case tbe silage fc lialile to decompose. After tbe -o baa beea filled tbe fodder Lto-J te covered with a tight framework or coarse sbeet aad weight ed d) Tais Is dooe te keep oat sir. sad after tbe atle baa tarn opened fir use la the s;iia or suuiOjer It la best t ivf Jace this top carerlag; after each day 'a supply ts taken cot. Avoid. aa far as practicaUe. staking boles la the sitace la fact, keep aa Bttie of the i lajrr espueed te tbe air aa poaat- bie TLe daily rarJoa of aiiage for a dairy row kv f ruat thirty to forry potuua WM.iH. DAVIES ST. HELENS, OREGON Prop . .NS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF WORK -E. W. ICETEL- cosTSAcron m Ccncrtte Work .Plastering - - Vl" WOkS'IS TBS LIST tttOKXXSDATWX ' ' i ST. HELENS. OREGON 3 IPOPLLAHI . C SCJT300 Popular INIechanics Magazine -weii us so rev cam MaoccSTAjr rr ACmTC.i'.nWTrflktWAft Praamawhi.a jt mar bs reaorg m nv iime, man wctra wi so4 $1, veimt '"wwrT. i oa trt rrtv jl m ibe best 4 the nr wenderf-& toe. at wta si d'b?w tae mtjr ! ta muitna. A toxical cc Man woiud gimiif pay rinn f,owyws' tetaiBaracng.isoriVrrokafpi fiuixlof onr prrmrrpM n toc-irymi an3 Mcouracs. Are rs readns K f Two w.i.u9re of your rjr irti'cjo are, ard k is the frrarfe rar xoe m iwjaarM of me Bew. An-r Ixxnea, It appraa te all rim ft pid pout oam aoa waaca. Tb " W TUa' Cnuomt rM an) fni ryi la ao iUtf ayw In auaks atrfiatamcfciialflTai ami iaTy.aija,aa. NaatawaaiMi"MivafY4a,a StmU Hivrt fttreitnm. v-tfMaoort'tM. raaa' et-.ci4. aaaifK. ad aj Oaa ft Ufy kM. ilmpu vxaa. ni cowara ta ctarra fcj f II 1 li .IM w Ma a 1 nam M ears saaaevr eow veear IHJWLAH MtClLVXICH COw lit . Wkitaaaa au OULMO - wbra fed wilb ucher fodirrs; wbea there ts Skune grass araflaUe thirty pMcnd rer Aay Is ample. Sheep via eat as trw h as three pooads day. It ts adttoUe to give bora small qnr.ntitses mily of ailace: otherwise there aasy he troaMe from stoataca tiers nzenwats Lindt tbe amount fed to a few Kuiods per day aad poaitry wi;i eat small qoaotitlea. Silape cu-ty le aaa le of all plaata that animals are permitted to eat la tbe trreea tste. and sacb fodder preserved by this um-cbs tnaea bat little of its fe-d:ns prnrrtles la the proceaa. la one way ttu-re is a sllgbt laiprOTeoeBL Tbrt U. tae toosher fiber of siloed fod Vr U aaiftetied aad made thereby aire !Uit!lle aad acceptable to aol tnais ; , ' However, there la great rUk la pot-re-tl! la a silo If a dairy ta k t Tl- nillk Is a;4 to be tainted, (t iv rr. ruii'et and alfalfa work well la rrf! ti.'D w lib corn, bat tbe latter Is tit ni iiu staple aad toay be osed hy lt---tf er-i:Lj upun tbe quality of tbe crop aad tbe rocrdi:ko tbey are la wbea as m-sted for sliage if the staika are left to tbe field they bate a feeding vaioe of front 1 lo t't) or $2ZO per acre. Tbis derreusvd value of tbe co ru talk when left la tbe Seid ts due to the fact that wbea tbe stalk ts kft standing It loses Its moisture acd tbe fiber becomes bard, woody and IJU-ert.'ble. It Is therefore evidttit tbat to obtain the nuiiirouai feeding value of the cora crrp It tboald be harvested and made into i'jij nd tbat tlx am of tbe siio wl'.l lot rtiiiae tbe feeding value of tbe corn plants from f 10 to $12 per acre. Roy C. Potts, Department of Dairy Husbandry. Oklahoma A, and M. Coilrt-e J PRUNE AND SPRAY. tTbe rood aook says to watch and , prT; 7 Tls aood adrtca. aa all wilt tar; But prajrers won't (top ths bugs I and bluett. 4 So ancke up your mind rou'U havs e to fiitht. T If you ralas a-wd fruit and make i U pay. X Tot) tnuat fertlllsa. pruns and apray. T -Farm Praas. Oregon msmm college WINTER SHORT COURSE Jaaeary S to 30. 1914 The &;;? has ;jarJ no tf,rt Ul make this the aat complete abort J eoare a its fcitry. A very wHe rarge of eocra aill LeofTercl i Gen eral Agriculture, HiriUnlture. Ar.Ucal Hitbas'irt. Dairyirft, Poultry Keeping. Merhanle Arts. Domestic Science and Ait. Coroxcrre. Foree'trr and llaiie. SuwiB'' Jc-tarei and Qi'oafiori ta ftrmfti' Co-oceratiDc. at home aa! alrnaj, will le a V-siirg fettsre. Make thil a pleasant and ;ixfita!.e , a if.Uj satire. No t-iiiiin. Accomn-o-3atior. raKnatk?. Rcdund ratei or. all rai.'roa.is. For fuf.'hjr trformtajoi addrcis . , H. SI. TEN.NANT. BeRi.trar. 0;rvlliv, Orcgtjn, Farmrr' Catircsa Cojrac If Corrca P"rJerce ilh ot t ait ion. i :CHT HOUR DAY ON FARMS. A writer in Farm aad Fireside ay tbat "rhe eight hour Jjy ilk f-trnjera eon.iU of eitfht bnars for work and ebrtit boars fee ebucee Fee pilling ths Apple Barrel, flow t park apples In barrels: Two layers of fruit should be placed In tbe bottom of barrel with "tenia down and aa close toKvther aa possible These will form too fac ing, for tbls end will be tbe top when opened. Fill in with the same grade, shnke the barrel often and when two more Inyera U!' Bear tbe tn lut In with steins op. letting the hint layer starid a full Imh above the clilne of tqirn-i Now put on lid and alowly ptw. into filai-e. sluiking the burrel In t!e iiHuuwhile The More sell very 4 ) ei elSeut tmrrel headers or prntaes. ! But one ran l-e rinsed very quickly by ijnsina a clunk or scantling with one ? ! eud iiudcr a stud rv;u lilug to tlie shed Z ' phite and imiled temporarily In plare. riit iv careful nt to press the ap;iies too hard - Farm Journal. , a-ff-r f v-A Airn j ' J ,ajaaama!aaaaaL-i'' .... ' ' 'r.i . J. A HILL k.c iir.rkro: 5 CENTRAL MARKET Ha.ti.tKa I.N tutd Ctmd Fri'sh find (:ttnd Meals fish and VtHiHry, I'rodiirr Gccd fliers Full Vei; Your Ordei Solicitrd Phone 60 St He'cn,()rf, MRS. DROVN'S DOLLAR. 3il f.ita. lifts It .1 aired to buy ' A lini 1'I"'-mi ai.f Kit.it-! I'm- thit v.n l Miih To tunr aiound tlta bouas lli.t ah iliouaM ana o aeau uttuy To ao'iie bis rttr rs P,i f.-nr wrlmlHi aho'd huvs to fay At hotiMi a nickel mora. Hut Mrs. Ill own la rattier wlwi She t"k a aecoiMl ttiotiitdt Stio kiiaw thttl here bef.irw tier eyas Klie'it ' bvf'M'e alie hoiiiil lv h.iia a nickel it'fTerMitfs In ri. ea tlir miKhl lta And m.iba fully Hfty conla lit loka and itimllty. Mha tliiMislil ahe'd In the town Tfco divilera ttl to a. II. And ao thut morning alio went '.luwn To ah- 0 a II And alia waa Kind tlMt n 't in hart 8I. at nl her Mah w.iy. p H a iluiUr fr a sttiat ri!M found un diapiuy. I cl here la ahe r ver knew, 1hiiu.li tuM'n oft II sill: I'htt ilu.l.ir that ah hinilxl to Tlw rlcrk to V-y tha bill liefuro tha afternuon. mua paid To aonu' una In tha town M il In too cur.' c.f diilly trad At Uxt to Mr. Crown. That niKht alwa auir alia bad cooked fv, aura hr garment new. tiroan tuid hr il aaougli sta Inokid To kinsand did It tm In fund tmbrara he held her noar To tuke another sr.uu k And aanl. "A lit Us pr ant. drar" 8ha at her dollar nurk! Anterlcmo Lumbermaa. 4 MH'MW f !-l l-r ----r I 1 final has luva SrroaiplUhed (ki aellittlon fr perutaoent atu hwel 1 ffventl Ihousaful dot In r hart raited la BulnarrliKkitMl from kr men. secrvt tvuletirw. rlula a: iltiatrlnl coocttrtts. and aw tat ( at lurge get the chance to coot It I l-rllevrd that with a liberal a tintlnn from town vouacll tb grotiiuU 'Mtnrtation will have 1 Iumiui in band to pa re baa a 1 tnln a site. RUN JUVENILE MARC 1 Portland (Ore.) Oiler Have a I ta Sail Gardsit Predutaa, j fhlldrca uf Portland, the., m cultltnte sc bl garden, but ak a uinrket In whl h to sell their Brn Thi la rumliM-ted by rlreaU of the Woman' club aad ba ate great a reaa. j When tbe Jqvaalle market. railed, whs started, follow lug a g exhibit, ci'Biiulaatoa mert biBta 1 overturea lo boy tbe entire stwt llielr offer were reftaaML and l; rip! aaa eataMlabed of aelUaf t to the eouuiner. By anm altnuat the eat In tag; the vrKctablee w hi b aad lees f ttrd at tbe sbow bad been svai ti ke.. the market rontlaoe ttf out the aflemoon to d a tbrtrag aesa. and when It rinsed la tbe a there was nr-ely Ittatiata tifiply on band MERCHANTS SHOULO DEMAND PROMPT PAYMENT OF BILLS WUIina. OtitxKie one of the rermltlng depots la aa Fn.'iab town a sergeaat saw a smart young mlikman and. tblnklng to get a fresh recroit. said. "Young man. wnaiid yoe like to serve tbe kfr.er - "lUtnerr eaid the mllkmaa eagerly. "How much d-jee he want? A plntT" Cynical. -I always aaM that poiltJckl rlrai of mine woo Id stonp to any ralaebood. Now I can prove It." "Hear "fie sent me a mewnage saying be con grata la tea me on my electloa." Wasblngtoa Star. Baled Hay for Sale. CLOVER KAY f OR SALK- Hy I. N'orbeck & Co. nd CTisj Kb! strand. Warren. Oiegon. 1-5 Then He Stele. Prudent "wala-If I were to steal a kiss, would It scare yon so that yon would arreamT 'Timid MaMea-t couldn't FrlcM atwaya makea me damh. Fartiliis Yeur Orchard. Aa neglofed aa the avernKe farm onunrd is In almost every pnrtlouhir it prtill.lT an (Tent worse from the lark of fertlllzntlon than from any other rante It la Indeed a mre cae where the fnriner or mtIiiih even the ort hun'iet mit mi re or fertlllaea tila on-bard aa thoroughly and aa conwlen tiittialy as he does tils corn and wheat ground. njs the Farmer'a Oulde. Abu f Charoa Account 0u t Car. Ianaa Caah Satam Baat. Pome Hi.ple UvtiKje ctrrleaui about puyltU tlie 1V,U of the kfciil tirt keep er. It is not thiil they are d.xliom-wt; tly nre ilriri?y cnrelent I've bteu deiilln Willi that man f.-r year now, uii.l he won't mind waltinj awhile." they wl! siy tlie flrit bill Is HikiN iiaay nud forotteu until An other re ml in N tliein of the unsettled obltgatlou. A lotal xtorekeeptT cannot go on do ing bUHlne at the anme ol at mil and ' render SHtUfaetlou aiel the liesi p.a4 ble equivalent for Hie mmu-y wltboiit bis cUHtoinerV o-;T:itiou A -tg will al!p here and n cog wi.l allp there In any biulmtw when fhU sort of thing contluu.-s liiilefiultelr, and the houi men hunt tvulliea It h l.-ome a iirac tlce. On the other hand, a nroinnl reaiK.nae lo the nien hant a flntt bill w 111 be re- ! wr.)l. It a ill pin.-o a well ut.a kedl store nt your ill p wnl nnd a H-t of j prices th.it (ioiit nt Imve t l- flj, 1 Ith an c i! to the debtor' sf. . While It W comiiii'iKliil.l,. to p,iy ymir ' truilesmau'. l.iM. i.r.oni.iif 11 1. ..... ntlll neier lo o,.i j, ,-hitse uuiint ' Pay f..r ea. h aril, le w hen -i bn, It and Join I lie run). f ,lt. ,., 'haiifa lMt frlc.u. .t,.r rU.nxu even than lli..e who piy on.e w-,,. or ome u montii. Aa a matter of fact. IliU bnre a ' fount Idea I nothtug 1,-h, iiv,n a per tonal favor whl.h a atorelu-e-r U n..t obllKt to grant. It la a fuvr that U 0"t granlwl by the mull order , .. ma. ' Hut w heu a sti.refc,va.r t-nnita a , . , touier to go on hi book, ,1P u..wt ,ll )t I euatoM.r ran do U to settle hi. .-, ,,; 1 wlllnnjt delay. w lU uru courtly r,.t,und lo the cua- foiiera a'iviiiilai,T hna IHilnled out. Farm and Gardcr BLACK ROT OP CABBA: Rc4gnid by Blsakewed Vaar Laavaa Trwataaaxat Ulllaast ttlitrk Un'tertal rot of relilatga I a bulletin of tbe t'ooaaa tk ut a( turul e(ifiuietit stattoa. etvan 1 tiiiinlx-r of related rroaiferooa ft but we bate riarted N from fkk fre wuly on cautifiower. Wuit ti not h-t It on cabbage entll last as It Mt-ma quite wotiab that I t aua.il oiore or least barm te Us I U-rurv, since It aaa beea reioria! quit liijuiioua la set real other aM tnti-s In tlintw past ! Th la ilbmae h rertagnttrd If I bliHkeneil trlna of tbe leaves, at the bacteria oVveiop chiefly, aaa time r 1 Mid down lute tbe bee 1 huf iltmtea finally lara yellow, I the leave are easily pulled off. I rot, cued in pert by other already tui'U Badly Eanresssrf. Mother In law it la an kind of yon, Joseph, to take the trouble to drive me botne: Hon In law-Don't mention It! It s no trouble at nil. tin the con trary, it I the most delightful dure I have had for some time!-Undon Telegraph The wise prove and the foolish con ft hy their eonrtiN t thnf a life of ipiyiiM-nl is me only life worth leading. -William Pale. CARNIVAL FOR PLAYGROUND. Pannaylv.ni, Town Will Ha. t0.00a to Maintain a 8.1. , ""' ""''l-'l"m may have , ,,,,,. ::;r,:;'au:., - - - n"M "'"-K- tht. a.n ,,,, Photo by Cevuiectlewt aseaat oaf- KLACl RACTCaUa. SOT Of CAsa l"ma. often tooaeaa tbcta at the and detelot aa III smelling lolan decay. The bacteria train entr through droi of water at the t porea on tlie margins of tbe leaveJ As tbe germa of thai dlaeeae ' carried oa the seed. It m wl" thnt the seed oed doea aot conie ft dlaensed crop. If donM 1 well to treat tbe need with funs 1310. or corrosive aabllmale, I for Ofteeo mlnntsa. Llkewb. b dbtease shows p In S need hed. Itonld be changed the Belt 1 bad In the field that bind should ad used for tnx-lfeoua rropa for " cnoona and. veo If tbe dlses e" present, yearly rota t loo k desln where It ran be carried oa will "iwlnl dlfflitilty Refuse tram raaed rsblMires turn Id aevef A" 1 way to the manure pUa