WILSON READS MESSAGE Great Throng- Listens President's Address. to Plans to End Trusts Punish Men, No Business Declares Enforcement of Strict Amendments Possible. Washington, D. C, Jan. 20 Presi dent Wilson personally laid before joint session of congress today the fundamental principles of the Demo cratic administration's program for dealing with trusts and "big busi ness." The President presented the case, he said, "as it lies in the thought of the country," reiterating "that private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable," and declaring that con scientious business men throughout the nation would not be satisfied until practices now deprecated by public opinion as restraints of trade and com merce were corrected. The President spoke as follows : "In my report "On the state of tne union.' whlcb I had the privilege of reading to you on the second of Decem ber. I ventured to reserve for discus sion at a later date the subject of addi tional legislation regarding the very difficult and Intricate matter of trusts and monopolies. The time now seems opportune to turn to that great ques tion. . not only because the currency legislation which absorbed your atten tion and the attention of the country In December. Is now disposed of, but also because opinion seems to be clearing about us with singular rapidity In this other great field of action, in tne mat. ter of the currency It cleared suddenly and very happily after the much debat ed act was passed; in respect or me monopolies which have multiplied about us and In regard to the various means by which they have been organized and maintained. It seems to be coming to a clear and all but universal agreement In anticipation of our action, as if by way of preparation, making the way easier to see and easier to set out on with confidence and without confusion of counsel. "Legislation has Its atmosphere like everything else and the atmosphere of accommodation and mutual unaeraiaua lng which we now breathe with so much refreshment Is a matter of sin cere congratulation. It ought to make our task very much less difficult and embarrassing than It would have been bad we been obliged to continue to act amidst the atmosphere of suspicion and antagonism which has so long made it Impossible to approach such questions with dispassionate fairness, construc tive legislation, when successful, is al ways the embodiment of convincing ex perience and of the mature public opin ion which finally springs out of that experience. Legislation Is a business of Interpretation, not of origination, and it is now plain what the opinion is to which we must give effect In thia mat. ter. It is not recent or hasty opinion. It springs out of the experience of a whole generation. It has clarified Itself by long contest, and those who for a long time battled with it and sought to change It are now frankly and hon orably yielding to It and seeking to conform their actions to it. "The great business men who organ ized and financed monopoly and those who administered It In actual every day transactions have year after year, until now. either denied Its existence or Justified It as necessary for the ef fective maintenance and development of the vast business processes of the country with modern circumstances ofj trade and manufacture and finance;! but all the while opinion has made head against them. The average business man is convinced that the ways of lib erty are also the ways of peace and the ways of success as well and at last the masters of business on the great scale have begun to yield their prefer ence and purpose, perhaps their judg ment also. In honorable surrender. "What we are purposing to do, there fore. Is happily not to hamper or in terfere with business as enlightened business men prefer to do It, or In any sense to put It under the ban. The an tagonism between business and gov eminent Is over. We are now about to srlve exDressIon to the best business Judgment of America, to what we stood that we desire the laws we are now about to pass to ba the bulwark and safeguards of Industry agalsnt th forces that have disturbed It What w have to do can be done in a new splrl in thoughtful moderation, without rev olution of any untoward kind. "Wo are all agreed that 'private mo nopoly Is Indefensible and Intolerable' and our programme is founded on tha conviction. It will be a comparatlv but not a radical or unacceptable pro gramme, and these are Its items, th changes which opinion deliberate! sanctions and for which business waits "It awaits with acquiescence, in th first place, for laws which will effect ually prohibit and prevent such inter locking of the personnel of the dlrec torates of great corporations oanK and railroads. Industrial. commarcla and publlo service bodies as In effec result In making those who borrow an those who lend practically one and th same, those who sell and those who bu the same persons trading with one an other under different names and In dif ferent combinations, and those who af feet to compete in fact partners und masters of some whole field of business. Sufficient time should be allowed, of course. In which to effect these changes, of organizations, without inconvenience or confusion. "Such a prohibition will work much more than a mere negative good by correcting the serious evils which hav arisen because, for example, the men who have been the directing spirits of the great Investment banks have usurped the placo whlcb belongs to in dependent industrial managemen working in Its own behoof. It will bring new men, new energies, a new spirit of Initiative, new blood. Into the management of our great business en terprlses. It will open the field of in dustrial development to scores of men who have been obliged to serve when their abilities entitled them to direct It will immensely hearten the young men coming on and will greatly enrich the business activities of the whole country. "In the second place, business men as well as those who direct public affairs now recognize, and recognize with pain ful clearness, the great harm and in justice which has been done to many, if not all, of the great railroad systems of the country by the way In which they have been financed and their own distinctive Interests subordinated to the Interests of the men who financed them and of other business enterprises which those men wished to promote. The country is ready, therefore, to accept, and accept with relief, as well as ap proval, a law which will confer on the Interstate Commerce Commission tne power to superintend and regulate the financial operations by whlcn the rail roads are henceforth to be supplied with the money they need for their proper development to meet the rapidly growing requirements of the country for increased and Improved facilities of transportation. We cannot postpone action In this matter without leaving the railroads exposed to many serious handicaps and hazards; and the proa perity of the railroads and the pros perity of the country are Inseparably connected. Upon this question those who are chiefly responsible for the actual management and operation of the railroads, have spoken very plain y and very earnestly, with a purpose we ought to be quick to accept It will be one steD. and a err Important one. toward the necessary separation of the business of production from the bust ness of transportation. "The business of the country awaits also, has long awaited and has suffered because It could not obtain, further and more expMcit legislative definition of the policy and meaning of the existing anti-trust law. Nothing hampers busi ness like uncertainty. Nothing daunts nor discourages it like the necessity to take chances, to run the risk or falling under the condemnation of the law he fore It can make sure Just what the law is. Surely we are sufficiently familiar with the actual processes and methods of monopoly and of the many hurtful restraints of trade to make definition know to be the business conscience and I possible, at any rale up to the limits honor of the law. The government ana business men are ready to meet each other half way in a common effort f square business methods with both pub lie opinion and th law. The best-In formed men of the business world con demn the methods and processes and consequences of monopoly as we con demn them, and th instinctive judg ment of th vast majority of business men everywhere goes with them. we shall now be their spokesman. That Is th strength of our position snd the sure prophecy of what will ensue when our reasonable work Is done. "When a serious contest ends, when men unit In opinion and purpose, thoss who are to change their ways of busi ness Joining with those who ask for th change. It Is possible to effect It In th way then which prudent and thoughtful and patriotic men would wish to see it brought about with as few, as slight as easy and simple business readjustments as possible in th circumstances, nothing essential disturbed, nothing torn up by th roots, no psrts rent asunder, which can be left In wholesome combination. Fortunately no measures of sweeping or novel change are necessary. It will be under- of what experience has disclosed. These practices, being now abundantly dis closed, can b explicitly and Item by Item forbidden by statute in such terms as will practically eliminate uncertain ty, the law Itself and th penalty being mad equally plain. "And th business men of the coun try desire something mora than that th menace of legal process In the matters be made explicit and Intelli gible. They desire the advice, the definite guidance and information which can he supplied by an admin istrative body, an Interstate trade commission. "The opinion of th country would Instantly approve of such a commis sion. It would not wish to see it em powered to make terms with monopoly or In any sort to assume control of business, as If th Government made Itself responsible. It demands such a commission only as an indispensable Instrument of Information and pub licity, as a clearing-bouse for the facts by which both the publlo mind and the managers of great business under takings should be guided, and as an instrumentality for doing Justlc to business where the processes of the courts or th natural forces of cor rection outslil the courts ar Inade quate to adjust tha remedy to the wrong In a way that will meet all the equities and circumstances of tha case. "I'rouucmg Industries, for example, which bave passed th point up to whlcb coinblnatlun may b consistent with th public Interest and the' free dom of trade, cannot always be dis sected Into their component units as readily as railroad companies or simi lar organisations can ba. Their dis solution by ordinary legal process may oftea-tlmes Involve flnam-lal conse quences likely to overwhelm th se curity market and bring on its break down and confusion. There ought to be an administrative commission capa. hi of directing and shaping such cor rective processes, nut only In aid of th courts, but also by independent suggestion. If necessary. "Inasmuch as our object and the spirit of our action in these matters la to meet business half way In its pro cesses of self-correction and disturb Us legitimate course as little as possi ble, we ought to see to It and th Judgment of practical and sagacious men of affairs everywhere would ap plaud us If we did see to It, that pen alties and punishments should fall, not on business Itself, to Its confusion and Interruption, but on the Individuals who use tha Instrumentalities of busi ness to do things which publlo policy and sound business practice condemn. Kvery act of business is done at the command or on the Initiative of some ascertainable person or group of per sons. These should be held Individually responsible, and tha punishment should fall on them, not on the business or ganization of which they mad Illegal use. It should be one of the main ob jects of our legislation to divest such Jnsenh M. Flannery. persons of their corporate cloak and1,.. c,lt rViomleal com nan V. of deal with them as with those who do! i Standard Identical wmpany "J not represent their corporations, but Pittsburg, said his company had spent merely by deliberate intention break I in three years $650,001) to produce two the law. The business men, the country I grarns 0f radium. The grsms cost H w." ,.r.l!,d-,..m.f"f,cTu:.P W. to I $480,000 to produce ho estimated, and see that th officer and directors of brought in $210,000. Jn April, ne RADIUM CORNER IS NOT WANTED Commissioner Declares Search for Mineral Would Cease. Hotel Washington ?r?iZtVm'i :l ,lL.lLi-.S"- Portland. Oregon. t M AS. M. "'""?:,,,. U U-.B-IS.IWI,...-. 1 "W . a .aainsi Sktssl hisSsl-L ess laths I . . 11 St. II M . rlreprud Hulklms. H.Irn end ,!,,,,.. I t'.rk off M.l. the Colorado Alone Can Supply World If Left Alone Prospector Need Encouragement. Washington, D. C Removal of all radium lands, as proposed by the gov ernment, was bitterly opposed before the house mines committee by Thom as R. Henahan, state mining commis sioner of Colorado, who declared such action would ruin the radium mining initllrttrv. "All we want is to be let alone," he declared. "We are getting out the radium. If you tie up these Unas, Drosnectors will not go into them. As it Is. 99 out of 100 prospectors fail. What they need is encourage ment, not discouragement, if this ra rlium la tn be mined." president of great business bodies were prevented from bringing them and tha business of th country Into disrepute and dan ger. "Other questions remain which will need very thoughtful and practical treatment. "Enterprises lit these modern days of great Industrial fortunes, are often times Interlocked, not by being under the control of the same directors, but by the fact that the greater part of their corporate stock Is owned by a sin gle person or group of persons who ar in soma way intimately related In In terest. Ve are agreed, I take it. that holding companies should be prohibited, but what of th controlling private ownership of individuals or actually co-operative groups of Individuals? Shall the private owners of capital stock be suffered to be themselves in effect holding companies? We don't wish, I suppose, to forbid tha purchase of stocks by any person who pleases to buy them In such quantities as h can afford, or in any way arbitrarily to limit the sale of stocks to bona fide pur chasers. Shall we require the owners of stock, when their voting power In several companies which ought to be independent of one another would con stitute actual control, to make election in which of them they will exercise their right to vote? This question 1 venture for your consideration. There Is another matter In which Im perative conditions of Justice and fair play suggest thoughtful remedial ac tion. Not only do many of the combi nations effected or sought to be ef fected In the Industrial world work an Injustice on the public in general; they also directly and seriously Injure the Individuals who are put out of business In one unfair way or another by the many dislodging and exterminating forces of combination. I hope that we shall agree In giving private Individ uals who claim to have been Injured by these processes the right to found their suits for redress on the facts and Judg ments proved and entered In suits by he Government, where the Govern ment has on Its own Initiative sued the combinations complained of and won Its suit and that the statute of limita tions shall be suffered to run against uch litigants only from the date of the conclusion of the Government's action. It Is not fair that the private litigant hould be obliged to set up and estab lish strain the facts which the Govern ment has proved. He cannot afford, he as not the power, to make use of such as command of. Thus shall individual i stallation and clearing up remaining justice be done while the processes o( : to be finished uslncss are rectified and squared with the general conscience. I have laid the case before you, no oubt as It lies In your own mind, as It les In the thought of the country. What must every candid man say of the utcgestions I have laid before you, of the plain obligations of which I have emlnded you? That these are now thlnt-'s for which the country la not pre- uretj; au uui m.ii incj vtu ; n , thine now familiar, and must of course i oouin t omano, said, the company would be producing one gram a month. "There is enough radium ore in Col orado to supply the world five times over." said Flannerv. "Only 200 grams are needed for the whole Unit ed State. I will undertake to deliver to the government in five years from January 1, 1915, 200 grams of radium at a maximum price of $80,000 a gram." Klannery told the committee he had a friend "philanthropically inclined. whose name he declined to give, who was considering spending $15,000,000 in building 20 radium hospitals in sections of the country where they would serve 66 per cent of the popula tion. Each would be endowed with five grams of radium, not only for the treatment of cancer, but also for other diseases. He said tie expected a de cision soon. Mr. Flannery said he believed no company could enter the Colorado field and produce 10 or 12 grams of radium at a cost of less than $100,000 a gram. His own company, he said, now treat ed only 2 per cent ores. GOETHALS SAYS VESSELS MAY NOW PASS CANAL Panama The Panama canal has reached such a condition of completion that a large ocean steamer could pass through now, according to a statement by Colonel Goethals. There is 30 feet of water through the Culebra cut and the Cucarschs slide, and it is Colonel Goethals' inten tion to send a Panama Railroad steam er through the canal in April. An order issued by Colonel Goethals Thursday abolished the Atlantic and Pacific divisions of the canal construe tion because of the nearness of com pletion of the work. Both ends of the canal are practl cally completed, only the electric in $123,000 Fire Sweeps Portland Lumber Yard Portland Fanned by a stiff south westerly breeze, flames swept the yards of the Portland Lumber com pany at the foot of Lincoln street in from 11:30 to 1:30 undertaken. If we are to square our Wednesday night, causing a damage aws with the thought and desire of the variously estimated by L. J. Went- onsclentlous business men the country Worth' Rieral manager of the corn- over will be unsatisfied. They are In i Pny, at from $100,000 to $150,000, these things our mentors and col- covered bv insurance. eagues. We are now about to write if kh . u ... the additional articles of our constitu-I . me tion of peace, the peace that la honor i ma,n ml" wa saved only after all the nd freedom and prosperity.' Carmen's Wages Raised. Boston Increased wages for many f the 9470 employes of the Boston El evated Railway company are provided for in the report of the arbitration nniBhed lumber and a section of the rough planking had been totally des troyed. According to the fire records an alarm was sounded for a blaze in the vicinity of the lumber company's plant shortly after 7 o'clock and was responded to by two companies, who committee which had under considers tion for six months the grievances presented by the Carmen's union. This report was made at meeting of the union. The advance awarded tion puiin)r Chief Dowell- vsiieu irum a iracuuu vi a cent an hour to 11 per cent of the weekly wages. Both sides had agreed to abide by the decision for at least one year. The men expressed satisfaction. Money and Worry Lout. Chicago When Alexander McCo- manche, of Vancouver, B. C, arrived i reported back a false alarm. Wheth er or not the fire actually started at 7 o clock and was thought to have been extinguished by millhands is a quel- .. i i - . . ,. jii puzzling niei Jioweil. One report says the fire was started by hoboes in an empty box car. Aside irom this there seems to be no inform ation as to the origin of the blaze. Nothing Lacking. .. i. ihu dear?" asked young husband at breakfast. "Minced veal, dear." replied brldo-wife. ,hi. I thltik It needs something. "Well. 1 dn't ow rn,"' I put everything lu It I could find. -Yonkers Slutesinun. There are 65 species of oak trea.i the United Htates, about evenly fl, ed between the east and th West.1 eastern species, and particularly ,h ouka, are the most valuable, i A bell mailt, of ronrri'te Is i have almoat the sa:ue resotiunt Jj tic as uiftal. TrmitnTi"'""""'"'""""''"mnnmmt"'n''"mtmnTw"''""'mnr Old Before Your Time . . . fVOMAN '3 Uolieafa system requires IJOn I LiOOK V more) than ordinary car and iU aM aiut aftoi.t!..,, th teiHH'n - - - .a it is given by the average woman. Neglect it and Ills soon creep In, and the look ot old age, sometime quickly, sometimes gradually follows. ft I . Ilk It tkea annlrsM Iim it. - mZZrn d .11 b'.u .lUckofatuaUoo, . wnr on should be 0 unfortunate, when yoa kv at yn, ?!S71 1-VrV mrf U ailment. j-c-Uar to .a. W. have ,W Hods BP" thousands ol '" ISJmuLtl.. ot 40 ,-us-u-t.f, n W found In this f.io..s prrlrlk-n. Irrwularltles. Correal di.ptor.nis. )'"" nuTful lrt. I'" "V nr"fc Hrin about U ikiuld or Ubtet furm. Dr. Mews's Mmlltal AMttr. mtmtf f rlW aa-ta-alesWKCaw aaWlraMoM -' ,inin siaoJa ar awrrMa) aa saaax Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription iiuuiuiiiiiiiiiiuuuuiuiuiuuiuiuiuiiiuiuuiuiiiuiiiiiuiuiuiiiuuiuiuuu Free For Boys ! Baseballs, Bats and Mitts Fill out coupon below, mail to Over all Department. Levi Strauss t Co, San Francisco, CaU an J receive full particu lars on how to get a Baseball. list and Mitt free. Nam. Town . DmaUr iVanMu 33 Ths Ubiquitous Girl. There's pretty Klrls In every port Thnt fronts upon the fonm, , For I've made luve In I.ubrudor, la Cairo stid In Kotno, I've kissed the r.!r!s of London Town And sweet to kiss were thoy. But Ilurmah Klrls are Just as sweet And 'Krlaco girl as guy! There's always eyes to sparkle bright And hearts a-bentlng warm. There's Hps tha man who's bold may kiss. And waists to fill an arm; The maids are fair In Argentine And dainty In Japan. There's girls to love In all the world If you're a proper man. And who's the fairest of the fair? Well, hang mo If I know! Sometimes I think she lives la Kranco Sometimes In Culkio; Hut tako 'em north and take 'em south. And take 'em east and west. Of all the girls In all the world The last ones i the best. Ucrton Itraloy in Harper's Weekly. Worms rlld promptly froes the kumen soar;', varoiuua'e "iM system vritu Ur, bhou" Adv. Listing Them. Mrs. Oldfam Old Mr. Multlroi used to boast that he Came from the common people. Mr. Storkxon lion.! Mebhe so, but now his descendants nrn among the preferred peoiilo. Ujs Angeles Times. t's Boman T.j Hainan! for araMInf ean. ttlun In ers aud luiUmusiiui of .- ... ejeilds. Adv. GIVE -SYRUP or rics" I TO CONSTIPATED CHIU! Delicious "Fruit Lssatlvs" can't htn tender little Stomach, livsr and bowals. Look at the tongue, mother! ! routed, your little one's stomach, lit and bowel need cleansing at wot When peevish, cross, listless, uoaitlv sleep, ent or act naturally, or Is l.ih, stomach aour, breath bad; la? sore ttiront, diarrhoea, full of eo4 Kive a trnupcKitiful of 'Tttlifartai Syrup or Kins, and In a few hours u the foul, rotiKtliate wnste, unttl( ed food and sour llln Krntly noj out ot Its little bowels without r ItiK. and you have a well, plnyfulctJ4 aguln. Ask your tlniKuist for t 0 rent bottle of "Ciillfuniiit Hyrns f Kins." which contains full direction for babies, children of all age id for grown ups. The quantity of cattle In this k try bus decreased In recent yew while the poultry flock has grstn larger. The average area administered by a ranger on the federal forests of the United States Is about lun.noo acres. In Germany tho area administered by man ot equivalent rauk Is about 700 acres. Carload of Loot Taken. Seattle A fight between alleged car thieves and a search by deputy Chicago to see the sights he had I sheriffs for evidence aeainst a "Minrl $630, most of which was in Canadian pig" at Green River hot springs In currency. He found difficulty in the Cascade mountains, led to the dis- Phone Girls Sare Lives. Cumberland, Md. That the break ing of the huge dam at Dobbin, W. Vs., which sent a wall of water down the Potomac River valley, resulted in no loss of life and comparatively small property loss was attributed to the signal brigade ot telephone girls or ganized by the residents of the river towns. Telegraph and telephone line men succeeded in restoring communi cation along the valley and all resi dents in the lowlands returned to their homes. Engineers bave begun an in vestigation, i Wireless Site is Chosen. Washington, D. C. A special board of naval officers has selected as a site for a high-power radio station on the California coast a location on LaJolla Heights, about four miles east of San Diego and llfniles from the seacoasL It is expected that a tract of land comprising 72 acres with an elevation of 450 feet above the sea level soon will be acquired by the government for about $15,000. As soon as title to the site has been acquired the depart ment will begin the erection of a sta tion with funds already authorized. spending the Canadian money and finally told two friendly strangers of s plight. They agreed he could not spend the money, but expressed will ingness to gamble' with him for it The question of changing Canadian money no longer worries McComanche. Flood Food Condemned. Chicago Four carloads of canned foodstuffs, which were submerged in the Ohio floods last spring, were or dered destroyed by Federal Judge Landis. Judge Landis also confiscated 46 cases of decayed eggs shipped with the understanding that they were to be used in tanning. The government charged that the eggs were offered to bakers and grocers as "seconds." covery of a carload of loot alleged to have been taken from Northern Pacific rreigtit cars and the arrest of Frank Mitchell, Jack McCarthy, Martin Auerdale and Fred Smith, an ex justice of the peace, and Mrs. Hallie Lucore, who conducts a boarding house at Green River. The woman was re leased on bonds, but the men were held. Bowery Outcasts Eat. New York To celebrate her first wedding anniversary Mrs. Finley J. Shcpard. who was JMiss Helen Miller Gould, provided a dinner for 500 Bow ery outcasts Thursday, and 200 beds for the homeless. The dinner was served at the Hadley Rescue Hall, where Mrs. JShepard entertained 1000 at dinner on the day of her marriage. Nearly all tho alcohol mndn In rtua- sla, wblrh Is derived almost wholly from potatoes, Is UHed In the manu facture of Intoxicants. 10 CENT "CASCARETS- IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For 8lck Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver snd Bowels Thsy work whll you sleep. Furred Tongue, Dad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head ache come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferme nts like garbs fn a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery Indi gestion, foul naHes, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cuscaret tonight will give your constipated , f. a ,n"r0llKh cleansing snd stralKhten you out by morning. They work while you leep-a 10-cent box rom your druKRlHt will keep you fuel ing good for months. Unconscious Response. He My dear, all the baggage and ckontr porter-1 te" y0U 1 She Have you got the grlpT Dr. I'ierra'a P-IL.t. coated, easy to taka .s'e.ndy VKXte and invifor.ta stomach, liver VnJw els and cure constipation. Missouri's ion .,-... ed to iKi.mV.V, r"' "1 ' rop iimount- Lameness Sloan's liniment I a speedy, reliable remedy fur lame-nra In horses and farm stock. Here's proof. fUsasasssCea . ! had a haras sprain his ahanlrVf f POlline, and he lu an ! ha r)J im rarry f.,t at all. I nt a holtla at tsir IjninMTiit and put it on four tiiess, and In tlirra ,tays ha slitmMf no Ua new at ll. and made a thirty " ,r hrauaa." laiaar Jk AL-J, JU w r or Splint aaj Tkraafc I tiara aard Sloan's liniment a S Bne mar f,r splint and rured hr. Has tnakaa tha third horse I a rured. tls'S rsrommt-ndnl II tn mr nrujhbor f" tliriMh and lhr aa it la Sue. flnd H tlietMt Liniment I e,rr tixd. I ap on hand your hura I one uia for - arrrsnrt nrighhurs, snd I ran rtrlalnlf SLOANS LINIMENT Is a quick, safe remedy for pool try roup, canker and bumble-foot Try It p ad CaaW Sloan's liniment U tha epaadfert snd surest remrdr for poaitrv roup and ranjer in u , ,,.,. ifr r rsiiS-r In th. T.indiiiu.'aV.. tf Mi Jf'T, Mai. AtallDaaUrm. fUs, M. IM Uaal Sloaa's Boo aa Hamas, Cattle. Hogs aa. Pa.hr,, m, fr, A.dras OH tARl 1 flOAJI, he. tMN,l& r. n. u. NO. 4, 'I. yilKN wrltln, u aa.ertlMrt. ,M sm I l"W thia paper. I 7