St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 16, 1913, Image 2

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Tidal Wave and Earthquakes
Lend Additional Horror to
General Destruction.
Communication Cut
dreds, Caught by Lava Streams
Many Driven Into Sea.
Tokio, Japan A tidal wave added
its terror to the earthquake and vol
canic eruption which struck Kago
shima, in Southern Japan, Sunday
evening, according to official advicea
received here. Thousands of lives
have been lost.
It is believed here that the disaster
will prove to be one of the most serious
in the history of Japan. The extent
of loss of life and property increase
with each new report. '
The full extent of the disaster can
not be learned as all communication is
cut off from the stricken district
south of Kumamoto, 80 or 90 miles
north of Kagoshima. The navy de
partment was unable to obtain a wire
less report from the warships sent to
the scene, although many messages
were dispatched to them.
Ashes to the depth of six inches
have fallen in the seaport of Miyazaki,
on the east coast of Kiushiu.
A postal employe who fled from Ka
goshima states that the big postoffiee
building there collapsed during the
earthquakes and tidal wave and that a
great number of residences were
ruined, while many people and animals
were killed or injured.
The navy and army departments are
giving succor and supplies to Kago
shima. The population of the city of Kago
shima, which is buried almost comple
tely in volcanic ashes and stones, was
60,000 at the last census. The popu
lation of the adjoining island of Sa
kura, the center of the disturbance, is
given as 15,000. On this island hun
dreds are reported to have perished
beneath the streams of lava f rom the
volcano of Sakura Jima. Many more
undoubtedly were drowned while at
tempting to escape.
Doctors and hospital attendants have
been sent to the scene, but it is diffi
cult to reach the spot, as railroad
Spokane, Wash. Postoffiee inspec
tors received telephone calls from
worried rural delivery carriers, asking
aid. The carriers who ride horseback
from Paradise, Or., to Anatone,
Wash., 18 miles, notified the inspec
tors that a man at Paradise is ready
to ship 3600 pounds of timothy seed
by parcel post. The carrier at Elk
City, Idaho, telephoned that mine
owners had three carloads of concen
trated ore ready for shipment by par
cel post to the smelter, a distance of
60 miles over mountain roads.
The inspectors have put in a requis
ition for teams to help out the Idaho
Garrisons Planned for
Philippines and Panama
Washington, D. C. The army gen.
eral staff has completed plans for the
maximum garrisons proposed for the
Hawaiian Islaods and the Panama
canal zone.
It is planned to maintain in the
Hawaiian Islands six infantry, one
' cavalry and one field artillery regi
ments, 13 companies of coast artil
lery, one battalion of engineer?, two
signal and two medical corps com
panies and one aeronautical platoon.
In the canal zone the garrison is to
consist of three infantry regiments,
one squadron of cavalry, one battlion
of mountain artillery, 12 companies
coast artillery, one company engi
neers, two signal and one hospital
corps companies.
$396,350 Indemnity Paid.
Madison, Wis. In the two years
since the workingmen's compensation
law went into effect, employers of the
state have paid $396,354.63 as in
demnity to injured workmen and their
dependents. This announcement was
made by the State Industrial commis
sion. The amount does not include
the sum paid under the medical relief
provision of the law, which it is esti
mated would equal 60 per cent of the
amount paid as indemnity. There
have been settled up to January 1,
1914, a total of 6899 claims.
Regina Fears Outbreak.
Regina, Sask. One hundred and
fifty mounted police are patrolling this
city in anticipation of a possible out
break of unemployed men who threat
en to burn the city if work is not pro
vided for them. Women and children
were ordered to remain off the streets.
, The authorities assert they have the
situation in band.
Off Fleeing Hun-
communication is impeded by the
heaps of ashes and the tracks have
been torn up by the earthquakes.
The violence of the eruption of
Sakura Jima is so great that showers
of dust are falling here, although the
distance between Nagasaki and the
island of Sakura is about 90 miles.
A refugee who arrived here from
Kagoshima gave the following account
of the disaster:
"The eruption started Sunday night
with columns of thick black smoke
and flames from the crater of Sakura
Jima. Hundreds of the inhabitants
of the small island in the Gulf of Ka
goshima, where Sakura Jima is situa
ted, rushed to the beach and leaped on
Hoard junks and steamers, which car
ried them across three miles of water
to Kagoshima, ashes, stones and par
tides of white lava all the while fall
ing on the decks.
"At Kagoshima the heat was in
tense. The constantly increasing hail
of glowing cinders made it impossible
for the citizens to remain.
"The horror was increased by the
shaking caused by incessant earth
quakes, which rocked the houses all
day. More than 350 shocks were re
corded before nightfall.
"The people fled in disordered
droves along the highways, leading
west and north of the city. They had
abandoned everything in their flight,
and soon they were suffering also from
lack of food and drink.
"When I left Kagoshima the vol
cano resembled an enormous set piece
of fireworks, glowing from the foot
to the summit. During the night the
flowing lava illuminated the entire
district. The volcano constantly
emitted thunderous explosions." The
burning rock and ashes set fire to sev
eral villages. At Moji, on the Kiushiu
railway, 100 persons were killed. Sev
eral villages along the foot of the vol
cano were buried in streams of lava.
Astor Gives Views On
Socialistic Doctrines
New York Vincent Astor has no
present intention of becoming a So
cialist. Astor, in a long letter in re
ply to Upton Sinclair's letter urging
him to join the Socialists, not only ex
presses his determination not to be a
Socialist, but goes into some of bis
reasons for believing that the Social
ist solution of present-day evils is
fallacious and impracticable.
Sinclair's argument was that there
were 10,000,000 destitute people in
the country today, and that Astor's
best chance to relieve the suffering of
humanity was by becoming a Social
ist. Astor's reply, in part, follows:
"Replying, I write to say that I am,
fortunately, associated with various or
ganizations which are interested in a
study of sociological questions. In
one of these are many of the leading
officers of the American Federation of
Labor, and chiefs of railway brother
hoods, whose lives and energies are
devoted to the study and solution of
social and industrial problems to
which your letter refers.
"As a result of my association with
the representative labor men referred
Vv- I am fu! y convinced that these
serious evils which have attended our
industrial development can be and will
be in time eradicated without over
turning the fundamental basis upon
which our government and our social
fabric is founded."
Gold Watch Fatal to Hog.
Rickreall, Or. That a gold watch
makes poor food for hogs was demon
strated a few days ago, when Frank
Kerslake, a well known Polk county
stock breeder, found one of his valu
able registered hogs dead in a pen
after having eaten its owner's fine
gold watch. Mr. Kerslake had drop
ped his watch the evening before
while feeding the hogs, but did not
discover his loss until he made an
autopsy on the hog. It was thua
that he found the watch in the hog's
Storm Sweeps Russia.
St. Petersburg A terrible snow
storm has swept over Northwestern
Russia, blocking the roads and rail
ways and interfering with telegraphic
communication. In the suburbs of St.
Petersburg the snow is nine feet deep,
and 40,000 -soldiers and laborers are
engaged in cleaning away the drifts.
Train service has been reduced to a
minimum. No farm produce is reach
ing the city. It is impossible to make
interments in the cemeteries.
Now Sell Apples Direct;
No More Consignments
Hood River Through the efforts of
their president, II. F. Davidson, who
has been passing the winter at New
York, where he has charge of all of
the cistern shipments of apples and
the export trade, the North Pacific
Fruit Distributors are bringing about
a new order of things in the exports
of Northwestern box apples.
Up to this year all Northwestern
box apples have been consigned. Con
signments have been taboo this year,
and the merchants of the Continent
and England have been making direct
purchases of the fruit.
"The buyers find the new order
of things to their advantage," says
Wilmer Sieg, sales manager of the dis
tributors. "I get daily wire commu
nications and letters from Mr. David
son, and the new method is bringing
about a wider distribution of the
fruit. We are receiving calls from
points in ' Italy nd Scandinavian
Grain Saclcs
Bulk Shipping Favored
Pendleton That the farmers of the
Pacific Coast are annually spending
$5,000,000 unnecessarily for grain
bags, and that the farmers of no other
part of the United States are so fool
ish, wss the statement made to the
graingrowera of Umatilla county in
the convention which closed Saturday,
by Louis Delivuk, of Quincy, Wash.
The speaker said there are only two
classes of citizens who favor the
handling of grain in sacks. These are
the buyers, who charge the farmer
15 cents per pound for the sacks, yet,
when they buy the wheat, deduct
Co-operative Cannery
started at Psewberg
Newbe'rg With 850 members at
the start, the Newbcrg Cannery asso
ciation was organized with the elec
tion of nine trustees and settling the
par value of shares of stock at $20.
Several members present at the pre
liminary meeting subscribed to five
shares each.
The annual meeting of the organiza
tion was set for the second Tuesday in
February, at which time the election
of officers will be held.
Arrangements have been made for
the purchase of a $25,000 building
here for $6500, an option having been
held some time from Webber & Bus-
sel, of Seattle, owners, who made a
special price on the structure for the
The trustees named are: O. B. Rit-
tey, H. E. Crowell, L. E. Arney, J.
W. Chambers, L. S. Otis, W. S.
Wharton, F. L. Parrott, Gottlieb
Sthaad, and N. TNelson.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis A dairy and hog demonstration
train composed of seven cars and car
rying a large staff of college lecturers,
several practical farmers and railway
officials, will start a tour of Western
and Southern Oregon February 2. The
train will be out for approximately
two weeks.
This announcement is made bv Di
rector R. D. lletzel, who has just re
turned from a conference with South
ern Pacific officials.
"The train will be one of the best
equipped demonstration trains that
has ever been run in this section of
the country,." said Mr. Hetzel. "The
Southern Pacific officials have agreed
to furnish the necessary cars and the
college will equip them with model
dairy machinery, specimen dairy cows
and about 20 hogs.
State Engineer Makes Report.
Salem State Engineer Lewis gave
466 permits to appropriate water In
1913, according to his annual report
just completed. The permits provide
for the irrigation of 442,181 acres, 41
reservoirs are planned and 39,225
horsepower will be developed. The
average area to be supplied with wa
ter is 105 acres, as compared with 422
acres for the previous biennial period.
Mr. Lewis says the figures for the
last year indicate that there were
fewer large project of a speculative
nature than during the previous year.
Diseased Apples Under Dan.
Portland Armed with cans of coal
oil and condemnation tags, the city
health officer and market inspectors of
the city health department have com
menced a crusade against inferior and
diseased storage apples which, it is
said, have appeared on the market, as
is customary at this season of the
year. Nearly all day Monday the in
spectors searched the wholesale dis
trict in quest of a car of fruit report
ed to have been prepared for shipment
out of the city.
Corn Raisers Make Trip.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor-
vallis Seven boys, champion corn
raisers of St. 'Paul, Or., visited the
college recently as a reward for the
excellence of their work In the corn
raising contest which has been carried
on in that district during the paHt
year. They were under the escort of
Mr. Coleman of, St. Paul, and Prof
essor Luther J. Chapin, agricultural
expert of Marion county.
.... .. . .;i.i. thlnir." said Mr
! Sieg. "that by the end of January fow
I apples will be left in Hood Kiver for
sale. Itiourpol'-y to sell the. fruit
on a basis that will give the buyers
the advantage of some speculation.
I When this system becomes thoroughly
' understood by European buyers it will
I be of inestimable benefit to tlw mar
! keter in handling future crops.
I Mr. Sieg says that growers have to
1 learn lessons as to the handling of
fruit. "Too much of the crop of the
1 year is still in the hands of the grow
! er. Many loads of apples are coming
! into the storage houses this week.
This is too late to pack fruit." says
I Mr. Sieg. "Much of this tardiness is
due to the carelessness of growers, but
, . .uutm nf m-nnurative packing-
j houses, where the smaller orehardiHts
1 -or. k.ii th-ir nmiiurt and clean it up
! earlier in the season, will do much to
eliminate the baa eiiecis oi naving
I overripe apples go on tne mamei.
three-fourths of a pound per bushel,
on the ground that the sack is not
wheat, and then have the sacks to use
in the handling of millstuffa; and the
dishonest farmer who hopes by means
of the sack to palm off chaff, dirt and
rocks as first-class wheat. He de
clared grain can be handled in bulk
at one-third the cost of the sack sys
tem, at a great Baving in labor; that
there is less danger of loss by ele
ments, and that better price can be
obtained through the avoidance of a
congested market and the possibility
of making a farmer's entire crop av
erage No. 1.
Councilmen Are Recalled;
Women Kally to Keforms
Medford The recent city election
resulted in a victory for the Citizen'
ticket. Councilman Millar in the Third
ward was recalled, Dr. Hnrgrave win
ning by a vote of 283 to 244, and
Councilman Stewart, in the Second
ward, was recalled, V. J. Emmenck
winning 368 to 300. In a large field
Elmer Foss, city recorder, was re
elected by a large majority, and C
Samuels was re-elected city treasurer.
The other members of the Citizens'
ticket elected were T. W. Miles, F. V.
Medynski and Col. H. II. Sargent,
councilmen. The women lined up
throughout the city for the reform
ticket. The administration forces
threaten to contest the result.
A Btrong effort will be made, how
ever, to forestall this action.
Maniac Killed in Fight
With Asylum Attendant
Salem Frank E. Wallace, an in
mate of the insane asylum, committed
from Portland, who gave his occupa
tion as sailor, soldier, salesman and
editor, engaged in a battle to deuth
with Oliver Whitney, an attendant.
Wallace, it is said, frequently attack
ed attendants.
While he was polishing the floor in
the day ward Whitney approached and
asked him a question. Wallace jump
ed upon the attendant and a rouh-and-tumble
fight of several minutes
resulted. Finally Wallace wai thrown
to the floor, his abdomen striking
the polishing block which he had been
using. Other attendant went to the
assistance of Whitney, but their help
was not required.
Wallace's groan indicated that he
had been severely injured and a phy
sician found that several of his rih
had been fractured and that he was in
jured internally. He lived about two
New Courses Planned.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis Professor Peavy, dean of for
estry at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege and head of the student affairs
committee, returned to Corvallia last
week after an extended trip through
the East. During hi iournev Mr.
Peavy visited the forestry depart
ments of several of the larger college
and universities and gained much in
formation, which will result in the es
tablishment of new course in the for
estry and logging engineering depart
ment here. Particular attention wa
paid to the industry connected with
the preservation and utilization of by
product of the lumber business.
Smallpox Cases Found.
Portland Two cases of smallpox of
the malignant type have been discov
ered in St. Johns, a suburb of this
city. Considerable complaint has
been mado about the other alleged
case, which is in the family of a Mr.
Baker on Willamete boulevard. The
son is reported to have smallpox, and
the father is going to and from the
house. For some time there have
been several case of mild varioloid
in St. Johns, but so far they have es
caped detection. It i said there are
at least four or five case of this form.
Independent Company Complains.
Salem The Home Independent Tele
phone com nan v has u
State railroad commission that the Co
operative Telephone association had
uKciineu to iniercnange service with
it over long distance lines. The Home
eomnanv asks that th
compelled to interchange call and that
it establish trunk line leading to
Summerville, Elgin and Cove.
Hotel Washington
1 MS. M. ' """""
WT"S... ."I '''' in -v .
A R..mblanc.
w pl!i.TouaNtrln I pretty UU-
"X-Aes!1! fee. Ilk. Mil
He- Host of .
HI. - I in tryliiK to rompier tne air.
.A Human Match Factory;
.. i i,in i,hinh(miuffivlcnttomak4H.1,000mache. Pho
ThsboJy contain , (vM ,mon
HTlX 3fte.knn" The- elements coma (run, lh,
rT If .(..nvK'h l deranged-ins balance of he.nllh Is deslroyeJ and lh.
Rut If "'"" ' ' Ulf' tWmtutt to the tlitlirt-nt man, and thtrt
Wood does no way lh. P hm re m . ( fc o
SEn? ft Tthe t suml-li anJ ...n. of diction and nut
SStaU coudltlon oi health. That U Ju U Uons by
DR. nr KCE'S
aduieu R.V. Pierce. M. D.. Hulfalo, N.i .
. . i.MiM saBffi hftsttaMmlv hn4 l elHh trl
An u.Tial eablewiiy 7j inll"K !":
th. Br.'iilfht In the world, will be built
In northern ItwlU to pnnliln transpor
tation for a reKlon win-re the soli ren
dition limU a railroad Impracticable.
Greece has a limited supply of for
est timber. This is mostly mountain
pine, wlpch doe not yield a first
tirade lumber.
mwr tar jw
Praise Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound
Women from the Atlantic to the rac'ific.from all sections
of this great country, no city so large, no village so small I
but that some woman has written words of thanks for'
health restored by Lydia 11. I'inkham's Vegetable Cora. J .
pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar i
to her sex should rest until she has given this famous rcmedj 1 "
a trial, is it not rcasonaoic
these women it will do for any
Wonderful Case of Mrs. Stephenson,
on the Pacific Coast. j, (
IxnrrExrEsrE, ORrir.N. MI was sirk with what four doc ton ?
called NervoiM 1 'rout ration, was trvutnl l r tin tu fur st-vs-ral yrari V
would 1 U ttor for a whilo then hack In tlm nM way njraiiu I had ,
palpitation of tho heart very bad, fainting spell., ntid wmt no nirvooj
that a spoon tlroppinir to t'ifl floor would nearly kill mo, could cot ?
lift the lightest weight without innkinrf mo hick; inf.u t wus alrfiut ti .
sick and iniseraMo as a tmrsou could W I miw your medlelnos s4-'
vortised and thought I would try them, and am no thurikftil I did fof
they helped tne nt owe. I took ahout a doen Imttlrsof J.ydia If
llnkham's Vesetalilo Compound and also used the Ntiuttlvo Wana,!
.1 Tl l.l .... I - !..!!. '
omun men i navo used iiu-ni w uenever l j-ii pick, j our n-iiieiw :
are the only doctor I employ. You are at liU rty to publish this 1st
icr." jars, w . MtriitsaoN, indt ix-inienee, Oregon.
A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman.
Tlononov, Me. "I fi-el it a duty I owe to nil snffc I'n i women to ?
tell what Iydia li rinkharn's Yep-taMo Compound did for nm. Or f
year sko I found myself a terrildo sulli-rer. I hud pains in Uth side! j
and such a soreness I could Bcan-( ly straighten up at times. Hj
back ached. I had no apetito and was so nervous 1 could not sloei j
then I would 1 so tired mornings that I could scant Iv jret around !
It seemed almost Inijuissiblo to movo or do n hit of work and I j
thought I never would lo any U-Mer until I submitted to an opera- f
tion. I commenced taking l.ydu K. I'inkham's Ye table Compound f
and soon felt liko a new woman. I had no isiins, slept well, had irood I
appetite and was fit and could do almost all my own wmk for a lata-
iiy of four. I Khali always feel that I owe my hmI health to yoM f;
medicine." Mrs. IIaywakd Soweus, Ilodgdon, Maine. ;
For SO years Lydia E. IMnklmm's Yrsretable
Compound tins liecii the, stnntlard rented? for fe
male, ills. No one, sick with woman's nil merits
does Justice to herneir If ho i1m- not try t Ills fa
mous medicine tnadn from roots and lirrln. It
has restored so many suffer! tin women to heal t h.
P 5"Vrl 'e to f ,T ni A E.l'l IK H A JT M K MCI S T. CO.
&r (0HIKMUI,LY,JIASS.,foriidlce.
1 our letter will le opened, r-il nn answered
or ft woman and held iu strict oouUdcuco.
Tha farmors and curm-rn f.f
Tnnnemiea bavs procreiiaH rapidly
with their cooporiillvo union, t.otii in
the country and In tho city, and tln-y ,
now hav their first tor In MuinpUl. '
Probably oms mm hesltiite about i
psylng their debt beoaunf) they ffar
their creditor may have heart failure
We alwy feel 80rry for an helrenn
he simply ha to innrry In mlf de
feme. Ayrl,aln ,n 1907 n""1 ""1 I1
1,000,000,000 brick.
or "n.rlm-nt " lrk tni-,
-It . ..p,ilv.B, d.,,,,.. 'N
Baa IUIm far Um m T. rnu I. . ., "
Portland, tirrtron.
.i m mmd timrm ! WMk I '.I...-
I f..m tiain. an.1 r.l. tafca l-iH ,m
H..I .,,1 M runnll..
Easily Accounted For. 5
Aunt - How's thl. MolibyT
11,, U Hi Mil" boy no.t door s.ti tt i
tnnti'il nt school much o(tvnr tklif
Hobby Well, his father's a lfjf j
imitrr. 1 '
Soiiih ri-markuble fllltht h Uu
made In ItuitHlu recently ty an am
ITiaU.- Ill IVUnpiw . - .'
Pimm capable of carrying It rrw, g ,
piiHp!!r'-ri. eiiomth fu-l for ?o hon'!
ami 1700 pouuiU additional wiH
The candy bill f H' Amrlcii p "
Is IKM.iiimi.iioi), $111.0(10.000 mor tia;
th ront of the nut Ion paint au4
tllhtl. P
I c
to ucneve mar wnai u mu m T
sick woman ?
0n riaelfsjtprmnv
n. n'of
Try mi.. l( h, f,,, M
- ... " "if .n.i n,. h. MM, f n.i.r. il Iht. arn.i n.lura liIM C
fcil.m k .,r mnt Mr. Ilia .nanrlftM
t. '""'"'I-'"I lr..t H.i.. Iti
h. Lj V""'" '""" hi. .rl.l. h .".n
coNsn.TATtoM raw.
If rnm II.. M M Dm iilinMnll, f
Partlaii4, Ortf
z J
. N. U.
No. S. '!
.114 t KluiuT' .
W'HKN wrliln, u .4T.rtlMr mlmm mm
" Oil.