St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 09, 1913, Image 7

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and Dairy Produce
at all Simla wanted. Write for Mr
rcarson-PaueCo. PCKL5K!
Boasht. enkt and hnv-f ; enstn-a, anllare,
sawmills, tr. h.-n. f .r bum end 'r'aee.
lUk. i. k.MAUUN CO.. J 1st bU rutllaail. Or.
Hir, H a. m. u p. m, Ila-t 57 U
r br tiprlntitMMtl
I)K. josurit KOANK
geleaHne TnaimMil of ll Aeula end Ohmnle
!. Mreeaed Hraalltlwiar. atulle Ke-e-7
Are.lo Hullllr, Healtla.
atrial Try Itl Hair gets aeft, fluffy
and beautiful Get a 29 cant
bottla of Dandarlna.
If you cars for heavy balr tbat glla
tana with beauty and la radiant with
Ufa; baa an Incomparable softness and
la Huffy and lustrous, try Dauderlne.
Just one application doublea tha
beauty of your bulr, bcatdna It Imme
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not bava nice
heavy, healthy bulr If you have
dandruff. Thla destructive acurf roba
tba balr of Its, Ita atrengtb and
Ita very life, nnd If not overcome it
producea a fevrrlshness and Itching of
tha acalp; the hnlr roots famish, loos
en and die; then the balr falla out
fast Surely get a 25rent bottla of
Knowlton's Dnndcrlne from any drug
tora and JuhI try IL
On currency they raise a din,
Tba farmer fools no flurry,
He simply pud bis money In
And lets the old bank worry.
Washington Star,
Tba first temperance society In Eng
land waa formed In liradford In Feb
ruary. 1830.
Five years ago I wna ao troubled
With kidney trouble and Inflammation
of tba bladder that I bad to lease
working my farm. Life looked dark
to me until I beard of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root through a cured friend.
I tried a bottla and began to feel bat
ter at onca. After using five or all
bottlaa I felt fine and bava continued
to work aa I bad before my affliction.
I want to stata tbut Ir. Ktlmer'a
Swamp-Root la a kidney medicine tbat
will cure and I owa my good work dur
ing tba past flva or six yenrs to It.
Yours vrey truly,
l'reacott. Ark.
Subscribed and sworn to before ma,
thla 17th day of March. 1912. .
Notary Public.
Thla Is to certify tbat Mr. C. W.
Morris baa bought Swamp-Root at thla
atora In the past
Adam Outbiie, Jr.,
Letter to
Dr.KUmer it Co.,
Dint ham ton, N.T.
Prove What Swamp-Hoot Will Do Tor You
Rend ten centa to Dr. Kilmer ft Co.,
Blnghnmton, N. Y., for a sample alze
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
Information, telling about tba kldneya
and bladder. When writing, ba aura
and mention this piiper. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollnr size bottles
for aala at all drug stores.
Tackle Catarrh How
Bo Free All Winter
Atcld Colds, Sfall Pneumonia, Keep Your Ilea
Clear and Your Throai Free.
Don't Walt Till You're 111 Dunged Up. Use S. S. S. Now.
Tf you will go into any first class store
and gat a bottle of 8. S. B. you are on
the way te getting rid of Catarrh. But
don't let anyone work off that old trio a
of something "Juat aa good."
8. B. S. la taken Into the blood Juat aa
naturally aa the moat nourlahlng food. It
apraads Ita Influence over every organ In
the body, ootnea throutth all the velne and
arteries, enahlaa all mucous aurfacee to
ssabance Inflammatory acids snd othar
Irritating aubatancaa for arterial eleraenta
that effectually cleanse the system and put an and to all catarrhal pollution.
. a. S. elaana out tha stomach of muoous
aaonmulatlnna, enables only pure, blood
making matarlala to enter the Inteetlnee,
combines with these food elamanta to
entar the circulation, and In leaa than aa
hour la at work throughout tba body In
tba proceae of purification,
Tba medicinal components of S. .
em relatival juat aa eaeentlai ta wau
practical Papa.
Tha taJk at a recent emokafeat wat
about lb practical aide 01 tuinga.
"Hmlndi ma." 'nlllngljr remarked
Congreeemen Joseph A. Ootilder of
New York, or a certain lunrnmn,
Dot on of the aotlqu apnces, but a
oft, tender little thing who baa just
Joined the Jiinwee ana is correspond
Iniily enthusiastic.
"Una evening aha returned boraa
and rushed up to tha old man, who
waa comfortably reading la a big arm
" 'Oh, papa,' aba exclaimed, 'yon
hould bare been with ma tonlghtl
We ara preparing to sweep tba coun
try I'
" 'Swwp tha countryf responded
tha old man, with a puzzled eipree
alon. 'VVbo'a preparing to awaep tba
" 'Why, tha auffrngettes, of course,'
cama tba proud rejoinder of tba pretty
" 'Ob, I eae,' waa tha cold, bard reply
of praotlcal papa. 'It la a commend
able Impulaa. You might begin with
tha dining room and parlor." Naw
Orleans Slatea.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not
stain the hands.
Pre Oar Header
Write Murine Wy Hemed? Co., Cblraaw, re
aVps Illustrated Kf Uwk free. Write ell
euuut Your Cje Trouhle anil Ibe will edTlee
aa to tbe Iropar Application vi the Murine
Kre kaiaedlea in Your itpeclal Can. Your
Krusalat will tell roe that Murlue Kelleeee
Bora Mireugtliena Weak Kee. lMMeat
Wniert, Wotaa a.jre l'aln, and sella for Sua.
Trf It la Vour Kyeeaud la liab'a Kae lee
sal aeiiua ana ureauieuua.
Ita Conduct.
"That flug you gava ma to hang out
la not the kind to wava o'er tba be arts
of tha brave."
"Why not?"
"Ilecuuao tha first tlma I tried to
wash It tha colore ran. And tbat
wasn't tha worst of It, for tbey all
ran together."
Heard at the Station.
Townley You any tbat tba morning
trains in from your station have been
given ntcknnmea.
Bubbubs Yes. At 6:10 there's "Tba
works," at 7:20 "Tba clerka." and at
8:30 "Tha ahlrka."
Mothers wtU Bad Mra. Winetowe Boothles
Irruu the bet rmuadr l use lot thelf o&Udma
SuUag tba leaumig perlou.
In tha Same Business.
"It seotns strange that ba could
plunder a great corporation Ilka tbat
for yeara without being found out."
"Wall, you see, the corporation was
pretty busy Itself." Chicago Journal.
Too Common.
Tha consultation i'atlent rafusaa
to admit aha baa appendicitis.
"Says It'a passe. Wanta something
newer and mora exclusive. Life.
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels They
work while you aleep.
Furred Tongue, Dad Tasta, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches coma from a torpid liver and
clogged bowela, which causa your
stomach to become filled with undi
gested food, which aoura and fermenta
like garbage in a awtll barrel. That's
tba first atep to untold misery Indi
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything tbat is
horrible and nauseating. A Caacaret
tonight will give your constipated
bowela a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10 cent box
from your druRglst will keep you feel
ing good for nioutha.
Seven booka sold for a total of
$227,200 at tha recent Hoa library
snlo. Two of tbeae books wera Bibles,
ona of which, a Gutenberg Illble, print
ed on vellum, brought tba hlgbeat
price aver paid for a book f DO.QuO.
flrn ns farthings wera authorized by
English law In tho year HIS. Tbey
wera suppressed aa worthless a boot
40 yeara later.
I. Ions and tlgera ara too weak In
lung power to run mora than half
ml la.
More than 3,000,000 gross of pencils
ara annually made In Philadelphia.
balanced health aa the nutritive proper
tlaa of the grains, meate, auaara, and falsi
of foods, Any local Irritating Influence)
la the blood la rejected by the tissue ealla
and eliminated by reason of tba atlmulat.
ting Influence of 8. B. 8.
You will aoon realise Ita wonderful la
fluenea by the absence of headache, m da
olded clearing of tha air paaaagea,ai
ateadlly Improved nasal condition, aad a
sanae of bodily relief that proves hovg
oomplatalr catarrh often lufeata tba an
tire system.
You will And B, 8. 8. on sale at all dru
atorea. It la a remarkable remedy foe
any and all blood affections, auoh aa
ecaaraa, raah, lupua, tattar, peorlasla,
bolla, and all other dlacaaed conditions el
the blood. For apeclal advise en any
blood dlaeaae write to The Swift Bpeolfla
Co.. to Hwirt lunar.. Atlanta, Oa.
Do not trifle with subatltutwa, tmlta
tlona or any of the horde of "Juat M
good" Counterfeits of tt. H. g.
rowhoya of tha l-1yln( Hart ranch are
kmribrokrn ovr tha lima of thalr much
prliail pliiinnsraiih by tha lf't of thalr
rhamulon In a font-race with lha conk of
tha rillprda ran h. A houaa party la
nn at Hit. Kly!n llaart. J. Wafllngford
Hpaad. cl.r iaailrr at Tale, and Culver
t ovinston, lntr--ullalate obamoloa run-
oar, are eapectaa.
CHAPTER I Continued.
"Nonsensel Hobert Keep la only
twenty-three. Wby, aba hardly knew
ber husband, even! It waa ona of
those sudden, Impulsive affairs that
would overwhelm any girl who hadn't
seen a man for four yeara. And
then ha enlisted In b Spanish War,
and waa killed."
"Considerate chap!"
"Rotavrta, you know, la my beat
friend, after Helen. Do ba nlca to
her. Jack." Mlsa Chapln sighed. "It
la too bad tba others couldn't come.
"Yes, a small house-party haa Its
disadvantages. Uy-the-way, what's
that gold thing on your frock?"
"It's a medal. Culvar aent it to
"Another T"
"Yes. ba won tha intercollegiate
championship again." Miss Chapln
proudly extended tha emblem on its
"I wish to goodness Covington bad
been here to take Humpy Joe'a place,'
said tba young cattle-man aa he
turned it over. "Tha boys ara Juat
broken-hearted over losing tbat pho
"I'll get him to run and win tt back."
Jean offered, esslly.
Her brother laughed. "Take my ad
vice. Sis, and don't let Culver mix up
In this garnet Tba stakes ara too
high. I think tbat Centipede cook Is
a professional runner, myself, and If
our boys wera beaten again well, you
and mother and I would have to move
out of Naw Mexico, that's all. No.
we'd better let tha memory of that
defeat dls out aa quickly aa possible.
Tan warn Fresno not to Joks about it
axty mora, and I'll take Mra. Kaap off
yaur bands. She may ba a widow, she
may even be tha chaperon, but I'll
do it; I will do It," promised Jack-
tor my alatar'a sake."
D'ELEN BLAKE waa undeni
ably bored. The sultry aft
ernoon waa very long long
er even than Berkeley Frea
' no'a autobiography, and
'. Quite aa dry. It was too hot
and dusty to ride, ao she
-VStSr took refuga in the latest
1 1 1 ' " aullnr an4 mn.hl
out a hammock on the vine-
shaded gallery, where Jean Chapln
aa writing letters, while tbe discon
solate Fresno, banished, wandered at
large, vaguely injured at ber lack of
Absent-mindedly, tbe girls dipped
Into tha box of bonbons between them.
Jean finished her correspondence and
essayed conversation, but her compan
ion's blond head waa bowed over the
book In her lap, and the effort met
with no response. Lulled by the som
niferous droning of Insects and laxy
echoes from afar, Miss Chapln was
on tha verge of slumber, when she
saw her guest rapidly turn tha Inst
pagea of her novel, then, with a choco
late between her teeth, read wide
eyed k tha finish. Miss Blake closed
tba btfik reluctantly, uncurled slowly,
then stared out through tha dancing
heat-waves, her blua ayes shadowed
with romance.
THd she marry blraT" queried Jean.
No, not" Helen Blaka sighed, bliss
fully. "It waa Infinitely finer. She
killed herself."
"I Ilka to sea them get married."
"Naturally. You aro at that stage.
But I Jblnk suicide la mora glorious.
In molly cases."
Miss Chapln yawned openly. "Speak
ing of suicides, isn't this ranch the
deadest placet"
"Oh, I don't think so at all."
"Oh yea, you do, and you needn't be
polite just because you're a guest"
Well, then, to be aa truthful aa a
boarder, it Is a little dull. Not for
our chaperon, though. The time
dovsnt seem to drag on ber bands.
Jack certainly la making it pleasant
for her."
If you call taking her out to watch
a lot of bellowing calves get branded,
entertainment," Mlaa Chapln sighed.
Miss Blaka leaned forward and read
tha InscrimJon on her companion's
medal. "Oh. Isn't It heavy!" feeling
It reverently.
Pure gold, like himself! You
should have aeen him When ha won It
Why, at tha finish of that race all tha
men but Culver were making tha
most horrible facea. Tbey wera sim
ply dead."
Miss Blake's hands wera clasped In
her lap. "They all make faces," aald
aba. "Have you told Roberta about
your engagement?"
No, aha doesnl dream of It, and I
don't want her to know. I'm ao afraid
shall think, now that mother has
gone, tbat I asked ber here Juat as
a chaperon. I'erbsps I'll tell her whan
Culver comes."
"I hare beard Culver speak of him,
but never as an athlete. Have you
and Mr. Speed settled things between
you, Helen? I mean, has he aald any
Miss Blake flushed.
"Not exactly." She adjusted
cushion to cover her confusion, then
leaned back complacently. "But ba
baa atuttered ' dangerously several
A musical tinkle of silver spurs
sounded in tha distance, and around
tbe corner of the cook-bouse opposite
cama Carara, the Mexican, bla wide,
spangled sombrero tipped rakishly
over one ear, a corn-busk cigarette
drooping from hla lips.
"It's thst romantlo Spaniard!" wbli
pered Helen. "What doea ba want?
"It'a bis afternoon call on Marle-
detta, the maid," said Jean. "Tbey
meet there twice a day, morning and
"A lovers' tryst!" breathed Miss
Blake, eagerly. "Isn't be graceful and
picturesque! Can we watch them?'
"'Sh-h! There she comes!"
From the opposite direction ap
peared a slim, swarthy Mexican girl,
an Indian water-Jug balanced upon her
shoulders. She waa clad in tha
straight-hanging native garment, belt
ed In with a aasb; her feet were in
sandals, and she moved as silently as
a shadow.
During the four days since Miss
Blake'a arrival at the Flying Heart
Ranch aha bad seen Marledetta flit
ting noiselessly here and there, bat
bad never heard ber speak. Tbe pret
ty, expressionless face beneath the
straight black hair bad ever retained
Its wooden stolidity, tba velvety eyea
had not laughed nor frowned nor
aparkled. She seemed to ba merely
a part of thla far southwestern pic
ture; a bit of Inanimate yet breath
ing local color. Now, however, tha
girl dropped bur Jug, and with a low
cry glided to her lover, who tossed
aside bis cigarette and took her in his
arma. From this distance their words
were indistinguishable.
"How perfectly romantic," aald the
Eastern girl, breathlessly. "I bad no
idea Marledetta could lore anybody."
"She Is a volcano," Jean answered.
"Why. It's like a play!"
"And It goea on all the time."
"How gentle and sweet he is! I
think be Is charming. He Is not at all
like the other cowboy. Is he?"
While the two witnesses of the
scene were eagerly discussing It, Joy,
the Chlnee cook, emerged from the
kitchen bearing a bucket of water, bis
presence hidden from tbe lovera by
tbo corner of the building. Carara
languidly released bia inamorata from
hla embrace and lounged out of eight
around tho building, pausing at tbe
farther corner to waft a graceful kiss
from the ends of his fingers, aa with
a farewell flash of bis white teeth be
disappeared. Marledetta recovered
her water-jug and glided onward Into
the court In front of tbe cook-bouse,
her face mnsklike, ber movements de
liberate oa usual.
JoT. epylng the girl, grinned at her.
She tossed ber bead coquettishly and
her step slackened, whereupon the
cook, with a sly glance around, tapped
her gently on the arm, and aald:
"Nice li'l gally.r
"Tbe Idea!" Indignantly exclaimed
Miss Blake from her hammock.
But Marledetta waa not offended.
Inatead she smiled over ber shoulder
It's a Medal. Culver Sent It to Me."
na she had smiled at her lover an in
stant before.
'Me like you One. Ton Ilka pta?"
Joy nodded toward the door of the
culinary department aa If to make
free of hla hospitality, at the Instant
that Carara, who had circled tha build
ing, cama into view from the opposite
side, a fresh cigarette between hla
lips. His languor vanished at tha
first glimpse of tha scene, and he
strode toward tha white-clad oalaatlai.
who flora through tha open door HTn
a prairie dog Into his bola. Carara
followed at hla heels.
"It serves blm right!" cried Mlsa
Blake, rising. "I hope Mr. Carara
A din of falling pota and pane la
sued from tha cook house, mingled
with shrill cries and sort Spanish Im
precations; then, with one long drawn
wall, tba pandemonium ceased as sud
denly as It bad commenced, and Ca
rara Issued forth, black with anger.
"Hat" aald he, scowling at Marle
detta, who had retreated, ber hand
upon ber bosom. He exhaled a lung
ful of clgaretto smoke through hla
nostrils fiercely. "You play wit' me,
"No, no!" Marledetta ran to him,
and, seizing hla arm, cooed amorously
la Spanish.
"Bab! Vamos!" Carara flung her
from blm, and stalked away.
"Well, of all the outrageous thlngst"
said Miss Blake. "Why, she was actu
ally flirting with that Chinaman."
"Marledetta fllrta with every man
she can find." said Jean, calmly, "bat
she doeen't mean any barm. She'll
marry Carara some time If ba doesn't
kill her."
"Kill ber!" Miss Blake's eyes were
round. "He wouldn't do that!"
"Indeed, yes. Ha Is a Mexican, and
ba haa a terrible temper."
Mlsa Blake sank back Into tbe ham
mock. "How perfectly dreadful! And
yet it muat ba heavenly to love a
man who would kill you."
Miss Chapln lost herself In medltay
tlon for an Instant. "Culver is almost
Ilka tbat when he la angry. Hello,
here cornea our foreman!"
Stover, a tall, gangling cattle-maa
with drooping grizzled mustache,
came shambling cp to the atepa. Ho
dusted his boots with bis sombrero
and cleared bla throat
" 'Evening, Mlsa Jean. Ia Mr. Cha
pln around?"
"I think youH find him down by tho
spring-bouse. Can I do anythlnlg for
"Nope!" Stover sighed heavily, and
got his frame gradually Into motion
"You're not looking well. Stover.
'Thla Grubsiinger Thinks Ha Can
Are you 111?" inquired Miss Chapln.
"Not physical," said tbe foreman.
checking the movement which had not
yet comunicated Itself the entire
length of hla frame. "I reckon my
sperret'a broke, that's all."
"Haven't you recovered from that
foot-race ?"
"I have not, and I never will, so long;
as that ornery Centipede outfit haa
got It on us."
"Nonsense, Stover!"
"What have they done?" Inquired
Miss Blake, curiously. "I havent
beard about any foot-race."
"You tell her," aald the man, with
another sigh, and a hopeless gesture
that told the depth of his feelings.
"Why, Stover hired a fellow a couple
of months ago aa a horse-wrangler.
The man said he waa hungry, and
made a good impression, so wa pat
aim on.
Here Stover slowly raised one boot
ed foot and kicked his other calf.
"The boya nicknamed blm Humpy
"Why, poor thing! Waa he hums-
backed?" inquired Helen.
"No," answered Still Bill. "Hump
back la lucky. We called him Humpy
Joe because when it came to running
be could sure bump himself."
"Soon after Joseph went to work."
Jean continued, "the Centipede outfit
hired a new cook. You know tho
Centipede Ranch the one you aeo
over yonder by the foot-hllla."
"It waa'nt 'soon after,' it waa si
multaneous," said Stover, darkly.
"We're beglnnln to see plain at last"
He went on aa if to air the Injury
that waa gnawing him. "One day wo
hear that thla grub-slinger over yon
der thinks be can run, which same la
aa welcome to us as the smell of flow
era on a spring breeze, for Humpy
Joe bad amused us In his idle hours
by running Jack-rabbits to earth
"Not really?" said Miss Blaka.
"Well, no, but from what wo aeo
wo Judge he'd ought to limp a hun
dred yards in about nothing and
three-fifths seconds, so wo frame a
race between him and the Centipede
Cook. With tumulchous Joy wa bet
our wages and all the loose gear we
hare, and In a burst of childish en
thusiasm wa put up the talking-mar
'A phonograph?"
'Yes. An Echo Phonograph," aald
Miss Chapln.
'Of New York and Parla," aald Sto
"Our boya won it from this Tory
Centipede outfit at a bronco-busting
tournament In Cheyenne."
"Wyoming." Stover made tho loca
tion definite.
(TO Ba coinurrxaxM
(Quite "Nift1
(That's the way you
hould look and feel all I
I the time. Nature never -intended
you to be sickly I
and run down, with poor
(appetite, imperfect diges- I
tion, clogged bowels and I
I a lazy liver. Stir these
organs to healthy action I
by the daily use of
Stomach Bitters!
Spring Semester:
Begins February i, 1914. Regular
Normal work offered. New classes
organized. Regular Normal credits
Summer Term:
Begins June 22. 1914. Regular
Normal work offered. New classes
organized. Normal credits given.
Methods of teaching elementary sub
jects of Gradea One to Light, inclus
ive, emphasized. Coursea in rural
school methods and management of
fered. Information:
For further information, addreaa
J. H. Ackerman, President, Mon
mouth, Oregon.
Everybody loves
Do yon want to learn io play Plaao,
Orgau, Violin or Guitar. For a assail
sum we will teach yos
to play fourth grade muaie regardleaa
of nam bar of leaaona required. Any
one woo caa read eaa lean by ear
and most up-to-date aystem ia exist
ence. We loan yon a perfect "Time
beater" free. Write for particu'ara.
American School of Mask
61S-517 Commonwealth Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
or axpcrinwnt with fraak tmnn
-it. axpanaiva and danraroua. No
ftiattar bow aavara or ions standing
your ruptura, wa can fit a truaa to
uit either by mail or in person;
satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Pan
tar's free bowk tells ail. sand NOW
tot Joaraal Bids, Partlaaa. Or.
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowela.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one'a stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, stlesa, doesn't
aleep, eat or act naturally, or la fever
ish, stomach aour, breath bad; haa
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold,
give a teaspoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all
the foul, constipated waste, undigest
ed food and aour bile gently movea
out of ita little bowels without grip
ing, and you have a well, playful child
again. Ask your druggist for a 60
cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs," which contains full directlona
for babies, children of all agea and
for grown-ups.
Bad Job for Man Below.
While In Boston a while ago I went
over to East Boston on tha ferry.
There waa a steam shovel at work out
in the harbor, and I waa standing
watching it. Suddenly I fait a Up on
my shoulder and turned around to
find a aon of Erin standing there.
"Say," said he, "isn't this a wonderful
country? By gorry, now. Just look at
that thing goln' down there now. Look
at It. Isn't that wonderful. But, say,
ould man, I wouldn't want to be tha
guy at the bottom filling that thing
up. would ye?"
Dr. Pierce'e Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation. Constipation ia the causa
of many diseases. Cure the cause and
you cure the disease. Easy to take.
Hla Statue.
Mrs. Honk Colonel Hook is a con
gressman at large, isn't he? -
Farmer Honk Yes; they harant
arrested him yet Puck.
Athena la to have a municipal
slaughter house to cost $800,000.
Seal Oaf a r". Thus Ooel. I'M
la Una. Sola b? Orairtats.