St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 02, 1913, Image 3

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In (in- NoiHhchM" P'"t "f r.r-n. n (he Columbia
River, wilh about 7o mil" f rivi r In.r.f
A R i; A :
AI...UL Tiki N.,imre mil'-"- 22..V.i'. acre.
l .'i.V !ii iicrct 'J l.H is Hiiit i ac-Uuilly in cultivation
mid cleared, .xcli. live of t"Wf. lots.
,,;;,;,; jncl llllc all timber W hl-U' OlCM IS
ii.i r.' III. hi I'IMm.i i.rt on a iunri r H'-lin, i.l i.ll
,1, I u'hum n in. I .;uit;i!i' IVr imhI .n no coiMiiiion
I'm iMi 1 1 v :.!i.n.
A u;.' .-.;:; .i.:-. fiu -M"
A.s.ii'is ; i va:...i: ok i i i.i .. .: - - li: f.'ii.;:.-.
r t f . a. .k: v.:.;:aiin (V a;. 5. ii:: i in y.
,s.: i.'), II U
mil i;' ok Korvrv i: :k:
;, ) i, i: ,if hi.'i i i i'. .if s? ittiiil:oii, some in
- ,1, !.. ,., a').1 in vv! :. I i n.
mii.i;; or k i : . i ; :
A lni:t l-' i l ull- , wl.ich mi luili's On main line of Ihe S. I.
.i S. in. I tin- ..irii.i lodging mini.
Cell iiis hi' I'.'IO i'iw-1 Ii,.'iM) Inii a iTtnfiil - s t i n t thin
year ; iv ; il .it I.' i t I...OIKI. ah::
Ti n,; , i iti. I tin tin' KMin iuT tin thermometer rarely
iiui'ln Kin in ill.' h i.!.- mi. I in tin coMi'ht weather of
win'- i ..'ru aim In r is nlnioiit unknown. During the
winter in nitln thi'i. .s i ) ruin, lust rot too much.
J.nt -,;-.h to in-tin- erii. Crop failuies urc unknown.
I'lin'iiif nil kit.iU. i -i j u'i'i ii! I y apples, ix-um, plums and
lirniiM, i ! i h i in I 'i :i-ik"; g-mlen truck of all kinds and
lai i y mt-' .
Ships from nil pUru of the world carry Columbia County products down
the Columbia River und to the markets of the world. A through lino
of KuilnMd. traverse the county from the North to the South. Kivrr
boats carry local products to heal markets at low rate.
I. A N I) ;
Thousands of acre of first t.'n land can be purchased at rcaaonable
prices upon which are stumps left from the timber operations. This
land in especially suited for farming, fruit raising and dairying.
A . !..-..'.
- a ',,.' -.-- ,ii' ' ' ' . '-"-?- '
A city on the Ciluinliia I'.ivcr, vs miltM from Portland, with a population
f L'ViO people. The County Seat of Columbia County. A four year
Standard Hi..h School., Congregational, Episcopal and
Catholic Churches. All the leading fraternal orders. Gravity water
system owned by the city HuUicient to supply a city of 10,000 people.
Electric liKhtn. yruded and macadamized streets, sewers. Principal
industries are lumbering, shiphuildinj;, creosotin. stone quarrying.
I'.. hin: and shipping. Two lare saw mills with a capacity of 250,000
feet p'-r day ; more than C million feet of lumber shipped each month;
several lare ocean Kin vtsst-ls built each year; timber treated with
creosote and shipped all alontf the coast. Two bin stone quarries and
rock crushing plants in continuous operation. An average of 300 tons
of Columbia Kiver Salmon caught and marketed. A farming country
buck of it that cannot bd excelled in the world. Several new business
blocks now under construction. Five miles of sewer being built.
Many beautiful and attractive homes.
Lumbering and timber is the principal industry; there be
ing about twenty-five saw mills. Salmon fishing in the
Columbia Kiver is also an important industry. Farming
and fruit rawing; Stone quarrying; Ship building and all
kinds of lumber manufacturing plants. '
There are fine opportunities for the small farmer, dairy
man, fruit grower and truck gardener. Also a number of
choice deep water sites for manufacturing plants.
U.0)i) -teres of l v lands along the Columbia River which
have recently been dyked and are now in high state of
cultivation esx cially adapted to growing of vegetables and
s. rail fruits.
i'o t sun Hiinl Jlih Schools; Grade schools i n each
Nearly all denominations represented.
Circuit Judges, J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin
District Attorney, W. B. Dillard
County Judge, W. A. Harris
County Clerk, II. E. LaBare
Sheriff. A. E. Thompson
Assessor, C. W. Blakesley
School Superintendent, J. B. Wilkerson
Treasurer, R. S. Hattan
Coroner, F. H. Sherwood
Surveyor, Geo. Conyers
Commissioners, John Farr, Louis Fluhrer.
St. Helens Rainier
Clatskanie Houlton
Scappoose Warren
Deer Island Goble
Yankton Vernonia
Mist Quincy
Mayger Marshland
Columbia City Reuben
Apiary Hudson
Prescott Trenholm
Patronize the Mist Advertisers -ntJ' "rt
A Jf
tJ t.l f i v. i t .i t
V .. .
v; r ' at-: is.
mm ;
Arc you y.cttin i ,:rc piy than you
did l.i.;t ynr? Art? you reasonably
surrrf petting stilt rr:.rc next year?
If rot, this is yojf time MOV to
rn.iil the couroa tIorr t:vJ let the
International Corrcr.por.tlnce Schools
explain how they csn rv.ilify yoa to
enter a more iraportant line of work
in year rr"t ccc;;; aticr or in a
different one trlwreyj-.i an crrtmanda
higher sahry at ';: st.:rt. iri:h no limit
to yo'tr carnin fotrcr.
la miking thii ofer, oil your cir
cumstances have been f.kcn into con
siJcration, anj it rnlrcniainj for you
to fill out anj rruil the coupon. How
you an succeed with the aid of I.C.S.
training by mail, as thousands like
you have succeeded, Trill te fully ex
plained at no cost whatever to you.
1H rA V-i af
mszr 'C : :
Tlcase explafo, without further
ohli'cation on my r.irt, how I can
qualify fora larger salary)io tlic
position before which I have
marked X
1 JstM t Mlnrrr
M.. .ihllt.f hmpU
Mx-kti. l-tiTtwr
K'riflrl rlKi
I I. V. REED, Manager
SATl KHAY, DEC. Glh. l'.HS.,
Ninth Judicial Day - Court came
purtunnt to in! journmtnt.
OTia rn all tirt'st-nt.
Due proclamation ht'inir made
the fullowinjr irorfcilinKr3 were had:
Matter of Caim.i against the
On this d;iy cluinis against the
..unity as docketed in the General
Fund Claim and Warrant Register,
were examined by the court and
alliiwcil in the various sums as ear
ned out by the court on said regis
ter, beintf as follows:
;ekuai. KCNI
Roy .Vary. wit.. S. v Tender Is 80
7 20
7 20
fi 00
t CO
8 00
13 00
8 00
1M 00
14 00
14 00
12 00
lt 00
16 CO
10 00
1 00
20 00
Watts J G
Lynch S K
Morgan J L
Nelsen Ai.nte
Fraser J 1?
Bulger Harry
Koliertson (i F
Craddock II H
Clifford S J
Hubbard W H "
Fry Mary j
Coin Ada
lioin V L
Scliiietier (I II
Stevens K L
Myers L C
Holland Win. "
Hollund Mrs. Wm.
Fras r .1 15
Myers L C
Lindb.lT C U
Riley J H
Leonard Jas.
Chambeis Will
Whitney Guy
Wehrman Frank "
Whit ten Nil
Grmit Go. W
Fry Mary J
Fry M J
Schm.l7.ei Catharine
Hepworth 0 "5 CO
Linviile John, before G. Jury 2 00
Smith Georgia " "9 60
Larrabee Mrs N O " 23 20
Wood Lee, witness 4 00
TonKue K H 1'rosecutinjr At
torney. State vs. Bender 500 00
Levinjrs L L, detective 250 ttO
Independent Auto Co., auto
hire to jury 30 00
Johnson Chris and Son. auto
hire to jury 14 00
Creadick, Dr. A N, witness
State vs. Bender 25 00
Oeorpe Jacob, beard, jurors 164 50
Ross Dr. Edwin, services to
lurors 8 00
Watkins II 1. J of B 85
Watkins H V, J of P..
State vs. Johnson
r,- nit
41 20
37 20
21 60
22 00
4 00
8 00 i
4 00
30 00
23 00
57 40
38 80,
41 00
14 00
43 20
8 00
('. 00 ,
Watkins II V " Doe
Watkins II V " Hanson
Watkins H 1" " Kelly
Watkins H B " Cueller
Melis A R " Nystrom
CnmplH'll J L.. "
liarnes G W.. J of B
State vs. Salmi 6 50
Campbell J L., consable 4 10 G W., J of P
State vs. Cahill 4 55
Campbell J L.. Con " 4 30
Boales S M.. Justice of Feaee
State vs. Deas 1 85
Meseher Isaac, Con " 1 50
Derby H J " " 1 50
ymons Wm., J of B
State vs. Rogers 3 15
Jesse James, Con " 7 C5
Nelson Olof. wit " 1 50
BowenMrsC" 1 50
Watkins Fred, work for Sher 59 25
Spengler E L., launch hire 8 00
Hrough K C, lauch hire to
Sheriff 2 50
Bennett O B , livery hire to
Sheriff 13 00
Clatskanie Livery Stable, liv
ery hire to Sheriff 11 00
Southard H J., Tru. Officer 9 45
Beters Bessie, work for clerk 52 50
Sherwood F IL. Cor. exam
ination of Johnson 8 40
Wilkerson J IL, expense as
school superintendent 11 90
I'omeroy J W., fruit inspec'r 44 20
Blakesley C W., expense of
assessor 7 50
Christie Kdna. work for the
assessor 17 50
Barnett A., work, assessor 16 25
Peters Bessie, work, assessor 7 50
Wilkerson J B.. postage 4 05
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies
to clerk 4 66
Hattan R S . postage 1 50
LaCare II E.. postage 20 00
Van Orshoven L J., supplies 5 40
Rainier Riviev, publisnin
county proc. and supplies 45 75
Kilham Stationery & P. Co.
supplies to Sheriff 1 03
Pacific Telephone and Tel. Co.
telephone 37 72
Review Rainier, supplies to
I school superintendent t 75
Rotger E A., supplies to the
sheriff 2 15
St. Helens Light Co., light
for November 71 20
Morgus H & son, supplies 34 95
Harrison A S.. supplies to
Janitor 13 10
St. Helens Laundry, laundry 4 41
ConsU.ilin R , repairs 19 15
Jeffcott R L., services to
prisoners 2 00
Isbister. Mrs E .board, pris. 153 00
Word T M " " 38 00
Ross Dr L G. . serv. to pris. 12 50
Clatskanie Mercantile Co.,
supplies to He met 8 00
Brigss C IL, supplies to So-
bieski 2 00
Good Samaritan Hospital,
care of Hosea and Black 69 75
Ross Dr Edwin, examination
of White, insane 6 00
Ross Dr L G., examination
of White, insane 5 00
George Jacob, care of Nelson
insane 2 50
School District No. 10, hall
for election 4 00
Basse Thomas, hall for Elec 4 00
I. 0. O. F. Lodge No. 18ft
hall for election 4 00
Mills E J., hall for election 4 00
Brown, WL.. " " 3 00
Yount R., booths for polls 30 00
Malcolm V L., Reg. voters 10 00
Ramsey George W., Sup. of
R. D. No. 1 4 50
Kail berg John, Sup. of R.
D No. 2 12 00
Dspain U. S., Sup. of R. D.
No. 3 6 00
Gaittens James, Sup. of R.
D. No. 4 30 00
Fowler C C. Sup. of U. D.
No. 5. 47 50
Johnson J E.. Sup. of R. D.
No. 6 21 00
Boysen P C. Sup. of R. D.
No. 7 15 00
Lovegren Emil, Sup. of R.
D. No. 9. 1.50
Calmberg N A., Sup. of R.
F. D. No. 12 30 00
Peterson J IL. Sup. of R.D.
No. 13 21 00
Mellinger U. S., Sup. of R.
D. No. 14 34 10
John M. J., Sup. of R. D.
No. 15 22 50
North Edwin, Sup. of R. D.
No. 16 9 00
Van Orshoven L J.. Est. Gov.
corners 15 00
Deming A J., supplies jail 34 40
Fairbanks, Morse Co., sup
plies to sealer 122 42
Lake A B., expense as dep
uty sheriff 96 75
Barb ;r Laura, work, Sheriff 62 50
Armstrong Hanna.Reg voters 2 90
Mist Publishing Co., pub
lishing C't Pro. and Sup. 66 00
Pacific Coast Hos. Asso'n.
care of Mrs. Foster 60 00
Hilliard Mrs. H., board to
prisoners 6 65
Farr Jno., Commissioner 49 35
Fluhrer " 62 10
Lindloff C E., witness. State
vs. Pender 7 20
Independent Auto Co., auto
hire to jury 6 00
Melis A R., J of P., Stat
vs. Nystrom 50
Barnes G W., J of P., State
vs. Salmi 2 80
Barnes G W., J. of P., State
vs. Cahill 1 75
Campbell J L., Constable,
State vs. Salmi 2 90
Campbell J L Constable
State vs. Cahill 60
Bennett O B., livery hire to
Sheriff 2 00
School District No. 10, hall
for election 1 00
Basse Thomas, hall, election 2 00
I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 189
hall for election 1 00
Mills E J., hall for election 100
Lee A M.. election board 6 00
ReidWm. " " 6 00
PrichardCC ' " 6 00
Reid Grace " " 6 00
00 McKay building
20 10
Continued M Pmga 4