St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 02, 1913, Image 1

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N0 2.
para if 5-?rir
I WLii 1 X I LA no AUU
f haa Fun with Bear Ctrl ara
' Diatififi - Sturgeon FUFiarman
B. Stewart, a restored drujr-
otl will have charge of the St. i
I iltria diujr store during the bul- ;
!of Mr. Ross' stay at the l'ort
,:4,Med:cal College.
ti boys about town have been
hi; u considerable fun with a beBr
w U chained at the reur of the
jet wdoon.. It was ruiw d in
Vf mia and in about 2 years old.
tjrjjeon fishermen ho had ex-
P(1 to make some money in their
birf )mh this winter have been dis
aw ited. They say that there has
Jo. run of sturgeon and attrib-
Is to the slaughter of the
ones in fish traps and wheels.
Tlurgeon fishing promised to
beatable, but it would seem
thfloendhas been reached al
re J Just how long it takes tur
K jo attain their growth no one
knj I but it probably takes a good
d fears, so that even if tho in-
di' tjnate slaughter of the young
ft be checked it will be some
tint ifore the fishing is profitable
"I tth tre exists in the usually
peaceful little city of St.
a degree of dissatisfaction
aniougy among me of the
gir'J Imains no longer a doubt.
rh( tree of jealousy is assuming
prof Ions of considerable magni
tut (ice just a day or two since
a yi b lady of this place was heard
to i rk that she considered it
ver jfair that the men of this
plant kre paying so much of their
aitii i to the lump posts about
tHeqrj It is a fact that about
thUiinj of the year the lamp
x'-ari being hugged considerable
and J not at all astonishing that
th rll should remonstrate. Do
not irty gtrls, the holidays are
gonal perhaps the men about
towll endeavor to le more gen-
tlemrjf in the future, or you
migleercome the evil by holding
the irys yourself.
:rtised letters
unclaimed in the St. Ilel
ofTice for the week ending
fns a
I wer. Ai Ilan Iseeker.
jj A. II. Smiens.
Ini unclaimed by Jan. 10th
rillMnt to the Dea l-Leltcr office
Iya K. DjI I. V. M.
4&T CylLLERY-ST. II C L C i S L 1 W Y E R &
7 ArTi Guy rrwrsKin is houum?. !
wL HA w$k Urn m
But he Did Not Stand and De
liver, Rather Save Cash.
Captain Reiner of the Willamette
showed what kind of a man ho was
yesterday when he won ordered to
hold up his hands and deliver over
about f'fcOOO of the ships company's
money while near San Francisco,
A man entered the cabin where
Captain Reiner was makir.g up his
accounts and pointing a revolver
at him ordered the captain to hand
over the money. Without a
momenfs hesitation the doughty J
captain jumped at the robber aud
knocked the gun from hiahuid and '
. , . " , . , .
grappien nun mm. vnomer piioi
was drawn by the robber and a shot I
fired, but it went through the wall
doing no damage. By this time
i inn1 of the crew had arrived and
the mun was easily ovespowcrul
and placed in irons. Another man
armed with a revolver and supposed
to have been the pal of the robber,
was also pluced in irons unci two of
them delivered over to the authori
ties to be taken to Los Angeles for
On one of the men wait found ii
map showing a ioint along the Cal
ifornia coust where it was planned
to beach the ship after having rob
Ited it, the point being near a rail
road where the robbers could easily
make their escape.
The promrt and brave action of!
Capt. Keiner saved the ship com
pany 12.000 in cash and. more than
probably, the good ship Willamette
and some lives.
The primary children of Miss
Ferry's room were given a decid
ed treat on Wednesday after
noon, Dec. 21th, in the Cuild
hall, by Mus Amy George and
Mr. Charles Muckle, of this city.
The hall was beautifully deco
rated with Xmas bells, festoons,
and Oregon holly. Kvery child,
and they numbered forty-five,
received a Christmas gift and
little favors appropriate for the
season. After showing each
other their trifts the little folks
voted both Miss George and Mr.
187 Vessels Load During Year 1913, Bound For Al!
Parts of the World -More than $40,000
Paid to Longshoremen.
Lumber shipments made by St.
.! n!v
t . .
Of this amount the following was shipped to foreign countries:
By Bark British Y oman to Austruliu l,l;,ti'2
By Schooner (Seorge K. Billings to Australia 1,410,000
By Schooner W. F. Carina to Honolulu l,r2.00D
By Steamer M. S Dollar to China G00.000
By Steamer Bessie Dollar to China l.i.0()
By Steamer Ken Kon Maru to China l.MM'.Ol O
By Schooner Irene to Tasmania , W.lsy,")
By Schooner King Cyrus to New Zealand h75,:!.r;
By i chooner Ilobcit F. Hind to New Caledonia 731,0(0
Tot At. Fkkk;n Shipments '..H20.14'
Shipped by Columbia County Lumber Co I7,0(H).(mSI
Shipped from Tie boom, approximately .
ShipjH'd poles and wiling, bouid measure
Total Shipments coastwise ,
Tota' Foresgn shipments .
Total pol"S and piling, board measure
Total Shipmknts Khom Sr. IIki.knx
or an average of S, 959,734 each month.
During the year there were 142 vessels loaded ut the St. Helens
Lumber Company's dock and 4. vessels loaded at the tie booms anil the
Columbia County Mill Co's Jock.
Figuring an average of (50 cents ht 'housand feet for loading by
longshoremen, w hich is a low estimate, there was paid to longshoremen
during 1313 in St. Helens. $12,910.08.
We are figuring out the pay rolls for the various industries of St.
ilvlens, together with some other data relating to the progress of our
city, which will appear next week.
Muckle a vote of thanks for a
most pleasant afternoon, and
were about to depart when Prof.
Kilgore arrived and shiwered
the little people with peanuts,
making the afternoon one not
soon to be forgotten.
Helena Lumber Co. dirng 1'. l.'l:
a.7l:t.5'.iN feet.
.... r,7.1H,!04 "
2.7oi;.01'J "
. H.lo.i.O-- "
M.si7,!Mt; "
2, (it;:!, ;w;l "
'ifin i'.m ' '
i Vl I'M "
WV.U "
,, riJ. ,, ... ..
1 0.000. 0CU
.. ........ 7.000.01)0
... y,N20, in;
. . 7.000.000
.. 71.6H5.H10
New Auto Building.
Mr. V.. R. Anderson, presiilent of
the Columbia County Auto Co.,
was in St. Helens this week making
arrangements for the excavation of
their property preparatory to build
ing Work will start within a week
on the excavation and the building
will be rushed to completion just
as fast as possible. It is intended
to have the building finished by
Special Election Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that on
Wednesday, the 7th day of January,
at the polling place, towit: the City
Hall, In the City of St. Helens, in
the County of Columbia and State
of Oregon, a special election w ill be
held for the election of city ollicers
Mayok of the City of St. Helens,
Four Councii.wkn of the City of
St. Helens, Oregon.
TliKASt'iiKK of the City of Si.
Helens, Oregon.
Fivk Watkk Com mission wis of
the City of St. Helens, Oregon.
And also for the purpose of ob
taining an expression . from the
teople as to whether or not the
City shall construct and maintain a
public wharf.
Which election will be held at 8
o'clock in the morning and continue
until eight o'clock in the afternoon
! t9 mni jIiiu
Dated this 26th day of December,
A. V., 1913.
K. K. tjl'K'K, City Recorder.
Productive Industries are Well
Supplied With Big Orders.
The St. Helena Creosoling Com
pany has just 'l !. I up on two con
tracts which 'i'l keip the plant in
operation during the entiie year of
1914 with a ull crew of men. Two
cargoes of r -.osoting oil have been
ordered from Get many arid will ar
rive during the early spring.
Thus everyone of the big indus
tries of St. Helens has enough work
to keep in operation during the
entire year.
Lumber orders at the mills are
coming in as fsst as they can be
tilled; bdiges are under construc
tion at the ship yards wHch will be
completed about April 1st. after
vthich work will begin immediately
upon the construction of another
large lumber schooner.
The creosotii.g works has con
tracts ahead for the entire year.
F.vervbody ill be busy in St.
Helens for the next twelve months,
and the pay roll will 1m; ms larg if
not larger than during I'JUI.
In addition to the lumler indus
tries, the stone quaries are work
ing full time with every prosjiect of
continuing throughout the year.
At least one new industry will be
added soon, the (lag pole und spur
mill, which also has enough con
tracts to keep constantly at work.
l'Jl4 premises to be a banner year
for St. Helens.
The St. Helens Boys Win Over
Pacific University.
Monday night the St. Helens
High IPisket Hu I team defeated
the Pacific University Freshmen
team. The local boys had the
university boys olT their feet
most of the game, but the uni
versity boys knew how to make
the baskets when they got the
ball. Ireland, for Pacific made
many difficult shots; Richardson,
Lysett and Perry all put up a
good defensive game, while Kel
logg, Kobertson and McDonald
shot many difficult baskets.
TJi'. score at the end of the
game stood 27 to 27. which miu
it nid'ssary to play until eillur
side made two points. Aflir
three minutes play Kellogg made
a held goal w hich gave the home
boys ihe game.
The local bojs go
this Friday evening, January 2.
From comparative scores the
boys have a good chance to win
from Clatskanie. as I If. F. de
feated Clatskanie 21 to l'.t.
I. U. F.
Hums, sub.
L. F.
It. F
L. G.
R. (I.
L. G.
Kelllogg 4 Robinson 2
Robertson 2 Livingston 1
McDonald 1 Ireland 7
McDonald !) Livingston 5
Ireland 2
A very small crowd witmessed
the game, St. Helens not even
making expenses.
Our boys have now gotten into
form and are putting up a good
brand of ball, so they should re
ceive better support from the
The next game St. Helens plays
on their home floor is with the
St. Johns High School, on Jan.
Eckoat of Chriilmas Social Visits and
General Itam of Ntwl that ara of
Local Intaraat.
Mr .mil Mr. AlWrrt Mricr cnt Cliri.l
iruk in Portland.
0 Mi (.'oiuirll, of Deer lal.tnil, wu in
the i iiy mi Monday.
Mr.. AlKrrt D. Lir.on I the Me.
Miimllr Poultry Show, Dec 22 to I.
( irr Titnn ami wife, of I'ortUiul, are
viiitint; with hi hruther, K. 14 Tipton.
Mi. Kittie liitruw irnt Xiiui week
viMtiiij; with fiirniN in Kutlic Oregon.
The ( oluinKu Timlier Co. cut up 1 SO
rjft. i f lnt from their tamp iluritifr the year
Kainlolph Anliker, of Tiile C reek, wa in
town Tue.t.iy having ome notary work
Mr. ami Mia Klmrr Jonci .pent Xm
with Mr. Jniiei' father anj mother at Ca
tle Km k, VVah
Ira Whitrow, upcriiitciuleiit fur the ('
liiiiiliia f'imlcr (i., inale a husinetk trip to
I'ortlanil Saturday
Mr. atul Mr. Itrrt Hi. hup are entitled to
congratulation, on account of a ou ttorn on
Drcriul er the 27th.
Harry and (iladyi Jonlan spent Xina.
viiitinr wirh their uncle, K. W. Jordan,
near Vancouver, Vah.-
J. ( ji.hiikon and daughter went to As
toria Wednesday morniriK for a few day.
viot with Capt. Thos. Fry arid wife.
(i V. Jordan has taken the contract to
carry the mail on R. K. D Route No. 1,
from (iulile, Ore , aftrr J.m 1, 1914.
Ilrury Walker ha hi lare ham under
i inrt, when coiupletrd it will ht one of the
tnii.t cominodioio. Iiarui in the county.
Mr. and Mr. C KamhaNki tent Xnia.
vi.itin with Mrx. Rauihalski'i mother at
T'iniia liaalier on the Willamette loih.
II A Miller ami wife, of Red Town,
were hrre Wednesday. They intend to
huild a new hou.e on their lots at Reaver
Home as -oon as the weather will permit.
UOV rill I IIV AWA'Dt.
I he lollowint; were the awards won hy
Mr. and Mis. Allien D. ltrson on their
S. ('. Iturf Leghorn at Kuene, Ore. i
f-'irst and Second cock.
Second and Fourth cockerel.
First, Second, Fourth and Fifth hen.
rourth pullet and First and Third pens
A i-o American Bulf Leghorn for the hest
shaped male.
Kcst i oTored male; Isest colored female;
Ivest h.ied fruvaie.
At Portland they won Fourth Cm k.
At Astoria on S. C. Hurl Leghorns:
1 irst and second rock.
Fit.-;, Sc. mill and Third cockerel.
First, Second and Third. Isoth hin and
pullet, aud First pen of pullets.
SiKcr cup for best pen of Huff Leghorns.
Msn 1st and 2d Hurl Orpintgnn cm kerels.
At McMlnmille on S. C. Ruff Leghorns:
F'itst and F'ifth ciK'k.
First and Fourth hen.
Second pullet.
SiU ir cup for lt display.
Silver cup for lst pen
26-piece silser et for (coring scn and
collection also several cash premiums.
Rest colored male) same female, and
hest shaped female.
Also priie for best display hy a lady.
A Rousing Welcome.
The new year, wai welcomed in
by the membfrs of the St. Helens
Fire Company and the'r ladies and
friends at a social meeting held in
the Guild hall on lunt Wednesday
Social Karnes were indulired in
until 10:110 when the ladies spread
the tables with so mny Rood
thintfs to eat that the crowd of
merry-makers could not make an
impresnion on them at all.
After the new year was Riven a
rouninflr welcome the happy crowd
disperwd in the beat of humor to
their individual homes.
10th, and at this game there
should be a good turn-out. We
would like to see the faces of
the knockers as well as the
boosters at this game that they
may be convinced that we have
a winner.