Klamath tribune. (Chiloquin, Or.) 1956-1961, May 01, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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MAY 1960
Four Education Program Students
To Graduate From OTI in June
Klamath Kducatiou Program
students graduating from OTI
this June are Clayton Chocktoot,
Wayne Crunie, Leroy Hoover ami
Leroy Jackson. Chocktoot ami
Hoover are auto technology stu
dents and Crunie ami Jackson are
enrolled in Illustrative Arts.
Clayton enrolled in the auto
tech. course at OTI in September,
105K (see April, 1959, Tribune for
account of Clayton's progress).
His immediate post graduate
plans involve spending the sum
mer at Seaside, Ore., working as
an auto mechanic to pick up
needed practical experience. Xext
fall he would like to return to
OJI to do some post-graduate
work in auto technology. Follow
ing that he figures on going to
California to work in his field
ami eventually acquire a shop.
Wayne started his illustrative
arts course in January, lo' ( for
stors on Wavne's progress see
October, 1959, Tribune). His
graduating class represents the
final one for Illustrative Arts at
Oil as tin course is being term
inated as of the end of this school
war. 'a lie's post - graduate
plans center around obtaining a
job with the State Highway Dept.
in Salem. Such a job would in
volve making highway signs and
if he secures it, he plans to ob
tain further training in sign
painting and screen printing by
enn dling in night school in Port
land. Leroy Hoover started his auto
tech. training under the Program
in .March, P'5S. (See Oct.. 195S,
Tribune for article on I.eroy). He
completed the course in March
f this war and is picking up ad
ditional credits prior to gradu
ating this June. I.eroy also wants
t go on for further training,
hoping to get a year of . 1 1 1 1 ma
chine tech. and a year of ad
vanced automatic transmissions.
Immediate plans this summer are
working in a garage "any place
I can get into one." Long-range
ambitions, following completion
f post-graduate training, are
g'dng to work for Pacific Intcr
Mouutnin Fxprcss at their shop
in Oakland, working on mainten
ance of gas-driven trucks and
staff cars.
I.eroy Jackson first started his
Oi l training in Sept., lu57, tak
iii;; n'tnii printing (see .March,
r5S. Tiibune tor article on Lc
jo's progress). He completed
that course last June and then
started I 1 I u s t i atix e Arts in
September, from which he is now
graduating. He figures Illustra
tive Aits will supplement his
scircu printing background and
enable him to do more effective
work in that field. Leroy hopes
to obtain further training in sign
painting by enrolling at an art
school in Portland this fall. Such
training, he believes, would aid
him greatly in filling small poster
orders where the screen printing
process would be uneconomical.
Summer plans for Leroy are visit
ing the Portland area and locat
ing job prospects for when he has
completed his training.
These four students will par
ticipate in the OTI graduation''
ceremonies slated for June 10.
Wallace Ohlcs Receives
Education Award
... '?
-r - ' - f
Wallace Ohles, Klamath Fd
ucation Program student at the
University of Portland (see July,
1959, issue of Tribune for article
n Wallace's progress at C of
Portland), recently received the
"Outstanding .Man of the Year in
Kducatiou" award for his Uni
versity. College chapters of Phi
Delta Kappa, men's national edu
cation fraternity, present these
awards annually. Wallace's award
was given from the University of
Portland chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa Sigma Field---on .March
IS. VM). at the Mallory Hotel in
Portland, during the Oregon Kd
ucatiou Association convention.
Nine other "Outstanding Man"
awards were given for the State
of ( h egon.
Wallace wishes to slate that he
feels "most of the credit goes
ultimately to the Klamath Indian
Kducatiou Program, tor without
it I would not have been able to
to receive a college education".
"Walk" will be graduating
from the U. of P. in June, receiv
ing a bachelor's degree in historx.
His tentative post - graduation
plans involve teaching at the
high-chool level.
Clyde James, Jr.
(Continued from Page 1)
pursuits, namely, being an above
average student, belonging to
Latin Club, and serving on the
student council for .5 years.
These high - school - developed
interests have pretty well dic
tated Clyde's choices of post-high
school training. First, he enrolled
at OSC last September with an
agriculture major and pre-vetcr-inary
minor. However, conclud
ing that his agricultural know
how was already sufficient for
his purposes, he transferred to
OTI winter term to pursue an
other favorite guns. "I've
always worked with guns, always
doing something to them," lie
OTI also appealed to him
through another channel. The
school having had a rodeo team
for several seasons, and on oc
casion a good one, Clyde was in
terested in becoming a member
of the team. He now finds himself
vice-president of the rodeo club
but the team itself is somewhat
inactive. "We've had a little
trouble getting started this year,
probably won't get into full swing
until next year. I'll probably go
to some college rodeos in Xew
.Mexico or Arizona this summer,
enter calf-roping, bareback broiic
riding, bull riding." He also has
plans for competing in this sea
son's Hcatty rodeos.
Clyde finds OTI living up to
his expectations "I really like
the school. 1 feel this is more of a
technical school where I can get
what I want. I feel they've got
some good instructors with lots
of practical experience" and he
is also satisfied with gunsniithing
as a curriculum "I feel that gun
smithing offers lots of opportun
ities. Of course you have to make
your own opportunities, just as in
any other business. Gunsniithing
doesn't have only to do with guns
but you can become a regular
machinist. You can go into inanv
While enrolled at OTI he main
tains extra-curricularly another
interest stemming from high
school: leather craft. "I just like
leather, things made of leather.
It's one of those things that gets
into your blood. I'm interested in
He often works after school at
the Fast .Main Shoe cv Leather
Shop in Klamath Falls, doing
everything from repairing saddles
to cutting and sewing gloves.
"It's always been a hobby too. the
same way with gunsniithing.
Xow it's getting to be more of a
means of making a living."
Concerning his post-graduate
plans, Clyde finds something of
a problem in the fact that there
Boys Club To Host
Golden Gloves Tourney
The Chilo(iiin Hoys Club will
host boxers from all over the
county when it sponsors the
Klamath County Golden Gloves
Tournament in Chiloquin on June
4. 19).
Pugilists from Honanza, John
Day, Klamath Falls, Klamath Ag
ency, Sprague River, Xew Pine
Creek and Lake view will con
verge on Chiloquin and join the
local Chiloquin youngsters in
boxing events that will cover the
major part of the day.
Lew Jones, Chiloquin Hoys
Club coach, announces that the
weigh-in will start at 9 A. M. at
the high school gym and the
drawings will follow the weigh
in at the Klamath Kducatiou of
fice around 10:30 A.M.
There will be sixteen weight
divisions from fifty pounds to the
heavyweights (178 lbs. and over).
The tournament will be held at
the Chiloquin High School Gym
with afternoon events starting at
1 P. M. and the evening events at
7 P. M. Admission for both ses
sions will be $1.00 for adults and
50 cents for students.
Making the necessary arrange
ments for the tournament has
been the boxing committee of the
Chiloquin Recreation Council.
are "so many things I could go
into and so many things Pm in
terested in". However, he -has
come up with a plan which should
leave room for pursuit of most
of his interests: he hopes to ac
quire and run a. ranch in partner
ship with his dad, Clyde Sr., and
at the same time run a combina
tion leather and gun shop. He
advises that he is already on the
look-out for a ranch. He isn't
certain what area he'll settle in
but inclines towards the South
west, where "you don't have such
long winters there's about 3
days out of the year the sun
doesn't shine down there."
Clyde is a withdrawing mem
ber. His views: "I thing if the
reservation was managed right
we'd be foolish to turn it loose.
Hut the way it's previously been
managed we should sell out.
We've always been treated as
Indians. When we sell out we'll
be treated as Americans.
"I don't thing we got enough
for hunting and fishing rights.
The whole appraisal is low be
cause of some of those factors."
"I don't want to scare you,"
Garry said to his teacher, a come
ly blonde, "but Dad says if I don't
get a better report card, some
body's gonna get a good spanking."