Poge 2 KLAMATH TRIBUNE APRIL 1960 Edna Dillsfrom Seeks College Education, Advises Contemporaries To Do Likewise Thunderbirds Boost Chiloquin Library, Donate Fifty Dollars For New Floor Realizing a 30-year ambition, with an assist from the Klamath Kducation Program, is Kdna Dill strom, erstwhile lifelong Klamath County resident. Kdna finished high school- Sacred Heart Aca demy in Klamath Falls no less unreccntly than 1928. Thereupon, she says, "I was all set to come to Southern Oregon Normal School (now Southern Oregon College) hut 1 didn't have the money. ("I didn't have sense enough to think ahout working and going to school," she jests.) The long and short of it is that Kdna finally started S.( ).C. last September, after a delay of M years. Her major is elementary education, something she was in terested in all the while. Kdna relates that going hack to school has proven hard work - "harder than any joh I've ever had, harder than working in a box factory by far". Whether it would have been easier just out of high school is for her a mattter of conjecture, however. She points out that just out of high school she had manv interests other than school, whereas now she is willing and able to devote most of the time to just plain school-work. On the other hand, she finds she now has more trouble concentrating "It takes me longer to read". Regardless of the respective merits of going to college early r late, Kdna recommends for those who are late to go ahead anv way. "It takes a lot of intestinal for titude but I find anions the older set here that they really enjoy school. There are miite a few of us. There is a club just composed f older people." Subjects Kdna has studied at S.O.C. include social science, world literature, speech, music and art appreciation. Also, al though students are excused from IMC. after -10, she has taken both golf and folk-dancing. Courses coining up next year include his tory. Knglish composition, geog raphy. As to the relative difficulty of the courses: "World lit. is ter rible for me. I'm going to find Knglish comp. rather hard 1 think. I'm in the habit of writing personal letters, putting commas and periods where 1 please. Social science, dealing so much with everxday reading in the papers, is not at all difficult. Art, music appreciation are easy and biology s not too bad but hard to re member. Math will be difficult.' Kvaluating S.O.C. generally, Kdna states: "So far I've liked most of my instructors. I ran into one I couldn't stand but I can go around him. The school I like. It is an ideal place for a person not going in for a lot of social ac tivities." Kdna says she hasn't joined anything at S.O.C, explaining "I'm not a joiner". She argues also that she already has her hands full what with her studies involving a lot of homework, and taking care of 2 grandchildren at home. However, she does find time to pursue a favorite avoca tiongardening. She has discov ered that "over home you can't grow things like you can here", and thus, "I'm having a ball growing everything." Her latest project is designing a Japanese garden for daughter Margaret. Kdna's immediate schooling ob jective is to "get enough credits to graduate on and go back to work". She plans on going sum mer sessions to speed attainment of this goal. With a bachelor's degree in hand, she may proceed straightway for a master's, ul timately required in most teach ing fields. Or, she may work for the advanced degree during sum mers between teaching sessions. In any event, she plans to start teaching as soon as expedient and wants to work in either kinder garden or a school for the handi capped. She has a prime interest in art, derived from early days at Sacred Heart, and would like to teach that subject primarily. Kdna is also indebted to Sacred Heart for a philosophy of edu cation which she has evolved and which she hopes won't face dis card on commencement of her teaching career. In high school, she recalls, "If you didn't keep your grades up you got out. In those days if you were expelled you staved expelled. I'll have a bad time as I don't believe in children running the school, being expelled one day and put back in the next day. I'll go to California. They recently passed a law that the principal can spank. I'm firm ly in accord with the idea." Tcrminationally speaking, Kdna is a withdrawing member. She considers the whole subject some what belabored and says simply "If they don't fiddle around and I lose everything I will use what 1 do get for my education." (An unsuccessful effort was made to obtain an accompanying picture of Kdna but, as she ob serves, "They all know what I look like anyway".) i ) 7 " - Reda Jack, left, purchases food from Ron Hapfield at T-Bird Food Sale which netted over $50 for library floor. The Chilouin Thunderbirds, an Mrs. Hill Lorenz of the county all-Indian basketball team, gave library board expressed apprecia te new Chiloouin library a real tion to the Thunderhirds for inak , , , , mg the purchase of the material boost recently when the team do- ., t . i i i. i possible. It is hoped that the re- nated over fifty dollars lor a new modclling wurk will be completed library floor. by early summer, states Mrs. P. Learning about the library llerron, librarian. An open house board's lack of funds for complet- will be held when the new facili ing the interior of the new li- ties are ready for use. Mrs. Iler brary, the T Birds, managed by ron encourages the public to take Kon Hatfield and coached by advantage of the new library fa Sandy Miller, held a food sale at cilities which will be open every the Kducation Office that netted Monday, Wednesday and Satur over fifty dollars. day, between 2 P.M. and 5 P.M. COMMUNITY SLOGAN (Continued from Page 1) Sherier, Jo Zadiua, and II. Zakoji. a number of others submitted in Over (i) entries were submitted the contest was a week-long lan- bv the deadline date of April 20. ))Ucl of, tl,c C,JSS- I" . . taslnonmg these slogans the kids lhe committee then narrowed trjtl(, l() think ()f ()f thc the field to the 10 they deemed Coinmunitv that would attract most apt. 'Ihese were then pre- outsiders. "The winner, they feci, scnted to the general membership nnlraces two of the community's at the April 2? meeting to pick a most attractive featuresits In- winncr. dian background, and its indus- Originators of the new com- try which can afford jobs to new- uiunity slogan, and winners of the comers. Further all the pupils are $25.00 savings bond awarded as sure, as the second line of thc new first prize, are the members of slogan asserts, that the commun- Mrs. Rosalie lloback's -1th grade ity is "bound to grow." They cite class at Chilo(uiu Klcmentary new industry in the area and the School: Virginia Andrews, Robert new people they'd never seen be- Ayres, Janice lturgdorf, Michael tore. C hase, "Hyall Corbin. Alan Crain, "We're real thrilled about the Daryl Hale, Calvin Hatcher, John award," they conclude. Hicks. Terry Pohll. Barbara Sam- Featured "speaker at thc April son. Kenneth Schoonover, Connie 25 Chamber meeting was Al Gciss Wampler, Marcella Wright, Cor- of OTI. who gave a very informa tion Hetties. Marilee Davies, Jule live talk on "Higher Kducation in LeBcau, Keona Parker, Clare Sut- Oregon During the Next Decade." ton. Donna Walker, and Hugh The outstanding menu for the Wilder. Mrs. Hoback, speaking evening was prepared by thc for the group, reports that creat- "Farmerette" group of the Order ing the winning slogan as well as of the Kastem Star.