Page 2 KLAMATH TRIBUNE MARCH 1960 JAMES BELLM ATTENDS DAD'S ALMA MATER, IS SKIING ENTHUSIAST 'I , r ... .. i l'.nnic in ()'l l's new iniirsc in mechanical ( echuology is James llellni. Jim. in attending )TI, is follow ing along in the footsteps if liis father, Paul. who completed a J-ear gunsuiithing course at the same school (see Maich, P57, Tribune f it article on Paul's training). Jim reckons that his father's having taken gunsmit hing may have had some thing to 1 with his enrolling in mcchine tech.. a similar course. Jim worked on the lathe in his dad's shop at home, took some machine shop courses in high school, and when the mechanical technology course was initiated at TI last Sept. under the engin eering dejit.. decided to have a try at it. Jim says then' are ahout 15 students in the new course. So far they have taken such subjects as engineering drawing, ma chine shop, welding, metal identi lication. ph sics, and Knglish. I he learn to i cad blueprints, make up bluepiints for metal consti uctioii, identity metals, and heat licit metaN. According to Jim. the students have worked with thiiT main tpcs of ma chines; lathes (fm working with jound metal), milling machine (lor doing finish work on flat met:d surfaces), and shapers (for doing lough work with flat metal). Jim has made such mi likeh items ,is .i lathe dog and a center dtill holder, and has aKo had epenence thicading pieces of steel. et teim the class can look foiwatd to moie phssics. trigo nomctix. and sticngth of ma terials. Jim sees the heavy cou ccntiation ut pin sics and math in mceh. tech. as constituting one of the main differences between it and his dad's course gmi smithing. Jim was raised in the Klamath Kails area, attending Peterson elementary school, Altamont jun ior high, and Klamath Union High School. He graduated from KllIS last June. lie is enthusiastic about OTI and its instructors, and points out the added economic advantage of brine; able to live at home while receiving his post-high school training. Jim expects to gradu ate from inech. tech. in June, I'M. after which time he would like to accpiire his own machine shop. Kssential to this objective will be receipt of his termination funds as a withdrawing member. "I'd like to invest my share in a machine shop. I'd be able to run one with my education." As to how he became a with draw re, Jim says his parents more or less decided for him. He is "pretty well satisfied with the decision" --"I'm at an age where I'd rather get the money and in vest it". As a minor, a private trust has been set up for him, He considers it a "pretty good deal", pointing out that his trust officers procure the $H) semi-annual loans for him. lie is then able to draw funds for such essentials as den tist ami doctor . bills, glasses, transportation. He would wel come a lump settlement pretty soon, however, seeing limitations in what can be done with the It ans. Jim's eti a-curricular interests take in skiing both water and snow "just for the tun of it". RDG HOSTS FOREIGN STUDENTS; MUTUAL ENTERTAINMENT ENJOYED 1 I i i V.3 Twenty five students from the I'niversity of Oregon represent ing countries from every corner of the world were hosted to a dinner by the Klamath Reserva tion Discussion Group on March 24 at the Williamson River Church. The tour is an annual project of the Foreign Student Frindship Kottndation of the University YMCA. This year, the students were taken on a four day tour of Southern Oregon Communities. According to Russell Walker, Kxecutive Secretary of the Uni versity YMCA, wlui accompanied the group, the tour is part of the Koundation's effort "to increase understanding between foreign students and the citizens of our great state." In a meeting held just before dinner, Jesse Kirk said. "1 al ways heard that this was a small world, and the gathering here this afternoon proves it. We've got people from all over the world meeting under one roof." Conrad Shelland. officer in charge, gave a brief description of W ater skiing he does at Lake of the Woods and Klamath Lake, using the family boat and Kvin rude 5. He has been at this sport some years. He jjets in his winter-type skiing at Tomahawk and Mt. Shasta. He also does a lot of hunting and fishing, mainly on the reservation. He supposes this will be curtailed somewhat after termination, and figures he may then take some of his hunting and fishing elsewhere. Tribune readers having a change of address are requested to notify the Klamath Education Office, Chiloquin, Ore., of their new address in order that they may continue to receive their Tribunes without delay. the reservation and explained the role of the Bureau. Dibbon Cook and Klnathan Davis were also called on by Marie Xorris, who substituted for I ma Jimenez as chairman, to provide informat ion about the tribe. In the dining hall, members of the tribe rubbed shoulders with students from the Khillipines, China. Japan, Korea, India, Pak istan, Switzerland, Ghana, and Argentina, sharing food and ex chauin information with one another. During the dinner Henry Cole, Fritz Xorris, Arvie Cole and Danny Scott burst into the hall in full Indian regalia, and per formed some Indian dances for the guests. In return, two stu dents from India entertained the host group with music on their native instruments.. Polio Season Ncars; Shots Urged TO: The Klamath Tribe FROM : Francis D. Wilder, M.D.. Senior Surgeon U. S. Public Health Service SCHJFLT: Polio Shots". The polio season will soon be upon us. Just remember, it takes several months to obtain your im munity against this dreaded dis ease. Xow is the time to start your "shots". If you have had your 3 shots it may now be time. for you to receive your Annual "Booster shot". Don't put it off anothex day ACT XOW. Xo one wants to die of Polio or be crippled for life You can prevent this by report ing to the Klamath Agency Clinic. A nine-year-old violinist was taken to her first symphony con cert. Asked what she liked best, she replied without hesitation: "The harpoonist."