IK 11 TT EH Form 3547 Rcquttted BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID Pirmlt No. 2 CHILOQUIN, OREGON VOL. 5 NO. 1 KLAMATH INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM JANUARY 1960 Gcorgianna Joe Graduates From Portland Secretarial School, Plans Secretarial Employment Graduating from her 15-inonth clerk-receptionist course at Port land Secretarial School, Portland, on December 23 was Georgianna Joe. Georgianna received a steno graphic diploma after completing such subjects as Knglish, typing, spelling, math, shorthand, busi ness forms and filing. She con siders that shorthand was the most difficult but concedes she got to the point where she could take "a litle bit". Her instructors give her more credit and add that she is also an excellent typist. Evaluating the course, Gcorgi anna avers : "I thought it was real wonderful." As for the school: "It's nice too." She recommends Portland Sec retarial highly to other girls in terested in business training: "I think more girls should take ad vantage of it. I've seen some other business schools and I don't think they have as much equip ment to work with as they do here. It's more like a working place. They treat you just like you're on the job." Georgianna got her high school training at Chiloquin and Mt. Angel High Schools. Her first three years were spent at Chilo quin and her senior year at Mt. Angel, a girls' school operated by Catholic sisters. She considers Mt. Angel an excellent prepara tory school for post-high school training: "They prepare you bet ter for college or anything you might want to go into. The teach ers are more for all the students. There isn't any playing around. With all girls it's bound to be that way." Georgianna'sprescnt plans are explicit: T want to work, get a job." She has several prospects, including a secretarial position with Portland General Electric Co.. and anticipates that one will materialize shortly. Geograph ically she intends to remain in the (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) : V I f m' 0"V t One Bid Received In First Sustained Yield Unit Sale, Plans Received On Second Group 1 r W t or y pi . . c y Only one out of the four us stained yield units put up for sale on Jan. 20, VXD received a bid. The bid was made by Crown Zellerbach for the purchase of the Antelope Desert Unit. The unit for which Zcllcrback bid $1,612,182, $6,000 more than the realization value, is located in the Northwestern part of the Reservation. It covers 91,5 U acres of land and is estimated to contain 68X)7 M board ft. of saw timber and I61..VJ cords of lodge pole pine. The required deposit of $81,809.00. was submitted together with the bid. The company is re quired to pay the balance within ninety days from the date the bid is accepted by the Secretary of lutrior. It is expected that Sec retarial acceptance will be an nounced within the near future. According to Public Law 587 as amended, private purchasers are required to have their sustained yield management plans approved by the? Secretary of Agriculture before they are eligible to submit bids. Furthermore, the amended termination law provides that only bids equal to or exceeding the realization value will be considered. ( )f the four units put up for sale on January 20, three units re ceived plans. Only the Sykan Marsh unit with a realization value of o,10.,0. received no plan. Specialty Gas Products sub mitted the two other plans, one for the Xorth Marsh Unit and the other for the Modoc Point Unit, both of which plans were ap proved by the Secretary of Agri culture. In lieu of bids on these units, however, Specialty Gas submitted a formal request for a three month extension of time or until April 20. I960. A statement by Robert Maloney, president of the company, explained that the ex tension was being requested be cause Federal, state and count) tax consequences peculiar to su stained yield operations had not been resolved. As of the publica tion of this issue of the Tribune, no word had been received re garding the Department of In terior's approval or disapproval of this request. Over fourteen mil lion dollars are involved in these two units alone, since the realiza tion value of the Xorth Marsh Unit is $1 1,017,376 and the Modoc Point Unit has been valued at S.V78I.618. (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3) j ; , ;