Klamath tribune. (Chiloquin, Or.) 1956-1961, July 01, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poge 2
JULY 1959
Successfully completing lie r
first vcar of liberal arts at South
ern Oregon College if Kducation
is l.i mi Kllen Cook. I. on Kllen,
who was horn on the Reservation
and raised in Sprague River, at
tended Sprague River Klenient
arv school through the sixth
rade. Sin graduated from Chilo
quwi High School in June f 1(W,
and in addition to being an active
niemher of inanv organizations
in school, also held offices as
Drill Leader and Nature for the
Rainbow (iirls.
Commenting on how she de
veloped her interest in going to
college, Lou LUen said, "Kvcn in
hi;;h school, I Knew I was going
on to college because my folks
always talked about it." "It was
so natural," she added, "that !
didn't even think of not going."
The fall of PtfK. when she en
rolled at SOCK for the first time
was "just like another year of
high school. The difference be
tween tin two. in Lou Kllen's
opinion, is that in college, the in
itiative is left more to the stu
dents. "They give you the ma
terial you need and the rest is
up to yon." Hut, like so many
others. Lou Kllen has found that
she is "now getting usrd to the
work handed out."
Although she is taking a liberal
arts course, Lou Kllen's ultimate
objective is to get into the field
of social work because "you have
the opportunity of seeing differ
ent kinds of people." She states
that she has an "interest in peo
ple's problems, and a desire to
help them," two qualities that will
help Lou Kllen achieve her goal.
Her studies have included sub
jects such as literature, Kurdish,
history, and biology. Lou Kllen,
who "loves sports of all kinds"
is fulfilling her physical education
requirements with a course in
golf, and feels she is doing quite
well. To prepare her for the field
of social work, it will be neces
sary for Lou Kllen to take courses
in sociology and psychology dur
ing her next three years.
Tribal politics, according to
Lou Kllen is-iot a dominant topic
of conversation at home, although
her father has been an active
member of the tribal government
for many years. W hen there are
things that particularly worry'
him (such as the recent trouble
over the management of the re
maining members farm,) she says
"she can sense the pressure on
As to what she sees for the
future of the tribe, Lou Kllen, a
remaining member, says, "we. can
only hope for the best." Regret
fully she comments. "I wish we
hadn't terminated. This a birth-
(Continued on Page 3, Col. 4)
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Scheduled to receive his bach
elor of arts degree, as well as
a secondary taching credential,
from the Cniversity if Portland
in the spring of 1(.M) is Wallace
Ohles. Wallace, a local product to
the age of six, is majoring in his
tory with a minor in secondary
Wallace attended grade and
high school at Anderson, Cali
fornia. In high school he served
as student body president during
his senior year and was also
editor-in-chief of the school year
book. At the C. of I, Wallace's em
phasis is on Kuropean history, lie
also takes courses in American
history, as well as in philosophy
and religion. The latter two he
finds the most difficult but also
the most interesting. This inter
est has guided him in post
graduate aspirations. After finish
ing at Portland he intends to
enter the seminary at Xotre
Dame. Indiana, for ordination to
the priesthood in the Congrega
tion of Holy Cross, a teaching
Further evaluating his courses,
Wallace states that the education
courses offered at the l of P.
could be improved, "giving more
emphasis on the practical aspects
of high-school teaching". He adds,
however, that the education de
partments of most colleges and
universities throughout the na
tion could be strengthened.
Wallace is engaged in a number
of activities at Portland. He is a
member of lota Kappa Pi, affili
ate fraternity of Tan Kappa Kp
silon, a national fraternity. He
was vice-president of his class as
a sophomore, is on the rally com
mittee this year, and is one of two
junior students on the Univers
ity's board of student discipline.
Xext year he will be a senator of
the senior class. He still finds
time to maintain high grades,
having at this time a grade
point average qualifying him for
the honor roll.
(living his estimation of the
U: "I sincerely enjoy school, and
I believe that the University of
Portland ranks along with the
other colleges and universities of
Oregon, and along with the other
Catholic universities in the Na
tion. It is the largest private ed
ucational institution in Orego"T
and is the only Catholic college nr
the State that is co-educational."
Wallace points out that one dis
tinct advantage of the school js
that the classes are comparatively
small (about 30 students per
class), giving the students and
professors "a chance to know
each other personally". He cites
the University's scenic, SS-acre
campus as another asset and also
the vast expansion program now
under way. A new library, men's
and women's dormitories, and
lining hall arc under construc
tion. Wallace, a withdrawing mem
ber, is quite in accord with the
(Continued ort Page 4, Col. 2)