Klamath tribune. (Chiloquin, Or.) 1956-1961, May 01, 1959, Image 1

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    ik: n pq jK tt nn
firmlt N. 2
Form 3547
Klnnwth County Library
126 S. 3rd
Klamath Falls, Oregon
VOL 4 NO. 5
MAY 1959
'Starting with this issue, the
Tribune is running a series of
articles dealing with the manage
ment plan as set up for the re
maining members with the U. S.
National Bank as trustee. The
management program based upon
a trusteeship was originally set
up by the management specia
lists. Under sec. 5 (a) (5) of P.L.
587, the responsibility for estab
lishing a management plan was
placed on the shoulders of the
specialists. In a report dated Sept.
30, 1958, the specialists stated
that a trust management had
been recommended after "exten
sive research - and study, and
that such a plan will not only
provide reasonable assurance that
the program will be properly
managed but will also provide
certain tax advantages". In
March of 1959, after what the
management specialists consider
ed to be approval by both the Sec
retary of the Interior and the re
maining members, the trust
agreement was executed between
the Secretary and the United
States National Bank. The U. S.
Nat'I had submitted the high bid
in getting the job.
With the remaining area now
having been under bank trustee
ship for approximately 3 months,
' lC trustee - beneficiary relationships
' are being clarified and long
range programs are taking at
least tentative shape. It is felt
that the remaining members will
be able to get some idea from the
information provided in these
articles as to just where their
management program is headed,
what they may expect.
Given this month is an intro
duction of the staff retained to
manage the remaining area, and
and a definition by William Brad
shaw, head of that staff, of his
organization's position as trustee,
its rights and responsibilities, etc.
In the June issue will be detailed
information on the forestry pro
gram. The final article, scheduled
for the July issue, will provide in
sight into the agricultural pro
gram and other, more minor,
aspects of the trust management.
Trust department officials of
the lT. S. National Hank are hard
at work formulating concrete
plans for management and de
velopment of the remaining area.
Having taken over trusteeship of
the remaining members' tribal re
sources on March of this year
from the Murcau of Indian Af
fairs, the management staff has
made considerable progress in de
veloping long-range programs of
timber and farming and grazing
lands management, and has also
givin attention to such matters as
exercise of hunting and fishing
rights on the area.
William Mradshaw is trust of
ficer in charge of management of
the remaining area. A graduate of
the University of Oregon and
Northwestern College of Law in
Portland, he has had 12 years of
experience in the U. S. National's
trust department, mostly in con
nection with private trust admin
istration. He has followed termin
ation since its inception in 1954
and in June of last year opened
the local I'. S. National trust
dep't. specifically to handle the
private Klamath trusts.
Mradshaw's staff includes 3
full-time foresters. Robert Mez
ger is chief forester with John
Hall and Mcnnett Foster as as
sistants. Mezger is a forestry
graduate of I'enn State and holds
a master's degree from the Uni
versity of California. He worked
as a forester for the MIA, first at
Northern Idaho agency, later at
Western Washington, and finally
at Klamath Agency for S years.
Frotn 1955 until assuming his po
sition with the bank last March,
he ran a forestry consulting of-
(Continued on Page 3, Col. 1)
Executive Committee Meets - Rights of Way,
Recreation, Farm Job Furnish Topics
The following is a report of the
activities of the Kxecutive Com
mittee, and highlights' of official
meetings that were held at the
Agency on May 5, 19 and 20.
In a resolution passed by the
Kxecutive committee on May 5,
the California Oregon Rower
company was granted approval
for a right of way over tribal
property. This approval gives
Copco "a right of way 1(K) feet in
width, 50 feet on each side of the
center line, for a distance of ap
proximately -11.079 feet which is
for the purpose of increasing
electrical power between the sub
station at Chilomiin, Oregon and
Sprague River, Ore."' The reso
lution states, however, that the
executive committee "reserves
the right to graze or cultivate
said right of way on the Klamath
Indian reservation." Compeusa
has been set at $2r,550.(X) for land
and timber, the amount specified
in the appraisal report dated
March 20, 1959. Thin amount is
subject to approval by the Sec
retary of the Interior and to any
Gen. Council Slated;
Water, Loans, Appraisal
Review to Be Discussed
A resolution to protect the
water resources of the Klamath
reservation for the benefit of
tribal members is the first item
on the agenda to be considered
by the General Council scheduled
to meet on June 1 1 , 1959.
According to the official notices,
sent out by President S. K. Kirk
and Secretary Dibbou Conk of the
general council, the regular coun
cil meeting is scheduled to start
at "11 ;00 A. M. or as soon there
after as practicable" at the Coun
cil I louse.
Among other resolutions to be
discussed at the meeting is a
resolution to consider the "reten
tion of legal counsel," and another
(Continued on Page 3, Col. 3)
adjustment as a result of review1
by the Secretary.
During the May 5 meeting, the
Kxecutive Committee by a, vote
of 5 to 0 passed a resolution turn
ing over funds held by the Kxecu
tive Committee to the Neatly
Recreation Association. A sum
of money was set aside several
years ago by the Tribe to be used
by the Association for recre
ational purposes. The Kxecutive
Committee has been the trustee
for the management of this
money but passage of the resolu
tion released all of the commit
tee's responsibility over the man
agement of the money which now
amounts to $2 17.19. -The Realty
Recreation Association is an or
ganization devoted to meeting the
recreational needs of the Meatty
On May 19, the Kxecutive Com
mittee convened in a special meet
ing with seven members present.
A resolution recommending ap
proval of Jack Rothwell's applica
tion for permission to rim a sur
vev for a road easement across
tribal property was adopted by
a vote of n to 0. Approval has
been recommended on the con
dition that mpiircd maps in ac
cordance with the code of Fed
eral Regulations are also sub
mitted by Mothwell.
Another resolution recommend
ing approval of I). O. Williams,
application for a right of way
for the purpose of running a stir
vev for a canal easement across
tribal property was tabled. The
resolution was tabled when it was
pointed out by certain committee
members that there was so much
uncertainty regarding "the most
important question of water
rights as reserved to the tribe."
My a vote of f to 0, the Kxecu
tive Committee on this same dav
passed another resolution ap
proving and authorizing payment
in the amount of $120.10 to the
(Continued on Page 3, Col. 4)
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