The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 31, 1909, Image 3

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    ... 'r 1?'
tM) Glazed
A variety of shapes
and designs
'Small, 25c
Large, 35c
All the
Weaves and 'Shades :
at Reasonable
1 Prices.
Henkle & Davis
Sheet Music, Musical Mdse.
Prices and Terms to Suit
Call in and See Us.
The Mathews Music Store
Corvallis, Oregon
Phone 357 -CapL
Geo. Tyler, Mgr.
or and . Liceceed Fmhslmer Sue
ceeeor o Bovea & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Itid. Phone 45. Bell Phone
: 241 , ' " Lady attendant when desired. V
v censed embalmers and funeral direct-
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
' caskets and burial robes. Calls ans
' wered day and night. Lady assist
ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
; night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153.
, O. S. Butlei
Dealer in All Kinds of '
Delivered in 'any Quantity Desired to AU
Part o Chy. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite
Benton County Lumber Co.
Office and Residence Phone,T1113
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison.- Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; i to i p. m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404. : :
and Surgeon. Special attention given
. to the Eve, Nose and Throau Office
in Johnson Blag. -. Ind, 'phone at oi
Hre and 'eaidence ;
. Good Clean'Apples ;
' For Cooking : f- - , 75c per box
" Good Eating t - ; - $1. 00 per box
?Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box
.'Fancy for Shipping - - $2.00 per box
B- F. D. 1, Corvallis, Oregon
Phone 9053.
Physical Changes Noted In t!ia
Children of Immigrants.
Descendants of Foreigners Lose Dis
tinctive Ancestral Physical Charac
teristics, Say Immigration Commis
sion Experts Change In Formation'
of the Head Particularly Remarked.
That the physical form and the
habits of living and, ways of thinking
ox me aescenaants of foreigners who
immigrate to America are different
from those of their ancestors Is the
conclusion of the Immigration commis
sion as embodied In the preliminary
report of that body which was recent
ly presented to congress. The discov
ery is regarded as of importance, in
anthropological science as Indicating
the development of a distinct Amer
ican physical type In persons of Eu
ropean descent.
The Investigation which has brought
this fact to the surface was conducted
in a scientific manner by the compari
son of measurements of the bodies of
such Immigrants and their descendants
at different ages and under differing
circumstances. The matter was placed
In the hands of a committee composed
of members of the commission, and
Professor Frank Boas of Columbia
university was engaged as expert. The
Inquiry was confined to New York city
and so far as the present report shows
was restricted to Sicilians and east
European ueorews. A later report
till give the details of investigation
Scotch. ,
First Generation Differs.
The report Indicates that the de-
swuuauis or tne jnuropean immigrant
changes his type even in the first gen
eration almost entirely. Children born
even a few years after the arrival of
the parents develop in such a way that
they differ essentially from the latter.
These differences seem to develop dur
ing the earliest childhood and persist
throughout life. - Every part of the
body is influenced in this way. Even
the form of the head, 5 which always
has been considered one of the most
permanent hereditary features, under
goes considerable changes. , i
An ' official synopsis of the report
says: ' -' .' . : v
"This would indicate the conclusion
that racial physical Characteristics do
not survive under the new social and
climatic environment of America. -The
adaptability of the various races com
ing together on our shores seems, if
these indications shall be fully borne
out in later study, to be much greater -than
had' been anticipated.. If -the
American environmentean bring about
a assimilation of the bead forms in j
the first generation, may it not be that
other characteristics may be as easily
modified, and that there may be . a
rapid . assimilation of widely varying
nationalities and races to something
that could well be called an American
type?,' v
"The investigation is by ho means
complete, and, moreover, considering
the importance bf the subject, it
should clearly be conducted on a larger
scale and in different surroundings
in various parts of the country, and
perhaps also be ' checked up by cer
tain investigations made upon the
same races elsewhere."
. Cranial Transformation.
It is shown that the American born
children of the long headed Sicilians
and those of the round headed east
European Hebrews have very nearly
the same intermediate head form. The
children of the long 'headed Sicilians
are more round headed, and the chil
dren of the round . headed Hebrews
are more long- headed than their par
ents. Similar changes are traced In
the development of thefaces. - Among
individuals borja a long time after the
arrival of the parents in America the
difference is Increased; but only slight
ly as compared with the great differ
ence that develops at once. ;'
Important Fact About Size of Children.
The commission also has made 'the
discovery that, as a rule, there is a
falling off in the size of families after
arrival in the United States, and coin
cident with this discovery has come
the more important revelation that as
the number of children decreases the
size of the individuals increases, this
among the children of the well to do
as well as the poor. ' ,
Another result of the Investigation is
the development of the fact that, while
removal from Europe to New York has
had a beneficial effect upon the phy
sique of east European Hebrews; the
result' has been the opposite upon the
Sicilians, the conclusion being that the
surrounding in 'New York ire better
for the Jews than in their city homes
In the old world, while the cramped
quarters which the Sicilians occupy In
New York are not so desirable as their
rural surroundings in southern Italy.
Changes In the Bogoslov Islands.
A British gunboat which recently
returned from Bering .sea reports
changes to the Bogoslov islands which
were- created five years ago by a yol
ianiac upheaval off the Alaskan coast.
Two of the islands have now been Join
ed by the rising of the ocean floor be
tween them. Vegetation Is beginning
to appear on all the islands. .. - ...
Nicholaievitch Was Oldest Represents
tive of Russian Imperial House.
Grand Duke Michael Nicholaievitch
who died recently at Cannes. Jfrance
was the granduncle of Emperor Nicho
las and the oldest representative of the
Russian Imperial house, having been
born in 1832, the fourth son of Em
peror Nicholas L- He repeatedly dis
tinguished himself during his long mil
itary career, which, like those of other
grand dukes under the old system.
commenced at an early age. He en
tered active service at the age of four
teen as a lieutenant and at twenty
had attained the rank of general, in
nominal command of the ordnance de
partment of the empire.
Grand Dke Michael fought through
out tne Crimean war of 1854 and 1855,
was present at the, battle of Inkerman
and the siege of SebastoDol- and In
1863 was appointed . by his brother
viceroy or the Caucasus and command
. er In chief of the Caucasian army, with
1 lnslrucuons to bring the warlike, un
subdued tribes of that region under
the Russian aegis. This task he ac
complished successfully, receiving a
sword of honor and the cross of St.
George for personal bravery under fire.
In the Turkish war of 1877 and 1878
the grand duke commanded the Rus
sian army operating against the Turks
in the Caucasian theater of the war
and in spite of early reverses was final
ly able to' force the surrender of a
large part of the Turkish forces at
Ardahan and Kara. In civil lines he
was a member of the commission
which arranged the emancipation of
the serfs. . , .
In 1881 Grand Duke Michael became
president of the council of state, and
in spite of his advanced age he made
a point of being present at-all the
meetings of the council. At one of
these meetings: when Alexander Na
rishkin, one of , the principal digni
taries of the court, put forward the
plea that the aristocracy was "entitled
to special prerogatives and privileges"
the Grand Duke Michael angrily Inter
FJfi a-d sad:
the place of Alex
ander Alexandrovitch I would not
have ventured to speak of the services
or the nobility to the empire. Where
are the services? The nobles have bled
the peasantry to the very : marrow
without giving them anything what
soever in return, not even the slight
est attempt to improve their condition
or their education. It is perfect non
sense to talk of the services of the
nobles to the empire." . v - '
Grand Dufce Michael played an ac
tive role in the council's deliberations
until its reorganization in collection
with the -establishment of theA&hma,
when he was named its honorary Wes
ident.' In recent years be had lived al
most constantly at his villa at Cannes,
in France.
' v.
Old Tragedies to Be Enacted by Italy's
Greatest Italian Artists." "
The program for Rome's jubilee la
1911 gradually assumes form. - The fol
lowing performances, - dramatic and
otherwise, have been decided upon:
In the classic open air theater to be
erected on Palatine hill GreeK and Ro
man dramas and tragedies will be en
acted by the greatest Italian artists
with full : chorus and orchestra.- All
the theaters of Italy will combine to
make these performances memorabji'
and to show the grandeur of ijtffian
art V "" 'V'--' ': '. . -i '
A second series of performance will
revive the, Italian stage- drama I the
fifteenth and sixteenth 'centuries. There
will be both comedy and drama. :i Tas-so-s
"Aminta" will be performed with
the original music as played in Flor
ence centuries ago. Signor Salvini is
superintending the literary- work con
nected with these revivals. Duse.
Emma Gramatica, Tina di Lorenzo
and other great Italian actresses will
lend their services. ,
The musical? program will be most
Interesting, as many long forgotten
Italian operas and musical pieces will
be revived. The modern part of the
musical program will be furnished by
Puccini's "Girl : From the Golden
West;" Mascagni's new opera, ."Isa
beaui" by a new Franchettl opera and
by Leoncavallo's new opera, 'CamIcla
Rossa," Mascagnl and T6scaninl will
conduct v . . ...
It is further planned that the great
est orchestras of the world .shall com
pete at Rome's jubilee for the prize of
honor offered to the' most perfect or
ganization. - 1 - ,
Vast Forest of White Pine.
Alouzo Jergens and a party of tim
ber cruisers recently returned to Seat
tle, Wash., with the news of the" dis
covery of a vast body of white pine
timber in the high altitudes of the
western slope of the Olympic mountain
range., The timber Is reputed to be
the heaviest In the world, standing,
according to careful estimates, as much
as 10,000,000 feet to the square mile.
Of this the. white pine - will average
6,000,000 feet. The stand of white
pine is found above the 4,000 foot
mark. Trees of white pine measuring
five feet thick and 150 feet, high were
common, and thousands of trees con
taining 10,000 feet of lumber were
cruised. - The newly found great stand
of timber Is 200 miles from a railroad -I
and In the mountain fastnesses. . -
Mrs. Hearst -to Donate a Museum.
After spending nearly half a million
dollars In ten years in the -establish-i
ment and maintenance of a depart
ment of anthropology In the University
of California, at Berkeley, CaU and in
expeditions into . many foreign coun
tries to secure specimens for a great
collection, Mrs. Phoebe Hearst has an
nounced that she will build an an
iropologlcal museum for the exhibits
tor cost about' $500,000.
incident of Theodore Roose
velt's African Hunt.
Former President Tells How His Sort
Finally Killed a Leopard That Had
Been Badly Wounded Three Times.
; Pets on Mr. McMillan's Farm. -j
In the January Scribner's ex-Presi
dent Theodore Roosevelt In his article
"African Game Trails" describes a
hunt In which his son Kermit nlnvpri
a prominent part in the killing of a
leopara. Telling of the beats In the
jungle made by Mr. Roosevelt and his
party while they were staying at Juja
farm, the estate of his fellow country
man,. Mr. W. N. McMillan, he says: .
' "In one of these beats thevmit un
a leopard and saw it slinking forward
aneaa oi tnem through the bushes.
Then they lost sight of It and came
to tne conclusion that it was In a.
large thicket So Kermit went on one
side of it and McMillan on the other,
and the beaters approached to try to
get the leopard out7Df course none
of the beaters had guns. j!iir funcr
tion was merely to make a disturfta'flcc.
and rouse the game,' and they 'were
eautioned on -no account to get into
danger. B.ut the leopard did not wait
ta be driven. Without any warning,
out he came and charged straight at
Kermit, who stopped him when he was
but six yards off with a bullet in t!ie
fore part of the body. The leopard
turned, and as he galloped back Ker
mit hit him again, crippling him in the
hips. The wounds . were fatal, and
they would have knocked the fight out
of any animal less plucky and savage
than the leopard, but not even in Af
rica is there, a beast of more unflinch
ing courage than this spotted cat.
Badly Mauled a Beater.
'The beaters were much excited by
the sight of, the charge and the way in
which It was stopped, and they press
ed jubilantly forward" too heedlessly.;
One of them who was on- McMiUuis
side of the thicket went too nearr it,
and out came the wounded leopard at
him.-- - It was badiy crippled or it
Would have got the beater at once. . As
it was, it. was sfo wly overtaking him
as he ran thro'ugh the tall grass when
McMillan,- standing on an ant heap,
shot it again. Yet, in spite of having
this third bullet in it,, it ran down the
beater and seized him, worrying him
with teeth and claws, but it was weak
because of its wounds, aud the power
ful savage, wrenched himself free,
while McMillan fired into the beast
again, and .back it went through the
long grasslnto the thicket -There-was
a pause, and the wounded beater was
removed to a place of safety, while a
messenger was sent on- to us to bring
up the : Boer , dogs. But while . they
were waiting, the leopard on its "own
initiative brought matters to a crisis,
for out it came again straight at Ker
mit, and this time it dropped dead to
Kermit's bullet." ..
' ; - Pets at Juja Farm.
;In the same article Mr. Roosevelt
tells as follows of some of the inter
esting pets kept by Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Millan on their, farm in East Africa: -j
"At Juja farm many animals were
kept in cages. ' They included a fairly
friendly leopard and five lions, two of
which . were . anything .. but friendly.
There were three cheetahs nearly full
grown. These were continually taken
out on leashes, Mrs. McMillan strolling
about with them and leading them to
the summer house. . They were good
tempered, but they did not lead well.
Cheetahs are interesting beasts. They
are aberrant cats," standing very high
on their legs and . with nonretractile
claws like a dog. They are nearly the
size of a leopard, but are not ordinari
ly anything like as ferocious, and prey
on the smaller antelope, occasionally
taking something as big "as a half
grown kongoni. ,For a short run, up
to say a quarter of a mile, they are
the swiftest animals on earth and
With a good start easily overtake the
fastest antelope, but their bolt Is soon
shot, and on the open plain they can
readily be galloped down with a horse.
"Then there was a tame wart .hog,
very-' friendly.' Indeed, which usually
wandered loose and was as comical as
pigs generally - are, with its sudden
starts and grunts. Finally there were
a young Tommy buck and a" Grant's
gazelle doe, both of which were on
good terms with every one." .".'
iw Ml
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this than the regular visits of a
bright, newsy paper like the
Gazette-Times; '
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