' 1 A Continued Story-" And like all good . stories we want our patrons to read more of it Every woman likes to be well gowned and most women in Corvallis and vicinity know they can get everything needed to 'complete their out fit at THE WOMAN'S SHOP But we like to continue telling them because we know we always have good things to talk about when we call attention to our splendid line of Suits, Clo aks, Jackets, Waists, Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves and-all the pretty furnishings so necessary to women's wear. THE. F. L. MILLER The City and Vicinity Insure Your Stock To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that we have this day appointed Mr. S. K. Hart sock, of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as our representative, and he is authorized, to solicit business and collect money for this Associa tion pertaining to live stock insur--ance. . National Live Stock Insurance Ass'n By J. M. OBER, Secretary, Portland, Oregon, October 28, 1909. Mrs. David Osborn and daughter Edna went to Newport yesterday to spend New Years. . - ', . Salem needs $85,000 to run her busi ness affairs and has levied a 6 1-2 mill tax to get the amount. QMiss Fay Armstrong has gone to Paid Alto, 3al., to . spend a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. a. ideat ing. There will be a business meeting of the K. L. C. E. at the United Evangel ical church Thursday evening at 7:30. All come. , The Weekly Gazette-Times has con' tained twelve pages each of the last four issues and this week is a sixteen page issue. Subscribers won't get through- reading; until the next issue is out. - . ' , There will be a special meeting of Canton Corvallis No. 18, Patriarchs Militant. I. O. O. F.' in Odd Fellows ' Hall, Monday evening, Jan. 3, 1910. A Grand Officer will be present to give : instructions in the work. E. V. Haw ley, Clerk, E..L: Strange, Captain. I At, the special road meeting in Dis i trict No. 1 held "yesterday afternoon a j five mill tax was voted. C. W. LeVee ; called the meeting to order and Robert j Wylie acted as secretary. C. W. : Mitchell made a motion that the" tax ! be five mills, and the yote resulted: ; Seven "yeas" and no "nays." It was : agreed that one half the tax should be ! spent on the main road and one-fourth : on each side road. G. H. Lindeman j was recommended as supervisor. The j people of this district say their roads : can be put into very good condition with j a little expenditure and the right kind of attention at the right time.. With 1222 in its school enumeration Corvallis claims a population in the dis trict of-5, 400. On the same basis Al bany would have "6,200. Albany Demo crat. But Albany's "boost literature" and newspapers claim 7,000. Corvallis has not at any time claimed more than 5000. 5400 was figured out 1 on the basis used by other towns, but 'Corval- i lis knows this to be exaggerated. The Government census.-will have to" be padded a hundred or so to make 5,000 for Corvallis, and probably it will have to be v padded some to, make Albany 6,000 instead of the 7000 claimed.' It isn't well to have our hopes too high at the time when Uncle Sam's enumer ators are about to make a count. Looking One's Best. It's a woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores and . boils rob life of joy. Listen! Bucklen's Arnica Salye cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety, it glorifies the face. Cures pimples, sore eyes, cold sores, tracked lips, chapped hands. Try it. Infallible for piles. 25 cents at all druggists, ; JLL JUL ' ifl fv A LITE'S BIG SACRIFICE SALE NOW ON iSarga ins in all Lines If You Want A Good Live Bargain It Will Pay You to Come to This Sale - " ' . ' ' - ": :- '"". v " V - - r . " ' -,-. ' . WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE L. & Q. B; Anderson H. L! and Miss Helen Holgate are at Portland for a brief stay. " WANTED A woman or girl for light housework, phone 17Q, Second and Van Buren. . 12-30-4t ' W. H. Jenkins, one of the S. P.'s big moguls, was in Corvallis today looking after business affairs. Joseph Henkle and bride returned to Portland today' after a pleasant visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henkle. The stockholders - of the Oregon Apple Co., will hold a meeting on Mon day, Jan. 10, 7 p. m., at the parlors of the Benton County National Bank. This is for the election of officers and general report. , Mark Rickard sends from Los Angeles an official " program -of that city's Motoring Association. Races at Ascot Park,' watched by Mark,- show Barney Oldfield, "king of the track drivers," as winner of three . or four events. Evidently Marcus Aurelius ' is right in his element. When he returns to Corvallis he will give the citizens a real sample of speeding but not over Second street bumps. The McKenzie & Moore Fun Makers last night drew a packed house at the Palace theater Where they put on the charming, western drama, "The Des perado." Each member of the com pany appeared at his or her best and the characters were ' each well sus tained. Vin Moore, as the Chinaman, was the best ever and his witty sayings kept the audience in an uproar. This play will be repeated tonight. The moving pictures are above the average, the subjects all being excellent. At the Skating Rink tomorrow even ing the Corvallis Athletic Club's basket ballteam will play wih the. Indepen dence Athletic Club team. This will be a game on foot and the knowing ones say it will be a 'hummer. The Independence team claims to be out after state championship honors, while the local team will be made up of the men who defeated O. A. C. a couple of weeks ago. All of which insures a good game. "Skeeter" Swan, one of the best of the local"- bunch, says his team, while good one, has no cinch in this game and the boys have been doing some hard preliminary work. The Rink will be a good place at which to spend a couple of hours on New Year's eve. , : ' ' . : , ' F. F. Coolidge and family are here from Frazier, Colorado, and if all things look good to them they will remain, that1 their boys may enter O." A; C. They are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Armstrong, who are rela tives. Mr. Coolidge was once a news paper man in Colorado, and nearly starved to death, as most newspaper men do. . He stole a cow, ort somebody gave him one, and he started a cattle ranch. Free range for cattle was more profitable than - writing free puffs for neighbors,' hence he waxed prosperous. Finally the coming of the Moffatt rail road put the cattle ' business in his sec tion to the bad and he decided to hike for old Oregon where opportunity un limited still exists. Mr. Coolidge has a son who desires to specialize in raising fine stock. If things work out proper ly there will be, sooner or later, a sign board over the entrance, to one of our big farms: " "Coolidge & Sons' Pure Bred Stock Farm." Here's hoping. At the home of Mrs. W: J. Kerr yes terday afternoon the College Folk Club entertained in honor of Mrs: E. R. Lake, who, with Mr. Lake, leaves for Washington City about February 1st. Japanese tea, served from a, genuine Japanese tea set and prepared by a Japanese culinary artist came first bn the afternoon's program, then 500, at which Mrs. C. M. McKellips anoVMrs. McElfresh were winners. This was followed by substantial refreshments. At the proper time Mrs. McKellips gave voice to the club's regret at the loss of Mrs. Lake and extended best wishes for her happness in the far i Eastern tome. Mrs. McElfresh told a humor ous story in which a little boy disgusted with school ''and building " fires at the school house was asked where he thought he would go when he died. He said -he guessed he would just keep on building fires for school ma'ams. - The afternoon was one of real pleasure and a splendid testimonial of the esteem in which Mrs. Lake is held. ow .. If you are thinking of invest ing in Corvallis property, and want the best and cheapest lots to be had, now is the time to buy in N. B. and P. Avery's Sec ond Addition to Corvallis. ' All lots in this Addition will be . adr yanced twenty percent in price at the end of sixty days from this date. - " ' . ' For any information in regard to the above", call or 'phone N. B. Avery at the - Holel Corvallis. N; B. and P. Avery.- Jan. 1st, 191Q. ' 12-29-tf. This store will be closed until 8:30 o'clock Monday morning. This action was found necessary in order to ar range our store for the Gr atest and essFul B I - Most argaio In the history of Corvallis merchandising. , This wonderful money-saving ( event commences Monday morning and will continue for twenty-four days. While the sale is on everything in our large stock of new and up-to-date merchandise will be sacrificed. v CO RV ALUS. ORE.v FOR SALE FOR SALE. OR TRADE Six choice lots, Wilkins Add. Terms. Address,' E. A. Nichols, Wenatchee, Wash. i " ' ; 12-30-2t-D-&-W FRESH , EGGS Where? at "J. T. Patterson's Grocery.;: Phone 3283. v ' " ' v -. ; ;' 12-18-tf LOST LOST An overcoat, between Stew art Bridge and Corvallis; Light colored, heavy weight Finder will please leave at Gazette-Times office arid receive re ward. - 12-30-2t-D-&-w Business Pointers. : , These cost money and are , - worth your attention. Blank books and 1910 Diaries at Graham & Wells. 12-30-3t Start the , ew Year Jight. Get a nice" dressed, chicken for your, dinner, at Jack. Dawson's Poultry. Market. Both phones. ; " . , v Fpr All Kinds of Draying call up I. X.' L. Transfer Co., at Graham & Wortham's Drug Store. 12-28-tf Turkeys are scarce, but Jack Daw son's Poultry Market has chickens for everybody. Order early. Both phones. Dr. Hess's Panacea makes hens lay 45-cents.a-dozen eggs. Get it at Gra ham &,Wells'. 15-27-6t ' I Red, CrosslStamps at Graham & Wells'. ' , : tf 1910 Calendar pads, assorted sizes, 16 kinds. - Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's. 12-15-14t . Stop that horse's cough by using Dr. Hess's Stock Food. For sale at Gcaham & Wells. - 12-27-6t . Native oysters direct from the Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65 cents qt. At Dad's place. " , 10-29-tf Large r stock of roll-top desks on hand at Blackledge's Furniture store. ' ' ' ' -.. 12-lt : Gorvallis Opera House Tuesday, January 4th ' - - ' i Largest and Best Minstrels Ever Here "WORLD'S GRANDEST LAUGHING CARNIVAL" PR I M A L L A R MI NS TR ELS Magnificent New Show With a Splen- j; did Company of 40 Clever Participants A real show, with Funny Comedians, Charming Singers and Marvelous Dancers headed by the Millionaire Minstrel King. You have never seen anything better since fun began. Bargain Prices - 35c, 50c, 75c, $1 Advance Sale begins Saturday Morning, January 1st Gazette-Times Biggest and Best Paper in the WillametteValley PRATT'S IS THE PLACE To secure a return gift for that one unex pectedly received, or you can find those suitable little novelty remembrances for New Years. OUR 15 PER CENT. DISCOUNT CONTINUES UNTIL JANUARY 1st Eat Golden Rod Flakes, - They are better for breakfast, ' Than old-fashioned corn cakes, 1 And five minuets time,. 1 ; . . Is all that it takes AtKline's. , ; 6-12-tf Jeweler and Optometrist The Gazette-Times 50c per month, i v