MASS MEETING DECLARES IN FAVOR OF FIRST-CLASS PRESENT SITUATION ABOUT AS BAD AS IT COULD BE AND WHOLLY UNSATISFACTORY ASKS COUNCIL TO PROVIDE ALL Citizens Express Readiness to Pay Tax Necessary to Provide Adequately Firemen Not Willing to Serve for Glory These Days, and Object to Pulling Heavy Apparatus -Takes a Whack tests Against the Sale of Old Gazette Fifty-two citizens met at the City Hall last night and after an hour's discussion declared in favor of Corvallis having ade quate, fire protection. A com mitte of five Messrs. - Frank Groves, A. L. Stevenson, M. M. Long, M. S. Woodcock and N. R Moore was named to confer, with the ways and means com- tece ?aL fi,re insurance a i nu. n ' ' -i irates will be doubled shortly and mittee and the City Council in Vun ,i j. i LJ , "1, that will result m greater expense ing failed to unite on any definite plan as to the resuscitation of the fire department, and passed this up to the council. The one point made clear was that citi zens generally feel the need of a better department and are in . sistent pnthe council taking .any steps necessary to ", meet the situation properly Willing to Tax For It It was made clear that the tax payers present , are willing to pay for the fire protection they desire. If the council considers it best to purchase a team, hire a man to care for the team and ap paratus an4 be on hand at all times, the citizens are willing to agree to the expenditure. They want a good department at the Vwrcf i amount may be. As a matter of t t.hp mmrii t l course they expect the council to not go beyond reasonable bounds. It was suggested that the tax levy be again placed at what it is now ,: and use the residue .labove the five or five and a half mills proposed for building up a -first-class department; It .was also suggested . that the city might make . definite . arrange- , mpnt. fnr limtw otnKl Vto rm lianri r nnl 1 4-1. j Various plans were sue-cested. but to the council is left the working out of the proposition; it was made clear, that those present desire the situation straightened out .very shortly. The Proceedings The meeting was called to or-1 run ten blocks to an engine house der by John.F. Allen, president and then run ten blocks pulling of the fire department, who ! heavy apparatus. .That" volun stated brief ly that there is no teers could be secured at one department Certain apparatus time was because of the social is on hand, but fire fighters are j life connected with the depart few and far between and, moment- But there is no social life longer of the disposition to serve now. Special, invitation, personal the pedple for fun-and he could, and, written, will not bring fire not blame them for that. . J men or business men to a smoker Mr. Horning suggested that and as for the Coffee Club he at least one man be paid to keep had never yet been invited to things m shape. . v jone of their parties and he did Mr. Whitsides insisted that not know of any other members two should be paid, and he said ( being invited because they were teams could be hired when they . members. ; Neither had he seen W ' I coff ee but at any of the 40 M. M. Long, fireman for years, i fires he had attended. He 'said suggested that present apparatus the boys would no longer serve could be remodeled and macle j for -fun, nor would they haul the effective; thought the city should apparatus. He - argued for a hire man ; and team; pay fire teami a laid fire chi.f and Proper chief $5 for : each fire attended! P&y for firemen whlle a fire, and give each, fireman at least' " ' ' r Says Keep Present Levy $1.00 an hour. , I A. K. Russ said the young FIRE DEPARTMENT TO EVERYBODY THAT MAY BE NECESSARY at the Coffee Club -Meeting Pro. Property. A. K. Russ suggested that the ways and means committee of the council meets this evening and desires to know about what sum mfght be necessary to build up a department Personally he was in favor SDendinor all that is necessary to get a nrst-ciass de 1 l . s , 1 - $ partment, and would think it cheapat any Price. His insis- than a fire department would cost and stillwe would have no protection . Stevenson Tears 'Em Up A. L. Stevenson talked rise of insurance rates, and argued that a team and . better equip ment with "men paid to look after things is a necessity. " He wants a small ! up-to-date city equipment Before the moun tain water system, with its 75 pounds pressure was put in, the basic insurance rate was 75 cents, now it is 40 centsbut it will "go back to the old rate if an ade quate department is not built up. 75 pounds pressure-is no good if it isn't used . promptly. Sug gested that tax levy be left as it is, buy team, "convert xity hall into real .fire department, and I , w V t , Shuld b Mocked before the horse ip stolen. advised that the door should be gec and spend the monev necessary for C., ;j - ... i -i protection. , . ; Capt Crawford suggested that a sufficient number of volunteers, about 30, could be secured, and advised paying man something to keep track of things. , He thought it would be all right to hire any team to handle the ap paratus . when needed. Thought firemen should, be paid for actual time put in. He said something should be done, but doubted the wisaom oi an expenditure, of $1,000 or $1,200 M. M. Long Talks Straight Mr.' Long said volunteers could not be secured and that it was a crime to ask men to get out of a warm bed and while half dressed v-w.j, ociMxjn iuuimi i, UKtuON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30,1909 men who always serve on the department really have small in terest to protect, and that - the others should pay. He thought $2,000 spent on, the department at this time would be little, and $10,000 the first year would not be too much, if it were necessary: Under old insurance rate his $3, 000 stock cost him $56 for insur ance; under the new rate $4,000 costs him $41.80. He doen't want to go back to the old rate. Said keep the levy as it is and spend money on the department M. S. Woodcock advised care in the matter, but agreed that there should be some definite action taken.. He thought' all who fight fire should be well paid. Mr. Woodcock ; doubted whether one team would be enough thought liverv team might do. Says Keep City Property Frank Groves argued v that present hose carts are not enmitr-Vi Said old Gazette building back of Alien & woodward store should be kept and remodeled for de partment service. He moved appointment of five men to con--vey to the council the desire of the citizens for a first-class fire department. This carried and chairman Allen named the men stated. Meeting en Record ' Mr. Groves expressed a desire that the old Gazette property be not sold . as contemplated. He asked the citizens present , to go on record as opposing the pro posed sale. There Was ' no dis cussion and on a vote' there was no dissenting voice ; to-the-- mo tion. r of ANNUAL MEETING Members of the Oracrnn Vira Relief Association : You are here- Dy notuied that the regular an nual meetino- of the . : O J.J.1. LJ KA. said Association will be held at Burn's Hall, McMinnville, Ore gon, on Tuesday, January 11. 1910. at 10 o'clock a m VQ . " f" purpose of electing three trustees and transacting such other busi ness as mav reenlarlv onmo ha. fore said meeting. , .. ; - - W, C. HAGERTY, . . Secretary. Dec. 30, 1909. BARGAIN Z . Special OTIC , Ladies Price ial Price8' Boys' Sweaters Boys' all-wool Sweaters, SPECIAL, GREAT SALES TO E NEXT WEEK atvtKAL biu STORES WILL GO npirrn it - " TO SLASHING PRICES WHOLE BOTTOM DROPS OUT One Will Do a Reg Tag Business, An other Has New Year Gift Sale, An other a Bargain Carnival, and the Other a Forced Sale. Four big sales on in Corvallis should prove the best news that has, been carried to Gazette Times readers in recent months. When the whole bottom out of things there's certain to be something doing, and just now four of the largest stores in the city are determined to get rid of a large, portion of their , stocks before taking invoice. There is certain to be greater price slashing, and greater bareain of ferings than at any time during the year. Nolan & Son F. " L. Miller's. "Woman's Shop, " The Toggerj', and The Elite are all at it, :; each , trying to ; out-do the other, and only the buyer is like ly, to prove winner. Anyone who knows values, knows full well that v'the-grea4 proportions vojf prices advertised in this issue are genuine bargain prices. The writer of this knows that in many instances the latest and finest goods are being offered at actual cost. Some other things are art- ually below cost. . . How can these things be? Sim ply because business men mn. pay heavy bills at the end of the year. ' They . cannot have' t.hft goods on the'shelves and still for them. . They can better afford to sell thesegoods at cost rather than - experience difficulty in meeting bills. They can better afford to make tremendous rpdnc tions and sell the goods than they can to have the goods in the way as other goods are comine- in. And when it comes to invoicing COM IN WOMEN'S KNIT UNDER LVeTr) Fo1 Friday and Saturday We have made a Great Reduction on Both Women's and Men's And for those who have been putting off buying their Suit, now time to buy, while the selection is best. - i , nn? and Vf ? f Broken Suit- ts sold for v'oat and Ve' size Price $10.00 and $12.00 Capes. Gd AU"Wo1 Su!te worth Misses' Coats, sizes 8 to 14 years. ; sell for $1.25. j A SAFE PLACE it is easier to check up figures than it is to measure goods. The present big sales are gen uine bargain sales, ' and worthy the attention of the whole public. If the present offerings do . not bring the:oin from the, old sock it's because old Santa got all of it Read the big ads carefully, then visit the stores. Such, opportun ity will not come soon again. Present prices beat any mail or der concern on the globe, and here you can see the goods. E BELLS AT PHIL PROMINENT YOUNG COUPLE NOW TROT IN DOUBLE HARNESS. MANT CHRISTMAS VISITORS Philomath People in Distant PI Come Home to Spend Holidays With Relatives and Friends Many Comings and Goings. . Philomath, Dec 29. A verv pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, of this city, on Tuesday morning, Dec. 28, when Miss Clara JMason was united in mar riage to Mr. William Claybaugh, of Lewiston, Idaho. The young couple left on the morning train for Lewiston, their future home, attended by the congratulations and best wishes of a host of rela tives and friends. Mrand Mrs. Bert Henderson, of Maple Grove, arrived last Wednesday and expect to reside in Philomath this winter. ' Rev. Baldwin and wife, of Uregon City, spent Christmas with their son,. L. B. Bald win, of this city, . returning to their work at Oregon City Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Van Blari corn and son, Elgin, of Newburg, spent Sunday with friends h The Van Blaricorns were former ly residents of our city. . ' (Continued on Page Two) 33, 34, 35. $2.00 $7.50 $2.50 Special $5 - 00 - sPec- Special IARRIAG DMATH 25 Per Cent Less Ladies' beautiful lace collars, both ecru and white. Regular 75c for 43c. Reg TO TRADE ular 35c for PRICE FIVE CENTS E T CO. ES ESTABLISHES" AUTOMATIC SER, VICE WITH PORTLAND. MAY ERECT A BIG BUILDING Building Won't Come Very Soon, But Company's Business Here Warrants Change at no Far Distant Date Automatic Service Saves Much Time. The local Independent Tele phone Co., which a short time ago promised automatic connec tion with Portland, has del the goods. Since a dav or tWv ago it has been possible o get a Portland subscriber direct, with out waiting on the pleasure of Portland's Central office, f Ma ives aoout a ten second service mo waits mat have been the rule here-tn--fm.o The automatic arrangement en- aDies the (Jorvallis Central to get a iruruana SUDSCHDer lust as sh calls a Corvallis subscriber. It is easy tor see the immense advan tage there is in this over the old mcmuu. Aim me service is -mat as perfect One hears as per fectly as if the subscriber in this city. Ti. i -i i . . , . was predicted tnat this ser vice extrordinary would not be given, that it was all a bluff, or. 1) M AJ-ViOC VV1U1 but this may be said for the Inde pendent Co. it has made good every promise made to date. The company has a phenomenal share of the business here and is deter mined to hold it. Nothing nec- rM in it-1 i.t 1 1 1 1 j i (i m o o - - .it. ceBsary to merit a continuance of -present confident will. i-m- fundone. Just now there is talk of the company housing its Cor vallis office in a first-class build-, ing. concrete, fire-proof and of sufficient size and convenience for it to fill every requirement for years, to come. Corvallis feels that it is entitled to this and will be pleased to have this assurance of good things, for" the Independent will make good sooner or later. is the from Sstvb Brand I! PENDEN ilAK GOOD i ' Ladies' Neckwear 23c. ' 3