THE DAILY GAZETTE-TIMES Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 232 Second street, Cor Tallis, Oregon. Phone 4184 Entered usecond-class matter July 2, 1909, Tat the poatoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week. $ .15 Delivered by earner, per month...- .50 By mail, one year, in advance - 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance...- '2 50 By mail, one month, in advance...- .50 N. R. MOORE Editor CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Business Mgr. NO KICK COMING. The student in Corvallis is in deed a fortunate fellow. A spec ial, bulletin just received from the Iowa State Agricultural Col lege at Ames advertises that "board and room may be obtain ed in the neighborhood of the school for from $6.00 to $8.00." And that's down in old Iowa where everything is supposed to be cheap. , In Corvallis the max imum figure for room and board is $6.00 a week, and very, very few pay that. But at Ames the $6.00 rate is advertised as the minimum. It is also noted that at a four week's summer course a matriculation fee of $10 is charg ed. The O. A. C. winter short courses soon to begin charge but $1.00 and a small laboratory fee. CORVALLIS THE PLACE A $5,000,000 loss by blizzard and high tide is the' record in Boston. To this must be added the loss of twenty-seven lives at Boston and New York. And the Willamette never had a real bliz zard, never had a cyclone, never had an electrical storm,; never experienced an earthquake. The only thing against us is our rain falland the yearly average of the Willamette Valley is less than that of New York. Corvallis, with its never-to-zero weather, looks mighty good as we read the winter reports from other sections. THEY WANT OUR AN8ELL MADISON, Wis., Dec 27. (Special. ) -E. D. Angell, formerly basketball coach at the Univer sity of Wisconsin, now , director rvf aViloira at trio Civacran A rrri cultural College; is the . latest .suggestion for the vacancy in the directorship of ' Wisconsin athletics. Director Hutchins resigned a few days ago to go to the Bitter Root irrigation project, but his real reason was , faculty opposi tion to intercollegiate athletics. Angell may be opposed,' because when he was at Wisconsin the Badger institution was enthus iastic over athletics and the new readme is not friendlv to' the men of the old order of athletics: Director Angell has nothing to say other than that the position pays $3,000 a year. He was in the athletic - department five years, first as instructor, then as assistant professor and acting director. i '.. ESTRAY NOTICE Came to my farm in Kings Valley, one black and white spotted half breed Jersey yearling steer. No brand or ' mark unless it be on right ear. Owner will please call, prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. Dated Nov. 25, 1909. . - ; . ' A. C. Miller, . U-26-5t W Kings Valley, Ore. BLAST FOR WILLIAM WATSON Lo Gallienne's Reply to British Poet's War on Women. William Watson's statement that his visit to the United States is but an in itial move in a war on the family of Premier Asquith of England has still further stirred the turmoil created by the British poet's original poem. Richard Lie Gallienne, who was the first man in America' to answer the "Serpent's Tongue" poem with a with ering blast of verse, has written a second poem, which he dedicates to Mr. Watson. It answers the tatter's latest statement of explanation con cerning his visit to America. The poem as printed in the New York American follows: His country! So It was to save England he crossed the wireless wave. Patriot, indeed, who runs away Because he needs the sea to say The words he feared to say on land. Is England in so bad a plight She needs a man like this to fight Her battle, one who takes the hand Of a fair hostess on a day And prints the words of yesterday! O altar of the sacred muse! Shall Englishwomen thus bear shame To give an English poet fame? There is a man who sings the Eong Of England in such living words They thrill along the waiting wires And make the world forget the birds. ' He with his iron English pen Has written the strong code of men." His meter Will not march with mine. So 1 must place his mighty line As footnote to a fleeting song. Ah, he Is England's man today. ' He who 'Joined hands of east and west And made the wide word understand England is England all the way! ENVOI. If English statesmen have done wrong Hit at them in the hardest song. And should their women not do right, Then call their men folk out to fight. That is the fair and ancient way. But do not in a teacup song Say "woman with the serpent's tongue." "if 8ne have spoken a word, remem ber thy lips are sealed. And the brand of the dog is upon him by whom is the secret revealed." "If she have written a letter, delay not an instant, but burn it. Tear it in, pieces, O fool, and the wind to her mate shall return it! If there be trouble to herward and a lie of the blackest can clear. Lie while thy lips can move or a man Is alive to hear." "Certain Maxims of Haflx," by Eudyard Kipling. SKYSCRAPER WITH GARDENS. Flowers, Fountains and Trees For New ' - York's Biggest Office Building. ' New York's largest 'skyscraper wilj cast its shadow over the Battery. Tow ering thirty-one stories above the ground, It will contain 11.000,000 cubic feet with a rentable area of 550,000 square feet. In it will be ten miles of plumbing, twenty miles of steam pipe, sixty-five miles of conduits and wiring and 3.000 electric fixtures. ' From curb to roof it will measure 416 feet. In building it will be used 14,000 tons of structural steel. 7,500,000 common bricks. 900,000 face bricks, 45.000; barrels of cement, 535,000 square feet of floor arches, 266.000 cu bic feet of cinder fill. 125,000 square feet of girder covering, 450,000 Square feet of partition tile, 120,000 square feet of column covering, 210.000 square feet of wall furring. 5,500 cubic yards of caissons, 17,000 cubic yards of earth excavation, 2.150 cubic feet of granite, 20,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone, 3,000 tons of ornamental terra cotta, 65,000 square feet of wire laths. 85.000 square yards of plaster. 400.000 lineal feet of spruce sleepers. 800,000 feet of comb grain yellow pine flooring, 2,300 windows, 60.000 square feet of glass, 3,000 doors. 280.000 pounds of window weights, 30,000 feet of copper chain, 450,000 feet of ground. 80.000 feet of picture mold and 80,000 feet of base. Cinders required for floor arches and between sleepers of the floors will fill 500.000 cubic feet, approxlmatelyi 25, 000,000 pounds. It represents the con sumption of 125,000 tons of coal, suffi cient to develop 55,000,000 horsepower hours of energy. There will be 2.100 horsepower boilers, 2,000 horsepower In engines, 1.200 kilowatts In genera tor capacity, 65,000 square feet of ra diator surface and 190,000 candle pow er In electric, lights. The structure will be an addition to the twenty -five story Whitehall build ing at Battery place and Washington and West streets. The completed sky scraper will front 307.2 feet on Wash ington street and 160.8 on , Battery place, covering 51,515 square feet, or twenty-one city lots. It wiU cost $8, 000,000. On the Washington street front will be a park, with gardens, lawns, foun tains, trees, over which the offices will look. : The park will be 100 feet wide and 200 feet deep. NEW FLAG FOR TAFT. War Department Will Give the Presi r dent. Larger Eagle. ' ' : Hereafter when President Taft goes forth as commander in chief of the army he will have a different flag. War department officials decreed that his flag and staff should be changed In order to make them more symmetrical. Instead of being fastened on a pike ten feet long, the new' flag will have one' eleven feet in length. The eagle that has stood alert on the globe that' adorns the top of the pike Is to give way to a taller bird. Instead of stand ing four Inches high, the new presi dential eagle is to measure five and three-eighth Inches.' The globe is to be reduced from three to two inches In diameter. - Hawaii's New Industry. The most active new industry in the Hawaiian Islands is the growing of pineapples and their canning for ex port. Last year canned pineapples to the value of $1,229,000 were shipped to the United States, v . . GEORGE PRIMROSE, MASONS INSTALL ; THEIR OFFICERS The members, relatives' and friends of Corvallis Lodge No. 14 A. F. and- A. M. and of t Mary's Chapter No. 9, Order -of Eastern Star, had a very delight ful time at the lodge room's last night. Both lodges installed of ficers, after which there was a program, a banquet and a dance. The program consisted of or chestral numbers furnished by Herr Pospischil and three Woodcocks, a solo Tby Prof. John Fulton and a talk by J. R. N. Bell, who enjoys the distinction of having Deen Masonic Chap lain longer than . any . other in dividual in the Uuited States. The numbers were superfine, the banquet generous but in formal, , and the dance greatly enjoyed, by the young people in particular. The officers installed by Lodge No. 4, with Prof. G. A. Covell as installing officer, are as follows: F. Berchtold, W. M. E. S. Strange, S. W. . IM. S. Bovee, J. W. - F. L. Kent, S. D. . W. T. Johnson, J. D. C. A. Murphey, Secy. Z. H. Davis, Treas. .'W. K. Taylor, S. S. B. J. Thatcher, J. S. ' S. P. Babb, Tyler ' The officers of St. Mary's Chapter No. 9. Order Eastern Star, installed last night were: "W. M., Mrs. J. E. Andrews; ,W. P. , W. P. Lafferty; ; . - A. M., Mrs. Roy Hollenberg; C. , Miss Laura Keiser; A. C, Mrs. F. Berchtold; Secretary,? Miss Edna Groves; --Treasurer, Mrs. Elmira Carter; 'Chaplain, Mrs. Prudence Chip man; '' Marshal, Mrs. Martha Fulton; Organist, Mrs. Lucy D. Yates; FAMED MINSTREL Ada, Miss Ethel Watters; ' Ruth, Miss Genevieve Tilleay; Esther, Miss Edna Russ; ; ! -Martha, Miss EdnaOsburn; Electa, Miss Pearl Horner; Warden, Mrs. Lucy Harper; Sentinel, A. K. Russ. A VERY FINE J The Primrose1 Minstrels, due here next Tuesday, is given cred it for being a fine show. The Oregonian, writing of the appear ance at the Baker theatre Monday night, says it is a hummer from beginning to end. It has a new dress, new lines, many new songs and some exceptionally fine vo calists. The Oregonian's criticism is very; flattering and it- reads like it is straight goods. Mr, Groves made special inducements to get this minstrel here this year. . - V. Farmers! See S. S. HfcNKLE (Successor to Smith Bros.) . ' CORVALLIS, OREGON The Place to Buy Right, Handles, Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whipsl and Gloves ' Does Repairing Neatly and Promptly First Door North of Gerhards Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the , best medicine ever cold , over a dragglat'a counter. NSTREL S W KING AS A STEVEDORE. Sweden's Ruler, In Disguise, Carried Coal to Learn Workmen's Views. King Gustave of Sweden, who re cently disguised himself as a steve dore and spent most of the day car rying sacks of coal from a lighter at Stockholm, said after itvwas all over that this was. only the beginning. He intended to mix with all classes of la borers so that he might ascertain their opinions and wishes. 'Already, he add ed, he had obtained many valuable hints from the men with whom he worked. The determination of King Gustave to learn of the conditions of the work ingmen by mingling with them and taking part in their labors has resulted from the recent great tieup of the business life of the country by a gen eral strike. King Gustave intervened last August in an endeavor to secure a compromise, but without avail. The strike continued for months and in volved thousands of men, the employ ers' association paying $40,000 daily to support its weaker members, while the trades unions and other working men's associations exhausted their en tire funds to keep strikers from starv ing. Eventually arbitration was undertak en by the Swedish government to set tle the dispute, and in the Interim many of the workmen returned to their tasks, although the number unemploy ed remained very .great. King Gus tave, the queen and other members of the royal family, as well as the cabinet ministers, contributed to a na tional' fund for the purpose of provid ing loans to the working classes. Homesteads have already been appor tioned among the unemployed, but con ditions remain such as to cause the king and his government grave anx iety. The king found difficulty In ascer taining facts and made arrangements to join the craftsmen and laborers at their work in order to get his infor mation at first hand. HOME SCENERY FOR SCHOOLS Movement to Banish Foreign Art For American Pastoral Pictures. Foreign pastoral scenes are to be su perseded in the west and especially in schooihouses by scenes of American farm life if a movement now under way is carried out . It has become no ticeable that most rural works of art deal with scenes in foreign lands, the wooden shoes of Holland being prom inent, and a movement is now under way to encourage art dealing with farm scenes in the United States, said to be the most beautiful in the world. All country schooihouses will be asked to take down the pictures of Dutch life and substitute pictures of American country life. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, has ordered down all these pictures In his depart ment and 'has given ' orders ' for the walls to remain - bare until paintings of American country life are brought out to take their place. The movement is meeting with the hearty accord of all art students, who say there Is no reason for not working along American lines, as the United States has abundant material for paintings far superior to any to be found in the old world. 1 Several such schemes have been started in New York city, but they have, fallen through because of the lo cation, and the league promoters think the only way to succeed is to Interest those living in the agricultural com munities. PIPES THAT GROW IN FIELDS Government Experimenting Success fully With African Calabash Plants. Smokers of tobacco may in the near future go into the fields and pluck from plants pipes to their own liking. provided work being done by the' de partment of agriculture at Washington realizes results confidently anticipated by those having it in charge. Efforts to Introduce into the United States the South African calabash, or gourd, are meeting with marked suc cess. The use of the calabash as a pipe bowl was discovered by the Boers, who attempted to monopolize the product and prevent the exporta tion of seed.. Some were obtained for experiments in the United States, and it is found the vine grows luxuriantly and produces large crops of gourds un der our soil and climatic conditions. The pipes are graceful and distinc tive in shape, according to a report from the department. Imported pipes made from the calabash sell at from $S to $12 each. They color like the meerschaum and are delightful smok ers. The high cost of the pipes is caused by the amount of hand work necessary in preparing them, the shapes varying so that machine work Is not practica ble. The gourds can easily be made Into pipes by buying inside bowls and mouthpieces. ,.''- Big Prize For Consumption Cure. The following formal announcement was recently made at Tale university that an anonymous alumnus of Sale has offered a prize of $100,000 for the person who first discovers an adequate remedy for tuberculosis. The prize fund has been placed in the custody of Yale university, and the Xale Medical school faculty is to act as its trustee. International Exhibition For 1915. An international exhibition to be held in California in 1915 In celebra tion of the opening of the Panama ca nal and in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discov ery of the Pacific. ocean by Balboa is authorized in a bill - offered in the house the other day by Representative Kahn of California. - FOR SALE FRESH EGGS Where? at J. T. Patterson's Grocery. Phone 3283. . . 12-18-tf LOS' LOST A small gold locket, with pic ture inside and initials on back. Return to Jack Dawson's Poultry Market and receive reward. 12-28-lt Business Pointers. These cost money and are worth your attention. For All Kinds Of Draying call ud I. X. L. Transfer Co.. Wortham's Drug Store. ' 12-28-tf Dr. Hess's Panacea makes hens lav 45-centsa-dozen eggs. Get it at Gra ham & Wells', f J 15-27-6t Red Cross! Stamps at Graham & Wells'. tf 1910 Calendar pads, assorted sizes. IK kinds. Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's. 12-15-14t Stop that horse's coueh bv usmer Dr. Hess's Stock Food. For sale at Graham & Wells. 12-27-fir. Native oysters direct from th Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65 cents qt. At Dad's place. 10-29-tf hand at Blackledge's Furniture store. 12-lt Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes. And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf Dealer in All Kinds of WOOD and COAL DeliT ered in any Quantity Desired toTAll Parts e City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite Benton County Lumber Co. Office and Residence Phone,E1113 TURAL COLLEGE Winter Courses, January 4th to Feb ruary IStb, 1910. Practical work, lectures and demonstrations will be given in such vital subjectsas general farming, fruit culture, animal husbandry, dairying, poultry keeping, the business side of farming, forestry, carpentry, blacksmithing, mechanical draw ing, cooking, sewing, dressmak ing, home management, etc. All regular courses begin Jan uary 4th and end February 11th. Farmers week, February 14th to 18th. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all interested. n i t tp n n in i I . fl I . I r II n N I II u nu it u ii ii i a IN WINTER Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous ho tels, historic old missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, make this favored section the Nation's. Most Popular Winter Retreat. You can see this section at its best via. the Shasta Route - ' AND "Road of a Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first class in H every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and di rect connections to all points south. Special, Round Trip Rate of. $55.00 ALBANY TO LOS ANGELES AND ' RETURN With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the Northwest, with liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the various winter resorts of California can be had on application to any S. P. or O. R. & N. agent, or from . . Wm. McMurray v General Passenger Agent ' Portland, Ore. .' W. T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throat. : Office in Johnson Blag. . Ind. 'phone at of fice and tesidence. OREGON AGRICUL