The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 28, 1909, Image 1

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""VAI 1 Wrt Oll nnir i r f 1 0 nrtupAii i.r.Tpr.. ammm. .. ' r. !i ' " ' i
. . . , . s Pfctu" wuhii. UKtuun, jui-suay, DECEMBER 28, 1909 , , ; PRICE FIVE CENTS
: - ' ''' ' ' - 1 - i ... . I K -. ' , , ..
West Side Man Inclined to Use Pen
Sends Article of Considerable
Length- Touches Humorously On
Minor Follies. . .
Corvallis, Ore., Dec, 10th, 1909.
Mr. Editor, Dear Sir:
Thinking perhaps it would be a
pleasant surprise for you to get
a letter from me and just to let
you know I am still alive I will
proceed to write. . I know of no
excuse or ' good reason why I
should be alive and consuming so
much good oxygen, but the fact
,is I am here, and the only excuse
I have for bein here is because
Tye got to be somewhere, and
this place comes as near being
somewhere as any place I've ever
been, except over at Salt Lake
City, where Brigham Young had.
only forty-five wives and) slept
with his, grandfather. . And
speakmgSalf?rSk"e"TCity re
minds me Mr.. Editor,- that that
is a place worth going to see. I
stopped there about two weeks;
and of course that is another rea
son why you should go. You
kiibw people travel a long ways
nowadays just to be where great
men have been. Why, just think
of it, it ' seems but ' yesterday
since I knew old James Whitcomb
Riley' down at Anderson, Indiana.'
He was just about as common an
individual as I ever came in con
tact with. : ; He used to work
'round the printing office arid
when business was slack he would
icome out to our place and husk
corn for my grandmother. But
now. 'tis different since he wrote
the little poem about the old
swmimin - hole. People travel
thousands of miles to see him and
jif he is not at home they steal i
doornob or perhaps a splinter off
f the old picket fence, take it
.ome and put it iri the. bible or
lock It up ih the tool chest, ! just
to show on state occasions. s Who
:nnw9. Mr F.rlitYn Wlsof W -P.-.
I " , . w, TTuab bile iu-
Iture may bring forth? After I
k ... ' . . . -
tave KAeuui-eu my master stroke
i the pen, after I have exhaust-
id ' my literary ability, after I
lave been dead for about one or
jkneel at my grave. And that re-
mas me. , Mr. . Editor. 1 think
'11 have my monument made out
f concreetfed it ' will last me a
life time aM so people can whit-
,ie n io pieces and "pack it off. ,
My daughter is 'atteridihg.the.
ixjviuLiur. Ajouage. . one is get
Cr'duite, '"rieart ' flnisVa tiV ' ho
'ather,, ioo.) : 'My peartness. has
iettled in my feet and " I've 'not
sen able to get my boots on for
week. (Pardori me'' Mr. Edi
tor, how is your mother.) .
uoym m Kansas some forty?
five years ago ; the grasshoppers
ivere so numerous and industrious
hat the natives' had to move out
tnd now it devekroes that after
vegetables for the homers for a
V Cfitahlps ftvr fh a Vinnnora fnr o ' lis ... : ,.T7T , ... :. , . : ; ; .
few years, said hoppers quit hop
pin', and in fact that particular
branch of the animal kingdom be
came extinct. And now it ap
pears that after the price of
dressed or v undressed; turkeys
have ' advanced to twentv-five
cents a smell there is quite a de
mand for grasshoppers. I under
stand that over at the Agricultur
colage, which is about two blocks
from my hoUse, and where my
offspring is - in attendance, . they
are doing some experimenting
along the line of bugology you
know, just trying to propoxate or
develope a new' sort of grass
hopper, one that will be both' at
tractive and palatable to the aver
age turkey gobbler you know.
President Kerr is a learned man,
you know. And as he is assisted
Dy eignty-tnree protessors, nine
carpenters, four blacksmiths, two
cooks and a bootlegger, methinks
there will soon be somethin' stur
rin' over there. In fact, I think
they have' already succeeded to
considerable extent, for I saw a
flock' of something fly over the
house that looked like grasshop
pers, only they were almost as
big" as. wild geese. President
Kerr is also making war on the
bugs, trying to kill all the bugs
and worms you know, the green
aphis, the wobley aphis, the cod
ling moth, the wire worm and
even the fish worms has to set up
and look strait. Even the fence
worms in the rail , fences refuse
to be crooked any longer, arid
have straitened themselvs out so
strait talLftheorx
rail 'fences in. a radius of five
miles of President Kerr's office
have, fallen down, and nearly all
the farmers in Benton Co. have
been consealing themselvs for
the last three days in theire own
corn shocks with theire double
barrel shotguns watching to see
if they can find out what is caus-:
ing all of this trouble. ,
And that reminds me, this has
been a great'' place for football. !
There is about One thousand
young men students "here and i
they have all been very enthus
iastic about football untill recent
ly, very recently. In fact they
have been makinQ! snrh Innd
noises recently ' that I' ve not been
ame to sleep for forty days, and
now that thev've heen dAfpntd
by nearly every team from Puget
bound to bheyann, they are not
so enthusiastic and I am ffettin
considerable sleep. Since theire
last defeat this town has been as
quiet as a Trojan graveyard, and
President Kerr is, lookin around
to see if. there is anything the
boys can play. He will probably
adopt Puigby. , That is a gaime
tnat my. aunt Smthy Sims used
to tell us children about when I
was a boy, and she was an old
maid school teacher down on the
Wabash in 1865. By the wav.
Mr. Editor, how is your mother?
Mr. Editor, I am still running at
large and gettin larger ever day1.'
As soon' as my feet get well I'll
just run down and tell you all
about it Your old friend,-
Ike Longbones. "
'Jesus' - attitude v was one of
cqmpassioh "for the sinner
and intense aversion and
antagonism , toward sin." s Rev.
Bassford declared in a sermon at
the Baptist Church Sunday even
ing. While Jesus denounced the
hyprocrisy and formalism of the
t ' '.7-.- ' -A '
This is a sort of a night-mare reminiscence of Cor
yallis dug up from the office "hell-box." The particular
car shown in this picture, with another one or so, now re
poses7 in a street car grave yard on the Marshall Miller
acreage north of Corvallis. -i"""
demned the greed anI oppres
sions of the Scribes and Law
yers, he did not permit his in
tense hatred of sin to swallow
up his pity for the misguided sin?
ner. His aversion and hostility
toward sin grew out of , his love
for men and his conviction that
sm . was ,oi . sucn a nature :as4
. A 1 " .
always to bring loss and suffer
ing to the'guiity ? s6aL:J Because
h;e,Ioye,djain .'-he coMd riot bear
to see them defiled and degraded.
And this which Jesus observed
has ; v been ': ; confirmed by
the sad experience of re
member of "the' huriian family.
From whence come our tears and
heartaches, our sorrows and our
soul anguish? What' is it that
sinks men and women' made in
the image of God and destined to
be conformed to his moral; like
ness, down to the- level of ' the
loatnsorne sin?
This was the fourth sermon in
the series -on the "Reliaibn of
Jesus, and was closely followed
by -an interested
The thaw, with brilliant sunlirfit. and
chicken scratching around on Second
street, makes this season appear con
siderably , like Spring. 'i :
i i; r . Ladies' Fast Black Hose good qual
ity, sell regular for 25c Special Price,
I 18c - ' PT
l. - Tn : nnn iini-
The growth of Corvallis since
last year at this . time is demon-
strated in .the difference : shown
irithe schppL enumeration. ; On
December 22,T908, the enumer'a
tion was 1050. The enumeration
on December 24, 1909, is 1222.
As other towns figure, this would
give Corvallis a population of
5400. - However, Corvallis has
pot quite that number of people,
exclusive of . students
The. fin,
zette-Times mentions this fact !
merely that the enthusiastic peo-
ple pf this .city may not get the;r
nerves jarred when the Govern
ment census takers announce
their findings. :
Letter List '
i The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis Ore. P. O., for the
week ended Dec. 28, 1909: : , ,
Mrs. Ls. C. Cooper, Miss Delia Dildine,
Y. Harrison, Abraham Hinkle, Ed
Lallie, E. L. Patterson, Miss Eva
Peterson, E. D. Swaney, Louise Swan,
box 260.
1 B. W. Johnson, Postmaster.
For this week we have made a great reduction on evefy suit, coat and
overcoat in the House. We also have a few Men's Coats and Vests, sizes
33, 34, 35. There are a lot left from our Christmas Sale and we have put
them on a table and they Will be sold for $2.00 each. They are all-wool
and sold for $8.00 and $10.00 a suit. For THIS WEEK ONLY
? MsseCoatizea S to 14 years, from
Lack of Adequate Fire Protection
Has Aroused Business Men to the
Necessity of Prompt Action
Many Plans to be Considered.
Tomorrow evening at the City
Hall there will be a meeting of
business men, city officials and
all citizens interested in provid
ing better fire protection for
Corvallis. ; The intent is that
there shall be a full and free
discussion of . the question and
the presentation of any and every
plan that might result in a bet
terment of conditions. The
business men !-generally " are be
coming insistent in their deriiand
for adequate fife protection,
which they have riot at present.
A general demoralization of the
department has resulted in: no
department at aU. The city has
certdh-fire-figntihg 'apparatus,
but ; no organization of fire
One of the plans that is sug
gested calls for a fire team, a
fire-chief on regular pay, and a
certain number of men paid for
every fire they attend,- with
;fine in case of failure and a re-
1 ward in C8se ot suPeni service
It is claimed that the city needs
a team for various and sundry
purposes and that it could be
always kept busy. Even though
the team were some distance
away during the day, at the
alarm of fire it could be hustled
to the city hall, attached to the
apparatus, and with the delay
get to the fire before the hand
cart people could make it How-
ever, the team is most needed at 1
night. With the fire-chief sleep-'
' .
i$5.00 to $15.00. FOR THE
1 Boys' Short Pants,
ing at the city hall the apparatus
could be put to instant use.
This fire chief could be employed
by the "city" in either . capacity
during the day and disturbed at
night by only the occasional
But this is only a suggestion,
and various plans are being con
sidered. Some think a volunteer
department rejuvenated and
cheered up a little will answer
the purpose arid still others are
or mean .enouo-h to sav
that there ' should not be any
better fire department until about
half of main street is burned out.
Unfortunately, the fires seldom
start and end at the place where
these ' people ' would have it, so
in .order to protect the better
buildings it is necessary to have
a department for the protection
of the shacks with the rest.
No cine should be absent who is
interested enough to make a kick
in case the final decision is un
satisfactory to him. Go to the
meeting, submit a "plan, pick
other plans to pieces, or assist in
boosting a plan that looks good.
Wednesday evening at 7:30, City
B and P Avery to school district
No 9 block 9 in N B and P Avery's 2nd
Add,. .Corvallis $3000.
O& CR R Co to S B Bowen. 61 acres
near Alsea, $152.50. '
,' Sam Bowen and wife to E B Follett
and wife, undivided 1-2 of 61 acres near
Alsea, $10. . . . -
H H Glassf ord and wife to Chester
Taylor, parcel of land in Corvallis, $1.
W H Malone to Hardy McCormack
et al, lot 15 bl 1 Alsea, $75.
Albert R Starkey to Thomas F Wil.
son, 200 acres near Alsea. $1.
Marshall O Miller to Claude I Starr,
163.60 acres near Monroe, $10.
1 T J Pettit et al to P L Cate. 22.70
acres south of Corvallis, $10.
James M Herron to R C Herron. 884
acres near Monroe, $1.00.
Evan McLennan to Tony N Arm
strong, 200 acres north of Corvallis, $1.
Emil R Wischnofske to Albert
Wischnof ske, 10 acres near Blodgett,
Charles Reed and wife to A C Miller.
27.64 acres Kings Valley, $10. ...
W J Kent to Alfred A Mannock, lots
26 and 27 Emery & Kent's addition to
i Corvallis, $10.
The Daily Gazette-Times, 50c month
finirb; (JJ Brand
' ' H
Boy's Suits
good- all-wool
- half Price
-he people quit raisin corn and
Pharisees, " and severely con