Oh, My! How Time K . Does Fly! And tomorrow is Christmas. For the convenience of our customers we have add ed to our working force to serve your wants. ' Shop eariy in the day; morning if possible. We want everyone to have the best of service. Early shoppers get the best, selections. We are now doing the best holiday business ever done in the History of bur store. Those who shop here' are reaping a holiday harvest. Join the merry ; shoppers. Tell your friends to meet you at THE WOMAN'S SHOP. Open evenings until 9 o'clock until Xmas. v THE WM(5iia9s ;' Step F. L. MILLER Hand Made Christmas 4 Novelties -SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE -- From Now Until Christmas At Miss Christensen's Millinery Parlors, r Monroe and Third Streets This is an opportunity to secure something new and novel, for Gifts. The selection is varied and every ar ticle is a gem. A visit to this dis play will convince you that you can find something that will exactly suit your taste. ;. Miss J, Armstrong UNDERTAKERS M. 8. BOVEE, FONEBAL D1BECT or and ' Licensed ' Embalmer. Suc cessor to Boyee & Bsner Corvallie, Oregon. . Jod. Phone 4$. Bell Phone 241. Lad v attendant when desired.. BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, Li censed embalmers and funeral direct ors. Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. - Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. Day ;, phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531; night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153. Ladies' , Dress k Goods All the. NEWEST Weaves and Shades : at Reasonable Prices. Henlde & Davis The City and Vicinity Charley Starr, of Inavale, was in tivn vnt.prrfiiv fin Knsinoaa ' . Mrs. Sarah Cauthorn has gone to Inavale to spend a few days. . Miss Alice Jones came in today for a visit with relatives and friends. In the Portland postoffice the force is "stuck" for fifty feet of post cards. L. N. Whipple, of Drain, spent a few hours yesterday with frienHs in this city. Zach Taylor came, down from , Ports land to spend Christmas' with his par ents. : - : '-. ' , . .4 . ' f .. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Averill, of Pen dleton, are in Corvallis visiting W. H. Averill. . , : Miss Georgia Lowell is spending holiday with Nora Arrants, south of Philomath. . . Miss Ray Moore came from Portland today to spend Christmas with her brother, the editor. v : Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baker and daughters, Hazel and Clara, left today for Junction City on a brief visit. Mrs. H. McDonald and daughter, Miss Teressa, are spending Christmas with Mrs. E.-R, Hollister and family. Mr. and Mrs. E, Allen will go to Portland today to visit for a few weeks at the home of their son. A. W. Allen. W. E. Paul went to Portland today, ostensibly to visit his daughter, put well, Corvallis is a pretty dry place in which to spend Christmas. ' "In Wyoming" was all that was claimed for it far above the general run of plays of that type. The medium sized audience enjoyed the production very much. " , The Corvallis High Scnool team-ever lastingly walloped the Philomath team Wednesday night at the Corvallis rink. A big crowd saw the locals roll up a score of 39 to 13. , ! The big meeting for consideration of fire company plans will be held Wed nesday evening of next week. Every body interested should be in attendance. ' Pass the word along. ; ; . ' Bush Wilson, who has been . visiting his brother, J. H. Wilson, here for the past month, left this' week for Churchill county, Nevada, where he is super intendent of a large mine. ' v A four mill levy, for school purposes has been made at Albany. The total expenses are estimated at $27,780. In come from county and state fund $11,- 040, High School tuition $3,500. Total to be provided for by tax, $13,240.- - P. M. Zierolf was very ill last night, , and for a time it was not expected that he would survive. : Neuraleia of the heart was the difficulty and ... this kept Dr. Rowley there all-night. He is considerably better at this writing. v Albany Democrat: Tbe order of the city council last evening that all hobos be put to work was put, in force this morning by the street superintendent, who had only three in line, :. instead of fifteen or twenty seen, some mornings. When the rule goes abroad there won't be any around. It is respectfully. submitted as a, fact that various' and sundry low places in the streets, caused by failure to fill up trenches following extensions of water mains, have just been fixed up properly. It might also be mentioned that this matter was referred last Monday eve ning to Councilman Irvine's committee. Christmas exercises will be held at the Congregational church tonight,; be ginning promptly at, 7:30 o'clock.: An excellent program has been 'arranged for the occasion., 'find the decorations are profuse and; beautiful. Corvallis people and strangers in the city are urged to partake of y the ":- Christmas cheer at this church. . ' .' ' . . '. ..' ' . - Albany Herald: Bilyeu, the famous basketball player of Corvallis, may be secured by the local high school boys as a coach during the remainder of the season. The team is composed of good men and there is no doubt that a little coaching will bring them far above the present standard.. It is hoped that they will receive support in the matter of securing Mr. Bilyeu. - . George Green came to Corvallis today filled to the brim with Summit booze. He started a row at . Jack Milne's and Chief Wells took him in tow.- . Green is somewhat 'of a scrapper and showed fight but Wells took him down the street at. a good gait, and landed-him in the cooler where the lather is now working off.;. , Green-will probably be given a strong dose of the law. , ; Stung For 15 Years ' . - By Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors and $20Q.00 worth of medicine in vain,.B. F.., Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C, at last used Dr' King's New Life Pills, and writes they wholly cured him. n They cure constipation bilious ness, sick headache, stomach, liver, kidney and bowel troubles.- 25 cents at all druggist. With Best Wished s for a i Merry Ghristmas; And a Happy New Year "Blessings bright as dew from, .Heaven v ": , Fall upon your way. 1 Life's bestgifts to you bs given, This glad Christmas Day." ' Killed His Wife 50 Years Ago (Continued, from page one ) year-old wife to take a walk wicn mm, ana, coming to a brook near their farm in Willing ton, a small town - in Tolland county, in northeasten Connecti cut, he suggested that they take off their shoes and stockings and bathe their feet in 'the cool waters of the brook. ' She acquiesced, but once near the brook, : Warren seized her and held her head under the foot or more of water' until life was extinct Just what was the mo tive that actuated the man to commit the deliberate, cold blooded and unprovoked crime on his wife, none knows, and War ren himself; has never talked of the crime, since he confessed and pleaded guilty at the time 'of -his arrest. - 1 Warren's plea of guilty and his attorney's earnest plea for a seconddegree sentence saved his life and he was sentenced to prison for life ' on the day on which the, notable meeting . was held in Hartford of famous Con necticut patriots, under a call ..1. lil'Tt.' ti - rro ' i lu save ue union. ins war feeling was just then , beginning to become a ' factor . in national politics, but Warren, was taken to Wethersfield before the war commenced,, and what - has hap pened in the 50 years that have elapsed since that time, he knows of . only indirectly and from what he has been permitted to read. It speaks well for the methods employed at the state prison that that 50-year inmate shows little evidence of failing powers,1 either mental or physical Though, 71, he looks more like a man of 45 years or perhaps of 50 years of age.. He is, ale'rji, 'rnentally , and takes an ; active interest in all that, goes jon abojit- him.V In- re cent years he has been allowed considerable freedom in the in- Lstitution, although never permit ted to yleaye the prison grounds. , If the., aged lifer!, is released through the ction of the - board of ; pardons he will be taken, care of during his remain. ing i years by his. two younger brothers and- otner" members of hiifamiiy, all people of excellent standing. It is understood the application , for a pardon has been, indorsed by many persons of prominence i who; have - inter ested themselves in his case.' ; ... wnen.. we , are viewing some stately, pile of buildings with- its grand staircases, marble ' halls, and exquisite furniture it is', not so much of its temporary occu pants we think.- Rather do we think of the men; who dug, the foundations', who put stone,, who carved and sculptered with artis tic skill and whose honest toil gradually upreared ' the facric which commands the admiration OF STORE TEETH (Continued from page one ) anything! I would give a hun dred dollars each if those seven teen old snags were back: in mv head and I could cram that first set of teeth down that Ran Francisco dentist's throat so far that he could never coax another old man to have a set of false teeth. J. C. : The editor can give four ad dresses of persons using . false teeth who insist that they are a perfect success. The G.-T. edi torial was written at the sugges tion of , a man 65 years of age who long - went without teeth and finally got the store kind. to his intense satisfaction. The writer was associated in business with this man for seven year's, and one of his frequent requests was that ' the old people, with faces full of snags that fail to hit be urged to go to a dentist. The Writer's step-mother has used store teeth twenty years without dimculty. . The above article read in this office this morning brought forth this statement from a young lady: "Tell him my mother has had an upper set tor 29 years and a lower set for five and has nothing but praise tor store teeth." PIANO PLAYER This week for $150.00. If you have a piano and want a player this is a snap. . 12-20tf . MATHEWS MUSIC CO. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN and, Surgeon. Special attention given , to the. Eye. Nose and Throai. Ofiice id Johnson Bias. . Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence ' . FOR SALE SECOND .' HAND ORGAN-This The Mathews Music Co. ' ' 12-20-tf week, $15.00 FRESH . EGGS-Where? at J. T. Patterson's Grocery. Phone 3283. , - 12-18-tf LOST LOST A green purse containing a gold chain. Finder will please return to ofiice of Virgil E. Watters. LOST Round gold pin studded with pearls, Reward for return to John Smith's residence. 12-23-2t-d-&-w FOR RENT Business Pointers. ' These cost money and are ' worth your attention. ; Xmas Jstamps, seals, labels, etc. Five cents' package, at Gerhard's. ' 12-l5-9t . Red , Cross Stamps, at iGraham' & Wells'. 1 tT 1910 Calendar pads, assorted sizes, 16 kinds. Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's. ' -. " 12-15-14t - .. Native .... oysters . direct from the Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pinjb, 65 cents qt i At Dad's place. 10-29-tf . , Read Miss Armstrong's ad describing her special holiday novelty sale at Miss Christensen's Millinery parlors. . ' ' 12-10-13t ' Large stock of -4 rolltop desks on hand at Blackledge's Furniture store; ' ' ' '.1'., ' 1 1 ' : i ! , " J '-. ' " rt H m-: . 12-lt Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, " Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five ..minuets, time, 1 Is all that it takes ' ' At Kline's. . ; , v ; " 6-12-tf y . Dealer in All Kinds of ; . ; WOOD and COAL Delnrared inlany Quantity Deured to All Pa " City. YASDS: 7th Street, oppoiit Benton County Lumber Co. Ofiiwi and; iReeidence Phone,. 1113, SUGGESTIONS FOR CH R I ST MAS For the Home -Two tone Velour Couch, $ ,7.85 Oak Rockers, special. . . ' 2.25 Parlor Tables, $1.95 to. 16.00 Magazine Stand, $2.00, ' $4.25 and 5.50 Oak Comb.vBook Case . . 17.50 Bissell Carpet Sweeper. 3.00 Couch Covers, $1.50 to. .7.50 Portiers, $2.25 to. . 8.50 Dressers, oak, special. . 10.00 Rugs, 27x54,. $1.65, $2 ' ; v and ........ ..... 1 .. 2. 65 Rugs; 36x72. $3.50 to - 4.50 The "Free" Sewing Ma chine, " the best on earth. Special cash . price for a limited time......... 35.00 All Kinds of (jak; Mockers i ; Dinioff Chairs And everything to comfortable. Let The Furniture Man 125 Second Street, he L & Q. Bi LET ALL YOUR TROUBLES GO UP IN SMOKE Don't worry over what you shall give your men friends for Christmas THE, MOST ACCEPTABLE PRESENT IS A BOX OF FINE CIGARS OR A PIPE I have the largest stock ever shown here in at tractive: Holiday . Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices from 50 per box up. . ' Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE JACK MILNE, For the Children Doll Cabs, 25c, 65c... $ 1.25 Doll Go-Carts, leather ette, $3.25 to.. .. . , v. 5:00 Iron Wagons, 85c, 95c. 1.10 Autos, $3.95 to...1'. 6.75 Red Rockers ... .... r '.75 Red Chairs . 1. ...... : .65 For Everybody Pictures. 5c to ..... 5.00 Writing Desks,; $6 to.. -. 12.00 Wire Card Racks, 15c to .20 Wardrobe Stand. -...... 3.00 Mirrors. 35c, 45c to. . . .. 7.50 Plate Shelves, $1 and... " 1.50 -Hall Hat Racks, $1.50 to 3.50 make your home us show you.; Corvallis, Oregon. e: Anderson i?" Second St. LITE