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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1909)
WE GUARANTEE YOU A JOXSCOXLIXt, ON ALL GOODS AS ADVERTISED Here Is Your Watch Opportunity For Three More Bays Only WALTHAM O size20-year Gold Filled Hunting Case, $10, and 12 size 20-year Gold Filled Open Face, $8 WALTHAM16 size, 20-year Gold Filled Open Face, $ 8, and 18 size 20-year Gold Filled Open Face, E. W. S. PRATT, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST OPEN EVENINGS IDE DAILY GAZETTE - TIMES Published every evening except day. Office: 232 Second street, vallis, Oregon. Phone 4184 ' Sun-Cor- Entered as second-class matter July 2, 1909, "at the poetoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879. , - SUBSCRIPTION RATES DA1I.Y Delivered by carrier, per week. .15 Delivered by carrier, per month... .50 By mail, one year, in advance 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance... 2.50 By mail, one month, in advance...- .50 N. R. MOORE . . CHAS. L SPRINGER. . Editor Business Mgr. LAW, AS ADMINISTERED In the Atlantic Magazine, Geo. W. Alger gives an illustration . showing ;i how big corporations discharge lawsuits against them, and how the lawyers prophet by tne lniermmaDie delays ot the laws they assist in administering. -. . - . - ,w v ut not in improving. Following is an extract: . "A grimly humorous illustra tion of one of the results to the litigant may be found in another New York lawsuit which reached r i 1 ' , 1 . , i a nnaicnapier recently m tne Court of Appeals. s It was a com plex case against an insurance company on some policies of in surance, and each time it took from a week to two weeks' at tention of court and jury. Ow ing to reversals and new trjals ordered by appellate courts from 1882. to 1902, the plaintiff be came at last so sick and disheart ened with his " interminable law suit that he abandoned it, refused to go to his lawyers to consult with them about it or to appear when the case, was being tried "The lawyers had themselves spent over , forty-five, hundred dollars on fighting the case and had worked on it for nearly twenty years. Their client hav ing abandoned them, they settled the case for thirty thousand do! lars, and took the money them selves for their fee. - The last chapter of the litigation ..was an unsuccessful attempt by the re ceiver in insolvency of the plain tiff to make the lawyers give up some of their fee to their client's creditors.. How much the twenty years' delay in the law suithad to do with that insolvency it-is im possible to say ; but such an out come, to the lay mind, seems hardly satisfactory as a result of twenty years of litigation, of nine trials, and seventy-two days time of over a hundred jurors.; The Eugene . Register says Corvallis should not wait until it is the size of Eugene to get "festoon lighting." It says the "do it now" towns are, the kind that count. It might be respect fully suggested that if there is no necessity of waiting until towns are able to put on city airs, it is somewhat peculiar that Eugene does not immediately spend $90,000 on its parks $300,000 on a better police service, and fails to put up $25,000 a year for its library. ; Corvallis, half the size of Eugene, is now as near to Portland progress as Eugene was five or six years ago - Con sidering population, Ccrvallis will have more- to show in five years than Eugene has, today'. love arid, consequently ,'no Christ ianity; Hence also, in that Church alone can Christian love be found in all its sweetness and heroism, - which has preserved Christian faith in alltsjntegrity and steadfastness.1 . v I am, dear Sir, ' .. .. v Yours very sincerely, Henry A; Gabriel, S. J. . - : POINTS TO AH : , INCONSISTENCY " ssi. tea I CHRISW SPIRIT 1 I Editor Gaze.tte-Times : Dear Sir, Allow r me to calf a light ' incon- ; . We are going to east aside at this time commercialism and' talk to you about Christmas. We wish you happiness and prosperity, not only today, but tomorrow and the next day, and so on right through the year, because we want the Christmas Spirit of good will to linger with us 'till Christmas comes again. . We may not be able to tell you every day because you and we may be busy; still that will not make any difference as the thought and the wish will, be here just the same. Whatever joy and' success comes to you will make us glad. . - ; , f But today most of all Jet us forget the differences, if any, we have'had, and think only of joy and peace and good-will in the Spirit of Christmas. ' ; ' Sincerely, . . CORVALL4S, - - OREGON,, , i . 1" - ' I ssutea your attention to vAAJf ALA Jf LOb&l VLtJ I? lUl 1M1 Christmas Giving." The first paragraph opens with . an ; im plicit quotation from the Bible (John 3, 16). "When the Father gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believth in Him might have everlasting life. He gave the world its greatest gift, etc''? This statement is quite correct, ; the claim to . everlasting life offered through Jesus Christ is indeed the - greatest gift the world could possibly receive. But, as .is evident from the sacred text, this gift is condi tioned on one thing, it is made entirely dependent on belief in Christ, that Vis, on the whole souled submission and unwaver ing adhesion of our - intellect to His divine authority to teach, to lead, and to command. This being so, how can it be consist entlyvmaintained, as is done in the third paragraph, or Henry Drummond's presentation of the true test of Christianity, that after all it does not matter what a man believes? , I, too, with the entire Catholic church, hold that love, r ; human love, v purified, energized, ' and I ennobled by divine grace, is the itrue and final test of. Christian ity. '-But this more-than-natural love, '"which embraces : alike friend and enemy, cannot exist, cannOt even be conceived, unless 1 " ' v i ceptance of all revealed truth. Hence, so far from not matter ing at all, Christian faith, mat fters. everything- because .with out it there can be no Christian ' bmce. nenry JJrummond is responsible for the inconsistency the Gazette-Times will let Henry Drummond straighten it out with Rev. Father Gabriel Henry Dummond was one of the world's most brilliant exponents ' of Christian doctrine. Father .Ga briel also stands as an exponent of Christian doctrine. No " one questions Dummond's ability to interpret ihe : scripture, neither does anyone questio"n his sincer ity. - In a greater or lesser de- "fgree the same may be said of Rev. Father. Gabriel; and yet one of the "exponents V finds in consistency in ' the utterance of the other. As Father Gabriel puts it, the discrepancy is vital. A skeptical world is continuously confronted with the clashes, be tween - .doctrinarians, - and the faith of the world has been les sened, . not increased, by these discussions. It , is , not the purpose of - the writer to dis cuss this or any other; difference. The Gazette-Times merely argued that in - Christmas giving the Christian world has an opportun ity to exhibit the love for human ity that professed Christians are supposed to possess. . Christ gave His life for those who de spised Him r will Christians give even a little to the needy, who. perchance, maybe neither friend nor enemy? - ' CALIFORHIA IN WINTER Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous ho tels, historic old missions, attractive watering places, -r delightful climate, make this favored section the Nation's Most Popular Winter Retreat. You can see this section at its best via. the Shasta' Route AND "Road of a Thousand Wonders" Southern ' Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first class, in ; i every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick timeand di- ; rect connections to all points '- - south. J; .... . , - Speciai. Round Trip Rate of ALBANY $55.00 TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the Northwest,, with liberal stop-overs in each' direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the various winter resorts of California can be had on application to any S. P. or0. R. & -N. agent, or from , , , -. Wm. McMurray - ' General Passenger Agent ; v . v Portland, Ore.-jij r . CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FOR IN AND YOUNG IN mm SHOP -1 - .. . - Your .Gentlemen friends are not apt to look with favor on presents purchased in a General Store.-- , . .. " We are specialists in apparel for Men. Here K yqu will .find exclusive Styles in Gloves, House it Coats,Neckwear, Suspenders, Bath Robes, Bags,Suit Cases, Fancy Vests, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Urn- p brellas, ohirts and all apparel for MEN. ' .... . COAVALUS, ORT , Bet Ready to Carve That Christmas Turkey We have a splendid line of Carving Sets, ' v Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware. Just what is needed to set off the com A ing feast. Let Us Show You . ' j ON ALL GOODS " - . .. INCLUDING ,'v ' ELGIN AND WALTHAM . Come in and get them while they last SMITH; THE JEWELER, VJSSiS?-.