The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 22, 1909, Image 3

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    Oh, My!
How Time
Does Fly!
And only three more days
for Xmas shopping left.
For the convenience of
our customers we have add
ed to our working force to
serve your wants.
Shop early in the day;
morning if "possible.. . .
We want everyone to
have the : best of . service.
Early shoppers get the best
selections. - " .
We are now doing the
best holiday business ever
done in the history of our
Those who shop here are
reaping a holiday harvest.
Join the merry shoppers.
Tell your friends to meet
; Open evenings until 9
o'clock until Xmas."
WMiia9s-. Stop
Hand Made
From Now Until Christmas
At Miss Christensen's
Millinery Parlors,
Monroe and Third Streets -
This is an opportunity to secure
something new and novel for Gifts.
The selection is varied and every ar
ticle is a gem. A visit to this dis
play will convince you that you can
find something that will exactly suit
your taste.
Miss J. Armstrong
or and Licensed Embalmer. Sue
cesser to Bovee & . Bauer Corvallie,
Oregon. lad. Phone 4s. Bell Phone
241, Lady attendant when desired.
censed embalmers and funeral direct
ors. -. Have everything newm coffins,
caskets and burial robes. Calls ans
wered day and night. Lady assist
. ant. Embalming a specialty. Day
phones, Ind. 117 and 1153, Bell, 531;
night phones, Ind. 2129 and 1153.
All the
Weaves and Shades
at Reasonable
Henkle & Davis
The City
and Vicinity
A. J. Johnson is having a siege of
lumbago. "
James Herron - and wife, from the
Irish Bend neighborhood, were in Cor
vallis today. "
This is Ladies' Night at -the Com
mercial Club.. Mrs. C. M. McKellips
will be the hostess.
. J. A. Bexell went to Sheridan yester
day to look after affairs for the Willam
ette Valley.Orchard Co.-
Tonight the Maccabees give their big
chicken dinner, cake walk and jolly
good time, to members only.
Mrs. A. C. Pool, of Portland, is the
guest of her mother, ' Mrs. Edwards,
and sister, Mrs. Virgil Watters.
Prof. S. H.' Graff and Harley Hall
rode the goat in the initiatory degree
in the Odd Fellows Lodge last night.
.A Christmas treat for your wife or
sweetheart. - Take her ' to . see "In
Wyoming" at the opera house tonight.
There will be a Christmas entertain
ment at the Evangelical church. They
will have a Christmas tree and special
program; doors open at 7 p.m. exercises
commence at 7:30 p. m.
M. Burnap has bought the Anderson
twenty-four acred of the Pleasant View
Fruit Farm and will set the ground to
fruit at once. Avery Applewhite, .who
owns twelve acres in this tracts is . also
putting out trees. . .
The Gazette-Times will appreciate - it
if readers of this, item will telephone,
or in any way send, to this office ar
rivals and ' departures of , Christmas
guests. This is but courtesy to ; the
vistors, and a pleasure to the public.
The peddler in jail, who was . being
worked occasionally, was put at cording
wood yesterday before noon and at a
convenient opportunity decamped. His
term would have been up last night, 'so
the officials made no effort to get him,
in fact were glad he took French leave.
Mrs. C. A, ' "Murphey .received a
telegram yesterday stating that .her
brother, Newt Parsons, had died at his
home in Shelb&ia, Mo., Monday night.
He was stricken With paralysis apout a
week ago. Mr. Murphey's '. mother
died at Eugene last week. 7 -
The new Presbyterian church is being
pushed along very rapidly during this1
fine weather. Most of the brick work,
with the exception of the towers, is
about completed, and - the frame work I
is practically finished. W. A. Kempin
is employed as superintendent and is
looking after the church's interest. ' :
The ladies of Corvallis Hive, ; L, 'O.
M., will hold a sale of home cooked
foods all day Thursday at the ; home of
Mrs. Rube Kiger, Fourth and Wash
ington streets. TJiere will be a great
variety of all the good things required
for the Christmas dinner and the pat
ronage of the public is asked for. : -
Are you sending out your packages
without the Red Cross stamps? They
cost but a penny, add distinction to the
letter or package and proclaim the
sender a lover of humanity. :a The pen
nies spent for. Red Cross stamps go to
help stamp out tuberculosis. The ef
fort is worth while and needs your help.
Write addresses so that there can be
no mistake. Do not forget to out
stamps on the letter and package. Dp
not forget to put on the address and
be careful that the name of the state
is added to the address. Uncle Sam's
postal department does great things
but it can not read the minds of its
patrons. ' '.-' ..... .. - - - -
C. A. Shorey of the Warren Con-
strction Co., returned this noon from
Corvallis where he had been in the in
terests of his company. While there
he negotiated, with the Corvallis ''&
Eastern railroad for room to place the
big rock crusher so that -operations in
the paving of Corvallis ! streets ; may
be rushed , as soon as the good
spring weather comes. - The crusher is
to be placed near the depot. Albany
Herald. I
The Linn and Benton county" council,
composed of the different granges of
the two counties, are to meet at Fair-
mount grange,. Benton county, on New
Year's Day. At two p.- m. ... the; doors
of the hall will be opened to the public,
which is most cordially welcome. As
sessor D. B. McKnight, of Albany will
address the people on' "Assessment and
Taxation: " , Mr. Knight isa good talker
and one of the best posted men in the
county upon the subject-with which he
is to deaL -Albany Herald. v
At.last night's . communication of St
Mary's Chapter Nol 9, Order Eastern'
Star,' the following officers were elect
ed:-,- Mrs. J. E. Andrews. W. M. : W.
P. Lafferty, W. P.; Mrs. Ro Hollen
berg. A. M.: Miss Lura Keiser.' C:
Mrst F.Berchtold, A. C. ; Miss Edna
Groves, secretary? Mrs.: Elmira Carter,
treasurer. . " There will be a ioint instal
lation of these' officers and those of
Corvallis Lodge - No. 14. A. F. and A.
M.. Monday night. December 27. the
ceremony to be followed by a banquet
Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor
Beside this: "I want to go on re
cord as saying that I regard -Elettric
Bitters as one of the greatest gifts
that God has made '.to woman, ; writes
Mrs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center,
N. Y., "Ivan never forget what it has
done for me." This glorious medicine
gives a woman buoyant spirits, vigor
of body and jubilant health. It quickly
cures nervousness, " ' sleeplessness,
melancholy, headache, backache, faint
ing dizzy "spells; soon builds up the
weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50
cents at all druggists. . -
This week' for $150.00. Jf you
have a piano and want a player
this is a snap. . 12-20tf
week, $15.00 The Mathews Music Co.
' .. ' 12-20-tf
FRESH EGGS-Where? at J. '" T.
Patterson's Grocery. Phone 3283.
FOR SALE Two vacant lots; also
house and lot, on Twelfth . street. In
quire of Mrs R. L. Ortell? Ind. phone
3194. w-tf
Business Pointers.
These cost money and are
worth your attention.
New Year's Oregonian, 75-page
illustrated edition, good to send east.
Phone 2271 at once. A. R. Tartar.
' . ' 12-20-4t :
Xmas stamps, seals, labels, etc.
Five cents package, at Gerhard's,
Red Cross Stamps at Graham &
Wells'. , ft
1910 Calendar pads, assorted sizes, 16
kinds. Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's.
v . 12-15-14t;
Native oysters direct from the
Willapa Harbor beds, 55 cents pint, 65"
cents qt At Dad's place. S 10-29-tf
Read Miss Armstrong's ad describing
her special holiday novelty sale at Miss
Christensen's Millinery parlors.
' Large stock of roll-top desksvon
hand at Blackledge's Furniture store,
A subscription to the Tabard Inn
Library would make a most acceptable
Christmas' gift. Call., at Gerhard's
stationery store and get . particulars.
i ,,U;; ,.' - 12-20-4
Eat Golden Rod Flakes, .
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's, v 6-12-tf
lC:S: ZBuitler
Dealer in All Kinds of ,
Delivered in fan? Quantity Desired to All
Part, o City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite
Benton 'County Lumber Co.
Office and Residence Phone, -1113
Notice of District Road Meeting in
Road District No. 1, Benton '
; County, Oregon. '
Notice is hereby given ' that a Dis
trict Road Meeting of the legal tax
payers and legal voters of Road Dis
trict No. 1 of Benton County, State of
Oregon, will be held at the residence
of Fred Elliott; in ' said district, on
Wednesday, the 29th day of December,
A. D. 1909; at the hour of One o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, for the
purpose of voting a special road tax on
the taxable property of said road dis
trict to permanently improve the public
roads . therein, and to determine the
character' and 'manner of "improving
such roads and the portions thereof to
be so improved.
Dated this 10th day of December, J
C.W.LeVee, .
Sol. King,
W. G. Davis,
R. C. Thompson. -T.
-A. Logsdon
Robert Wylie ;
E.; W. Elliott
AJ Sandnick
Geo. W. Mitchell
Mrs. Ada Elliott
J. L Taylor
J. F. Redshaw,
: W. W. Conder, ,
G. H.' Lindeman,
C.vE. Cheney,
;W. N.Locke .
J. G. Mitchell
" F. S. Elliott
: Burt Griggs - -
C. H., Evens . -
W. E. Brien ,
r. First publication Dec 10, '.09.
Last publication, Dec 24, '09,
I FOR SALE Five grade Jersey cows
and registered-bull. Will take young
mare or team in trade. R.' N.:Wimamr
on, Wells, Ore, , : 11-19-w-tf
Radical . Views on IsrasW
Culture and Religion. ;
University of Pennsylvania Professor
Maintains Israel's History, Religion
. and Culture Originated In Israel's
Own Land Disputes Opinion of As
syriologists. "
. Every-student of the Old Testament
who is dependent upon the work of the
specialists 'will be greatly Interested
in a revolutionary work which was re
cently, written by the Rev. Dr. Albert
T. Clay,, professor of philology and
Semitic archaeology in the. Universi
ty of Pennsylvania, because it pre
sents an entirely new theory upon the
question as to the origin of the re
ligion and literature of the Israelites.
The prevailing opinion of nearly every
Assyriojogist is that in Babylon ia to
be found the-origln of the Israelitish
culture and religion, that the story of
.. . .'.-
the creation, the deluge, the antedilu
vian patriarchs, as well as the origin
of the Sabbath, is a myth from Baby
lonia and that the Jews got their ideas
from the Babylonians while in exile
and used theiii in writing their own
history of Israel and that which is
known as Israelitish ia only an adapta
tion by, late Hebrew writers of Baby
lonia mythology. These theories have
beln carried into the New Testament.
Even Christ is declared by some of
the critics to be a transformed Baby
loniau "Bel" or "Merodach." The
characteristic features of the life of
Jesus his passion, death, resurrection
and ascension they claim, are ideas
which . bad their origin in , Babylonian
mythology. V v t ;
Reversal of Views of Scholars.
: In Professor Clay's new work on
"Amurru, the Home' of the Northern
Semites," he presents authoritatively
that the history, culture and religion
of the Israelites are not of Babylonian
origin. The views of the critics who
would dissipate the Bible into Baby
Ionian myths are not only proved to be
without foundation, but he shows that
Israel's religion and culture are devel
opments which bad their origin in Is
rael's own land and that Semitic Baby
lonian culture also originated in the Bi
ble lands. This is a complete reversal
of the position taken by scholars in re
gard to the origin of the culture In
many respects common to both the
Babylonians and Israelites.
Presents Entirely New Theory.
The ordinary interpretation of ideas
from one nation to another is- ac
knowledged by Professor Clay, but he
vigorously attacks the pan-Babylonian
theory by rendering of no, effect the
few arguments advanced to support
them, and then, with an enormous
amount of ; historical, archaeological
and ' philological - material, ' he scien
tifically builds up .his own theory,
which is entirely new and revolution
ary and opposite' to those of every
eminent Assy rlblogist. The creation
story of the Babylonians, which is sim
ilar to the Biblical account, Dr. Clay
states, had its origin In Syria. The
theory of its Babylonian origin re
ceives its deathblow in this book. The
Babylonian story' of the antediluvian
patriarchs, he shows, had its origin in
Bible lands. The deluge story of the
Babylonians ' is also shown . to have
been an importation from this land.
Eminent as -an' Assyriologitt. y
In the first parj of the book, which
is reaaaoie to tue intelligent layman,
the anthor presents a careful analysis
of the. views of other scholars and his
own. The second part of his work is
reserved for . the- technical material
upon whlcli he bases his position. ' .
Dr. "Clay's eminent -position among
Assyrioiogists of the worm ana the
many - authoritative.- translations of
Babylonian - hieroglyphics and scien
tificv works " published by . him - oblige
scholars to give ,Dj. -Clay's theories, se
rious, consideration.: In thisJjook the
author-; has attempted.' to overthrow
the ; prevailing opinions of most As
syrioiogists and Old Testament .crit
ics, and he must expect that his con
tentions will:"be hotly contested at ev
ery point of contact as well as the sci
entific material which he presents in
the confirmation of his position. . .
For the Home
Two tone Velour Couch, $ 7.85
Oak Rockers, special I . . 2.25
Parlor Tables, $1.95 to . 16.00
Magazine .Stand, $2.00, :
$4.25 and........ .. .. 5.50
Oak Comb. Book Case.. 17.50
Bissell Carpet Sweeper. 3.0G
Couch Covers, $1.50 to. 7.50
Portiers, $2. 25 to ..... . 8.50
Dressers, oak, special.. 10.00
Rugs, 27x54, $1.65, $2
and..... 2.65
Rugs, 36x72. $3.50 to . : 4.50
The "Free' ' Sewing Ma
chine, the best on
earth. Special cash
price for ' a limited
timeV...:. J....:.. 35.00
All Kinds of
Oak Rockers
And everything to
comfortable. Let
-The Furniture Man
125 Second Street, , - - ' - . . Corvallis, Oregon
and Bags
-. S : . '-' " "'" - " ' v, '- -" ;.' ....... :
Back Combs
And all the little things that are
useful and acceptable for a Christmas
Present. 'y .-' ;7-
Open Evenings All This Week
L. & G. B. Anderson
Don't worry over what you shall give
your: men friends for Christnaas , -
, I have the largest stock 'ever shown here in at
.tractive Holiday Boxes of 12 to 100 Cigars at prices
from 50 per box up. ' .' -
Pipes to Suit Every Fancy COME AND SEE
JACK MILNE, M Second St.
For the Children
Doll Cabs, 25c, 65c. .0.$ 1.25
Doll Go-Carts, leather- '
ette, $3.25 to......... 5.00
Iron Wagons, 85c, 95c 1.10
Autos, $3.95 to. : . .... . . 6.75
Red Rockers... .75
Red Chairs .65
For Everybody
Pictures. 5c to... 5.00
Writing Desks, $6 to.. . . 12.00
Wire Card Racks, 15c to .20
Wardrobe Staid 3.00
Mirrors, 35c, 45c to 7.50
Plate Shelves, $1 and . . 1.50
Hall Hat Racks, $1.50 to 3.50
make your home
us show you .