VOL. I. NO. 199 PRICE FIVE' CENTS j KLINE ESTATE MASONSTO HftVE i nnrT tii DELINQUENTS unnu i r CRUISE TO EUROPE BY NAVYCADETS Trip Proposed For Two Glasses Under an Admiral. wium nu STAND TO LOSE HERE TONIGHT iinDTu me ft UnCHI III! ir OPPORTUNITY IIUMMI THOSE WHO , HAVE NOT PAID TAXES MAY LOSE HOLDINGS LINN COUNTY MAN BUYS UP Pay Sheriff Gellatly $1700 for Tax Certificates -If Not Redeemed in Three Years All Property Will Be long to Mr. Giddings. . C- M. Giddings,, a Linn county man, paid Sheriff Gellatly $1760. 55 on Tuesday and was given. 136 delinquent tax certificates. If the owners of the property on which said taxes have not been paid fail to pay up within three vears from the time the taxes be came delinquent, Mr. - Giddings may take the property. In case three years they will have to pay Mr. Giddings 15 per cent per year -.together with the added penalty: provided by the statutes. The property that is thus in the hands of Mr.iGiddings repre sents a tremendous value. Thous ands of acres are- involved, and considerable city property. Many 80 and 100 acre tracts, against which there stands a delinquency Tf"ntrmore than $5"anu"""$10Tare involved.:- Lots valued at $300 to $1,000 -are in -the 'hands of Mr. Giddings because of a small de linquency. By paying the penal ty plus the 15 per cent interest . they can tie redeemed. ' The public seems to forget that taxes are delinquent unless paid witnm six montns irom April 5. ; If one-half the tax is paid at that time, the second half is not de ' linquent before six months from .Oct. 5. '-Many of the accounts , purchased by Mr. Giddings have , uccn suiiiuing since ana 1908. N Unless the owners get busy some of this . property will finally belong to Mr. Giddings. Some people are inclined to think ill of the Sheriff .' for not notifying them of their delin quency. This is not his business : and his time is occupied officially, However; both he and his deputy do render a great service in this respect, but they can not possibly notify alL . Palace Theater Wednesday and , Thursday Nights McKenzieV Merry-Makers Tonight in "Circus Girl" A pretty little comedy ' Tomorrow Night , "Thee North and the South"; A thrilling Drama. ' : '. "A Change of Heart" ' j Showing the dangers of evil associa tions. . . .. f "Brought to Terms" . A roaring farce in which a trap full - ua cii-ecuveiyiHUPjiguiea XWO QOm- ineering wives. , "Making It Pleasant For Him" A corking good comedy, consistent, Charming Western :. Comedy . at the . Opera House This Evening "In Wyoming," a - graphic story of the great west, full of color and action, inspiring in its theme, thrilling in its situations and declared to be one of the, most perfectly constructed plays on the American stage, will be the attraction at the opera house tonight. It is a genuine Ameri can play, a study of life on the open range as it ; was twenty years ago. The : story teems with the vitality, strength and tender heart interest , that must of i necessity characterize any drama that seeks to convey the spirit of pioneer days. But this element has not been allowed to over-ride the trait of ... fun and banter which is essential to any true sketch of American charac ter, and the sparkle of real Yan kee wit illumines ' every passage of the story's , progress. The play is entirely free from the usual shooting and blood and thunder; there j is nothing to offend the most exacting. . .' 'In Wyoming" is one of the best' ' dramatic ' productions to visit . Corvallis; last season , it made a decided hit; tonight ' it will entertain a, much larger crowd, as the advance sale now indicates;: BARBER SHOP NOTICE All the barber shops in the ciiy will be open until 9:30 o'clock Friday and will close at 12 M. on Saturday, Christmas day. 12-20-2t THE PALACE OF SWEETS Order one of these dainties for your Christmas dinner: , Nesselrode Pudding ,' Caramel Ice Cream Pistachio Ice Cream V Cranberry: Mousse - Strawberry Souffle . Sherbets and Ices In all flavors Bulk and in Bricks v Order Early at . ' '. The Palace of Sweets. 12-21-2t HOLIDAY RATES The holiday rates to all points on the Southern Pacific lines have been fixed at one;' and. one-third fare' for the round ' trin. the 1 ra- turn . limit on all tickets - being January 3, 1910. . Tickets will be on sale December 21. 22. 24 and 25 for Christmas, - and December 31 and January 1 for New Year's ' . To all points on the Corvallis & Eastern line the rate 'will be one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale December 24 25, 31 and January 1, the return 'lim it being January 3, 1910. Yr SOUTHERN PACIFIC APPRAISERS FILE REPORT. ON HOLDINGS IN OREGON : FINE STORE, $40,000 STOCK Report Filed Lists Each Piece of Prop erty and Names Every Article in . Store Appraised at Two-thirds Its Invoice Value. According to the demand - of the law .the estate of the late S. L. Kline has been examined by three appraisers, Messrs. Pun derson ' Avery, W. P. Lafferty and M. H. : Bauer, and their re port . was filed with County Clerk , Moses . yesterday. That report shows holdings as follows: Real property . .v. . . $36,600.00 Personal property. ... 1,638.50 Notes and accounts. 5,727.00 Money on hand,..:.; 53005 Stock merchandise... 29,018.31 . , $73,515.12 The merchandise was found to be worth $44,645.24, but accord- mg to law is listed at . 65 tier cent of. its in voice, value. This total of $73. 500 rmrpkoltn only the hold ugs in '.Oregon. holdings .. in "California. . which will be set forth in a supplement ary filing. i " TS The South Methodist neonlfl have been busy of late installing a new heating plant in their church. A new furnace of the very best design has been in stalled complete and it improves the warmth of. the auditorium to a large extent. These cold days and nights are no terror to those who are attending that church nowadays. : r CHURCH PROVEMEN flDE AXj Cxristraa,s C3rfts Special Bargains In Neckwear ' ! Silk Petticoats v ..Beautiful; Silk: Underskirts, new, - beautiful colors, values ranging from $450 to $15,00. ' . r , Xmas Handkerchiefs Xmas Handkerchief , a beautiful assor tment of both plain, initial and fan cy embroidery edges.' Price from 5c to $1 WILL OBSERVE CHRISTMAS AT THE HUB CITY EXCURSION RATES FOR EVENT Fine Program to be Rendered, : Begin ning at 8.30 a. m. Christmas Morn ing Several Local People to Ap pear on the Program. Temple Commandery No. 3, at Albany, will observe Christmas fittingly by giving an eleborate program beginning at 8:30 a. m. Saturday. A special rate of 50c for the round trip to Albany has been granted and it ' is expected that a large number of Masons from this city will attend. Anum- ber of local, people are on the pro gram Sir Wm.R. Boone, who will tickle the piano; Sir John Richard Newton Bell, whose sonorous tones will be heard in scriptural reading; Sir John Fulton whose glorious tenor will be heard in a vocal selection; and Misses Vera and Pearl Horner, ' who will render -'an instrumental- ; duet from H Trovatore. It is alsa in teresting to note that Sir Stephen A. Douglas is on the program. An interesting and unusual feature so unusual that it has never before been given a place in any Masonic prosrn will lo the drinking of a "Tocst ' to" the Grand Matron of the Oidc- of Eastern Star of Oregon." The ladies have been ' properly re cognized, but never before, in a Masonic toast given in Oregon. : All Masons and their families and Masonic friends may attend this service, and is said there is promise of more than a few go ing, from here. The exercises begin at 8:30 a- m. . . ' Christmas boxes of high grade' sta tionery at P. O. Store. - 12-10-w-3t Pure :.; Beautiful assort ; ment of fancy col lars, all , the new-. ; est patterns, sev eral different styles to choose from. We have divided them into two lots. Lot One ; are worth up to i 75c. Special Xmas '; Price 43c. Lot Two i worth up to 50c; . special 23c. - A SAFE PL ACETO TRADE , Owing to failing, health I am desirous of disposing of , my business, and any one who may want to secure a nice little, well established, good paying grocery will find this an opportunity that is not often presented. I will sell the stock as it stands together with the lot - and store building, or- will . sell the , stock and rent the building, which ever way purchaser may prefer. The business is a nice- one, is the only store of its kind in a well settled part of the city, and but for my inability to give it proper attention I would not think of offering it for sale. Principals only : will be dealt with and all particulars required will be given at personal inter view. '' R. H. Taylor Corner 11th and Van Buren. ll-22-3t For those Iwho can afford to buy, the stores of r Corvallis , are filled with a very fine assortment of; goods, expensive and inex pensive. The jewelry stores never had finer offerings, and the same may be said of 'the dry goods and. clothing stores'; The confectioneries," drug " stores art stores and all places of business seem to have made special effort, withii-V marked T- jsaceessThose who can not be pleased with Corvallis Christmas- stocks are somewhat "pernickety." Alone in Sawmill at Midnight Unmindful of dampness, drafts, storjns or cold, W. J. Atkins worked ' as night watchman, at Banner Springs, I Tenp. Such exposure gave him a s"v"e cold that settled on his lungs. At lost he had to give up work. He tried many remedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's New Discovery. "After using one bottle" he writes, "I went back to work as well as ever." Severe colds, stubborn coughs, inflamed throats and sore lungs, hemorrhages, croup and whooping cough get' -qnick relief and prompt cure from this glori ous medicine. 50 and $1.00. Trial bot tle free, . guaranteed by Graham & Wells.' Are Oijoacl'saioiro 100(1 Department v For your. Christmas din ner we have everything you need in Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Cabbage Parsnips Celery Sweet Potatoes Squash Lemons ' . . Banannas Pears Carrots Cauliflower Lettuce Pumpkins Fresh Fruits ' Oranges , Apples . . Cranberries . . Candies, Nuts and Popcorn All at Lowest Possible Prices MAY STOP FIRST AT GIBRALTAR Other Mediterranean Ports and Possi bly Portsmouth, England, to Bo Visit, ed Trained Enlisted Sailor to In struct Each Middy on the Voyage. The United States government haa decided, It Is understood, to send tha cadets of the United States Naval acad emy to Europe next year. The under standing is that practically all of tha cadets, with the exception of the en tering and the furlough classes, will make the cruise to European waters. It Is planned to make this the most in teresting and instructive cruise ever taken by the Annapolis cadets. Th annual cruise in north Atlantic waters will be abandoned this year if the transatlantic voyage is approved, as It is said It has been, by the secretary of the navy. - The recommendation that a cruise la foreign waters be substituted for the. annual Atlantic practice cruise was maae Dy uaptain jonn M.'.Bowyer, mi- . j CAPTAIN JOHN U. BOWTEB. perintendent of the Naval academy. It is said that plans have been made to asSetnble early next spring a squadron of battleships, not attached to the At lantic fleet on board of which the middies will sail for the other side.- H ' Famous Ships In the Squadron. These ships are the battleships In diana' Iowa and Massachusetts, three of the battleships that won fame in the battle of Santiago. The Massachu setts, which is soon to be recommis sloned at the New York navy yard, where she has been practically rebuilt Fancy Box of Men's Socks Men's Fancy Lisle Hose, come in fancy Xmas Boxes, assorted colors, 3 pair in Box, per box $1.50. Boys' and Men's Sweaters '. All colors both Sweater Coats and Eoll Neck. They are a very accept able Xmas Gift and prices are from $1.00 to $5.00 ' Ladies' Hand Bags Hand Bags are very acceptable Xmas Gifts. ' Our stock is very complete and priced from 50c to $12.50. V , natural ana mil oi trutn. J- - 12-21 3t&W