The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, December 21, 1909, Image 3

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    - 1 1 1 I I v I
Oh, My!
How Time
Does Fly!
And only three more days
for Xmas shopping left
For the convenience of
our customers we have add
ed to our working force to
serve your wants.
Shop early in the day;
morning if possible. .
We want everyone . to
have the best of service.
Early shoppers get the best
selections. '
,We are now doing the
best holiday business ever
done in the history of our,
Those who shop here are
reaping a holiday harvest.
Join the merry shoppers.
Tell your friends to meet
Open evenings until 9
o'clock until Xmas.
1 P. L. MILLER " "
The City
and 'Vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Colbert and son,
Wallace, leave tonight for San Bernar
dino, Cal., for a few weeks visit.
The Corvallis High School basketball
team will meet the. Philomath High
School five at theRink here tomorrow
evening. .
Lmn county has grown & kale six
feet high. Benton county has grown
several cabbage-heads at least an inch
or two higher. ,
engineer ;Bob Scott, who runs
between Corvallis and Albany, is enjoy
ing a Christmas vacation. He and Mrs.
Scott will visit at Newport for a time
S. N. Lilly celebrated his " seventy
ninth birthday anniversary last Sat
urday. A dinner in honor of the event
was giyen by his daughter, Mrs. W. C.
uorbett. .
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, who have a
son attending O. A. C.; and Mrs. Lou
Rineheart, all of Union, Ore., passed
through CorvaHis Sunday on their way
to lxs Angeles, Cal.
Word has been received here that
Mrs. Clarence Tedrow, who underwent
anoperation at the Good Samaritan
hospital, Portland, ' last Thursday is
getting along nicely. '
Albany boasts that no candidate in
the recent election spent a red cent for
campaign purposes. , Evidently the
game in Albany isn't worth the candle
or else the candidates were dead broke.
Score one for Mrs. Jessen. chairman
of the Coffee Committee of the Coffee
I UUD. Last night by the time the fire
men were at the ' city . hall after the
apparatus she was on the ground ready
to make' coffee. That's going some,
and it evidences more energy than the
greater proportion of the population ex
hibited early this morning.
St. Mary's Chapter No. 9. Order
Eastern Star, will, meet tonight. in
stated communication for the purpose
of electing officers for the coming year"
and to arrange for the joint installation
with the Masonic Blue" Lodge on the
night of St.' John's day, Monday, Dec-
ember 27. AH members are requested
to be' present and visiting members
win De coraiauy welcome. . -
Get Ready to Carve
That Christmas Turkey
We have a splendid line of Carving Sets,
Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware. ,
Just what is needed to set off the com ;
. ing feast.
Let Us Show You I
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
i. a- .
is the best medicine ever anlf
over a druggist's counter. ;
or and Licensed Fmbalmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
241, Lady attendant when desired. . '.;
. censed embalmers and funeraT direct
ors. Have everything new in coffins,
caskets and' burial robes. - Calls ans
wered day and night, -y Lady assist
ant Embalming a specialty. ; Day
phones,' Jnd. 117 and 1153, Bell, 631;
night phones, Ihd. 2129 and 1153.
Christmas Specials
'TOS-, ,goM fiUed, hunting, 20 year case, Elgin or in rn
Waltham..... .......... ijllU.OU
w8?1 6116(1 pen faCe ,20' year case Elgrin or n' rn
16 gold filled open :. face 20 year- case, Elgin ort .n r
Waitiism OiOU
18 gold'filled open face 15 Jewel Waltham.. .. ...J. 9.00
-14 karat gold wedding rings, per dwt. ....... 1,00
Matthews, Optician and Jeweler
The property in the district annexed
to Corvallis on Monday is valued v for
asssessment purposes at $142, 000. This
is but $3000 less than the assessed
valuation of Philomath.
Albany now has a case of "ji jui
jitsu. " Not content with American
diseases, the Hub City has now gone
abroad for maladies. Verily Albany is
becoming metropolitan. j:
The'sermon bv Dr. Emerv at the M.
E. church south Sunday morning on the
Fatherhood of God, is-said by his "many
old time friends to have - disDlaved the
the eloquepce for which he was noted
wnne at j. A. U. .
Chas. L. Snook has disposed of his
interest in Dad's oyster house to R'. P.
Stewart and yesterday left for his
home at Oregon Citv. where he will
spend the holidays, going from there- to
Vancouver, Wash
A telegram was received today by
John Lenger, announcing the arrival
this morning in San Francisco . of his
daughter, 1 Mrs. Rose Lenger ' Hall,
after a-,, pleasant passage down , by
streamer from Portland.
The ladies of Corvallis Hive, L. O
T. M. will hold a sale of Jinme ronkpH
foods all day tomorrow at the home of
Mrs. Rube Kiger, Fourth and Wash
ington streets. . There will be a great
variety - of all the good things reauired
for the Christmas dinner and the . Dat-
ronage of the public is asked for.
The Indian and Mexican Bazaar.
which St. Margaret's Guild is conduct
ing in the old Gazette building on Madi
son street, will be open evenings until
,8:30 this week to enable patrons to in
spect the many curious articles and to
make their purchases for the holidays.
The Knights of the Maccabees have
about everything completed for the big
entertainment to be given by the Tent
tomorrow evening. The members are
regretting that they icannot extend an
invitation to everybody, but the event
is one prepared only for those who are
connected with the order. . -
O. J. Blackledge desires it understood
that he was NOT interviewed in regard
to confining the city water service to
the people within the city limits. " The
writer of this admits that he did; not
talk with Mr. Blackledge. nersonallv.
but with Mr. Groves and Mr. Harris.
The latter said he was in favor of cut
ting off the water under certain condi
tions and left no doubt that "the nt.hor
I members of the cnmmissinn raih Jio
exception of A, P. . Johnson who had
not expressed himself, were, with him
in the matter, .. In discussing this mas
ter yesterday, Mr. Blackledge did not
know but that -the action would be
about right, but he didn't believe in in
timidation, and he had not understood
that anything' . was to be published.
Considering the fact that the article
referred to was published on -Wednes
day before election, thistardy statement
of his position in the matter must nec
essarily place Mr. Blackledge in a more
awkward light than, if -he had said
nothing. Mr. Blackledge says he went
to Portland Friday night or Saturdav
morning, but even this gave him .ample
time. It looks considerably like some
body has scared Mr. Blackledge a little.
Another packed house greeted the
McKenzie Merry Makers at the Palace
theater last night when they presented
the three-act drama,- "Forgiven." ,The
piece was ably handled by this company,
which has "made many friends in Cor
vallis. Especially good was the work
of Miss G wynne Sterling and - Robert
-McKenzie in the comedy parts. Richard
Lonsdale, as Jack Diamond, had the
heavy part and acquitted himself ad
mirably. During one of the tense
scenes where he is taking leave of his
wife, some persons in the audience
started a conversation audible on the
stage. Mr. Lonsdale stoDDed SDeakinir
his lines and stepping to the footlights,
called the offending, persons down in
apple-Die order. It seen this hahit nf
talking has been going on ever since
this company has been here and the
players have been putting up with it,
but last night patience ceased to be a
virtue,- hence the call-down. Mr. Lons
dale was heartily applauded at the con
clusion of his little speech, showing the
majority of those pfesent were in ac
cord with his views on the Question. It
is sincerely hoped the rebuke admin
istered last night will have the effect
of stopping talking during the ' show.
Of the moving pictures, "Through the
Breakers," a very pathetic story, and
"Un the Little Big Horn.a pictured
description of Gen. Custer's last fight,
are the leaders and are 'way above the
average. "Man With the Dolls" and
Running in Hard Luck" are two com
edy films and are good. The Drocxam
of last night will be repeated tonight.
A! one in Sawmill at Midnight
Unmindful of dampness, drafts.
storms or cold, W. J. - Atkins worked
as night watchman, at Banner Springs,
Tenn. Such exposure gave him a
severe cold that settled on his lungs.
At last he had to give up. work. He.
tried many remedies but all failed till
he used , Dr. King's , New Discovery.
"After using one -bottle" he writes,
"I went back to work as well as ever."
Severe colds, stubborn coughs, inflamed
throats and sore lungs, hemorrhages..
croup and whooping . cough get qnick
renei ana. prompt cure irom this glori
ous medicine. 50 and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free, guaranteed by. - ,
v Good Clean' Apples
For Cooking ' -. " 75c per box
Good Eating - : . $1.00 per box
Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 per box
Fancy for Shipping - - $2.00 per box
R. F. D. 1, Corvallis. Oregon
Phone 9053.
of choice potted plants. Come early
and make selection.' Mrs. Farmer 442
5th street s 12-20-3t "
FOR SALE-Brown Leghorn lion a
and pullets. Inquire at Tillerv's. '
' 12-20-2t
week, $15.00
The Mathews Music Co.
V 12-20-tf ;
FRESH ."EGGS Where? at .T T
Patterson's Grocery. - Phone 3283.
FOR RENT-A house of ten rooms.
partly furnished,, on Van Buren street.
Apply to A. B. Kennedy, College Crest.
FOR SALE Two vacant lots- nlsn
house and lot, on Twelfth street. In
quire of Mrs R. L. Ortell, Ind. phone
3194. ,.t
Business Pointers.
These cost money and are
worth your attention. ' "t
Xmas stamps, seals, labels.
Five cents package, at Gerhard's.
' 12-15-9t
Cross Stamps at Graham
.1910 -Calendar pads, assorted sizes, 16
kinds. Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's.
., ' - 1 '12-15-14t
For the Home
Two tone Velour Couch, $ 7.85
Oak Rockers, special .
Parlor Tables, $1.95 tol
Magazine Stand, $2.00,
$4.25and.. ..........
Oak Comb. Book Case . .
Bissell Carpet Sweeper.
Couch Covers, $1.50 to .
Portiers, $2.25 to.. ..
Dressers, oak, special . .
Rugs, 27x54, $1.65; $2
and........ .........
Rugs, 36x72. $3.50 to..
The Tree" Sewing Ma
chine, the" best on
earth. Special cash
price for a. limited,
time.....'.. ....... a
For the Children
Doll Cabs, 25c, 65c. . . . . 1.25
Doll GoCarts, leather-
ette, $3,25 to......... 5.00
Iron Wagons, 85c, 95c. 1.10
Autos, $3.95 to......... 6.75
Red Jlockers .75
Red Chairs.. .65
For Everybody
Pictures. 5c to... ...... 5.00
Writing Desks, $6 to.. . . 12.00
Wire Card Racks, 15c to .20
Wardrobe Stand. . ...... 3.00
Mirrors, 35c, 45c to .... . 7.50
Plate Shelves, $1 and. . . 1.50
Hall Hat Racks, $1.50 to 3.50
All Kinds of
Oak Rocker
And everything to make your home
comfortable. Let us show you.
The Furniture Man
125 Second Street,
Corvallis, Oregon
Native oysters direct from the
Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint, 65
cents qt. At Dad's place. 10r29-tf
Read Miss Armstrong's ad describing
her special holiday novelty sale at Miss
Christensen's Millinery parlors.
- 12-10-13t
Large stock of roll-top desks on
hand at Blackledge 's Furniture store.
.. . 12-it
A subscription to the Tabard Inn
Library would make a most 'acceptable
Christmas gift. Call at Gerhard's
stationery store and get particulars.
. 12-20-4t
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,.
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
"And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes '
At Kline's. -r " , 6-12-tf
N ieS
still have a fine and complete assortment of Toys
Buy Toys Tomorrow at MURPHEY'S
We have just received a delayed shipment of Beautiful HAND DECORATED
VASES, PLATES, CHOCOLATE SETS. Owing to the delay of this shipment we
will sell any vase
Worth $6.00 Each at $3.50
; Christmas Christmas
Post Cards Candy
One Cent 15c the Pound
'. (..