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About The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
HE E-TIIEES VOL. I. NO. 195 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS ILL COLLEGE BE A BURDEN? ONE CORVALLiSITE SAYS IT WILL; DOES NO BELIEVE BRYSON 0 -T SAYS IT WILL NOT BE State Cannot Force to Do Mors For it thon It Will Do for Private Citizen; 7, No Expense Necessary What Secretary Jensen Says. Editor Gazette-Times :-While at first the writer of this was favorably impressed with the proposed suburban admissions to the city, upon further investiga tion it is thought that it might be a very foolish , thing for the city to do. - It might be entirely unobjectionable if only the Col lege property were left out. 1 But if that property is brought with in the city limits, what is to pre vent the State from compelling the city to furnish at a very con siderable expense the same facili ties of light, sewerage and police "which the State now furnishes at its own expense? The, State, and the city are the real arbitrators of the case, and the mere say-so of anybody else is no, guarantee whatsoever. - --. ; So let the people ! of Corvallis look well into this - matter before they vote to take in ; something that may prove a huge elephant on their hands. It is too bad that the whole proposition ixnust be J - aeieatea T;iroraer to keep out a part. . But this can be easily remedied later: while if the mis take is now made of taking in something that would be a con . tinual burden for us to bear, the action is final and can never again be corrected. XX. The editor of this paper is for annexation and is impelled to say here that the writer of the above in this office this morning said David Osburn, city ' council map, had told him that to police the college grounds has cost, is costing, or will cost (we are not certain which) $750 a year. In the presence of this gentleman Palace heater Friday and Saturday Continued success of the McKenzie Merry Makers 7 In' a clever musical comedy ''Kmgptthe Philippines', New Motion Pictures - "Pippa Passes" Orthe Song of Conscience. " The Drunkard's Fate" A great temperance lesson. "Papa's Honeymoon" A trip of exciting incidents. "Out For the Day" : This film is a screamer. At The STAR Tonight and Tomorrow Night "The Governor's Daughter" An absorbing drama of Colonial days, "Jean Valjean" . The masterpiece of Victor Hugo's "L,es Miseraoies." ' 7" The Heart of a Clown" -" The Wonderful Electro-Magnet' the editor called Secretary W. A. Jensen, at the college, and learned that this statement is outrageously incorrect so far as past and present are concerned. At the present time the college employs a nightwatchman who goes on duty at noon and remains until i2 p.' m. & During the after noon he does janitor . work, ! and he also does janitor work part of the evening, keeping his police eye open during the ; late hours. For the whole service the man is paid $50 a month. He works nine months a year. . Secretary Jensen says no other police ser vices are needed, v-. Attorney Bryson, in an elabor ate legal opinion, made it plain that the state could not force the city to furnish it light, sewerage, or police protection, no more than either bank or the public school or a private individual could force such. The city does not have to furnish one policeman, two po licemen, nor a policeman at half time. The city can not be made to furnish any service there. The city will. give the college only such . consideration as is given the Occidental -Mill, the cream ery, or either hotel. ;. There can be no .expense other .than the city chooses to give. ; But if" there were expense,: Corvallis, ; the very . existence of which depends on the $400,000 to $500,000 the college leaves here each year, could not; afford to say to O. A. C. "we do hot want you in our city." . We could not afford to assume the attitude of taking alwaysand giving noth- m& The payroll at the -'college is $125,000 a year; 1000 outside students necessarily : leave $25 each a month, or a total of $225, 000 for the nine months; 'nearly $100,000 is- spent each year for buildings; and many, many fam ilies come here .to live. These spend from $600 to $1000 each per year. The, whole total we receive from the collesre ,is- not ess than $400,000 each, year, May we not exercise a little senti ment in regard to a friend of this sort? Can we afford to say that we do not want the college with in the city limits, when it is al-v ready in the heart of : the city? Only a very, very sordid man will say we should. Vote ''Yes" at the polls tomor row. . lne college will not be a burden from which we can never recover." The man who said it ought to be ducked in the river. W. K. TAYLOR FOR THE ANNEXATION Walter K. Taylor, who will probably be hit . harder by an nexation than ' any other, is strictly in favor and thinks the people opposed are warped in their mental operations. The city proposes to take in half his farm, but he believes' it is best for all concerned that, the limits be extended. It means growth and , prosperty, and health for the people.north and west of the city. He can not see how those people can afford to turn it down. Mr. Taylor 'v thinks he will have to pay more than his share of .taxes, but for a long time he has been walking over city walks, riding over city streets and profiting from a city . built by other, people and he is now willing to do even more than his share. ? This, is exactly the proper spirit. It' is the only spirit that will make a good city, a greater, and more beautiful and habitable Corvallis. . L SEWERS, LIGHTS BODY WENT ON RECORD LAST NIGHT, AND WILL MAKE GOOD PASS STRONG RESOLUTION Council Says it Will Build Sewers Next Summer, and Also Favors Ex tension pf Light and Water Sys tems A Proper Move. That they might determine to vote "yes,' or "no" at the "elec tion" tomorrow, many promin ent citizens asked members of the city . council their to define atittude in regard to extension of . sewers, light service and water 'mains. That the whole people, those in side present limits and those in the district it is proposed to annex, might have definite knowledge -.of just .'what the council intends to do, that body. in special : session last ' night passed, the following resoultion: : "Be it resolved ; that, the coun cil of the n city of Corvallis here by commits itself ;tothe building of main sewers at the genera j expense'' of the dtyfo" be de frayed by the . issuance of : the general bonds of the city) suf ficient to serve all territory with in the limits of the city of Cor vallis or ."determined at Saturday's ;7 election, dur ing the ' ensuing 7 summer as well as the lighting of such territory. We further commit ourselves , to. assist in any way within our power in the exten sion of the water mains o,the city to all such territory as "soon as needed." , - : David , Osburn voted' against the resolution and in a type written statement says he did so because in his opinion the resol ution was brought up at' this time and passed upon simply to gain votes. 7 He says he is' in favor of sewers but against this electioneering. ' The council assumed that at KLINE'S. THE GOUNGI FAVORS MEN'S OVERCOATS . : Every Man's Overcoat in the House Reduced this week. SEE THEM. this , time people have a right to know their attitude and so have gone on record. That ought to be sufficient for any doubter. NEGOTIATIONS CALLED OFF Prize Fight Company Loses Big Man 4r and Breaks Up. ("The Jeffries-Johnson fight is off, so far as Corvallis is con cerned. Sam Wyatt has drawn out of the company and neither Jess Foster nor John Rowland wiU take his place. -Mr. Wyatt has been reading about the big cornet, which will be seen at its bes$ about July, 1910, and he has a suspicion that that comet will be & such . interest, and strike terror to so many souls, that there will be nothing phenome nal doing in the prize-fight line. His";Jvithdrawal from the "com-. panjr cast a cloud of doubt - over the Entire bunch with the ex ception of, A. L. Stevenson and WmiBogue, but these stalwarts can hardly carry " the burden atoned :.- We have it from Dr. Belt that as he came home from Eugene the other . night he sold six Albany sinners front row tickets at $15 each. Dr. Bell wouklfar rather collect money" than give any back but he says h& will efjwdJ2 and he is really glad there " will be no fight here. " While he might have converted a large number of the toughs who would come to see the fight he feels that there - are already here enough tough hides to keep him busy 7 for some time to come. However, if this set back had not come at this time, another probably would have come later. There is a strong suspicion that the state wquld finally balk at using the Armory for a prize fight. The annual football slaughter may be held there, but hardly a prize-fight where only two can suffer injury. This is a sad, sad, ending to the brilliant hopes of many royal good fel lows nere, saaaer tnan tnat, m fact, but that which can not be cured must be endured. PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Christmas Sale of Ladies' Coats and Suits ;; Great Xmas Sale of Ladies' Coats and Suits. Every year there are many people who confine their gift giving to practical and needed things. That is why we are making a Great Reduction on our Coats and Suits, so those who are seeking such gifts may get just what they are looking for at a greatly reduced price. , Below we quote regular and sale price which tells the. story better than a whole page of description: $13.50 Suits, Sale Price.......'. ...$10.75 7 15.00 Suitsi Sale Price............;... 11.95 17.50 Suits, Sale Price.. . . ........ 13.95 ' " 30.0Q Suits, Sale Price:. . .1.7. ...... 23.85 ; : Space will not permit us to quote more prices, but Every Suit and Coat in our Large Second Floor Department is Reduced. ' . A'SAFE PLACE TO TRADE. , . A LOWER TAX LEVY MAYOR WAITERS SAYS THAT 5 1-2 MILLS IS ENOUGH NO BORDEN fflOM TAXES May Recommends that The Levy he Almost Two Mills Lower than Last Year ---- Also Recommends that Improvements be Made. ' At the council meeting last night. Mayor Watters, handed m a report and made recom mendations, xne main sugges tion was in regard to the tax levy. .. After presenting figures showing assessment, income from fees, and expenses, : he made it clear that a total levy of 5i mills would be sufficient, 3h for general purposes and 2 for street purposes. In case the western section comes into the city, the recommendation ; is for 5 mills. He recommended ex tension of sewers and lights. . Last year the levy, was 7 mills on a low valuation.-' The outly ing jdistrict can, see. that iherVia no dispostion here to impose a burden on anyone. In many in stances last year the people in the outlying district, with their road tax and poll tax, paid more taxes than ' the people in this city paid. This year the tax is even lower, but with the higher valuation it is really about the same. The people who are op posed or in favor of annexation can see just what the-recommendation is. In Portland the coun cil imposed a lower tax than was recommended, and it may' do so here. - : - 7. Mayor Watters urged comple tion of sewer projects that have been discussed and advised that the council co-operate in any way possible in extending water mains. ' 7 At the meeting Mr. Fuller recommends offered to open 13th street be tween Jackson and Van ISuren for $360.. He would relinquish a strip about 40x100 or 200 feet. 7 7 Toilet Cases Smoking Sets Cuff Boxes Collar Boxes Work Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Tie Boxes Traveling Cases Military Brushes Puff and Powder Boxes Manicure Sets Photo Albums Music Rolls, 65c to $6 Post Card Albums, $1 to . $4 Autograph Albums Fine Holly Stationery Pyrographic Wood and Skins . ; Musical Instruments : Phonographs and Records '. Sheet Music 7 Full Line of . Palmer's Perfumes in Nice Boxes, 35c to $2.50 Satchet Powders, .10c AT Graham & Wells' Hand Made 7 ""7 Christmas Novelties SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE- From Now Until Christmas At Miss Christensen's Millinery Parlors, -Monroe and Third Streets This is an opportunity to secure something new and novel for Gifts. The selection is varied and every ar ticle is a gem. A visit to this dis play will convince you that you can find something that will exactly suit your taste. Miss J. Armstrong XMAS GIFTS FOR ALL SATURDAY SPECIAL - Beautiful water colored Landscape, many different subjects. Price 19 cents each.. 15EE WINDOW DISPLAY.