LCid Gloves For wome n Perrin's Kid Gloves for women are standards of quality, none better to be had at any price, and our K ; stock is complete in all 5 : the leading shades, and we have this superb - grade in all sizes. We are sole Corvallis agents for ""Perrin's" Gloves i They are made from . ; the best skins and . carefully made by expert workmen. When you are looking, for, the Best Quality '"', for your glove money it means you'll buy, Perrin's at ; THE sum's-' F. L. MILLER When, you see it j In our ad jit's so The City and Vicinity Dealer in All Kinds of WOOD and COAL Delivered in any Quantity Desired to All Puts a City. YARDS: 7th Street, opposite Ben ten County Lumber er--i-j- Offlce and Residence Phone, 1113 C- H .' Hiv-rerritt Will be cleaning "feathers v and mattresses for a short time only. -r Phone 470 UNDERTAKERS M. 8. BOYEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or . and Licensed ' Embalmer.: . Suc cessor , to Bovee - & ; Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 4s. . Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. ' '-' - . BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, LI- censed embalmers and funeral direct ors, i Have everything new in coffins, caskets and burial robes. Calls ans wered day and night. Lady assist ant. Embalming a specialty. . Day phones, IndvJ17 and 1153, Bell, 631; night phones, Ind-2129 and.1153. ;. : ' PHYSICIANS V G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. ; Office in . Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. " Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office, hours: 8 . to 9 a. m.; i to 3 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. Insure Your Stock To Whom It May Concern:" " 7 iThiS is to certify that .we have this day appointed Mr. S. K. Hart sock, of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as our representative, ; and. he is authorized to solicit business .and collect money for this Associa tion pertaining to live stock insur ance. J ' National Live Stock Insurance Aas'n ir-PfMtfimER, Secretary, Portland, Oregon, October 28, 1909." Luther Burbank has not Been able to grow "potatoes on peach trees" and he has pot yet produced the "tasteless gooseberry." Prof. , Adrian, who lectured at Albany recently, has written the Gazette-Times the, above, state ments. - Neither has Mr. Burbank pro duced the pruneless prune, a fruit much desired by boarding houses. His most wonderful, if not his greatest, achievement is his production" of the blackless blackberry;, they . are now white on the Burbank farm.' Prof.,Ad- nan says the great horticulturist "has crossed the apple and blackberry," and it is presumed that he gets a cobbler out of this. ' ;"He has also crossed the strawberry and blackberry,'' and this has produced, a headache. The G.-T. is an intense admirer of Mr. Burbank. He has done very wonderful things of great benefit to mankind. His spine less cactus the transformation of the useless product of the plains into suc- I culent food is of incalculable value. His production of three new species of fruit, the ?' Plumcot,' Primus Berry" and "Phenomenal Berry" entitled him to highest recognition. But, most of all, his genius entitles him to freedom from such, fool friends as Prof Adrian who write protests at jesting reference to some of the wonderful and .peculiar results Mr. Burbank has obtained. PIANOS,, ORGANS Sheet Music, Musical Mdse. I Prices and Terms to Suit ' ,, Call in and See Us. The Mathews- Music Store Corvallis, Qregon x " Phone 357 " aptf Geo-; fjtt,JfHgt. '- l' Ladies' Dress Goods ah the i; newest : ; 'Weaves and Shades ' i at Reasonable , ' ' Prices. 1 - ; ;Henlde& Davis J. R. N. Bell is at Eusrene todav delivering a lecture on Shakespeare to the University students. . 7:,.7 , : : Mr. and Mrs. C. A. . Murphey were called to Eugene Monday evening by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his mother. - ' A basket social will be given at the Bellfountain Grange hall Dec. 31st un der auspices of the Philathea Sunday School class. After the program the baskets will be sold and then games will be played until the New Year ar rives. Proceeds to. ero towards a buv- ing a new church organ. . ' .. 1 f Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Wines', of Salt Lake City, who have been visiting Mr. and . Mrs. Dryden during the week, leave for home tomorrow. Mr. Wines is a prominent capitalist of "Nevada and Utah. Mrs. Wines is a sister of Mrs. Dryden and came to visit the lat ter on account of illness. I A piece of writing picked up on Main street says: ,f'A young man in Bell fountain recently : advertised in the local papers for 'a woman to ' wash iron and milk two cows. I'll marry her." It is our impression that we would not want to marry any girL able to wash and iron even one cow. The Red Cross stamp sale is assum ing considerable proportions- here. C. A. Gerhard sold $20 worth to , W. A. Wells, and Graham & Wells, sav there has been a steady demand- in , consider- ame quantities. The - stamps : are ' 'pretty little jiggers' ' and. representing what they do they look especially at tractive: to those who delight,. in doing good. ?r me democrat says Albany should have a $15,000 Carnegie library. Cor vallis should have a $25,000 Carnegie library. Not that Corvallis people in their reading are that far behind Al bany, but for the. reason that we have here a great many more young peo ple who should be reading. The col lege brings us 1000 young men and women that Albany, has not. A city that, will not provide a good library 'will not do much of anything worth while. But if Corvallis will do some of the other things now contemplated we .can well wait a time for the library. ' Campbell,; the man who sold Corvallis a $100 page in a special Christian. En deavor number of some northwest re ligious publication, .which, carried with it an?-agreement to insert a quarter - pagom eastern, associate papers having l.OOftjOOO circulation,, is , trying to get fAlbany to ifaake.a contract. From the! result obtained from the expenditure of that $100, Corvallis might better have thrown the coin in the Willamette at j flood time. Campbell presented the most glowing proposition - imaginable, but there is no evidence that his 1,035, 000 readers saw the page advertise ment from Corvallis, clearly the most attractive ad in the papers sent here. XMAS if GIFTS FOR ALL Toilet Cases .: Smoking Sets Cuff Boxes ; Collar Boxes ! Work Boxes ' Handkerchief Boxes ' Tie Boxes - Traveling Cases Military Brushes Puff and Powrfw Rayps Manicure Sets , Photo Albums Music Rolls, 65c to $6 Post Card Albums, $1 to ' $4 ., ' Autograph Albums Fine Holly .Stationery Pyrographic Wood and -7 r Skms ' Musical Instruments Phonographs and Records Sheet Music . Full Line of ' Palmer's Perfumes in Nice Boxes, 35c to $2.50 Satchet Powders, 10c AT ' Graham & Wells' ,' The local tent of the K. O. T. M. is making extensive preparations for the social entertainment to be held next Wednesday evening. ' At the regular 7 communication of Corvallis Lodge No. 14, A. F. and A. M. to be held tonight, the annual elec tion of officers will take place and there will also be work in the E. A. degree. All members are urged to be present promptly at 7:30 o'clock. k - The Presbyterian chicken dinner was patronized by a very large number of people, and much candv was sold. also. The Bazaar articles are finding a ready sale. The ladies are offering supper tonight from 5:30 to 7:00. This is vour last chance to get a good meal and at the same time to help out a good' cause. Hen. B. F, Mulkey, formerly presi dent of the Ashland Normal ' and a member of the last state legislature! now a prominent attorney of - Jackson ville,, will .give. ; an impersonation of Hamlet at (XTA. -C.: Armorv Tuesdav evening; December 21, at eight o'clock. There will be good music furnished during this entertainment and all the townspeople are invited to be present. isir. nauiKey nas given his impersona tion of the Melancfiolv Dane 31 times in this state and is said to be perfect m the character. The usual weeklv convocation will be held Tuesday even ing instead of Wednesday as the holi days will begin Wednesday noon. - Alone in Sawmill at Midnight , Unmindful of dampness, drafts. storms or cold, W. J." Atkins worked as pight watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. .., Such exposure gave , him a severe cold that settled on his lungs. At last he had to give up , work. He tried many remedies but all failed till he used Dr. King's New Discoverv. "After using one; bottle": he writes, "I went back to work-as well as ever." Severe colds, stubborn coughs, inflamed throats and sore lungs, hemorrhages, croup and whooping , couch eret anick relief and prompt cure from this glori ous medicine. 50 and $1.00. Trial bot tle free, guaranteed by. WELL KNOWN PLAY COMING ' ' . ' . " i i'j j'r( ii. n?.1 "In Wyoming," Willar'd Mack's stirring play of western life, will be on view at the opera house' ' Wednesday, Dec 122. Some one has said that the . days of the western: play : are num bered. This may be true of the many so-called : western plays, with the- shooting, i exaggerated characters, horse play and nonsense;-but if ' the avidity with which ' 'In Wyoming" has ' been received in each ;of the cities it has appeared in can be accepted as any criterion,4 it isjsafe to , say the knell of: the genuine typical western play will not sound for a long time yet In addition to the sympathetic story it details, there is a spirit , of ' naturalness about the play which gives it an added , appeal. The ; press in nearby cities say the supporting company give the, piece a1 ,very jtood presentation and iring;out its beauties ia.telling:faahion. t The subject of this notice, was born in Michigan, Nov. ; 14 1841, and his death occurred at his residence near Oakville, Linn Co. Ore. Dec. 4,' 1909, at the age of 68 years and 21 rfnva w;0 parents ! removed to ' Wisconsin, where they spent a few years. and in J.849 crossed the , plains to Oregon, settling first in Marion county where several years were spent, when he removed to Tilla mook county, and later to Polk. and finally to Linn county, about 1880, where he resided until his death. - At the age of 21 he entered the army serving his country .faithfully for ' th years. ' In 1865, March 19, he was married to Miss Cynthia Ai Qoodell, who survives him. To them were born six children,' two daughters and four sons, who were all present at the time of his death. Their names are ; Mrs. Charlotte E. Pugh, Mrs.! Ella M. Brown, Wesley S, Lin coln; Frank M.. and Ira St. John. Besides the wife. and children: three . sisters and one - brothpr are left to mourn his. loss. I Mr. St John was a member of the. Willamette U.. P. congrega tion.-"': .Very few of the pioneers of '49 are left in this community. I and very f ew of the old army' men still survive. But two men! were found to plant the flags at; his grave and pay the last silent tribute in honor of a departed comrade. Mr. - St. John was a auietl peaceful, upright man and citizen. ' a kind and loving husband and tather. A large circle of friends sympathize with the bereaved 1 family. I "ir iff n"P r" BW1 aii ft Save Money-on Your Holiday Gifts NEWEST NOVELTIES HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES We will give 15 per cent. DISCOUNT fnr PAQH on our ENTIRE stock, with the exception of Hamil ton, South Bend, Ingersoll and Howard Watrk aJ Parker Lucky-Curve Fountain Pens.' This discount is given on our REGULAR retail prices and will con tinue 'till January 1st, 1910. . - TO This discount l is on all DIAMOND RINGS, PINS and BROOCHES. 0EiT BVENHTG-S E.mS. PRATT, Jeweler and Optometrist SB WANTED WANTED TO BUY-Veal and all kinds. of poultry. Highest cash market price paid. Phones, Ind, 1168r Bell, 581. Black. Ira Alcorn. .7" ' ? 12-12-5t WANTED-1000 turkeys.' 500 ceese and ducks between Dec. 9 and 22. I can pay you cash for chickens, dressed veal and pork, eggs and hides at all times.. Jack Dawson's Poultry Market. Both phones. - : v 12-9-6t 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE-rGerhard has Red Cross stamps. 12-15-2t FOR RENT FOR RENT A house of ten rooms. partly furnished, on Van Buren street. Apply to A., Kennedy, College Crest - 12-15-fit Business Pointers. c These , cost money and are " ' worth your attention. Xmas .stamps, seals, labels, etc.; Five cents package, at Gerhard's. 12-15-9t Red Cross Stamps at Graham & Wells'. ' ; ? ft SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS For the Home Two tone Velour Couch, $ 7.85 Oak Rockers, special . . . 2.25 Parlor Tables, $1.95 to . 1,6.00 Magazine Stand,-$2.00, ' 4 - . $4.25 and.. 5.50 Oak Comb. Book Case.. 17.50 Bissell Carpet Sweep4r. 3.00 Couch Covers, $1.50 to. 7.50 Portiers, $2.25 to.V. . 8.50 Dressers. xak, special. . . 10.00 Rugs, 27x54, $1.65, $2 77 and. ... ..... .,. ..... 2.65 Rugs, 36x72. $3.50 to . . ' 4.50 The "Free" Sewing Ma- chine, the : best on earth. Special cash price for a . limited time 35.00 For , the Children Doll Cabs, 25c, 65c. . . . .$ 1.25 Doll Go-Carts, leather- ette, $3,25 to. . . . .... 5.00 Iron Wagons, 85c, 95c. . 1.10 Autos, $3.95 to 6.75 ed- Rockers .......... v. ; JS - :Red Chairs 65 For Everybody Pictures, 5c to . .... 5.00 Writing Desks, $6 to.... 12.00 Wire Card Racks, 15c to .20 Wardrobe Stand. . . ..... 3.00 Mirrors, 35cr 45c to. . . .. 7.50 Plate Shelves, $i and... 1.50 Hall Hat Racks, $1.50 to 3.50 All Kinds of Oak Rockers And everything to make your home comfortable." Let us show you. The Furniture -Man 125 Second Street, ' t - Corvallis, Oregon New Express ana Baggage." I have just started a new exnress anH hfrroro delivery. ' Prompt service. - Phone t 1211 or leave orders at Hodes Grocery! siore.?,jonn Goos. , . . . . 12-13-4t .1910 Calendar pads, assorted sizes, 16 kinds. . Ten cents dozen, at Gerhard's.' . . , .. i2-i5-i4t;j Read Miss Armstrong's aid describing her special holiday novelty sale, at Miss! onnstenaen a. Millinery parlors. ' . . , 12-10-13t Larsre . stock; nf Adm. C . . " A . VJ: . uupao : wii hind at Blackledge's Furniture store. - . 12-lt 'a Native oysters direct: from 7t.h Willapa Harbor beds, 35 cents pint,; 65 i cents qt. ' At Dad's place. - 10-29-tf Eat Golden Rod Flakes, ' They are better for breakfast, f Than old-fashioned corn cakes, ' And five minuets time, - ' . Is all. that it takes . At Kline's. . ; 6-12-tf 1 Christmas Specials 0. S. gold filled, , hunting, 20 year case, Elgin or in en rWaltham....... , JplU.UU 12 gold filled - open face' 20 year f case, Elgin or n C fl ; Waltham . f ..... . . . ................ ..i... ... ... 0.0 U 16 gold filled open face .20 year, case, Elgin or n rn Waltham...... 0.0 U 18 goldlfilled open face 15 Jewel Waltham. ...... ... 9.00 14 karat gold wedding rings, .per dwt. . ......... 100; Matthews, Optician and Jeweler FIRST. NATIONAI BANK BUILDIJJG Qazette-limes " ; ! ,? '..l.'.'f i-.'7'V i ' !, "-! ' '. 'I : :: . r, ' - S v. ; , " Biggest and Best Paper in the Willamette, Valley - t